The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 15, 1897, PART 1, Image 4

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The Wee
Saturday's Daily.
Dr, C, Adams of Tygh Valley it in the
& Nelson went to Portland tbis
Mr" Ahio Watt, tar agent for the O.
R. & N., ia in the city.
; P. Cram, a 'well-known Crook county
stockman, ie in the city,
v.' ' Miss Bertha Glenn returned yesterday
from a visit in Portland.
Dr. Lannerberg retnrned last night
from a business trip to Dufur. .
- Mrs. Andrews went to the Locks on
the Regulator this morning.
' Mrs. P. W." DeHoflf went to the Locks
on the Regulator this morning.
"Mrs. F. P. Mays and family were pas
sengers n the Regulator this morning
to Portland. -
Mrs. J. A. McArthur and Mrs. George
Brown returned home on the Regulator
last night. .
Prof. Birgfeld and family have re
turned from their summer camp at
3eer lake.
Mrs. Annie Urqahart returned last
evening from an extended visit to rela
tives in Canada.
Mr. D. M. French and family have re
turned from tfee seashore, where they
pent a pleasant summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler of Port
Pownsend, who have been visiting in
The Dalle, left for home on the Regu
lator this saorning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. French and daughter,
Dr. C. Gertrnde French, returned last
evening from Seaview, where they have
spent the summer.
Mr. Henry Stryker, who for some time
has been in M. Z. Donnell's drugstore,
left this morning for Portland, where he
will. wake bis future home. . .
Mrs. D. D. Clark and family, who
have been visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. B. S. Huntington for several
days, returned borne by boat today.
Miss Carrie Butler left on the Retru
lator this morning for Portland, where
she will make her home during the
wintes with her sister. Miss Nellie.
Mr. Henry Brooks of Sellwood, who
bas been in The Dalies tor several days
visiting his brother S. L. Brooks, fcsq
returned borne on the Regulator this
Monday's Daily.
H. A. Yorke of Hood River was in
'town yesterday.
J. Freeman went to Portland on the
Dalles City today.
Deputy Sheriff Kelly is spending his
-vacation week at K.ingsley.
R. H. Guthrie returned Saturday from
bis sheep camp in tbe mountains.
W. T. Wiseman went to White Salmon
this morning to look after bis sheep.
Rudv Cradlebaugh bas come up Irom
Hood River to attend school daring the
D. C. O'Reilly, general manager of the
l&lumbia and bonthern railway, was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Robert Mays, Jr., accompanied
her sister, Mrs. Mitchell, to Portland on
the Dalles City today.
Mrs. A. J. Tolmie returned yesterday
from a six-weeks visit with 'her par
ents at Dayton, Wash.
Rev. Archer of Belmont was in tbe
city yesterday, and occupied the pulpit
at tbe Methodist church last night.
Mrs. C. E. Hatgbt left Saturday night
for New York, where she will spend
- -aome time with relatives in that state.
Editor E. M. Sbutt, of the Antelope
Herald, arrived it the city tbis morning
on bis return from a trip to Pennsyl
vania. Hon. Geo. W. Barnes the well-known
attorney of Prineville, arrived in town
. Saturday evening and will remain sev
eral days.
. J. M. Bently, deputy United States
marshal, came down from his home in
. Pendleton yesterday and spent Spnday
in ine Dalies.
Miss Gertie Reederof Goldendale, who
has been visiting in Tbe Dalles and
Portland for a couple of weeks, left for
home this morning.
Mr. Pound of Denver arrived this
morning to accept tbe position in
French's bank made vacant by tbe resig
nation of Mr. Keiater.
Judge Bicknell and Dr. Bicknell of
Los Angelos, who have been the guests of
Mr. X. A. Hudson, left ' for home on the
Dalles City this morning.
Mr. Hugb Glenn came borne Satur
day from tbe Goble road. He reports
work progressing rapidly, and says the
road will be completed this fall.
Mr. Wes Rice bas returned from Cali
fornia, where be has been some time for
tbe benefit of his health.' He will try
tbe California climate again this winter.
Mr. E. Jacobsen left on Wednesday's
stage for Tbe Dalles. He will return'in
a few days and go on to Fossil, where be
has opened a music store. Condon
Was. Kahler returned Wednesday from
. the Sumpter and Cracker creek countrV,
departing yesterday for bis home in
Hard man. Blue Mountain Eagle.
Mr. Kahler was a former reeident of Tbe
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mitchell, who
have been visiting Mrs. Mitchell's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville, at II ay
Oeek, 'arrived in town Saturday, and
left for their home in Portland on the
boat todav.
Arthur, Stubling has returned from
Sherman county, where he has been at
work during tbe summer. He will leave
Wednesday morning for Eugene, where
he will enter the- collegiate department
of the University of Oregon.
Mr. E. Keister, who for several years
has been bookkeeper in French's bank,
has resigned his position and leaves to
, morrow evening for his : old home in
Pennsylvania. Mr. Kei ster's health has
.not been the best of late and he hopes
to find restoration in a change of climate.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Keister have made
many friends who are loth to see. them
depart, but who wish tbem success
wherever they go and a speedy return to
The Dalles. : j .
Tuesday's Dally.
Miss Anne M. tang went to Portland
on this morning's train.
Miss Edna Glenn went to Portland ou
tbe Regulator this morning.
Rev. J. A. Jenkins was a passenger
down the river this morning. ;
' Ed. M. Wingate left last evening for
Pendleton to remain a few days.
Mrs. H. S. Wilson was a paseenger to
Portland on the Regulator today.
A; B. Bradbury and R. B. May, two
well-known commercial travelers, are in
tbe city. .
Mr. A. Scherneckau of Astoria is in
the city, having returned from a trip to
Cross Hollows.
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jayne
went to Portland on the morning train
to remain a couple of days.
Mr. Aleck Beard, a prominent stock
man of Gilliam county, ia in the city on
bis return from a visit to the valley,
Mrs. A. R. Byrkettof White Salmon,
who has been visiting in Tbe Dalles, re
turned home this morning on the Regu
lator. County Clerk Kelsay left this morning
for Steveoson, where be will spend a
couple of days inspecting some mining
Editor E. M. Sbutt of the Antelope
Herald left, for home this morning.
The Herald is one of tbe best interior
papers in tbe state.
H. L. Howe, a school teacher of Hood
River who has been in The Dalles sev
eral days, returned home this morning.
Mr. Howe was the Populist candidate
for county clerk at the last election.
In tbis city, Sept. 14th, to the wife of
Ernest V. Jensen, a daughter.
This Gclml Ma Pnile the Wroa
Rope and Was Humbled.
Once in awhile everybody sneets a
man who seems to regard himself as
another Atlas. The whole world is, in
his opinion, resting upon his shoulders
and he constitutes himself a sort of
public protector. He tells women how
to train their children, gives business
pointers to the men, advises with tbe
girls concerning' their love affairs and
takes the boys into his confidence.
One of these good' souls occupied a
seat in a Payne avenue street oar the
other day and it didn't take him long to
get upon familiar terms with most of
the other passengers. He began by
offering a penny to a child that sat near
The little one's mother was young
and fair and the good man's generosity
to tbe child touched her heart.. She
smiled at what he said to her and once
he seemed to be upon the point of get
ting confidential, ront the car had
stopped and somebody got on. The
genial man immediately picked the
child up and held it upon his knees in
order to make room for the newcomer.
Then he nsked somebody at the other
end of the car how the baseball game
had resulted, and informed a young
girl across the aisle that a bundle was
about to slip from her lap, after which
he jounced the child up and down,asked
how old it was, where it lived and what
its papa's name was.
Presently a lady wanted to leave the
car. lne conductor was busy talking
to a passenger upon the rear platform.
ana man t notice tnat anyone was
motioning to him from inside.
"These conductors are very careless,
said the genial man. depositing the
child in the seat that he had occupied
himself, and preparing to ring the bell.
By this time the car was very close to
the crossing at -winch the lady wanted!
to get off, and he had to hurry.
So it happened that he grasped the
wrong rope and rang the fare register
jnsteadSof the bell.
That aroused the lion in the conduc.
tor, who rusted into the car and wanted
to know what the genial man meant
Can t you see that that lady wants
to leave the car?" was the reply.
"Well, you can't stop it by ringing up
fares," snarled the conductor. "That'll
cost you an extra nickel."
"No it won't," said the genial man,
getting mad.
"It will or you'll get off the car."
"I guess not I happen to know the
president of this company."
"Oh, yes! That's an old gag. They
all try to work it. You give me a
nckel, or I'll put you off."
The genial man's face had become
very red, and seeing that the conductor,,
who was big and brawny, would not be
bluffed, he handed out a nickel.
Meantime the car bad gone about two
blocks beyond the crossing at which
the innocent cause of all the trouble
had wanted to get off, so it was neces
sary for her'to walk back.
When the car hod got started again,
the genial man leaned over to the fair
young mother who sat near him and
"If these conductors were not
brought to time occasionally passen
gers would not be allowed to exercise
any rights at all. I'm sorry there were
ladies present when this trouble oc
curred. If there hadn't been I wouldn't
have allowed that fellow to ever take
his car back to the barn!" Cleveland
Do you want the earliest and best
range in Washington, with 640 acres of
deeded land, and a chance to raise un
limited quantities of alfalfa? If you do,
call ou or address
J. H. Cradlebaugh.
ag21-tf The Dalles, Or.
A girl wanting to attend school can
God a place to assist in light housework
and care of children by calling at this
office. E3-tf
Coanty Disbursements.
The county court at its late session
allowed the following bills:
A B Mott, asst Mrs Hamilton... $15 00
L A Smith, labor county road.... 15 00
F S Smith, labor county road. . . . 18 00
C H Loatbern.juror cir court, May 8 20
G W Rice. do do do 15 00
H flaryer, do do do 4 00
CH Stokes. do do - do 2 00
Mrs W W Rawsod, wit cir court. . 6 60
FG Connelly, do do ... 2 00
W H Butts, :. xdo do 2 00
VIrs A M Allen, do do . . 2 00
W H Butts, witness grand jury. .. 4 00
Mrs A M AlleD, witness grand jury 2 00
R B Sinnott, justice fees 38 70
F S Smith, labor county road . IS 00
F g Smith, labor county road. .... 18 00
C F Lttuer, constable fees. . . . . . ... 23 50
F G Connelly, constable fees 60
Mrs Matthews, witness .......... 1 60
J W Freeman, do 4i. 180
JWHubner, do ........160
G A Clarke do .......... 1 CO
Mrs Fraser, do 1 50
J Schooling, .-" do 1 50
Mrs E Omeg, do ... 1 50
Ida Omeg, do 1 60
Lucy Omeg, do 1 50
Mary Chilters, do 150
Frank Chilters, do 1 50
Mary Millard, do 1 50
J Millard, . - do 1 50
Fred Clarke. - do . 1 50
W H Brown, do 1 50
Dr Sutherland, do 1 50
B Parodi, do 3 00
M Doyle, do 2 20
A Drqohart, do 2 00
Jos Hanna, do 3 00
N Hanna, do 3 00
W Simmons, do 3 00
H Cbrisman, do 3 00
L Coinini, interpreter 1 50
Joe 'Parodi, interpreter 1 50
W Simmons, witness... i. 3 00
H Brown, do 1 50
M E Spencer, do 3 00
Ed Spencer, do 1 50
E Simmons, do 3 00
J M Filloon, justice fees 71 70
F G Connelly, constable fees 6 50
FN. Hill, do do 8 40
J H Jackson, do do 29 40
E S Olinger, do do .
Mrs A Hawthorne, witness. . .
F W L Skibbe, do . .
John Pio, - do ,
Hattie Gardner, do
Ethel Spencer, do
P M Warren, do
Mr Thurbur, do
LE Brooks, do
Wm Maher, juror
C L Schmidt, juror
M F Rice, do
Fred Fisher, do
Wm Isbell, do
J Donerty, do
George E Johnson, witness. . .
M E Montgomery, do
P Stadleman, do
James Welsh, do
Pat Abenn. do
H S Hannah, do .
S J Hannah, ' do
Frank Bonner, do
Dr O C Hollister, do
Dr O. D. Doane, do
W H Butts, do
J C Hess, do
6 50
3 00
1 50
1 50
I 50
1 50
3 00
3 00
3 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 50
1 50
1 50
3 50
3 50
5 50
5 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
12 60
9 00
Chronicle Pub Co, printing. .
Dr H Logan, services 31 00
A A Jayne, dist atty fees. 82 50
Dr F CBrosius, exam insane 5 00
G T Prather, exam insane. 5 00
A Bettingen, meals for jury 4 55
W H Whipple, assessor .- 212 00
Geo T Prather, justice fees 3 90
E 8 Olinger, constable 5 90
C Dethman, labor 7 50
Harbison Bros, lumber .. 3 2:
Colombia Packing Co, meat for
paupers 2 25
R B Sinnott, commitment insane. 5 00
C F Williams, sprinkling street. . . 6 00
Mamie Driver, work on tax roll. . 16 00
O T & T Co, telephono messages. . 6 20
F C Brosius, post mortem exam
ination. . 25 00
Columbia Ice Co, ice... . 11 13
Times-Mountaineer, printing .... 13 30
Dr O C Hollister, post mortem. . . 25 00
Jos T Peters & Co, lumber 8 64
T J Driver, sheriff 147 30
F B Stimson, expenses bringing
Prahl : 33 00
Dalles Lumber Co, lumber. 4 80
Mays & Crowe, supplies 3 00
Dalles City Water Works, water.. 15 25
Pease & Mays, supplies ...... 60 13
Lewis & Dryden, printing , . 3 60
Jos Purser, supervisor 20 00
J B Goit, surveyor. 12 00
A A Bonney, viewer 2 00
A C McCown, viewer 2 00
J G Van Metre; viewer . 2 00
Andrew Kestner, chainman...... 2 00
Ira Decker, chainman. 2 00
J B Goit, surveyor 20 00
H H Baily, road viewer 2 00
R Howell, road viewer. 2 00
G R Castner. road viewer. . 2 00
A S Blowers & Son, supplies 14 55
Glass & Prudbomme sup treas . , . 12 50
E J Collins, juror coroner inquest 1
D S Dufur, do do do 1
F W Wilson, do do do 1
D B Gaunt, do do do .1
J W Fisher, do do do 1
J H Cross, do do do 1
Cbas Newberger, witness 1
F C Brosius, expert 5 00
Lawrence Nolan, witness 1 50
H Allen, witness 1 50
W H Butts, coroner's fees 19 40
W A Langille, meals coroner's
-jury, not allowed 9 00
D R Cooper, juror cor jury (Kern) 4 80
Geo Perkins, do do do 4 80
S B Hess, do do do 4 80
W A Langille, do do do 4 80
Bert Sandman, juror coroner's jury
(k.ern) . 4 8U
Bert Stranaban, juror coroner's
jury (Kern)....- 4 80
W A Langille, witness 1 50
W H Butts, coroner's fees 31 05
Wm Shakelford, professional ser- -
vices ; 6 00
Adaline Kaeeveny.nnrsini; pauper 6 00
Glass & Prudbomme, supplies. . . . 2 10
A U Lake, lam be 11 74
Ward & Robertson, rent of team. . 2 50
Mays & Crowe, supplies for roads
and bridges 22 40
Chronicle Pub Co, printing 18 62
Dalles Lumber Co, lumber and I
wood... ; 45 39!
H Glenn.labor and material clerks
office , 23 62
Oregon Tel & Tel Co, telephone
rent and messages .- 5 35
T C Dallas, supplies for. bridges. . 4 50
Wm Micbell, burial paupers. .... 32 00
E E Savage, appraiser county road 3 00
C J Hayes, do do do 3 00
Jos Wilson, do do do .3 00
Glass & Prudhomme, sup clerk's
office 13 75
Frank Kincaid, drawing jary 1897 3 00
E C Deckerson, . do do do 2 00
J D Tunny, do do do 2 00
A M Kelsay, transcript State vs
Andrews ' . , : . . . 22 50
John Gavin, examining teachers 12 00
JTNeff, do do ' 12 00
CL Gilbert, examining teachers "' "
and stamp 14 00
J M Huntington, deputy assessor. 84 00
M M Cusbing, burial paupers.... 20 00
M Z Donnell, medicine and sop. . 18 55
M E Miller, writing testimony, in-'
quest, Harris. , ; . . . . 4 00
Tom Moore, constable fees. . 2 30
J B Goit, surveying 9 00
H Bailey, viewing road .......... 2 00
R Howell, do do .......... 2 00
T J Driver, salary August ... .216 66
W F Jackson, road supervisor.". . . 20 00
Matt Bnsick, bnty on wild animals 11 00
Jerome Wells, do do do I 00
J F Smith, do do , do 1 00
JJBinns, d.o do do 100
J H fiheraf, &a "do do 10 00
Katie Fleck, do do do 1 00
M McNulty, do do do 1 00
J W Thomas, do do do 1 00
C E Conkling, do do do 1 00
W A Davidson, do do do 1 00
Grav (Indian) do do do 4 00
Frank Johnson, do do do 3 00
HF Woodcock, do do do 5 00
HF Wood ford, do do do 100
SilveyC Kelsay, do do do 2 00
Eugene Williams, bounty on wild
animals 1 00
George Tommy, interpreter State
vs Simmons... 3 00
Louis Brown, interpreter State vs
Simmons 3 00
Indian Jake, witness State vs Sim
mons 3 00
George Peo, witness State vs Sim
mons.. i 3 00
Keep Shorty, witness State vs
Simmons... .. 3 00
Tonie, (Indian) witness State vs
Simmons 3 00
Charles Albert, witness State vt
Simmons 3 00
Bettie, (squaw) witness State vs
Simmons 3 00
P T Sharp, labor on county road. . 2 50
A Keller, rent of house "to Mrs
Brooks...:....:-.:..:......... 4 00
J B Goit, establishing section cor
ners 24 00
A 8 Blowers, services as county
commissioner.. 20 80
D S Kimsey, services as county
commissioner 21 00
T G Condon, salarv as stock in
spector ." 25 00
D S Kimsey, services as commis
sioner 3 00
Just Think of It!
Only one fare for the round trip from
any point on the line of tbe O. R. & N.
Co. to attend the greatest state fair ever
held in Oregon. Opens September 30th,
closes October 8, 1897.
Every department and building will
be filled with the choicest exhibits and
displays possible to be seen. ' Every
show ring will be graced by the finest
types of the various breeds of animals.
On the race track and in the amuse
ment park, trotting, pacing, rnnning,
hurdle jumping, novelties, special, sad
dle, and harness classes. New features
and new attractions. A rich program
'for every day and evening. Only one
fare for the round trip. Popular admis
sion of 25 cents.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 12, ot Wasco
county, state of Oregon, that a special
school meeting for said district will be
held at the brick school house on Court
street, on the 25th day of September,
1897, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, for
tbe following objects : To further con
sider tne question of erecting a new
school building and providing funds for
tbe same.
Dated this 9th day of September, 1897.
O. D. Doanb,
- Chair. Board of Directors.
Geo. P. Morgan, Clerk. s9-td
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stock-holders of
the Wasco Warehouse Company will be
held at the office of French & Co., Tbe
Dalles, Or., on Tuesday, September 28,
1897, at 8 :30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensning year,
and the transaction of such other busi
nesa as may come before it.
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 4, 1897.
H. M. Beall,
Secv. Wasco Warehouse Co.
It Saves the Croopy Children.
Skavikw, Va. We have a splendid
sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and our customers coming from and
near, speak of It in the highest terms.
Many have said that their children
would have died of croup if Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy had not been giv
en. Kellam & Curb en. The 25 and
50 cent sizes for sale by Blakelev &
Houghton. ' v
If you suffer with headache or pain in
the eyes, if print blurs when reading,
you should . nave your eyes examined.
Possible detective vision is the cause of
the ' pain and if corrected will relieve
the pain. Dr. Lannerberg, eye special
ist, office in tbe Vogt block, will examine
your eyes free of charge.
For Sale.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82.
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25.. Apply
Bread, cakes and everything of that
kind, as well as confectionery,, ice cream,
etc., at the Elite, next door to Parkin's
barber Bhop. ' 7-tf
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed and is now the quali
fied and acting executor of the Last will and tes
tament of Elizabeth J. Bolton, deceased. All
perrons having claims against said estate are
notified to present them to me, with the proper
vouchers therefor, at the ofhee of the county
clerk of Wasco County, The Dalles, Oregon,
within six months frcm the date hereof.
Datei September 10, 1897.
spl8-l , SIMEON BOLTON, Executor.
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World.. $2 00
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian . 2 25
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner .J.. ... 2 25
We now have for sale at our ranch, hear Ridgeway, Wasco
Count', Oregon, 2G0 head of
BUCKS. Tbe above Bucks are all large, fine fellows, and
will be sold to the sheepmen of Eastern Oregon at prices
to suit the times. The thoroughbreds were imported by .
us from Wisconsin, and are the sires of the three-quarter-breeds.
Any information in regard to them will be cheer
fully furnished by applying by letter to tbe owners,
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating1 Oils, Etc.
"Vyiiite Sewing" Machine and Extras.
175 Second Street.
Country and Mail Orders will receive
'A Boarding; and Day School for Boys, Under
Military Discipline.
' The 20th year under the present management begins Sept. 14, 1897. This institution
is thoroughly equipped for the mental, social, physical and moral training of boys. A
thorough preparation for any college or scientific school. Graduates at present in Yale,
West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, State Universities of California, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania, Stanford and McOill. During vacation visitors welcome trom 9 to 13
a.m. r or catalogue ana omer luiurmauon, aauress me rnucipai, j. iv.hilo J4. ut
Portland, Oregon. Fostoince draver 17.
The Dalles, Oregon
prompt attention.