The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 24, 1897, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
' Wednesday. .
Marshal Laoer, who baa been in Port
land for a coaple of days, returned last
sight.' . y . .. "
. W: F.' Piokham, representing the
American Fruit Union of Chicago, is in
the city. , . - . ' . '
Doctor N. Doane. who haa been visit
inz relatives in Spokane, arrived here
" this moraine and ie visiting his son. O.
D. Doane. ... ;; -. ' - ; '.. '
J. A. DonttiTt. editor of the Times.
Mountaineer, went to Portland this
morning to attend the meeting of the
' grand lodge A. O. U. W. Mr. George
. Morgan is pushing the Faber daring his
mbeence. .
Thursday, i ..
Mrs. L. E. Crowe retarned last night
from Portland. . ' , ,; ;
" Misses Clara and Emma St. Johns
went to Portland on the Baker this
': Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Eepingleft for the
Meadows vesterdav. where they will n-
main for a few weeks, with 'the hope of
benefiting her health. '
Miss Jessie Creiehton of Salem and
' Miss Julia By bee of Portland, who have
teen in the citv for several days visiting
. their cousin, Miss Jessie Fisher, return-;
ed to rortiana tnis morning. . 1 .
Misses Edvthe Randall. Lizzie School
inz. Valeeka Liebe, and Mrs. Chas. Ar-
den went down on the boat this morn
. inz to Wind river, to join Mrs. Jolesand
Mrs. Randall and the party now camp
ing there.
" ' Friday. ", ' '
Miss Lena Wentz, a former Dalles
girl, is visiting friends in the city, and
is the guest of Miss Marden. .
'. Roland D. 3rant and party of twenty
two excursionists were in the city yes
terday,leavinz for Portland this morni ng.
Mrs. J. E. Andrews of Oswezo, who
was visiting her son, J. E. Andrews of
The Dalles, and Mrs. O'Neal of Massa
chusetts left on the morning boat for
Hood River, to visit friends over Sunday.
Miss Edna Timms of Portland and the
Misses DeVore of Freeport, - 111., came
up on the boat last evening and spent
the night with l)r. Belle Rinebart, re
turning to Portland this morning. The
Misses DeVore are Christian Endeavor
: delegates on their way borne. .
Near The Dalles, Wednesday July
21st, to Mr and Mrs. T. A. VYilbelm.a
daughter. . 1 ' . , ;
A Georgia . Melon Wrapped With Kll-
.bona tor the President.
, The president has received as a pres
- ent an immense watermelon. It was
.grown in Georgia, and' measured two
and a half, feet long and six feet in cir
cumference. When presented it was
packed in a golden hamper, wrapped in
an American flag and entwined with
white silk ribbon. The- flummery sur
rounding that melon shows that there
are yet those who would paint the lily
and add fresh perfume to the violet;
some who believe that the external
adornment might add to the beauty of a
watermelon. A melon unadorned is
e'en adorned the most. Its external
shell is but Nature's emerald . that en
closes the pink coral and the rubied Ins
clousnees within. It was Nature's mas
terpiece, the boys' present delight, the
old folks reminder of moonlight nights
in some other fellow's patch. It is the
-eleven temptations of a "Nigger," chick
en making the 12th. It is Nature's bar
room with all the drinks combined into
-one divine mixture, and s all together
lovely. Silk flags and ribbons have no
' place about it, its only adjunct being a
butcherknife, at whose touch its rotund
abdomen pops open like a locust's shell,
and with a noise like an expanding side-
. walk orua qold night.
That's what a melon needs, and that's
all it needs. ' s
Another Pigeon Caught. :
London, July 22. A special dispatch
from Copenhagen says a carrier pigeon
baa been caught in the vicinity of Trom
Boa, near North Point, Norway, with the
following stamped upon its wings:
"North Pole passed the 15th." "..'
Conld Not Kan Without Coal.
Aurora, Ills., July 22. The Aurora
cotton mills closed today on account of
the coal famine. -The concern employs
-600 hands. .
. The Sheriff la Wanted.
Fairmokt, W. Va., July" 22. At 3
o'clock this afternoon a telephone mes
sage from Mononagh called for Sheriff
Cunningham. No idea of the character
of the trouble is known.
Fairmoxt, W. Va., July 22. A tele
: phone message from Hite,. at 3 o'clock
'announces half the men are out and will
not let the others work. The sheriff
and deputies were called to eject them
S. from the premises. . ' - . , : -" ; ' ;
,'" : . .' LOST. ." ' .
A gray mare, branded on left sboul
. der. Was originally one of the 0. S.
' Morjaii band, and was raised on the
' range adjacent to3-Mile creek. Suitable
reward will be paid for the return of
said mare to
T. A.
ave Tour Grain.
Few realize that each equirrel de
stroya $1.50 worth of gram annually.
Wakelee'e Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
Agent. . ..'.-
'' 'Wanted. .
Aeents ' for "Queen Victoria, Her
Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Over
flowing with latest and richest pictures
Contains the indorsed biography of Her
Majesty', with authentic history of her
remarkable reign, and fall account of
the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big
book. -Tremendous demand. Bonanza
for agents. Commission 50 per cent,
Credit triven. Freieht paid.-'' Outfit
free. Write- quick for outfit and terri
tory. The Dominion Company, Dept.
7, 356 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
jun22-lm . - , - ' i.:
Wa sell Hoe Cake soap. Pease &
St.vm.of Ohio, City o Toledo '
Lucas County, -. ) . '
- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that.. he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J,
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and that said firm : will .pay the
sum of One Hundred . Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cared by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure,
i . . Feank J. Cheney.
.Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1896. V-
: A. W. Gleasos,
seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mncnos surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O.
jySold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11
Hundreds of thousands have been in
duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy by reading what it has done for
others, and having tested its merits for
themselves are today its warmest friends.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Oldest Fries la America. -'
Toy, N. Y,, July 22. Rev. Peter
Havermans, ' the oldest Catholic priest
in J he United States, aiea toaay. tie
was born in the province of North Bra
bant, Holland, March 28, 1896, and or
dained at Ghent in 1830, coming to
America in a few months. .
J '-Terrible Pete" Hanged. .
Wilkesbabbe, Pa., July 22. Peter
Wassels, alias "Terrible Pete," was
hanged in the county jailyard today.
Wassels killed Joseph Ku persavage, in
Georgetown, in 1887. Wassels shot at
another man. but missed him and killed
Kupersavage. -
What nee is therein eating when food
does you no good in fact, when it does
you more harm than good, for such is
the case if it is not digested?
If vou have a loathing for food there
is no use of forcing it down, .lor it will
not be digested ; Yon must restore the
digestive organs to their natural strength
and cause the food to be digested, when
an appetite will come, and with it a re
lish for food. :
The tired, languid feeling will give
place to vigor and energy ; then you will
put flesh on your bones and become
strong. . The Shaker Digestive1 Cordial
as made by the Mount Lebanon Shakers
contains food already digested and is a
digester of foods as well. Its action '
prompt and its effects permanent.
1 Doctors prescribe Laxol because it
has all the virtues of Castor Oil and is
palatable. . v
The True Remedy.
W. M. Repine, editor TiskilwaO 111
"Cheif," Bays: ' We won't keep bouse
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex
perimented with many others, but never
got the true remedy until we used Dr,
King's .New Discovery, Ho other rem
edy can take its place in our home, - as
in it we have certain and sure cure for
Cooghs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc."
It is idle to experiment with other rem
edies, even if they are urged on you as
just as good as Dr. King's New Discov
ery. They are not as good, because this
remedy has a record of cures an.d besides
is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drog Store. , (4)..
Proposals for School Building.
' Sealed proposals will be received until
noon of Tuesday, August 3, 1897, at the
office of Dr. O. D. Doane, The Dalles,
Or., for the erection and completion of
the foundation of the proposed High
School Building for school district No.
12, of Wasco county, Oregon ; ' also bids
for the construction and completion of
the superstructure tf said building.' ' ..
A certified check for 10 per cent of
the' amount of each bid must accom
pany the bid. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the office of C." J. Cran
dall, The Dalles, Or. r ; --. ". ;
The Board ' of Directors reserve, the
right to reject any and all bids. .
;'; X " 'D- Doane, J :
,. Chairman of the Board of Directors. ,
- The Dalles, Or., Joly 7, 1897. 1 w
' Tbla Xa Tonr Opportunity. '
: On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy. -.
; ELY BROTHERS, - - - s "
'.:'..:.'.. ; . 6 Warren St.. New Tori City.
Bev. Joh Piid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
BeT.Franci8 W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre.
Cburch, Helena, Mont. -
Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged
ours for catarrh and contains no mercury
por any injurious drug.' Price, 50 cents. 1
dome Microscopic Works of Art
to Ea Found Abroad.
Remarkable Frutu of Kaliity Penmanship
Ivory Dishes Scarcely Visible to the .
T Naked EyoA. Jeweler Won- .'
uerfal I.lttlo Boat. - L: T
Dr. Heylin,. in his "Life of King
Charles,"' records that during- the reign
of .Queen Elizabeth "there -was one
who wrote the ter commandments, the
creed, the Pater Noster, the queen's
name ard the prayer -of our Lord -within
the compass of a penny, and gave
her ma jesty a peirof spectacles of such
an artificial making that by the help
thereof she did plainly and distinctly
discern every letter," nays the London
Bookworm. A somewhat (similar feat
was that "rare piece of work brought
to pass by Peter Bales, an Englishman,
who also exhibited before her .majesty,
the entire JtJible written in a book con
taining a s man v lea ves as a full-sized
edition, but fitting into a walnut.
In St. John's coilog-e, Oxford, is pre
served a portrait of Charles I., in which
the cngTaver's. lines, as they seem', to
be, are really microscopic writing", the
face alone containing" all the book of
Psalms, with the creeds and several
forms of prayers. "
.' The learned Porron is known to have
Indulged in this species of "curious
idleness'' occasionally, and perhaps the
Greek verses. from the Medea-of Euri
pides, with Johnson's translation of,
the same, for Burney's . "History of
Music," were executed by him; Though
consisting of two hundred and twenty
six words, they are comprised in a cir
cle half an inch in diameter, with a
small space in the center left blank. .
About forty years ajo a specimen of
microscopic penmanship" was exhibited
In America. It consisted of the follow
ing inscription written, upon glass in a
circle much smaller than the head of
an ordinary pin. (one six hundred and
twenty-fifth part of an inch in - dir
amcter): 'Lowell, and Scuter, watch
makers, C4 Exchange street, Portland.
Written by Fcrmat at Paris, 1833."
At the Dusseldorf exhibition a few
years ago a gentleman showed a postal
card upon which the whole of the first
three books of the ; Odyssey were
written, the remaining -space being
filled with the transcript of a long de
bate which had taken place in the
German parliament a short time be
fore. The whole card contained thirty
three thousand words. -
Layard, in his "History of Nineveh,"
mentions that the national records of
th5 Assyrian empire were written on
bricks in characters so minute as to be
scarcely legible without the- aid of a
microscrope, and ' that, in . fact, a
variety of this instrument was found
among the excavations. '- ' - .
So much for daintv penmanshiD.
That minute mechanical construction
can lay claim to considerable antiquity
is evidenced by the works of Pliny and
Adrian, who relato tliat Myrmicides
constructed out of ivory a ship with all
her appurtenances and a chariot with-
four wheels and four horses, both so
small that a bec could hide either of
them with its wings. - . j.
" A still more wonderful work is that
of Mark Scaliot, a London locksmith,
who," in 1570, 'manufactured a lock con
sisting of eleven dilTereiit pieces of
steel, iron and brass, which, together
with the key belonging to it, weighed
only one grain. ; Thc amo crtiut con
structed a chain of gold containing
forty-three links, which he fastened to
the lock and key, and upon these being
attached to the neck of a ilea the insect
was able to draw them with ease. ' .
nauianus Junius saw at, -Uecnim. in
Brabant, a cherry stona carved in the
form of a basket, in which 'were four
teen pairs of dice, tho spots on the lat
ter visible to the naked eye: A cherry
stone carved by " the scnlptor, Rossi,
and containing a glory of tixty saints,
was shown at Florence for many j-ears;
A still more marvelous curiosity was
a set of one thousand- six' hundred
ivory dishes, which were said to have
been purchased by one Shad from the
malicr, Oswald 2."or'-hiugomu, ocd ex
hibited before Pope VI. These dainty
turnings, though perfect in every re
spect, . were soaruely . vi:.-ib!c to the
".aked eye, and could be easily inclosed
n a casket tho size of a peppercorn.
A Jesuit, Father 1'arrarius. made twenty-five
wooden cannon capable of being
packed awaj in the same opaoa.
In 17(54, on the birthday of King
George III., a watchmaker of London
named Arnold presented himself be
fore the king to exhibit a carious re
peating watch of his manufacture.
This watch was in diameter somewhat
less than a silver two-pence, contained
ohe hundred and twenty distinct parts
and weighed altogether less than six
pennyweights. '. : . ,-, v
Not very long ago a London news
paper announced that a jeweler of
Turin had made a tugboat formed of a
single pearl. The sail of beaten gold
studded with diamonds and the bin
nacle light at the prow is . a perfect
ruby.' An emferald serves as its rudder
and the stand on . which it is mounted
is a slab of whitest ivory. r The entire
weight of this marvelous specimen of
the jeweler's craft is less than half an
ounce, but the maker values it- at one
thousand pounds. - f
Free Pills-
Send your address to H. ' E. Backlen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free eample
box of Dr. King's New . Life Pills. A
trial will couvince- you of their merit'.
These Pills aro easy in action and are
particularly effective in the care o(. Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter?
ions substance and to be purely vegetable.-
They do not weaken 'by their
action, bat by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box.. Sold
by Blakeley St Honghton Druggists. (4)
trance Customs with Infanta and
. ; . Bridee in Early Says. , ;
In an old book called "The Buo
:&neers : ot America," recently re
irinted, is given a curious account of,
he customs in vogue amon'2 tho Vuca
an . Indians two hundred years .ago.
:t runs substantially as follows: . .
As soon as a child is born -It i. car
ied to the temple v.-hc-ra a circle o
lole is made and Cllc .I with a ilier,.- On
ihis heap of ashj the nu":cd child i3
placed and left thera a whole nirht
alone, not without 'great Oul-vry no
ane daring ' to . oorj.s near it. .-v.Tiio
temple is open on 11 :ii-.le-v.r that", ell
sorts of beasts may itvily go i.i ;i'r.d
Dut. The next fati'cr c;kI rcl.i
tires return to see if the tra'j!;ss fir r.tcp
of any animal appecrj- print c iii.thc
ashes. .. If no track is found th-i jwr
baby is left there until soma boct has
left behind it the marks r,f if.; f-. ct, -
To' this animal the new l.-eru baTj;; i-?
consecrated, as nrito ifi-tiod; nd Viip
beast he is. bound to wor v.i; ar. J Mxyc
all his life it hein-f hi; patrtiu- r-nd
protector. - When r-rown t.- j:v;ilii,
jence the parents i:;rtrB"t'him" in re
gard .to' his patro:r beaut,', unit, teach
him to serve and honor it &3 hi i ov,-:i
proper Hod. ' He goes to the tvrsple
and makes ofii' to- the- boa.3t: In
the course of his Itfe,. -when injured or
harmed' in any way. hj makes his
somplaints to - this beast, "whence,"
adds the narrator,; innocently,, "cjuny
times it comes thr.t tho& who have
done the injury of which he complains
are found to be hit;tnr.. killed or other
wise hurt by -such animals. After tills
superstitious an 1 iiciatrci1, maan or
ue contin ues, "do live tho;:o miserable
and ignorant Indians that inhabit ail
the islands of th-j gulf of Honduras, as
siso many of them that dwell upon tlie,
continent of Incatan." - ,-
A - man desiring to 'marry applies
first to the damsel's father or nearest
relative. He is carefully . examines
:oncerning the manner of cultivating
their plantations, and other- matters.
He is' then given a bow and arrow.
With these tokens he repairs to the
young maid, and presents her with a
garland of green leaves interwi;ied
with fragrant flowers. The wre ath r,Ue
is obliged to put on her- head, and lay
wide her virgin's garland which she
has hitherto worn. All ' this' relatives
and friends now assemble to consult
as to the propriety of the marriage of
this couple.''. Having agreed a'l to
their approval, they meet at the house
of the damsel's father, where "they
arink of a certain liquor made of rnaize,
or Indian wheat," and . here, in the
presence of this company, the father.
gives his daughter , in marriage. .'The
next day - the newly-mamel bride
comes to her mother, '"pulls .off the
zarland and tears it in pieces, with
cries and bitter laTiientations, accord
ing to the custom of the country,
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Kiven that under and by vir
tue ot nn exocntiou and order of sale issued out
of tbe Circuit Coart of the State of Oregon for
wasco i;ountv. on tne I4tn axy oi July. i37,
upon a d ree made and entered therein on the
loth day of June. 1807. ill a cause therein Mod
ins wherein Ann E. Vanatta was plaintiff and
Albert Kuykendall, Wary A. Knykendull, Grace
P. Buchanan and Georire W. Buchanan were de
fendants, and tome directed, comiriandiug me
to sell the lunda and nremises hereinafter men
tioned, to satisfy the demands of the plaintiff
nir tne sura oi fbos.u, ana tne tanner turn oi
$75 attorney's fees, and J28.60 costs and dis
bursements, and the costs and expenses of and
upon said writ, T will sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, for cash in band, at the
conrthouse door in Dallea City, in said county
and state, on Monday, the 16th day of Angust,
1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., the following
described lands and premises, to-wit: the south
west quarter of section thirty-four (34), town
ship two (2). north oi range fourteen (14) east of
Willamette Meridian, containing onenunareo
ana sixty acres. . .
Dalles City, Wasco Co., Or., July 14. 1897.
i. j.
Sheriff of Wasco County.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor
Wasco County, on tbe 25th day of June, 1897,
npon a decree made and entered therein on the
lrith dav of June. 1897. in a cause therein nend-
inir wherein Alfred dobbin was nlaintiif and J.
P. Cartwright et al were defendants, and to roe
directed aua commanaing me to seu tne isnas
aud premises hereinafter mentioned to satisfy
the demands of the plaintiff for the sum of
10016.75, and the farther sum of 172 taxes paid
and $250 attorney's fees, nd $48.55 costs and
disbursements, and the posts and expenses of
aud upon said wti', i will sen, at puDiic auc
tion to tbe highest, bid-ler for cash in band, at
the courthouse door in Dalles Citv. In said
county and State, on Saturday, the 24th day of
July, 1&97, at the hour ol 1 o'clock p. m., tbe fol
lowing described lands and premises, to-wit: -The
sontneast quarter of the southwest quar
ter, and the northwest o Darter ot section num.
ber 18, township 1 north, range 15 east, Willam
ette uenaian, containing two nunarea ana
twentv-six and six-hundredths acres.
Dalles City, Oregon, June 25. 1897.
jun26-ii , Sheriff of Wasco County.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the County Court
oi tne state or Oregon ror wasco ucuiity, Dy an
i,loi rf.roH thflM riav nf A nrtl. 187. rilll V An.
poluted the undeisigned administrator oi the
estate of Andrew V. Anderson, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate are
nereoy required to present toe same, properly
verified, to tbe undersigned at French A Co.'s
bank in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months
from tne aate nereoi.
. Dalles City, Oregon, May 19, 1897.
my22-li J. C. HOSTETLER,
1 - Administrator.
''' Treasury Dkpabtmbnt,
Office or Comptroller or Currency,
Washington, d. v., June s, 187.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons who may
have claims again
ist" ine uaiies national Bans."
of the eity of The Dalles, Oregon, that tbe same
must be presented to H. B. Wilson, receiver,
with the legal proof thereof, within three
montha from this date, or they may be dis
allowed. -
-"''- ; JAMES H. ECKELS,
iunlG-w3m-t : Comptroller.
ELTS CREAM BAI.M is a posltlTeenre.
Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60
cents at Drncrguts or by mail ; samples 10c by mail.
SLY BROTHERS. 68 Warren t.. New York City.
Tor (Caxawtv
niin i iiiMiinT
Ulibes and Cigars.
: .; AiLheuser-Buscli Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
beverage, unequaled as a tonic. '
J.0U7 Ibout Your
We have the facilities for doing- all " kinds ' :
of Job Pi'inting, from a visiting card to a !
'catalogue, and we are after all the work we 'l ;
can do. We not only desire " keep busy,, . ; .
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in . : ,
and compare our prices with that of any :
one, and compare quality of work.-' Let us .
have your next order. ; : -v ;
- - ropiqle publisl7iij
Wasco Warehouse C
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds:
Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran; Snorts, o?mT"l feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Floor
use : every
We sell onr goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get onr. prices and be convinced.
Highbst Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.,
Richly and dcrably bonnd in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magmncent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and bine ; containing 600 pages and 32
fall-rjaee illustrations. ....... .'. -.'.-; .r. . .". .,
In half-Morocco, marble edge. . . . . . . .'. . . .
In full-Morocco, gilt edge..., ........
on draught
and in Dottles.
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
! THE FIRST BATCXK .b ail interesting story
j of tbe great political strufrgle oi 18, it moot
I important events and tbe many issues involved;
? a logical treatise on Bi-metalusni as uttered by
eminent exponents, inciuaing tne pan laaen oy
IV . . Bryan in the silver agitation prior to
. -j. 'atio National Convention, and dnr-
ituaien : the best examples of bis won
't ,.!nu,h irory. tbe most noteworthy incidents of
' t- s fai.n)UB tonr, a careful review of the political
i. i.'iatiou, a discussion of tbe elei-tion returns
i and the siguincance thereof, and the future
i posaibilitieB of Bl-metallism as a political Issue.
$1 75
2 25
2 75
. . ... V. . ..... ..-...'..,
.;v.-..-... . .......-- ... ..'....;..;
JOB pilffTIAfQ?
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or..