00 THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9. 1897. The Weekly Chronicle. TBI DALLES, OKKGON PERSONAL MENTION. Rock Biver last this Saturday's Dally. Dr. Lannerbere arrived home from Goldeodale today at noon. Captain H. C. Coe came down from his ranch opposite Castle night, and left for Hood morning. Mrs. J. W. French and Mrs. Nellie Bolton, who have been in San Francisco for some months oast, returned home yesterday. Editor Armsworthv is down from Wasco, bat whether be came to attend the convention or the Epworth League, we know not. Mrs. J. E. Barnett and Miss Editb Randall, who have been amending the grand lodge of Good Templars in. Fort land, returned on the boat last night. Monday's Daily. Bishop Morris of the Episcopal church is in tbe city. ' Mies Lizzie Farmer, of tbe Timee- Moontaineer force, is visiting in Seattle Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Casey, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moore for several days left for their home at Prineville this morning. Misses Lena and Lillian Snell left Sat nrday evening for their home near Arl ington, where Mies Snell will spend her vacation. Taylor Hill and Al Lyle, the Crook county stockmen, are in tbe city, having brought in nearly 2000 head of cattle for shipment. Tuesday's Daily. Miss Edna Barnett returned from Hood River lajt night. Mrs. Hallett Arend is in the city, the sneet of her friend, Mrs. W. L. Brad- ehaw. Bev. J. H. Wood went to Hoed River today to conduct the funeral service of Mrs. Chris Nickelsen. Mr. Roger Sinnott left for Baker City this morning to attend tbe tournament, beginning there tomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Miricle of Long Creek are visiting with Dr. Belle C. Rinehart. Tbe doctor and his wife are on their way to Portland to attend tbe Medical Association. Mrs. Anna TJrquhart left on the Reg ulator this morning for Portland. From that point she will go by way of the Northern Pacific, to Canada, where she will visit her parents. DIED. In this city, Monday morning, June 7th, of typhoid fever, Emma Flock, aged 27 years. The funera' will take place tomorrow morning. Sled. Only One Standard You and we may differ as to money standards and out of our very differences good may come. But we won't differ as to the merits of one standard emulsion of cod-liver oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION has won and held its way for nearly 25 years in the world of medicine until to-day it is al most as much the standard in all cases of lung trouble, and every condition of wasting whether in child or adult as quinine is in malarial fev rs. Differ on the money ques tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. Your druggist sells Scott's Emulsion. Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. ' NO AUTOGRAPHS FOR HER. Beirut Girl Had No Use for the Cheek She Received. A certain family, -whose home is in the suburbs of London, have in their J employ, says Amusing' Journal, a cook, wnose ways are lnvariaDiy so methodical and her cooking-so near per fection that, were she to leave her pres ent home, one-half of the mi stresses in the district would be eager to secure her services. Never by any chance has dinner been late at the Myrtle villa, or the joint under or over done, neither has nny policeman crossed its threshold. But, treasure that she is, she came near to making-. a change of residence at the close of her very first month's stay. On the morning- of the day upon which her wages became due, her mistress- requested her to step into the 6tudy, where her master was waiting to pay her. In a few moments she rushed from the 6tudy to the kitchen, where she had left her mistress, and in less time than it takes to narrate had given that astonished lady notice. "But whatever is the matter, Mary?" inquired her mistress. "What has your master said or done to annoy you?" "He hasn't said nuthin'," replied Mary, as she nourished a check in her mistress' face, "but he's on'y given me this for a month's slavery. Not me; I ain't no ortygraph collector, I ain't." REPRODUCED IN OREGON. Barb Wire. Barb Wire (Glidden) $2.35 per 100 pounds. Cook Stoves. No. At Hood River, Monday morning, Mrs. Gertie Nickelsen, wife of Rev. Chris Nickelsen. The funeral will take place at Hood River tomorrow, Bev. J. H. Wood of this city preaching the sermon. It is seldom that so sorrowful a task is given a newspaper reporter as the noting the passing away of so noble a little woman as Gertie Nickelsen. She was the daughter . of Rev. Rigby, sta tioned for two years at Hood River. There she met and married the man whose heart today is almost broken at her. loss. It was largely through her influ ence that he was called into the church, and took up the calling of a preacher. Being assigned to the charge at Prineville, he began bis labors there, and there she contracted the dis ease, consumption, that finally carried her away. Last fall her husband took her to Cali fornia, hoping that aided by tbe climate and surroundings she might regain her health, bat tbe hope was vain. Realiz ing that the end was near, she asked to be brought home tbat she might die sur- J rounded by her relatives. bhe died as she bad lived, sustained by an nnfaltering trust in God, and if finite minds may judge, today she treads the fields of Paradise. The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re cently perfected an ingenious cure for dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con sists of a food already digested and a digester of foods happily combined. The importance of this invention will be appreciated when We realize what a proportion of the community are victims of some form of stomach troubles. Thousands of pale, thin people have little inclination to eat, and what they do ent causes them pain and distress. The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers corrects any stomach derangement at once. It makes thin people plump. Every one will be greatly interested to read the little book which has been placed in the hands ot druggists for free distribution. Laxol is tbe best 'medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi Castor Oil. Contractors and Carpenters, Take Notice, The respective officers of the Lutheran church are now ready to receive bids fur the building of their new church. The plans are complete and are on file at the store of L. Rorden & Co. Responsible contractors are herewith requested to bid on the bulling of this church. The bids will be received and opened on Tuesday, June 15th, at 8 p. id., in the lower south room of the brick school- house on Court street, and no bids will be received after that hour. Contrac tors desiring to take possession of these plans for a day or two are requested to do this at once, as they may not have an opportunity to do so later. Rev. L. Grey, j4-2t Chairjnan BuildiLg Com. Humor In Literature. Humor is one of those pervasive quali ties that take possessin of your senses line tne smell ot the woods in summer after a rain. You are trudging along through a book, interested, perhaps, in the course of the story, and impatient for the end of it all. It is an ordinary book, you think, like a hundred others, bat a tarn of the page and you are in another atmosphere. There is a grow ing warmth about your heart and a lift to the corners of your month. You do not break into a laugh, but you chuckle to yourself and forget about the end of the tale. Yon want to linger over the trail again. In a twinkling the "char acters" of the story have become human beings like yourself. "Droch'' in June Ladies' Home Journal. Electric Witter. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi cine will act more sureiy counteracting and freeing the system from tbe malar ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c and fl.00 per bottle at Blake ley & Houghton's drug store. 1 Tbe Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry. here, says : 'I have need Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Big; Nuggets. Thomas Thomason arrived in Baker City yesterday, bringing with him five big gold nuggets, tbe largest valued at between $500 and $600, which he had obtained from the Gordon, Tomason & Allen placers at Gimletville, Grant county. Altogether the nuggets weighed about eeventy ounces. Tbey are on ex hibition at the First National bank and attracted much attention yesterday after noon. Mr. Tomason says toe outlook for placer mining at Gimletville ' looks very bright at present. Democrat. Tbe. merchant who tells you he has something elee as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from.' a2-3m Bucmen'o Arinca salve. . The best salve in the world for cute, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and al! skin eruption", and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Do you "want your windows cleaned, carpets taken np, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop. Phone 119. alO-lf The Bed Sea Miracle Often Seen In Link Blver. It is a well-known fact that at cer tain times of the year Link river, a stream a mile and a quarter long-, which connects the great water systems above and below this point, becomes almost dry, says the Klamath Falls Express. This state of affairs, however, lasts, as a rule, but a few hours, during which time people have been known to walk across the river, 300 feet wide, without getting their feet wet. The bottom of the river has been dug- out in many places by the action of the water, form ing large potholes, and when the river becomes dry these holes are filled with trout, which are left stranded. At such times it is a common occurrence to see men and boys knocking the fish on the head with clubs, and in this way secure many a. good meal. There are many traditions regarding this phenomenon among the Indians here, but the real cause of the low wa ter in the river is the action of the wind. The course of the stream is southeast, and the high winds which, prevail in the spring and fall are from the south, and blow up the river. The outlet from the upper lake being small, the force oi the wind keeps tbe water back in the big lake, causing the river to become very low. . A Cyclist FRENCH with INCIDENT. Leg Wins a Broken Race. t A fatal cycling accident happened re i&ntly at Maison Laffitte. Two young Englishmen, F. Morris, the steeplechase jockey, and F. Davis, first stableman in the employ of L. Robert, the trainer, had arranged a bicycle match of six kilometers from the Maison Laffitte rail way bridge to the Croix de Noailles and back. They had almost completed the race when Morris, Who was a little ahead, looked back to see how far Davis was behind, and in, doing so hO let! his) machine run aeainst the curbstone. The unfortunate rider came to the ground and broke his leg below the knee. Mor ris; who was following close behind. could not avoid his fallen opponent and was thrown heavily to the ground, where he remained insensible. Disregarding both his own broken leg- and his friend lying motionless on the ground, Jjorris, in his anxiety to wm the race, mounted his bicycle and soon reached the winning post, with one foot an the pedal, the other hanging useless on the opposite side. Davis waa then carried home, but he died during the night. NEARLYSMOTHERED BY VIOLETS 7 Woodland Cook Stove. . $0.50. ...... No. 8 Woodland Cook Stove, . $8.50. No. 8 Wood Michigan Square Cook Stove, $10.00. . . No. 8 Wood Michigan Square btove and reservoir, $17.50, No. 8 Home Michigan Square $15.00. No. 8 Home Michigan Square and reservoir, $23.00. No. 8 Home Garland Square, $23.00. No. 8 Home Garland Range Square, without shew, $28.00. Be Bare and see the Garland Stoves betore buying. As you will note from above prices they are very low, and it will not pay you to buy second-hand stoves when you can get new ones at the above prices. jiow fbput:Your JOB RRINTJNQ? We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after' all the work we can do. We not only desire to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare bur prices with that of any one, and compare quality of. work. Let us have your next order ?)?ro9iqle publistyip ?o. C. W. PHELPS & CO. -DEALERS IN Regulator Line Tie Dalles. PortlanJ and Astori Navigation Co.' Have Your Oram. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Externa in 7 tor is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnel), Agent. Cah In Tour Checks. All conntv warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after May 7, 1897. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Hundreds of thousands have been in duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are today its warmest friends. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Miss Sadie Connolly Has a Marrow Escape In New York. Miss Sadie Connolly, an actress, was half smothered by lihe sweet breath of violets the other night. She was able to be' out of the bed the next day to re ceive in person the congratulations of friends, tihoug-h. still nervous and upset over her extraordinary experience. When not on the road She has been at home in her snug- flait at 1445 Second avenue, of which, her sister Julia is housekeeper. The two sisters live en tirely alone. Monday morning' am ex pressman delivered at Miss Connolly's flat a huge box of violets shipped all the way from California in a bed of moist moss. There were nearly 3,000 separate flowers. The penetrating odor filled the flats. Miss Connolly's bedroom has no means of ventilation except a door open ing into the front parlor and another communicating with her sister's bed room. The air being chilly the actress re tired in the midst of her violets witih the windows all closed. The next morning' her sister found her unconscious. A physician, who was promptly called brought her back to earth after having dumped the violets outdoors. These he said were partly responsible for thle young woman's condition. As they were cut flowers and in the process of decay they had added greatly to tihe carbonic acid in the room. ..... .... TAKEN CP. Came to my place abnnt a vear ago last April, a red effr. 3 years old pHst; little white in i ighl flank; nuirknl two underbits in right ear; brand i ali:i-t nndiscernible, but looks something like an A. Owner can have same by paving charges and advertising. Willi aed iaylob. j2 lmw 15 Mile creek, Dufur P. O. Yellow washing powder will make your clothes the came color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pare white. a2-3m strs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land dally, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES Are you going DOWJt THE VALLEY OR TO EASTERN OREGON? If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on tbe Columbia. The we t-bound train arrives at Tbe Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving; in Portland in time for tbe outgoing Southern aqd Northern trnins; East- bound passengers arriving in The Dalles in time to tase me .ast-Douna train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oat Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., The Dulles. Oregon Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby Eiven that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate oi suns i. rMivis, late oi wasco i.oumy, aua now deceased. All ' persons having claims against sail estate or against the estate of Corum and Davis of Wapinitin, Oregon, of which said firm said deceased was a partner, will present tbe same, duly verified, to me at I'he Dulles, Oregon or to my attorneys, Dufur & Menefee, of Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, witnin six mnnins irom tne aate nereor. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 22d day of aiay, isv. B. F. LAUGHLIN. Administrator of the estate of Silas W. Davis, deceased. m"Jt-,.t-l Executor's Sale. Pursuant to an order of the County Court nf tbe State of Oregon for the Wasco County, made and entered on the 3d day of May, 1897, in the matter of tne estate of James .Mcuanan. deceased. directing me to sell the real property belonglDg to the estate of said deceased, I will, on Satur day, tbe 5th day of June, 1897. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Dalles City, Oregon, sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, all of the following described real prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of Section Eight. Township One South, Range. Fourteen East W. M., con taining 160 acres more or less. dim it. jr. ijiBUKis. txecuror. Administrators Sale of Real Estate. Notice it hereby eiven that nnder and bv vir tue of an order of the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Waco County, made on tbe 21st day of May. I8'J7, in tbe matter of the estate of Frank Ireland, deceased, I will, on Thursday, the 2iih day of June, 1K!)7. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ui, at the courthouse door in Dalles City, in Wavco, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder the following described real estate belonging to said estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the isortneast quarter oi section ii, jownsnip z North, Range 11 East, W. II., in Wasco County Oregon. Said premises will be sold in one parcel ard for one- third cash at the time of the sale and two-thirds in four months after the confirma tion thereof, the deferred payment to be secured by note and mortgage upon tbe premises sold. Dalles city, uregon. May zz, isa. GEORGE IRELAND, Administrator of the estate of Frank Ireland. decetsed. m2G-5t-i igricultura! Implements. Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras. EAST SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OK HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE I THE FIRST BATTLE Is an interesting story ! of the great political struggle of 1896, its most ' important events and the many issues Involved : i a logical treatise on Bl-metallism as uttered by I eminent exponents, including the part taken by j Hon. W. J. Bryan in the Bilver agitation prior to I the Democratic National Convention, and dur j ing the campaign ; the best examples of hiB won I d erf ul oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of i his famous tour, a careful review of the political i fcituation, a discussion of the election returns and the siguificance thereof, and the future i possibilities of Bi metallism as a political issue. STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au- tnor lorming tne design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre sentation plate in silver, gold and bine; containing 600 pages and 32 full-page illustrations. .. : $1 75 In balf-Morocco, marble edge. 2 25 la full-Morocco, gilt edge. '. '. . 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. THE WORLD RENOWNED 71 Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles, Oregon. . BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon . ARTISTS MATERIALS. flPCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., The Dalles Or