The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 22, 1897, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Count? Judge..- "..Robt Mays
Bueriff.... ; T.J. Driver
Clerk '. .A M. Kelsay
Treuarer C. L. t-hillips
r-nifnn. (A. S. Blowers
Commissioners - )D. B. Kimsey
Assessor W. H. Whipple
Surveyor J. B. ioit
Superintendent of Publio Schools. . -C. L. Gilbert
Coroner W. H. Butt
Sjrernot....... ..J.......W.-P. Lord
Secretary of State H B Kincald
Treasurer... ..Phillip Metschan
npt. of Publio Instruction O. M. Irwin
Attorney-General C. M. Idleman
u . G. W. McBride
Bnators - j. h. MitcheU
i a tiermann
lV. R. Ellis
V. ....W. H. Leeds
8Ute Printer..
two of the'rinzs worn by the woman true. It is having boom, and it
were found in ' the vat. This may will have its re-action. Rossland
be the correct theory, but the disap- started a stock boaid for the purpose
pearance of a body in a sausage fac- of floating wild-cats, but as always
torv is too (.uffffestive for the Deace happens to villages that undertake
of one's stomach. I to maintain stock boards, the latter
: . went defunct. A stock board never
The Antelope Herald, noting the UelpeA B minC) but it has brokeD
aeatn or a reie narris, sneep ueroer, man -m5ner- very fact that
from camping , too steadily at the lhe board Wftg est&biisbea shows the
mouth of a demijohn full of , alcohol, , . men who are booming the
Clnbblogr Bate.
Chronicle and Oregonian... $2. 25
Chronicle and Examiner. ......... 2 25
Chronicle and Tribune. 1
Chronicle and N. Y.. World 2 00
"While congress is debating the
revenue question, it c-might be well
for it to exarrine into the feasibility
" of reducing expenses instead ' of in
creasing revenues. A penny saved
is a penny earned, and there is no
donbl but that there are plenty of
opportunities fcr applying the prun
ing. knife to the expense account,
It costs this people seven dollars
head to be governed by the United
State's, nearly two dollars each to be
governed by the state, four dollars a
piece to be governed by the county,
and . an average' of four dollars a
head more for school and road dis
trict government; or in round num
bers about $17 each for carrying on
our sy&tem of government, and this,
too, not counting interest -on our
local debts, which would make the
rate nearer $20 each than $17. It
is entirely too much. Besides this,
the rate is steadily increasing. It
costs os more per capita to run the
government with 70,000,000 people
than it did rith half that number,
while the reverse of that proposition
should be true.
The situation in Greece has
changed materially since yesterday,
and all owing to Russia's action. The
-sultan is now disposed to accept me
diation and to modify the demands
lie has made for indemnity. It
seems from the results that Germany
has been backing Turkey in her de
mands; but when, through Russia's
action, Bulgaria began mobilizing
her troops, Germany took fright, and
so advised the sultan to accept the
.mediation of the powers. Russia's
action meant war, and the balance
of the powers didn't want any, for
it might mean a loss of more money
than the combined debts of Turkey
and Greece amount to. It may
safely be said that the war is over,
the lerms of peace alone remaining
. to be settled. . ' '
France, or rather Paris, has set an
exHmple that this country might
well follow. The ex-Princess Chim
ay, who. achieved notoriety bv
eloping with a hatchet faced gypsy
and abandoning hef'children, were
billed to appear in the music balls at
Paris, but met with such a frost that
their engagement was canceled. "We
have as a people gotten to that stage
were notoriety is sufficient to attract
crowds,rwhether that notoriety was
gained in tLe prize ring, the divorce
courts, or without the aid of them.
Paris has indeed set as a good ex
says: "Dr. Pilkington was sent for,
but Harris had expired before he got
there." The account is rather sug
gestively indefinite, leaving one in
doubt whether the doctor was ex
pected to save Harris', life in his
capacity of a physician, or by taking
a share of the disease.
district, and furnishes abundant rea
son for business people keeping their
money out of Rossland.
IS B ALA Ail t
The Portland Dispatch says the
Mitchell push held up the legislature;
that Gnding Mitchell could not be
elected, it held up the" legislature
and tried to throw the blame on
Bourne and his Populist allies. It
adds: "The Benson house having
who does:
and triumphant to that vacant chair,
He chapters occasionally, and, as Bre
Hart puts it, "playfully mumbles his
chestnuts," but Tony is not that way.
His level gaze, like that of, the
Sphinx, sweeps, the vast desert of our
non-information, stony-eyed, imper
turbable, remorseless. '
"With Corbett on deck and Tony
at the helm, "the dead steered by
the dumb, float upward with the
While congress is monkeying with
the tariff bill, the speculators of the
country are getting their work in.
Within a week foreign wools have
been received in New York amount
ing to 24,000,000 pounds; in Phila
delphia 8,000,000, and Boston 65,-
000,000; or in all nearly 100,000,000
pounds. The government will get
but little benefit from the tariff on
wool for a year or two. :
CClines and Cigars.
on draught
and in Dottles.
Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
bevcTage, uhequaled as a tonic. .
According to the Oregonian, the
senate committee took up, or were
to take up, the Corbett case yester
day. Mr. Corbett expects a favora
ble report, but he is the only Pson thi Qe memrS) could haV(J gone
into the Davis house and captured f Oscar Wilde completed -his term
the organization at any time, but ot two years' imprisonment yester-
thev did not want it." The editor ay ana was given bis freedom. He
Senator Mason of Illinois pays but 0f the Dispatch knows, ai every Ore- savs ne WM1 locate in Paris, engage
little attention to senatorial usages, gonian knows, that the Benson bouse m literary pursuits, and will write
and refuses to remain in the senate was not organized .until after the over his own name. - The world has
for two or three years keeping his Davis house had been in session sev- na(J fln abundant sufficiency of his
chair warm and his mouth shut He eral days. That the legislators who klffc ot writing, and if he has to, de
is a Cuban sympathizer, and he went into the Benson house were first Pd on the pen, he will wish he
wants the senate and the world to in the Davis house, and enly left it weie in it again.
know it. Yesterday he SDOke in when Davis, their Knnaker. refused to
favor of the Morffan resolution, and Lnke nv effort to hrino- in th J GermanT shontd not feel proud of
I O I ' .!- rtfi
told the senate some truths about Bourne crowd or the other stav-outs. Luer course ,n oacK,D8 AUrKe
itself that must have made some of Thev mieht have cantured the Davis was about the meane8t thinS thal
the venerable relics shiver m their house;" in fact did capture it. but 1 Sreat conntrT wa wr Sy of.
cerements. He insisted that the they caught a Tartar, and could do
sympathy' and aid of France alone nothinsr. There were twentv-one
made it possible for this country to members who would not come jn , . r,ver. hI9 morn,"K 40.7, a rise
UU,B,U ,us irouj au.., wnentney joinea torces wun wavis, t from the weather bureau, made
and that gentleman refused to enter- Thursday morning, is as follows :
tain any motion of any kind except The temporary fall in the Clearwater
The ehr .f tho rr- nas Pf.Bsea, ana li is again riaing rapid
.uw 'wuaww wa. a -w- i
The Rivera.
and that the United States would
yet furnish a Lafavette for Cuba.
In closing' his speech he said
When you get at the deep under
tone of the conscience of the Chris
tian people of this country, they sny
let us have freedom in Cuba. Then
let the Spaniard go bnck to bis own
land, and let us ' have no slaves on
our continent. You can call that
jingo as long as you like. You may
define jingoes as long as you please
Patrick Henry was a jingoist, ac
cording to the definition of the gen
t'emen who are trying to keep down
the insurgents in Cub.i. Every man
wbo bad rather ngbt tban buy. peace
at the dishonor of bis wife or bis
child has been called a jingo from
the days of early republics until now.
am for the libert, for the inde
pendence of Cuba on a better and
broader ground. I propose better
environments, not for trade 'or com
merce ; not for the extension of ter
to adjourn.
patch knos this as well as anybody.
Besides, let us see what Corbett says,
for the two do not agree. "We do
not pretend to sny which is Balaam
and which the ass, though Corbett
seems to talk the most. But be that
as it may, Mr. Corbett, in a recent
interview at Washington City, Break
ing of Mitchell, said;
v. The nee in the Uolumbia above
aaco is rapid, and for the next three
davs the Snake will rise rapidly.
The uoiumbia above Xhe Dalles will
have a rapid rise for the next four days,
I tie rise at - Weiser, Idaho, in twentv
four boars ending Th a red ay morning,
was .2; at Lewiston .1. The Columbia
at North port 2. and the Wenatchee
According to this we are to have
considerable rise here yet; bnt how
much it is impossible to state. We can
stand a rise of four feet yet without
. In the senate he hrtd made speeches teeing with railroad traffic; but that
ritory and that is the distinction
nattvann -tVia ' rivrli'nnrir TTnnrlicK Inn' I H
mauer ana ourselves,
"Mr. President." exclaimed Mason.
' Mi'. , t! : - it
if we did not have a ship in the n,s own corrai, ana py jimminei ne
world: if everv sun was melted into ought to know,
plowshare; if every bayonet was
in favor of free silver, anrt, when
questioned as to bis position by the
gold men, he told tbem that he stood
bv the uriucioles laid down in the
St. Louts platform. The men then
compared noies and found that some
one was boucd to get left, and so
they agreed to not take the oath of
office, and thus .they prevented the
election of Mitchell.
Which tells the truth, Robinson
his man Friday? The
former owned the goals, had them in
will pat the v river ut the danger line,
We do not think it will go much above
that, if any, though phenomenally hot
weather might give it a apart above
that. The Snake has been up to 19 feet.
fell again to below 14, and is now up to
about 18. ' Its flood is la reel v spent, and
in a few days it mast show a steady and
rapid fall. This will counterbalance the
Columbia's rise, and prevent' extra high
water. However, according to Mr,
Pazae's estimates, putting the stage at
26 feet in Portland, it will approach the
50-foot mark here. We believe that he
has over-estimated the rise considerably.
A Biff Gold Product.
buried; if every ship we ever had
was sunk in the middle of' the sea,
there is no nation in the world,
much less Spain, that would ever
are strike our colors on Americau
soil." (Applause in the galleries.)
Mason stood bj his oiiginal prop
osition that without Lafayette's aid,
The Bonanza mine came near hitting
its high -gold notch with its last cleanup,
only one other exceeding it, when 29,
000 for one month's run was recorded.
Monday evening $25,000 in bullion was
received at the First National bank at
Baker City from this great producer and
There has been one benefit at
least arising from the legislative
hold-up lat winter, and that is that
the amount spent by the state for
useless commissions, snide normal
schools and other utterly frivolous
things, has become a matter of pub
lic notoriety. About the only board
of commissioners that costs but little
and are really useful is the horticul-
tuial boatd. ' The fish commission
has also done some 2ood work. Out
side of these the other boards should
go by the board, and the public bot
tle should be kept away from the
normal schools. .
Washington a government was not
worth a "continental damn." What pose of examining the crop prospects.
we should do was to give Cuba what It shows, though, that Tony is ob
Lafavette eave Washington. serving; and that he is able to tell
Tony Noltncr, in the Portland
Dispatch, says that Eastern Oregou
is to have a splendid grain crop.
Tony knows, because - he has just
been through Eastern Oregon, though I those bringing it say the mine is looking
not. if rumor i3 correct, for the pur- better than ever
jew maenmery amounting in an to
about 50,000 pounds is soon to be put in
place at the mine. Among the improve
meats is an air compressor. This ma,
-Before many days some steps will
be taken looking towards the build
ing of a railroad to the Des Chutes
and . possibly eventually up that
stream and into Crook county. Of
the necessity of such a road there
can be no doubt if The Dalles-is to
wbat he sees and knows if he wants
Why then does he so stubbornly
refuse to enlighten his readers con
cerning things they are anxious to
know, and of 'which be is well in
formed. They would like to know
all about those ten Democratic sena-
cbmery will equip the Bonanza second
to no mine on the Pacific coast and will
enable the mine to make greater show
ings than ever in the output of gold.
La Grande Chronicle.
The Shakers have made a- discovery
which is destined to accomplish much
good. Realizing that three-fourths ot
nil n nnr nnfTUrincra arisA frnm BtAmach
maintain, its positioD as a shipping tors whom the magical silvery tones troubles," that the country is literally
and supply town. Some of our citi
zens are taking a deep interest in the
matter, and arrangements are being
made for viewing out a route and
having a surrey made. With a road
filled with people who cannot eat ' and
digest food, without subsequently suffer
mg pain ana distress, and that many
are starving, wasting to. mere skeletons,
because their food does them, ho good,
they have devoted 'much study and
Adolph L. Luetgert, a well-known
sausage manufacturer of . Chicago,
has been arrested, charged with mur
dering his wife in the basement of
bis sausage factory about ten days
ago. As the police are unable to
find the body, they account for its
disappearance by saying that it was
consumed in a vat by acids, and that
of Tony's voice wooed into the Cor
hett told. They would like to know
at whose invitation Tony took that
trip to Wasbicgton when he slipped
off so quietly that no one knew he
to tbe Des Chutes the portage ques- was gone. They would like to know thought to the subject, and the result is
lion would be solved, and boats on the natt.ra of the sen! nnnn hi lirw this discovery of their Digestive Cordial.
the upper Columbia would soon fol- t.h.t W. th ln,,,.nr ,rioi f A little book can be obtained from
i. t.. . I . . .. vvur uruin iuu win- uuioi out tin
UU5, gvu-ojuur..- free 8tlVer epeecn that they lisp of way of relief at once. A n investigation
. -v, fvr..v, w w wDe gram procpecis in r-asiern ure-J will coat notbne and will result in
6nare when the matter materializes. ff0n when the reader of hid mnpr mach ffood
. IO . j.-.j.-. .
aie anguishing: for information that Laxol is the best medicine
iae relatives or vin. xaaa win
do well to offer a liberal reward for
the conviction of the ghouls who
stole the body of the deceased mill
ionaire ; but it is to be hoped tbat
they will neither offer nor give one
cent. in the shape of tribute to the
fiends themselves. The paying of
blackmail to these wretches would
soon give an impetus to the grave
robbing industry, and no corpse
would be safe. '
Some of ' the Rossland mines are
.undoubtedly good ; but that mining
history is repeating itself is just as
they know lies hidden deep in
bathos beneath bis hat.
For the sake of a long-suffering
and anxious public, Tcny, remove
that embargo oa free speech and let
the liquid notes of melody come
for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi
Castor Oil.
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints .the
following in regard to an old resident of
tbat place : ."Frank McAvoy, for many
years in tbe employ of the L., N. A. &
C. Ey. here, says: 'I have used Cham
plunking on each Other's heels to our berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
enlightenment. . Remedy for ten years or longer am
Ti,.nA fi.n -;,Wo !,. never without it in my family. I take
o . - f
tol at Washington stalks the gloomy
and nnequaled-legged Corbett, hope
lessly hopeful', waiting the action of
the committee; waiting the gather
ing rush of those ten Democratic
senators to -bear him bay-wreathed
pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a
specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.'
Itch id k ud Blind, Bletfdinjr or Procrwdirjjr 11 Ictrttid atone:
vn DV-OMra-i o rikB KCmcUT. top itch-
Me. DivigUuirulj.
ttve cure. CircnLtr sent. fr-M PrlM
lH.UOS,AJ,k.O, fkiU.Po .
stubLing & WILLIAMl,
Jew. York Weekly Tribune
' FOB .
Farmers and Villagers,
. FOB ,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters.
All the Family.
' ' ' ' t ' ' -
' . : - ' - A
With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes ths
fact that the American people-are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day. and won its greatest victories.
Every posnible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLVTKIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indieseusable to each member of tbe family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75. .
Write your name and address on a postal card, snod it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
nne will be mailed to you.
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. . Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS. The D4113S, Oregon.
Regulator Line
Tie Dalles. Maui and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Regulator (6 Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood Elver, Cascade Locks and Port-
Una aaliy, except bunaay.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
, VIA- .
Spokane- -
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Are you going 1
. TO
If so. save money and enjoy a beautiful trio on
the Columbia. Tbe we- t-bound train arrives at
be Dalles in ample time for Dasseneers to take
tbe steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trxlna; East
bound passengers arriving in Tbe I)ales iu time
to take the East-bound train.
For further information apply to
N. HARNEY, Agent, : C
Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon,
,vOr W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
STEAMERS Leave Portland
Everv Five Kays for
For fuU details call on O. E A Co. Agent
Tba Dalles, or address . . -
W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt r
Portland, Oregon
E. M'NEILL President and Mana er
A. D. GCBtKlT. '
Attorney anfl Connsellor at Law
Practices In the State and Federal Courts ol
Oregon and Washington. jan 23-3mo
The New Time Card.
Under the new time card, which goes
into effect tomorrow, trains will move as
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at 6 p. m., leaves at 6:05 p. tn.
No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1 :15 a. m., de
parts 1:20 a.m.
No, 3, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives 8:30, departs 8:35 a. m.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. tn.
..Nob. 23 and 24, moving . east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 6:30 p. m., departs 12:45
p. m.
, Passengers for Heppner will take train
leaving here 6:05 p. m.