CD THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 19. 1897. VOL. VII. NUMBER 25. GOING TO D0M0K0S Turkish Troops Preparing for a General Attack. ARE PROBABLY BEFORE THE CITY Greek I ndrr General Sraolen.kl Bite Reoceaplea Almyros, Which Was Evacuated by the Turks. Constantinople, May 14. Official dispatches from Larissa dated yesterday sav the Turkish divisions- which are marching upon Domokos, Greek head quarters, occupied the villages of Hadk- jioamar(Hadzi Amari.Bekrilo, Karalar, Founar and Vardali. Vardali is only about five and one-half miles north of Domokos, and a little west of Sarissa. Consequently today the Turkish forces should be before Domokos. Even the Greek sailing vessels, which, with their careoes. have been captured by the Turkish war vessels, have been brought into the Dardanelles. Greek Keoccupy Almyros. Athens, May 14. Advices from bead quarters of the Greek army at Domokos announce lhat the Turkish forces are executing movements which are believed to foreshadow an attack upon the Greek position. It -s reported the Turkish left wing has evacuated Almyros, and is mov ing toward Pharsala, to the right of the rear of the place. General Smolenski, commanding the Greek right wing, Las reoccupied Almy ros, restoring telegraphic communication with Greek headquarters. Unless the rearward movement by tbe Turks is the result of the action of the is believed to indicate that'Edhem Pasha ia again concentrating his troops pre paratory to making a general attack upon tbe mam Greek stronghold. Operations'by the Greek.. New York, May H.-Il Herald dis- patch fronrCorfu says: -Twenty Italian volunteers'have arrived here and have proceeded to Athene. The Greek ships of war are bombard ing Prevesa and the Hellenic troops are advancing into Epirus; also upon Pre vesa. The fcxreek army in .bpirus has again taken the field. There have been land . ed at Louros 3000 soldiers with t wo field batteries, commanded by Colonel Bol zaris, who is advancing toward Prevesa. The Turkish troops in Prevesa took flight. Seven hundred troops are besieged in Nicopolis. In the skirmishes the Greeks lost 16 wounded and the Turks about 60. Colonel Bacrataris has left Arta with a force of 6000 men, and is marching on Philippidia. The Hellenic warships, protected the landing qt tbe troops by firing Friday. ' -' DCBKANI'S last card. Bis Attorneys Plead With Governor Budd for a Pardon. San Francisco, May ,14. Theodore Durrani, through his attorneys, will ask Governor. Budd today to pardon him, on the ground that the real murderer of Blanche Lamont has at last confessed his crime. The lawyers declare that they have not been hoaxed, nor is it their purpose to impose on the executive. They insist that in the person of John Rosenberg, a convict at San Qui n tin prison, they have discovered the man who is guilty of the horrors in Emanuel church. John Rosenberg has made a sworn confession before a notary public and in the presence of several witnesses that he killed Blanche Lamont at the insti gation of a stranger, and in consideration of the payment of $700 for my bloody work. It is with this sensation that the attorneys will strengthen their case at Sacramento today. The story and its details is one of tbe most remarkable that has developed in the case. - Rosenberg is a Russian sailor. and arrived here on a sailing vessel from Hamburg daring the last week of March, 1895, or on the first d'av of April. He is now serving a term for horsestealing, and appears to be sane. . . r Tbe Confession Is False. San Francisco, May 14. The alleged confession of Convict John Rosenberg, of San Quintin prison,' that be murdered Blanche Lamont is utterly discredited here, no one placing the least credence in it. - The police pronounce it a baseless fabrication. .The ship Hospidar, on which Rosenberg says he came -hither from Hamburg, arrived according to the records of the harbor commissioners, in November, 1895, bnt the police say - Bne arrived in June, 1895. in either case, ner arrival was suDsequent to the j murder ot Blanche Lamont, for which Durrani ia to fce hanged. - one was murdered in April, 1895, so Rosenberg could not possibly be her murderer. Too Transparent. . Dairy ma a, 'a Wife The cows gave more milk than usual to-night. Dairyman Yes;, but. I can explain that. It's kind of funny, but I actually forgot to milk them this morning at all until I li:l gone over the wholeroute. I noticed tho people seemed to gTurnble nore than usual when I filled their pitchers. Up-to-Date.- Little Eleanor's Frankness. Eleanor had been sent down to enter tain the young man until he bis; sis ter was ready.' "You cerkeiily lias a worry wed nose, Mr. Nicolls," she said, among otiher start ling things; "it'sawkful wed des' like sister's cheeks does you paint it wif a wed wose leaf or des' pinch? Sis ter does both." X. Y. World. An Indication. "Has your son taken up the higher mathematics?" inquired the friend. "I don't know for sure," replied the father, who was looking over a number of bills; "anyhow, he's getting a great deal more familiar with figures than he used to be." Washington Star. Geographical. Miss Beacon II Ml Dear me! Strange, but I cannot remember. Wihere is Dresden? Young Lakeside O, tfhat's easy.' In China. Saw the address in a show window to-day. Philadelphia Press, Accepted with Thanks. He I had my picture taken along with Nero, my big St. Bernard, you know. May I have the pleasure of pre senting you with a copy ? She Oh, I guess so. I always did ad mire a handsome dog. Tit-Bite. Agrreed. The Happy Man I tell you, old fel low, a man doesn't know what real hap piness is until he's married. Cynical Friend Then he it consists in being- single. Brooklyn Life. All Rlsrht In His Place. Yeast The office seeker is all right in his place. Crimson beak Right you are. ... Bmt tbfe trcHible is he pn't go there, "o jjfrere?" .;? " '.' "Home." Yonlitrs' Statesman. . ' It Was Trie Bine. "Guess it's goiug to rain," chirped the milkman, as he emptied his measure. The woman of the bouse threw a glance into the pan. "It looks like it," she said, sternly. X. Y. World. Explained. Hazel I wondoa- why so few take time by the forelock?. Xutite Because time's forelock usual ly lies -between the horns of a dilemma Brooklyn Life. In the Heat of the Conflict. He Do you think your judgment is as good as mine? She Oh, no, dear. Our choice of life partners proves that it isn't. IT.- Y. Journal. . Intended to Face Him. "Xow, when you ask papa for me, be sure to face him like a man." "You bet I will. He doesn't get any chance at my back if I can help it." Cleveland Plain Dealer. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ca9e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WeBt & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Drviggiste,. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly,' acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Testimonials free. - 1-5-9 Eavtb. Best lor Forts. Military engineers are practically agreed that no material for fortifica tions is superior to earth. When clay is not obtainable, as on the seashore, sand is collected in bags and these are laid in regular heaps along the line of the proposed fortification. The balls from t Jie enemy's cannon sink without doing damage, and shells explode harmless ly. Philadelphia Press. Brief Psalm of Life. What ardent friends were you and Gray! Tou wore each other's collars. But you lost him when, one luckless day. You lent him 40. Chicago Tribune.- BucKlen.'s Armn salve. The est salve in tie world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents (pgr box. For sale by Blakeleyand Houghton, druggists. HIS HEAD IS SWELLED Attitude of the Saltan Dis turbs the Powers! . X0T READY TO TREAT FOR PEACE Hesuinptlon of Fighting by Greeks. In EpirtM Bart the' Progress of Peace Negotiations. Losdox, May 15. The sultan's reply to the note of the ambassadors at Con stantinople, offering mediation, eaying he would be readv to discuss the matter after the greater Baira'm festival, which ends on Sunday night, justifies the fear that tbe powers have lost ground that iil not be easy to get back. Abdn Hamid is cool to the point of insolence. His attitude is that of a' sovereign with a powerful army behind him, and he is disposed to treat the powers cavalierly. Articles published in the semi-official press of tbe Continent show, that the in crease in tbe prestige of the sultan is tbe chief concern of fhe European cabi nets and that the prospects of an effect' ive enforcement of the .general reforms for the Turkish empire'are thereby rele- gated to the very distant' fntiue. The Journal des Debats declares that tbe result ot tbe war has been to place Turkev in a position she has not held for tbe past half-century, adding : "Her tremendous military enort is largely in excess of what tbe struggle against Greece required. It was done to refute tbe allegation of decrepitude and to demonstrate to tbe sultan's own sub jects and to those of tbe smaller states and to the great powers that Turkey is able to hold her own." The British, Russian and Austrian newspapers re-echo these remarks, and it is generally felt that this fact will have to be reckoned with in the negotia tions upon the conditions of peace. In the meanwhile, tbe postponement of the sultan's reply until after the great erBairam festival is interpreted as mean ing that his maiesty intends that his army shall continue its victorious ad vance until every strategic point on the Othrya mountain range is in the hands of the Turks, and- that only then will Edhem Pasha 'receive orders to stop fighting. The resumption of fighting by the Greeks in Epirus is regarded as a foolish move, and only furnishes Turkey with a plausible motive for refusing an armis tice. It also hurts tbe progress of the peace negotiations. The cabinets are also occupied with tbe difficult problem of how Greece will pay the war indemnity which Turkey seems certain to demand. M. Delyannis, the former Greek premier, in his newspaper, sanguinely argues that Greece cannot be expected to pay an indemnity because the Turks "declared the war officially without provocation." This view of the question is not shared elsewhere, and an international commission to adminis ter finances of Greece on the lines of a similar Turkish commission is mooted. The commission would, it is proposed, sit at Athena and take over the Greek customs for the purpose of liquidating the Greek debt and possibly for tbe war indemnity. ' -' NEW YORK'S DESTINATION. The Cruiser Being; Hurriedly Prepared . for a Zjong Sea Voyage. New York, May .15. Orders have been sent to Rear-Admiral Montgomery Sicard to have his flagship, the New York, made ready to go to sea from New York, at a moments warning, according to a Washington dispatch to the Herald. She is to fill up with coal to her full capacity. Tbe haste with which she is to prepare for sea may be judged from the fact that, although she needs about 170 tons to fill her bunkers to their full capacity, this amount . of fuel will be hurried on board tomorrow. , The New York's engines have been taken apart, and she is undergoing a thorough overhauling of her motive ma chinery at her moorings, off Tompkins ville, S. I., but the engineering force of the Crosier is doubtless already at ; work petting the engines together, and it is believed that she will be ready for sea by Monday next. Concerning the flagships destination nothing can be learned at the navy de partment, but that her departure from port has bearing on the Cuban cause is denied by the secretary. It does not seem possible that tbe recent routine order regarding target practice cover the case of the New York. Not only would there be no haste in getting her ready for sea ii target practice and gun exercise were all that was intended, but there would be no necessity for filling, np her coal bunkers. With about 1100 tons al-1 ready Btored, tbe nrusier could remain at j sea a couple ot weeks without running short of fuel. The rush to get the re mainder of her coal on board indicates a long voyage. ... : V - It bas been suggested that Consul-General Lee has renewed ' his request that a naval force be kept within a short dis tance of Havana for the protection of American citizens in that city against mob violence. There is no corroboration of this theory, bnt the belief among navy officers is strong that the New York is to oe neia in complete readiness to go to Key West at a moment's warning. More Trouble In Africa. . Paris, May 15. There are indications of a possibility of serious trouble between France and Morocco, owing to tbe incur sion of Moorish tribesmen into Algerian territory. The Moors recently revolted against the authority of the governor of Cudida, a town-near the French frontier, and on Tuesday attempted to sieze an Algerian village. Tbe French cavalry is being massed on the frontier of Morocco and two companies of zouaves and a number of tirratlleurs, with several field pieces, have been ordered to hold them selves in readiness to leave Oran, the port of Algeria nearest to Morocco. A rum or is also in circulation that 30 epahis (Arabian cavalry in the French service) were surprised by Moors near Magnhia, who fired several volleys at them. One of the saphis was wounded. It's a Whopper. Astoria, Or., May 15. What is be lieved to be the largest ealruon ever caught in the Columbia river was de livered at S. Elmore's packing-house in this city this morning. The monster was one of the truest and most perfect speci mens of royal Chinook salmon ever seen. in Astoria, hits actual measurement, from tip to tip, was 4 feet h inches, and bis largest circumference, three feet, the girth close to tbe tail being fully one foot. The spread of the tail was 1 foot 4 inches, and the exact weight, 81 Jo' pounds. On being cooked and packed the fish filled o dozen one pound cans!j - By the Sultan's Commands. Constantinople, May 15. At the command of the sultan, eleven wouuded Turkish soldier? were placed in the court of the Mosque yesterday while bis ma testy passed, upon the occasion of the Selamlik. - Greeks Returned Prom Crete Athens, May 15. Five hundred Greek soldiers and twenty officers arrived here today from the island of Crete. They received an ovation from the populace Greeks Bombarded Nlcopolis. Athens, Mav 15. The Greeks have been bombarding Nicopolis since early this morning. No Baro-alns. "Eternal vigilance," shouted the ora tor, "is the price of liberty!" The women electors exchanged glances. That is the same price as last year," they remarked, and shrugged their shoulders. There were no barguinst to be ti)a,d,and they lost interest in the proceedings. Odds and Ends. Almost the Same. . onie Is your husband as shy now as he was before you married him? Laura Almost, for then he used to hold his breath with fear, and he does it. just the same now when he comes home late from the cluD. r-icusourgu Daily News, How She Reasoned It. My dear," said Mrs. Foedick to her ten-year-old daughter, "you should not say ' 'teethlrush.. You should always say 'toothbrush.' " .'' - But, mamma," said the little girl, "1 brush all my teeth with it." N. Y. Trib une. The Why. I don't think I ever knew another husband t-c devoted as dinger." Presume not all the money's hers." Chicago Journal. ' Withered by Age. ' "Does that joke go?" asked the hu morist. "It used to," said fhe editor, "but it is too feeble, tow."-Brooklyn Life. A Good Reason.' Smyth What makes you .think Bog- gett is a good bookkeeper? Browne He never returned the-ones loaned him. N. Y. Tribune. old People. Old people who requiremedicine'to regulate the bowels and kidneys wrll find the true remedy .in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding .Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 BETTER MOVE WEYLER Congress Asked to Help the Destitute Americans'. PRETIDEXT M'KriiLEY'S MESSAGE Senate Votes the Money, Bnt Lower House Refuses Unless the Morgan Resolution Is With It. New York, May 17. -The Herald special from Madrid says : No doubt remains that the work Of pacification in the Philippine islands is at a standstill. The gravitv of the situ ation there has been fully revealed by corresponaent in .Manila, who gives many incidents with dates to 6how that the insurgents bands are still active He says : . " ' mere are.n.ore than o.UOO insur gents in arms between those in Southern Cuviteand those scattered, throughout the other provinces. They are getting ready to start another irregular war by which policy the expect to be able to re sist for a very long time. If it begins to raiu before the rebellion has been com pletely extinguished; the war will be come a chronic difficult v and ex Den sive." The govern'ment is trying to raise loan of $2o,000,000 for the expenses of the war in the Philippines. Madrid and Barcelona bankers are willing to lend the money on tbe following con ditions: . The issue must be made at 8K per cent, tbe bonds to bear 6 per cent interest and have the guarantee of the Spanish treasury besides that of the Philippine customs. As the govern ment has no authorization from tbe cortes to pledge the Spanish revenues the operatiou had been indefinitely postponed. - M'KINLEY TO THE RESCUE. Rccommeudatlons , for the . Relief of Americans in Cuba. Washington, May 17. President Mc- Kinley today sent to congress a message recommending that an appropriation of $50,000 be at once made, for the relief of destitute Americana in Cuba, and the removal to American soil of such as wish to come but are without means to make the journey. . In accordance with the president's rec ommendation, the senate passed without a. division, a resolution appropriating $50,000 for the purpose specified in the message. . In the house a similar resolution was presented, but Bailey of Texas. objected to its consideration without an amend ment embodying Senator Morgan's reso lution to recognize the belligerency of the insurgents. The resolution was therefore sidetracked. The cabinet also considered the Cuban matter today at a special meeting, and indorsed the recommendations of Presi dent McKinley regarding relief tneas nres. The president's message to congress was as follows : "To the Senate and House of Represen tative ot the United States "Official information from our consuls in Cuba establishes the fact that a large number of American citizens in the isl and are in a state of destitution, suffer ing for want of food and medicines. This applies particularly to the rural districts in the central and eastern parts of the island. The agricultural classes have been forced from their farms into the nearest towns, where tbey are with out work or money. Local authorities of the several towns, however kindly disposed, are unable to relieve the needs of their own people and are altogether powerless to help our citizens. . . "Tbe latest report from Consol-Gen-eral Lee estimates that from 600 to 800 Americans are without means of sup port. I have assured him provisions will be made to relieve them. - To that end, I recommend that, congress make an appropriation of not less than $50,000 to be immediately available for use under direction of the secretary of state. It is desirable . that part of the sum wljich may be appropriated by congress should, in tbe discretion of the secretary of state, also be used for the transporta tion of American citizens, who, desiring to return to tbe United States are with out means to do so. , . . '''. "William McKinlby, "Executive Mansion, May 17, '97." POWERS REPEAT THEIR REQUEST. The Porte A gain Asked to Grant An Armistice.' ' Constantinople May 16. (Delayed in transmission.)--Representatives of tbe powers yesterday drew up a note which Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud healthfulness. AssureH tbe food against alum and all forms of adulteradon common tn tha cheap brands. Rotai, Baking Powder Co. New York. will be presented to the Turkish govern ment as soon as one of the ambassadors receives the necessary instructions from his government. This note does not deal with peace condition3, but merely repeats the request for an armistice and, declares the powers will not permit Greece to be crushed. Although it is assumed in some quar ters that tbe porte, in' accordance with Eastern usages, bas demanded more in order to obtain less, it is pointed' out that ii the Turkish government desired to bargain it would not have formulated its condition officially. The powers have agreed to protest against tbe cession of Tbessaly to Turk ey and the abolition of capitulations. Tho Shakers have made a discovery ' which is destined to accomplish much good. Realizing that three.-fourths ot all of our sufferings arise from stomach troubles, that the country is, literally filled with people who cannot eat 'and digest food, without subsequently suffer- . ing pain and distress, and that many are starving, wasting to mere skeletons, because their food does them no good, they have-devoted" much'-tudT' 'nd" thought to the subject, and the result is this discovery of their Digestive Cordial. ' A little book can be obtained from ycur druggist that will point out the way of relief at once. An investigation will cost nothing and will result in much good. Laxol is tbe best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. . . A Battle in Uruguay. . New Yoek, May 17. A special to the. Herald from Montevideo say9 that official reports announce that General .' Villiers' forces had an engagement with the insurgents, commanded by tbe rebel leaders Lamas and Saravia. and defeat ed them with heavy loss. The battle lasted eight hours. The insurgents made a desperate resistance, but were compelled to retreat in disorder to tbe Brazilian frontier. The government regards the victory as decisive, and believes that the revolt has received its death blow. The Best Remedy for Bheumatlam. From the Falrhaven (N. Y.) Register. Mr. James liowiana oi . mis village, state that for twenty-five years his wife has lieen a sufferer from rheumatism.: A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for tbe doctor, but be bad read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of eOing for the doctor he went to the store and secured a bottle ot it. .. His wife did not approve of Mr. Row land's purchase at first, but neverthe less applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an , ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had nsed ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. . Killed While Bicycling. London, May 17. H. B. Chamber lain, of Denver, Colo., was killed while bicycling near .. Strains yesterday. Chamberlain was formerly president of the Chamberlain Investment Company,- Denver, and connected with several fie York insurance companies. . Something-to Depend On.. Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr: King's New Discovery," says that last winter his wife was attacked with LaGrippe, and her case grew so eerious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to ' develop into Hasty Consumption. Har- ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took sa bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from tbe first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds is. guaranteed to do this ' good work. Try it. f ree trial Dottles at siaxeiey sc Houghton's Drag Store. ;5)