The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 15, 1897, PART 2, Image 4

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    The dalles weekly chronicle. Saturday, may 15, 1897.
The Weekly
Morse is op
Mr. C.
from Hood
Miss Nettie tirimes retnrned to Port
land on the Regulator today
Mr. Frank Meredith is in -the city
from Salem visiting relatives.
Professor Fraiier of Dufor came in
from that pretty little town this morn
ing. .
Mr. Carl Gottfried left today for Ala
meda. Calif., where he will visit his
brother. . . '
Mrs. Tbornbury and Mrs. Hadson
went to Portland on the 8:30 train this
Mies Bertha Bnrkhardt came np from
Portland Monday, and is a guest of Mrs,
U. A. Liebe. .
Mrs. E. Jensen went to Hood River
this morning, where she will visit for
some time. ,
Mm. Emerv Oliver and little son are
in the city from Portland, visiting her
parent., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sylvester,
Mr. Harrv Morse, who has been in
Portland under the doctor's cure for the
nast few weeks, has returned much
Dr. Logan arrived home this morning
after nearly a month's ansence. tie at
tended clinics in New York City, and
the meeting of the railway surgeons in
Chicago, mixing business and pleasure,
and having a very pleaeant visit
, Thursday.
Mrs. Roffeno is dangerously ill with
typhoid fever.
Judge Bradehaw arrived home from
Crook county last night.
Mr. O. W. Mielke of Portland is in
the city in the interest of the O. T. & T
Deputy Sheriff Kelley is still confined
to his bed. but expects to be able to re'
tame bis da ties within a day or two
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Burgess arrived on
the 6 o clock train from Portland last
night, and are registered at the Uma
Mr. W. G. Ronald, representing the
endowment rank of the K. of P, is in
the citv. and will lecture at K. of P,
hall tonight.
Mr. J,. A. Perkins has accepted a posi
tion in bmith s general merchandise
store at Arlington, and leaves for that
place tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Oaks returned from
Walla Walla last night, and will remain
a day or two before returning to their
borne at Mitchell
Mr. Wm. 'Pohl, coroner of Clatsop
county, was one of the members of the
grand court of the Foresters of America,
which met here this week. While here
he was the guest of bis brother-in-law,
Mr. Julius Wiley. He left for home
this morning.
San Francisco Market.
There is nothing to report in this mar
ket. The trade is pursuing a waiting
policy, and exporters claim that they
bave finished shipping for the season
and are entirely out of the market. All
are anxiously watching the growing
crops, and from advices to hand spring,
sown has been backward and the acre'
age will hardly be np to the average, al
though, of' course, it is much too early
to attempt a forecast even 'in that par
ticular. Continued absence of rain after
the hot spell caused damage to the grow
ing grain in the state, and the excellent
prospect has been cut down materially
Some eay the loss is large and irrepar
able, but this view of the matter is from
' the speculative standpoint. Conserva
tives claim that a good shower will add
10 per cent., at least, to the yield, and
no one denies that the work of recupera
tion is proceeding slowly now under
cloudy skies and cool weather. Unless
further misfortune should intervene,
' the result is not likely to be within that
of last season, notwithstanding claims
to the contrary. Prices on futures add
shipping are strong. Quote No. 1 ship
ping $1.35 per cental, milling $1.37
Flour market quiet and exports light.
Prices firm and quoted at $4.754.65;
Oregon extras t5.105.65 per barrel, net
. cash.
A Washington Bcandal.
Startling sequel of a United States
senator's unholy alliance comes from
Washington, a story about which some
novelist could write a thrilling book. It
is one of those storien that have to be
told without names, although tbey could
be given. It would bring too much
trouble upon innocent people. Twenty
Tears ago a United States senator bad a
mistress in the pension department.
When a daughter came, the senator paid
young man of respectable family a
handsome sum to marry the mother of
the child. . They removed, and the sen
ator, failing of re-election, also left
Washington. The young man prospered
aud became wealthy. -The daughter is
sow visiting influential friends in Wash
ington.. A son of the senator, who is
there in official life, met the young lady.
. proposed marriage and was accepted.
The parents, to the astonishment of the
young people, strenuously objected; the
mother of the young lady went at once'
to the city, and it is announced that she
and the daughter will sail for Europe.
The young man vows he will follow. The
few who know the facts are wondering
if they'can be separated without letting
' them know thev are brother and sister.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
ConntT Conmllllooert' Court.
Following is the list of bills allowed at
the May term: . ,
CC Hobart, remittance taxes. . .$ 6 30
R V Hardwick, labor on county
road -
Mabel G Mack, clerical services. .
AM Kelsay, salary
Simeon Bolton, deputy clerk
Robt Kellev. deouty sheriff .
' 3 00
46 00
166 66
100 00
100 00
J Fitzgerald, ianitor 60 00
CLPbillins, treasurer 66 66
C L Gilbert, school supt 75 00
M M Cushing, keeping county
poor . . . , . 125 00
Wm Jordan, rebate on tax 3 57
James L Langille, rebate on tax. 4 45
Erwin-Hodson Company.records,
$225.55; allowed 206 30
Meston & Dygart, records 18 00
Glass & Prudnomme, records $43,
allowed , 25 50
George D. Barnhard & Co, rec
ords $22, allowed...
Ward & Robertson, use of team. .
V Winchell, viewing road.. .. ..
C J Hayes, services deputy as
sessor W H Whipple, assessor salary. . .
12 00
6 50
2 00
60 00
212 00
Dalles City Water Works, water.
10 75
E Jacobsen, mdse sheriff. ....... 5 70
Mary S Myer, clerical services.,'. - 4 00
C L Gilbert, school supt 150 00.
J F Hawortb, supplies sheriff. . . 75
J H-Aid rich, coroner's fees 7 90
Timothy Miller, coroner's jnror. . 1 00
VV E Hergaton, do do . . 1 00
T B Hodxon, da do . . 1 00
J F Atwell, do . do . . 1 00
R Schmidt, do do . . 1 00
John Treno, do do . . 1 00
Dr Candiana, medical examiner. 5 00
A Frank, digging graye 3 00
B Glazier, burying pauper . 3 00
A M Barrett, coffin pauper 6 00
Ed Sweetland, witness coroner.. 1 50
Wm Frizzell, team hire 1 50
Frank Hall, do do 50
Mrs Davis, board pauper $21, allowed...-
10 50
Pea s & Mavs. supplies pauper. . 33 97
Sinnott & Fish, lodging pauper. . 3 00
Oraiiirall it Bnrsett. burial Da a
per 20 00
F LaPier, assistance for pauper. . 14 95
F W L Sfcibbe, board pauper. ... 2 00
A Dietrick. medical services...-. . 5 00
J H Cross, supplies pauper. ..... 2 75
Qneu Tai Co. washing for jail...- 2 00
J H Cross, washing machine. . . . 3 2o
M E Hitchcock, room rent nau-
por.. 4 00
MayB & Crowe, sundries 130 77
Geo H Kiddell. road supervisor
9.V llnrrl - 6 00
Geo M Wishart, road supervisor. 20 00
J B Goit, surveying b4 ou
J R Woodcock, viewing road 2 00
J H Sherar do do 2 00
Martin Wing. do do 2 00
J B Me A tee, chainman 2 00
W W Patison, do 2 UO
A Lake, marker 200
Chris Dethman, viewing road. . . " 2 00
Wm Ehrick do do . .. 2 00
S Copple. do do . . . 2 00
D H Sears, chainman. i 2 00
J C Porter, do 2 00
J S Harbison, viewing road . . . 2 00
S Cot do do 2 00
F M Jackson, do do 2 00
O I Stranahan, chainman 2 00
J P Watson, chainman 2 00
H P Langille, marker 2 00
K 0 Brosius, viewing road 2 00
W A Langille, do do 2 00
E L Smith, do do 2 00
OL Stranahan, chainman 2 00
J P W atson, chainman 2 00
H Dukes, viewing road 2-00
J Wilson, do do 2 00
J P Watson do do 2 00
O L Stranahan Schainman 2 00
H N Dukes. do ' 2 00
H D Langille, do 2 00
Virgil Winchell, viewing road. .. ' 2 00
S Copple. do do . . . 2 00
Wm Ehrck, 1 do do . . . 2 00
A Paasch, chainman 2 00
John Schactcte, chainman 2 00
T C Dallas, supplies Dist 4 3 20
hi K Kussell, work on road oO OU
W b Jackson, appropriation for
road (not allowed' 50 00
Jos T Peters, supplies for road. . . 6 65
Oregon Talophone & Tel Co, rent 11 80
Hugh (jienn, work ou courtnouee 8 bU
James Benson, work countv road 5 00
Ed Waddle, do do lo 00
John Ryan, do do 35 00
Joel KoOntz, do do 77 50
GeoC Blakeley, asst pauper .. ..' 3 50
Chkoniclk Pub Co, printing 39 00
G W Phelps, justice fees, $27.10. 2d 50
Charles Lauer, constable fees. ... 13 60
Mrs Abbie Pbares,. wit jus court
Mrs J P Toomey,
W a Calvin,
J B Hand.
John Hollett,
Ed Davenport,
Mrs Turner,
John Hardwick,
T B Kent, district attorney fees.
A A Jayne, distfetty fees, $55.95.
40 95
13 35
W n Butts, coroner fees
H M Donnell, juror inquest
A Lauer
L 8 Davis,
F N Hill,
I J Norman,
D 8 Dufur,
C B Welch, witness. .
J S Winzler, witness.
J H Aldrich, justice fees, $12.70. 12 45
A M Barrett, coroner fees 3 00
W Branetator, witness 1 00
John Branstator do
C A Stewart, do
Wm rnzzell, do
M Filloon, justice fees $53.90. ,
24 00
Mrs Belle Rogers, wit jus court 150
W H Butts, do do 1 50
W H Young, do do 1 50
B Thurston, do do 1 50
F Connelly, do do 1 50
E Kurtz, do do 1 50
Mrs Walters, do do 1 50
A L Brittain, do do 1 60
Henry Davidson, do do 2 30
L Marquis, . - do do 2 30
Dalles Lumbering Co, wood for
pauper and lumber for county
roads .. 26 29
B R Tucker, lumber for dist 4 20 19
W . H Wilson, professional ser
vices 20 00
A S Blowers & Co, sundry bills. . 19 90
C E Dethman, supervisor district
4 $25, allowed...: .. -20 00
J? Sharp, juror circuit court 2 00
Wm Floyd, do do do 13 00
Matthews. do do do 2 00
E M Waterman, witness circuit . .
court : 2 00
V C Moore, witness circuit court 4 00
N P Moore, dodo da 4 60
Stockmen's Union, bounties on
wild animals 110 00
Nets Alsen, bounty on animals 2 00
G Binns, do do 4 00
LesterMarquIs, do do 1 00
FFKirkbeimer, bounty on ani
mals , 3 00'
Clyde Snodgrass, bounty on animals
1 00
1 00
1 00
10 00
M B Zomwalt.boonty on animals
G W Snow,
Ed Bothwell,
Kwd Erich,
Win Morris,
W SGribble,.
James C Johnson, bnty onanimls
R F Wickham. do do
Thomas Denton, do
Thomas Bolton, do
Ralph Doyle, do
Rov Taylor, do
Eugene Williams, do
D C Floyd, do
John Dalryraple, do
GJC Eyans,
W H Taylor,
Roy F Taylor,
Ed Wilson, .
J H Sherar,
Wm Underwood,
F H Woodcock,
Jesse La n try, '
August Reese,
G W Burlingame,
H Snipes,
- do
10 00
1 00
8 00
1 00
2 00
7 00
1 00
41 00
1 00
1 00
8 00
10 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
6 00
1 00
1 00
12 25
W A B Campbell.
W S Gribble,
N P Moore,
M A Cushing,
C E Conkling,
Indian Jake, t
George Thompson,
C F Denton,
F C Clausen,
James Darniellt;,
O L W alter,
C E Spencer,
D D Nelson,
EP Butler,
Stockmen's Un'on
Pease & Mays, supplies pauper.
Times-Mountaineer, publishing.
J P Watson, supervisor dist 26
3 10
$25, allowed 20 00
T J Driver, bill rendered 163 28
E Pumphrey. caring for pauDer. . 5 00
T A Wilbelm, use of polling place
$5, allowed 2 50
A Keller, room for pauper .8 00
W R Winans, work on road $5,
not allowed
Johnson Bros.'snpplies pauper. . 5 30
W H Moore, coffin tor pauper. . 10 00
Johnson Bros, supplies pauper. . 10 30
R J Pilkington, medical services
J45.20: not allowed
S M Baldwin, messenger-. 7 00
S M Baldwin, use of polling place 2 50
A Fields, supervisor district 30. . 20 00
H H Tomlinson, lumber for dis
trict No 23. .' 8 00
A S Blowers, services county com
missioner 13 40
TJ Driver, salary 216 66
First Stranirer 'i (here's no use talk
ing;, these horse-dealers can fix a
horse up so you can't tell what you are
Second Stranger That's so. There's
one now that 111 bet the fellow who
buys him will gt;t sick of.
First Stranger Oh, no tint horse is
all right! I've just bought him.
Second" Stranger Well, I ought to
know. I've just sold him. Golden
Days. .
Authoritative. . '
Miss Prim Mrs. Dc Fashion. I want
to aslc you a question. Some autiharities
nay cheese should be eaten with a fork,
and some sav with the fingers, the
same as bread. Now, which is right?
Mrs. De Fashion Both are right, my
clear. New cheese should be handled
with the fork, but very old cheese
should be taken'in the fingers. It might
wriggle off the fork. X. Y. Weekly.
Snd Came.
Good people, Ulndly shed a tear or two
Or sympathy ror Lncle miiy sands.
Who KOt the rheumatism In his arms
-Because his time nuns heavy on his
Chicago Tribune.
Mrs. Ostrich So you are the sucker
I've been laying for? Up-to-Date.
Flnxhed the Game.
A spinster called him "Birdie, dear!"
And he fled Into the night.
For, though he had r.o, It's clear
- He was "fly" enough for flight.
Chicago Times-Herald.
For Ssle.-
Yearling sheep (1000 bead,) sound and
in prime condition, Price $l.o. Ad
dress, J, M. Davis,
v-mllf Sberars Bridge, Oregon. .
Do you want yonr windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
Phone 119." - , aio-tf '
sell Hoe Cake
soap. Pease &
This Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
( Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren St., New York City.
Her. Johnlteid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Fly's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Kev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
Old Woman Who Hunts
the Precious Metal.
Report Says She Ru a Rich Hoard
m.m the Result of Many Years
of Hard Work end
Pragma Living-
Mary Odom, gold hraaler, lives in a lit
tle cabin on the mountain side, about a
mile from Auraria, the ancient mining
town, of north Georgia, whose best days
were those prior to the discovery of
sold in California in 3.5-19. The cabin
was built by a miner named Odom, and
when, the excitement in California be
gan he bade his wife and daughter Mary,
then a girl 12 years old, farewell, and
started west. His family neveY beard
from him. again.
His wife managed to support herself,
and, having some knowledge of gold
mining, taught Mary how to wasn the
golden grains from the sand in the beds
of the mountain The two were
quite successful and gathered a great
deal of gold dus.J t hen. Mary was 16
ytars old her mother died. That was in
1652, and the United States mint was
still in operation at Dahlonega. . Mary
soon grew expert in finding gold, and
many a pennyweight did she carry to
the mint. Having disposed cf it, she
secreted, invariably, half her profits in
the cabin at the mouth of the gulch
above Auraria.
The, war cair.e on and the. mint was
broken up and for four years Mary
Odcm had a hrd time of it. The con
federate government needed all the
money it could get arid the tithe gather
ers -made frequent visits to her'cabin
in search of gold; but she was able to
keep her hoard hidden. After the war
matters settled down a little, and when
she was assured of the protection of the
civil authorities she went about her
work boldly and devoted all the time
that she could spare from the cultiva
tion of her little patch of cleared land
to the business of gold hunting. The
richet deposits had been worked over
r.o much that they .were not so profit
able as they had been when she first be
gan to wash gold in. the mountain
streams. . She lived very frugally and
raised her own crops of corn, cabbage
and potatoes, and spun and wove her own
clothing. . She has always kept up the
habit of putting aside half ber findings,
whether they were large . or small.
Sometimes . her washings would not
amount to "much during the week, but
if she secured only 50 cents she would
put aside a quarter and spend the rest,
piecing out her wants by going into
debt. She is now in her sixty-first year,
and she has hoarded away a sock filled
with gold dust, which she has shown to
some of her most trusted friends,' and
is worth several thousand dollars. Still
she keeps at work, anl on any fair day,
when not busy about her cabin, she
rscy be seen tramping over the hills in
search of gold. She will tuck up her
homespun skirt and stand knee-deep
in the chill waters-, of the mountain
streams all day long washing the sand
end gathering up the shining particles.
' "It ain't so easy as it wer' 40 year
ogo," she said, as she smoothed back
her iron-gray locks from her forehead,
"but I kin make a purty good livin
cut'rt it yit. I've seed the day when I
cculd wash out f'om four to five penny
weights a week, but I hardly everstrike
sich a streak as thafnowadays. I 'spect-
cd, pap to come home old an' po' fur
yCara a'ter he leF fur California, but I
dene gin up all hopes now. I seed 60
many o' them po' ol'.fellars come back
broke down' 'thout noth'n to live on 'at
i imxugni; i a save up pan ot an l ioun
so's to he'p 'im. out w'en he come back,
an that'si bow I come to save np my
little pile. The Lord knows hit's little
nough, in spite o what folks saya Tjout
my bein' a rich 'oman an' all sich as
that." N. Y. Sun. ,
Find Near the Town of
. a Red Bad. - .
Preparations are being made to ex
plore a cave which was recently found
by some hunters, who accidentally dis
covered it while chasing a wounded
wildcat. The cave is situated Li the re
gions known as the "sink holes," eight
miles west of Bed Bud, HI. The en
trance is about seven feet in diameter,
but after entering the size varies, it
being 20 to 25 feet to the ceiling in some
places. The ceiling is studded with
large stalagmites. Large rocks project
from the sides of the cave and are cov
ered with inwumerable white points,
which by a. dim light resemble stars.
The width does not vary so much, as it
is about 16 feet wide at all points.
In the center of this cave, flows a
stream, of clear water, which contains
numerous small, eyeless fish. A num
ber of them were caught and placed on
exhibition'here, but they lived only a
few daj's. . The depth of the stream is
from 20 to 30 feet. About two miles
from the entrance it empties into a
large Jake, which varies in depth from
five to 40 feet and lies' beneath a .ceil
ing about 100 feet from its surface.
' Recently an exploring party had a
small boa t made and attempted to cross
this lake, but after going nearly half a
mile from shore decided to return.
There are a great many crevices in the
rocks, and it was in some of these that
the skeletons of wild animals were
found, supposed to be those of the wolf.
Snakea of all kinds makeithis cave their
home in winter. Chicago Xews.
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the
following in'regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many
years in the employ of the L., N. A. &
C. By. here, says: 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in my family. I take
pleasure in recommending it.' " It ia a
specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
In Curing
Ccricinu Renvois are aoUl ijrosgbout tne
world. Price, Ci.'Tiuuka. oc ; Soap, Ub
' solvent. $1. Potter Druu and Cusm. otu.,
Bole Piops., Boston, C. S. A. " All about im.
Biosd, bkin, Bcalp, and Hair," free-
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given, that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof, will bold a public ex
amination at the county court house in
Dalles City, beginning Wednesday, M
12th, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 1st day of May, 1897.
C. L. Gilbert,
School Supt.
, For Sale or Trade.
A desirable ranch of 160 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mares, harness, wagons, plows and other
property. Fine fruit land and abun
dance of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. 8. Mac Allisteb,
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. ,
Chbonicle office, The Dalles, Or.
Yellow washing powder , will make
your ciotnes tne same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
white. ' v a2-3m . -
Sheriff's Sale.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County.
F. D. Greene. Plaintiff, '
J. L. Story. Lucretia Story and Dalles City, Dfta.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale la-
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated: the 30th day of March, 1897, upon a
judgment and decree for the foreclosure of
certain mortti?e8, rendered and entered in said
court on the 22d day of March, 1897, in the above
entitled cause, in favor of the plaintiff and
Hgainst the defendants, J. L. Story and Lucretia
Story, as judgment debtors, in the sum of $983.60,
with interest thereon at the rate of eight per
cent per annum irom tee 'ria aay oi Marcn, isav,
and the further sum of $75 attorney's fees, and
the further sum of $31.70 costs and disburse
ments of suit; and further in favor of the de
fendant Dalles f'lty and against the defendants
J. L. Stoiy and Lucretia Story, as judgment
debtors in the sum of $546.11, and the further
sum oi $5 costs of suit, and farther the costs of
and on said writ of execution ; and command
ing me to make sale of the real property em
braced in said decree of foreclosure and order of
sale and hereinafter described, I have duly
levied on and will, on the 3d day of May. 1897;
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
county courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell at public auction , to the
highest bidder, for cash in nana, all the right,
title and interest which the said i. L. Story and
Lucretia Story, or either of them, had on the 1st
dav of January. 1889. the date of the mortgage of
plaintiff foreclosed herein, or which such de-
ieuuanis, ur any ui fcuir ucicuuhuib ueccui, unvv
since acauired or now have. In and to the fol
lowing described real property, situate and being
in tne uounty oi tvasco, state or uregon, v-wii:
Lots numbered eleven f U) and twelve (12 1 in
block twenty (20) of Gates Addition to Dalles
City, Wasco County, Oregon, or so much thereof
as will satisfy said above mentioned and de-
scrioea judgments, attorney s iees ana costs.
Snid property will be sold subject to confirma
tion by said Circuit Court and to redemption, as
bv law nrovided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 31st day of
Aiarcn, mn. .
ipr2-ii '. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon
Assignee's Notice , Final "Se Itlement
Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslgned,
assignee of the estate of R. E. Williams, an in
solvent debtor, nas niea nis nnai accouut auu
renort In said assignment with the Clerk of the
Cirr-uit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, and that the same will be called up for
hearing before the Judge of said Court on the
first day of the next regular term of said Circuit
Court, to-wit: On Monday, the 24th day of May,
1897. or if the same cannot be heard by said
Court at said time, as soon thereafter as the
same can be heard by said Court.
jjatea this lbtn aay oi April, it?y.
As Bignee of the estate of R. E. Williams, an
insolvent debtor. ad7-5t-ii
Adniinistrator's Final Account.
Notice is hereby given that the nnderslgned.
administrator of the estate of J. D. Griffiji, de
ceased, has filed his final account, and that
Monday, the 3d day of May. 1897. at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., has been appointed as the time
for hearing objections thereto and the settle
ment thereof. All heirs, creditors or other per
sons interested in said estate are herebv notified
to file their obiections to said final account. 11
any tbey have, on or before the day appointed -J
ror tne neanng tnereor.
Dalles City. Oregon, March 25, 1897.
mc27-4t-ii E. A. GRIFIN, Administrator.
Notice of Filial Settlement '
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased, has filed his final report and account
in said estate, and that Tuesday, the 4th day of
May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'olgck p. m. of said
day at the County court room, in the county
court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore
gon, has been appointed by said conrt as the
time and place for bearing said final account
Dated this 25th day of March, 1897.
Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor
don, deceased. aprS-ii
IS THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County.
Alfred Crebbin, Plaintiff,
8arabP. Cartwright, a widow; J. P. Cartwright,
a single man; Adelin Dodge and L. O. Dodge,
her tmtbind: Iva Taylor and Joseph Tavlor,
.her hubband; Addle Bridges and Jerome
Bridges, her husband; Charles Simpson, a
widower; Kthel Hunt, a widow; Elva Vos
burg and He ry Votburg, her husband; Car mo
Simpson, u nnarri-d; Zuma Simpson, unmar
ried; and Vera Simpson, unmarried, sole heirs
at law of Theodore cartwright, deceased; Jar
vis Conkliu Mortgage Tmst Company, a cor
poration, Kolmid K. Conklin ai d Joseph C.
Willetti-, receivers, and North American Trust
Company, a corporation, defendants.
To Charles Simpson, Ethel Hunt, Elva Vosburg,
Henrv Vburg, Koland R. Conklin Joseph C.
Willetts, Jorvl Conklin Mortgage Trust Com
pany, a PorporutU u, and North American
Trust Company, a corporation, defendants:
In the.rnine of Iho State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby icntiired to appear and
ai s er the amended complaint filed against you
in the above entitled caus by the first day of
the term of the above entitled court following
tbe-expiration of the time piese-ibM in the or
der of t-aid court for the pub Icstinn of this sum
mons, viz: Six weess' publication thereof, be
ginning on the 10th day of Aptil, 'S1. the first
day of said term of said court being the 2ith day
of May, 1S97; and if you fail s- to appear and
answer pbttntifrs said amended I'on'iplaiut, the
plaintiff Kill apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in bis said amended compliant, to
wn: . .
For a jndgment against the defendant Sarah P.
Cartwright for the sum of $2175.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the first day of Juiuiarv, S90, computed
semi-annually, less a credit of $J5fi.7aon account
of interest, and for the further sum of $2o0.00 at
torney's fees, and for the furrher sum of $69.57,
taxes paid for the years 189:!, 1891 aud ISM, with
interest thereou at the rate of eight per centner
annum from the 27h day of January, 1897, and
for his costs and disbursements of this suit.
For the usnul decree of foreclosure of the mort-
fage set forth and described in plaintiffs amen
id complaint, and for the sale of the mor'gaged
premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: .
The southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter, and the northwest quarter of Section No.
eighteen, To nship one north, Range fifteen east,
W. M, , containing 220 and 6-100 acres.
That the proceeds of said sale may be applied
to the payment of the amount due to the plain
tiff as principal, intere. t. taxes, attorney's fees
and costs and nisbursements and the expenses
of resale; that said defendants and each ind
all of them, and all persons claiming by, through
or under them, er any of them, subsequent to
the execution of said mortgage, be forever barred
and foreclosed ot all right, title and Interest in
aud to said mortgaged premises and the whole
thereof; that the plaintiff have execution
against the defendant Sarah P. Cartwright for
any deficiency which may remain after the ap
plication of the proceeds of the sale of said
premises applicable to the payment of said judg
ment; that the plain tin" or any of the panies to
said suit may become purchasers at said sale,
and that the purchaser be let Into the full pos-
sherifi's certificate of sale, and that the plaintiff
have such other and further relief as may be
equitable and just.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for six weeks In The Dalles Chboh
iclk beginning April 10th, 1897, by Older of Hon.
W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the 7th judicial dis
trict of the State of Oregon, msde in chambers
at Dalles City, Oregon, the 10th dav of April,
1897. W. H. WILSON,
aprlO-ii ' Attorney for Plaintiff.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Wasco.
B. A. Osgood, Plaintiff, ' '
Ida Dunn, 8pencer W. Dunn. Geo. H. Dunn
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn and N.
Whealdon, as administrator of the estate of
Wm. H. Dunn, deceased, Defendants.
To Ida Dnnn, Spencer W. Dunn, Geo. II. Dunn,
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn and N.
Whealdon, as administrator of the (.state of
Wm. H. Dunn, deceased, Defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and answer the coal,
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the ser
vice of thi summousapou you, if served within
this conuty; or if served within any other
county of this State, then within twenty days
from the date of the service of this summons
upon you; or if served uuon you by publication,
then on or before the fit st da; of the i cxt regular
term of said court; and if you fail so to answer,
for want thereof tbeplatntiff will take judgment
against you. the said Ida Dunn, for the sum of
$491 in U. B. gold coin, and interest thereon, in
like coin, from March SO, 1893, at the rate of
eight per cent per annum; and for the further
sum of $300, in like coin, and interest, in like
mi ti a, 1 ha ) ta n f ai r T twr ,,nl rw, unnnm
f romr February 1. 1892; and for the further sum
of $80 attorney's fees; and for his costs and dis- '
bnrsements herein: and for a judgment and de-
Lice ajoiiion an ui cuiu utri.iiunuio tun c au iiiu
real property described in the complaint, to-wlt-all
of lot ti, aud the east half of lot 5 or block SI
of Humason's Bluff' Addition to Dalles City,
Oregon, be sold, and the proceeds thereof be ap
plied upon said judgment; and that each and
all of said defendants be forever barred-und fere
closel of all righr, title and interest in or to
said premises and lands.
This summons is served upon you, the said
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn, by order of
Hon. W. I. Bradshaw, judge of said court, dated
April 9, 1897.
aprlO-ii " Attorney for Plaintiff.
IN THE COUNTV COURT of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of James McGahan,
deceased Citation.
To Jacob McGahan, James McGahan, John Mc
Gahan, Laura McGahan, Elva McGahan, Mary
El leu Hughes, Elizabeth MeGabaU and Kate
Shumake, heirs and legatees, and Mrs. Hannah
Ward, legatee, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you ore
hereby cited and required to appear lu the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof,at The Dalles,
in the County of Wasco, on Monday, the 3d day
of May, 1897, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, then and there to show cause, if any there
be, why an order of sale should not be mnde and
entered herein, directing the executor of the last
will and testament of said deceased, to sell the
real property belonging to said estate, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of Section eight, Town
ship one south. Range fourteen East, W. M., the
same being the real pioperty described in the pe
tition of the executor of said estate filed herein.
This Citation is served upon you, the said Ja
cob McGahan, James McGahan, John McGaham, '
Laura McGahan, Elva McGahan, Mary Ellen
Hughes, Elizabeth McGahan and Kate Shumake,
heirs of James McGahan, deceased, by order of
the County Jnoga of Wasco county, Oregon,
made on the 23d day of March, 1897.
Witness, the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the
County Court ot the State oi Oregon, for
sxal the County of Wasco with the Seal of
said Court affixed this 23d day of March,
A. D., 1897.
Attest: . A. M. KELSAY, Clerk.
m27-ii By Sim ron Bolton, Deputy
Notice ofJheriiFs Sale.
: Notice Is herehv riven that by virtue of an
execution and the oider of sale issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, on the 8d day of March, 1897, upon a
decree and judgment made, rendered and en
tered theretoiore inerein in a suit wuenriu
George A. Liebe was plaintiff and Lizzie Baxter
and Lizzie Baxter, as administratrix of the es
tate of Hugh M. Baxter, deceased, were defend
ants, I did duly levy upon and will sell at the -front
door of the county courthouse in Dalles
Citv. Wasco County. Oregon, on Satnrday, the
3d day of April, 1897, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon oi saia aay, at puouc auction to tne ;nign-
est bidder for cash in hand, the following de
scribed real estate, described in said execution
and order of sale, and described as follows to ,
wit: "
The KW of NEK "id NKof KWj and S of
NJ4, Sec 8, Tp 3 8 R 13 E, W. M., in Wasco
uounty, uregon, togemer witn me lenemenw,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or so
much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the
amounts due upon said writ, to-wit: The sum.
of $4609.16, together with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum since the 8th
day of February ,'1897; and the further sum of
$15 costs in said suit, together with accruing in
terest and expense of sale
Dated at The Dalles, Or., this 5th day of
March, 1897. "
r. J. univLn.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.