The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 24, 1897, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Gtooniele.
Mrs. C. C . Hobart ia confined to her
bed from nervous prostration.'
Mr. and Mrs. Rufeno will arrive from
Portland on the Regulator tomorrow
Bight. '
Mrs. Col. Nye arrived from Prineville
last night and went on to roruana on
the" Regulator this morning.
Aivah W. Patterson, who has been
connected with the Henpner Gazette for
several years, left Heppner Monday for
Indianapolis, where he wiu attend me
law school. He may return to Oregon
when his law course is completed, but
. at present has no definite plans.
'' ' " Thursday.
Mies Botorff returned from Portland
yesterday, having gone down to bear
Fanny Davenport.
Mr. Josh French arrived home from
San Francisco laet night, coming np on
the Dalles City. He bad been away since
last November.
Mrs. Mary French returned last night
from San Francisco, where she has
spent the winter. She will remain here
during the summer.
Professor E. H. Pratt, A. M,', M. D
LLD., a noted surgeon ot Chicago, will
be a passenger on this evening's boat, a
truest of Dr. Esheiman. Dr. Pratt has
been operating at the Portland Hospital
lor several days in ine presence 01 a
large class of physicians. Dr. Esheiman
is well pleased 'with the operations and
instruction given by this great surgeon
Friday. .
Miss Carrie Ketcbom has returned
from Portland, where she has spent the
Mr. C. J. Van Dnyn is in from Tygh
Attorney W. B. Presby is over from
Col. Pike arrived from Goldendale at
noon today.
Mr. T. Balfour of Lyle is registered at
the Umatilla.
I. N. Taffe is down from the Grand
Duchy of Celilo.
. Mr. B. S. Huntington is at Baker City
on a business trip.
Mr. John S. Hollingshead of Antelope
is registered at the Umatilla.
Mr. Ed M. Williams returned from
business trip to Kingsley this morning.
Messrs. W. H. Moody and R. H. Ions
dale were passengers for Portland this
Mis9 Minnie Michell went to Portland
this morning to see Fanny Davenport in
Mr. Victor Marden returned yester
day from the metropolis, where he took
in the theater.
Mr. J. P. Jones, traveling passenger
agent of the southern Pacihc railroad,
was in the city last night.
Miss Georgia Sampson ' accompanied
Miss Eliot to Portland today, and.will
visit with her for a few days.
JL Harked Exhibition of It Witnessed
by a Katnrallst.
Even the cold-blooded and clammy
- enake evinces maternal affection, and I
am fortunately able to produce evl
tlence corroborative of this statement
that is fresh in my memory. On March
29, while seated on my front porch, I
noticed one of my dogs, a yearling
- puppy, acting in a peculiar way in my
avn. wits firrliTif nr-minn n small
circumscribed spot, every now and
. then thrusting his nose toward the
ground and then quickly jumping
On approaching the animal I discov.
ered that the object of his playful as
saults was a bunch or ball of snakes, a
. three or four-year-old mother and her
last year's brood of young. The day
was very warm, the sun shining clear
and bright and these creatures had
emerged from their den or nest in the
ground, a foot or so away from the spot
where they were lying, and were sun
ning themselves. When they observed
me they made an attempt to regain
their nest. I killed two of them, how
ever, before they, could enter. I had
read somewhere that if. a snake's young
were taken and their bodies dragged
ulong the ground the" mother snake
would follow the trail and, if she found
them alive, would conduct them back to
the nest. I took the two which I had
killed, and after dragging them along
the turf, deposited them on the pave
ment some 50 feet from the den. I then
resumed my seat on the porch and
Awaited developments. In a short while
the mother snake emerged from the
litest mm, inter crawling' auoui ior a
second or two, struck the trail and at
once followed it to the pavement and
her dead young. Fortunately I had a'
witness n the person of my iceman,
who was delivering the ice at the time,
and who was durafounded at beholding
such high intelligence in a creature so
low in the scale of animal life. I killed
the old snake (for these snakes garden
moccasins become .harmful after the
third year, eating young birds, etc.).
and ten of her progeny, leaving two
pairs to carry on and perpetuate the
race. Home Magazine.
Oar Tearly Fire Losses. :
The average yearly loss from fires in
the United States during the past 20
years has been about $100,000,000. Dur
ing the past year, according to the
chronicled fire tables, there have been
38,003 fires, destroying 33,961 pieces of
property. The total loss entailed, has
been $142,110,233, with an insurance loss
of $34,6S9,030. In this tall column
of disasters there were 22J11 dwelling
bouses, 340 churches, 302 colleges and
, schoolhouses, 502 theaters and public
balls and ' 5,281 manufacturing estab
lishments. N. Y. Journal.
Cryatal Sky Columns. '
An explanation of a curious optical
phenomenon, sometimes witnessed on
frosty nights, which is called the
"pseudo-aurora." is offered by Mr.
Goode, cf the Chicago university. ' The
phenomenon takes the form of beauti
ful columns of silvery light Etanding
over electric arc lamps and other bright
lights, and sometimes appearing' almost
to reach the zenith. Mr. Goode says
that sometimes the evening star has a
bright' shaft below as well as above,.
while the rising moon stqpds in a broad
column -of light. These . iappea ranees
are due to floating frost crystals which
keep their reflecting faces horizontal.
On examination he found that the crys
tals concerned in the exhibition Were
thin, six-sided plates of ice, never more
than one millimeter in diameter.
When the wind blows these little plates
are upset, and the columns of light,
caused by reflection from their surfaces,
disappear. Science.
- Lightning is destructive because of
its enormous power. A flash of light
ning has been calculated to ' equal
twelve thousand horse-power. '
The readers'- of this paper will be
pleased to learn that tijere is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. .Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. Halls Uatarrh
Care is taken internally, acting directly
npon the blood und mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength bv building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
us work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fafls to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. Address:.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,
Eriiold by Druggists, to cents.
No. 2-8.
A Sensitive Spot.
It is a mistake to suppose that the
tip of the tongue is the most sensitive
part of the body. Those engaged in
polishing billiard balls, or other sub
stances that require a very high degree
of smoothness, invariably use the cheek
bone as their touchstone for detecting
any rougnness. Chiccgo Tribune.
Slxe of the ICangraroo.
The Average size of the kangaroo is
from three to four f set m height Specr
mens from six to seven fe?t are fre
quently met with on. the Australian
plains. A kangaroo has been, known
to make a leap of. 90 feet. .
' The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R.' B. G reeve, merchant of
Chilhowie, Va., certifies that be had
consumption, was given up to die.
sought all medical treatment that money
could procure, tried all cough remedies
he could bear of, but got no relief; spent
manv nights sitting np in a chair; was
induced to try Dr. King's Ne Discovery,
and was cured by the use of two bottles
For past three years has been attending
to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis
covery is the grandest remedy ever made
as it has done so much for bin and also
for others in his community. Dr. King's
New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs
Colds and Cosumption. It don't fail
Trial bottle free at Blakeley AHough ton's
Drue store. (2)
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in - the' stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
and aids these organs in throwing off
rnpurities in the blood. Electric Bit
ters improves the appetite, aids diges
tion and is pronounced by those who
have tried it as the very best blood pari
fier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for
50c or $1.00 per bottle . at Blakelev &
Houghton's Drug Store'. (2)
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry
bt., Alton,- III., suffered with sciatic
rheumatism for over eight months. She
doctored for it nearlv the whole of this
time, using various remedies recom
mended by friends, and was treated by
the physicians, but received no relief,
She then used one and a half bottles of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which affect'
ed a complete cure. This is published
at her request, as she wants others eimi
larly afflicted to know what cured her
xnezo and ou cent eizes tor eale oy
Blakeley & Houghton.
Two years sga R. J. Warren, a drug.
gist as rieasant Jtsrook, JN. Y., bought a
small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. He sums up the result as fol
lows : "At that time the goods were un
known in this section ; to-day Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a household
word.'' It is the same in hundreds of
communities. Where ever the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy become known the people will have
nothing else. For sale by Blakeley &
Notice to Taxpayers. .
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the county court, the sheriff will re
turn the tax roll for 1896 to the
county clerk on the first Monday in
April. 1897, and all taxes then remain
ing nnpaid on the roll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff
will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. By order of
court. A. M. Kblsat,
m23-4tw . . Clerk.
Now the Bone of Contention Be
tween Greece and Turkey.
Something About the Cradle of Class
- le Civilisation Its Past His
tory and Its Present
Standing-. - ;
- In a political view the addition ol
Crete to the small kingidom of Greece
would not be very considerable, though
that island is three-fourths as large as
Connecticut and is capable of support
ing 1,500,000 people, as it may once have
done. It now has perhaps 300,000, or
about one-tenth of the present popula
tion of King George's domainwhich,
by the late census, teaohed nearly 3,000,
.000. It is a mountainous land, and its
highest peak, Ida, is nearly 7,700 feet
high but 400 feet lower than, . Par
nassus. In the later period of ancient Greece,
and when first controlled by the Ro
mans, Crete was a species of maritime
Switzerland, furnishing arcihers and
sailors and other mercenaries to the
powerful sovereigns around it. The
right of insurrection was recognized
there by law, if the rulers were unjust
and usually they were.' From mercenary
soldiery to piracy was but one step, and
the Cretans took it. They were the
worst pirates in Pompey's day with
whom the Romans had to deal. Even
earlier, in the time of Polybius, they
had a bad name, for he says: "Crete is
the only country in the world where
"money-making, no matter how, passes
for honest and legitimate. If you look
at "Aie individual Cretans, few men are
more knavish.- If you examine the gov
ernment, there is none which cherishes
more unjust designs." This is what
most nations -have to hear about them
selves from their enemies; but there
is a singular agreement of opinion con
cerning the Cretans. To he was to "play
the Cretan."
And yet the cradle of classic civiliza
tion was in that mountain land; and its
fertility has- always been famous,
Aristotle said that no position (in the
narrow Mediterranean world) was ever
more favorable for thevestablishmenlt
of a great empire; and Plato drew from
Cretan sources his ideal laws, as Lycur-
gus was said to have done when he re
formed Sparta. Minos, the mythical
lawgiver, and Daedalus, the mythical
artist, were" both Cretans, and Zeus
himself is fabled to bavebeenjorn upon
Mount Ida, named for the Phrygian
mountain that overlooks Troy. The
worship -of several of the Grecian dei
ties came from Crete the Eleusinian
Ceres, for instance; Epimenides was a
Cretan, and the Delphic Apollo got his
Pythian priests from the same holy isle.
St. Paul established a church in Crete,
and it was for centuries an orthodox
Island. Venice did what she could to
make it- Roman Catholic, and when the
Turks finally held it, but little over two
centuries ago, they did their best , to
make it Mohammedan. The fierce
orthodoxy of the islanders' resisted it;
and now but a fift'h. part of the resi
dents follow the crescent, and most of
those are of Greek descent renegades
for the sake of gain and power.
.For the -interests of learning and
archaeological research, the control
of Crete by the Greek government
would be all-important. The Turks have
latterly allowed excavations there, and
many discoveries have been made; but
the difficulties of such work m a Turk
ish dependency are always great.
Twelve years ago Halbherr and Fab
ricius discovered the antique laws of
Gortyna, carved in marble, and lying
in the bed of a mill stream; and for the
past four years Arthur Evans, the Eng
lish archaeologist, has been finding
wondrous Mvcenean remains, which
add much to our theoretical knowledge
of that prehistoric period which Prof.
Manatt, of Brown, has described so
clearly in his new work. But all this
research would go forward raster if
Kavadia3 and Tsountas, arid the other
learned Greeks. who have done so much
on the mainland, would extend their
inquiries over Crete, and open its treas
ures to the American, the British, the
German, any the French schools, now
so busy digging in Greece. Springfield
(Mass.) Repu'olieari.
Bnoaten'o Arises salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion.' or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For eale by Blakeley' and
Houghton, druggists. .
The partnership heretofore existing in
Tygh Valley Flooring Mill", under the
name of W. M. McCorkle & Son, is this
day dissolved by limitation, J. M. Mc
Corkle retiring. " VV. M. McCorkle will
continue, and will pay all legal claims
and collect all debts of the late firm;
Tygh, Or., April 2, 1897.
. W. M. McCorkle,
a7-lm J. K. McCorkle.
To Trade.
A Winchester rifiV, re-loading; tools
and 100 shells, for good pony. Enquire
at this office. . a21-3t
ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure.
Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60
cents at Drusnrists or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, SS Warren St., New York City.
In Curing
Ccticitb REirncnrs ere sold tlironelwut tae
world. Price, Ccticlra, 50c ; 6oap, l' -c. ; Us.
SOLVXNT, f 1. I'oTTSa 11RUO AND C11EM. LOllr?.,
Bcle 1'iops., Boston, U. 8. A. "All about th',
Bioed, tekin, Scalp, and Hair," free-
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore-
J gon, for tt asco County.
Levi C. Chrisman and Frank Chrisman. oo-part-
partners aomg Dusiness unuer toe nrra name
ana style oi cnnsnian Bros., naintins,
Frank H. Sharp and Mrs. Frank H. Sharp; Defts.
To Frank H. Sharp and Mrs. Frank H. Sharp.
tne above namea aeienaauts:
You and each of von will take notice von are
reauirea to rnear ana oe in tne aoove enntiea
court on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term oi said court, to-wit: on or before
Monday, the 24th da of May, 1897, then and
there to appear and answer the complaint of the
DlatnUffs Sled against you in the above entitled
cause and court, and you will please take notice
that if you fail to so appear and answer said
complaint, the plaintiffs will apply to tbe court
for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to
wit: for a decree of said court foreclosing that
certain mortgage made and executed by the de
fendant, Frank H. Sharp, in favor of plaintiff,
on the 16th day of March, 1895, to secure the pay
ment of tbe sum of $200, together with interest
at the rate of ten per cent per annum onrsald sum
from said date; tnattne lanas ana premises men
tloncd and described in said mortgage, to-wit:
the south half (3-i) of the northwest quarter
(14) and the northwest quarter of tbe souih-
i.en quarusr V ) niiu luw uuo r1 1 auu Lu 4 1 ui
section twelve, 12 township one 1 north, range
mirieen L"t easi. oi me nuiiuuctre meriaian.
containing one hundred forty 11401 acres of land!
moreorlos, and situated in Wasco County, Ore
gon, be sold in the manner prescribed by law
and according to the piuctlce of tbe above en
titled court, and that out of the proceeds of said
sale the above named plaintiff' have and receive
the sum of two hundred dollars with interest
on said sum at tbe rate of ten per cent per
annnm since March 16th, 1895: the farther sum
of $40 attorney's fee herein, together with their
costs and disbursements of this suit and accru
ing costs and exrjenses of said sale: that plain
tiff be allowed to bid at said sale and that the
purchnser of said lands and premises be let
into the immediate possession thereof and that
said defendants ana any and all persons claim
ing or to claim by, through or under them or
either oi teem, oe lorever Darrea ana foreclosed
of all right, title, claim and interest in said
premises, and for such other further relief as to
tne court may seem equitaoie ana just.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion for six consecutive weeks in The Dalles
Chronicle, bv order of the Hon. W. L. Brad
shaw, judge of the above entitled Court, which
oraer Dears aate juarcn si, isy.
Dated this first day of April, 1897.
a3-ll - , Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that under an execu
tion and order of sale issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, upon a judgment and decree in
favor of Mays & Crowe and against John
Wood, William Wood, Rachel Wood and
Ttf ... a w.uu, . . ; ...j .
the 3d day of April, 1897, and commanding me
to sen tne real estate nereinaiter described to
satisfy the sum of $345. and $C0 attorney's fees. I
will, on Saturday, the first day of May, 1897, at
the hour of 1 o'clock p. m at tbe courthouse
door in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon,
sell, to the highest Didder, for cash in hand, for
the purpose of satisfying said sums above
named, all the following 0 escribed lands and
premises, to-wit: NE;i of Section 34; SW of
section 4, ana tne ivi or section Si, su in
Township one North, Range fifteen east, W. M.,
in w a boo uounty, state ol Oregon.
Dalles City, Oregon, April 3, 1897.
aprS-U T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff.
Assignee's Notice Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
assignee oi tne estate of K. fc. W illiams, an in
solvent debtor, has filed bis final account and
report in said assignment with the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, and that the same will be called ur for
bearing before tbe Judge of said Court on the
nrst aay ot tne next regular term of said Circuit
Court, to-wit: On Monday, the 24th day of May,
1897. or If the same cannot be heard by said
iourt ai; saiu time, as- soon tnereaitex as tne
same can be heard by said Court.
Dated this 16th day of April, 1897. -
Assignee of the estate of R. E. Williams, an
insolvent debtor. a!7-5t-ii
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that by an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 2d day of
March, 1897, the undersigned was duly appointed
executor of the last will and testament of John
Gottlieb Wagenbiast, deceased. All persons
having claims sgalnst said estate are notified to
present them, with tbe proper vouchers, to the
undersigned at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, at the office
of D. H. Roberts, in Dalles City, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this notice.
Dated March 10, 1897
ml3-al0-ii JOHN WAGENBLA8T.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Frank Gabel and W. C. Rupert has been
dissolved, to date from Saturday, April
3, 1S97. Frank Gabel will pay all bills,
and is anthorized to collect and receipt
for all bills due the firm.
Dated at The Dalles, Or., this 5th day
of April, 1897.
Frank Gabel,
a5-lm W. C. Rupert.
Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun
dred. A. large lot ot old daily and week
ly Chronicles on hand, the accumula
tion of 1896. Very good for putting
under 'carpets, on account of uniform
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice ia hereby given that by virtue of an
execution and the Older ot sale issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, on the 3d day of March, 1897, udod a
uecree ana juagmrn msae, rendered na en
tered theretofore therein in a suit wherein
George A. Liebe was plain tiff and lizzie Baser
and Lizzie Baxter, as administratrix of the es
tate of Hush M. Baxter, deceased, were defend
ant, I did dnly levy upon and will sell at the
frontdoor of the county courthouse in Dalles
City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Butnrday, the
ou nay oi April, iovi, at i o ciock in me ntter
uoon of said day, at public auction to the high
est bidder for, cash in hand, the following de
scribed iml estate, described in said execution
and order ol sale, and described as follows to
wit: The KJf of NE and of NWW an-1 S'X of
KH, Sec 8, Tp 8 8 R 13 t, W. M., in Wasco
county, Oregon, together with the tenements.
hertdilameiita and AnmirtentiTiro i-httnnto
belonging, or in sny wise appertaining, or i-o
much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the
siiiuuuuf uue upou saia writ, to-wic: Toe sum
of 4609.16, together with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum since the 8th
day of February, 1897; and tbe further sum of
io costs in said suit, together with accruing in
terest and expenses of sale
Dated at The Dalles, Or., thisdth day of
marcn, 1897.
mcL6-it Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State oi Ore-
X gon for Wasco County.
L F. Bulnes, Plaintiff,
Thos. M. Dentin, Victor E. Sandoz, Louis A.
eanaoz ana cnancs n, sanaoz, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution issued out of the
above entitled court in said above entitled cause
tbe 10th day of March, 1897, on s judgment made,
entered and docketed on January 14, 1897. in
favor of plaintiff and against the above named
defendant, T. M. Denton, in said circuit court,
commanding me to levy on the property of said
i. hi. ieotou ana sen samcient tnereoi to real
ize the sum of $209 and the costs of and on this
writ, I did on tbe 19th day of March, 1897, levy
on, and at 2 o'clock p. m. on tbe 27th day of
April, 1897 at the courthouse door in Dalles City.
asco County, Oregon. I will si'U at public auc
tion, to the hivl tr-t li di:-i. iw uah in hand.
the following described Drtmises. situate and
being in Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit:
The north one-half of the northwest quarter,
and the northwest quarter of the northeast quar
ter of Section 16. Tp 1 N R 12 E, W. M., or so
inucn tnereoi a will oe sumcient to pay saia
sum ana accruing costs.
mc27-li . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtne of an ex
ecution and order of sale issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, on the 8th day of March, 1897, upon a
judgment made, rendered and entered therein,
wherein John Barger was plaintiff and O. D.
Taylor and Sarah K. Tavlor were defendants,
and to me directed and delivered, I did, on the
9th day of March. 1897, duly levy upon and v i'l.
on Monday, the 12th day of April, 1897, at theuui '
of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the county courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the following bounded and de
scribed real estate described in Bald execution
and order of sale, to-wit: Commencing at a
point ou the north boundary line of Neyceand
Gibson's Addition to Dalles City one (1) chain
and fifteen (15) links: easterly from the north
west corner o fsaid addition, and running thence
easterly along said north line of Neyce and Gib
son's Addition two hundred ten (210) feet more or
less, to the western boundary line of lot of land
conveyed by James Fulton and wife to Priscilla
Watson by deed dated February 27, 1880, and re
corded on Page 211 book "G" of records of deeds
of Wasco County; thence northerly and along
said western boundary line of said lot so con
veyed to PrlscllH Watson, and a continuation
thereof to a point where the line so continued
would intersect the southwestern boundary line
ot the street laid out by the authorities of Dalles
City and called Fulton street, if such southwest
ern boundary line of Fulton street were con
tinued to -such intersection; thence In a right
line to and along said southwestern boundary
line of Fulton street to the point where the same
intersects the eastern boundary line of the land
owned by Wentworth Lord, adjoining the land
oi James r niton, and tnence soutneriy along
said Hue between the lands of Wentworth Lord
and James Fulton to the place of beginning,
being tbe same lands conveyed by James A. and
Fannie B. Richardson to Frederic A. McDonald,
on the 4 th day of March, 1886, recorded on page
31, book "K" in Deed Records of Wasco County,
Oregon, and afterwards deeded bv said McDon
ald and wife to O. D. Taylor, all said premises
oeing in wasco county, Oregon; or somucn
thereof as shall be Dtcessa'y to satisfy the sev
eral sums due upon said writ, to-wit:. The sum
of 1400, and interest thereon since October 12,
1893. at the rate of ten Tier cent rjer annum, and
for the further sum of $1000, with interest there
on from April 15, 1893, at the rate of ten per cent
rer annum; the further sum of $140, attorney's
lees, ana tne lurtner mm oi 'is, costs taxea in
said suit, together with accruing costs and ex
penses of said sale.
uatea tnis yta auy ot Marcn, Ltin.
rachl3-ii Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
X THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County;
F. D. Greene. Plaintiff, -
L. Story, Lucretia Story and Dalles City, Dfts.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale Is
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated Ithe 30th day of March, 1897, upon a
judgment and decree for the foreclosure of
certain mortgages, rendered and entered in said
court on tbe 22d day of March, 1897, in the above
entitled cause, in favor of the plaintiff and
against the defendants, J.-L. Story and Lucretia 4
btory, as judgment aeDtors, in tne sum oi f.wi,
with interest thereon at the rate of eight per
cent per annnm from the 22d day of March, 1897,
and the further sum of $75 attorney's fees, and
tne lurtner sum of s3i.7 costs ana aisDurse
ments of suit; and further in favor of the de
fendant Dalles City and against the defendants
J. L. Utoiy and Lucretia Story, as judgment
debtors in tbe sum of $546.11, and the further
sum ol $5 costs of suit, and further the costs of
and on said writ of execution; and command
ing me to make sale of the real property em
braced in said decree of foreclosure and order of
ssle and hereinafter described, I have duly
levied on and will, on the Sd dav of Mav. 1897.
at tbe hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
connty courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the said J. L. Story and
Lucretia Storv. or either of them, had on the 1st
day of January, 1889, the date of the mortgage of
plaintiff foreclosed herein, or which such de
xendants, or any of the. defendants herein, have
since acquired or now have; in and to the fol
lowing described real property, situate and being
in tne county oi w asco, btate oi uregon. tn-wic:
Lots numbered eleven (11) and twelve (12r In
block twenty (20) of Gates Addition to Dalles
Pirv. Waiun Conntv. Orfvnn.-nr so much thereof
as will satisfy said above mentioned and de
scribed judgments, attorney s lees ana costs.
Snid property will be sold subject to confirma
tion by said Circuit Court and to redemption, as
by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 31st day of
March, 1897. .
T. J. DK1V1SB, -
apr2-li Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon-.
. Adminisfrajor's - Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned.
administrator of the estate, of J. D. Griflin, de
ceased, has filed his final account, and that
Monday, the 3d day of May, 1897, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., has been appointed as the time
for hearing objections thereto and the settle
ment thereof. All heirs, creditors or other per
sons interested in said estate are hereby notified
to file their objections to said final account, if
any tbey have, on or before the day appointed
for the hearing thereof.
Dalles. City, Oregon, March 25, 1897.
mc27-4t-U E. A. GRIFFIN, Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased, has filed his final report and account
In said estate, and that Tuesday, the 4th day of
May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day at tbe County court room, in tbe county
court bouse in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore
g0Q,.ha8 been appointed by said court as the
time and place for hearing said final account.
Dated this 25th day of March, 1897.
Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor
don, decease!. apr3-ii
IN THE CIRCCIT-COURT of the State of Ore
. gon for Wasco County.
Alfred Crcbbin, Plaintiff, .
Sarah P. Cartwright, a widow; J. P. Cartwright,
a single man; Adelia Dodge and L. O. Dodge,
her husband ; Iva Taylor and Joseph Taylor,
, her husband; -Addie Bridges and Jerome
Bridges, her husband; Charles Simpson, a
widower; Kthel Hunt, a. widow; Elva Vos
bnrg and He iry Vosburg, ber husband; Carmo
Simpson, u imarriHl; Zuraa Simpson, unmar
ried; and Vera Simpson, unmarried, sole heirs
at law of Theodore Cartwright, deceased; Jar
vis Conklin Mortgage Trust Company, a cor
poration, Roland K. Conklin at d Joseph C.
- willpttrf. receivers. nri Nnih imliMn Tm.
Comnanv. a corporation. defenriunrH.
To Charles Simpson, Ethel Hunt, Elva Vosburg,
Henrv Vosburg, Roland R. Conklin Joseph C
Willetts, Jar vis Conklin Mortgage Trust Com-
?any, a corporation, and North American
rust Company, a corporation, defendants:
v In tbe l.ame of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
a. swer the amended complaint filed against you
in the above entitled caus by tbe first day of
the term of tbe above entitled court following .
tbe expiration of the time piesc-ibed in tbe or
der of taid court for the pub Icalion of this sum
mon, viz: Six weeks' -publication thereof, be
ginning on the 10th day of April, lbf.7. the first
day of said term of said court being the 2-lth day
of May. 1897; and if you fall so. to appear and
answer plainturs said amended complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Cpurt for the relief
prayed for in hu said amended complaint, to
wit: , '
For a judgment against the defendant Sarah P.
Cartwright for the snm of J2175.0O, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the first .day of Jauuarv, 1890, computed
semi-annually, less a credit of t4.i0.75ou account 1
of interest, and for the further sum of f250.00 at- '
tomey's fees, and for the furrher sum of $69.57,
taxes paid for the years 1893, 1891 and 1895, with
interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per
annum from the 27th day of January, 1897, and
for his costs and disbursements of this suit.
For the usual decree of f oreclosureof the mort.
gage set forth and described in plaintiff's amen
ded complaint, and for the sale of the mortgaged
premises merein aescrioea, as ioiiows, to-wit:
The southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter, and the northwest quarter of Section No.
fifteen, Township one north, Range fifteen east,
W. M , containing 226 and 6-100 acres.
That the proceeds of said sale mav be annlied
to the payment of tbe amount due to the plain
tiff as principal, interet, taxes, attorney's fees
and costs and oisbnrsements and the expenses
of 't e sale; that said defendants and each and
all of them, and all persons claiming by, through
or under them, or any. of them, subsequent to
the execution of said mortgage, be forever barred
and foreclosed of all right, title and Interest in
and to said mortgaged premises and the whole
thereof; that the plaintiff have execution
against the defendant Sarah P. Cartwrieht for
any deficiency which may remain after the ap
plication of the proceeds of the sale of said
premises applicable to the payment of said judg
ment; that the plaintiff or any of the parries to
said suit may become purchasers at said sale,
and that the purchaser be let into the full pos- '
session of said premises upon production of tbe
sheriff's certificate of sale, and that the plaintiff
have such other and f urtner relief as mav be
equitable and just.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for six weeks in The Dalles Chron
icle beginning April 10th, 1897, by order of Hon.
W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the 7th judicial dis
trict of the State of Oregon, made in chambers
at Dalles City, Oregon, tbe 10th day of April,
1897. W. H. W'lLSON,
aprlO-Il Attorney for Plaintiff.
N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Wasco..
B. A. Osgood, Plaintiff,
Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, Geo. H. Dunn
iiarvty n. uunn ana unary uunn ana JN.
Whealdon, as administrator of the estate pf
Wm. H. Dunn, deceased, Defendants.
To Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, Geo. II. Dunn,
Harvey w, uunn ana .Mary uunn ana jn.
Whealdon, as administrator of the (state of
Wm. H. Dunn, deceased, Defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint n lea against you in tne above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the ser
vice of tbi summons upon you, if served within
this couuty; or li served witnin any otner
county of this State, then within twenty days
irom tne aate oi tne service oi tnis summons
upon you; or if served upon you by publication,
tnen on or oeiore ine nrst aay ot tne i cxi regular
term of said court; and if you fail so to answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment
against you, the said Ida Dunn, for the sum of
$491 in U. S. gold coin, and interest thereon, in
nke coin, trom Marcn su, 1893, at tne rate oi ,
eight per cent per annum; and for the further
sum of $300, In like coin, and interest, in like .
coin, at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from February 1, 1892; and for the further sum
of $80 attorney's fees; and for his costs and dis
bursements herein; and for a judgment and de
cree against all of said defendants that all the
real properly described in the complaint, to-wit
all of lot 6, and the east half of lot 5 of block 32
of Humason's Bluff Addition to Dalles City,
Oregon, be sold, and the proceeds thereof be ap
plied npon Baid judgment; and that each and :
all of said defendants be forever barred and fc re
close! of all righr, title and interest in or lo
said premises and lands.
This summons is served upon you, the said
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn, by order of
Hon. V. L. Bradshaw, judge of said court, dated
April 9, 1897. .
aprlO-ii Attorney for Plaintiff.
IN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Wasco.
In the matter of tbe estate of James McGahan,
deceased Citation.
To Jacob McGahan, James McGahan, John Mc
Gahan, Laura McGahan, Elva McGahan,' Mary
Ellen Hughes, Elizabeth McGahan and Kate
Shamake, heirs and legatees, and Mrs. Hannah
Ward, legatee, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
hereby cited and required to appear In the Coun
ty Conrt of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof .at The Dalles,
in tbe County of Wasco, on Monday, the 3d day
of May, 1897, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that
day, then and there to show cause, if any there
be, why an order of sale should not be made and
pntered herein, directing the executor of the last
wiu ana testament oi saia aeceasea, to sen tne
real Tjrorjertv nelonirine to said estate, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of Section eight, Town
ship one south. Range fourteen East, W. M., tbe
same being tbe real property described in the pe
tition of the executor of said estate filed herein.
This Citation is served unon vou. the said Ja
cob McGahan, James McGahan, John McGaham,
Laura McGahan, ilva McGahan, Mary fallen
1 1 . . r.-1 v v, , . . v. i ...... l'v... .. i.
uuguiai fuaui.u jhvukubu auu nawuuiuuc.
heirs of James McGahan, deceased, by order of
tne county juage oi wasco Luniy, vregoD,
made on tbe 23d day of March, 1897. .
Witness, the Hon. Robert Mays, ' Judge of the
County court ot the State ot Oregon, for
seal tbe County of Wasco with the Seal of
said Court affixed this 23d day of March,
A. D., 1897.
Attest: a. M. K ELS AY, Clerk.
m27-il By Simeon Bolton, Deputy
Notice is hereby given that we will, on
Friday, April 30, 1897, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said dav, at the livery
stable of Ward, Kerns & Eobertson, sell
at public auction, to the highest bidder
for cash, tbe following, described per
sonal property, to-wit :
One bay saddle horse, about 8 years
old, branded like this: On right shoul
der F, and wfth letter R on left hip; has
four white feet, and star in. face. To
gether with bridle and saddle. All sup
posed to be tbe property of S. Patterson.
This sale is under an agister's or stable
keeper's lien, to satisfy the charges of
the undersigned for their reasona
ble charges for the labor, care and
attention and the food fnrnished said
animal, amounting at this date to $35,
and for accruing costs and expenses, and
the expenses of this sale.
a6-td Ward. Kerns & Robertson.
Cask In Your Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to-Nov. 15, 1892, will be paid at my ,
office. - Interest ceases after April 7,
1897. " C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.