The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 17, 1897, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Mr. Nello Johnson is up from Oregon
City, and will probably spend the sum
mer here.
Mr. 8. Vandersol came np from Port
land last night, and will leave for Hepp
aer tonight.
Mr. A. S. Mac Allieter left yesterday
for bis ranch in Gilliam county, to be
away a month or so.
; Mr. George Stapleton, one of Van
couver's prominent attorneys, arrived
from Goldendale, on bis way home at
noon today.
Miss Maggie Flinn, teacher in the
. third grade, has been kept away from
herdmies all week by throat troubles,
and Josie Spink is- temporarily filling
ber place.
' Thursday.
Mrs. W. H. Moody went to Portland
Mr. C. J. Crandall is confined to his
home by sicknees.
Mrs. Belle Miller is quite ill at the
borne of her daughter, Mrs. Tbos Kelly.
Prof. Allard, of the Cascade Locks
school, is in the city today, and visited
our schools.
Miss Virgin:a Marden and Miss
Thompson of Goldendale went to Port
land on the Dalles Uity this morning
Mr. Max Morehead. who was here in
the interest of the Artisans, left last
night to visit other Eastern Oregon
' Mrs. A. A. Javne and children arrived
from Arlington last night
Mr. F. S. Gunning is on the sick list
but is expected to be out again soon
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Logan and wife of
Frineville were in the city yesterday
and left for home this morning,
Mr. C. J. Crandall is suffering from a
severe attack of pleurisy and passed a
painful night. We hope to soon note
that be is again himself without any
pleural additions.
Mr. Murphy, an old printer formerlv
of Goldendale, but who has been in the
Washington soldier's home for some
time, was in the city last night and left
for Goldendale this morning, tie will
reside there permanently having, hav
ing recently been granted a pension.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain'
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles on
called for April 17, 1897. Persons call'
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Aiken, Miss Mary Ash, F L
Allen, Walter G Berrith, Miss
Bjurling, Frahs Job Boehmer, Mrs
Boat, John Brown, A H
Cran, Jno Clark, Maggie M
(Jlendenmng, W (2) Grady, Pat
Hilton, Fred
Henson, Roy (2)
Hall, E
Hale, C C (2)
Jackson, Cora .
Johnson, Annie
Johnson, John
tiale, Maggie
Jackson, Stella
Jonnson, Josephine
Jowells, Liddie -Laughlin,
Lovelace, Rosa
Meyers, Louis
McKenion, J A (2Y McCoy, Mrs Allie
McDonald, Mrs Ana Moore, Sarah
Poly, (2)
Procton, J W
Powell Oscar A
Stringer, C A
Swanson, & Co
Uren, Clay
Wilson, Jno A
Williams, Frank
Spring. H M
Simon, Mrs H A
Thomas, Lee
Webster, A L
Woodland, Mr .
Walsh & Osborne
J. A. Crosses, P. M.
Professor Gilbert Tells of Its Growth
and Appearance.
Indianapolis, Ind., April 12, 1897.
Editor Chronicle : I am much in
terested in Indianapolis as it is today
the largest inland city on the American
continent, and one of the most import
ant railroad centers in this country. I
was here once before in 1881, and note
that its great growth has been practic
ally one of two decades. ' It is cer
tainly a handsome city, with its magnifi
cent business blocks, public buildings,
and handsome residences. The area
'within the city limits was about twenty
square miles, bnt since the including of
the suburbs a few days ago it must be
vastly increased. About 1870' the citi
zens Degan to bave aspirations toward
making the city a great commercial and
manufacturing center, not unlike Los
Anceles. Portland nr Son t tip An ora nf
speculation seized upon the people, dis
cretion fled to the woods the dog got
its tail pinched. The rapid growth of
population I take from "Indianapolis
Handbook," which shows for. 1870, 86,'
565; in 1880, 75,074; in 1890, 128,000;
and today the claim is 210,000. This
last I cannot give on authority, yet
Greater Indianapolis is now realized
since the accession of West Indianapolis,
Haughville, North Indianapolis Irving
ton and Brightwood.
Of course the surroundings of the city
are not so picturesque as our western
cities, with their mountains, rivers,
lake, sounds and the ocean. The streets
of tie city are in first-class condition.
Forty-five miles are paved with asphal
tum, brick or cedar blocks, and the rest
is graveled. Over fifty miles of sewer
constructed within the last five years,
cost over $4,C0),000. Besides usingas
for lighting the streets, there are over
850 electric lights.
' ' I learn that the water supply for the
city comes from deep wells near-here, is
pumped through large irom mains, and
supplied to consumers by direct pressure
from the pump house It is abundant,
clear and pure.
By letter yesterday I learn that Maude
is visiting in Ft. Wayne and Defiance,
O.: Clarence is in Danville, 111., and
Mrs. Gilbert at Andrews.
. A few days ago I stepped up to the
stamp window ot the postoffice and, lay
ine down a Quarter, said : "Two bits
worth of stamps, please." "How
many?" said Uncle Sam's man. I re
peated. He gave me the cold, glassy
stare. We eyed each other for a mo
ment, and neither spoke. Then I said :
"Twelve two-cent stamps and a card,
please." It did not occur to me till
after I was out on the walk what was
the matter with the fellow.
C. L. Gilbert.
Embarrassing- Situation of a Young- Van
Out West.
In these days of cheap neckwear a
man is poor indeed who cannot afford a
large collection of ties. There is one
young man in this city, however, says
the Denver Times, who would have
willingly paid five times the cost of a
cravat, if necessary, a few days ago.
He is a genius in his way, and, like most
of his tribe, requires a guardian.- It
was on a bright, warm morning, not
long since, that he sauntered from his
home, just about shopping time, nnd
in his absent-minded way wandered
downtown. As he walked along. Six
teenth street people gazed at'him curi
ously, and some were ill-bred enough
to laugh. Their curiosity was lost upon
him. however, for he was far away in
reveries of the bright, happy times
when editors accept everything that is
offered without even asking ambitions
young authors to ruthlessly cut manu
script "to satisfy our readers." He
wandered into a crowded drug store,
and, elbowing his way through the
throngs of well-dressed women, asked
for his favorite phosphate, and tb.i-
continued his stroll until he reached
the office of the Times. Then some one
asked him why he did not dress before
coming on the street. He looked up in
mild amazement, sought a mirror, and
then made a rush for the nearest bsi
erdashery. Since, then he has become
possessor of a complete collection of
ties, and when he sees his sister wearing
the choicest specimens, his hand in
variably seeks his collar band to see if
he has again been neglectful.
. Astronomical Discoveries.
Thatithe best attainments are not the
result of chance was exemplified in the
discovery of the planet Neptune, the
fiftieth anniversary of which event was
recentlv celebrated in France. Tele
scopes had long swept the sky without
discovering-this shy outer planet; DUt
when astronomers noticed how TJranus
hastened in .one part of its orbit and
moved with less rapidiay in another,
they knew there must be an attracting
body that held him in check. .Lever
rier, therefore, after minute calcula
tions, wrote to the astronomer of the
Berlin observatory, requesting him to
point has telescope to a particular 6pot
in the sky on an evening indicated, and
said: "You will see a planet which 1
have not seen, and which no human eye
has ever seen, but which nevertheless
must be on the spot." Xo one would
venture to call its discovery that night
an act of chance. Youth's Companion
Facts About Eclipses.
The maximum numberof eclipses that
can take place within, a period of a
year is seven, and of these five are solar
and two are lunar, and the minimum
number of eclipses is two, which rhusit
both be solar. The year 1S97, the sec
ond of the last semidecade of the Nine
teenth century, will present this mini
mum number of eclipses, which, of ne
cessity, must be solar and central, and
will be annular. The first takes place
on February 1, and the second on July
29. Both will be visible to some extent
in this countrv. Albany Journal.
Notice is hereby given that we will, on
Friday, April 30. 1897. at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said dav, at the livery
stable of Ward, Kerns s Robertson, sell
at public anctiob, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described per
sonal property, to-wit:
One bay saddle horse, about 8 years
old, branded like this: On right Bboul
der F, and with letter B on left hip; has
lour wbite feet, and star in face. To
gether with bridle and saddle. All sup
posed to be the property of S. Patterson
This sale is under an agister's or stable
keeper's lien, to satisfy the charges of
trie undersigned for their reasona
ble charges for the labor, care .and
attention and the food fnrnished said
animal, amounting at this date to $35,
and lor accruing costs and expenses, and
the expenses of this sale. W ard. Keens & Robertson.
Stockholders' Meeting;.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will be held at
the county court rooms on Tuesday, the
25th day of May, A. D., 1897, at 2
o'clock p. m.,' for the purpose of adopt
ing suplimentary articles of incorpora
tion, increasing the capital stock of said
company and transacting such other
business as may come before said meet
ing. By order of the Board of Directors.
, The Dallee, Oregon, April 9, 1897.
' . A. S. Mac Allistee,
R. G, Davknpoet,
Wm. Quinn, Hay Creek, writes March
31, 1S97, of -the Cooper Sheep Dip as
follows : "I used it once for scab, and
found it to be a success. It leaves the
stock and wool in better shape than any
other kind. ' It is the best for this I
Lhave ever tried. You can use my name
as you please in praise of it."
This is an "Age of Soap.". Why use
any but tbe very best. Best soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. - a2-3m
n Curing
Cctictoa KsintDnrs are told throughout taa
world. Price, Clticuka, 60c ; soap, 2-c. ; i;k
p.lvknt. SI. Potter Dbdo and Cues. Con?.,
c-cle l'iops., Boston, D. S. A.'. " AU about tin
Siosd, bkln, Scalp, and liair," free-
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore-
X gon, for Wasco County.
Levi C. Chrisman and Frank Chrisman, co-part-partners
doing business under the firm name
ana style ox ionsman irub., xutmuus,
Frank H. Sharp and Mrs. Frank H. Sharp, Defts.
To Frank H. Sharp and Mrs. Frank H. Sharp,
the above namai ueienaanis:
You and each of you will take notice yon are
reqnirea to appear anu ue in toe aoove enuuea
court on or before the first day of tbe next regu
lar term of said court, to-wit: on or before
Monday, the 24th dav of May, 1897, then and
there to appear and answer the complaint of the
plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled
cause sua court, ana you win piease uute nonce
that if vou fail to so appear and answer said
complaint, the plaintiffs will apply to the court
for the reilei prayea ior in tneir complaint, to
wit: for a decree of said court foreclosing that
certain mortgRge made and executed by the de
fendant, r rank ti. bnarp, in lavor ot ptmnutt,
on the 16th dav of March. 1895, -to secure the pay
ment of tbe sum of 200, together with in teres t
at the rare oi ten per cent per annum on saia sum
from saia aate ; mat tne lanas ana premises men
tioned and described in said mortgage, to-wit:
the south half 0) of the northwest quarter
Q and the northwest quarter of the gouth-
ttCObl(unii:i ii j iuiu iuid uuo xt auu inu &i ui
section twelve, U- township one 1 north, range
thirteen lisi east ot tne Willamette flieriaian,
containing one hundred forty 140 acres of land.
more or le-s, and situatea in n abco county, Ore
gon, be sold in the manner prescribed by law
and according to the piactice of the above en
titled court, and that out of the proceeds of said
sale the above named plaintiff have and receive
the sum of two hundred dollars with interest
ou said sum at the rate of ten per cent per
annum since March 16th, 1895; the further sum
of $40 attorney's fee herein, togethec with their
costs ana disbursements ot mis suit ana accru
ing costs and expenses of said sale: that plain
tiff be allowed to bid at said sale and that the
purchaser of said lands nnd premises be let
into tbe immediate possession thereof and that
said defendants an J any and all cersons claim
ing or to claim by, through or under them or
either or them, be lorever barred and foreclosed
of all right, title, claim and interest in said
premises, ana ior sucn otner iurtner reuei as to
uie court may seem equitaoie ana just.
This rammong iB served upon vou bv publica
tion for six consecutive weeks iu The Dalles
Chronicle. b order of the Hon. w. L. Jirad
shaw, judge of the above entitled Court, which
oraer Dears aute Marco si, .
imtea tnis nrst aay oi April, 1BU7.
a3-ii Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is herebv iriven thnt nnrier an py Men
tion and order Of sale issued ont of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
county, upon a judgment and decree in
favor ol Mays fc Ciowe and against John
wooa, William Wood, Rachel Wood and
Mary 8. Wood, and to me directed, dated
the 3d day of April, 1897, and commanding me
w sen tne real estate nereinaiter aesenrjea to
satisfy the sum of 345. and tea attorney's fees. 1
win, on oaiuraay, tne nrst aay ot May, 1K97, at
the hour of 1 o clock n. m.. at the courthouse
door in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon,
sell, to the highest Didder, for cash in hand, for
the purpose of satisfying said sums above
iiHmeu. ma in nvin, nnvnnM anna and
piemises, to-wit: NEM of Section 84; SWol
Section S4, and the NE4 of Section 33, all in
Township one North, Range fifteen east, W. M.,
iu n usco county, Biace oi uregon.
iianes uny, Oregon, April , ltm.
apr3-il T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff.
Assignee's Notice Final Settlement.
Notice is herebv iriven that the nndersitmerl.
assignee of the estate of R. E. Williams, an in
solvent debtor, has filed bis final account and
report in said assignment with the Clerk of tbe
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, and that the same will he called nn for
hearing before the Judge of said Court on the
nrsi aay oi the next regular term of said Circuit
Court, to-wit: On Monday, tbe 24th day of May,
1897. or if the same cannot be heard by said
Court at said time, as soon thereafter as the
same can be heard by said Court.
jjutea tnis lbtn aay ot April, 1897.
Asi&rnee of the estatertf R- E. V i III m m k n ti
insolvent debtor. sJ7-5t-ii
Executor's Notice.
Notice is herebv given that bv an oTder of the
County Court of tbe State oi Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 2d dav of
March, 1897, the undersigned was duly appointed
executor of the last will and testament of John
Gottlieb Wsgenblast, deceased. All persons
having claims sgainst said estate are notified to
present them, with the proper vouchers, to the
undersigned at The Dalles, Oregon, at the office
of D. H. Roberts, in Dalles City. Oreeon. within
six monthB from the date of thiB notice.
Dated M arch 10, 1897
xnl3-&10-ii ' JOHN WAGENBLAST.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
rank (iabel and W. C. Kunert has been
dissolved, to date from Saturdav. April
3, 1897. Frank Gabel will pay all bills,
and is authorized to collect and receipt
for all bills due tbe firm;
Dated at Tbe Dalles. Or., this 5th dav
of April, 1897.
Frank Gabel,
a5-lm - W. C. Kupebt.
Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun
dred. A large lot ot old daily and week
ly Chronicles on band, the accumula
tion of 1896. Very good for putting
under carpets, on account of uniform
size. - '
. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. ..
Notice is hereby (riven that br virtue of nn
execution and the older of sale issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wsseo
Countyron the 3d day of March, 1S97, upon a
decree and Judgment made, rendered and en
tered tneretotore therein in a suit wherein
George A. Liebe was plaintiff and Lizzie Baxter
and Lizzie Baxter, as administratrix of the es
tate of Hugh M. Baxter, deceased, were defend
ants, I did duly levy npon and will sell at the
front door of the county courthouse in Dalles
City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Saturday, the
3d day of April, 1897, at 2 o'clock jn the after
noon oi saia aay, at punuc auction to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, the following de
scribed real estate, described in said execution
and order of sale, and described as follows to
wit: The NJi of and NKof SW and S of
KJ, Bee 8, Tp 8 B R 13 E. W. M.. in Wasco
County, Oregon, together with the tenements,
hereditaments ana annnrteuaiices thereunto
belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or so
much thereof as shall be neoetwtry to satisfy the
amounts due npon said writ, to-wit: The sum
of H009.16, together with interest thereon at the
rate oi ten per cent per annum since the 8th
dav of February. 1897: and the further sum of
S1& costs in said suit, together with accruing in-
Dated at 'The Dalles, Or., this 6th day of
utarcn, iov.
mch6-ii Sheriff of Waco County, Or.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State oi Ore-
JL gon for Wasco County.
I. F. Balnes, Plaintiff,
Tbos. M. Denton, Victor E. Sandor, Louis A.
uanaoz ana Charles t, uandoz, Defendants.
By virtue of an execatlon Issued out of the
a oove enatiea court in saia above enuuea cause
the 10th dsy of March. 1897. on a iu'dzmcnt made.
entered and docketed on January 14, 1897. in
favor of plaintiff nnd against the above named
aeienaanr, r. ii. Dentin, In said circuit court,
commanding me to lew on tbe nrooertv of said
T. M. Denton and sell sufficient thereof to real
ize the sum of 209 and the costs of and on this
writ, I did on the 19th day of March, 1897, levy
on, and at 2 o'clock p. in. on the 27th day of
April, lov at tne courmouFe aoor in uaiies i icy,
W asco County, Ortgou. I will sell at public auc
n ,n k& V. : v. . .. v : . 1 1, x . . 4., v. .... .j
the following described premises, situate and'
Deing in rvasco county. Oregon, to-wit:
Tbe north one-half of the northwest quarter,
and the uorthwest quarter of the northeast quar
ter of Section 16. Tp 1 N R 12 K, W. M., or so
much thereof as will be sufficient to pay said
sum ana accruing costs.
mc27-il Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex
ecution and order of sole issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, on the 8th day of March, 1897, upon a
judgment made, rendered and entered therein,
wherein. John Barger was plaintiff and O. D.
Taylor and Sarah K. Taylor were defendants,
and to me directed and delivered, I did, on the
9th clay of March. 1897, duly levy upon and will,
on Monday, the 12th day of April, 1897, at the nour
of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the county courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the following bounded and de
scribed real estate described in said execution
and order of sale, to-wit: Commencing at a
pointon the north boundary line of Ncyceand
Gibson's Addition to Dalles City one (1) chain
and fifteen (15) links; easterly from the north
west corner o f said addition, and running thence
easterly along said north line of Meyce and Gib
son's Addition two hundred ten (210) feet moreor
less, to the western boundary line of lot of land
conveyed by James Fulton and wife to Priscilla
Watson by deed dated February 27, 1880, and re
corded on Page 211 book "G" of records of deeds
of Wasco County; thence northerly and along
said western boundary line of -said lot so con
veyed to PrisclUn Watson, and a continuation
thereof to a point where the line so continued
would intersect the southwestern boundary line
of the street laid ont by the authorities of Dalles
City and called Fulton street, if such southwest
ern boundary line of Fulton street were con
tinued to such intersection; thence in aright
line to and along said southwestern boundary
line of Fulton street to the point where the same
Intersects the eastern boundary line of tbe land
owned by Wentworth Lord, adjoining the land
of James Fulton, and thence southerly along
said line betwten the lauds of Wentworth Lord
and James Fulton to the place of beginning,
being the same lands conveyed by James A. and
Fannie B. Richardson to Frederic A. McDonald,
on the 4th day of March, 1886, recorded on page
34, book "K" in Deed Records of Wasco County,
Oretron. and afterwards deeded by said McDon
ald and wife to O. D. Taylor, all said premises
being in Wasco County. Oregon: or so much
thereof as shall be necessa'y to satisfy the sev
eral sums due upon said writ, to-wit: 'the sum
of $400, and interest thereon since October 12,
1893, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and
for the further sum of f 1000, with Interest there
on from April 15, 1893, at the rate of ten per cent
per annum; the further sum of $140, attorney's
fees, and the farther turn of fln, costs raxed in
said suit, together with accruing costs and ex
penses of said sale, i
natea mis ym aay oi jiaren,
mchl3-ii Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County. ....
F. D. Greene. Plaintiff,
J. L. Story, Lucre tia Story and Dalles City, Dfts.
Bv virtue of an execution and order of sole 1b-
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated '-the 30th day of March, 1897. upon a
judgment and decree for the foreclosure of
certain mortgages, rendered and entered in said
court on the 22d day of March, 1S97, in the above
entitled cause, in lavor oi the plain tin ana
against the defendants, J. L. Story and Lucretia
Story, as judgment debtors, in the sum of $983.60,
with interest thereon at the rate of eieht ner
cent per annum from the 22d day of March, 1897,
and the further sum of $75 attorney's fees, and
the further sum of $31.70 costs and disburse
ments of suit; and further In favor of the de
fendant Dalles City and against the defendants
J. L. Stoiy and Lucretia Story, as judgment
debtors in the sum of $546.11, and the further
sum ol $5 costs of suit, and further tbe costs of
and on sold writ of execution; and command-,
ing me to make sale of the real property em
braced in said decree of foreclosure and order of
sale and hereinafter, described, I bave duly
levied on and will, on the 3d day of May. 1897.
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
county courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the said J. L. Story and
Lucretia Storv. or either of them, had on the 1st
day of January, 1889, the date of the mortgage of
plaintiff foreclosed herein, or which such de
iendants, or any of the defendants herein, have
since acquired or now have, in and to the fol
lowing described real property, situate and being
in the county oi nasco, state oi uregon, m-wit:
Lots numbered eleven (111 and twelve C12i in
block twenty (20) of Gates Addition to Dalles
City, Wasco County, Oregon, or so much thereof
as will satisfy said above mentioned and de
scribed judgments, attorney s lees and costs.
Said Dronerty will be sold subject to confirma
tion by, said Circuit Court and to redemption, as
by law provided. '
Dated at Tbe Dalles. Oregon, this 31st day of
Marco, i9.
1. J. DKIVtK,
apr2-il Bheriff of Wasco County, Oregon,
Administrator's Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned.
administrator of the estate of J. D. Griffin, de
ceased, baa filed his final account, and that
Monday, the 3d day of May, 1897, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., has been appointed as tbe time
for hearing objections thereto and tbe settle
ment thereof. All heirs, creditors or other per
sons Interested in said, estate are hereby notified
to file their objections to said final account, if
any they bave, on or before the day appointed
for the hearing thereof.
Dalles City, Oregon, March 25, 1897.
mc27-4t-ii E. A. GRIFFIN, Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator .of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased, has filed his final report and account
in said estate, and that Tuesday, the 4th day of
May, 1897, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day at tbe County court room, in the county
court house in Dalles- City, Wasco Connty, Ore
gon, has been appointed by said court as the
lime and place fur hearing said final account.
Dated this 25th day of March, F97.
Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor
don, decease i. apr3-ll
IN" THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County.
Alfred Crebbin, Plaintiff,
Sarah P. Cartwrlght, a widow; J. P. Cartwright,
a single man; .Adelia Dodge and L. O. Dodge,
her husband; Iva Taylor and Joseph Taylor,
her husband; Addie Bridges and ' Jerome
Bridges, her husband; Charles Simpson, a
widower; Ethel Hunt, a widow; Elva Vos
burg and He iry Vosburg, her husband; Carmo
eimpson, unmarried; uma Simpson, unmar
ried; and Vera Simpson, unmarried, sole heirs
at law of Theodore Cartwright, deceased; Jar
vis Conklin Mortgage Trust Company, a cor
poration, Roland K. Conklin a d Joseph. C.
Willettct, receivers, and North American Trust
Company, a corporation, defendants.
To Charles Simpson, Ethel Hunt, Elva Vosburs-,
Henrv Vosburg, Roland R. Conklin Joseph C.
Willetts, Jorvis Conklin Mortgage Trust Com
. pany, a corporation, and North American
Trust Company, a corporation, defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are herebv required to appear and
a: swer the amended complaint filed against you
in the above entitled eaus by the first day of
the term of the above entitled court following
the expiration of the time piescrlbed in the or
der of said court for the dud ication of this sum.
mon, viz: Six weeks' publication thereof; be
ginning on the 10th dav of April, 1897. the fi rst
day of said term of said court being the 24th day
of May, 1897; and if you fail so to appear and
answer plaintifFs said amended complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in bis said amended complaint, to
wit: .
For a judgment against the defendant Sarah P.
Cartwright for ihe sum of $2175.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight percent per annum
from tbe firt day of January, 1890, computed
semi-annually, less a credit of 1456.75 on account
of interest, and for the further sum of $250.00 at
torney's fees, and for the furrher sum of $69.57,
taxes paid for the years 1893, 1894 and 1895, with
interest i hereon at the rate of eight per cent per
annum from the 27th day of January, 1897, and
for his costs and disbursements of this suit
For tne usual decree of foreclosure of the mort-
fage set forth and described in plaintiff's amen
id complaint, and for the sale of the mortgaged
premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: "
' The southeast auarter of the southwest Quar
ter, and the norihwest quarter of Section No.
fifteen, To nship one north, Range fifteen east,
W. M , containing 226 and 6-100 acres.
That the proceeds of said sale may be applied
to tbe payment of the Hitiimut due to the plain
tiff as principal. in:ere t. luxe-, attorney's fees
and costs and uisb iroenients and the expenses
of ti e sale; that said deft ndants and each and
all of them, and all persons claiming by, through
or under them, or any of them, subsequent to
the execution of said mortgage, be lorever barred
and foreclosed ol all right, title and interest in
and to said mortgaged premises and the whole
thereof; that the plaintiff have execution
against tbe defendant Sarah P. Cartwright for
any deficiency which may remain after the ap
plication of the proceeds of the sale of said
premises applicable to the payment of said judg
ment: that the-Dlaintiff or anr of the car'ies to
said suit may become purchasers at said sale,
aDd that the purchaser be let into tbe full pos
session of said premises upon production of tbe
sheriffs certificate of sale, and that the plaintiff
have such other and further relief as may be
equitable and just. .
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for six weeks in The Dalles Chron
icle beginning April 10th, 1897, by order of lion.
W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the 7th judicial i;
trict of the State of Oregon, made in chambers
at Dalles City, Oregon, the 10th day of April
w. 11. W1LHUIS
Attorney for Plaintiff.
N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for tbe County ot Wasoo. 1 .
B. A. Osgood, Plaintiff,
Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn. Geo. H. Dunn,
narvev v. Dunn ana Mary Dunn ana in
Whealdon, as administrator of tbe estate of
Wm. H. Dunn, deceased, Defendants.
To Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, Geo. IL Dunn
Harvey w. Dunn ana Mary Dunn ana is,
Whealdon, as administrator of the (state of
Wm. H. Dunn, deceased, Defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon. Yon are
hereby reqnirea to appear ana answer the com
plaint filed against you iu the above entitled
suit within ten days from tbe date of tbe ser
vice of this summons npon you. if served within
this conutv: or if served within anv other
county ot this state, then within twenty days
irom tne aate oi tne service ot tnis summons
upon you; or ii served noon you by publication,
then on or before the fiist day of thei cxt regular
term ot saia court; ana u you tan so to answer,
for want thereof the plain tin will take luaement
against you. tne saia iaa Dunn, ior tne sum oi
$191 in U. S. gold coin, and interest thereon, in
like coin, irom. mare a su, 1893, at tne rate oi
eight per -cent per annum; and for the further
sum of $300, in like coin, and interest, in like
coin, at tne rate ot eight per cent per annum
from February 1, 1892; and for the further sum
of $80 attorney's fees; and for his costs and dis
bursements herein; and for a judgment and de
cree against all of said defendants that all the
real property ncscriDea in the complaint, to-wif
all of lot 6, aud the esst half of lot 5 of block 32
of Humason's Bluff Addition to Dalles City,
Oregon, be sold, and tbe proceeds thereof be ap
plied upon said judgment; and that each and
all of said defendants be forever barred and fere
closet of all righr, title and interest in or to
said premises ana lanas.
This summons is served npon you, the said
Harvey W.Dunn and Mary Dunn, by order of
Hon. w. L. Bradshaw, judge of said court, da'ed
April 9, 1897.
aprlO-il Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bond Issue of $20,i
School district No. 12, of Wasco county, Ore-
?:on (being tbe district in which Dalles City Is
ocated)will issue twenty coupon bonds of the
par value of one thousand dollars each, bearing
interest at tne rateoi six percent per annum,
interest payable semi-annually; said bonds be
ing redeemable at the pleasure of said district
after ten years from tneir aate, out aue ana pay
able absolutely twenty years from date. Princi
pal and interest payable at the office of the
treasurer of Wasco Connty, Or., or at such place
as designated In the city and state of
New York, at the option of the purchaser. The
board of directors of said district are lawfully
authorised to issue said bonds in accordance
with the provisions oi an act of the Legislative
Assembly of the 8tate of Oregon filed In the
omce ot the secretary ot btate reD. Z2, 1893, ana
providing, among other things, for the issuing
of bonds by school districts.
In compliance with the terms of said act, I, as
Treasurer of said county, will receive sealed bids
lor sola Donas at my omce, iu Dalies uiiy aiore
sald, until 1 o'clock p. m. on the loth day of
Msv. 1897. All bids must be accomoanied bv a
certified check of five per cent of the amount of
Donus ior wmca uie uiu is niauc. ixv muo iwi
less than par will be considered. Tbe buyer to
furnish blank bonds to be executed by the dis
trict. The right to reject any and all bids is
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon,
this 29th day of March, 1897.
31-4W-1 Treasurer of Wasco County, Or.
IN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Ore
gon, for the Connty of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of James .McGahan,
deceased Citation. ' '
To Jacob McGahan, James McGahan, John Mc
Gahan, Laura McGahan, Elva McGahan, Mary
Ellen Hughes, Elizabeth McGahan and Kate
Bhumake, neirsand legatees, and Mrs. Hannah
Ward, legatee, greeting:
In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are
hereby cited and required to appear in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the Connty
of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof , at The Dalles,
in the County of Wasco, on Monday, the 3d day
of May, 1897, at 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon of that
day, then and there to show cause, if any there
be, why an order of sale should not be mode and
entered herein, directing the executor of the last
will and testament of said deceased, to sell tbe
real property belonging to sold estate,' to-wit:
The southwest quarter of Section eight, Town
ship one south. Range fourteen East, W. M-, the
same being the real property described in tbe pe
tition of the executor of said estate filed herein.
This Citation iB served upon you, the said Ja
cob McGahan, James McGahan, John McGaham,
Laura McGahan, Elva McGahan, Mary Ellen
Hughes, Elizabeth McGahan and Kate Shumake,
heirs of James McGahan, deceased, by order of
the County Judge of Wasco county, Oregon,
made on tbe 23d day of March, 1897.
Wirvroa thA Ron. Robert Mays. Judtre of the
County court ot the State ol Oregon, to
rsiAL the County of Wasco with the Seal or
said Court affixed this 23d day of March,
A. D., 1897.
Attest: A. M. KEL3AT, Clerk.
m27-ii By Simbon Bolton, Deputy I
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
8T. FA 11 1. 7
GRAND foil .
Through Tickets
' For information, time cards, maps and tickets,
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent, -The
Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Kansas City
St. Paxil
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Every Five Days for
For full details Call on O. B & Co. s Agent .
Tha Dalles, or address
W, H. HUELBUP.T, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E.M HEILL President and Mona er
New Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives' at Tbe Dalles 4:45
a. m., and leaves 4 :50 a. m.
, Train No. 2 arrives at Tbe Dalles 10 :15
p. m., end leaves 10:20 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :65
p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 1 p, tn.
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between Tbe Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 frorr
Portland. . E. E. Lytlb,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
I press, Salem, Hose-1
I burg, Ashland, Sac-1
8:50 P.M.
j rameuuj, vgueu,oau i
) Franciseo, Mojave, (
3:10 A. M.
ixs jngeies,ci raso, i
New Orleans and I
lEost I
8:30 A. M.
Roseburg and way sta
tions ,
4:40 P.M
fVia Woodburn for
J MtAngel, Silverton,
i West Scio, Browns
I ville.Sprlngneld and
I Natron
4:00 P.M.
Salem and way stations
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25 P.M
7:30 A. M.
uorvams ana way
McMlnnville and
way stations
t4:45 P.M.
Daily. tDaiiy, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
Bates and tickets to Eastern points and En
AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
J. i. JLUvaJUA-nu, xicaet Agent.
Thmnirh Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from ' . -
r. rj. ja-XkLiAav, xicxet Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart irom
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street
Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at
20 a. m.: 12:15, 1:45, 5:25. 6:45, 8:05 p. m
(and 11:30 d. m. on Saturdav onlvl. Arrive at
Portland at 7:10 and' 8;30 a.m.; and 1:30, 4:15,
35 ana 7 :55p. m. - . '
Leave for Sheridan, week. days, at 4:30 p.m.
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Friaay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at'Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:06 p. m. .
Snnday trains for OSWEGO leave at 8:40 a. m.
and 12:15, 1:46, 3:30, 5:25 6:45 and 8:05 p. m. Ar
rive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00 a, m.; 1:30, 4:15
5:10,6:35,7:55 p.m. .
t ttofttler. 'E.P.ROGERS.
nanairer. Asst. G. F. Pass. Agt