. ml - - . r .sroi-T wsLT TffJ?Ul1f?C$ 3 O O O Of - . i y 1 1 t.f groceries; 9 csp its i1' a-- i r t ws i.t;.-, This:I:i)paf tment is tiow complete, and you Wevare eady for busings ihiievplfyieii; ' . ,V.Toom and plen ot light; : r. -i-i.-v.: i is.-; .artofntlLjWei; repjg. ypjj. jiiy9$ 4-'as ahlndication pf what we propose" :';;;a .vto dp, we jnake the -foiipvingTofferings : Vci r : j hia Department, as nowcatei,is very pleas-' , ant and attractive. Our New Goods are near-, dl .89DI1VHU pBJtBdJslfelyeiandCtJOCtl1!?6-1 hi 1 . -: .0 v Jacket s; ..!, .toss ana KavA them, and -of" these 'Skirts JXslo JSoiHyihtieresl ? cd "t .show them to 'IiSr T.iiVnhas53' V Lilatestproducti have it. 1 Mfrni&ed. in plain figures. Tbe Weekly GhroMele. SUBSCRIPTION-, -i-.-o-ih- IT HAIL, rOBTAOB rurU, XJI - month. My.i 'WC htaiiiif)it , v.'wa. 60 AMttnlug Mtea t nnable. and made known on application. Address all communications to "THE;CHBON- Telephone No.J. LOCAL , SaWrday's' Daily. " Dr. Lannerberg wb expected borne today, ! sive ' 'A y, btttBgn4eculat&m .baeUshoWiiA Jtilltitbj',the owner of the in jrrot wTfl fereturn tfA -ttmflineP' 1 1 cess latter part of next weelc Edwin Gorton died at Wveth one week ago today. He was 8Ayearaoidt veteran 6 thrslaff -K?, iaftfflSnilTBtqrggstf adonbtf Tybeonsumer needn't berof Canbyrbst, if. AT. .atoldftlcKV-tbJugh teiW the benefit of the Eiver. ifisi-''io no Don't forget the grancfbatl to'be 'given 'by - Dalles Tent, No. 20,- K.- O. T, M.-, n f,'$t-r, JPatricVa ,lay in tba t eyening.'r' ""Bancer"wiir'De " at the"'Batdwin'ibper;a: Kon,. -.osstos 4 From present' Indications Pennoyer OtAfftrkeJi it8 IRaS ; Popnliete, ad; to J'tinAng hfa-'rirlattW andf;-'aoiTOwaat i firkin mind back to hia firat love the Democracy. pQ'heyeTis (u aiucdafica t)f, weather thia, &ornin4 MuXtf " of 1 ad1 ridtiatisfabtory -tQnd.rj fff vr, iV.ierl $ftf can. ge$, ieioT1lArng'-H ia tr fobk Hd ad 1he pleasant and make everybody else thiult yon like it ,'lQt the'saleifCciijriots this afternoon the following wero made : Lot 1, block . -l ..v . ; . I- U ig, w vaivary iaptiso caiircDi oouuioot ation$200. The n6fjbfi(ty-seet-f1 lota 5 and 6, block ISrtb the ntberan church, $300. North fifty feet of lots. 3 and 4, bIJ8;MvfYf57i); North fifty!eetnyUan4 j bidck : jt8i" P. A. Johnston, $60. . Soft negQOTjgrg) fine Madria or trench flannetlTVlibout collar and caffs, finished at neck and . wrist8-nrTwKteadg;:K'wQm . with wfiua corfara and"ctl2s,''win na doubtedly be the popular ehirt thia awn ing seaacfT ATKilflipleiT' jast openeoT an exensTveJTTn 6? jthe: above in the various new shades and; 'I?XeiSI'?S5lQg't' ajpfrprri 5 centito'Z2o. Anyone appreciative of a handsome shirt should not fail1'? . Cosilla, the man who surrendered himself to the Portland police and aC vniontl baa been found to be mildly in sane and nas been discharged, reople "pdfl sfijTF,?ai8CoTwhjb7noty7'ttttej pi .the -murder. v Ififj'jCjrj tthnfsda;- and ;. Friday i evenings of iea!tf week! Preeiden'-vMUler aod Profea. eor Crdifty-andrBdrickf the agricuL, tarkT- ddllege, adtf jresa the frnit .t .growrs- and thoeer JnleeetTia frnit growing on hortlcutlurar subjects", f rait, pests, etc we will give the program 'iartbefOTe- isiol ""'" . viutlm))o!f'.tapbe ui !fi$i:V$QTc$ , pecially will do "well" to 'attend" these jj.neejtnga. JVascp js.deatineii to be the "" banner fruit county 6f the state, and the ' r.'..7 0;l Thelin&we -have' ready for inspection has; never been equaled, and fmtjntprestjypu: Don't fail to look them over " ,.-: mirx irt arem ; ivaepaftuEei at prices to astonish you. Une. and a-dainty Shirt Waist, of, and elegant costume, ii lauor- r . dnQteshipplata ou.v WgifYP a TOnTT ; 1 gmliBrpbeH' d in Lac-esmve t)eehilare-he: Ch4rhp$nfe la?: We knowledge tbrt-ran be giaed-'-faom tbeae gentlemen will prove, of: inestima ble benefit. Do not fail to' attend tnesB ' ; Monday's Daily- The EgB"End ; haa .caagbt. oifc tp : tb prevailing dullness and refuses to con- yuie a gaQfiijei.are a' the depot etraighteninz the cbaneTtig 'ibe .switches. jrork Dear track 'and Sunday morning Constable Hill went to Hood Bi ver,a adi arrteted. -att Xndian, who la accased stealing .aiot ot stur, geon. r. -Trm-UuU UoiUiernand lOrcgon Sbort Line will both, be .operated after the Quion, Short Line. . lit ia teptrfetj J,hatin Indian caught stealinKSturiieoh Troth' line below the Cascade Locks one day last week, was The oranges and lemona advertised by. a certain firm in Joday's issue may Jiaye llrvUf . , in the Christian -church, being, conducted by. Evangelist. F, L. Pierce. The services ixfLii'fiS' p: m';-" Good' Ringing and afgbod t&9 'li-;xpectedS; XvSff Bady ia invited to attend.. -. i r Asjraa'nf facturrs of men's neckwear; afdsAWeRioue Co. are acknow.U edged to be at be at the head. Thia line is carried by Tea'se & May a , whOTJ a vis' j asd receivedjuid oat on saleJi large ahii--f rThe fiecew! to-Mr, of about $700, including costs, in favor of J. W. (3rakeriey.bo.,YB0e'eht ithe . . . ' "J ... . I UUJJVU von.fcvt uia ciuyiu it s-q property ior fto, naraiy enougn io payHivu .jyHj"??0!!? Ir'ne.'Lr tTTr-rOTf. : . -01 . The? drill: rilered, bjT T. , NichoWsl ing for ,coal.ahijDpe,d. from Aur6rKKneere"8 1?;,'!??r7; .;lne IfMhois'on'' the 10tBr and should arrive 1 fltli mnil .hralM rrltra nera aoout toe iu.jy.ll -wju. oe put in plice iaa'd;. bperaiioha '" will 'be ,'begi n as soon as possible after its arrival.;, : , .' -.- ' ; !C.Vi.i'::.'i-: f. .. . -Antejppe .taW.viMea;. its i scbooli' reeaiting is we are informecl io tie; discharge of Professor ' Lake for fro.rr-the;; practice of his profession. .Tbe. schbbfrwill'rVe.' continued 'o Ihb end of ttd'terinlhlfebiarg ptMisa JiCwl8.,;;; 1 i rnuevuitr uB uoveiupeu new nuu ;'jo3'tabl'e 'jam usenlent 1 1;' ; being. , faqt h i ng IeSB-;tha;'n:i driving the timid: jackrabhit 1 lutoa'rrat'snd&ilUng'jbi. liWitli:!clipb8.Kri ThesVcotid drlVc' iofi (jtej 'SBft-soii wa0 made 'about; -a. , week ago, re j suiting in'the death of nearly 400 of; the I lone-eared treats. Thfifer'rM'rwnompany have entered the "fieicr"ftnrl KM i nyr for tbe Btorgeop: trad vbavinjg idv. hceRf ABC ! the pnce tafl eeata peiv ppund!,;;, If: ttte 11-PD8 '- cylipder'. press" Is rjc4e'ttoact.f6EipnbiBg 3t steel fix tares L.vu6' r"c . r .'."'""y juui nsuai; ioei-couniy: laiixoxqe, mqeser eaie ioiw.'.wi.i5 'iwiuk ior ;.. s iocs - woo W Bfretcb iine jrj -(he j deep , watir pf the viampia wnere; tney tesUya : fish are wont to sport ana play.;, , iH JS.Ti- .vteriiJ-l i.) vii Ji'.f '.rfr .v "Froiirtbe 'Way sturgeon; have gone i in price, ino iemtin, enoa.;ttiuHi: 4)e re celtju;; inbre;Vtbiny The price ;baar gone- yip-steadily; froiji 4j cents. to '.'6 .cents," at the present time, and; the end is' not' yet.n?it ia strange ..th'a'f ;mothmg.i: Jv? I;Tjlme'"fprSpri v! t . .: patteriis.":': Out-prices are rights " Examination :o'" ( ': ' ir3-will ;c6hvince;you .V.VAd' ..:-We f keep , a eomplete ; line " of . Negligee and;; ' .Fancy Shirt sperhaps thej.finc-st; in the' city.' V Our Fancy Percale Bosom and Soffefront Neg-:.! - 'r ligee Shirts are up-to-date. ' - :H'6siery;?lJnderwcar. j i ,7: ; - Tliese lines will, tell their own story. : The as-! . - - 'sortment is large, and covers a wide rahge' in .3. ;! -r jjpricfe;'; It; wil he; a pleasure to'us to shbwryou" r-'li :..';,the gOOds..' .-" .:.' i : ,T -A fill good a marked ::- in plain figntesi thuiga work tha )f ay"tbiy: ;dp.J- Here are fish doubling ia price juBt when the de mand is greatest, aad, egga are up to 50 cents a dozen ' about: the: holidays: when the Tom and Jerry eea'son eets in. 'J ; :',-'. iU : Tuesday's. Dally ' - -"- "! :f ; . InEd Payne, and! JdhaMiller left thiai morning lor Montana. ; v.:-. .i ' ;- Mri Orion Dunbar, one or Goldendale'a leadinjg'merchan'ta.:was in the city'last night.- ;-:':':-:-: , -: r-yv V- ; : One carload of cattle and a mixed car load of ; cattle and; bogs were ahipped to Troatdale last night.; ', - T; T.'KlthbfBa is 4)nilding a'jice :reai. detfctf on "the corner' opposite theCoai gregationai church. '. . DO'-yod want ar little reen" for to morrow Ji- Call at A.M. Williams & -Go, and gel-hinrock free.,f: 1 ' "' r ", . QQ W e '-. lot", of. . stocjtc .togs have, been; receiyea at ,ihe .etockyarda for Jy xi Jackson,, and number - of fine ...beef cattle for Kellar ;.-.,..( ' -WapvVIBh'ermarjj b6nttty',!- is 'naving 'qtiite i'i'-reaf Estate bodm, owing' td the .ferjainty .of ,th Big'gVVftscor.'railroad: ipeing Dujit tnia summer. : ;., v..":.i!' The steamer Pilgrim .came; in'.' last night the first time foV e week'JuSheT was cat off Jrobi this'bart of; tbe-ri'vet'by the closing of the Jocks bat', will ran rega A few days- of; weather like this fur- niefeed:; today ? would give-1 us dry ronds a&d Uring-'ont' the bicycles. - Alreo'dy a feW dry ispots begln tb ap'pear; Wa'Sefcohd. f street; email islanda in that recent ocean rr i i t . . . p urive. pi ieqjQnBna oranges nave droppedy and in ccMequenc&'of Batoe yte w41frgiv tir- cbstomere abtf beBefit of nts 'f'doiki aoipft tM.J,v? pownessirand r9gxiDg npdtbeir-rirctomsr in i the iVogt building, tre they Via be p"refai-ed W tD&kaf ter the ier parr, OI IDB wetjK. r . part George ap4 Edward Sally, two boys i i ii i r. 7 who were borp and.rqaght.jip jn Baker county, -were eenteoced . to i,hB peniten tiary by Judg9 Eakin in Baker City last Saturday, XJeorga to two years and Ed ward to One and a half years. - George is 22 years old and Epward ia ISi'iy i .-..One of the-valves in the lower gate at thelocks ia still out of order, and will probably 'have i - to- be :erit East : for re. pairs;: 'he ( jocks are managed , with one gate io the meanwhile, ,;Xt takes a little longer vto. put , -a .boat .through, ;butjtbe traffic will-not be again stopped. ,;.. oi j,j Jake Snadiips, anlqdian7 was a'rresfed at-Hod JSiy.er- iStiaday by: Constable HilliJchargedWith stealing lot of storfj trop rrom rroctor & -Witeon.-' He was 'refOTnstiTO-Fillorrir-yesterday - Utelh '?.. SXiSBS. fijd i was. ie GrantiB'0!a'n.l;ebuftVai aivardecri eonirpanjr ot roruana iar tjo.u ja m on g. rtBB" inroyerpentsift;sftdl cellsH 16aeU,'l)athtuba, etclhe-rBis to ba dine ihfe spring; s.n.4 fcfter IbaJJi hoped rreVa will ba aopioi:e-escipes from this 9vNebraak jsQrB;ior jsale-j atthi Wascd. "arehdhs&P Best feedon ftrth'jJiA mQ'tf ' y - iJ.Ci.i-! ; . 7 fin.-..'.- ;; -i m 6;c?a : ready,-;i that 3Tdur ihterestsVlie : jifilli & MAYS THE TIRELESS SMALL-BOY eia, Genius mi Improving. Poster -Work., ' i.jZ".'i7i I " The Hretestr and-veripresent small ;Boy hOa "eauice 61 1 pejfpetflSEoJideri JlYbat hhas dwfljala.jnaogbtwbaX he will do::Fo bim-.tlierejia always some thing new under-the son-and novelties id '-' abnndance -; Sn";tbe' -Bhadei Genera tions of Bmall-'boys baye-tme-itnd;'gohe) 'each -finding' some" new .'species of inis chief, some improvement oyer' the.'tiack nom.ber 8mall-.bpy3 who preceded.. , them. ' ,0';,reoept ' years i the improvement in posters : .and. .- lithographs,., and'? their abundance in windowB and on walls has fumishe'd newopportunltieS for the: dis play pf the ''Bmallibdys1 skill? ;' TVs' no : ticed'ti; exa-mple ' of hisirrepressible genias 'this morning on a ' build iDg hear : .tbe.p'ma'tilla "House,; ,, pateri'tt.'medt cine-. advertisement shows an .enlarged picture pf a little girl's, face, and ;PP -of these was posted on the wail .mentioned Over some otber advertisement; thai pre vailing color of' which rwa"s a 'bright r car mine;' :' : How the': amalf-bo'-y- discovered that" fact we dd'hbt'i'eiotnd to sayy but he jitdized it to show ws .xepius,;, With big ever-handy jackVknife he had; cut put the-'eyes pt the picture, leaving, the bright red of the under poster showing through the vacant sockets. : The .com bination certainly made ; the moat horri blelplcthre we ever, idbked at; and is i monument to the genius of : the 'young ster- who 'saw and ntilized ih'e 'fc0mbina-: tion.,-..One glance .at bis work will start the shiyers.on- you, and the second make you. lurn away in norror.. ' v t -j. XIBI. ' -:'. M rs- la t ithiSi Citry. -Saturday March' 13th. Eleanor, widow ot- A;naries Adamsagea 76 yearaVand -I- ihonths. she. -bavirifir een, pom. in vWPKton...Uhi.o,, Aug. Zl, The -funeral took' place" at 10 o'clock Monday from the family residence, Rev, J. H Wood delivering the sermon. In terment In Sunset cemetery il: -' ; i. - Mrs. Adams was one of ; the pioneers arriving in Oregon in 1850 witb her bus- band, and settling first at Oregon City, then moving to Albany, and coming to The Dalles.: about, the year. :.1880 She was a woman of -tireless energy, large-. hearted and charitable, of a gentle and lovable character'-' that- : wbn -all" with whom' she came in contact.' . She leaves siic children Mrs. D. M. French,;Mrs. BJ F. Laughliu and Miss Irene Adams, all of The Dalles ; . Mrs. W, L. Hipkle of Antelope, Amoa Carter of, Milton, and W. H. Carter of Newberg; 10 i Her ; death; wad :not unexpected, her- IlKQ .9114 IKITCibai UlftftlUK .1. fm pOTslble ;for het f 6 t'ecQet.fi6m the 8eyeraHii,ckTrbf paeamD&irtcb 'mbb thejcause; Qf..eriraoande4 by ejcbAldreTfy;!! of wbopq; wre p resent. sbeipaased. uver.10; ,-thq beyond.a leaving beMnd er'f-tb'e-rfexample;jof-rani)ure, womanly aBd Christiad-fife', -filled; with good deWtiftftd; aboartfling in charityrniacEsTHSvThij to g?? fT- . wunccrniDE rorieicea lianas. bl:J ill V7 itti'ii'S C ; frit ') Ait act to amend an ract'fentitled "Ah iet' tb'-forfeiti'certa'in '-'rands Jheretofbre granted for the purpose oFafffing'fn:' Ibe constriiction of railroads'ahd-fofjother purposes, ajiproyea KepterpTjer .zyctit 18a0;r and jthe Several," ."acjs jameh'datory tnereofcssai -pal-tvl" Usn-H! it Be it enacted by (he-Senate and the House of-f-Reprttintative "6rAht Untied States 0'6f America ,in CongrcsrasseMled: -That section1 three of an :tt ei titled uAn"a(rt 16 forfeit certain'ands - here'tb- iurB-Kra.ui.eu lur iuo purpueo ui muiog-ju the conatruction' of railroads, and for pecans,-. WALNUTS, HRA7 I. The Celebrated Rose :es:Calirn All gooHa marked; in plain figures; other purposes;",' approved. September 29;-1890,' and - the several .acts amendsi tPry herebf, - bev and rthe.; saTne: is, amended so as to extend the time within which:' persons i en titled, to. purchase lan pa forfeited by said act shall- be per mitted "to ; purchase- the :eame, is;: the quantities and upon the terms provided in - said i section. and-: the amendments thereto at any timer prior : to - January 1, 1899u -ft-v-".!- i.rA .7 .J- -s I Provided,--That- nothing . herein .'con tained shall be so . construed, as to inter fere with any -adverse- claim ? that may have attached to the lands ---or'7 any-''part thereof, ; ,i iir ; i ApprovedFebruary 18.-J8?7..;..;.--i J.cj . From the above it. is deduced that the. forfeited . lands,-, withheld -from, -,-aattle-- ment ;by .order of the Secretary of the -interipr,-. pending. tthe passage , of; the above act, are now subject . to homestead .entry. ' Tbe. entry man. would perhaps; be compelled to make an .affidavit showing that the lands were not.- claimed in any,, way under-the-forfeiture act. Noiin- stractions ' have been received by the local land office bpon tbe eabjebt. but we belieYe :the above" course' will he''pur-j sued, in dealing ' with homestead appli cations. '-: - ':' - ' ' ; ' . .- A Harrow Ksoape." '" '"? ' Last'Satarday hieht 'about1? 'o'clock 1 the' attention1 of rhany--'of our :bitizehfl W88 attracted to a light in the 'mono tains, apparehtly;-'fo; the west1-of Mt, H6od.:- If was Bhppbsed at 'the time to be the camp fire of eonae' trappers, as thenight was -cold and a .hot fire neces sary to keep from freezing.,,. The follow ing day, however,-word-waa brought to; town that Ed'. Snyder's residence, in the "Vicinity indicated by She light seen re flected by the hoveringcloudB liad been total lys destroyed by fire,.1 wlth:.i all itt contents; o; t-;rtvf i-:,iis:iX.: r:A The fire originated by the explosion of a coat oil Uamp.i . Though1 jiDDe; of the family escaped - with: more than barely enough clothing to ' coyer fcheir nked ness, Mr. Snyder and . wife : consider themselves. tfortuo a te .that they Bayed themselves and two children from hor rible deathB, -The children, were;, in .tbe room :-where:;the :.lan)p.. exploded,-, and their lotbing:.waa. soon -pn ray The-' mother beard the'; screams, of lier little opes and hqrried.to their.re8cue:ee;izing them and pushing out of doors, . By this time, the father waa at hand and finding tbe-mother, as well as. the children; all ablaze, he ;threw thent -to, the ground and rolled them- in-thr enow, thus ex--tingrifglii ng ifib' 'flames ! before either them -was- Beriodsly -1 burned. ' ' The little-boy-baby had possibly the most narrow escape; as-the hair waa 'almost 'entirely burned-from his head. .iVti ' rr. While it was 'almost- a miraculous es cape, this, is reat.iulefortune to Mr. a,nd M,ra Snyder, for they :did not Baye single -article -of ctothlnp;.'6r 'hedditig except1 the few-pieces they had on their ea-rlya-hTrle-?ertheir., neighbonsbajefooR'ij afidr bareheaded. Snydetoehig 3t:iheAiBHQie tiipe UU1LO. Illr . 11,11. IITUULUUIHIIUU KJZ Ip'ng? tf.i"?Ba3 i mh'-i t?.w' S'-.-iX'v Tin this coenection JVIry, Snyder ' wishes us to thank.thetpeo'plev oi.Biifur la his bebalFfd'r their -generous assistance jn. h'isHime of need. Dufor Dispatch. 9SiA '?.S43 " .1?"jii:li'j loi rii.'o e-.'rt ': -t -t Eagene is setti ng7 1 he pacer ih-thi mat-: ter of women takingahandin-'politicB, and'-s'as rlerfected an 'org'sBittilion for .tjhktpfif pose? JjWpmarx";Biage;;will be f ho nrltiAinat "nTKiaV "o i rriaM 'or' ""Vii-if (Ka at'.'but theP W asa AUWa ut VWJWbN P1U1VU lb vBrancl 2 i c ioz . I & MAYS 9 o oo ladies will take '--anand in the 6mlas city -election',-' just: to'-' measure.' .' tneir power and testtbeir capabilities. Their first attempt -wit! be to elect city officers who will prevent the sale of intoxicat inlinorKX'Ittbeyj'iBrerjceeBsfal, the organization is likely - Jo - take an epi demic if orrtt and become -highly -contagious. ; The. city election' takes place next jnonlb, s and ; the -result witP be watched wlth more thad usnal interest. THOSE ; ARABESQUE TTERNS. BallnctnatlDK Press Gooas.'CaUoo With the Jhn-Jami- , v . ., ' Our dry goods Btqres are displaying a Pew dress-1 goods ; known as arabesque. The figares remiha one of Jacob's cattle, being -ring-streaked' -'and' striped". It, la' calico? -with the ' itra-iams. the : fitrurea wrtthing'hd intermingling like the con glomerate serpents of the "third stage of delirium1 "tremenev ':- We wantjtb' warn our Voon'g gePtleipen, as'thewarm Sum mer7 days approach, that he hasa:caee of swearing off on hand:" - He has either to rforego.theioaining 'beer,-the -cooling jn!eps.the: lemon ade wi th a stick in it, and ail.: that sort of; thing-, or cat loose entirely from the summer girl .wittt her arabesque- waists and .serpentine.' trim mings. .The modern young man's brain let, will: never: survive the shock of.' the combination. T It takes: good 'nervea to stand either; and the arabesque 'pattern of inebriety 'is the -more trying ei tbe 'tWOS'':!5-J "Jf.:! - iii-w il" Mi.; -;i ' A waist ot; that -material, with a fair female pulsating within: -it. reminds one of -tne oircua and its . Coucomitant cide- - show, the fat womanwbo . toyj with an ar4nfnl. of snakes and ..wears a; gennine bo around herjjneckiTha.t's thejway they etrike ns bow, at a remQte:dlqtance, o to- speak. . What tbo -efiect will be when they-r get plentif ul - apd. all tbe pretty girls are ftparingthem;, of CQurse we are unable to say, but we suppose one may geWcustpmedto them.,p-is4,vT i;9jtbw.ns;inay Ij.aye.troubJeiie as imilatiag : hali .sort ;of jthing.s .bpt a Dalles girl is irresistalileifi 'veny .guise, and, wopl.d.;be wiil be attractiye even though, like the Furies, she wore snakes . for a, head gear. , . It ii8.-,to...be bopedthat., the. ;new arabesque, waists, .may. he j fashionable during lent, as ;the Bight of. them daily wui tase tpe, place, or almost all other required penance... Z . .. ': "'If spme. pretty ,"girj,..witfi a jgqbd deal of spare time wUl call. ..around at this office pccas'.p'nally and get ns.used the compinatiop .Py,.degreesshe ,will confer aiaypr ,inM..wii.iv ee .appreciated, py us, more .thjany the bslauce pjf . the jamily. r;-CLAWS;: DISALLOWED; Z Following is si. 1.1st of 'Claims. Against Waieb Oottnrr frenented at the .f A March-.Term and Not Allowed ' Ladies. Aid Society, '"meals ettftW. . " :bbard.-.-A .i-:i-.'VK-::'5S;A -V$J3 00 :l.A:VV ilneiin-, nee oi voting place. o; 6 0O it- W ia lfciDi, meals -for election t Tiiiinf ' '"" " ' ' 9 T(t . . .... ... ... A. - j . . j. ,, I Tfi Kent, distrtcrattorrfev fees.'?. "2 50 School' Distt7-1 Noi 47, "dseof voting s ?-place,;A .-.i.. ui-i'i'. .Ii. v.'.: 5 00 Timothy Miller jury inquest.-;-, ,-; f 1 00 W: E Hergeton, . "' ., '; 1 OO F B Hodsn, 1 "' ' '"' " ' ';.' 1 00 JT Ashoell, - 3tJ '7'ifr:-?3l 00 BSobmidtd .li.ziJ iS :1s. 1 00 J Trana, t , v-'d-l 00 Surtlandv. witness. ... 1 00 Dr CandianU examination. .. :.''.' 5 00 aud juhuwiu yiuiuia were. preHeuietA. 4nd action ' passed' 'until next regular termL.T .;;3 A B Mott, board of pauper , .$82 00 JH Aldrich. maklD? iur list and-" . coroner tees'-'P.-i-V-.-. V. 7-. c.-v.1'-.' 8 00