The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 17, 1897, PART 1, Image 2

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f - fi
erttear Jnri
All -eafltenf fdreiara aavertteert ra
referred S oaf representative, Mr? E
.KaU, 230 234 Temple Court, New York
City. Eastern advertising most be con
tacted through him.
n I simple anil imperative reforms,
Sen&tdrSiv vowwin a maeinosave
r.i : ' L. J f-i , j , f i ;
tbe session from wrecks the country
from Jieril, sfld fyourselves frctmie
:f...:7 -j 1:1 -
bJJLMW1: P. Lord
"Secretary of Btalwi. ' .T.-rrrrH-K Klucald
Trwunmr -.1 .71". . . 7.7 1. FhilliD Metschan
Snot, of Public Instruction O. M. Irwin J
' Attornev-Geneist. .a-Ksm C. M. Idleman
State PHBtfr.
tin '- . -V-,.--. IGOV. McBrldej
' I T-: J T-i -53 X ,t-
pleasure of the senate?"
Money wsj hisgoJatidileala
t aim Tpni it. His "wkh-c ii'6e(3'Q49ert9bat heMs been tSargetl
special semonfof oongFess.meets
g-at-DOon.....Thft, fiiea-.of all Ore.-.
gonlans are.ceritred,.upon .Yfagbing-
feouifii pyrtciAis-
8.4.ri.U Jttbt Mays
..vyWi TJ. Driver
A M.Kelsay
. ..itr..,, u. rnimpa
. . t-w -i-;, ia. es. Blower
Cwnmlawmewte JOttaHfe-k In. a. Kimsev:
...f-Wit-,ff w. H.
Aaaessor SSm'jS... W. H. Whipple
oarreyor vi1a..T.-.,vj. j. u.
BnperintendentoirnbBe.:BcBooU...C. L. Gilbert
Coroner t ii'.'irU wj H. Butta
legislation as may be enacted, hu
witb a deep interest in the action of
ijbo senate in the matter, of Lhe -.Beat-"
ag or iienryr w. uoroext as senator.
Tie dispatches-indicate that be, a3
well that Kentucky .appointee, will
Vice-Hefildh Hdbiirt, in assunl
ing bStKMTt?.Jfl,icer of
ma2f!,5w?5W:w-t. mere
ti.weT,e some unpalatable truths , told in
.iantbin:;- but - a , ;pleasin; matiTier
However the address requires no
cbmmeut,' and we ' print il below in
nrnsaVbttt something Ibat .will.t 6a-.ito
''fonder 'b'Ver; v";i: .ssiaacj urAmr
Vice-PreEideDtflobarfkicH lt-'"
"Senators", 'My predecesscfr, on tak
"f;ing" tliis'chair ft)trrrye'ats 'ag6;"' Chirac
a.Jtyfiied'ypu'asftie most august legjis
,jativerasmbly; onjearUi.'' jejuni'
g;.elf ' .doubtless, give. wod;
, ilttf withdraw tbat phrase 1! At. any
'rate', it is ray1 duty sent ibere as I fam
"? by " the "diVect Vot of the'people: to
,0 jieu y pu ipa t, you are w notning oj , j.n
oo kind.; ;7 ITo .other ., legislatj v e. body,, in
a free -country; is so much despised
arid at the Same time dreaded, ws"yqu
are". ". Abroad you' are pointed 'to?as
a nornoie example ot a once great
";j assembly' degenerate; ! At borne you
' Tare i 'consid ei ed a stsnd lng; and 'deadly
n poUUcal and .financial re
o . form, a threat Jo. business, an ,1 enemy
'of pearce in short, the one? gret
"dariger point in biir' body ijpblitro pn
,.: zens are fixed., r It is mv solemn duty
fitanbtify von that yon.- most set yoLf
15 notise in order lest the popular :wrai.h
" find "80me ' wav either to niend ; or end
. jou.'. Another ' four years like! the
j; Jast, of '..steady : affront: to ; lie. .best seW
i n-timent of the nation, of aid and com'
'fort given td agitators and incendja-
''" ries, of shariieless " trifling -with: the
country's good name," and' as shame
." less speculatirigin the stock vmaVkets.
"of dull, insensate opposition td; all
political progress and -political purity,
io will fill- up tie. cup. pf your niquity,
'i .nBeware lest an outraged people prss
It to your own lips.
" ' "But it 13 "my'duty also to'be speci-
i,. fib as to the nature b? the chief 1'4vij''
eiijin which you are engulfed,. anjqVasitQi
-i-"the remedy whicba: I propose to ap:
yi;ply. ' : You bavedeliberately.! put
vourself "in! xhe power of ' the Varst
men in -your -ooay.- a senaior
B': "strong' irF 'prejudices or self-ibterestv
with 'front iirid lungs bf brass, is: able
R ,io wiyistan.a anq oety aii -ie ;resi.
)i You have, justified; and toleratebis
i putrage t3 -thbiground pf the dignity
"; fef'the setiate7'bi 'idiier'grobn'cl'ior tb';
. ' couiVesy'dubj'k fellbw-senatbr. !! But
what.; you ,. have,, reallyj done, is to
.Jj.vjmake the dignity of ;tbe senate a,hUs-
''-' ing and ;a byword to make th& ccur-
'- tesy" due ' senators something'- lower
" .. than the honor .'which .' exists -among
-; ..thieves. n ' 1;-,', ;J
orfj vjAs far as ift.ln my jpowerjjljr'o
ett-1 ;pose to put an end to': this monstrous
abuse. -HItJ will e'fleccssftryfpr fane
to enfbrceydurriiies 'Tjurthere jarp
also certain rgenerai. , parliamentary.
rules essential to the civilized dia.v
' patchi."bf pulic'nu'sihess, whici'-1"1!
" shall likewise! enforce. One jbf tbe?e
.1L,i ia:the:.,dutyLpfj,;a: presMmsipiEceii p
ji w rbake; a,idebater tflpeak, ito e.gjiestioiiy
i5 ?wben -tbeilndt'eln vppropriathn pill
'ft,?is3 before scnateTshalt'calf- ky
'" 'discuss a war with' Spain. I snail, not
allow a fouT'bonre' rehearsal of ithe
. i;-ii.'iJ j; f. i;r -;i h:ii J ' ;;
.. crime of .'73 to be made under the
-iv gnise;pf ) Uscipiiuing.toebin,;for) j-eg-
I.i!.t nlating :stbej congressional. library.
ifisi-lNd shall -el permit ,the:laxity .B ; tbe
"'yetiate roles tb defeat tbeWd of all
.dam Jin u i :-ili -i .-- f,.'".- v
eiJ, jTcues-j-tbe bringing the qnestipn to
X9,?;a ,fVoU..i.hen. Jtaik , becomes efvi
.ntlyji.aadi -rdefiantly; lobstructive; I
Bhallailt ihe. ,su pp'prt of a majprit'pf.
tbe senate io putting the question.
"By co operating with me in these
not be seated. Tbat tbe senate will
bold that therefnsal of the legisla-!
tnte t6 organize for' the -purpose'of
av'oldfng 'the :i 'electidii 'of ' ' senator,
will be helc( the same1 as if it had or
ganized and Tef used to elect. Thts:
is the'-only safe course -open to it..
Any other Tneans anarchy, pure and:
simple1. :: Tte':,'establishinig-':iof ' the
r - rri.. ; jv. v -
-i . i . , i . - - e.. -! L1
preceuenii mat a . legisiaiure .jeiusiu,
tp prganizejpermits the7 gpvernprjto'
appoint' a senator to Jill the. .vacancy
WPUld 'oe ' a;f atal blow at our political
oi4 PJ'in? fa'1 ofybalolndffXnd insists that they wer
..Lit. yiv..i ri-i'tiJlij, '.- Sr'-H.J -i vr-. ' .. ?
oiKreat wtsuu, m:wnaou voeo parirts vy w.rom tne?
ingai-portld to liavs beehSmaM
Tbe pounds .of flesh, hacked, from Xhe
7 i. i. ' y' t I,7!, . ilj r i V
bosoms of nis fellownren; Were sweet
morsels " to" bis lips. "His" insatiate
generouslniji wss by ftbgau inrderb
1 , v -vrTfVi r.--fit t '-n- i T.J5i i- l -i:. v..
iw; uaiuQi ccij pica ul tuanijucu Lucuiacivcs ui HUj iiauillLy Ou
Possessed of inpate "reeg-fein:o. His trial , promises
sole plfiaaurarttdatpdrLtrrAfining. thrnw rnrisi'dPrah1'' ttl
mysterious. matjer. ,
A 7
i? ended! bis 'worthless carcass 1 111 mWc1eros tRWPKIs tlrftU
carted, off rot aa the eravevardJ -uusu ceasevaaaKUoJlir
where; ieven.!,a-. .self-respecUngiwoxm
war hesitate 'long1 oefore tacklmsso
unpalatable jf Teast'.' "
fabric. It would 'be
... r
that the minority, arid not' the maiot
ity,;Bhpuld.rule. H.Jt , would make t
possible-for eleven : men in the state
senate of this state, at any session to
prevent, the bfganization of the'!seb
ate, to take tbe election of. "a senator
away; from ,the legislature, tp which
the constitution bas, given iit,r,:and
place' the power -in the-bands ef the
gpyerjior...)rWhe" this.JSj dope, ,the
gates are ' oren and who is there
shall say-where tbe end shall be?
Much' as the party needs the se'na
tor from Oregon: much as Oregon
needs, her f nil , representation iq bob
gress, she bad .; better be deprived of
both senators than that this attack
upon our institutions 'should succeed
yV arej not 'dealing1 ".'in.' the :tntai:
splitting y technicalities i '.of , .the' Jaw
tbatdath distinguish; and ... divide, a
hair twist south and southwest side ;!!
but 'with the solid material facts of
the -situation.'"'1 Neither do we deal
witn Mr. uprDett s c.ntness . ror -tne
place, i No .matter bow able, be may
be; jino! matter bow valuable bis;ser
vices' mavr "be; he comes' tod hidi ;at
.k- 7r7j;" IS'iiif-i-''- Lli77i:iTilvWJH
an overthrowing of the principle 't1.
the majority rules, and tba.usurpa
tion of legislative powers by tbe ex"
ecutive, , ; ' '; ' "
Should. Mr, Corbett, or auy'otler
senator s appointed , . as... he , was,T toe.
seated, a blow: will have beea struck
at onr : political fabric that will cause
it td totter;'1 If Mr. Corbett -were
not . moved by motives Of self-igi
grandizement,,be , bul4 know .this.
and: if lie had a spark of patriotism,
would refuse to aid in tbe ; nefarious
plan to, overthrow the principles that
iinderlfe our Kepiiblican form of gov
: ... ,. .. .':
i-'The ;oldpoem-6ays of vvicevWe
first'ehdure,; then pity theri embrffcv"
It'strikes,W that tbis isthV' ladr
i!7 ' iLiti,: 'j ' Jiii j L'L:,J
pnvn,nicni me great,, me. oniy.. yti!
goniauv.tiie.. .dictator iof mprals.,arid
guide for public conscience, m slowiy
riwndiri ir.-. ; "Whiln if! erlftorisl fiftoe
cqritairis'neWly. evry .day a; disserta.
tipn-.po, ewyri'aJ'm'ldSj Id
Conscience, " or .''Morals J? urnisbed
While You- Wait, its : 3wok;page ' w
tneasleiriiarked witb the evidence of
tiat ; disease t' 'so mucn 'flreads. DdjCS
not its last page- today contain all jthe
pros and' cons pif" the Cargon dity
figareSiOf .tbe .siuggera with plaipj ftnd(
dotted lines) sotbat the' eloseaticbm-
pa'risdn 'of tiie td phriclpaa fc'ttn be
made ? .Dbes 'it5 not .'shovr the'ireV
d-ouptable jJinVand jthe "n Jithespfife?
Tl.-h with tlifiir.Aidukcs;'. , nn.astjAV
, ,. ... -u'S WJljl WiTTf.-J--..
appear in the grand carnivalrof iisic
argiimbrit? "oei-'it Hot-give fin .del'
tail hern'iitory' of ' the1 bbd I' 'contest':
apts. and,, .Uie, . . list . ;of tbeir bajttleS ?'
Does ' it not fpript .theules ;pff fh$
ght . and ; the'iritenselyiinteresling
and dramatic' debate 'between' that
gret' mepageriaf wonderryaii'; Stuart,
and the arbitratcr .and referee, Siler ?,
Does it not teli of : .Brady and ;Bat
Masterson, of Julian, the Marquis of
Queensbury and all the' other great
men?.. Alasl':' It does. ' "' 1! . L
Francisco's1 " hpted
AS llli r'SEES ITi i'
;i rj f.M'SM.rl .! .-.' Irt'i
vtiWX.VJAvi aiiace; i jyicuamant b 0m
Washington ; looking after!.; Senator
Corbelt's figlit for a seat In the set'
ate." ' ,Mr.''McCamarit "'. is; a c)e Ver.
young geo'denijbuiti 'tisTViiiieec(
weeds broadening, ideepening .length
entng- and straigbteriin" before it will
reach the full measure of its capacity,
as he sees'ahd' feerslt.' '"He 'lods . at
standpoint of elf-in tercet pplyand
before the venerable gentlbman who
rSesires1 a:seat-'in,'1the' seriate;' tlie'tfxr
static j vision of tbe United "Slates
district atorpeyship.for Oregon,, wjth
smilicg jfeatnre&.i :and. .-ibeckomng
t hands, looms ep ever present; to dim
the- sight 'and ' wkrp the judgment of
one vyaiiace. lucvamant. ie sees
only e .the,, .flowery . r .offlciai , pathways
his feet will tread 8hoI ld Corbett l.e
seated and the visioft of a 'Yiolated-
cbnstitutibn,''the:. pe'bpld1 "robbed of
iueir...jiguis, jfle preceqeni; inai ine
factious manority shall rule . estap
lishedjarid :) a iid07T.'struck;AlL the
United States senkte that;vwillr.proba-
biy annihilate it", tbvputs(oehirid bf mV
His opinion.-on . tbe. senatorial situa
tion Is' f conclusive "evidence of his
Vttbr':'uriflttiesa i 'fPr5 the1 position- bf
. i'ii-i .: i-.-tivi :f .! :
.1 -. . . . . . : i . t
uisiricb iiorney, lor;is
willing .thatthe rightsof the. ;. pep pie.
shall ts be .ttrampled : under : foot that
Wallace " McCaman t may " obtain
Qregon needs bpth.JieEepatprs
and while; we dO:Q.t.dxubt-vbut tbat.
M"r: Gorbett Would-represent'' berJ inJ
teresta "'.to- the' 'best of hfS c abilltv;' 'she
cannot afford to publish thb prbce
dent,j AS: su.relyas ., the, sub:. rises; if
she does her act will come back some
'time:3 tb- ber' Bhamb and ber:sorrbw.'
She 'needs' bet' 'senators;'t :uule3 they! are' , "H? Tus? "1 $
itb'tbe'iConaentf -wbjl Pm7?e;im?4i?
1 l 1 . 1 l. ' : i. .
and -the
nation needs them, but she needs
them ipnly.., vften they ..enterat the
doOr, and not when ttbey mak bur
glarious entry-through1 the" windows:
She needs- .her' senators, but riot jat
thb.:,price..she .' niust py 'for Cprtett,
She i needs .them
elected . by an.d,
the people, 'according:' io lawvand in
compliarice with nheu'terrriV';bf the
constitution, She needs .them not
when ihey ".ar,e;i jthe,, result ian. un
holy alliance oii I'orUand r bossism,
harlequin, .UemQcratj and .cat's-paw
ppijlists, laTTdeTl, tcgetbej toudefeat
flia will rf fhb-iywknnla i
Mr 1 1 McCamant iwouldf J like the
dis'trlct ' attbi'rieysbipVafid 3 we "have
hd: pfejectibntd his .lia vin it;'.' but
senator or diatrictattorneyi and will
dd rso"! 'rather f than?n'ate? her rights
trampled1 ''iny the:r'filtby ValldW iriade
gQnianapq alJ,,tpat pprpine .droyjeL ,",
would put a stop to the murder of
Deonle charged with no more serious
brfnif'atf "thav'4fXeikaf rdMslUn,''
will undoubtedly . .have ) tq. succumb
to trie pressure brought to bear upon
her. It is a picture that may well
urduse tbev wdrideii f therVilvilized
world, that of the" crowned Leads of
Europe, standing by the degenerate
lurKanOs D.ecorqjng.. accomplices in
his bloody massacres,
very i.a M.,OjflLJL"fj.-..fSrTT TT'PV v irrrr I
Tomorrow the Nevada Corbett
contest wifl: be- settled.1' From"' pres-
erit indiqatioris' the flgbt is Tibt' jgding
tp .be attended by.. the ' crowd that
w$a; expected..: ;,.Dan.,r Stpartiyester
dayitbonght :that t riot I more than
SjffGO' wou'.d ' be Tnside the pavilion
when this exhibit. Was ppeiied. .'.;The
pthe.r.lCbrbett bonteit. will 'probably
hang oo-JoDgey.cFhi-jij.j'ti.
We rise td remarfctliat the -leclur e
field in Oregott is a fine dne with the
proper sunjectvan ReV.
Ivb. JDriyer, .could', , -fill every hair in
Oregon, ir ne woula s Oliver :.a dis
course-on ! what he; knows, about the.
Salem fiasco. - Driver knows; and bel
knows how td tell what lie kridwsi' j
' It was with pleasbre e noted yes
terday .that ' the , diamond 'dfi.1! tb' be
used in proBpecting..pur coaj'jfll-dj ii's"
on. us-i;way:vhereti iAV.e;..naye: reiit
faith in the opinion that there is. good
paying :" veins' of -cdl'ltiri urider-
neatb ,'rbe; " Daliesarid ' hbpS f tbsee.;
hat.opipiop ,yerifljed during the.cpm;
ingr summer jhsiKiMn-.t if Gvz;;f,:
Suppiied to United ;Statea a.nd British Qovernrnents. It has
no superior. : Best Dip5 for 'theiWor61.'i':Sold by IEA:SEM&
Seran Delesates . if olted tha Convention
Seven delegateeepreienting;itbeJPa-
ciflc juried ietioo-j.of Hina.itatea; in .tbe
Sovereign ? camp-afif j fchftj Woodmen's
Circlethe, ladies' auxiliary -o the Wood
men be. AV prld, : bol ted ihe onven
tion .-and f effected a new rgapizfttion
adopting a constitution and by-laws and
'P(itiD8 sppreme 7officfrs ,fTtie .break
was occasioned-bythe Sovereign camp
igri(wng t lbs -women 6f- ;th Westi in
making up the:list" of committees abd
officers. f '-.fiul. ,aY -vz'-i. f
'TTneooIters Were' Mrs;. Eden; -South
wieh , of Balem Ori i Mrff.T Io ez ' Filloon
of Tbe-DaJtesf Or; ; Mrev' Carria Q. Van
Orsdellv-of Pendleton," Or.v Mrs. Annie
Hawtintfi of r'Albany,-;Or; Mrs.'i O:s Ai.
Grimshaw, of Denverj 1 CMo,'; rMriaW.
Bi Dbherty,'f Paeblo; Dolo;j ahtf Mrs,
, L; -Wright, of LeadriU,;Colff,:r&':- i
Tb Fall f Davis.
:y.;-:v.. j
ii.O.bservation .leadsnSj p bejieye
that- those whoA eryc ldndest against
tb4 ''riewjonrhallsmare"' those -who
fe'ad1 "the' literature'' BO-felasse'd, ith'
the ..geates); avidity, arid, tbe news-
parers that kick against it.hardest are
those ,wbo j wbuldppt.hat style ;Pf
journalism i they could
. .
v. Even,. money .is , being" placed bin
gorbett iq and y .Fitzsimmbns",. .'whicb
leads M. us itobelieverithe .talept ;are
weakening on Corbett and are' fast
coining 'to:i the concTusioir that he; s
. r'-i-''lift:- r-i
'4at4tay eqbUsbbd'in ouy. edi
torial; .coJ umnsau; article, token : rb'm
tbeiNatioriJv'apapcr; published at
WasHifagtbri; whlcb was- clainedi to
be Vicb-tresiderit "Hbofiit,sf stddresS'
presiding- ofiSpen-u WP:Tegret exceed.-
iagly to say that tbe language was not
bis, arid he' drd' riot 'say7 ariythifl of
the -kind, That is where' tfe' missed
the. oppovtupty of bjs life, fof while ''bt rsay.(,ttii pprCto'
Mmi be should hftvet donp bo, ,fpr.tuey
pe iwords ofisddm'- ad gems -of
trutK it-' if.a ;a n sn. i -A-mtf) j ,Jh
'. if! uo of j
I Whiles ,-JEhe ?? Dalles idhaft .passed
througb a pferwd 'f of t4RttGMsdpre'4
'Hot? worB?-TtnaTi? apy"be?bre cxner-1
enccdV e pujtibbkV.
ana wnen- tne roaas once get in con-
i . . 1 Al. . a. i ! p
uiuyiMO is ejieUg.tuat.jOusmesa.)!,
all kAn.d9,.wiH( sWt.wjib, a. rush! fays.
Asa Fisk, San
Shylock, is dead.
He lived to a ripe
Purand, ,ie pf bQrgan,f ame jn , Port
land a few? years, , ago' Jifts,: n been ar
rested ' bnd vbrongbt-:back .td : Oregon
fbr'trial on' charges of 1 forgery j He
stoutly denies navirig'fbrged' hy,br
the notes which passed through his
round-about -.method. ajbriberyT.
After.1 all-, it asoundsi better.that way,,
arid thefe;i"is a'gret deal in a name.
An Ertdenea of Sprliiar. JKJ ! a
r. : ...IT I
..FlOjWerjbedetked, .and Jfra'gra'nt, (lieht.
tripping 1 ppTing.'Bkipa"from thi'lp vb.Ill
iieer a,rimuKiu, vPm'Pg Jrom. ine lar
aquthy.roelting .hlpgeri'ng.iBn6,rits
from the.'llJl'tp'pBcallin.j;' Into .Tjife each
tins, blade,, of crass "and "ebririklihs hill
anj dale with the purple "kpd oVd of ris
and bntterenrj. Bnddincr the Bhoota nf
ijbe .willow, shooting' the'Jb'uds' of peaobr
and cherjy'and'liia& fn'(p.HTe"'rn8te'a(-l!
,aeam. vab bob comes norinwara nature-
leaps .jorsa t ip nieej. nfr,.TjoypuB ana
a lover to meet .his . .first and-
ch ' the soil and all
come 'fbrtli in "a thousand
tints, and the air is laden with perfumes
distilled in " Paradlae. . AronndTher 'iihrni
g adsorbed:, bifd "ibaT"'.idrf'.'Tn"ij6yo
Eoiig, and, tba. mueic'aV tinkling of the
.true ' poetry i;beI6w' "gfves". evidence that
,the dainty be-garlanded . ana fickle'
aameei is, u not nere. at jeaat aue. .
happy aa a l
.only." .Hpr -feet
tne nowera
iJffv name is Cal Den -laa .
'.And you see j-havn't any pals;
' !
This ii. tbe Way tbe GofvalliB Gazette
sums;u'p4be:hottffedf-DavlsL:1.rii sia..
Alas; ioor" DaVisF-. His bouse cannpt
adjourni' ' Witbout-'a norutnii can but
adjdurn:from day to day, ind a quorum
will never come. .2;smz !
'Soniemembers' adopted-a-'Tesbl'atibn.
to"1 dissolve, bat i Wbat; sl that?i 'There
aB -rio'qnor'um and-the adoption.' of the.
resolution was illegal. The Davis bouse
eaairbWajourril? t u.a,a.. j
,vis Jias, gpneIjpme, haunted with;
the consciousottss that bis bouse has not
ad jourueiJnihi& waking hpurs, yoices.
wnispBr vj- p guprunij np quorn m,."; ana,
lu.iin .u;Biua more ruii iub . reiraio,:
Bayerjj Barkfey,: . Bonrne, Bridges',
Biiyecii"j and, so, onTidownthe.vlist -of
thps!B:.',viipl would., and .those. ,wnoi.woqld
Lnotjft ewakws.frpni uneasr sjambers
to pear tne wgnt snrjeJcv you can't. ad
journ, adjputt,-adjoSriJ
Other houses may come and .njay, go,
put theJOayis uouse jroes on forever, i i.
may resoJyep..di88olyejiH; may scatter,
ia the. 1 utterrflpet ?pa.r taof fthBj earth ; it
may .hide its hapless bead.frora th,g?e
of man, , but RtiU.thjB,mj;bt;, jtro.0g.
pn.,.r:xfie,i;a,ivi8 .house, .caanpt adjojajrn."
, Thereis iio escape for"; .Pavja.f Though
he fly tP Pnba aiid .fairowmeprrtflnis
ot her; struggling airiqte, thfi!orgIing
wopiwls,: pt revery . panjard, :,.elam wi Jl
moan, , ,"".voUi. can t. aojourn,", j .though
swift to-f ar joff Crjete. : be. .fijes'ap'el pa
its. . noble cause - yet:. every Turfc,,wU
cucse.;at. hiin and cry,, ','ypu. (an
...The soncr. will haunt .him to nis! last
sad hour and: on the: slab .erected "wliere.
''Ii1 ill.. i:i-Li- l;Vi 1. 'l.LT'T: ( t-';
no HiejjpB, ,iuis triuuio will appeal i
Here UeUi one whom Heaven nor Hell can hold,
' For miehty Truth DroclaimfthlnfstinonEaxlti.
Yea,-haa tlilelrelljrg sphere 4teH gjowBwId,
,, lo Knownaught moreot human woe or mirth.
Hia spirit still U doomed. q Unrern,.; ! .
Thft lAiit ntilv AVtHpnoA nf -mnfi - -'3
s -
;:::..; ?J:T Sll -W'sV ,!: 1 -
Pullman riso
t-r.-l sat
Sleeping Gars
Sming: Cars
Sleeping Car
; ' y-:
fcx. PAin, - i
t:BUTTlf'! I'-i-'-
'1M'.' V.W. rr-r
ilc you tbeainiof this raost -wntched vuviti i:
Hia opuse has not adjourned nor ever can,
. ... ,; : ; . , -r;.j s.STi ill;
-1 iiri' .i"ra: :..::i.j'.lii;:tLn!i:ui.
max. x.ntuniu uaa ua.i 11 .a uun iuui
oughly nserhaaled painted arid eleaneV
and it Will' ibeu used ; for Xhe first time
inca.the.8kating, rink. clpaed, tomorrow
n.ijrht:theLoraa8ian:being--thQ.,ball: in
hpnpr of gopd.8t., Patrick.,. He has also
badthefcenery, replaced, and .thetage
is 8i constructed that it caq;. soon, be 'put
in. place,i sThe.ball, will har.dly be recdg
Pizeq by thoee who .pat rp.n iied t d arm jg
the skating Beaaon, and: the best way to
get aoqaaiated with- it .is - to attend the
ball tomorrow night and , see . for,. your-
Selves. i H .r:-:---t
WW YOKE ,,. .
For information, timacaida. inarjaand ticket.
cal on or write to , " V ' "
' H ' ''..' ."W' C.;jALtAWAT. Agent,
i , r.r.vt -:j . ,. t The llallea, Oregon
255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon
Ii j;ii EAST and SOUTH, via
The T,SMsta JKoute
3 J f-.'.v; :'!i'ul''TH'C-:! ,3'.- H. P.X ' .
l'ralns leave iand are iiue to arrive' at' Portland.
fa a, m..
,! Vailjr '
:0P P.M.
7:30 A. At.
H:45 P. M.
FB0M rtB. 'iOt 1897.
press, Balemj-' Rose- r
bum. Aohland. tiao I
) Franeiseo, Mojave, f
ivos-ADgeiea, c.i raso, i
I New Orleans- ana I
lEat.:.l.-.i....: ....:vl
Roseburg and way t ta-
UUUB-. . ...... ... ...-1
f Via Woodburn fori
1 Mt.Ahel,:SilVerton, 1 1
West Scio, Browns- V
I vllle.Sprlngfield and '
INatron .v.; Jl
aiem. ana way sianons
oorvania ana war
stations.;.;. !
McMlnnville and,
way atationaij;.-..;;; j
31B A. M.
4-.4D P. M
except -Sundays.
no 15 A. M
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25 P. M
't)any.': 'v tDaUy.'excep Bnnday.-'- "': S3'
: Attached to all Through Trains.
i.JE C't
t ) , ,:With a The Dalles. ." . , !':'-
. :-.There is IhomDsnn And Story.. . .. .
Both houored ahdrresjxksted by h
6?'-:!.'rAiid wtth-tlie help oMoCormic ui
I iihjThereta Mother good man g; 1r
rwasaoohttPiofget, " B! 51
xtftOHis nameis BertThuratoni:: -,',! j
-1 " ' Although U dirt vfift iinHiiTm. 1
A Ip IhshrBBOtrtdWontlt0UtTI;ijt-u.tiJl sis.
As I have often said,'-' '' 'J-'
U Off Ulid gat MtyddllBj, woriai.o;Ai?sa -f!i
'r..T lAttbe timeof tiiwri,ttn,s. ,,,,, ,..
"'"'" My time is spent' ' " ' -', ! "fc
a ilaying siefc jtbed ijJrf khh Ilrw j
. . . Wlrhnnt H. rtii ppnt. . I
!.;,) TiMany Jong, hot days si ! -0'
' From morn till dart,- al -J'ai' ! " ,
eifj 3 lliwlU hare to wot to diffewntwiays"31
To pay them fpr.tnking my part. : -io1
Now llsten.-Wnd frrends, i SiiJ
" t An doH be boottr;. a. a
Don't flghtiu-The
SURE CU E fdrt tfL ES
' Ilcb in ui Ultnd. UWedlDar or JTromidinff Pt-u-vii m .H
:ok. bsora lu uort. A DOitlv cure. Cireniur. Hm im Pri-.
a ' 4 B J .Papeira' aliiea
is Jfagea. weea.
ft Btapds ftrst flmjpng .'eekly" papers'
.in, size . frequency of publication jand
LfeaeaTarieT -fnl'ibjjfoj ton
rice:o' "a. wep v
.Bup8criDerB,,.ajritenqing to. every, state jaso
'territory of the Union adTpreign CJ0D
triea.nwil ypuob;.fpr tfi Veen racy laad:
i,Itif BDjendidlyi ilfaVtraled.'md apjong
1 U; BpecUr eirB
page eihaastisiiiarkei reports,'' all, tbe
latest tfashloni ferrwarmen'-andi a Jong:
series: i6f?atbrieSi by . tbe .greateet living
Americaand ngiebf authors,'-tns i
03 Cnad -JJoylo,-: f) Jerome )5i Jarome., .
I , S,tanley WojmM,,,, Jtt.ary,K. W 11 kins
Birandek' Btatthewa; Etioi' MzbtiH --Ji-J;
p-Weoffertbls uneuftTed newspaper and
The Dafles'Twice-ft-Weok; Chronicle to
gether One "eaVfor fiiOO.f-Tbe Tegular
price of tbe two papers ia $3.00.
Thmnph Tinket OffincliM. Third street, where
-through tickets to all points In "the Eastern
States, Canada and: Europe, in be -obtained at -lowest
rates from . ,.
1. B. KIKKLAND. TiOketAgent.
All above, traina arrive at and deDarc from
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets.
YAMHILL blvisiONl' '
: - Passenger epot, foot of Jetterson street.
Leave f6r-bswiEGO.'-daiW. fe'feept Sunday, at
7:20 a. m.;i 12U5; ,J:rJfiij, ;6:45.. 8:t p. m..
(and 11:30 j. m. pn Saturday only). Arrive at
Portland at 7:I0and-B:S0 a m.i and 1:80- 4:1S.
Leave for Sheridan. : week days, at 4:80 d. m.
Arrive at Por tla:nd, 9;3p a,.m. f.,,r.,.
Leave for AIELIE oa Monday. Wednesday and
Friflay at 9:40 a. m. Arrive atrPortland. Tnes-
; Sunday trains for OSWEGO-leave at t:4$a. m.
and 12115, 1:45, 3.-90, 6:25 6:45 and 8 05 p. nr. Ar
rive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00 a. m.; 1:80,4:15
6:10, :85, 7S66 p.;m.'.o y.'-. iViv .'jc .tci j
B. KOEHLEB, pH ; . " " : E. P. BOGEBS,
-.- Manager.' "A8V G.' F. Pass. Act
''J l.-i':.: '.'Tv b '.'11 y!:-7 , ;':'-Y :'J
0 Hrirt iN
3 ar.z
?i:A JerfeeC Ptotectiooifirpnr-WBteT and
Parpneas3 Pjreseqvea. jibevSodyJ Ex'
:f. 'lU possesses every meritv claimed for
the, most erpenive:.v,: : anaoiate
security, and, .dnrabiUt.Vttbua makjng a
permanent 'and ' imperishable 1 resting
place forthe dead. - ' rJUtms
er'T-.'.a-i'b vj'ua 1;j'S fi-'-Pd "'T
-. This vault'iamadeotBix pieces of mar
ble which" can be firmly fastened to
gethef witb -cementVtaus making4hem
air and wateritighti J s i;.'ff.r;"-iCfi
"iiio r:i'.i. t ' .j : adl
-iJ'MJ'St W.C-l) li ;.".; OOP- V"1 I' .-"''I
Mr..Comini, haa on 'band a large eup
piy ot 'first-class -Marblej to; e used in
Monuments etc"-' Prices lower than in
Portland. 1