The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 13, 1897, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
ST All eastern foreign advertisers are
referred to oar representative, Mr. E.
Katz, 230 234 Temple Court, New York
City. Eastern advertising mast be con
tracted through him.
Sorernoi.... '. W. P. Lord
Secretary of State , H R Kincald
Treaanrer .Phillip Metschan
BapCof PubUo Instruction... G. M. Irwin
Attorney-General , C. M. Idleman
. (G. W. MeBride
BTOators...... ...... U h. Mitchell
(B Hermann
W. E. Ellis
W. H. Leeds
Congressmen. , . .
State Printer
Coanty Judge. : Robt. Maya
.T. 1. Driver
.A M. Kelav
C. L. Hhllllla
Commissioners . . .
. Assessor....'
Superintendent of Public Bcbools...C. L. Gilbert
Coroner W. U. Butta
the ec-ld men. the corporations, the Mitchell wM challenge the .winner for nearly as many 'people as there
railroad niamate3 were so mny in- for himself and several others. So j are in our little city. A.rrorninsc
carnadine ras to their taurine eazes. will Blaher tlie Mighty ana i,noynsKi ana evening paper win no published
Onh ten months since they depicted the Choice. Goddard the Good will for the amusement and pleasure of
the liberties of the i)eopl-as in dan- a!sO have his say,' and if reporU are this - cosmopolitan aggregation of
'.. ... . i I ....,,. iKa fijrKt a Ai-flr t n r will I mnriorn o!trili7otin Tko n.nn fr
nror iho pnnnrri' erf u n " tit ine evr. i tiuc. tt ucirvui; lov.. . ... , . .. ... .,,. auo vtca
i -. , 0 - . . v -
lastino- bow-wows the laboring man be an oratorical contest mat win out- j&astern wm De totally eclipsed, both
hoino- biptPfl from sheol to breakfast class the fistic battle. Lofty themes as to size and furnishings,
all the fierce
by the bloated bond-holaers, ' and win De aiscussea wiia
blue-ruin and all the calamities of argument 01 nara coin, ana wnen jru-
the seven phials of, wrath of the gilistic coin talks,it talks most plebei-
apocalypse treading on one another's anly -'oud
heels as they swept over the agricul
tural .classes. Their diatribes were
really harrowing. - But they had a
panacea for all earthly troubles, a
balm Tor all political bruises, a salve
The action of George Schneider in
connection -with the failure of the
National Bank- of Illinois is of. so re-
for financial sores, a cure-all for each markably peculiar a nature as to de-
. 3 tTa
and every public complaint. This 6erve tomiuem, uu
Still another sign that humanity is
advancing all along the line comes
from Iowa, where a federal judge re
cently, in charging a jury in a liquor
case, told them that they need not
hesitate over the lack of prOof that
the whiskey furnished in this case
was an intoxicating liquor. He
said : "This court is not a drivellmar
diot, and it presumes the jurors are
not. It presumes that each and
(A. s.
In. H. Kimsev
.u mpp e . , av9tm rpia,nr flrfi R,i was Known as ine iatner or, me oans,
t -in i I'i i s zl. m I PVPPVfinfi nf vaii ennur irhar fh icLtott
fnr snre eves was abeled Having oecn cvddwku wiui u ior J -" " -""-"-j
.v- . 7 I . ! t. A. 1 - 1 . a
He retired two or three " "ci ia, uuu wuas a wussev
Some of the pleasantest bits of
reading - vouchsafed to the great
American public are the glimpses of
the real home life of our great men
when some" bright writer lifts the
curtain and lets ps see them as they
are in the bosoms of their families,
the world forgetting and, in mind at
least, "far from the madding crowd's
ignoble strife." Who has not ch
jo3'ed the pictures of the home-life
, of Lincoln, of Holmes, of Gai field,
of Jackson, of thousands of others of
onr truly great, when one might visit
with them, as it were and see them
in their tenderest moods.
We are driven to this idle musing
by that touching scene from' the
home-life of the Hon. Robert Fitz
Simmons, at present of Carson City,
Nevada, as depicted in the dispatches
yesterday. The bit of delicious
home-life, where Bob, with his great
ness all cast to one side, discusses his
aspirations and his objects as every
man should, with the partner of his
joys and sorrows, is enough to al
most bring tears to one's eyes at the
mere contemplation of the descrip
tion. The deep womanly and wifely
interest of Mrs. Fitz. in the grand
moral contest in which her husband
is eflgaged, or is about to be engaged,
touches a tender and responsive
chord in every manly breast Know
ing as she does as she tells him
that there were very many people in
the East who "were Corbett," she
showe her wifely interest and girlish
tenderness by expressing her doubts
as to her judgment in "putting her
money on him." Such rare tact.
such delicate discrimination between
her duty to her husband
duty to her purse, such, cool judg-
Populism. -. ' J'ears'
Now Met ns sav riht here that for "3 ago, but was still nominally its
president, the vice-president perT eating.
we have the utmost respect; the same
respect we have for any man who is
honest in his convictions; but for the
cocktail is, and that all are intcxi
the vice-president per, caung. inis court tafces judicial
forming his duties. -The latter Knowieage or me iact mat . these
wrecked the bank. Although not drinks are intoxicating, and if you
legally bound, Schneider felt that lo not know it, it now instructs you
.n.nt.hv wQ tt thum tho he was morally so. He turned over
blatant D'Rens and other discordant the bank $200,000 of his own
noises who floated to the top accord- money so that every dollar could be
ingto the laws of gravitation, we Paid m fuU- bome r ni8 relatives
h.o lo ntmncf nnrtomnt Tlwv "u uorruwcu lutmev iruiu . uib uaun
went to the legislature for the avowed the strength of their relationship lities and soul-harrowing supposi-
.. tn Mm XXck tsvnlr r. thoco nnfop UOUS PTODOSltlOnS
mirnnoi nf nnn cino thpir "if uwo,
f. ..... 3, , Umtontma tn mora than 5nf.fi00 legged premises and halting conclu
to me political aiseases, ana oeiore o -- . .:.. m.-j "
morp hp thAn nntinpn trie, flirer.tnra iuuc.
that they are." If the example of
this ii dge should prove contagious.
the first thing we know the courts will
be trying coses on their merits, in
stead of on a fierce array of techni-
The Secretaries.
There are but few persons who -do not
at some time during the year desire to
know who the heads of the departments
are." For the benefit of those we re-print
the list, with the advice - to clip it for
your scrap book. - . , .
Secretary of tke state, John Sherman
of Ohio. t"::;;r; v'
Secretary of the treasury, Lyman J.
Gage of Illinois.
Secretary" of war, Russell A. Alger of
Michigan. ' .:
Attorney-general, Jcseph McKenna of
Cilifornia. '
Postmaster-general, James A. Gary of
Secretary-of the navy, John D. Long
of Massachusetts.
Secretary of the Interior, Cornelius N.
Bliss of New York. ,
Secretary of agricnltnre, James A.
Wilson of Iowa.
, Caalt la Taar Checks. .
All coanty warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st,' 1892, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March 6,
1897. C. L. Phillips.
County Treasnrer.
- Something to Depend On.
Mr, James Jones, of the drag firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last winter bis wife was attacked with
LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious
that physicians at -Cowden and Pana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consum ptibn. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle
home, and to the surprise of all she be
gan to get better from the first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do this good. work. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Biakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store. (5)
For Sale or Trade.
' A desirable ranch of 160 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City,- with one span
mares, harness, wagons, plows and other
property. Fine fruit , land and abun
dance of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. Mac Allisteb,
- Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Chboniclb office, The Dalles, Or.
they struck the state house they were
swallowed by Joe Simon as a trout
takes in a June bug. One snap pf
that mouth and they were gone,
They defeated Mitchell at Simon's
behest, and got Corbett instead
They alone made this possible.
Corbett is all right from a Repub
lican view, for he will vote foi Re
publican measures, but bow does he
strike our Populist brethren ? Cor
bett . is a millionaire, a banker, a
railroad director and & rabid gold
man. The Populist salve didn t
work. Perhaps it was like Colonel
Sellers' eye water, a magnificent arti
cle, but lacking just the one ingredi
ent that would work a cure. .
that if" there were any claims for
which he could in the most remote
way be considered responsible, he
stood ready to pay them ; but it-was
conceded there were none.
It is an idyllic picture of a very
wealthy man looking at a vast finan
cial transaction from the simple Aca
ilian view of it... It is a rare picture
that may well find a place on the
walls of the public memory to stir to
life the hope that humanity is not
utterly degenerate.
The Oregonian Las stirred the
Salem Statesman to Its depths by the
assertion that Salem was a filthy
town, with bad water, foul alleys and
disease - breeding combinations, or
words to that effect,
The dispatches from Cuba today
state that Spain" has changed her
policy regarding that unfortunate
island, and has ordered Weyler to
treat with the insurgents, even going
so far as to authorize him to sell the
island to them. This would be good
news, if true; but who can believe
it? It is said that Weyler has gone
to meet Gomez in order to make
some arrangements with him : bnt it
strikes us the story needs considera
ble salt to make it palatable. One
trouble with the Cuban dispatches is
that no reliance can be placed upon
any of them, and certainly none on
A story comes from the East that
a big boa constrictor swallowed one
The Statesman of a pair of baby lions. The cubs
has a right to lose its temper-and to were . named McKinley and Bryan
The dealh of Senator Dolph has
caused deep regret to every loyal
citizen of Orpo-on ; nor will it cpasp
with our borders, for he had achieved Pass the Re direct to the big contem- and the snake, while of vast opacity
. , , up and fiiht for its own town has no at Bryan. There is something in
respect oi uie peupie, regaruiess oil A t
i;;i . , A-,(r u excuse ior existing. j.nai is wnas
ii -is ior. -xne statesman aamits
name after all.
steady application he mastered his
chosen profession, climbing steadily
upwardsuctil bis feet rested on the
uppermost round. In politics he
and her I " &ucu zuv euuie uuuiac. uuu wuu
his way to the top by merit alone,
for he bad none of those graces that
ment that-on the eve of battle com
pels the arranging of her financial f s0ar towards winning and hold
Bnntl. viPtorir PVPn from l,lcuuo- "lo "U'IK
aalem has plenty of mud, but insists
that mud "in the winter time" is the
normal condition of the Willamette
valley, and even of Portland. That
is one reason me constitution pro
vides for the meeting of the legisla
ture during the winter season. '. It
takes lots of mud to run it, especially
when a senator is to be elected.
The Statesman sees in the attack
The aticients who named the month
of March were up to date, at least
up to that date when they named it
after the God of War, Mars. It is
blustering, bluffing, quarrelsome and
disagreeable, possessing all the char
acteristics of its namesake.
. u r : .1.
growth, but onoe formed ul ,c JU,a" cutcl iuX
lot an attempt to remove iie state
The United States senate adjourned
Wednesday.afternoon. That's where
it had the advantage of the Oregon
senate, that lust faded out like a
piece of blue calico.
capital. While we hardly think the k In five days more the big Ugh'; at
Oregonian meant more than-one of Carson will come off. The great
its nasty flings, and was not serious windmills will face one another and
in its remarks,- we concede that it return blow for blow.
forces to
defeat, mark her as a narason of her formed alonS tne Iine IP wh,oa nis
' - I I 1 mi
successes were acnievea. Aney were
knight who comes from the antmodes
I A I.,.:
to win in the . frladiatorial arena the "c,c "lul BUU """S-
green bays that adorn the brow of Oregon has lost an honored citizen,
the victor, and make humanity iml an nonest ana conscientious servant,
And, then, who can avoid the thrill haVe accomplished much more-for
I 1 a. a. IT 4 -
f ivof; v,;-, l. uer iuao uiubtw us veu realize, an
va ttuuiiiabiuu (U UIO UUU1C U1UC- IX la I
eyes beaming with affection and his time P"89e8 we wU1 come t0 rea,,z.e
u, i -,-, i. more anu more me true vaiue or nis
his hat on one side and savs : "I'm services, and to more ' fully appreci
goin to win this fight. . See! You atc the turd-7 "ggedness of bur char-
t,-n p4- i,fu- acter, a ruggedness that caused hiin
, I i I. . Al I A. ia 1 a -
ought to sit vour mohev no. See! lo 00 -ugni. cia, naugnty ana re
.nt- ;t t a i peilant, but which only concealed a
" . luoc' uuu " a0B' wa lo VJ x,;,.. A t. . . . Umatilla county, is filling entirely too corns, and all akin eruptions, and osi
your aepts, Decause . 1 don t win J h,mM. - eMnn In th rUfoi lively cures piiee. or no pay required
I'll have tronhlea of mv own ' vAn ; iL. ' : . . . It is trnaranteed to eive perfect Batisfac-
" , , , 11 13 n me principle tnai -a lei- arena. 1le deserves to be promoted, tion. or monev remnded. Price 25 cents
must u-avei on your own troijey. 1 low-feeling makes us wondrous kind" not bv ripo.. but nt one fell awoon. per box. . For sale by Biakeley and
to hpnrl of somp
will linV mo I.Ira tloll r I . . . .... .....
tne position they do in the affair be- party organizations, being perhaps
"aJ "uu tween lurkey and Greece. The hpsfc pnm'nnpH for t.h nosttinn of
crowned heads are natlirallv UlieaSV I errand snol.Am nf .Tflmmanr. At the
uut me picture becomes soul-har- a9 thev see the nower of rovaltvl
...1-..J 8iippinK 8iowiy but surely away from He" ruled that no woman in the pre-
Tlai ion 9 TcrK . ' aL M 1 I I
. ujr uuu iuu KUIieiesS nnft of thpm. thfl Hpwpnprnto Tnrt nt- f !,:
- a, - 1 I - " f w, ww viUVb KAVLfl UIO V IT 11 TT 14.C TT uO Citgl"
A B A. I I a i a i . 1 I
oi tueir neans to noia mem i,oa r,n ti,
will bear watching, and it would not
be at all surprising to see it advocat-
ing that measure.
According to the Pendleton Trib
une, the cnairman or the board ot
I8CD001 a i rectors or district by, in
Beaumont and . Fletcher said:
"Calamity is man's truV touchstone."
and yet most men dislike being
touched. ' '
BacKlen'a Arinea BalT.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, nlcers, salt rhenm, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
did. He'll do it that
other. See!"
np to the cold gaze of an unlover-
iiKe ana uncharitable world. Let us
draw the curtain and shut out the
ravishing vision, content to know
that the fistic Bob, as he exercises nis
legs for the coming foot race, occa
sionally hums those beautiful lines
I could not love thee, dear, so much, J
Loved I not honor more. ,
polls early in
day, in spite of the protests of
18 Parea a Week.
IB Papers a Tear
It etands first among ''weekly" papers
one such example in Europe is, for the voters, denied many the right to in 8ize frequency of publication and
the kino-s snrTifiiPnt. Thw .In not. w f. frimiAn. a freshness, variety and reliability of con-
fc ' I toots Xt is procticfllly ft dsilv flt tho low
fear the growth of Greece, but they clared the man of . his choice elected ice 0 a weekly ; and its "vast list of
do fear the destruction of monatch- director, although the. ballot box subscribers, extending to every state and
ism. They fear the growth of the the chairman's hat had been nnspfc. territorv of the Union and foreien conn-
doctrine of political freedom and of the ballots spilled upon the floor and triee' wil1 voach for the accuracy and
Republican principles.' This is what not counted. The beauty of the
their prompt action in de- scheme was that
fence of the Turk. It is self-preser- that was where the "success sue
vation that move's them. ceeded." . '. V .
Our Populist friends may well feel
it 48 amusing to read in the dis- The "Oceanic." now under con
proud of their work in the legisla- patches that the local officers' are us- tract for construction, is to be the
iure as tney contemplate it m the ing every effort to keep disreputable most magnificent steamship conceived
quiet of their enforced retirement, persons ont of Carson City, and in by the genius of man. It will be
It "was only last May .that the air was the same dispatch that "a large num.. over 700 feet long, almost a moving
quivering with their war ciies. "Only ber of prominent pugilists are ex- isiand on the face of the ocean. It
ten short months since the bankers, pected next week." It is said that will afford palatial accommodations
fairness of its news columns
Tt. la snlanriirilv fllnRtratpd. and amonff
he made it work; It. BDecial features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors.
Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Weyman, Mary E. Wllklns,
Anthony Bone. Bret Barte, -
Brander Matthew. Etc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00. '
(Late Grader at Wasco Warehouse)
Has leased the WING ATE BUILDING
And will handle Wool on storage or commission,
or will grade or bale it if desired. Thirty years' ex
perience as a Wool Grader.
CUings and Cigars.
on draught
and in Dottles.
Anheuser-Btisch Malt. Nu trine, a non-alcoholic
beveragej unequaled as a tonic;
Real Estate Exchange
Prospective : Immigrants
From every part of the United States concerning the
Resources, Products. Prices, Etc.
WAsop ooTTxanrsr. , '
All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or citv nroperjty will find it ereatlv to
their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members
of the Exchange, giving fall particulars, terms, etc.
J. M.
wasco warehouse 0
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain , of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran; Shorts, XfeId
Headquarters for "Byisrs' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if von don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced. ' . . ' - -
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
' THE FIRST BATTLE Is an interesting story
of the great political straggle ol 1896, its moat
Important events and the manyissues involved;
a logical treatise on Bi-metallisni as uttered by
eminent exponents, including the part taken by
Hon. W. J. Bryan in the silver agitation prior to
the Democratic National Convention, and dur
ing the campaign ; the best examples of his won
derful oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of
his famouB tour, a careful review of the political
situation, a discussion of the election returns
and the significance thereof, and the future
possibilities of Bi-metalUsm as a political issue.
Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the an-
tbor forming tne aesign on cover ; antograpn preiace ; magDincent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing 600 pages and 32
full-naee illustrations. .. .': . . . $1 75
In half-Morocco, marble edge ; 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge. ...... 2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or.