CH") THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. MARCH 6. 1897. Tie Weekly Cbf onicle. TBI DALLES, OfiKGO'N PEB80SAL MKSTIO.N, , . - I Grsa Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, ' Jas. Fraxrer -Of "Valley are visiting in the city, Mr. Hay ard Biddell arrived borne on the local today from a business visit to " Portland. Mrs. Oliver Stump of Pleasant valler, Klickitat aanty, came up trom Port land yesterday, and left for home last night. She has been in 'the hospital at Portland -eince the first of last lie cember. Mrs. 3xex Filloou will leave in toe morning for St. Louis, to attend the meetinz-ef the supreme lodge o the Woodmen's Circle, which meets there ext week. She will go over the North ern Pacific, and will visit relatives in Iowa before returning. - Mt, Byrkett, who resides at Tront Lake, near the head of the - White Salmon, is in the city. He tells na there is but little snow in that neighborhood, and that out at the coal banks, twenty three miles further, there is only a foot. A little later than this last year we were out in that section and the snow was tnea from nine to fifteen feet deep. Thursday. Mr. Tom Badder was ap from the 'Locks this morning. . Miss Hendrickson of Portland is visit ins Mrs. S. L. Brooks. Mrs. Montgomery went to Hood Eiver this afternoon to visit her parents. Mr. Will Langille of Cloud Cap Inn after a day's visit here, left for Hood Eiver this afternoon. Mr. T. A. Hudson left for Portland 'this afternoon, from whence he will make a trip to San Francisco. Mr. Henrv McKibben, who has been -in the city in the interest of his paper, ""The Senator," returned to Portland to- day. BOBN. At Mr. Lee Bolton's, on 15-Mile, to the wife of Ben Pratt, a son. Advertised letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofEce at The Dalles un called for Feb. 26, 1897. Persons call ing for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Agnean, Mr Add .Bill, Miss Irene Bing, Frank Brown, Albert 3onnely,Miss Car- Creighton, Mr J H oline Drake, Mr Bud Franklin, Mr G B Gray, Mrs M J Hani tan, Mr F M Hurst, Mr F M Lapins, Mr E Lane, Mrs Sarah T Martin, Miss Anna Martin, Miss L E Maybew, Mr Tim -Olfsson, Mrs Nils Pashet,Mr VincentPaterson, Mrs Ida Perser, Mr Geo , Salmon, Mrs Chas Scott, Walter Smith, Mr C E Thomas, Mr J W Wheeler, Mr Wm Pratt, Mr T M J. A. Cbossen, P. M. to California, On Tuesday she changed plana ., and at noon engaged apartments on the'SBtaze of Glory" train for Wash ington!,, i , Madame Sicott visited a down-town store to boy a telescope bag to be .used oatbe Eastern journey .She bad the dia monds and teveial valuable pieces of jew elry in her purse with $208 in bills, which she thoughtlessly laid on the ' counter. When she turned to pick it np ,a few seconds later it had disappeared. . The police have a clew and expect to make several arrests. ' If we could trace Dyspepsia to its sonrcO't would lead back to our kitch ens, la fact, the eecret of good . health ib good. cooking. If well cooked, foods are partially digested ; if poorly cooked, they are less digestible than in their raw state. If you are victim of faulty cook ing; that ia, if yen suffer from Dyspep- ... .11 l J z si a. the rational care must oe louaeu iur in ao.artificialiy digested food, and a food which will at the same time aid the digestion of other foods. Such a ' prep aration virtually testa the tired digetive onrans. therebv restorinz them to their natural strength. . The DigestiveCerdial, as prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebannon, is such SHOT DOWN BY A JKALOCs BIVA.L. A HORNLESS BUCK. Young- Indiana The Profeable Fate of a ' Farmer. Wichita. Kan.. March 2. L. J. White was murdered by'Art Ingram, a local gam bier .and thug, last night in front of the tatter's home on North Water street, In a drsreputable-part of town. Ingram refases. to talk, but the theory is that White had been in the latter's hcnse and they quarreled, and that Ingram drove him from the house, and as the man fled in the darkness hurled a piece of gas nine after him as one would use a har poon. The pipe struck White' in the back of the neck, took an upward course and buried itself in his brain. Ingram did not know the result of his aim, or was too much under the influ ence of liquor to realize it, for be went to the police station, told the officers he had got into trouble, and asked them to attend to the injured man. He was locked up. His brother had just served a term in the penitentiary for highway robbery. Ingram's wife was abducted by a gang of yonng toughs over a year ago, taken to Griswold Park, drugged and assaulted. Ingram was one of the gang, and was forced to marry her. One theory is that a preparatkn,and a single 10 cent bottle the tragedy tonight was brought on by will convince you of its value. . If your Ingram's jealousy of White. Killed In Michigan and Said to Be Unique in This Country. A curious and- exceedingly unusual freak is reported by a deer hunter to Forest and Stream., The hunter was up in Wexford county, Slich., and got on a deer trail that had hoof marks plain ly made by a buck. Almost all hunters of deer can tell a buck from a doe. track. After trailing the deer, and petting within a rod of it the buck leaped out of a clump' of brush and got knocked down with a bullet through the head. , The deer did not have any horns, al though a two-year-old, and weighing 150 pounds. Further, it never had had J any horns. Does with horns, bucks with three horns, dozens of spikes, and malformed horns, have often been reported of Michigan and other American deer, but this is the first hornless American buck reported, although some European deer sometimes lack suoh weapons, but yet are able to whip the horned ones. ! Ufo in Spain. In Spain; constitutional indolence, fertile soil, and a magnificent climate combine to make life one long dawdle. In- Turkey the natural thrift and indus try of the real Turkish population axe paralyzed into idleness and apathy by the hopelessness of winning anything worth having wlhich will hot be at once stolen' by official corruption. Jew mm I ribune Far me and Villagers, roK Fathers and Mothers, FOB , . Sons and Daughters, FOE All the Family. With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TEIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N". Y. Weekly Trib '.; tine one year for only $1.75. , " In a London Hotel. The American visitor to London who . stops at a certain hotel in that city finds many novelties and conveniences that are not known here in America, where hotels are supposed to have reached the acme of luxury. It' has an American plan dining room, eays the Chicago News, but only a French bill of fare. It has an Indian room, where an Indian chef, in the costume of the country, pre pares native dishes for those who de sire them. In this hotel each guest is known by the number of his room instead of bis name, and it is rather odd to an Ameri can to be addressed .as "Mr. 960," as though he were a convict in the peniten bary. On each floor, day and night, are to be found a maid, a yalet and a waiter, - who are at your service, and ' have free access to your rooms.. When vou come home at night, if you are a man, you find your clothes pressed and cleaned and carefully packed away in a chest of drawers. If yoa are a woman, the maid " attends to frills and furbelows as though she wore hired by you especially. Guests never bother with their key the maid or valet on the floor takes charge of the key, and is ready at any time to open your door. Two Good Lectures. druggist doesn't keep it, he will be glad to get it through his wholesale house. ' 10 Laxol is the best medicine for, chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. White has until recently conducted a restaurant on East Douglass avenue. He was 55 years old, a member ot the Modern Woodmen and the Knights of Pythias. Ingram is a molder by trade. He is an opium fiend. An Odious Custom. An auditor in a Japanese theater is allowed, fox a small fee, to stand up, and the unfortunate individual behind him has no right to remonstrate or to rise and get a. peep at the stage. He may hear, but he cannot see. Write your name and address on a Dostal card, send it to Geo. W. Bent. Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. ; TBK riOFLE WAST WAR. KING GEORGE STANDS FIRM. Greeks Protest Asralnat the Action of the Powers. Athens, March 4. A great public meeting was held to protest against the ajtionof the powers. At its conclusion the crowd marched to the palace shout ing "War, war, war." Before the palace several persons add ?ssed the people, and then, in response to their urgent demands, Crown Prince Constantino ap peared on the terrace, wearing the uni form of a general. He thanked those present in the name of the king for- the loyal and patriotic sentiment expressed and begged them to retire, saying that, at the present juncture, an attitude of calmness best befitted the dignity of the nation. The prince was loudly cheered The new minister of war, Colonel Me taxes, has enjoined the greatest activity upon the commanders of the Greek forces. The French volunteers, who have reached here, were received with the greatest enthusiasm. Has No Intention of Bis Original Deviating Policy. . From I Sheriff's Sale. Wholesale. . Tbe True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., "Cheif," eays : "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King s New Discovery. No other rem edy can take its place in our home, as in it we have certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc.' It is idle to experiment with other rem' edies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discov ery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy, Trial bottles free at Blakelev & Houghr ton's Drug Store. (4; New York, March 3. A special to the Herald from Athens says : M. Dinosysos, the archbishop of Ballama, accompanied by three Cretan deputies, has presented, to the king a memorial urging the union of Crete with Greece, and begging him to persist in his patriotic attitude despite the pressure of the powers. The Cretans, the memorial pointed out, are unwilling to lay down tneir arms before their desire for union has been accomplished. King George replied that be was not deviating by a hair's breadth from the original policy announced. An Albanian force of 1200 troops with arms and ammunition which recently reached Janina, has been sent to various places in Macedonia and Epirus. . Eight hundred Mohammedan Alban ians have started for E mason. The Greek warships under Admiral Miaulis has arrived at the Piraeus. It is offic ially stated that the Greek troops con centrated on the frontier number 20,000 men. STRANGE POST OFFICES. VIflLiT MQUOftS, COines and Cigaps. THE CELEBRATED Til ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER Bv virtue of an execution, issued out of tbe I Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco County, in an action entitled J. W. Blakenev vs. Andrew Ganger and Mary Ganger, and to me directed and delivered, I did on tbe 11th day of February, 1897, levy upon, and will sell at pub-1 lie auction, to we mguesi oiaaer tor casn in I band, on Monday, the loth day of March, 1897, 1 at 2 o ciock p. m. or said day, at the front door I of the courthouse in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, tbe following described prop erty, to-wit Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter (NWJi) of the Northeast quarter (NEJi; of Section seventeen (17) in Township two (2) North of Range thirteen fl3) nasi oi we Willamette .uenaian in we state 01 Oregon; thence South twenty-four chains and seventy links (24.70) ; thence in a Northwesterly airection iourteen cnains ana seventy lints (14.70) to the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company's Railroad track limit; thence westerly aiong we norw siae oi saia raiiroaa limit, to the north line of said Section seventeen (17): thanw nugf nlcincr aniii atmtinn Una' tn tl,A nlaAa of beginning; or so much thereof as shall be D8Ver&f?e. UHea Tialed as H. tOMfi sufficient to satisfy the sum of 1626.55. less J2.70. oD' U-U.CliU.XOU. B O- paid on said judgment August 9, 1890, with in terest thereon at the rate of 8 Ter cent ner an num from June 13th, A. !.. 1890, and 51.68 damages ana costs. Taken and levied upon as the property of An drrw Ganger and Mary. Ganger to satisfy said sum of $626.55, less $2.70 paid on said judgment, and interest thereon, in favor of J. W. Blakenev, and $51.68 damages and costs, together with costs ana accruing costs. 1. J. DKIVJSK. Sheriff of Wasco County, State of Oregon, uy rwoBBBT &ILLY, deputy. Dated at Dalles City. Oregon. Feb. 11. 1897. febl3-5t-U on draught and In Dottles. Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Uasco warehouse 0 ompany On tbe evening of the 18th Professor Cordley, entomologist, will deliver lecture here, illustrated, on the subject of Insect and Fruit Pests of the Apple. Pear and Peach, which should prove of the utmost interest to all fruit-growers. Tbe professor invites those attending to bring specimens of insects and pests of diseased trees for examination. On the' evening of (he 19th President H. B. 'Miller, of tbe Oregon Agricultural College, will give a lecture on. the sub ject "Industrial Education." The lec- . tare will be illustrated by stereopticon views of the college and its work. Both of these lectures will prove exceptionally interesting, and should, be well attend ed. Ho admission fee will . be . charged. A COCNTEB. IBiM BBWAXDKD, and tola a Pars Containing; Diamonds s . i Cash. Chicago, Mrch 4. Madame Sicott, of Los Angles, has been robbed of dia monds valued at $1000 and $200 in . bills, and as a result she has abandoned a trip to Washington to attend the inaugural ceremonies. . - Madame Bicott arrived here February 20. She registered at the' Auditorium annex. She left California in January and went to northern New York. She then visited Cincinnati, attending the eangerfest. She intended to remain in Chicago for a few weeks and go through A. T. Wood to Succeed Blackburn. Louisville, March 3. A. T. Wood of Mount Sterling will succeed J. I. C. .Blackburn in tbe U. S. senate by ap pointment of Governor .Bradley, to be announced probably tomorrow. The appointment was decided upon after the governor bad offered the honor to St. John Boyle of this city, who refused it. Boyle was the Republican caucus nom inee at the last session of the legislature, and his action indicates that he hopes to be elected to serve the full term by a sepecial session of the legislature which Governor Bradley will call within a few days.-' Dangers of the Grip. The greatest dangers from La Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we : have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will affect a oermanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. yueer Arrangements Been in Other Parts of tbe World. , Until quite recently the postal system in Persia was very loosely conducted. It was under the superintendence of a minister of posts, who, however, does not work the - system himself. Each road is farmed to some merchant or wealthy person, who pays a certain sum to the minister for the privilege, and makes as much money out of the busi ness as he can. . On the south coast of Patagonia is the most remarkable postal service in the world. Close to the post is a large 6ign post with the inscription: "Post Office." Attached by chains to the foot of the sign post is a strong chest, which has served as a post office, master, clerk, all in one, for many years. The ships pass ing through the Magellan straits send a boat to the shore to fetcn any letters thai may be addressed to their places of all, and at the same time to leave any letters they may wish to have taken in other directions. In a small group of islands off the south coast of Iceland the islanders have a bottle post, which depends mainly on the' wind. When the wind blows from the south they put their letters into a well-corked bottle. To insure delivery, a plug of tobacco or a. cigar is put in side, and people on the mainland are usually on the lookout for and ready to deliver the letters so dispatched, in re turn for the inclosed remuneration. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of an execution and the oider of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 3d day of March, 1897, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and en tered theretofore therein in a suit wherein George A. Liebe was plaintiff and fizzle Baxter and Lizzie Baxter, as- administratrix of the es tate of Hugh M. Baxter, deceased, were defend. ants, I did duly levy upon and will sell at the front door of the county courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 3d day of April, 1897, at 2 o'clock in tbe after noon of said day. at Dublic auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand, tbe following de scribed real estate, described in said execution and order of sale, and described as follows to wn: The NH of NE4 and KU of NW and S) of Sec 8, Tp 8 8 R 13 W. M., in Wasco uouniy, uregon, togemer witn the tenements, much thereof as shall be necesstiry to satisfy the Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. , Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, led Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton Flour. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto rjeionging, or in any wise appertaining, or so I This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our good a lower than any honBe in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. . , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. amounts due noon said writ, to-wit: The ram of 14609.16, together with Interest thereon at the rate or ten per cent per annum since the 8th day of February, 1897; and the further sum of sio costs in said suit, together with accruing in terest and expenses of sale. Dated at The Dalles. Or., this 5th dav of aiuviifiosi, T. J. DRIVER. mch6-U Sheriff of Wasco County. Or. Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk, Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats. Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Seed. Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed. Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed. Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cake. Hay. Grain, Feed and Groceries. -Early Rose Potatoes. . - Poultry and Eggs bought and sold at nilORTHERN ; j PACIFIC RY. J. H. GROSS' Feed and Grocery Store. Goods Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. WOMAN FLIES KITES. . Cashier Batcher Arrested. Gbcat Falls, Mont., March 4. B. D, Hatcher cashier of the v defunct North' western bank, was arrested today by Deputy United States Marshal J. K, Wane, on charges preferred by Bank Examiner Lazear, ofN misappropriating 190,000 funds of the bank, which he paid Conrad Brothers. Hatcher was arrang ed before United .States Commissioner Cockrell and bail fixed at 15000. So far he baa been unable to give bands. Banna's Appointment. Wasaisgton, March 8. Senator Sherman of Ohio has tendered his res ignation to Governor Busbnell, to take effect March 5. Tbe official appoint ment by the governor of Mark Hanna to snceed Sherman is on the way here, and will be delivered to Hanna tomorrow, to take, effect March 5. Champion Lady at the - Sport Invent a New Kind. "Barrel kites" are the novel invention of Miss Nellie Ross, of Fruit Vale, Cal says the New York World. Three months ago she demonstrated theii practicability, and since then hai proved, as she claims, that they fly higher than, any other kites ever made on the i'acmc coast. A recent visitor to what Miss Rose calls her "kitery' saw simply a very clean aiid neatly- whitewashed back yard. Against some deserted henroosts, leaned Bome queer cloth and . bamboo objects that looked like flattened balloons with the ends knocked out. The largest were five feet hig-h by four feet broad, and they were of all "colors. The string1 used in flying them is about two miles long. The young kite-flyer, who holds that every woman should, have a hobby and who thoroughly enjoys hers, makes all ber own kites. Then she flics nine or ten at once, to the great edification of the surrounding neighborhood and to the delight of the small boys, who are always willing' to help haul them in. Each kite is named, and "McKinley" and "Grover" compete with those bearing- less famous names to see which can climb the highest. Barrel-kite flying. is said to be as pretty as it is success ful, and California s champion kite- flyer wears her distinction- very graces xmiy.y- Subscribe for T e Chronicle. s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULCTH VAKGO ' GRAND FOBKB CBOOK5TOS WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon .'.-ABTISTS MATEHIALS.-4 Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. The Dalles Commission Co., -DXALEB8 IN- Thfough Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON - . PHILADELPHIA NEW YOBE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Coal Ice and Prota, Foreip ni Bomestic Mts aii TeptaMes. KLL KINDS OF PRODUCE. i4 Consignments Solicited and PromDt Returns Guaranteed, rji The Best Grades of BLACKSMITH'S COAL and For information, time cards, maps and tickets, I cal on or write to ! Phone 123 and 255. COAL for Fuel always on hand. Corner Second and Washington C. ALLAWAY. Agent,. The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland treso n Job Printing at This Office.