THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1897. The Weekly Gtooniele. THI DALLS8. - OBIOON OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Published in two parti, and Saturday. on Wednetdayt 8DB3CEIPTION RATES. ST KAIL, rOSTASS nXTJOD, Ut ADVAHCB. One year 11 SO Six months Three month!.... 60 Advertising rate reasonable, and made known a application. - - - Address all communications to "THJE;CHEON- ICLE, The Dalles, Oregon. Telephone No. 1. LOCAL BBXYIT1KS. . Wednesday s paily. For sale or trade, an organ. Apply at thia office. febl2 Bright sunshine and bine skies varied the monotony of the weather this morn' log. Just bear In mind the minstrel show mt J . i . . l c 1 t : . laeuswnas nut yet ueeu uxeu ivr it, but when it gets ripe it will be a daisy. Corbett arrived in Carson City yester day, and will at once begin training for the big fight whicn cornea off on March the 17th. The characters from Dickens to the number of abeut seventy will appear. on the stage at the Vogt the evenings of ! the 25th and 2Gth. ' Mrs. Stephens has taken charge of tbe Jarley wax works for Thursday evening Feb. 25. Look for something of a very interesting nature. A railroad is to be built from Boise City to the Seven Devils country, and a contract for grading twenty miles of the. roadbed has been let. Tbe only bills this legislature will pass will be the bank bills it receives. They ' pss current without the approval of tbe governor or the people. A special train from Chicago yester day made the ran to Denver, 1026 miles, in 1132 minutes, or at the rate of fifty four miles an hour. This run makes the record for the distance. And now there remains but two days to complete the forty days of legislative . fasting at Salem. The whole state will .' gladly welcome tbe political Easter that terminates tbe lenten days. j It is said that when Mr. Fred W. Wil- son applied for a marriage license this morning, that County Clerk KelBay bad him sign one of the most complex affi- davits ever prepared in this county. A bill patterned after the North Caro lina liquor bill passed the house in the Washington legislature yesterday, and it is thought will become a law. This will put the entire sale of all intoxicat ing liquors in the hands of officers ap pointed by the. state. ( A special came op from Portland, ar- . riving about- 1:30 this afternoon. It brought President McNeil, Superintend ent O'Brien, Master Mechanic Graham, Chief Engineer Kennedy, General Road Master Bolton and Claim Agent Hall. Senator George Turner of Washington advocates the election of United States . senators by popular vote. He says : "I think it would result in tbe election of better men to that high body." And every, man who knows George Turner - Agrees with that gentleman for once. He speaks by card. The arrangements for the inaugura tion of President McKinley two weeks from next Thursday are rapidly nearlng completion, and the indications are that in point of brilliancy and attractiveness, tbe ceremonies, the decorations and the festivities incident to inauguration week will be more lavish than on any like oc ' fjuainn in nnr hiatnrv. R, D. Gordon's oil well, m Looking Glass, Douglas county, baa ended like ' tbe last act of a comedy, says the Riddle Mite. A sample of tbe product was sent to be tested! and tbe reply was' re turned C. O. D. at a cost of $10. When opened, it. said tbe fluid contained so much per cent refined petroleum and ad much "lard oil," and advised the owner, not to continue operations. The woman's suffrage amendment to the constitution of the state of Nevada, was defeated in tbe assembly yesterday by a vote of 15 to 13. The legislature thinks it has done enough in the line of AivftntMnor oivilixntiAn In ItMnai'nir nVi?a B - , f...-v fighting, and, draws tbe line at equal mnPTra era T ia Kn itict in r,AA !,,, Kansas' legislature the same day took similar action on tbe question. While Holmes Ferguson, of Enter orise. Whatcom county, was ramming a bullet into his gun last week, the ram-' rod caught. Wright Ferguson attempted : in tinil- ih ; rmnrod onfc. while hia brother. Holmes, held tbe gun. The gun- was discharged. Fortunately, the bullet went to pieces, but parts of' it 'lodged in Wright Ferguson's hands and . f lnthpo rininir little damage, however. ': Thomas Berk is a rancher, living out in tbe foothills which border tbe line : between Mason and Thurston counties. Recently be took bis gun and went back ' '.. ... . a i 1 J a , . Jn the Cilia to see u ne couiu una a Dear "irea-' He. was oat alt forenoon,' and bad T . J: u u SDOUtEWBU up iiuuiug uuQ n ucu tie ran n;avniff noiiow ceaar hluiiid ldbi , . .J J ? IT Tin VnMt jrjjrfed to smoke the beast oat, bat did not ' eqeceea. cutting pom, us gos on up of the stump to see if be could not stir bruin out. In trying to get a firm foot hold on tbe stump he slipped and went into tbe stamp feet first. The bear started out, and at tbe eame tinift poshed Tom out bead first into a pile of brash, and before Berk could pull him self together the bear got away, says the Olympian. The new law passed by congress to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors to Indians is a stringent one. Tbe mini mum fine is $100 and costs, and farther provides that tbe offender shall be im prisoned until the fine and costs are paid. As the man who sells liquor 'to Indians is generally a hobo, and con Id not raise $100 in 100 -years,' the sentence would virtually be imprisonment for life. It may be some satisfaction to those who failed to pass the teachers' examin ation, to know that at all tbe other ex aminations held in the state, tbe reeult was about the same as in Ibis county, about two-thirds of the applicants fail ing. In Umatilla county there were thirty-live applicants,- arid only eleven passed, and of six trying for first grade all failed. The examination was an ex ceptionally severe one. ' Thursdays Dally' License to marry was Issued today to William H. Arbuckle and Mary Miller, "Evenings with Dickens" entertain ment, evenings of 25th and 26th inst. Cat this oat and paste in your hat. The special with the O. R. & N. officials went to Heppner yesterday, ar riving here on its return this morning. The favorite resort of Dickens,' "The Old Cariosity Shop," in London, is now being torn down to make room for more modern buildings. Mr. F. W.' Wilson's trunk got into tbe Oregon ian all right. There is no deny ing the fact that it was worthy of spe cial mention in the columns of tbe city press. x The state school superintendent put up a bard examination for teachers this quarter. At Baker City there were fourteen applicants and only three Eggs are down to two dozen for a quarter and marriage licenses are get ting more numerous. There are, be sides these, some other indications of spring's approach.' A few such days as today will assist materially in patting the roads south of as in -passaDie condition. J! or some time they have been a tbing of terror to those who were compelled to pass over them. . . The regular meeting of the Oregon legislature, any and all houses, will take .place at the Yogt Tuesday night, Feb 23d, at 8 o'clock. This is going to be an occasion that will be long remembered, and if you miss it you will always have something to regret. Monday being the anniversary oi the birth of the father of this country, no school will be held on that day. Of coarse the school children are all mourning because this is so, bat as they can't help it, they will submit as cheer fully as possible. Tuesday evening Feb. 23d, the follow ing program will be given at the Congre gational church: First, song. Debate, "Resolved, That Washington as a Mill' tary Leader Was Superior to Napoleon.' The affirmative will be supported by Walter Reavis, Violet Kent, Ann Mann and Charles Campbell; the negative by Edward Baldwin. Elizabeth Bonn, Clyde Riddell and Martha Schooling. Closing song. J. L. Kelley has three carloads of cat tle and Mr. Willard of La Grande two of cattle and one of hogs, which will all be shipped in tbe morning to Omaba. Thera has' been an unusual demand for cattle', thia winter, and the country has been pretty well stripped of them. Those mentioned are being taken back as feeders, and will help use up some of the cheap corn of Nebraska before they are killed; " The Salvation' Army band was out this afternoon with a banner containing an-'enlarged1' photograph of bis Satanic majesty, tbe devil. Tbe original photo graph ia from . a selection owned by Jonathan Bourne, arid is said to be true to nature. Whether- tbe- army- has switched, or whether tbe winged picture of the master of eheol ia only to show the gentleman, who is to be given bis due, is one of tbe things we know not. The man with the big drum seemed to be immensely proud of the banner' and cast ' affectionate glances at tbe photo, thereon. v ' In' a lectnre before'the" winter school for the farmers at tbe agricultural ' col lege at Pullman last Friday, Professor C. V. Piper, of the college, announced that tbe experiments made with ground squirrels at the experiment station- last year bad resulted in tbe discovery of a disease which it is thought pin be intro duced successfully among the animals in their native state and promises to solve tbe squirrel problem.' Tbe disease germa were secured first from specimens of dis eased squirrels sent to tbe station dur ing the summer from the western part of tbe county, where the disease killed the animals off by the thousands in Jane and July. ' Friday's Daily. ' ' About a dozen members of tbe legisla ture are sick. They will have a speedy recovery after today. A " man named Charles Mesplie has been been. arrested, at Pendleton,' who is a versatile fellow. He is charged with stealing a wagon, a. bike and a dog, the stolen articles all belonging to different persons. -.'-.. . John Mclntyre was examined by Dr, Hollister and Recorder Phelps thia morning as to bis sanity, and was found to be insane. . . ' A small band bill received from. Port land last night announces that there wifl be an opposition steamer on the river, commencing her rati on the 22rid. The steamer ia the Pilgrim,' and she will car ry only passengers and fast freight. .'.' Dr. Sutherland has quite a rarity in the line of Indian basket work, in the shape of a parse. It is large enough to bold $20 in silver, is in tbe shape of a little barrel, with a lid that ties down, and bandies by which it can be tied to a belt. We import sugar to tbe value of $100,- 000,000 yearly and export wheat to pay for it, and yet here in Oregon the aoil and climate are peculiarly adapted to growing sugar beets. Good times will come when we go to raising all our abso lute necessaries such as sugar. An advertisement, in The Chboniclb always accomplishes the desired result. A short time ago the big cat, "Bob," wandered away from the Snipea-Kiner-sly drugstore. After a few days absence a notice was inserted in thia paper stat ing that be was wanted at home, and the next day "the cat came back." A large number of hopyarda around Gervais, in Marion county, reported as out of bearing, were simply let run wild last year, and are now being brought back into cultivation in the hope ot better prices ruling this year. One hundred and sixty-four bales of bops in the Brooks section, near Gervais, were sold thia week. This sale cleans out all of the hops in that vicinity. Under the constitution it' requires a joint resolution of both bouses to adjourn tbe legislature. As there is no bouse re cognized by the senate, the question arises, "bow will it adjourn?" As loDg as it is not getting paid the country will not bother itself about it, in fact, will be highly pleased if it continues to keep Joe and Jonathan at Salem.' One would think they would get tired of staying so near the pen. Tbe farm house and barn of M. G. Naylor, was de8troyed by fire Wednea- ( day night about 11 o'clock:. Mrs.' Nay lor and children were at home, her hus band telng in The Dalles. She was awakened by smoke and at once saw that the house was in flames beyond saving, and that the barn, some 200 feet distant, was also on fire. She rushed to the barn and released the horses. Everything else was destroyed by the fire. How it originated is not known, There is a small insurance on the barn. Goldendale Sentinel. j Charles Estes and William Merrill have found the den of a bear at Han son's furry, in Okanogan county. ' It is supposed to be tbe winter quarters of the big grizzly that baa been of some expense to the stockmen of that section by reducing their herds. Tbe bea one of the largest ' of its kind, and a measurement taken of the imprint of ita foot made in dry, loose soil was fourteen inches long and eleven inches across tbe beel. An effort is to be made to capture brain now, since bis winter borne baa been found. A recent traveler in London states that in the bouse of Fagin, of Dickens fame, tbe kitchen yet remains precisely aa need by tbe celebrated Jew, Tfie room in which be taught "Oliver Twist" and his friends to play the "little game" in which the "Merry old Gentleman" so delighted, has been somewhat altered by more recent occupants. One great charm of Dickens' books lies in the fact that most of the houses in w bich tbe scenes be so vividly portrays were enact ed, are still standing, many of them just as they were originally built, and can be readily found by the tourist along Fleet street. ; There was. a little scene enacted in the lobby of the Hotel Olympia, just after tbe fusion caucus had declared for Tamer on Thursday night last, that the papers have given very imperfectly. After the result of the caucus had be came known Judge Turner was given an informal reception, and after the hand shaking made a' speech to the crowd. He was followed by Frank Graves, Speaker Cline arid others. At length there was a call for State Senator Plum mer, of Spokane, who on attempting to make a speech, Was interrupted by J. T. Brown, who shouted : "How much did you get, Plummerr" It broke rlam- mer's speech ap. Brown was cairied oat, still ' demanding information as to Plammer'8 price. It is still unan swered. Colfax Gazette. TIbw to Get a Public Office. Many desirable offices are within tbe giit of the new1 administration. Those who wish to know what places1 can be bad and how to get them,' can : obtain this Information by sending 75 cents to Soule & Co., Washington, D. C, for the "U. S. BLUE BOOK," showing all gov ernment offices and salaries with Civil Service rules, sample examination ques tions, etCt ; Under present laws women stand an equal chance with men for posi tions that insure a comfortabfe . income for life. . The "Bine Book" gives com plete instruction for office seekers of both sexes, and is besides a valuable book of reference mucb in demand; MARRIED... By W. C. Curtis, .pastor of tbe Con gregational church, on this, the 17th day of February, 1897, at the residence of tbe bride's parents, corner of Court and Ninth streets, Frederick William Wilson and Clara Belle Story, both of The Dalles. : Tbe wedding was, a very quiet one, there being besides members of the fam Hies ot tne contracting parties, some balf dozen- friends. Manv beautiful presents were made to the young cou pie, and many times many good wishea were showered upon them. Tbey were married at 12 o'clock, and took tbe car riage for the depot, thus fooling many of their friends, who bad congregated at tne . Umatilla .house to congratulate them. Thd (rain was balf an boar late but when it stopped, there waa rice and old slippers, enough on hand to almost swamp the train. ' Both tbe yonng folks are well known to every citizen of Tbe Dalles, and tbey start into married life with : the best wishes of the entire community. - A Water Hani. Our reporter took in tbe East End this morning, as usual, and found even that generally busy part of town stagnant. The warehouses are doing but little, just waiting for the 'wool sea son to commence.- The stockyards had five carloads stock of cattle for shipment ana that was all; joe worsley was good natnred as usual; Murchie waa running baggies out on tbe sidewalk to give bia place the appearance of busi ness ; Collins waa smiling a retrospective smile as be thought of Fred Wilson's trunk ; Skibbe was taking a son bath ; Saltmarshe, ditto ; Justice Filloon was sitting on the small of bis back with bis feet on the stovepipe. At tbe depot Ross was checking op papers, and Miss Enrigbt demareily cogitating on railroad officials, special cars, cattle trains and other evidences of approaching spring, Ed. Howell was insisting that he did not ornament the trunk yesterday, and that a certain pretty, young lady who answers to the name of May did. . At Pease & Maya the work of remodeling waa going on, the immense store being still littered ap, bat doing . business as usual, and so the weary scribe drifted home as barren of items aa a Polled Angus steer of horns, and hence this item. . ' : Be Bills Cats In the Pulpit. - The announcement that tbe Rev. W, L. Laufman, assisted by Dr. C. E, Miller, would kill two cats in tbe pulpit of tbe Methodist church at Cadillac, Mich., to illustrate Laufmao's sermon on tobacco, was sufficient to pack tbe church. Prominent on the pulpit were packages (of finecat and plug chewing tobacco. Holding alott a pound plug of tobacco, be assured bia hearers that it contained enough grains of nicotine to kill 200 men. Then tbe catB were brought op by Dr. Miller. An assistant held tbem while the doctor administered tbe. nicotine. The first one died in a minute and a ball, while tbe attendant held it, and three drops of nicotine were placed on its . tongue. The next cat, a large one, was administered only two drops, the purpose being to illnstnte tbe sickness and spasms which tbe first dose of tobacco creates. A second dose of two drops and in a minute and a quarter tbe cat was dead. , The Rev, Laufman announced that on next San day he would kill some more cats to show the effect of alcohol, and also have on exhibition the stomach of a drunkard. . B-alles-Moro-Antelope. A new stage line will be inaugurated in and oat of Moro Monday, March 1st, connecting with The Dalles-Moro line, forming an entirely new route long and sadly .needed, connecting Tbe Dalles with Antelope. The promoters of this new line, Messrs. Douglas Allen and L. D. Holder . are well-known citizens, abundantly qualified ' for successfully carrying out any enterprise of this char- which they may become inter ested. The time-table, schedule of pas aenger and freight ratea, etc., will be ar ranged on tbe return of tbe promoters to Moro tbia week' from Antelope. ' The plan will be to leave The Dull a and An telope both on the morning of tbe same day tri-weekly at first, connecting at Moro, completing each through trip in twenty-four boura traveling time. The passenger will have tbe benefit of a night's rest in Moro, and tbe expense of tbe whole trip, including meals and lodg ing need not exceed $6.25. Moro Ob server. Dressed for a Wedding-. When Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilson ar rive in Portland this evening, they will need an introduction to tbeir trunk for tbey wiil not recognize it. without. The boys got bold of it, and when tbey got through with it, It waa a beauty sure; presenting a tout ensemble calculated to bring a tremor ot fear to tbe stoutest' of bridegroom's heart. It was entirely too complicated for a brief newspaper de scription. One end of it supported a rubber over-shoe, an old gaiter, ' and a collection of-old shoes. In front was an immense horse shoe, then there were railroad guides and folders, and a dozen glaring advertising cards proclaiming in incarnadine letters tbe merits of Bab bit's 'Soap, Somebody's ' Potash, Corn Care, Spavin Care, Castoria and a dozen other patent medicine advertisements, and over tbe whole lot were, strips and YOU nothing BUT TH E GENUINE ICKWEL festoons. of white silk ribbons. -The trunk had ita bridal costume on, sure. A Great Company. The Hext Concert Company has been billed for this place March 1. The com pany comes from the East, consequent ly will remain here over night, leaving for Portland in the morning. The Chi cago Herald, speaking of Miss Hext savs: 'A most enjoyable entertainment was given by tbe Harvard club for which Miss Effie Elaine 'Hext whose powers as an expressionist are well known was secured as the special attraction. "The Chariot Race," "The First Quar rel" and "The Corse Scene" from Leah" ' were tbe most noteworthy among their heavier numbers. The statuesque posing in Grecian cos tumes a new feature of entertainment was especially commendable and re ceived with great applause. Moat Expenslre Book. Tbe most expensive book ever pub lished in the world, says tbe Chicago Record, is the official history of tbe war of the'rebellion, which is now being is sued by the government of tbe United States, at a cost up to date of $2,324,328. Of this amount $1,184,291 has been paid for printing ancPbinding. Tbe remain der was expended for salaries, rent, sta tionery and other contingent and miscel laneous expenses, and for the purchase of records from 'private individuals. It will require at least three years longer and an appropriation of perhapb $600,000 to complete the work, so that tbe total cost will undoubtedly reach nearly $3, 000,000. It will consist of 112 volumes. Only 51,194 canies have been sold for a total of $30,154. , Ratea to the Big Fight- The Southern Pacific Company have fixed a rate of $42.80 from Portland to Carson City and return for tbe bene fit of those who desire to witness the big prizefight on March 17. between Corbett and Fitzsimmqns. This includes first- class continuous passage, without Bleep ing accommodations. No limit baa yet been fixed as to the life of each tickets, this being dependent on the program that Manager Stuart will set forth. The reduced fare ia one and one-fifth rate over the Southern Pacific line and a one and one-balf rate over tbe Virginia & Truciee road, which runs. out of Reno to the Nevada state capital. The Fay tunc Coming. Senter Payton and bia company are again on tbe road, at present ahowing in Southern Oregon. They will be here about the first of March.' This company was with ua about two yeara ago, and all who beard tbem will be glad of the op portunity to again spend a 'few evenings with tbem. Mr. Payton baa put on "a new lot of plays, and has 'strengthened his company greatly since here. Bncklen'e A.rinom salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruption1!, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay , required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per . box.. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. , H Price on Fan wagons HasDropefi; That is, the price on some wagons has fallen below our price on OLD HICKORY" Wage a. Why? Because no other wagon on the market will sell alongside of the "OLD HICKORY" at the same prices. It is the best; ironed, best painted sad lightest running, and we guarantee every bit ot material in it to be strictly first-clrss. If. vou want the CHEAPEST Wagon on the market, we haven't got it; bat we have got the BEST, MATS & . Yon wfl) find one coupon Inside each two ounce bag and two coupons inside each four ounce bagof Blackwell's Durham. - Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get thorn. ' ' Foreign Crop Notes. France The young crops are now re ported to be under a thick covering of -snow, which assures adequate protection to the plants. Some seeding was done before tbe snow came, and farmers are said to be preparing to sow freely ia the) spring. ; Argentina Crop news is not more favorable, and people take even gloomier views as to the Santa Fe harvest. Mail advices received yesterday mention that tbe crops in the south of Buenos Ayrea were suffering from drouth, and tbe cable of Saturday reported drouth to be causing much damage to corn. ' Uruguay Mail advicea still report swarms of locusts, and tbe outlook for tbe corn crop . mast be considered gloomy. Chili Crop prospects' are again re ported to be quite favorable. India Fair rains reported in the Pnn jaub, where the moisture will be of much use, by enabling grbwers to continue seeding. ' Condition of standing crops fair to good in Central provinces, Bebar, and Northwest provinces, except in Bun delkband districts. In the affected dis tricts of Bombay, tbe crops are suffering; ' from want of rain. This report is from the last telegram of tbe viceroy. ' Russia A recent report to the Daily News from Obessa more than confirmed . the bad accounts of crop conditions ia many of the Southern governments mentioned in our last. The report re ferred to states that over 2,000,000 acres of winter wheat have been de stroyed in Pondolia and Bessaradia, and the same conditions, only less wide spiead and disastrous, obtain through out the majority of tbe Southern govern ments. This is certainly the most pessi mistic report we have yet seen, though others have been pretty bad. On the other band, our correspondent at Tbeodosia wrote last week that the oat look was pretty satisfactory in bis dis trict, though nothing could be said aa to wide areas of tbe Steppe. ' Yon May Answer It. The following letter written by a resi dent of East Tennessee, shows the pos sibilities of tbe English language in the line of questioning. Its recipient turned it over to us to answer, bat whether it was .because tbe information derived was too complex for any but an editor to give, or because he could not name the four or five good men, we do not even hazard a guess. The letter is as follows : to the Register of the united ttates Land office: Dear air I am, thinking of making a trip to the stait of Oregon in a abort time and I want you to giv me a fall description of that county first do yon hav bad winters 2 do you bav any bad storms 3 doa the wind do any barm 4 dos tbe wind blow hard at any time 5 how much wheat do you make to the acor 6 bow much corn 7 bow much oats 8 how much of all kinds of crops do yon ' make out thire 8 please giv me tbe price of all kind of work 10 is thire any gov ernment land within your land deastrict 11 if so what for land ia it 12 bow far from 'town 13 bow far from tbe railroad 14 how much will it cost to enter a 160 acora of land 15 can a man get imploy ment at any time 16 please giv me a full description of that country 17 please giv me tbe name of 4 or 5 good men Subscribe for The Chronicle. .. and solicit comparison. , , ; . ' -' CROWE, The Dalles, Or.