C2) THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20. 1897. The Weekly Chronicle. NOTICE. All eastern foreign advertisers are referred to onr representative, JVir. Katz, 230 234 Temple Court, New York City.- Eastern advertising inust be con tracted through him. 8TATK OFFICIALS. governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State HE Kincaid Treasurer -Phillip Metschan Bupt of Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney-General C. M. Idleman G. W. McBride Senators..; - j. h. Mitchell 4B- Hermann Congressmen.. jw g Ellis State Printer. . . W. H. Leeds COUNTY OFFICIALS. - County Judge Robt Mays Sheriff. T. J. Driver Clerk A M. Kelsay Treasurer C. L. Phillips - , . A. 8. Blowers Commissioners jD 8 Kimsey Assessor...: W. H. Whipple Surveyor J. B. oit Superintendent of Public Schools.. .C. U Gilbert C imner w. tt. jjuks PETITION FOR MR. - JONES, atban Bourne, and all others opposed A Weregiet that the infaDtile member jacob8fen, who exrects to be : post froir Antelope, iBaby Jones,' is in master at The Dalles if Mitchell is With toe gane of robbers. He was elected senator, was engaged today t r,m ,: rfiatri.-t' t.i legislate circulating a petition asking F.N ,.... .' Jones' of Bakeoven, Wasco county, xor me peopie, uuu representative-ele'ct, to go into the to assist in organizing the legislature. Mitenell senatorial caucus. Senator The election of a senator is a second- Dufur was here and started the ary consideration. The house should scheme, and expects to secure the uniitu,,. thpnWhfi land office appointment in return. , .... . , r i The first name on the petition is best man win in the senatorial fight. Frank Menefee a relative and "... ,. ner of Dufur's; the second is John Congressman Ellis has had his bill, Cradlebaugh, defeated candidate, for extending for two years the time in district attorney last June on the which to make final pre of on forfeit Democratic ticket, and the third is ed railroad lands, passed by the Bert Thurston, who was the leader of house. JL.M uvv Ul J V W f wmvmv ww NOW FOR COAL. We are pleased to note that the money for purchasing a diamond drill has nearly all been raised, and that the full sum is now assured.' It is a pleasing 6ign of awakened energy on the part of our people, of assur ance that we can pnll together for a common purpose, acd that we under stand at last that nothing ventured, nothing is won. The prospecting for coal is of course but an experiment, but it is an experiment that must be made to test the matter. It is an experiment that had to be made at every point where coal is now successfully mined. Eveo'thing is favorable to a success ful result. There are splendid coal measures, consisting of conglomerate and saud shales, and the coal en- couDteied in boring wells in the city shows that the proper conditions have existed for furnishing valuab'e beds of it. This may not prove true, but if not, we shall at least know that we have done our duty in dem onslrating that fact. It we lose, we have lost a trifle ; if we win, we have made The Dalles the most prosperous city on the coast. "We congratulate our citizens on .their pluck in going down into their pockets in these hard times, and sin cerely hope their liberality will be rewarded a hundred thousand fold. here during the nrpsiriAiit.ini Mmrniim. Others nn .. ... . . m t , -il c - 1 n it win also pass tne senate. xue dim the petition are not prominent It is of doubtful utility, as nearly all j3 not expected that Representative those who had claims on the lands Jones wjll pay much attention to the petition, as he is known to be a man are some, though, who will be bene. fited, just ns there would be some who would not be ready to pay if the time were extended until Gabri el's trumpet sounded. of firm convictions and capable of acting for himself. When a cause' becomes so desper ate that nothing remains to bolster it up with but falsehood, its death is but a question of time, and a short time at that. It' required native genius, and one would almost.be Our sheepmen, who have been de pending on a joint memorial from our legislature to congress, concern- forced to think newspaper training, ing the opening of. the Cascade for- to concentrate so much lie as is con est reserve, naa nest get on anotner tained in the article above quoted tack, irom present indications con- fron. tbe 0regonian of yesterday gress will adjourn berore tne legisia- inU) go limited ft e Let u8 ex. ture organizes. This being the case, amine jt our siocsmen naa oeuer get a move The . did not osk R N, on and apply directly- to congress U "representative-elect" of this tor tne rener prayca ror. ney may county, to g0 into thc Mitchell sen not get it, out tney wm u leasi, nave atorial caucua but it did ask 8aid a chance to be heard. ANOTHER REASON. The situation at Salem remains un changed, and bids fair to get no bel ter. Were it only the election of a senator that divided the house, the matter might be settled, but behind the senatorial election looms up the old Portland fight that has for years interfered with legislation and gives promise of remaining alive inden nitely to worry the state. The Port land factions are at war, one side wanting the charter amended, and the other wanting it to remain as it is. To the Portland delegation this fight is of more importance than the senatorial question, or any, or all other, questions. This furnishes really a stronger motive for holding up the senatorial election, and the Multnomah bosses use the latter as a blind. Of course they do not want Mitchell, but they would not hold out on that proposi tion alone. Thev are, as usual, working the country members to get what chestnuts they can. There was a slight change in the situation at Salem yesterday, in the answering to their names by three of the Democrats. This may have been done in good faith, or it may have been, as Bilyeu expressed it, "a desire to come in and see what was going on." If some of Joe Simcn's henchmen would do as well as the Democrats, the situation would settle itself speedily; but Simon's men are like himself shameless. Jones to assist in organizing the house, that the business of the state might be attended to, and it asked nothing more. Senator Dufur was not here, and did not start the scheme; and being a Democrat, it is presumei does not have any hilari ous prospects of getting '- the land office, or ' any other, under this ad ministration. ' ' The name of "John OadJebaugb, defeated candidate for disti ict attor ney last June on the Democratic ticket," is not second on the. list, but is the fifteenth; while the name of Bert Thurston is not third on the and purposes to remain so and act in the best interests of the state. The dispatch from The Dalles, published yesterday, relative to the petition, contained an error. Senator Dufur if not promised the land office at The Dalles. It is his brother, W. H. II. Dufur; but his hope of securing such place 'is contingent on his brother's senatorial vote for. Mitchell. When the petitie'n is presented to Represen her to go to Heppner with him and get married. - ' This was accomplished in a few hoars Then, after a modest wedding dinner at the Palace hotel, to which a few friends were invited, the young couple mounted their horses and rode to the young man's home. The bride was presented to the astonished - parents and when they asked where wA the sewing machine, the brilliant youth replied that his new tative Jones, the bearer will likely wlte was the best and most armrovrd be read a lecture that he will have sewing machine of which he bad any good cause to remember. . knowledge, and bo he had brought her And so Jones is going into the nome in fulfillment of the parents or lecture business. Well! Well! What aer8' xney accePte "er. will come next? As to his heino- Installation Ceremonies old enough and big enough to act for himself, we doubt it, or he would - Thk Dalles, Jan. 18, 1897. At the last regular meeting of J. W. not submit to the dictation of Jona- Nesmith Post, and J. W. Nesmith, Wo than Bourne: and as to his bein" man's Belief Corps, a joint installation L.1J J XT' . . t 1 1 . elected "unpledged," we call atten- w,7, - xraiernuy nan, wnicn was . . . ! filled to overflowing. The following w h w w ai BStsaa, u bliu uvsw uj '"'! ui xwui jjufce, giriug una past commander, vv. s. Mvers, in a statement the lie direct. manner that touched the hearts of all It would seem from the article Preaent- He was most ably assisted by Mr. . K. Euseell, as officer of the day : FT- W. T.Win OT-H nmm.nu. - WT A bigger now than last June, for now Maddron, Sen.' V. C; James Lemion', ne nas grown so great that we petty Jan. V. C. ; J. E. Hall, surgeon : E. N. men must creep beneath his huge inandier, Uhap. ; (J. H. Browne, Qm less in fear and trembling lest1 be J- M- Patterson, Adjt. ; K. L. Aiken, 0, tei4.nrn.n r tmorUr, in D' L. H. Nichols, O. G. ; Jacob Ttitz, J , " sergeant-major. w approacu mm wuu a petition. At the conclusion of these ceremonies. Upon , what meat hath this our Mrs. Mary 0, Nichols, president "of the Caesar fed ?" Has Bourne given it K. C, took the chair stating that the a new bottle with a white nipple, or ne" in,n m oraer WM ,ne msteHation ' 1 f U. fle..u. T TIT XT :.L T r I CnrnH. which fnr tha firaf ti ma in a Alas! We know not We only know kietory would be done bv a national tLat the Oregonian has caught on to officer, whereupon Mary Scott Myers our representative s avoirdupois. memDeroi executive board national w ELVS CREAM BALM la s positive core.' Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Droegists or by mall ; samples 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New Xork City. SUMMONS. The Oregonian but a month or two ago called Jonathan Bourne a scoun drel, and the free silverites anarch ists. Now it is like peas in a pod with the whole lot It indorses their action in holding up the state, and says the house is hot organized be cause the parties who want to organ ize it intend to do so on a boodle basis. That ' Jonathan Bourne, Joe Simon, the Populists, the Demo crats, the free silver Republicans, the Oregonian and its "anarchists," all want it organized on an economical basis. Is this true ? Is it true that the legislators the Oregonian urged the people to vote for are all thieves, and the other fellows all saints? The Oregonian, like an ostrich, has stuck its head in the sand and imagines it is hidden, being unaware" that the larger portion of its anatomy is plainly visible. - Oregon presents the spectacle of a great commonwealth being held up by a few political tricksters and robbed to the tune of thousands of dollars every day. Joe Simon is the ctiier of the band of highwaymen, J ana ne is being ably assisted by Jon- Anotber petition to Hon. F. N. Jones is being circulated quietly among the select few. We have list, but twenty fiflh. not had the pleasure of seeing it, With regard to Mr. Jacobsen's as but presume from its source it is an pirations for the postoffice we are indorsement of his course. It is uninformed ; but will say that it is also presumed that all the "promi- ttie "rst time we nave nearci it inn nent" people of the city have signed mated that he had desires in that di it. excepting, of course, the "big reclion. However, if this is true, four" mentioned by the mendacious we know no law against any citizen gentleman from this city in his com, seeking an appointment. mimitinti in tho Orpmninn. As for Mr. Cradlebaugh being de- w. uu. V. " I feated for district attornej, the au The members of the third house thor of the dlspatclr quoted seems to are not getting much newspaper no- think it a disgrace for a' Democrat to toriety. . For three whole days not be beaten b3' a Republican ; yet one of them has had the pleasure of Cradlebaugh himself has a better seeing his name in print. Can It be opinion of Republicans than that, that their small rays have been swal- notwithstanding his defeat. lowed up in the effulgence of that Now, then, if the gentleman who legislative sun, Jonathan ? or has his telephoned that article to the Orego- champagne proved more eloquent nian read the petition he lied "know than their mere idle words? . ingly and maliciously concerning mfttprml Ihe Oregonian is remarKabiy quiet, bed with the Populists and Demo- every contained. allegation therein Tie lied ronnprnino- the Waking up to find itself in , . . ... TT ,. . " . object of the petition. He lied con cerning Senator Dufur. He lied tata 5 hno tnimarl AVn rr ? f a 1i 4Ta i i ai.i. au s inn i u i iii.ii v i. & iu a nubile - - . ' , ... concerning Umdlebaugh s name on . r . . . , the petition, and did it the second rosy toes, deriving wbat consolation .. . . . , . , TT . ' . . . time in regard to Thurston's He it mav from the unmueness of its I . . v . . . " - lien concerning .lacobsen neinsr a surroundings. The act illustrates I ,.. , . -. . , - . icanaiuaie lor postmaster; aou ne r ' . lied geneiously, promiscuously and in unlimited quantity Three of the counties of the state We appreciate fully his delicate have ignored the action of tbe slate I sarcasm concerning the prominence board of equalization, and purpose of tbe people named, but deprecate collecting taxes according to the as- his judgment in pronouncing almost sessment made by the county assess- all the business men in town as being ors. It is probable more of the of no prominence. counties will follow1 suit, especially Ananias and Sapphira, Baron Mun those where the assessment was raised chausen and Eli Perkins need no R. C, was introduced and proceeded to install the following officers Mary Leonard, president; Millie Mc Donald, Sen. V. P. ; Susie Phillips, Jun V. P. ; Mary 8. Myers, secretary ; Lizzie Ulricb, treasurer; Mary O. Nichol phnnlfttn - Alifa Vnrnsv pnnnfitn. t .i, i . ' , uc uc.i,Cv. i.um Mcaujr ..euwreu Leviner Lemison. guard: Mattie Bar this country and England, submitting nett, assistant conductor; Delia Phir- all disputes to arbitration. It is man, assistant guard. Mrs. Myers was claimed that under the terms of the agisted by Miss Jennie 8. Russell, past treaty the Monroe monies, Mrs. Mary Nichols took: tbe tirely under the control of King chair and installed tbe installing officer Oscar of Sweden. as secretary of J. W. Nesmith, W. R. C It mav be all right but results will for the coming year. " I HIT.. T J .1 ! I . Mormino tho t.M Whllo wo Wo rf AAsouaru men, in a lew ni- , . ting words, proved to Mrs. Nichols that me nignest regard ior. Mr. UJney, her sister members , wished her to feel and recognize his ability as a states- sure of their love and kind wishes, by msn, we at the same time realize presenting her a gold badge pin of our that the trained diplomats of Eng- oraer' jUrs- Nichols responded in Innrl rTDnoro I lr Iron n tho Irtnrr nni rr I J , . . . -Wary Brigga gave a reading and .uo dio iu recitation, portraying Sheridan's ride that Jing'and- has not surrendered or in a pleasing manner. Short epeeches the United States gained much by from old soldiers and old-time scnge the t'reatv. Each eountrv will Rtav Precious and sweet to every loyal heart i . i -t .u ' , . I filled an hoar long to be remembered as by it as long as it suits them, but if hr-ut u ... -, j and is trying to scare us with him. NOT ALL OVR WAY. There is doubt expressed by lead ing statesmen as to tbe benefits to I ever the Monroe doctrine is called in question, this country will jump the treaty without any compunctions of conscience. Ex-Secretary Tracy points out the fact that if Spain should sell orders. X. The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Ureeve, merchant of Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he had consumption, was given up to die Cuba to England, this! sought all medical treatment that money Will Jones Deny? country could not resist her occu- could procnre' triei all cough remedies pany of the island, but would have . .... . , . r J ' manv m?hts Bitting nn in a chair: was to suomu me matter to an uro- induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery pean monarch. - and was cured by the use of two bottles. For past three years has been attendin to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis- ivivprv in flihn orrAnripnt. remed? atac maflo TT T T ,0 1 Of I - J Editob Chronicle: I tv,Q, ; v,a n. tt;.. t vi : s.iv:- - I -""""J- .."B "rl",: ul U1 Y"" te New Discovery is gnaranteed for Coughs Colda and Cosumption.. It don't fail Trial bottle free at Blakeley Houghton's 12) Cinnamon a an Antiseptic. materially. With Joe Simon and Jonathan Bourne yoked together, the JOrego- nian and its recent "anarchists" lying peacefully side by side, it woald not require a great stretch of the imagin ation to believe the millenium was at nand. The lie and the lamb are down together. longer be held up as shining lights in the firmament of falsehood ; but The Dalles correspondent can fill its ceru- lean-hued. skies from zenith to nadir, the visible iqcarnation, the avatar of untruth. JONES TO LECTURE. The Oregoniaq yesterday printed the following in a position in its A gentleman just home from Salem coumns where it was not OVer-prom- says that Jonathan Bourne is over- inent. Tt mirrects one nf the five reaching himself. That he is feeding deliberate lies told in the article in and wining the cow county members its Sunday issue: . The petition circulated in The Dalles on Saturday, directed to Mr. F. N. Jones, one of the representa- in a manner they are not accustomed to, and that within two weeks the whole lot will be laid up with the gout. - JTor Rent. A large, nicely famished room, suit able for one or two gentlemen. Good tives of Wasco county, demanding that he go in the house caucus, will have no effect on him. Representa tive Jones is old enough and big enough to act for himself. He was getting tired ot seeing in each issue ot The Oregonian a statement from The Dalles that F. N. Jones was not pledged I rral, Btore . TT!.J . i o to euppurb uuvuub ior umiea oihmjb senator.. He positively pledged himself prior to election to support and vote for That "no living germ of disease can John H. Mitchell, and we are prepared resist the antiseptic power of essence of to substantiate tne tact with affidavits I cinnamon for more than a few hours" is from a score of responsible men of this the conclusion announced toy Mr. Cham place, besides we bold a letter written berland aa the result ot prolonged re by Jones agd signed by him wherein be search and experiment. It is said to again promised to vote for Mr. Mitchell, destroy microbes as effectively, if not as If Mr. Jones denies this we are prepared rapidly, as corrosive subllmat9. Even to furnish the proof. Those promises the scent of it is fatal to microbes, and elected Jones, as a good many Republi- Mr. Chamberiand says a decoction of cans, knowing who nominated Mm, de- cinnamon should be taken freelv by per clihed to vote for him until these pledges eons living In places affected by typhoid were made. We, .tbe undersigned, 0r cholera. Medical Age, beard Jones promise unqualifiedly to vote for John H. Mitchell if he was elected representative. A. 8. Blowers, - J. P.. Watson, . W. M. Yates, L. N. Blowers, G. T. Pbathbb. Beginning Classes. A New Sewing: Machine. location. Apply at this office. jl3-dlw elected as a rcpresentative,unpledged, Beginning classes will be organized in the first primary departments of Union street and Academy Park schools bn Monday, Jan. 25, 1897. Children who are 6 years of age before May 1st may enter school at the above date. Parents and guardians are requested to "send all hepinnerfl fnr the. nnrincr term nn Mnn. A - 1 ... s . 1 J i . . i v. I c n young fellow over in Morrow county, Jnm Oavik who showed some very good judgment . Prin Pnhiir Sohool and a sharpness . which young men ; over here might well imitate. n,eMr us.. This particular young man was given Attention of. snippers-la called to the $50 by his parents, who reside somenew reirigerator line operated by tne miles from HeDnner. He was instructed Oregon JKailway & Navigation Company to proceed .to Heppner, interview the between Portland, Huntington. Spokane sewine machine aeente. and purchase and intermediated points, leaving Port- the best and most improved machine to land on train 22 Wednesdays and Satur- be found on. the market. UOJ"" This young fellow conceived a brilliant valley Koiier Flour Mills. scheme and carried it oat. He mounted .Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are a saddle horse, leading another, and running . full time on No. 1 wheat. went over to tbe home of the yonng lady Flour equal to the best always on hand to whom he had vowed loye as eternal Prices to suit the times.Also mill feed as the light' of the stars in the blue in quantities to suit. ... . heavens above. He laid his plan be- W. M, McCorkle & Son. fore her, exhibited the $50 and induced ! aug8-6mw Proprietors. IK THE CIRCUIT COURT of the-State ot Or egon for Wasco Counff . Alma C. Howe, Plaintiff, " - vs. Parauel T. Howe, Defendant To Samuel T. Howe, the above named defendant : In the name of the t-tnte of Orronn. nm m hereby required to sppear and answer the com plaint fikd against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before tbe fl ret day of tbe next term of said court following: Ihe expiration of the time prescribed In the order for the pub lication of this summons, to-wlt: On or b -fore theStli 'lay of February. 1WT7: nd If xrnn foil appear .nd answer, or otherwise plead in said cause, tbe plaintitt, for want thereof, will apply to tbe court for the reliei prayed for In the com plaint filed herein, to-wit; That the bonds of matrimony between pluintlff and defendant h dissolved; that the plaintiff be awarded tbe custody of the minor child mentioned in said complaint, Hester A. Howe; that defendant be barred of all right, title or interest in the real and personal property of plaintiff, and that ilaintiff have and recover her costs and dis ursements made and exnended in this milt and for such otber and further relief as to the wrart may seem equitaoie. This summons is served uponyou by publica tion thereof, by order of the Hon. W. L Brad shaw, judge of said Court, which order bears the date of October 30, 18, and was made and dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Octo ber 30, 1896. JOHN H. CRADLEBAUttH, dec30i Attorney for Plaintiff. - SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore gon for Wasco CounfV. Frank J. Meyers, Plaintiff, vs. ' ' Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, the above named defend, ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and answer the complaint filed against you In said court and cause, on or before tbe first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following tbe expiration of six weens' publication of this sum, moi.s, to-wit, Monday, the 8th day of February, 1897, and you will take notice tbat it you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof plaint ifl will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his complaiut, to-wlt- A decree of divorce forever dissolving tbe bonds of mar riage heretofore and now existing between Tilnin tiff and defendant, and for such other re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof in Tbe Dalles Chronicle, a news paper of weekly publicatiou and general circu lation, published at The Dalles. Wasco County, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshan .judge of the above named court. G, W. PHELPS, dec23-i ' Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. of the State of TN THE CIRCUIT COURT J- Oreeon. for Wasco Countv. Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff . vs. , Nettie Morgan, Defendant To Nettle Morgan, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Orceon. vou are hereby required to annear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed against you in said court ttnd cause, on or before the first day if the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasi o County, Oregon, following the expiration of six weeks' publication of this summons, to-wit. Monday, the 8th day of Febru ary. 1S97, and you will lake notice that if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof plaintiff will take judgment against you for the renei prayea ior in nis complaint, to-wit: A decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of marriage heretofore and now existing oeiween piaintm ana ceienaan;, ana tor such other relief as may be equitable and just. This summons is served upon vou by publica tion thereof in The DMles Chronicle, a weekly newsi aper of general circulation published at The Dulles, Oregon, by order of Hon; W. L. Bradsbaw, judge of the above named court. uaiea at iiaues city, ur., Dec. i, isshj. G. W. PHELP8. dec23-l . Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Wasco and State of Oregon, dated the 7th day of January, 1S97, In a certain action in thc Justice Peace court for said county and state wherein Erick Nelson as plaintiff recov ered judgment againBt Alexander Watt tor the sum of $58.50 and costs and disbursements taxed at 113, on the 17th day of October, 1896. Notice is nereoy given mat i wiu on Monday, the 15th day of February, 1897, at ihe frontdoor of the courthouse In Dalles City. In said countv. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Two acres of land at the Cascade Locks, commencing at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of section twelve In township two north of range seven east of Willamette Meridian in Ores on; running thence south ten rods, east thirty-two rods, north ten rods, west thirty two rods to place of beginning. Taken and levied upon as the property of tbe said Alexander Watt, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said iudement in favor of Erick Nelson against said Alexander Watt, with Interest thereon, together with aU costs and disbursements that havf , or may, accrue. T. J. UKi V K, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Jan. 8, 1897. jnul3-I Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is berebr given that under and by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issned out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for vt asco county, aatea tne I'.'tn day or January, 1897,jmd to me directed and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter described to satisfy the sum of (90. with interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from Dec. 2, 18S6, a balance due upon a judgment in tbe above named court in favor of Robert Mays and L. E. Crowe, partners doing business under tbe firm name of Mays fc Crowe, and against Geo. D. Armstrong and Sarah Lt. Armstrong, given aim reuueteu MJ1P4U the uth dnv nf November. 1896. 1 will on Wednes day, the 10th day of February, 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., sell at tbe courtbouse door in Dalles City, in said cunnty and state, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 13, in Block 12 in Thompson's Addition to Dalles City, in Wasco Countv, State of Oregon. Dalles city, Oregon, Jan. l-'. is'jj. T. J. DRIVER, ' J13-5I-I . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Administrator's Sale. Notice is herebv riven that the nndersizned. in pursuance of an order made by tbe Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 2d day of November, 1896, wlU on Monday, tbe 28th day ot December, 1896, upon tbe premises hereinafter described, sell to the high est bidder, for-cash in hand, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of Mary M. Gordon, deceased, to-wit: The south west quarter of section thirty-two In township four south of range thirteen east of the Willam ette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, con taining ibu acres. iatea tins zaia aay oi .novemner, iw. ASA B1UU3II11.U, Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor don, deceased. . nov28-5t-l