f isKPeHfe t,:u. ' H' III- II II- II II II II PARTI. THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1896. VOL. VII. NUMBER 5. WARNING TO WEYLER Will Kill all Spaniards, If Weyl Persists. P SO DECLARES GENERAL RIVERA The Story or tbe Fight and Flight the Steamer Three Friend Was a Story, and that Only.' of New York, Dec. 26. A special from Key W est to the World says : . Steamship passengers say that Gener al Rivera, who in command .of tbe army of Maceo, has sent a formal warn ing to General Weyler, General Rivera notified the Spanish c.vptain-general that if be persisted in his threats to kill pa cificos fonnd in the country, tbe Cubans will make reprisals on all Spaniards whom they may capture. General Weyler is affecting to disre gard the warning. Those near him bow ever, say he will not dare to carry out his ideas as ruthlessly as he intended. His guerillas still' have full authority to capture or to kill paeihcos in the coun try and to force their families into the garrisoned towns. As the troops in such places have little extra food and the re sidents none to spare, this order lays great hardship upon the poor country folk. Hundreds will eoon he starving. Geueral Rivera is moving out of his en trenchments. All indications point to an important engagement soon. General weyler has visited various points on tbe trocha and San Christobal. He is always accompanied by a large force. , There is skirmishing daily alone the trocha and on the outskirts of Artemisa. A battle has been fought in Santa Clara province between guerilla bands. The Cubans forced the Spanish to retire into Remedios with heavy loss. Regia, across the bay from Havana, was attacked again last night almost un der the guns of the fortress. Several houBes were burned and a running fight maintained for two hours. The fighting around the city greatly alarms the residents. The troops' night watch in tbe suburbs have been doubled. THE THREE rKIENDS' EXPERIENCE. Story of Her Flclit With Spanish War- ships Denied In Havana. Cincinnati. Dec. 25. A special to tfie Commercial-Tribune from Key West says Much comment was made today in Havana over the report cabled from New York that the filibustering steamer Three Friends had been fired on by Spanish cruisers, and that the steamer had disabled a Spanish gunboat. This report is positively denied in official cir cles, who affirm that nothing of tbe kind occurred, but that the story is made from whole cloth. It is admitted that the steamer landed on the south side of the island. It is further admitted. that only a part of tbe cargo was secured by Gomez, the Spanish coast guard bav in? captured a good portion. The Three Friends is here, lying under tbe guns of the Raleigh. Captain Lewis re fuses to say anything about the trip, save that be had been after derelicts. As to the story of a fight, be professes ignorance. None of the crew can be in duced to speak of the affair.- The vessel does not bear any mark of a conflict, and the report is doubted here. Havana, Dec. 25. Inquiries in official quarters by the correspondent of the As sociated Press elicited a denial of' the story published in the United States, that the filibustering steamer Threa Friends fired upon a Spanish guard steamer and a Spanish gunboat. The Snltan Threatened. Constantinople, Dec. 25 When the French and Italian ambassadors pro tested to the sultan, against Mazar Bey, who is held responsible for the Salvador murder, being included in the general annesty, they requested their respect ive governments to send fleets to Alex andria. This step was taken in view ot a possible miscarriage of justice which France and Italy are resolved shall not happen. All the ambassadors refused the portes request that all foreign ves - sels he searched for arms. Starrled Bliss Was Brief. San Fbaxcisco, Dec. 24. After seven weeks of domestic infelicity, Attorney James H. Long and bis wife were di vorced today. The couple were married November 4, and two days later the . bride left her husband and refused to return. She alleged infidelity, which was not denied by Long in court today. A. Sheep War Threatened. Denveb, Dec. 25. Advices received from Routt county today indicate that a sheep war is likely to break out any day, Over 250 armed cattlemen are in the two famna on- Snake river, determined to drive all the sheep out of Routt county and establish the Colorado-WyomiDg and Colorado-Utah beundaries as dead line over which the sheep may not pass. An Overdue Steamship. - Boston, Dec. 24. No news has been received from the overdue Allan line steamship Scandinavia. The Scandi navia is a three-masted iron eteamer of 2100 tons, built, at Glasgow. She car ried no passenyers. She had a crew of forty-four and a miscellaneous cargo The Allan line agents express confidence that the steamer will report safely. The Strike Is Ended. Boston, Dec. 25. What threatened to be tbe most extensive strike in the his tory of this city was averted by the ac lion of she supreme council of - the Motormen and Conductor's Union, when, after a protracted session, the strike was declared off at 12:30 a.m. This mormon traffic was resumed on all lines. Caused His Boy's Death. Los Angeles, Dec. 25. While leaving the Santa Fe train at the First-street depot in a drunken condition, Mason Birkley stumbled, fell and threw his 6- vear-old boy, Harry, under the moving train. The child was crushed to death. A Fine Church Burned. Wilkesbaree, Pa., Dec. 25. Fire de Btroyed St. Stephen's Episcopal church, one of the largest edifices of this city, early this morning. The Westmoreland Club, adjoining, was gutted. The cause of tbe fire is unknown. The loss is $200,000. " LIVING MASTODONS. Alaska Indians Declare That the Mam moth Animals Still Exist. In conversation with a gentleman, for merly ot Denver, who came out this fall with a party of miners, we learned that the existence of living mastodons near the headwaters of the White river was not the mere fabrication of the .Northern furriers, but that tue stick Indians had positively told him that vot later than five years ago Buch animals bad been seen by them, says a writer in the Alaska news. One of tbe Indians said that while bunting one day in that un known section he came across an im mense track, sunk to a depth of several inches in the moes, and from the de scription as tbe Indian marked it out to him in the sand, it much resembled an elephant's track, and was larger around than a barrel. Upon striking it, the Indian followed up this curious trail, which to all appearances was fresh, and tracking from one immense stride to the other for a distance ot eeveral miles, he came in full view of his game. And what game I The hunter gave one look. then turned, and fled as though -pursued by the evil one. These Indians as a class are the brav est of hunters, and with no other wea pons than the spear will attack and slay the St. Elias grizzly. But the immense proportions of this new kind of game both startled and filled the hunter, brave as he was, with great fear, and he imagined his only safety lay in swift and immediate flight. He described it as being larger than Harper'3 (the post trader's) store, with great, shining, yel lowish tusks and mouth large enough to swallow him at a single gulp. He said the animal was undoubtedly the same as were the huge bones scattered over that section. If such an animal is now in existence, and other Indians, and also Mr, Harper, have confirmed the re port, they inhabit a section of very high altitude, and one but rarely visited by human beines, and these only Indians, We also have no reason to doubt the In- dian't tale, for at no veiy distant period the Yukon country was inhabited by these animals, and hundreds of their massive skeletons found strewn along the creeks are silent but truthful wit ness. A tired stomach is very much like a sprained ankle. If 3 on Buffer from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach is tired. It seeds a crutch. We must relieve it of all work for a time, or until it is restored to its natural strength. To do this successfully, we must uss a food which'is already digested outside of tbe body, and which . will aid the digestion of other foods that may be taken with it. Such a product is the Shaker Digestive Cordial. The Shakers have utilized the diges tive principles present in plants for the manufacture of this article, and its suc cess has been truly phenomenal. " You can try it for the nominal sum of 10 cents, as sample bottles are sold by all druggists at this price. ' . ' (2; Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. - . . WE REMEMBER MACEO The Texans Answer to a De mand for Surrender. AS AT THE ALAMO, ALL ARE KILLED Surrounded by Overwhelming Num bersThey Sell Their laves DearlyTheir Last Cry, "Vive Cuba Libre." New Yoek, Dec, 27. A special to the Worid from Key West, says : The Lone Star company, of the Patriot Army of West Cuba, consisting of 15 Texas sharpshooters, perished to a man after battling more than five hours against vastly superior Spanish forces in Pinar del Rio province, killing double their own number and wounding prob ably as many more. Havana officials are jubilant, passengers say, over the news ot this victory. A Cuban band was observed near Pinar del Rio city Thursday morning and General Melquiz sent two squads of cavalry to attack it. After a running fight, the baud, which proved to be com posed of the 15 Texans, was chased into a "Dottle, a bit 01 hummock having one opening. Tee lexar.s, seeing they were in a hole, retreated to the further end and fortified themselves behind some boulders. The Spanish troopers dis mounted and surrounded them, pouring in a fire from both sides. The bruye Texans replied and kept up the fight for more than five hours. By that time, six of the 15 bad been killed and four wounded, while 25 Spaniards had bit the dust and 10 or more were wounded. A flag of truce was sent in by tbe Spanish, and tha Texans were called on to surrender, but the Americans refused, shouting. "We remember Maceo." This infuriated the Spaniards, and they fought with renewed fierceness. Twice they charged, but the rapid firing of the brave little band drove them back. By getting on a high ridge behind the Texan's position, the Spaniards were enabled to kill all but two of those left. Those two gallantly continued to fight and held off the enemy an hour longer. Then, overcome by thirst and enfeebled by loss of blood, flowing from a dozen wounds, they were cut to pieces by the Spanieh, who finally dashed up as the Texans cried, "Vive Cuba libre." FIT TO SUCCEED MACFO. General Rivera Scored a Victory Over Weyler. Cincinnati, Dec. 26. A special to the Commercial Tribune from Key West says : Reports from Havana tonight are that an attack was made on one of General Rivera's foothill forts yesterday by some of Weyler's forces, and that the Spanish were repulsed, the big dynamite gun be longing to General Rivera's command securing tbe victory for the insurgents. It is said over 50 men were lost on tbe Spanish side, and few in the Cuban ranks. AH information is refused in Havana, where the officials say no such engagement took place. As the report came through thejregalar Cuban chan nels, it is believed here. Colonel San Martin's coiumn has been burning houses and destroying planta tions all through the section Bonth and west of Artemisa, as far out as they dared venture. During the past week over 400 houses and many plantations have been de stroyed, 400 head of cattle secured, and a number of tobacco fields and cane patches laid waste. Weyler's orders are to spare nothing.. A nnmbsr of pacifi cos, it is reported, offered resistance to tbe taking of their cattle, saying their families woold starve,' and they were killed. Over 25 such instances of mur der were recorded. General Rivera's forces are increasing, and he has had accessions to his stock of arms and ammunition this week, an ex pedition having landed on the south side of tbe island from Honduras or Mexico, it is presumed, An American correspondent, same hot given, has succeeded in getting through the Spanish lines and joining Rivera. neAL MINES ON FIRE. Valuable Property In Nova Scotia Seems to be Doomed. Halifax, N. S. Dec. 26. About 5 o'clock Thursday the coal mines of Springhill were discovered to be on fire. The fire originated in a pipeway on the east slope of tbe 800-foot level, and soon ate into the 300-foot. ;. ' When Government Inspector Gilpin arrived fire was issuing from every open ing of the mine. Two cupolas were burned and a bankhead bad to" be torn away. The miners tried to stop up every airwav. Gilpin had to call the men from this work, as it was attended with great risk. The flames shot 100 feet into the air, tbe reflection being visible at Amherst. The extent of the fire is not known out most disastrous consequences are feared. The loss of the east Elope is be lievedto be complete. "At 4 p. m., Fri day, the slope was reached all right, but the men will have bard work to save it rive vears ago IdO lives were lost by an explosion in these mines. It is likely the most serious damages will be confined to tbe ' east elope, in which the fire started.' It seems to be burning itself out. The loss wtll be enormous. ' . The fire will cause great destitution among the miner, as, twen if the fire does not spread through the entire mine, it is considered doubtful if work can be resumed daring the winter. An Immense Blast Fired. San Diego, Dec. 28. The Southern California Mountain Water Company fired the largest blast at Morena dam in the historv of the state. Tbe amount of rock dislodged was 150,000 tons. Giant and black powder was used. All the deposits of powder which were placed in tunnels at different levels in the hills were connected bv electric wires, which completed a circuit. State of Ohio, City of Toledo) Lucas County, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co.,' doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fbane J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. A. W. Gleasok, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucuos surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O. jggr-Sold bv Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 Crusler Kosala Again Afloat. Ckokstadt, Dec. 28. The armored cruiser Rossi :i, of 12,130 tons displace ment, the largest vessel in the Russian navy, which ran on a sandbank in the beginning" of November and ha9 been frozen in ever sinefe, has been floated after fifty-one days of incessant labor with steam icebreakers. Bnckleu'o Arinca galve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains., corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It ie guaranteed to eive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, drntjeists. You'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had told you sooner. It is made by patented pro cess. jly24-ii Artichokes for Sale. The undersigned has for -pule tbe mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of seed at $1 per bushel. H. Eichenrergeb, decl9-lm Bake Oven, Or. Refrigerator Line. Attention of shippers is called to tbe new refrigerator line operated by the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company between Portland, Huntington. Spokane and intermediated points, leaving Port land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur days. E. E. Lytle, Agent. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in tho Vogt block. Anyone desiring their chimneys cleaned can have it done bv calling upon or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James Hogan, The Dalles or telephone to No 89. o!7-tf Dalies-Moro Stage Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. r Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douglas Allen, Prop. This Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York City. ftev. JohnBeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Eev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. - Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug.' Price, 50 cents. - ACCEPTS OUR OFFICES Spain Asks the United States to Act as Mediator. DE LOME AND 0LXEY HAVE AGREED The Subject Will Be Laid Before Con gress When It Convenes The Proposed Reforms. . Washington, Dec. 28. Tbe post will say tomorrow : It has been learned from an authentic source that Secretary Olney and Senor Dupuy de Lome have practically termin ated the negotiations of tbe Cuban question, which are to be Eubmitted to congress when it convenes, January 5. Tbe terms of the agreement are based on recent official communications from Premier Canovas addressed to the secre tary of state. The premier states clearly tbe teims hich Spain will accord to the insur gents, and practically asks the United StateB to propose these conditions to her rebellious subjects. In return for our good offices, Spain assures this govern inent she sincerely deplores the great commercial loss which we have sus tained jn account of the Cuban disturb ances, one assures us Bbe is even now considering a reciprocity treaty which will deal mainly with Cuban products, and which will be framed in such ad vantageous terms toward this govern ment that our losses, both in commerce and in the destruction of American property in Cnba, will be most gener ously compensated. Premier Canovas says Spain cannot, as a self-respecting and respected nation, stand before the world as having been coerced into measures by tbe United States. She has freely granted all she now offers, and that in tbe face ot a re bellion. But Bhe accepts the good offi ces of the United States to aea as medi ator, and to guarantee to the insurgents amnesty and the enforcement of the new reform law which she is about to pro claim in Cuba. The form of government offered is, tbe Spanish (statesman declares, the limit of independence which can be granted to a province by any nation without absolute ly severing the bonds of union with the mother country. Autonomy as enj yed by the Canadians can never be granted in Cuba. "What Spain is willing to grant the insurgents, if they lay down their arms, and what she asks the United States to guarantee, is an act which pro vides for a council of administration which shall control all matters pertain ing to the commerce of the West Indies and all estimates upon the genera! taxa tion and expenditures of tbe island, as well as its general home government. JTI1K SULTAN MUST YIELD, Or Be Will Be Neither Caliph Nor Khedive. Constantinople, Dec. 28. The Rub- sian ambassabor on Saturday, acting in concert with representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria, had an audience with tbe sultan, Abdul Hamid, one of many such interviews within tbe past year, on the same subject, the better administration of affairs in the Turkish empire. Tbe Russian diplomat began by warn ing the sultan and the Turkish govern ment that if the revenues ceded for pay ment of the Turkish debt were touched. European control of the finances of the empire would become inevitable, m. de Nelidoff, the Russian ambassador, further informed tbe eultan that tbe czar guaranteed his personal safety and engaged himself to maintain the Bultaii's supremacy in the event of severe meas ures being necessary upon the part of the powers. The sultan, however, re mained obdurate, refusing to consent to any measure of control, financial or otherwise, by the powers. The Russian ambassador said the con dition of tbe Turkish empire pluced the throne and the caliphate in imminent peril. Thereupon Abdul Hamid le marked impressively. "I may be the last of the caliphs, but I will never become a second khediva." In addition to these warnings, M. de Nelidoff sent a note to the Turkish gov ernment and to the palace. The utmost significance is attached to it in diplo matic circles. He pointed out in pre cise terms the necessity for the sul tan ' following the advice of the powers and acting in complete agree ment with their plans for improving tbe situation, warning them once more that the Bultau's refusal to do so involves the most disagreeable consequencee. ' Tbe ambassadors of the powers will meet again to discuss the situation, and j mum Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud healthfulness. Assured tho food sgHluBt alum and all forms of adulteration common to toe cheap brands. Botal Baking Powdkb Co., New York. - will reassemble in fulure twice a week until they complete their recommenda tions - to the sultan and - his advisers. The envoys acting together will hence forth maintain tbe strictest secrecy re garding their Deliberations and the ac tion taken or contemplated, and will not even inform the envoys of other powers ot the decisions reached. These latest steps npon the par t of the powers are once again reported to bave produced a profnnd impreesion at Kiosk and in pursuance of the issuance of an amnesty decree the Armenian prisoners in Asia Minor and this city and vicinity are being released daily in batches of til teen. JUSTICE IN inE CHINESE EMPIRE Pirates and Counterfeiters Beheaded. Promptly San Fbancisco, Dec. 28. According to the latest advices from the Orienc Li Ka Chuck, superintendent of the Canton police, on November 28, seized a large number of counterfeit coins. The chief coiner, Cheng Tuns', and his confeder ates, Chan Mui, Tse Sang and others, were arrested. An imperial decree from Peking commanded the immediate decapitation of the three named offend ers, and enjoins the viceroy to deal with the others as he thinks necessary ac cording to law, as a warning to the peo ple. The officials who effected the seizure were all promoted in rank. Tbe Canton viceroy reported in an other memorial the capture of two no torious pirate junks. In effecting the capture one military officer lost his life. A decree was issued on the 19th of No vember authorizing the execution of the captives and ordering tbe officials con cerned in the capture to be promoted in rank aud that the matter of the mili tary officer having lost bis life be re ferred to the board ' concerned for re wards and posthumous honors. 1 her Is Nothing So Good There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the denier to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in ordflr to make more profit he may claim sometbingelse to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know ' it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affec tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there ia nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 60 cents and $1.00. ;2) Germany Would Advise Spain. London, Dec. 28. The Chronicle'8 Berlin correspondence reports that Ger many has offered no advice to tbe United States or to Spain in regard to Cuba. Germany would prefer to see Cuba in the bands of Spain, the corres pondent says, and in the event of affairs becoming acute would advise Spain to grant such concessions as would enable her to retain tbe island. Something to Knew. . It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a bealtby vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bit ters improves tbe appetite, aids diges tion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood puri fier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. (2) Cash In Your checks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Dec. 5, 1896. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. ' J