THE t A T.TiTIS WEEKLY SHScmCtE. WEBHSBA, NOVEMBER 18. 1893. The Weekly Ghronicle. THK DALLES, OitEGON On tle Death of W. Cederson. The Dalles, Nov. 16, 1896. The following resolutions were adopted by Friendship Lodge at their last regu lar convention : m . . Rm. W. Cedereon, a mem ber of this lodge, who was with us but a short time ago, has passed away. As a member of this order he was always ji .nnrtini and kind to his brothers, and be received and deserved the confidence, respect ana esieeui i Wo Wed him for his vir- IUIO iwigoi ' ' w . taes, we mourn his loss, and white w seat, we will keep his memory green, and in God's good time may we meet again. Thnt nnr heartfelt spmpathy be extended to his relatives and friends i thoir oreat affliction. Be it inrtner i..i.A That these resolutions be tha minutes of this lodge, that a copy of the same be sent to the deceased brother, and published in the local papers, and that our charter be drapea in muurmu a period of thirty days. C. E. Bayabd, W. W. Smith, D. W. Vausk, Committee. Cruelly Abandoned. Ttiaf whflt. inlT) of the perverse blunts the intelligence of compositors and blinds tbe eyes of proof readers is past all finding out. Under the head of "Editorial Musings" we yeeterday gave to a critical and skeptical world a few lines of poetry. We had arranged the rhyme so that the girl with eyes of blue was to get next to us in good shape, un til we could feel her heart thumping the inside of her corset; but alas! it was not to be, A cruel compositor put tbe girl up next to another fellow, and our eyes were so blinded to the wicked deed that we failed to notice it in the proof. It will be seen from this that we are not nnt to ourself. and neither is the girl. In fact, there seems to be a vacancy now open for some girl to fill, one witn n-rneriencc enoueb not to make a mis u r.A looun na in the lurch aeain. ItlliO ouu " - - - . rJn other need aDDlv. We are wearing a doubled-sized Menthol plaster on onr noble chest just now, but no extra charge will be made on that account. We are willing to throw in a plaster Going Into Business. 4. LOCAL DISEASE and is the result 01 com ira sudden ciimauc cmuiyv remeuj uw " , . mercury or aujr w - Bam . , i.j a . k hA most thoroneh cure for remedies. It opens and eleanseetne nasal passages, remedies. " .; thn sores. Dro- fiLa7ATrmK7 the senses rftelnTsme EL BBUTUimo. o niuicuui.. . Electric Bitters. ir.lep.tric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid anH lnc?iah and tbe neea oi a ionic mu and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and nhina fatal bilious fevers. JNo medi cine will act more surely counteracting and freeing the system from tbe malar ial nnison. Headache, indigestion, wm- stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit- r . ai nn V. .1 at R 1 a Vo- terB. ouc ana i.uu per uums loo Ar Hnnpnton b uruu ntuic. i NOTICE. Bv order of the Common Council of . ' . . ! 1 ;nn that I Dalles Uity, notice is uercuj ..".- tA u;a fnr t.ha instruction and placing of twenty-four posts for street lights, and the repairing and putting in condition ready for use of twenty-four i - :u ho ronoivBA at the Ke ,wWo nffi-fl nntil 4 o'clock F. m. Mon- i HT n 1 1 QQG t:j :ii -i h uoo irM at the above D1UB Will wu w - i . i named place and time for the lighting, . , . -1 3 .anoiFSnflP nf naif 1 tarmening oi ou po.u6 - n(.nnf lnm TQ BUCCb ujaaa - . CnnnlfinQlmilfl TTlftV 06 10011(1 at tDe oycwuw.w"'"' v G. W. Phelps, Becorder. For Sale. One span draft horses, one set of har ness and a wagon, for sale at a oargam. Address box 429. The Dalles, Ur. oct28-dAwlm Mr. Henry A. York was a passenger for Hood Eiver, on the Dalles City tbis mnrnini?. He took with him the stock for a drugstore, which he will open for hnainenn this week. He has lived in Hood Eiver valley since boyhood and baa a host of friends there. That he will get a good share of the business of that thriving community is, tberetore, assured. Although his will be the sec nnd rlrncrstore in our neighboring town, the rapid growth of that wonderful nwion will assure plenty of business. Already the valley contains a population of 2.500. and from the rate of increase in the past year, b? the end of 1898 its population will be double that sum His many friends here wisb mm aDnn dant success in hiB new held. Conrt Notes. T?eh Valley Boiler Flour Mills. Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are running full time ou nu. x I?. i in thn heat, nlwavs on hand. Prices to suit the times. Also mill feed in quantities to suit. w m Mr.CoRKLE & Son. aug8-6mw Proprietors. TVpah Tillamook creamery butter re ceived direct every week at The Dalles Commission Co.'s store. King 'em up. 'Phoues 128 and 255. oct4-im Marsh and Joles will give a turkey and Dieeon shoot the day before Thanks giving and on Thansegivingaay. Wanted. Table boarders in private family home cookins. Charges, ?lb per montn. Save the wrapperst Hoe Cake Soap wrantiers are worth a cent apiece. Ask Pease & Mays for premium dook. jiyi-i Take vour watches, clocks and jewelry repairing to Clark, the East End jeweler. House to rent for $6 per month. In quire of George Euch. novl2-bt Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad Kellar's. . TfteC9luDiaPaGKing6o., PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef Saturday L. D. Holgate was granted a divorce from Margaret Holgate on cronnd of desertion. Rosilla Perry waB granted a divorce UjQ Lard and SaUSagGS. t St T) An tka iiini1 nf 1 desertion. Mondav William I. Wing was granted a divorce from E. A. Wing on the ground of adultery, and on the same day Fred Furter was granted a divorce from Elsie Furter, on the same grounds. There is but one jury case left on the docket for trial this term, that of Eichard F. Cox, receiver, against Mar tin fabrman. MAXUFACTCHKKS OF Curers of BRAND 'The Reffiilator Line" "Takes the Cake' Tie BaBes. Portland an! Astoria Navigation Co. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tra'ns leave and are due to arrive at Portland. LBAVI. 8:50 P. M THROUGH Fieii sua FassErip Litis TI AAmnana Alacrant. ntpames CIV 8 1 X 11 v7 uuuipnuj a .- --- w, I ,in eornir-i i SnnrlavH exceDted) between uau . -w.. j I 3 t t I The JJalles ana rorimau. Steamer "Eeeulator" leaves The Dalles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 5 p. m. Returning leaves uK-tn.roci, u.. on Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday at 6:30 a. m'., arriving in The Dalles at Sieamer "Dr.lles- City" leaves ine rn Tmuinii ThnrnHflv and Satur day at 7 :30 a. m., 'arriving in Portland I at 5 p.m. Keturning leaven j Mnnrtao Wnrlnpddav and Friday at 6 :30 a. m., arriving in The Dalles at 5 p.m. PASSKNGKR BATES: Oneway. -2 00 Round trip... " w 8:30 A. M. " Dally except Sunday. 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. M t4:45 P.M. raox JUNE 23, 1895. f OVERLAND EX-1 ! pri'..s, Salem. Rose- 1 I bo ir. Abbland, Bao-1 I ruiuento, Ogden,8an ! 1 J,r:1V '?SL. N:10 A. M. Ni-w Orleans and I i vt ... . I Uiixebnnr and wav bta- Uons ...4:40 P.M. Via Woodbnrn fori T, inml allDptnn. I Wpnt Rmwns- U excent vtlle.Sprlngfleld and I Sunday. linkiuu j Salem nd way tatloii.s;'10.00 A. M. Corvaiili and wayi It o:ai r.n. stations '. '( I ,McMlnnville and If 8:2.r.M. way stations j ABBIVK. Daily.. fD"y. except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Offleo, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLANP, Ticket Agent All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot oi Jetterson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, m.iE - . i R.'M A'A- n m rive at 10:15 a. m.; 12:15, 1:45, 6:25, 6:45, 8:05 p. m. .. n.QAn n nn Uu f 1 1 rf u v nnlvV ArrlvA at Portland at 7:10, 8:30, U:25 a, m.; 1:30, 8:15, 6:85, Hi You may have " money to bum' but even so, you needn't throw it away For 0 cents you get almost twice as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other high grades for the same money QiumiiMiinmiiiM Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. cl.mAti f Pr.rf.1ftT.ii rereived at anv time. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address W. CALLAWAY General Agent- 1 THE DALLES. - OREGON 7:55, 9:10 p. m. T rira fnv ShoHflflTi WMk dftVH. At4:S0n.m. Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Tn fnr AIRIJE on Monday. Wednesday and Friiav at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at a:uo p. m. Snnday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40, 10:15a.m.: 12:15, 1:45, 8:30, 5:25 6:45 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at 12:85, 8:30, 10:00 11;25 a. m.; 1:10, 8:15, 5:10, 6:35, 7:55 p. m. t trrtpCTTPD V P "ROfJlTRS. Manager. Asst i. F. Pass. Agt fejlIlIlIlIlIlIllE Snipes:l(inersly Drug Co.! ni mm Good Times Goming-- Now is the time to lay in your Fall and Winter Supplies before they go higher. We have a good stock of Hay, Grain and Feed, Flour and Groceries, Seed Wheat, Oats and Rye. Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Now is the time to put in Fall Seeds. Experi ence has demonstrated that fall plonting is the best for most things. We have a good supply of Fertil izers for exhausted and worn-out gardens, lawns, or chards, &C. TT. Fresh Butter, Hams, Bacon and Lard. Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese bought and sold Goods sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. ,1? ree and prompt delivery. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. BKSTI GIVES THE ,, Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Denver 1 Spokane I Minneapolis St. Paxil Kansas City Omaha 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TEAN8ACT AGKNEBALBANKING BU8INE8 J. H. CROSS. Corner Second and Union Streets. Lettera of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. . TeletrraDhiC Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, c i : Can nnnpiam. Portland. Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon ana wasningtou. .... Collections made at all points on iav- orable terms. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. I OCEAN 8TBAMKB9 l.eT Portland BTerT V1t Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. fnii iintailn call on O. R A Co. s Agent Ths Dalles, or address W, H. HDELBURT, Gen. raas. Agx Portland, Oregon E. M'NEILL President aud Mananer. New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:4 p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 1 :10 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at l p. m. aany anu ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. Agent. Land Office Business.. Nelson P. Johnson today made cash on the e hf sw qr, and lots 3 and 4, sec 19. tD 2 n of r 18 e. W. L. Lamborn made final proof on his homestead, it being tbe nw qr of sec 91. tn a nof r 17 e. . Neil McDonald made final homestead proof on lots 1 and 2, and the s a hf of the ne qr, sec 4, tp 2 a ot r l e. ThU T Yonr Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, -. 6 Warren St., New York City. ey. JohnEeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed.' Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentxalPres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. Dried Beef, Etc. . . Wanted. Two bright lady representatives, lor light, refined work. Good pay and good position open if successful. Call at room 4, Umatilla nonae, irom o io o Furnished room for rent, with board if rlBsired. Address Mrs. C. Adams, RI-PA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. o (jj Taana jr" DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRECLAY, LIME, CEMENT, WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Window-Glass and . . . Picture Moulding. EC: O-XjEisTlsr. When yog utaot to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley,Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the Onr nripes are low and our goods are first-class. AgenYs tor til 7ebrated WAI8TBTOG "PEFSS'WTO. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. Northern y PACIFIC RY, n s Pullman Elegent Toxurist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars TO Pennyroyal pills 9 I - I v i sn n apt, tlwayi reliable, ladies ask DrUKtriit for Chichester M English 2ia-i J a r(n U. o. tZ,J,l niotllhnX I boxes, seuea wild oiae noooa. w mKe liana and imitation. At DnuticiMs. or fnrl4. id Bi&mpa lor prwui, fccuiw - X Er Mall. 10,000 Testimonials. Nam Japcr. B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. ' Eeesidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets pMER ; & BEATON Are Agents for the Celebrated . GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES. WB ALSO CABBY A GENERAL LINE OF Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, &c, that we are making very low prices on for. casn. .' BEMEMBEB THE PLACE . MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles, i 167 Second Street,-opposite A. M. Williams & Co. 7T1LDDD PD1S0I3 A SPEC! ALT Y fltlary liLOUJL FOISON permanently dcareaiaiotuooaiiyB. luutwiwwooicuin S home for same price under same guaran J ty If you prefer to come here we will con "tract to pay railroad f areand hotel bllls.and m -nAna If vnnhaTAtakan IriAM cainL MucoasTPatcheg in mouth, Sore Thra OUU lb IB tills we enarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti- baffled the s kill of the most eminent ph ysi- Uonal smaranty. Absolnte proofs sent sealed on BT. PAUL MINNBAPOI.I9 DCLBTH rAuao GRIND FOBKS CROOK8TON and BTJTTK Thfoagh Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA I 'Eff YORK Dncrfc'N A vn ALL POINTS EAST and SOCTH Fnr Information, time cards, maps and tickets. cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, A D CHARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., SURE CURE for PILES DR. BO-8AN-KO'8,rILE REIsEO. iot. absorb tuuiurt. A pwutlve cure. Circuur Dt rK. "m Jackson' street. novl2-6t