The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 17, 1896, PART 2, Image 4

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Mr. F. A. Seufert came in on the local
train today.
Mies Bertha Glenn -went to Portland
thia morning
Mr. David Creighton left this morn
ing for Portland.
Mr. and Mra. H. Herbring left this
afternoon for Portland.
Mrs. J. B, Condon left on the local
this afternoon for Portland.
Mrs. M. J. Chase is confined to her
room with an attack of hay fever.
Sheriff Holder of Sherman county
went to Portland thia afternoon.
Mrs. W. S. Myera went to the Port
land Exposition today on the Regulator.
Hon. John H. Mitchell and Hon. C.
"W. Fulton arrived on the early morning
train from Heppner.
Mr. W. W. Smith and wife left for
Portland thia afternoon to attend the
Grand Lodge of Rathbone. Sitters.
Messrs. N. J. Sinnott and B. S. Hunt
ington left this afternoon for Kingsley,
where they deliver addresses thij even
ing. Mr. W. F. Cox, of the Maginel-Mullin
Concert Co., was in the city yesterday
making arrangements for the company
to give a concert here about the 19th of
this month.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who have been
visiting their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Nicholas, left this
morning for their home, Nanaimo, B.
C, this mornine. Tbey were accom
panied bv Mrs.-Nicholas as far as Port
land. Thursday.
Mr. John Parrot returned from Seattle
. today.
Mr. A. Bettingen returned from Port
land last evening.
Mr. J. B. Mowrv of Moro went to
Portland this morning.
Mr. C. H. Curtis and son of Klickitat
went to Portland today.
Mrs. J. W. Condon and child went to
Portland this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Farley returned
last evening from Portland.
Mrs. Geo. W. Johnston of Dufur is
visiting friends in the city today.
Mr. M. L. Butler went to Hood River
this morning and will speak there this
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. TJrqnhart were in
from Moro yesterday and left this morn
ing for Portland.
Mr. Martin Waterman and wife were
in the city yesterday to attend the wed
ding of bia sister.
Orville Hendershott came in on the
Regulator last evening to spend a few
days in The Dallea.
Eld. W. H. Shearman, general mis
sionary of the Baptist Convention, ar
rived on last night's train.
Mr. and Mra. Howard Percv left on
the early morning train for Portland,
where they will attend the exposition
Misa Gusaie Lownsdale of Salem will
arrive on the boat thia evening on a
visit to the family of her aunt, Mrs. J.
M. Patterson.
Mr. Tillman Carlson, accompanied by
Misses Nelle Sylveater and Myra Helm,
went to Dufur yesterday. They report
that town flourishing, politics being the
main conversation.
Dr. C. H. Chapman, president of the
Oregon state University visited the pub
lie school vesterday afternoon. He was
on his way to other points of Eastern
Oregon in the interests of the Univer
sity. Friday.
Mr. J. T. Peters went to Lyle this
Mr. E. A. Myera of Lyle returned
home today.
Mra. G. W. Johnson returned today
from Portland.
to the city
different" waa given by the other per
formers, and made Bome good bits
Among the prettiest musical novelties
waa the operatic selections upon the cut
glasses, which had a charm peculiarly
its own. .
The Baptist Convention.
Mrs. Thornbury returned
last evening.
Miss Newman was a passenger from
Portland today.
Mr. W. H. Alexander went to Van
couver this morning.
. Judge and Mrs. Bradshaw returned
from Portland today.
Mrs. W. H. Wilson returned from
Portland last evening.
Mr. JohnC O'Leary of Grass Valley
left for Portland this morning.
Mrs. O. Stephens and Mrs. C. V.
Stephens left this morning for Portland.
Misa Margaret Kinersly returned from
Portland on the Regulator last evening.
Mr. F. M. Hunsaker was a passenger
on the Regulator this morning for Hood
Mr. Emil Mell of Centerville is in The
Dalles, returning from a trip to Portland,
where he has been with a large ship
ment of hogs.
In this city, October 15th, at the M.
E. church, by Rev. J. H. Wood, Mr.
Howard Percy and Miss Jennie Water
man, both of 8-Mile. .
In The Dalles, aft 9 o'clock this morn
ing, Harold Clarke Hadley, aged 9
months and 6 days, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Hadley.
' - Continues to Attract.
Thursday, Oct. 15. .
The first session opened at 10 a. m
with one honr of devotional exercises
led by the president, Elder J. E. Horn
It waa a meeting of deep interest, and
profitable tcrall.
At 11 the opening sermon was preached
by E. P. Waltz of Baker City, from
Cor. xxii:18-19: subject, "God With
A committee on enrollment was then
appointed, consisting of Elder Waltz
Deacon Snelling of North Yakimaand
Deacon Thoa. Johna of The Dallea.
Adjourned until 2 p. m.
Convened at 2 o'clock with president
in the chair. Prayer by Elder Harper,
The committee reported on credentials
and the election of officers, which re
suited in making President Horn bia
own successor, Elder J. H. Miller vice
president, Elder E. P. Waltz secretary
and S. S. Johna auditor..
President Horn then made a speech of
thanks for the honor again conferred
upon him bv the convention, followed
by the vice-president and secretary
The pastor of the Calvary Baptist
church of The Dalles then spoke a very
few words of welcome to the convention,
after which the president called upon
the treneral missionary to respond. He
did so in a few appropriate worda.
The committee on devotion was ap
pointed, consisting of the pastor and
messengers of Calvary church.
The following committees were then
appointed: On Home Missions, Foreign
Missions, Convention Missions, Sunday
Schools, Intemperance, Education, Sys
tematic Beneficence, Religious Litera
ture, Place and Preacher for Next An
nual Meeting.
At 7 o'clock prayer service began, led
by Deacon Crowley.
At the close of the exercise the presi
dent announced the different committee.
Elder R. Y. Blalock, of New Home
church, took the pulpit and read a part
of Matthew xiv, taking for his text the
24th verse, "But the ship was now in
the midst of the sea, tossed with the
Vice-President Miller took the chair
and Deacon Bovd led in closing prayer.
Friday morning's session began at 9
o'clock with prayer Eervice, led by Dea
con Neece of Moro.
At 9:30 President Horn took the
chair, and the opening prayer was of
fered by Deacon W. C. Allaway. The
minutes of yesterday's work were read
by the secretary, Elder Waltz, and
Some discussion arose over the Church
Edifice Fund Association.
The committee on education reported,
which called forth an interesting dis
cussion, participated in by Elders Miller,
Mattoon, Oliver, A. J. Ownbey, Hollo
man and Shearman. The discussion
was discontinued at 11 o'clock, and a
sermon waa delivered by Elder J. M.
LawBon from the text "I beseech you
therefore, my brethren, that ye walk
worthy of the vocation wherewith ye
are called ;" Eph. iv :1.
The discussion on education was again
taken up at the close of the sermon,
and the report on education was amend
ed by adding a section opposing national
appropriations of money to sectarian
schools. The vote was taken and adopt
ed unanimously. '
The delegation in attendance is less
than it would have been but for the
stringency of finances: but there are
about fiftv in attendance. The elders
present are: C. H. Mattoon, W. H
Shearman, J. W. Oliver, F. J. Jacroux,
R. Y. Blalock, E. W. Holloman, E. H
Freddenburg, J. M. Lawson, I. J. Har
per, E. P. Waltz, J. E. Horn and J. H
Died, near this city, Oct. 13, 1896,
Mary Ann, beloved wife of James Sher
rill, aged 63 years.
She leaves a husband, two sons and
two daughters, who greatly mourn her
Ioee. ' She waa an exemplary Christian,
loving companion, devoted mother and
kind neighbor. She was married to
James Sherill at the age of 19. They
were blessed with eight children, four of
which have preceded their mother to the
realms of bliss. Their eldest son, Mr.
H. Sherrill, is a resident of Harrisburg,
Or. ; eldest daughter, Mrs. A. J3arcas,
livea near Vancouver, Wash.; youngest
son, Mr. G. Sherrill, lives near The
Dallea, Or. ; youngest daughter, Mrs. E.
Prigh, near 'The Dalles, Or. All were
present at her bedside during a part of
her picknees, which was six weeks of
great suffering ; but she bore it all with
patience and Christian fortitude, trust
ing in Jesus to the last. Her husband,
who was converted two years previous"
to her death, bas been walking by ber
side ever since, in the foot steps of
Jesus, which has added much happiness
to her latter days. I would not attempt
to describe the glory that filled her soul
the day he was converted when he re
turned from'the canipmeeting and told j
her on the threshold that he was tast
ing with Jesus. Her comforts were ad
ministered to by the untiring efforts of
her family and friends, among whom
were Mrs. J. Taylor and Mra. T. Mor
gan, who spared no pains in making ber
last days as comfortable as possible.
May God bless them for their kindness.
She was laid to rest in 8-Mile cemetery
by a large concourse of loving friends.
Pon't mourn my lov'd companions,
me ame wm not oe long
'Till we'll be re-united.
And sing redemption's song.
Just look away to Jesus,
He never will forsake.
You will not disappoint me,
I'll watch the pearly gate. -
My children, trust in Jesus,
Your mother's precious friend.
He'll guide you through life's journey.
And keep you to the end.
Oh lean upon his promise,
He'll soothe your aching breast.
Come follow in his pathway,
And you will find sweet rest.
Oh Jesns, bless my darlings,
And give them grace to stand:
Just guide them o'er life s billows,
Into the glory land.
MRS. A. C. 1
Willamette valley papers please copy
Illegal Registration In Kansas City.
Kansas City, Oct. 14. Registration
in Kansas City for the presidential elec
tion, just completed, shows a total of
31,330 names ol voters on the books, as
against 27,320 for the spring election.
Both Republican and Democratic par
ties make charges of irregularities in the
second ward, where the registration far
exceeded that of any previous year, it
being alleged by both sides that the op
posing party managers have run in non
resident negroes to swell the lists. A
canvass of the ward will be necessary to
determine the truth.
In the County fcjonrt of the State of Oregon fo
Wasco County: ,
In the matter of the guardianship of A'iee Al
mira Udell and William Kdward Udell (alias
William Edward Austin), Minors.
Now on this 26th day of September, 18'Jfi, the
regular. September term of Court having
been adjourned and continued to this
date, and the Court being in regular
session, this canse came on for heitring
upon the verified petition and application of
George Udell, guradinu of the persons nd es
ta'e of Alice Almira Udell and William Edward
Udell (alias Willinm Edward Austin), and the
court having read said petition and tt appearing
to the satisfaction of the court from said peti
tion that it is necessary and would be beneficial
to said wards that the real estate belonging to
said wards should be sold, and the court being
fully advised :
You'll be surprised when you try Hoe of kin of said wards, and all persons interested
luDnmniitujui rata warns, appear oeiore nils
court on Monday, the 2d day of .November, lt'Ji,
at the hour of 2 o chick p. in., at the county
courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles City, in
Wasco County, Oregon, to show cause, if anv
exists, why a license should not be granted to
said guardian, George Udell, for the sale of real
estate belonging to said wards to wit: The
soutneast quarter ol Section ao. Township 1
North, Range 10 East, situated in Wasco County,
State of Oregon.
It is further ordered that this order shall be
served upon the next ol kin of nirt wards and
all persons interested in said estate bv nuhlina-
tion thereof in Dalles Chronicle, a newspaper
of ge. eral circulation in this county, for three
successive weeks, beginning on the 3d day of
3oct-ii ROBT. MAY8, Judge.
Cake soap, and wish
sooner. It ia made
had told yon
patented pro-
178 GoiamBja Packing go..
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND-
Shane's Work for the Refuge
dome at Portland.
A Stage Driver Killed.
A larger audience than ever visited
the Vogt opera house last evening, being
the fourth consecutive night of the
Wizard Oil Co. Through a mistake, the
shipment of Wizard Oil which was to
have come to The Dalles went to Hills-
boro. The manager's talk was therefore
short on that subject and there will be
none tonight; - The diamond ring mat
won by Miss Emma Fisher, and ia a
beauty. . Another one is to be given
. away tonight. The juggling of Mr. Mc
Coy created surprise by the -variety of
his accomplishments. Last evening he
played a difficult and beautiful mandolin
selection while balancing a gun upon bia
chin. . The usual performance,, "only
Last Thursday night at 7:15 the
driver of the Long Creek ataee. when
about one mile ont from John Day, met
with a fatal accident, saya the Canvon
City News. Just how the trouble oc
curred ia largely a matter of conjecture.
The night was very dark, and it is aup-
posed that some part of the harness be
came loose, allowing one or both of the
horses to forge ahead, and the tongue of
the vehicle to drop down. The horses,
being wild, probably became frightened,
and started to run away. At all events,
they came into John Day without any
rigor driver. A eearch party at once
started up the road, and 'soon came to
the overturned vehicle. About twenty
feet away the driver, Frank Evans, was
found in an unconscious condition. He
was conveyed to the home of his grandmother,-
Mrs. O. Lewia, and medical aid
summoned. An examination revealed a
badly fractured skull. Everything that
medical ekill could devise was done to
relieve the sufferer, but all to no effect.
He did not recover consciousness, and
died Saturday morning.
Salles-Moro Stage
Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douglas Allen, Prop.
Mrs. Shane left last evening for Fen
die ton, La Grande, Baker City and
other Eastern Oregon points in the in
terest of the Florence Crittenton Mis
sion Home in Portland. She has been
in the city three days, having received
several contributions here. Mra. Shane
has taken the most active interest in
this cause of any lady in Portland.
For years there haa been a home of
this sort in the city of Portland, having
been nominally . called the "Refuge
Home" for nnfortunate girls. Most of
these have come from the country, and
the home there have been several
mothers of onlv 14 years of age. The
number of pronouncedly fallen women
seeking their home have been com para
tively few. When Mr. Crittenton went
to Portland, where he held a series of
meetings, be endowed $1,500 upon it,
later giving it $500 more, and raising an
additional $500 from sympathizers in
the cause, and the name was changed
to the Florence Crittenton home.
Lately there has been some trouble
caused on the part of a Mr. Bancroft, by
citing to a certain clause in an act by
the legislature in reference to the home,
The legislature provided an annual bum
for the benefit ot the home, and Mrs. W,
S. Ladd of Portland gave an acre of
ground in the suburbs, upon which a
permanent building was to be erected
The yearly state allowance seems to be
contingent upon the home being built
upon Mrs. Ladd's gift of land. The
temporary structure existing on premi
ses adjacent to Mr. Bancroft's home, to
the annoyance of himself and family, he
cited the clause in the legislative act to
harass the home by withdrawing the
provision made by the state. The diffi
culty conefeted in the unavailability of
using the land for the purpose intended.
It was covered with a dense growth of
trees, was distant from the city lights
and streets, and had no means of in
gress or egress. Mrs. Shane is now try
ing to secure funda to clear the land,
make a road to it, and erect a temporary
building, so that the annual sum do
nated by the state may be secured.
Advertised Letters.
Following ia the list of letters rem ain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Oct. 17, 1896. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Allen, C A
Aricel, A J
Brennaer, Mrs J
Bredman, S O
Bitting:, J L
Constantill, Harry
Cooley, Frank
Campbell, O
Dixon, Chas
Donnelly, Harry
Great, E S
Hall, Edgar B
Henderson,! H ,
Hildebrand, And
Johnson, B F
Kelsay, Wm
Little, John '
McDonald. J M
Nelson, Miss Louisa Orcnard, J A
Ulsen, f eter Farode, B
Roburson, Mrs M , Ruhbnrg, Julius
Reader, Edw (2) ' Strouse, Mmil
White, Mrs Jas
J. A. Chossejt, P. M
Allen, Albert
Bradford, Walt B
Bultes, Emma
Beyers, Ed
Coudell, Flora
Cozel, Geo
Campbell, Chas L
Cole, W B "
Davis, Silas M
Eloquet, Gus
Gnnther, A
HazeUine, S B
Hoazgn, Bob
Joslyn, Miss Delia
Jones, A F 1
Lewellyn, E
Monahan, S
Moeller, Hans
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution Issued ont
of the Circuit Court of th state of
Oregon on the 12th dav of August, 1896, in a
I suit therein landing wherein Stella K. Eddy la
pininun ana u. u. 'lavlor, barah K.. Taylor
John Banter, State of Oregon, as trustee for the
common school fund of Wasco county, Oregon,
Joseph A. Johnson and C. W. Cather are defend
ants, to me directed and commanding me to sell
all of the lands hereinafter described to satisfy
the sum ofS377.a0and interest theieon at the
rate of ten per cent Tier annnm from the inrh
day of June, 1896, and the farther sum of 50 at
torney's fees and $20 costs and disbursements, I
will, on the 19th day of September, 1896, at the
hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court
house door in Dalles Citv. Oreeon. sell at nuhlin
auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
all of the following described real property situ
ated in said county and state, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 100 feet west and CO feet
His if Ban,
Dried Beef, Etc. '
Bake Oven aed Mitchell
THOMAS HABPER, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is heieby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Connty Court of
the State of Oregon for WumrntintvAiwnmr
Of the last will and tptftMinpnt nf .nniMi Mm.
south from the southeast corner of that tract of I Gahan, deceased. All persons having claims
u aeceasea are nereoy
CtrriCTTRA RBHRDrES are sold throughout ths
world. Price, Cuticura, 50c ; Soap, ii.. ; Kb.
solvent, 1. Potter Drug and Chbx- Coup.,
Sole 1'iops., Boston, U. S. A. "All about ths
Bioad, Skin, Scalp, and Hair," free-
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby sriven that the undersigned
have been duly almoin ted bv the Countv Court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, admin
istrators witn tne wm annexed oi tne estate oi
Perrv Watkins. deceased. All sirsons having
claims against said estate are hereby required
ministrators at the office oi C. E. Bayard in
Dalles City in said county and State, within six
months from the date hereof, and all persons in
debted to said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate settlement with tne administrators.
Dalles City, Oregon, Sept, 14, 1896.
Administrators with the will annexed of the
estate of Ferry Watkins, deceased. seplG-i
land deeded by Mary A. Stephenson and D. D.
Stephenson to Geo. W. Rowland, parallel with
the western boundary line of Nejce and Gibson's
Addition to Dalles City, thence southerly 120
feet; thence westerly 100 feet to the eastern
boundary line of tin Dalles Military Reserva
tion; thence north alone said reservation line
120 feet; thence easterly on the south line of
Eighth street to the place of beginning; to
gether with all and singular the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wie appertaining.
v 1. . UKlVtK,
alo-5t-2 Sheriff of Wasco County, Or-
Executors Notice of Final Account.
Notice is hereby jrlver- that Georsre A. Liebe.
executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter, de
ceased, has filed the final accounting of the es
tate of Richard G. Closter. deceased, with the
guardianship estate of Albert Lehman, an in
sane person, oi tne pet son ana estate oi wmcn
said Albert Lehman, an insane person, the said
Richard G. Closter, deceased, was at the time of
his death the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing guardian, with the clerk of the Countv
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
and that said court has appointed 10 o'clock a.
m. of Monday, November 2, 1896, being the first
I day of the regular November term of said court,
xor me year myo, at too county courcnouse in
Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place for
the hearing of said final accounting and objec
tions thereto if any the re be. j
This notice is published bv order of said
! County Court, entered October 2d, 1896. 1
UJiUKGE A. llehk. Executor.
Condon & Condon, Attorneys for Executor.
against the estate of sail
notified to present the same to me at mv nmrai
in Dalles Gity, Oregon, with the proper vouchers
therefor, within six months from the date
hereof. -Dated
August 5, 1896.
augS-ot-U R. . GIBONS, Executor.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby giveu that the undersigned
will, on Saturday, the 22nd dav of August, 1896,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day at the front door of the county courthouse
in Dalles City, Wasco, Co., Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
iue luuuwiug uescnueu real esuite Deionging to
the estate of C. V. Lane, late of Wasco County,
Oregon, and now deceased, to-wit- Lots one (1)
and two (2) and eleven (11) and twelve (12) and
the north half of lots three (8) and ten (10) in
block 81 in Baiids Second Addition to the town
of Antelope, In Wasco Countv, Oregon, said
real estate will be sold subject to a mortgage
thereon in favor of W. Bolton Co., dated Octo
ber 3, 1895, tor the sum of 1305.55, and interest at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum from said data
Dated at Dalles City, Or , this 21st day of July, -1896.
Administrator of the estate of C. 'V. Lane,
deceased Jy25-5t-ii
Assignee's Notice.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Guardian Notice.
HThe County Board of Equalization will meet
in tne assessor s omce on Monday, uctooer atu,
and continue in session one week, for the pur
pose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco
eounty for 1896. All taxpayers who have not
been interviewed by the assessor will please call
at the office on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur
days, as all property must be assessed.
r . ii. v a iv r. r i r.i'ir.
Sept 13-11 County Assessor.
Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
ot tne state ot uiegon tor nasco county, guar
dian of the person and estate of Albert Lehman,
an insane person. All persons having claims
ai;aiut said estate are hereby required to pre
sent them to me at my residence in Dalles City,
Oregon, witn proper voucner-.
Guardian of the person and estate of Albert
Lenman, insane.
Dated this 2fith day of September, 1896.
Owing to pressing obligations. I am not pro-
pared to extend the time ror payments due me
later than Oct. 1, 1896. I like to accommodate,
but find now I must collect my accounts. If I
fail to collect, my creditors will do it for me.
Don't forget the date, Oct. 1, 1896.
frankly leans.
septl2-2w JT. S. GORDON.
Notice is hereby given that Young Quong, Lee
Juke Yow aud Daoug Tung TauK, partners doing
business under the lirm nume o( vVa Tai Young
Quong Co., at Dalles City, Oregon, and Young
Quong, on the 22d day of August, 1896, assigned
to me all of their property for the benentof their
respective creditors in proportion to the amounts
of their respective claims. All persons having
claims against said assignors or either of them
are hereby notified to present their claims un
der oath to me at the otlice of Huntington &
Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within three mouths
from the date of this notice.
Dated August 24, 1896. J. O. MACK,
Assignee of Young Quong and of Wa Tai
Young Quong Co. oug2G-7t
The Glades Ranch,
Of the St Lambert, Commassic and Tormentor
ralne. Three Choice Bulls for sale or rent,
so some Choice Cows and Heifers for sale.
Pure Bred Poland China Hogs.
White Plymouth Kock Chickens.
Address: MRS. A. R. BYRKETT, Prop.
jy25-w3m White Salmon, Wash.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed administratrix of the estate J
of George n . 'turner, deceased, ana nas auiv
qualified as such. All persons having claims
agains't said estate are therefore notified to pre
sent the same to her, with proper vouchers,
within six months from the date hereof at the
office of the County Clerk' of Wasco oounty, Ore-
con, or at the office oi her attorney, W. Y. Mas
ters, rooms 1 to 4, Hamilton Building, Portland,
Oregon, witnin six montns irom tins aate.
Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. Turner,
deceased. ocia-n
Dated October 2, 1896.
CJCtines and Cigars.
Anheuser-Busch Malt . Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Countv of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased. Citation.
To Mary Gibson, Susie E. Bickford, Maggie A.
Gordon, K ite J. stogsaiu, Georee . Gordon,
Williams Gordon, heirs at law of said deceased,
ai d all other heirs at law and next of kin of
In the nume of the State of Oregon, Youiare VieirOT rrfl TITIfiriTlJl.lPfl fl.R ft. t.nnif
herehv cited and reauired to annear in the I - o
County Court of the Brute of Oregon, for the
County of Wasco at the Court Room thereof, at
Dunes city, in tne county ot vvasco on luonaav,
the second day of November, 1896, at two o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and there to
appearand show cause, if any there be, why an
order should not be made, directing the admin
istrator ot the estate of Marv M. Gordon, de
ceased, to sell the real estate belonging to said
estate, dt scribed in his petition, and described
as follows, to-wit: The South-west quarter of
Section Thirty-two (32) in Township Four (4)
South of Range Thirteen (13) East of the Will
amette Meririinn, in Wasco County, Oregon, for
the purpose of satisfy in e the debts aud claims
against said estate.
W itness, the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the
Countv Court ot the State ol Oregon, for I
. said court amxea wis nrsi osy oi ucio
ber, A. D., 1896.
Attest: a. M. KELSAY', Clerk.
By Simeon Bolton. Deputy.
on draught
and in Dottles.
The Dalles Commission Go.,-
-DKU.EB8 1N-
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order made and eutered in the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in the
matter of the estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, de
ceased, directing me to sell the real property
belonging to said estate to satiety the unpaid
expenses of administration and claims against
the estate, I will, on the-aoth day of October,
1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the court
house door in Dalles City, Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder for cash in band, that certain
parcel of land described as follows: 33 feet
wide and 100 fe-t long off the east side of lot 11
in block 6 of Laughlin's Addition to Dalles City,
Oregon. A. R. THOMPSON,
. Administrator of estate of Phoebe M. Dunham,
deceased. . scptl2-il
Coal Ice and Profluce, Foreip and Domestic Fruits ani Teptals.
4t Consignments Selicited and Prompt Returns Guaranteed, iji
The Beat Grades of BLACKSMITH'S COAL and
i COAL for Fuel always on hand.
Phone 128 and 255. . Corner Second and Washington Streets
Are now located on Second Street, opposite
A. M. Williams & Co., with a complete line,
167 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON