The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 07, 1896, PART 1, Image 4

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lie Weekly
Mr. Rnpert left for Lyle today.
Mrs. Hembold took the local train
day for borne.
Mrs. Capt. Donovan left for the Locks
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sberar were in
the city yeBterday.
Miss Copple of Hood River returned
home this morning.
Mr. Andrew Dufur of Dufiv left this
afternoon for Portland.
Mr. D. Gorman, of the Dispatch, went
to Portland this morning.
Mr. W. P. Vanbibber went to Port
land on the local train today.
Mrs. Sam Wirkinson took the Regula
tor for Portland this morning.
Mr. A. A. Bonney was a passenger on
the outgoing local this afternoon.
Mrs. Sampson and daughter, Flor
ence, left this morning fof Portland.
--Mr. and Mrs. Crossfield and Mrs. E.
O. McCoy left last night for Grants.
Mrs. Henry Phirman was a passenger
on the Regulator this morning for Port
land. Mr. Troy Shelley arrived in town last
evening, leaving for home this after
noon. Mr. Henry Boren, of the Oregon Meat
Market, went to White . Salmon thiB
W. H. H. Dufur and Geo. W. John
ston of Dufur attended the political
speaking last mgbt.
Mrs. E. J. Robinson, having sold her
Dome near tbe garrison, left for Hood
River yesterday to reside.
Mr. Alfred Kennedy and daughter,
Mrs. Behnake, of Vallejo, Cal., are here
on a visit to relatives and friends
Miss Anna V. Tarbell, an experienced
hat trimmer, arrived last night from
Portland and will accept a position with
Mrs. M. tj. unggs.
Miss Susan Chase arriyed last night
trom Portland, where ebe has been ex
a mined for defectiveeyesight by an occu
list. Her left eye is tbe most affected
while her right eye is but slightly so.
She will resume her studies in echo 1, as
it is thought that with care, her sight
will not Butter lurtber deterioration.
Mr. Harry Gilpin is in town today.
Mr. C. C. Hobart of the Locks is in
the city.
Mayor Menefee went to Hood River
this morning.
Miss Jessie Fisher went to White Sal
mon this morning.
Mr. B. S. Huntington is in Moro at
tending circuit court.
Miss Rawson took the Regulator this
morning for Portland.
Mr. E. B. Dufur left Saturday night
lor moro 10 attend district court.
Mrs. Mary Downey of Vancouver is
visiting oer brother, Mr, S. L. Young.
Mr. M. T. Nolan went to the Lock!
this morning and Mrs. Nolan to Port
: Mrs. M. Long left or the Cascades
this morning, and Miss Elia Long to
Sheriff Driver and Deputy Sheriff
WilBon went to Salem on tbe afternoon
train today.
Mr. D. J. Coopor and family arrived
from Salem Friday night, after an ab
sence of six weeks.
Mrs. C. Phillips left on the local yes
terday for Portland, where she goes to
purchase novelties, etc.
Mr. Gus Bonn, who for nearly a year
past nas oeen in uanyon Uity, (Joio., re
turned home Saturday.
Rev. W. C. Curtis left last evening for
tyrants to perform the McDonald-For
dyce nuptials at that place.
Miss Christine Farrelly, who came up
irom J-oruana to attend tbe liordon
Sharp nuptials, returned yesterday.
Mrs. W. R. Barrett, sister of Mrs. W.
C. Allaway, left for her home in Med-
ford this morning after a visit of several
Mr. Hyslop, accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. E. Jacobsen, came up on
the noon train Saturday and returned
this morning. -
Superintendent Gardiner, of the Boys
and Girls Aid Society, Portland, came
up on the Saturday nigbt passenger and
spent &unuay in the city.
Miss Ethel Grubbs will arrive on the
boat this evening from Portland. She
will superintend the production of the
larce to be given Saturday afternoon
Mr. J. H. Cradlebaugh went to Hood
.River today.
Mr. John Bonn went to Hood River
this morning.
Mr. A. 8. Mac Alllster went to Cascade
i,ocfe8 this morning.
Mr. Fred Bronson went to Lyle this
morning to buy wheat.
Miss Pearl Williams took the Regula
tor today for Portland.
Messrs. R. McNeil and L. Lamb left
lor Mosier this morning.
. Mr. J. W. Morton of Hood River re
turned home this afternoon.
Mr. D. P. Ketchum left on tbe Regu
lator this morning for Portland.
Mr. Allie Henderson and wife were
passengers for Lyle this morning. -
Miss McNeil and Miss Ida Wicks went
. to Portland this morning on the boat. -
Mrs. W. H. Wilson,' Mrs. Thornbury
and Miss Kinersly went to Portland this
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lewis of Prineville
. were passengers on the local train this
afternoon. for Portland.
Messrs. J. L. Hirsbner and E. O. Un
derwood of Hood River ariivedonthe
local today, and will attend the conven-
tlon of the Society of Christian Endeavor
which commences tnis evening at uoior,
Mr. R. Gorman, the rustlinsr pencil-
pusher of tbe Dispatch, returned on tbe
Kegnlator last evening.
Mrs. C. J. Hnnt, who has been stop-
ninor in The Dalles for a few days, re.
turned to her home in Hood River this
Mr. J. K. Weatberford arrived in The
Dalles on the local train and will de
liver a political speech at the Baldwin
this evening.
Mr. J. Mareh of Wasco and Mrs. Wil
lis of Colfax arrived in town today to at
tend the funeral of their mother, Mrs.
B. Foley, which takes place tomorrow
Mr. P. E. Michell of Columbus is in
the city today, on his way borne from
Portland, where he has been on busi
nesi. . He tells ns Columbus is particu
larly lively at present, a number of
wheat buyers making it their head
quarters, and the ferry is kept busy
bringing over wheat.
In The Dalles last nigbt, to the wife of
Ed. S. Maves. a son. The ciocfc was
striking the midnight hour at the time
of birth, and its parents are yet nncer-
toin whether whether to date its age
from Oct. 4th or 5tb.
On 15-Mile. Oct. 1st, to the wife of
John W. Quirk, a son.
In The Dalles, juet before midnight
Sunday, Mrs Jane Foley, aged 60 years.
Mrs. Foley, formerly Mrs. JoBiah
Marsh, was a pioneer of 1850. She was
married to Mr. Foley about twenty years
ago. Kbe nas been in poor neaun lor
some time.
Hon. Klchard J. Monroe.'
Miee Kate Craig is In Lewiston, Idaho,
where she went about two weeks ago to
attend the funeral of her half brother,
Richard A. Monroe, who died at Lewis
ton Thursday, Sept. 24th. Mr. Monroe
was well known to the citizens of The
Dalles, having lived here for several
years subsequent to 1851.
Deceased was a charter member of Nez
Perce Lodge No. 10, of which he was
Worshipful Master in 18Sl-2,and he was
High priest of Lewiston chapter No. 4,
R. A.' M., and was also a 14 degree Scot
tish Rite Mason. He was a charter
member of Clearwater Lodge No. 11, A,
O. U. W., in which he held a beneficiary
certificate for $2,000.
Richard James Monroe was born in
Florida, on Christmas day, 1836. A few
months after his birth, his father, who
was an army surgeon, was killed in an
Indian engagement, li is mother re
turned to Boston, Mass., and a few years
later married Dr. Craig, also a surgeon
in the. U. S. army. They were stationed
at different points in Maine, Michigan
and Wisconsin until 1851, when Craig
was ordered to The Dalles, Or., coming
by way of the Isthmus of Panama,
where several of bis children died of
cholera. After leaving the service be
and his stepson, the subject of this
sketch, engaged in tbe drug business at
The Dalies. In 1855 Mr. Monroe volun
teered in Company B, 1st regiment
Oregon Volunteers, and served in the
Cavuse war until its cloee, and also in a
campaign against the Mormons in Utah
From 1860 to 3867 Le was engaged in
freighting and merchandising in various
sections contiguous to Lewiston, coming
to that place as early as 1856. In 1867
he went into the drug business in Lewis
ton, and in 1871 be was appointed register
of tbe Lewiston land office bv. President
Grant. He was reappointed by Presi
dents Haves- and Harrison and in all
served about eighteen years in this posi
tion, longer than any other official ever
Bferved in this department of the govern
ment. He was a member of the last
Idaho legislature and bad Berved several
term 8 as mayor of the city of Lewiston
On account of his death tbe public
schools were adjourned and the teachers
and pupils attended the funeral in a
body. ' !
Chaff of tbe Campaign. .
l here was never yet a political cam
paign bnt that some comical stories were
told and The Chronicle can vouch for
the truth of the following :
Tbe other day a well known rancher
with a stump leg drove into Hood River
and he was whooping it up for Bryan.
In tbe exumberance of his joy, he
elevated the wooden stump above the
dashboard and waved it to an admiring
crowd as he crowed for his champion.
d. grizzled veteran across tbe street was
Bitting on a chair reading the Oregonian,
his feet on a level with his head, and
resting against a lamp post. Down came
the fore legs of bis chair with a jar that
shook the sidewalk, and over the top of
tbe paper peered the stern gray eyes,
which snapped their indignation through
the glasses, as be shouted "That's right,
you poor fool, shout for the party that
cut your leg off!"
Sheriff Driver was puzzled the other
day to make out whether a man was I
crazy or just playing it. He had about I
decided that his mind was all right,
when he chanced to aek him who he was
going to vote for. "Bryan," said . the
poor fellow. "Crazy aa a loon," was
Driver's next comment. He sent for a
physician to make tbe examination, and
sure enough the fellow was found to be
non compos mentis. He is in Salem now.
County Clerk Kelsay is a Republican
ever ready so champion Republican
principles. He was never "knocked
out" until tbe other day when talking to
Populist who was shouting for the re
storation of the silver dollar. Kelsav
asked him to. explain himself. What
did he mean by "restore." .
"Well," said the Pop, "suppose I take
10 bnshels of potatoes out of my celler,
and the next day I put them back.
Ain't that re-storing them?" Kelse'y
was speechless. " ,
Real Estate Transfers.
C E Markham to L D Blount, parcel
of land in n hf w hf sw qr sec 10, tp 2 n,
rlOe; $100.
John Robinson and wife to M Eunice
Johnson, lots L and K, blk 40, Ft.
Dalles Mil Res ; $1 and other consider
ations. T H Johnston and Laura E. Johnston,
to S. A. Gu Hi ford, blk 6, Johnston and
Vanderpool's add to Dulur; $100-
Thos J McClure to Or Ry and Nsv Co,
right to draw water from Hog Canyon
into a pond and construct a ditch
thereto ; $125.
Emil Schanno and Eliza Schanno to
W D Walther, lots E and F, blk 54, Ft
Dalles Mil Res; $1.
T E Wickens to F A Snow, nw qr se qr
sec 33, tp 3 n r 10 e ; $1. .
T E Wickens to Z O Eastman, 10 acres
in sw qr ne qr sec 33. tp 3 n, r 10 e; $1.
T E Wickens. to Ralph S Ellis, 4
acres in sw qr ne jr sec 33, tp 3 n, r 10
e; $1.
John W Watson and wife to E L Rood,
w bt blk 4, lots 40, 47 and , MK o,
Erwin & Watson's 2d add to Hood
River; $1.
J B Crossen and wife to Julia A
Driver, lot 7, blk 6, and 11 ft off w wide
blk 6, Dalles City ; $2,500.
A S Blowers and wife to Charlotte E
Early, 1 acres in sec 34, tp 3 n, r no e ;
Nathan Harris and wife to Ella Hard-
wick, lot 1, blk 2, Ft Dalles Mil Res; $1
and otbei considerations.
Land Office Transactions.
Henry Wakerling, final proof, home
stead, for e hf ne qr, sec 7, tp 6 s, r 16 e.
Henry Wakerling. timber culture en
try of w hf ne qr, e hf nw qr, sec 12, tp 6
8, r 15 e.
Albert S. Hawthorne, entry under pnr-
chase act of Sept. 29, 1890, of nw qr sec
13, tp 2 n, r 12 e.
John C. Rush, final proof (home
stead) for w hf sw qr sec 3; e hf se qr
sec 4, tp 13 s r 14 e.
Patrick Hastings, homestead entry of
sw qr nw qr, w bl sw-qr, nwqr nw qr,
sec 13, tp 11 b r 14 e.
Geo. C. Davis, timber culture, entry
of se qr sec 26, tp 1 n r 17 e.
Samuel Jones, final proof (homestead)
for s hf nw qr, ne qr nw qr, nw qr ne qr
sec21,tp6sr 23 e.
The largest piece of strictly
high grade tobacco ever sold for
the price Not the large size of
the piece alone that has made
"Battle Ax" the most popular
brand on the market for 10 cents,
When tbe Tram stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
This large and popular House aoes
and la i
to furnish the
House In the city, and at tne low
$1.00 per Day. - prst
Office for all Stage tines
points in Eastern Oregon
in tills Hotel. ,
Corner of front and Union Bts.
Cbarles Slater, final proof (homestead)
for se qr ne qr, ne qr se qr sec 31, 8 hf
nw qr sec 32, tp 5 s r 23 e. '
Mary A. Archer (formerly Mary A.
Redden) final proof (homestead) for nw
qr sec 11, tp 2 8 r 20 e.
Marion B. Zamwait, entry under pur
chase act Sept. 20, 1890, of w hf ne qr
ne qr ne qr sec 7, tp 4 a r 14 e.
Samuel M. Chase, final proof (home
stead) of se qr seo 21 tp 1 s r 18 e.
James B. Venablis, entry of se qr sec
13 tp 2 n r 16 e.
Eben W. Carlisle, entry of lots 1 and 2
e hf se qr sec 4 tp 1 n r 15 e. .
James G. Vibbert, entry of nw qr sec
34, tp 2 n r 15 e.
Stephen A. Douglas Fansher, entry of
8 hf se qr sec 31, tp 2 n r 13 e.
Republican Rpeaklua;. '
Judge D. L. Webster, of Portland. Or.,
will address the citizens of Wasco county
on the political issues at places and dates
as follows : -
Baldwin, Monday, Oct. 5, 3 p. m.
Dufur, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7 p. m.
Kingsley, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7 p. m.
Tygh Valley, Thursday, Oct. 8, 2 p. m
Wamic, Thursday, Oct. 8, 7 p. m.
Wapinitia, Friday, Oct. 9, 7 p. m. "
Boyd, Saturday, Out. 10, 7 p. m.
Citizens of all parties are respectfully
invited. "
Kucka STttT Sale.
About one hundred head of thorough
bred De Lane Bucks for sale. These
thoroughbred sheep were imported from
Michigan. They are fat and clean. Par
ties desiring to see them. at once can go
to Glenwood, Wash., as they are pas
tured in the mountains near that place,
Fur further particulars apply to
Kerb & Buckley, .
spt2-Im Grass Valley, Or.
For Sale.
A lot of Merino sheep, (bucks) also
stock hogs and milk cows, belonging to
tbe estate of S. Hauser. For informa
tion inquire of Mrs. S. Hauser, at Tygh
Valley, or the undersigned.
George A. Liebe,
s!6-diwlm Administrator
A Portland dispatch to the San Fran
cisco Examiner, under date of Sept,
30th, tells of an attempt made to assas
sinate Mayor Pennoyer, which did hot
appear in the Portland newspapers
Mrs. John- L. Henderson, whose hus
band waa discharged from the Btreet
cleaning service, went to the mayor
house, armed with a formidable looking
revolver, but Pennoyer was not at home.
She then proceeded to his office, but be
got wind of it and fled. The dispatch
states that the woman is now watched
and Pennoyer has a body guard.
Highest Smallest
Quality. Price.
the principal hotel business.
Best Accommodations of any
rate of
Qass Tea!s, 25 Cei?ts
leaving The Dalles for all
and JKastern Washington,
T T IMIfHOI AQ prnnr
Schedule oj Expenditures.
Showing the amounts of all claims
presented, tbe names of all claimants,
the article or claim for which payment
is made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at tbe
Sept. term, 1896, of the county court for
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
list,, however, does not contain any
claim for which tbe salary or fees are
provided by statute :
D L Cates & Co, material for
P A Kircheimer, Supt Diet No 19
John Cates, service on election
W R Williams, conveying ballot
N Harris, bunting for courthouse
M T Nolan, supplies for pauper .
Meston & Dygert, supplies tor
clerk's office
20 50
9 50
1 50
2 50
5 00
7 20
Pease & Mays, merchandise 9 30
O T & T Co, messages 1 25
Jacobsen Book x Music Co, sup
plies . :
Chronicle Pub Co, supplies snot
1 10
office 7
Dalles Lumber Co, wood for pau
per H Herbring, supplies for pauper
H Rice & Son
John Donahu, balance bill ren
dered .' .
Maya & Crowe, mdse
Dalles E L Co. lights courthouse
1 50
4 25
3 37
8 75
2 20
J B Goit, surveying road 13 00
W S Vanderpool, viewing road. . 4 00
C H Stouehton do do . . 4 DO
W H Whipple. do do . . 4 00
J GliBan, coffin for pauper 15 00
HH Tomlinson, lumber 70 00
H Cbrisman, clerical services ... 37 00
Mountain Stage Co, hauling bal
lot boxes 3 25
John Evans, care pauper 10 00
Ed Patterson, work on tax roll. . 28 00
Pease & Mays, mdse pauper 5 00
Irwin Hodson Co, supplies for '
clerk's office 22 00
D P & A N Co, fare pauper 13 50
Meston & Dygert, records clerk's
office. 21 00
C L Gilbert, examining teachers 22 00
J T Neff, do do
John Gavin, do do
OT&TCo, message
O D Doane, medical services
Times-Mountaineer, publishing.
Chronicle Pub Co, supplies sopt
14 00
18 00
10 00
2 00
office 10 00
Columbia Ice Co, ice 12 25
UrUM Playback, medical ser
vices $ 25 00
Senfert & Condon, phone rent. . . 3 00
J T Peters & Co, lumber 20 57
O T & T Co, messages 155
Jacobsen Book & Music Co, sup. 7 85
hi u juaauocs, Bbentt Clackamas
county, ser criminal action 25 75
F A Wakefield, assessor. ........ 476 00
Dalles City Water Works, rent. . 11 45
Fred Williams, sprinkling street 6 00
A S Blowers & Co, mdse 5 15
B F Tucker, lumber 12 91
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies for
sneria'somce 55 60
T J Driver, board prisoners, etc. . 91 69
A bandrock, labor 2 00
Fred Fisher, supplies pauper 5 00
H Logan, prof services 33 00
Wn Michell. burial pauper . 40 00
J C Wingfleld, viewing road 2 00
J M Huntington, work on roads. 500 00
C F Mitchell, suptdist No 9. ... . 53 00
O R & N Co, fare pauper 3 30
Gunning & Hockman, labor. . . 2 50
John Sweney, care pauper 5 60
U S Hiuosey, road work 100 00
John E Woodson, typewriter 80 00
State op Obegov, )
County of WascoJ
I, A. M. Kelsay, county clerk of Wasco
county, state of Oregon, do hereby cer
tify that the above and foregoing is a
full and complete statement of the
claims presented and action taken there
on by the county court of Wasco county
Oregon, sitting for the transaction of
county business at the Sept. term
1896, thereof, save and except all claims
the salary or fees of which are provided
for bv statute.
Witness my band and seal of tbe
county court, affixed this 6th day of
October, 1896.
Seal A. M. Kelsay,
By Simeon Boltoji, . County Clerk
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existin
between J. C. Meins and J. W. Koontz
in the fruit drying business, is this day
ssolved by mutual consent, J. W.
Koontz buvinir J. C. Meins' interest in
the Dalles fruit Dryer" plant, and be
will pay all bills against the firm and col
lect all accounts cue.
J. C. Meins,
J. W. Koontz
The Dalles, Aug. 12, 1896. s2w
Money Loaned.
First mortgages on improved property netro-.
We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages
upon improved farms in Oregon, Washington
ana laano witn eastern parties ana loreign cap
italists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages
renewed teat nave Deen taken oy otner compa
nies now oat of business. Address (with s amp)
JnllS-tf Baker City, Or.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have been dulv appointed bv the County Court
of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco county, admin
istrators with tne wiu annezea oi me estate or
Perrv Watkins. deceased. All ftnona Having
claims against said estate are hereby required
to present tne same, auiy vennea, to saia aa
mlnistrators at the office of C. E. Bayard in
Dalles City in said county and State, within six
months from the date hereof, and all persons in
debted to said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate settlement witn tne aaminisiraiors.
Dalles City, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1896.
V. Hi. MIA1U,
Administrators with the will annexed of the
estate of Ferry Watkins, deceased. sepl6-i
Owing to pressing obligations. I am not pre
pared to extend the time for payments doe me
later than Oct. 1, 1896. I like to accommodate,
but find now I must collect my accounts. If I
fail to collect, my creditors will do it for me.
Don't forget the date, Oct. 1, 1896.
frankly lours,
eptl2-2w F. S. GORDON.
Subscribe for The Chkoniclb and get
the news.
"The Regulator Line '
The Dalles. Porta J and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Poniana Exposition
Including admission to the Exposition:
Three-day limit $2.25
Ten-day limit 2.50
Thirty-day limit 3.00
Tickets must be purchased at office.
Regulator leaves at 7 :30 a. m.
Oeneral Agent-
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
' Denver
Kansas City
St. Paxil
Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities.
OCEAN 8TKAMKK8 Leave Portland
Every Five Day for
For full details call on O. E. t Co. s Agent
Tha Dalles, or address .
W, H. HUELBUET, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E. M'NEILL, President and Manager.
New Schedule.
Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol
lowing will be tbe new schednle:
Tram No. 1 arrives at Tbe Dalles 4 :50
a. m., and leaves 4. -oo a. m.
Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40
p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. m.
Train Ho. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05
p. m., and west-bound train ISO. 7 leaves
at 2 :30 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between Tbe Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing Ibe Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and 'ar
riving aVThe Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Nob. 8 and 7 from
Portland. K. K. Lytle,
1 Agent.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
FROM juni 23, 1895.
press, Salem, Rose-1
burg, Ashland, Sac-1
8:50 P. M
Pranclseo, Motave, f
8:10A. M.
ixa raso. i
New Orleans and
I East J
Koseburg and way kta-
8:30 A. M.
4:40 P.M.
'Via Woodburn fori
MtAngel, Silverton,
West Sclo, Browns-
ville.dprlngfield and J
Natron I
"4:00 P.M.
7:30 A. M.
Salem and way stations
10.00 A.M.
tcorvaiiis ana way;
j stations
t 6:20 P.M.
M:45 P.M.
iMcMlnnvnie ana
t 8:25 P.M.
(way stations..
Daily. tDuuy, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in tbe Eastern
States. Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRELAND, Ticket Agent.
AH above trains arrive at and depart from
Grand Central Station, Fifth and I streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street:
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20,
10:15 a. m., 12:16, 1:45, 3:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:80 p. m.
Arrive at Portland, 7:10. 8:30, 11:25 a. m., 1:30,
3:16, 5:10, 7:30, 9:05 p. m., and 12:35 a. m.
Leave for RIVERSIDE only (dally) at 6:25.
9:15, 10:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 6:10,.
10;20, 11:20 p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p.m.
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Friiav at 9:40 a, m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40.
10:40 a. m 12:15, 1:45, 8:30, 6:25, 8:00, 11:50 p. nu
Arrive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00, 11:60 a. m
1:30, 8:15, 5:10, 7:30, 9:05 p. m., and 12:35 a. m.
Manager. Asst G. F. & Pass. Aft
Money! Money! Moneyl
To pay Wasco county warrants regis
tered prior to July S. 1892. Interest
ceases after May 15, 1896.
LHJoiiuo iilo
myl8-tf County Treas.