The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 26, 1896, PART 2, Image 1

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vol. vi;
Weyler's Soldiers Commit
Fresh Outrages.
Tale of Sickening- Cruelties Inflicted
Upon Helpless FacJflcos A De
feat for the Insurgents.
Havana, Sept. 22. Well authenti
cated reports of barbarous acts by the
Spanish troops continue to reach here..
Recently the Havana papers published
an account of an alleged battle near
Chuco de Area, in which, after an hour's
desperate fighting the Spaniards drove
. the rebels off, killing nineteen and tak
ing many prisoners. The papers sug
. gested that the government should re
ward Colonel Aguilera, the Spanish com
mander, for his bravery. The facts in
regard to the battle according to Cuban
sources follow :
"On September 15th, ten rebels went
to attack a guerrilla band, but' met
troops hidden in the high grass. The
rebels fired a volley, killing two officers
"and wounding three soldiers. The
' troops fired back. Lieutenant-Colonel
Aguilera, who commanded the troops,
went then toward a colony named Pablo
Diaz. There he found some twenty-five
persons men, women and children
He asked if they had seen any rebels in
the neighborhood. On receiving a neg-
ative answer, he ordered, as alleged by
the Cubans, a general slaughter, includ
ing children from I to 10 years of age,
The little children were first pierced
- with the end of the bayonet, then fin
ished with the machete. Of that colony
nineteen were butchered and six made
their escape. The men of the guerrilla
force -boasted of what they had done
when they went back to Vega, twenty
miles from the colony.
- Colonel Aguilera .... started .with his
troops and a guerrilla force from Vueva
Paz toward the Bugar estate Cuervo,
Near a place called Cuzzo he saw a
house, went to it and found only three
children in it. He asked where the
parents were. They answered that they
had gone after some fuel to prepare
their breakfast. The colonel ordered
the three children, ten to fouiteen years
old, to be locked up in the house, and
after this was done he ordered the guer
rillas ' to set fire to the house. The
guerrillas, horrified, disobeyed at first,
but under the threats of Aituilera they
acted, and the house was burned with
the children in it.
On their return to Eueva Paz the
guerrillas told the people what bad been
done. This information is from a Span
ish source.
raged the man and he swore be would I
have his son's lite.
He called together a half dozen of bis
companions, who, like himself, had been
drinking heavily, and formed a sort of
court-martial. ' The culprit was sum
marily tried and convicted, and Schlatt
himself sentenced his son to be be
pu u -J . i i . .1 i. i .1 r
and placed his head upon the 6tnmp of
a tree. -One of the wretches secured an
ax. and the "sentence of the court" was
actually about to be tarried out when
the boy's mother and brothers, attracted
by . his screams, rushed to his rescue.
They wrested the ax from, the "execu
tioner" and then ensued a fierce strug
gle between the reecuing party and the
druuken creatures who wished to put I
the boy to death. It resulted in a vic
tory for the mother and her sons.
The boy, d urine the encounter, had
grown suddenly silent, and it was found
later that fear had not only made him
dumb, but deaf as well, ane physicians I
sav it is doubtful if he will ever recover
the use of bis faculties.
Not Responsible When She Tried to Kill
"Lucky" Baldwin.
San Ffancisco, 23. It took just two
minutes for a jury to decide today thaC
Miss Emma Ashley was insane when
she fired a shot at E. J. Baldwin in
Judge Slack's court a few months ago.
Miss Ashley's sister, Lillian, sued Bald-
- . "FREE
Gen. Alger's Party Meeting
With Ovations.
Generals Sickles, Howard and Stew
art and Corporal Tanner
Among: the Party.
win for damages for seduction, and the T.oadtrilla T?Jn tore, Pnf i Toil
trial of that case was in progress when .'"'"0 A "
tor Safe Keeping.
the shooting occurred. Emma Ashley
sat behind Baldwin, and, holding a pis
tol close to his head, fired. The bullet
grazed the scalp of the lucky man, but
did no further damage. Miss Ashley
was seized, and in the excitement that
followed there came near being another
shooting affray, between Baldwin's
manager TJnruh, and Attorney Critten
den. The. testimony in the trial of
Emma Ashley showed that she-had be
come deranged through worry over her
Bister's case, and because of insufficient
nourishment. '
Miners Collecting; From Other Points-
Threaten to Wipe Out the Militia
and Burn the Place.
States supreme court, and a test case I panies.
La Cbosse, Wis., Sept. 24. No politi
cal meeting has been held in La Crosse
in twelve years which equalled in inter
est the one last evening addressed by
Generals Sickles, Howard, Alger, Stew
arc and uorporai Tanner, it was a
pleasant evening, and the streets were
thronged. Fully 2,000 men marched in
procession with flags, torches and trans
parencies. Among the marching organ
izations were .two gold-standard clubs
formed among employes of the Chicago,
Burlington & Northern and Chicauo,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad com
made. It will decide the question as to
whether a majority of the people of a J
sovereign state have a right to recall an
official who has been recreant to the
trust reposed in him."
The Miserable Condition of the
Ing: Classes.
A large crowd filled the great Empire
rink. Major Schofield, nominee for
governor, and all the state officers ex
cept two, came with the party from
Madieon, and will go on through the
state.' The train was held half an hour
to allow an informal reception and left
at 11 o'clock for Eau Claire. '
Leadville, Colo., Sept. 23. Thirty
warrants were issued today by the dis
trict court for officers and members of
the executive committee of the miners'
union, all charged with the murder of
Fireman Jerry O'Keefe. Fifteen of
these have been' served, "and the men
named in them are in the county jail.
including the Ladies' McKinley Club, of Edward Boyce, president of the Western
Bowling Green, and several clubs of men. I Federation of Miners, was placed, in jail
The latter came oh a special train of five I by the city marshal this evening, the
coaches, and included four bands, the sheriff stating that he was there for
First Voters' Club, Prosperity McKinley safe-keeping, no charge having been
Club and Veteran Soldiers. The address made against him as yet.
McKinley Callers.
Canton, 0., Sept., 23. Major McKin
ley addressed two delegations this after
noon, the first from Wood county, .0.
the second from Muncie, Ind. The first
from Wood county was made by Attor
ney R. P. Parker, of Bowling Green, and
for Muncie, by Attorney E. A. Needham,
Late reports give official details of a
Berious engagement in Havana province
Sunday, on a large estate near Cala-
bazas. A small government column,
composed of Havana volunteers of the
regular engineer corps and cavalrymen,
is-alleged to have been attacked by 500
insurgents, commanded by the leaders
Cast ilia and Delgado, who repeatedly at
tempted to surround and overwhelm the
royal forces. The Spanish made a gal
lant defense, tenaciously holding their
ground and repelling successive rebel
machete charges, until finally reinforced
by volunteers who bad been hurriedly
called from Arroyo Narranjo and other
near-by points. .When these arrived,
by a brilliant Spanish counter charge,
the rebels were ultimately routed and
driven from the field.
The enemy's loss is estimated at 100
killed and wounded. In' the retreat
they abandoned their dead. The gov
ernment losses were twenty-nine volun
teers killed and three wounded and two
cavalry killed and two wounded. It is
reported that both Cuban leaders were
wounded in the engagement.
An important decree issued by the
captain-general today places Havana
drug stores under military supervision
and prohibits medicines being Bold to
retailers in interior towns unless au
thorized by special permits from the
Spanish commandant.
Drunken Prussian Father Tries, to Kill
Bis Son.
Beklin, Sept. 22. One of the most extraordinary-
results of drunken frenzy
ever known in the country has just oc
curred in East Prussia. A farmer
named Schlatt, of Gemerrie, while look-
Giving; Up the Fight.
Washington, Sept. 23. The local
branch headquarters of the Democratic
national committee have been . closed,
and will not be reopened. . The branch
was opened with the idea of supplying
literature for Democratic newspapers,
but it has been found that this work
could be more effectively done in Chica
go than fn Washington.
A Nebraska Suggestion."
Lincoln Journal.
T. M. Snellen berger of Bradsbaw Bends
the Journal a political suggestion that
muBt not be kept from the public. Mr.
Shellenberger is a modest man, but it
will not do to let his light shine under a
bushel, and so bis note is printed forth
with : .
Being a Democrat, I have built a plat
form and cabinet which I submit to the
Journal before patenting. The cabinet
is as follows :
Secretary of stale, Altgeld of Illinois.
Secretary of war, Bloody Bridles of
Secretary of agriculture. Pitchfork of
South Carolina.
Secretary of the navy, Herr Most of
New York.
Secretary of the treasury, Herr Peffer
of Kant as.
Secretary of the interior, Pennoyei ot
Attorney General, Debs of Illinois
The free silver car will be built with
but two platforms, Democratic in front
and Populist in the rear. Passengers
are warned not to stand on either plat
form. It is dangerou s. These platforms
are to get in on.
Democrat platform
Damn Cleveland.
Damn the supreme court.
Damn the constitution.
Damn the banks.
Damn the gold bugs.
Damn the railroads.
Damn the British.
Damn Wall street.
Damn the rich (except Sewall).
Populist platform
There was to have been a meeting of
the union at the city hall this evening,
this being the regular meeting night,
and on the strength of rumors that the
meeting would be held in spite of all
protests, General Brooks sent a gatling
gun to the hall, the commander of the
artillery detachment being instructed to
prevent the meeting. The gun has just
returned . to battery headquarters, the
union meeting having been -held at an
Portland Gets Torpedo Boats.
Portland, Or., Sept. 25. The Wolff
& Zwicker iron works, which submitted
the lowest bid for the Pacific coast for
the construction of three of the ten tor
pedo-boats to be built by the govern
ment, yesterday received a telegram
from Mr. Wolff, the president of the
regard free silver with favor, and says, company, who is now in Washington.
among otter mings : D. C, saying that be had received as-
jLaoor in tnis town is paid trom stars 8arance that he would get the contract
Mr. T. Viggers, of Fulton, near this
citv, has just received a letter from his
nephew, William Viggars, who lives in
Durango, Mexico, He expresses aston
ishment that any portion of the people
of the United States should for a moment I
to stars, as they call it, 30 to so cents a
dav, and those that are working on the
ranches or farms get less, and this in
corn and provisions. At our Works we
never paid for common labor more than
45 cents a day, and provisions are much
higher than with yon. For instance,
corn is worth $1.60 a bushel, and beans
$3 ; lard, 30c. Flour, the poor people
never use. This is worth about 6 to 7
cents a pound, and meat 18 to 25 cents
per pound. The poor people wear noth
ing but white calico of a coaree kind; and
it costs about 12 to 15 .cents a yard,
Now, take China, India, or any of the
Southern republics, and the same thing
exists. Do the masses of the great
United States of America want to ex
change places with these people? If
they adopt the free coinage of silver
they surely will.
"Your whole country will be depre-
for two boats, all that will be built on
the coast. The original bill provided
for the construction of ten torpedo-
boats, of which three were apportioned
to the Pacific coast; but, owing to an
insufficient appropriation, only seven
will be built altogether, of which the
Pacific coast will get two.
early hour, and being in session but 10 , ciated one-half, if such a thing does
Excitement is again at fever heat, ow
ing to the flood of alarming rumors and
the failure to declare martial law. The
night is damp, cold and quite cloudy,
otherwise the inspiring light of the full
moon would cheer the city's people.
Soldiers are now guarding the Herald-
Democrat office, and as long as the As
sociated PreBS leased wire is not cut it
will convey the news.
General Brooks ordered a military
court to meet tomorrow morning to in
vestigate the fight at the Colorado mine.
An attempt was made, presumably by
strikers or sympathizers, just before
dawn today, to destroy the Xadville
water works, located in California gulch,
two miles from town. A guard of thirty
soldiers had been stationed at the
About 5 a. in. the pickets saw a flash
on a distant hill, supposed to have been
a signal. A little after a sentry dis
cerned forms crawling op the hill. He
hailed them and was answered by a
shot. Several scattering shots were fired.
but the attacking party, finding the
guard wide awake, drew off without any
injury being done on either side as far
as known.
come to pass. Uncle, get oat of it. Go
to British Columbia."
Suicide at Fossil.
On Wednesday night, Sept. 16th, Har
vey Hubbard of Fossil committed sui
cide by hanging himself in the barn on
the Deguire place, about four miles up
the creek from town. The Fossil Jour
nal gives the following particulars : His
dead body was discovered by Frank
Watson about 7 o'clock Thursday morn
ing, hanging from a rafter in the shed of
the barn,
News of One Battle That Weyler Conld
Not Suppress.
Key West, Fla., Sept. 24. Advices
from Havana last night per steamer
Mascotte state (hat late on Monday after
noon 87 Spanish troops started for Cr!h-
bazara, eight miles from Havana. On
Tuesday morning five of the 87 returned
to Havana and reported that their com
panions-bad been killed by insurgents
shortly before reaching Calabazara.
ine Spaniards said they were sur
rounded by about 200 insurgents, who
poured in one volley and then charged
with machetes. The five who returned
were badly wounded, and were left for
dead by the Cubans.
On hearing the story a Spanish regi
ment was sent to the ecene, and the
bodies of the $2 Spaniards were found in
a - heap. The wounds ' made by the
meeting of the Reform Club of Liver
pool was to be held, eager to listen once
more to the eloquent words of William
Ewart Gladetoue, who was to address
the meeting.
Gladstone roBe to speak, and bowed
repeatedly in response to the outbursts
of cheering. When able to make him
self heard, after- a few preliminary re
marks, he moved the following resolu
tion, which was received with a thunder
of applause, the audience rising, waving
bats, handkerchiefs, sticks and um
brellas: "Resolved, That this meeting trusts
that her majesty's ministers, realizing
to the fullest extent the terrible condi
tion in which tbeir fellow Christians are
placed, will do everything possible to
obtain for them full security and pro
tection ; and that the meeting assures
her majesty's ministers that they may
rely upon the cordial support of the cit
izens of Liverpool in whatever steps -they
may feel it necessary to take for
that purpose. "
Gladstone declared bis adhesion to
the; principles contained in the resolu
tions. He urged that in 'his matter
party sympathy should be renounced.
Republican Campatgu Literature.
Chicago, Sept. 24. Perry S. Heath,
chairman of the Republican bureau of
publication and printing, denies that an -
attempt is being made to change the is
sue from free silver tl the tariff.
Since the opening of the campaign,"
said Mr. Heath, "we have sent out over
130,000,000 pamphlets on the currency
question alone, and are now1 sending out
3,000,000 every week, through the me- .
diuin of country newspapers, etc.
"But I think at the same time, that
the tariff question will play an important
part in' the campaign from now on.
Where we now receive one request for
literature on the currency question we
receive four for tariff literature, and the
lemand is constantly growing. Speakers
all over the country report an increasing
interest in the tariff question."
World's Pacing Record Lowered.
Portland, Me., Sept. 24. John R.
Gentry today at Rigby Park paced the
fastest mile ever made in harnesB, and
placed the world's record at 2:00).
The day was cold, and a light north
westerly wind was blowing up the
stretch, when Gentry, with Andrews
behind him, came out to go against bis
record of 2 :01J.j, made on September 8th
this year, at Glens Falls, N. Y.
Brooklyn Gold Democrats.
New Yobk, Sept. 24. The national
Democrats held a state convention in
Brooklyn tonight. Daniel G. Griffin, of
Watertown, was nominated for governor;
Frederick W. Hinrichs,of Brooklyn, for
lieutenant-governor, and Spencer Clif
ton, of Buffalo, for associate justice of
the court cf appeals. A full set of elec
tors was named. -
Lander's Luckless Love.
Love by. letter is not what it is cracked
up to be. At least that Is .what a Mr.
Lander will always think who went to
the train list night to meet for the first
time a blushing bride, who, in pursu
ance of a series of letters, originating
from a matrimonial advertisement, ar-
The Populists, being pious cusses,
ing over his domain one morning last simply insert the name of the deity, be
week, saw a lot of cattle coming through fore each Plan of the Democratic plat;
a broken gate into his corn field. He form.
bunted up his young son, who was - For Sale or Trade.
in charge of that particular field, and I For good sheep, a well-improved 30- action
Plans of the Colorado Areats of
Silver Mine-Owners.
Dexvbb, Sept. 23. The petitions ask
ing United States Senator Wolcott to
resign, which have been circulated all
over the state, are now being collected
by J. B. Holmes of this city, who has
been most active in furthering the move
"These petitions will not be sent to
Mr. Wolcott to be thrown in the waste-
basket," said Mr. Holmes. "We pro
pose to allow him to inspect them, and
then ask him to resign. If be does not,
every petition will be filed with the
United States senate, demanding the
of that body. . In case they
upbraided him for not better attending J acre farm in Southern California. For should neglect or refuse to act, the niit
to his dniiea. The boy's answer en-1 particulars apply at this office. b7-w2 ter will be taken rieht into the United
captain was killed in this manner.
Captain-General Weyler has issued or
flem tn nevRnflnpra nnl. tn nnrtliah a irnrrl
"""" iiiiiucuiawijf raiseu an flh.nt thA trDtrBj.
T l T:u n . v I j.
niai 111, BUU AJHbce, HUU WHS UUU1-
ing to town, brought the news to the
people of ' Fossil, many of whom pro
ceeded to the spot to view the body,
which was left hanging until the arrival
of the acting coroner, S. C. Donaldson,
justice of the peace, when it was cut
down. In his trunk was found an in
surance policy for $3,000 in the New
rived on the 10:30 train. The lady in
machetes were frightful, several of the I question met ber fiance and after a tete-
Spaniards having been beheaded. The a-tete afr-which the reporter, not being
This morning five prisoners were exe
cuted, two garroted and three shot.
Two thousand people, mostly Spanish
officers and tbeir wives, witnessed the
York Life, in favor of his mother, Mrs.
Astoria Fishermen Indicted.
Astobia, Sept. 24. The grand jury to
day returned true bills against Thomas
Cooper, for grand larceny, and against
invited, is unable to reproduce, parted
for the night. Early next morning
Lander appeared at the hotel and was
told the girl bad left - on the 4:30
morning train for Portland, from whence
she came. No explanations were left,
and Lander was left to conjecture what
had so suddenly changed the mind of
his anticipated wifeling. The only
thing in evidence was the grizzled moon,
which for centuries untold has beamed
with its mellow light upon conntlesa
pairs of lovers, and, which must have
piara TTnKViai-rf i;.. of Hii. four fishermen-John Dovich. Daniel reveaiea lne evening oeiore to tne Mrs.
. , w . I . . ' . I T orwtav-f aHa om 1 ; 1 1 ... i k.
Hannnla, L,ucas J-rantovich and Paul ""-- Muoi..-n -..
HolIoDDa for incitin to riot and as- lover 8 ,ace wn,cn 8ne regarded as nn-
Or. This was taken out last January,
through Mr. Farley of The Dalles, and
as a year has not yet elapsed it is con
testable, in accordance with the pro
visions of the policy, and it is not known
here whether his mother can collect
from the company or not. No motive
can be assigned for the suicide.
Abou Bill Bryan, may bis tribe decrease! .
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw within tbe moonlight in bis room, :
Making it rich bloom,
i angei writing in a book of cold.
Exceeding gall had made Bill; Bryan bold,
saolt with dangerous weapons upon the
person of another fisherman, named
Oxvod. The assault was committed at
Booth's cannery, where the complaining
witness was beaten, for attempting to
deliver Salmon during the recent fisher-
A Free-Sliver Congressman.
Kansas City, Sept. 23. Congressman
R. T. Van Horn, Republican, was the
principal speaker at a meeting here to
night under the auspices of the Bryan
Silver Club. He declared emphatically
And to the presence in the room be said
" w hat writest thoo ?" Tbe viBiou raised its head,
And. with a look of what he mleht exnect.
Answered: "Their nanes wno'ii get it iu the for the free aoinage of silver, and, while
he did not declare hia purpose to vote for
Bryan, his appearance at tbe meeting is
prepossessing. She left also without
paying her hotel bill. Lander, paid it,
and thus balanced up another page on
life's great book of experience.
For Sale.
A lot of Merino sheep, (bucks) also
stock hogs and milk cows, belonging to
the estate of S. Hanser. For informa
tion inquire of Mrs. S. Hanser, at Tygh
Valley, or the undersigned. .
Geobge A. Liebe,
s!6 diwlm Administrator.
"And am I one?" asked Abou. "I don't know,"
Replied the angel. Abou spake more low,
But cheerily still, and said: "I pray thee, sir,
Write me as one not liable to err."
Tbe angel wrote and vanished. Tbe next night
It came again with a great November light.
And showed the names oi those knocked galley-west:
And Iu, Bill Bryan's name led all tbe rest!
New York Sun.
Stockholders' Meeting-.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe
Wasco Warehouse Company will be held
considered to be a virtual announcement at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
that he will support the ticket.
Appeal for Armenia.
One or two gentlemen may secure
room in private family, with or without
board. Address L. E. A., Lock box
221. sep25-dlw
Gladstone Says Relations With Turkey
-' Should Be Suspended.
Liverpool, Sept. 24. Enthusiastic
crowds assembled this morning in the
Vicinity of Henglei 'a circus, where the
Oregon, on Wednesday, September 30,
1896, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing directors for the ensuing
year, and for the transaction of such
other business as may come before tbe
meeting. ' W. Lord, Pres. -
Attest: G. J. Farley, Sec. 4w
The Dulles, Or., Sept. 1, 1890.