The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 09, 1896, SUPPLEMENT, Image 8

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of value that the world recgnlaes you will
have sufficient money to do the business of
the country with, the same as they do
anywhere else, because if you have got
crops to move and you have a necessity for
money, the world will come to your aid at
once, but If when you have a depreciated
currency that drives all the rest out, that
prevents your using gold, then you will
have these same difficulties.- If
you adopted the universal measure of
value gold as your basis, then your cir
culation would be flexible, and it would be
tivated grain fieldsT By what species of
encouragement have cities sprung up like
magic? How has capital been obtained
to build such magnificent lines of railway?
Upon Inquiry you will find that the re
publican party, which your columns now
fflTTlJ IT I rrTAH I T TITJU Ann I mo has been estimated at between
Hill nAllUililL LmlHUuiliilkJ ooo and $3,000,000,000. Placed at the lower
of these figures, the amount of sliver In
the various forms in use In the world
amounts to 34,000,000,000 at Its market
vaiue. .Bryan's contention involves tha
?zi02Loz defehd their pasty from as- sss&snssSS
credit for this progress. Through their
legislation, granting land to the landless,
tens of thousands of happy, prosperous
families occupy what In 1873 was a wilder
ness. The protection of republican legis
lation by fostering the lead mines, the
. , , , ,.. , much harder to make a "corner" on the . p. . xth. t. ihr oMt-u. coal mines, the lumber Industry, the hop Things Said by Judge L. L." McArthar la Hit talned in the 'world.
Oot of His Own Month His Deluded Follow' to COUntry. on the circulation of e TeIla Some ptala Truths to the rHOIlsB- JnduBtry the wool Industry, the flaxseed .!,... Ignorance or km
. . . . ' . . . . . . i i . . i i i i , . , . aailaaaa 4a 4ha NatlAaal IkMArMMr Cab, Rnmtlmui th. ...i..
era May Learn the Inevitable Consequen
ces of Free Coinage.
the country, which would distribute Itself
according to the laws of trade throughout
the country. January 23, 1S74, congres
sional Record. DaKe SM.
We hesitate whether we will give the
laboring man a dollar which has purchas
ing power enough to support him. We hes
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, was not al- itate whether we will . stop the specula-
ways the champion of the free coinage of tlon in gold in New York. We hea-
.1 h. citvr fWaa mi Sankaaa. Whirl. Industry, the barley industry, and every
other industry of your state, has made it
May Be Beneflcal to Them. possible for such unprecedented develop- .
In 1873 not one brick of the now beauti
ful city of Spokane had been laid. .Where
your courthouse stands today, the yelp-
34,000,000.000 worth 18.000,000,000. A simple
statement of what this assumption means
ESyS.laJu absurdity and folly. The "70.
000,000 of people" whom Bryan triumphant-
"xn mo unicea mates nas is a
large number, but It is only a small
the. or 1,600.000.000 con
tained in the world.
If nomtPA or V . m A . .. .. .
Address to the National Democratic Con- sometimes the other, and sometimes an
..,. admixture of both, have dictated attempts
vention at Portland. at one time and another by various na
tions to make bad money good, and all
5ave . " failures. Bryan, of course,
does not know enough of the financial
ii.h t5- i.8 T,reaa bout this Eng-
im -. ... n . i -w .1 w llSn ana f TPnffl Rrvanam a .
BOISE CITY Aug. 14, -(Publishers mg or tne 735 bTKnrf almost yo oT-ncereTy f or tn?. eWdencT of TtoytT
f.??11!!:--8??- TfJZ to the ye"- et to les than your esteem and confidence. I cannot re- presumed I to kMwmTfh&AVJS
eilver that he now la. as the subjoined, jtate whether we will take out of the GenUemen: notice in your issue of years, which intervened between the ailze that a man ever could stand In the the meaning of which he has" evident
furnished by Dr. 8. A. Robinson, will hands of middle-men the capacity to eat Au"8t tnree quesUons proposed by Mr. demonetization of sliver and Cleveland's presence of a more thoroughly representa- missed. Between March 1. 1878, wheh
show: up the wealth of the country. We hesl- C. W. Simmons, of K.ellogg, this state, election, your city attained its magnlfl- uve and patriotic body of American cltl- coinage under the Bland law began, and
all concentrate In the commercial centers, - Ajs you have Invited correspondence beaom of destruction, had once swept It every handicraft has Its represent- 'i!? ?nerm.a".la ne V"L Slates
where money is the object of trade, where yourcolu on the po IuV? to tl b rf Thtaa
term in the United States senate. He organizations are formed for the purpose " you will kindly grant me that privilege,
was elected senator In 1864. and re-elected ot getting rich on your depreciated cur- 1 would like to correct you In your
In 1869. his last term closing March 3, 1875, rencv and robbing the producer. We heal
more than two years after the coinage act, tate whether we shall be honest and fair;
To the first question.
"Does not
In the fall of 1892. at the time to which .mhlv. Th l notiahi and mid.ii. Ton 7k1 i.7 'i".. .r1?...1"!
I refer, not only the property in your an acnentable absence of nominal aeltatora 1166.000.000 of Sherman not haud nn .il
city, but all over your state, was held an)j cf that other class of pitiable crea- yer bullion purchased by the government,
the at high values; the farmer who desired tures. those in whom the lust for office has In flf'fn and two-thirds years the gov
ver ta nhanira hu niara of reaidoni-e iwiM And ..i.l . i i j i ernment purchased sliver enough to make
more wan iwo yean aner mo iwiuusc laie wnemer we uuu ue uuucnv - r -- - - h 'oi, m tures, tnose in wnom me lust lor omce na:
... . ... - . ,n it .. .. . , .... . , . nn TTnitMl KffttM ovvarnmpnt annenl silver 1. 1 i n . i .1 ,1 - . . . ..
wmcn ne now cans - tne crime m , ine aenaie oesiuira uu we kuiuvii r - - . . uiauia uu yius m acuucui uuiu wn. s tinea every impulse 01 maniy inaepena- trrg 7,V-I iiVVTr. i 2 JiX
. . . . . .... . ,1 In navmnnt nf nil mialninQ tflTM ann niltv. i . . . . . . OtT.lMJ.Mf Ol CUmilCV. V hflt s TT t .11.1
passed. te was a memoer ol me aeuuie peal to tne people in speecnes uu cu - ""rr. T, ,77 " uuynr ma pruperij m.i raww ence. in response to tne call ot our coun- this vast absorntlon vr ii, k.. ,h.
during the three years that that act was on them to throttle the banks, to throttle " dues?" you answer that "The United able prlces; the resident of your city who try and 0f our party, we are here to em- price "of the fmVui? The ma?kSt va 2l
under consideration, and Is recorded as the monopoly, to bring down the rate of Btates accepts silver certificates in pay- wished to remove could dispoaeof his prop- phaalse our disapproval of the results of of the 871H grains of pure silver in a dol-
votlng for it on January 10, 1871. which was interest. This proposition is the very thing ment of customs, taxes and all puMic erty But November, 1892, arrived. The the Chicago convention, of its desertion of ar was 82 cents at the time that the
the only yea and nay vote taken on it In that throttles dishonesty, and it Is the very dues. It does not so accept sliver aoi- news was flashed from one part of the con- democratic principles and 1U surrender-lna.Re act of 1878 went Into operation,
the senate, and is said to have voted for thing we want. February 20, 14, Con- lars. tlnent to the other that the democratic to populism. fnV Ar Tfsu i?.50 ?nu at 'Pe ODen-
its final passage. m gresalonal Record, page 1677. " was true. It would be a sur- party had triumphed; that G rover Cleve- "The democratlo party, by its history. BlfemaHiw 8?x n K iii?
Senator Stewart was undoubtedly one of 6 we have resources abundant to get the prising condition of affairs. A silver cer- waa elected. With bated breath, traditions and policy, has always advo- theilver market by he TOv2rnmentKhad
the best-equipped men In the senate to g0l(L Forty million people can furnish all tlflcate is merely a promise to pay upon thoughtful men and women. In every cated TOUDd money. From the time when accomplished only this. Free coinage to
pass upon such a measure; he was wonder- the money that is necessary. They will presentation a certain numDer ot silver Btate of Union, began to talk of the Jefferson created It down to the present be ure, was not In operation at any time
- . . . . m. - Ail a va Tin n as vviivt I ww AvmAr orlAfl tha . i . i . n 1Ib n 1 -. J .. . .
fully keen ana aiert, ana as a repre-cuui. get it. When gold is invuea to a country t ; prooaDie consequences. values oi au hour, the true democrats of this country f". tne stiver aosorp-
tlve of the state more largely Interested this, with such an Industrious people promise to pay would be accepted by the classes of property at once began to de- have known no other principle and accept- V0hLrW..nO.ainBCfii lf ?en ln any
i .iir than anv other, the orobablllty . , , v. nnr nriatrv and our re- customs officers, but the payment itself dine, until now. after a little, over three ..- .-. n,o- tv, -hin. ?ncT, coun.tr3r. !n the world In. any age.
of his being Ignorant of any provision of sources. I say there will be no difficulty would be rejected. .... . , . years of democratlo administration, real resolution declaring ln favor of the free, failure of the United Stated to T check thl
It after it had been under consideration about getting sufficient gold. 4 presume you intend to be rair, estate ln your city, and everywhere in unlimited and Independent coinage of silver decline ln sliver, does Bryan suppose that
: from April 25, 1870, to February 12, 1873, Why, sir, everything we have got Is and give correct answers to the questions your Btato, will not average over one-half - at the arbitrary and false ratio of 16 to 1 'ree coinage would send the price up from
and been debated until the discussion filled measured by gold. Your greenbacks are propounded to you, if you will refer to the price it was when Cleveland wa a undemocratic; to carry It Into effect g cents, Its present quotation, to $129?
144 columns of the Globe, is so slight as to meaaured by gold. But your contrivance the act of February 28, 1878, you will find v elected. Is It because the silver mines, W0Uld. ln ny Judgment, Jeopardise our NO reasonable being believes that he does,
render any claim to that effect incredible; ta BO uncertain that the middleman reaps lt title to be, "An Act to Authorize the or the mines ln the vicinity of your state, national credit and affect most disastrously -
and to entirely refute the charge that aU the reward, while the producer is coinage of the Standard Silver Dollar and especially your city, are less prosperous? every wage-earner, as well as every Indus- ' ,
Ernest Seyd secured the passage of the -ebbed continuously. If you are going to to Restore Its Legal Tender Character. Tne contrary is the case, as you well try ln which the Ingenuity and energy , New York Sun.
act by debauching the United States sen- have gon tn this country, you must make After stating its weight and fineness, the know. Have we less silver ln circulation, of men are displayed. Instead of being, .Bom.eperso?al r,esPnse seems to be due
ate with English gold, It being impossible a aemand for goli by ualng It . . . m language to as Hws: or have we had during Cleveland's admin- M Ks advocates claim, a panacea for taZriS 7r mlriSi
to believe that such a man as Senator every country where gold has been treated "They shall be a legal tender at their utraUon, than before, or have we less every 111 that afflicts the state and the Smon as to ihePduty in ?he presZi
Stewart could, under such circumstances, unkindly, where the government has "'P?;1"" value ror au debts ana dues, money of any kind? The monthly reports individual. It will destroy confidence ln ical campaign of those who adhere to the
have remained Ignorant of a crime of that faVored a depreciated currency, gold has public or private, except when otherwise f the treasury show the reverse to be our business Integrity, without which no principles which, hitherto have character-
- , . f . . . in a J -.. . i avT-Faooli- atmiild r In rnA "t r d f " . .... i - A Ak . .
Kina naa it Deeu comuwucu. jext the country. Uold left France at tne "'"-'"' -"- tno case. nation ever attained commercial great- t party.
The truth Is, that Mr. Stewart was a Ume she unertook this same experiment. we" enougn, pernaps, to say mat xhen piease explain to me why, as a ness. There are laws of finance as fixed
most determined and able advocate of the Gold Ieft Engiand when she allowed lrre- without the latter clause the act would Iriend cf the free coinage ot silver, I and as Immutable as the laws which gov-
slntrlA cold standard, as the following ex- v.i . l...ltt onrl aha not be constitutional, because Congress ahonld nut mv nl for tha rnroantatlva ... th. .Kh - n, .h tlH. T-lol.
tracta from speeches made by him long had to go back to the regular standard be- has no right to deprive any citizen of his of a party whose touch Is as fatal to tlon Is absolutely powerless to create value.
i .. . LWh.MA&aHltf-1 - . . -w- .lAncrririitlAn of Flhr T r f r v I n tn a r I , , . m . . , . . . .
after the passage of that act abundantly Xore she could get It back. Gold left Hoi- constitutional right to enter Into a
prove. He said: "I want the standard j-nd m the same way. You have ?ate agreement or contract which is
The declaration f,t notlnna ndnnlul In
the name of the democracy by tne Chicago
convention Is for the most part so hostile
to the doctrines wnlch have prevailed In
the democratic party ln the pant as to de-
gold, and no paper money not redeemable
In eold "
land ln the same way. You have.
letrislated gold out of your country, in
vite It back, and forty million people will
in violation of law.
You wind up your answer as follows:
. . . .wu iv . . Awnw..--o . .uv. ...w ... v.. u L. - )nu fcjr 111 111 C JU L US lO UB-
pn- the businesa inuteraata of thla nation aa ia nnian.trM l)iw la a i ff -n 4iAtWMn mand ita relention hv nil rhn.. j 1... ..,,..i
not the simoon of the African desert to hu- the commercial value of a coin and Its value 001 abandon the democracy's essential
man life. Explain to me how the demon- as assumed by congress, you may depend laSL aI:. traditions.
etization of silver ln 1873 brought the pamo upon It, that Its commercial value will
The Chicawo Dlatform invltra ua to aa.
tablish a currency which will enable a
man to pay his debts with- half as much
nMif.,w i. V. i.i . . . n . . i .
l Kl i- ,M,,M. -Aln.l-al . 77 r ' , - " . . IIQTC VJ use ill uiuer
k! i i tti. x a? I a nauon during tne years between uns ana ment account, ln such quantities only as w pay mem now. This proposition is d
Why Juggle further with this point? r i t. hnw it h.ninai T-i -.i. .. i. ,h in ki. nnn
xut, i " v""". b-.u that tne progress and development of this try at this tune, it Is coined on govern.
the election of Grover Cleveland were will not disturb Its parity with gold. Un- ""Ifst. I do not say that ali the advocates
Let everybody know what a dollar Is Ket you ail the gold you want. You
worth. Then the man who goes West to will have all the gold you need as a regu-
buy produce will be under no necessity to iat0r. as a basis for your currency, and it i86 18 "ela m tne.lleasurJ exclusively
i-- hinuif ,in th finotiiationa of ,h,h T-hn ahn for the redemption of United States and
the currency. He can pay tne lull value have prosperity based upon a certainty. " "CT" """ " greater than ever before ln its. history. der Independent and unlimited free coinage AT. ,T . . 71 ,!:. ", u'""eL
of the wheat then without the fear that a February 20. 1874, Congressional Record. c,hP iS IIi r iLfJS In awerlng my quesUons. please do the owner of silver bullion will be able to , Sre dSEhS i Im,
change In the price of gold will break him page 1678. tiflcates. Silver cerUflcates are redeemed not deai m vagaries or Idle assertions, take It to the mints, have It coined and But I aT unae to reconcile w 1 tlT any
down before he gets back to New York. These quotations prove that Senator exclusively in stiver dollars, and ver what I say to you concerning the progress returned to him ln coins stamped with the Ideal of integrity a change ln the law
The wheat will be measured by the same Stewart not only thought the gold stand- dollars are redeemed in nothing. These 0f your state and the nation cannot be dollar stamp, and containing 412 grains which will permit a man who has bor-
standard gold ln Illinois as it is In Liver- ard the best, but that he believed its adop- facts have been thoroughly established challenged. History is said to repeat of standard silver. The government has rowed ,1100 to pay his debt with 1100, each
pool, and any man can figure It up. But tlon to be absolutely necessary for the In1!t1jer8 ,an? teleKrans from the highest itself, and there are those of us still living nothing further to do with the matter. ?Seefihwi hi.?n 18 worth only half as much
now it is a mystery; tne wnoie suDject or prosperity of our people, especially the ......... wno remember a time when ambitious it will not oe cauea upon to maintain tne Tii rhii .,i,,XV ..."
ia o raa,. and what rto w ape J.JT- Ja -i,i- mo- " one who questions their correctness can mon Hwim.,. of hMi.. .tinn. m n.Hitv of thaaa Mina with eolri anri th.v -T.1 S-i1!??. Platform sanctions the use
inquire of the treasury for himself." the United Stotes senate Tnd house of will never rise above the commercial value Stt&!Ej&
This is not the nrst tune such a state- representatives, men desirous of control- of the bullion they contain. Do not mis- clary ln deciding questions of consntu-
ment haS appeared ln yOUr paper. The tha nuKHn mlmrin nf thla nation -iMnr1aratanl ma T 1n not main to uw that tional law. It mnumnlilM a oh-nira In
pie of the world have been doing from the was, though falling steadily, still worth , tn;or Vl? a th t th t rayed one section against another, by silver will always remain at Its present "e Personnel of the supreme court of th.
beg Inning, measure our values Dy goia, $1,278 ln 1874. the year in which these re- "r ' r """" tne use of such opprobrium as "vile Yaiv- commercial value: i conceae mat, n tne rf.Tr.i:. ,," . .
adopt the standard that all can understand marks were made. Senator Stewart's sec- fver dollar ls not , a good dollar because kee. ,.black aboliUomst," and other epi- Chicago platform Is ever enacted Into a etuXnal may bl rfvereed Ttrane times"
y ond term expired as above stated, March A," ,""" I '' .. tnets, succeeded ln securing the secession law. it will temporarily rise in vaiue, Dut l indeed, are these, when a man Is told that
3, 1876. In 1887 silver had fallen to 0.97823 "r course, a stiver aoiiar is not reaeem- of a of tlle sisterhood of states from the do not believe, nor does the history of the In order to be a democrat he must favor
until an ounce, and It Is not uncharitable to amo m e': wny should it be? It is a unUm. In their efforts to fix slavery as world's finances Justify any one in believ- the imposition of an Income tax, and the
ether suppose that those having a commercial lnoJ?ey redemption, the same as a permanent Institution, and to establish lng, that the gap between gold and silver Jfaict,on r e Independence of the Judl-
v j . themselves as as ft "Southern aristocracy" will be closed, uold, following uresnanrs "2,; ol , . ... , , ,
say that a 320 gold piece Is redeemable In i- hi. n.tin -uh ...t.i ia, ,111 now out of thia ennntra and a .?"." more alarming a the clearly lm-
yoS pretend toywe7 rsJorertoe Wood sacrificed the Uve. of over a mil- wUl have silver monometallsm, pure and ged KUB& oVV! uTSS
you pretena to say, 11 we restorea tne il of tne noblest and bravest fathers, slmnle. nominated in tha ni.tfnmi "
finance Is a mystery: and what do we see farmer and workintr man.
every day? We. see those who devote their ' There is one thing which we should per
attention to It making large fortunes out haps consider here, and that Is that silver
of this mystery. Let us do as an tne peo- which was worth 31.328 an ounce ln 187U,
and get rid of this mystery. February 11, 0nd term expired as above stated. March
1874, Congressional Reeord, page 1392.
The question never will be settled
you determine the simple question whether suppose
the laboring man is entitled to a gold dol- interest in it felt that they must do every
lar If he earns It, or whether you are go- thing In their power to Improve the mar-
lng to cheat him with something else. That vet for It.
Is the upshot of the whole thing. The peo- The interests involved were much greater 0" 7iiT(Jr io , ,,,1. , "on of the noblest and bravest fathers,
.1. 111 v.i !, n that .mi ih.. nriu .i . i j free and unlimited coinage of silver, that k.v, ,k. t. t,
come to the conclusion. "I 'am entitled to was deeply concerned. A 'few facts win the silver dollars would be redeemable in not under wWch fla? they fell, the re-
"I am aware that many eminent and
many worthy men have tne tuuest conn-
nominated In the platform "government
by Injunction." Veiled in the language of
moderation, the wild light of anarchy
--""""rr JT"..-a " ".?" e-nld? Pleaaa answer th ouaationa ..T: JZ rr?. . Tf. 7. rr t.t " .v.. i-.. , shlnea thro .rh
5now J 'Deiiertnan anyt"'ne'se ?" a through the medium of some of your BD""y. " i"eAr '"fes" In my opinion, without reviewing the
u mu mru wi iui uu., vUu.c oo. trom ns re ii w nooiina rainen oii wuuoo ouiuii.oi.s uniusm ua inai. ... .- .j h,) th. hit. hlh Chicago Dlatform furihar tha
ehtnnQil 1 OA All IttK IK nt htilllon an1 fmm ....i..-.i ui.uio. faarflll atmiCff-la . J . . - . ' , "
til it will get to be a big party. It was a shipped 3100,011,085 06 of bullion, and from
that sum paid dividends (profits) of 369,
I think the time has arrived when every
little party ln England once, but it grew
wonderfully. It has been a little party ln
this country occasionally, but under Silas 0f the entire products of the mines. The ;"'? f f"'", 1"? ,,,,?""", "as. busy arraying one section of the country elded by abuse of
Wright, Tom Benton and Calhoun and Consolidated Virginia began paying divl- Zfyrl'L9: against another, the West and the South I shall be glad if
others, it grew to De xne party ot tne dends May 1874, and ln 1877 had paid 335,
many of us entertain are groundless, tlons in regard to the currency, the su-
nri am iiAn..f,ljl will. .i,iih. AaAW C. ' . . .. . . . " . . , -.... T J . L . ,7 . 7.
Bum iiaiu uiviuciiun uiguuusj ui a,- ... wrht to atnnu hlmaalf on wunmucu miu . ommai cu"i recognising mat xnis is a great ana ira- -uuii, mu uk lucuine tax, ana tne
140,000, or within a fraction of 70 per cent J'1. Ja. a "F f ih.v(w.,muw.. . today. A certain class of politicians are portant question (a question not to be de- repression of forcible lawlessness by ihe
of tha onHt-A nroiiiota of tha mlnsa Tha mis suDject, ana x ininK tne puDuc nas a bUST arravlnar one section of the countrv elded by abuse of candidates or of parties) aid of injunctions, are enough to demand
country. The whig party had to adopt it 640,000. The California mine began paying
and put It Into their platform in order to dividends May, 1876, and to December, 1877.
get along at all. Everybody had to say Inclusive. Dald 321.600.000. Twenty Com-
that the laboring man was entitled to a stock mines ln Nevada, other than the
ments from the newspapers so long as aalnt the East
some one will cite me to Its rejection by all good citisena and the
they undertake to answer questions.
clamor is due to their
How much of their an historical example that can be studied, defeat of the candidates who stand upon it.
Ir ambUlon la a suhl So far as I am Informed, I feel Justified l'et exceedingly to find a. disposition
.n J9Jt 1" saying that there Is not in the world. ?"ue Palent to array the West against
ln my Judgment when the bolters from i Ttho.htf..i men anrt -om.n in 8ay'nK that there Is not in the world. U W to array tne west agams
the republican party and the populists 3ect ,ior thoughtful men and women to today, any nation of commercial conse- East ln the discussion of these mat.
I"?, SrJL-"T. -,P.."yaJ?. .v" e.?r", consider. As has been shown, the most ' thit .iv frae .no unlimited coin- ee o. occasion for making oui
and democrats claim to be the only sliver
men In the country, they arrogate a
see no occasion for making our
narno,,. .n ai,oa..i 'tin,a. tM. '"?' lYS'rJ2?L u" ""SZ dllferences sectional. Her. .her. 7. no rC
good dollar. That was fought over. They Consolidated Virginia, paid 347,223.000 up "I ?, ae. , " yP Z x nation has ever known have occurred since change our present financial policy, before SH!1! twaJa,fne Ve?tv"ucn as
will fight it over again and the same party to December, 1877. nine of them paying fd deal to themselves Peonally I BlIver was aemoneUsed. Ask yourself, we are asked to turn our backs upon the AJIL1 'hde J!?
will win. There have been a great many over 340.000.0o6 of It Nearly all of this vast iwJffJ?ef? a n?nv.r aJL? 'DIa th,s cIamor 'or the remonetlsation Principles of our party, have we not a Sti'"";
battles fought against gold, and gold has 8um was taken from the Comstock lode, a U ? !5e Thatf his nf on 'alon of sllver- whlch 18 "a3"ng father against ht to mand hat we Pi ned to J of &tmonr anPdS law and"order
won every time. Gold never has comnro- anot nf around laa than xnn feat lona and am today. I believe that this nation alone nelirhborhood aralnst neighborhood. JLJP" ffuntry in wnicn tne Poucy w i" b aevoUnI. more time ta ra,ianaI Br,.. vo., von hava eot un ft com- f m might restore the white metal to its rormer ..;, ,rt ,, rt.n. .m. -i " .r ..... ment and less to inefflcient abuse
mlsed. You say you have got up a com.
promise bill oq the question whether gold
from 60 to 300 feet wide.
But this was not all of the money made
section against section, originally come an(j beneficially carried out?
position, provided ln doing so we enacted 7,3, 7h.3tw'
protective and reciprocity laws. But I Jf0 JE6',!? l"lan:.
am a bimetalist, not a monometallst, and ,A1.MJ,- .,. , ,h .tata of Va. ard,
ltsh people once thought they could get 200 in 1877. and the profit made by the sale .DeileJe "ul vadar' Is It not true that when the Com- 8 vepa " "naem2?r,a" .t"a .l i.u1"
along without gold for awhile, but they of these shares and by speculating ln them ? A t iSia that thTEmE stoc gan no longer to yield Its dlvl- VestS of "the people of these United
had to go back to It-June 12, 1874. Con- was enormous. Silver mining Is the great- i" tartyoTher Tncre use of rtU dend9 th P"perty of Virginia City, ln the pplethe Soutn as we"l as
shall be respected. Gold has made the out of these mines; they increased their
world respect It all tne time. The tung- stock from 294,300 shares ln 1870 to 3,431,
BTessional Record, page 4909.
I do not care how much you discuss it
est millionaire mill ever known.
Please bear ln mind that it was to Senator
or how many resolutions you pass, they do Stewart's efforts that the permanent set
not make any difference; you must come tlement of the titles of nearly all of the
cratic party no other increased use of sil
ver can be obtained than that of mono
consequence, began to deteriorate ln value; of the North, of the West as well as of
that then, and not till then, was the first the East, demand that whatsoever they
I do not agree with you or other so- .r " "aTa neriS oTdel tCre. by Taoor of 1 all klndirihafl be pYfd Rectors pledged to the support of William
Hied silver men, that the free coinage ,IW.he5, "JV?, . deI in money of the highest standard known Mn'ey:,u' I.haYe no quarrel with any
"I am in favor 'of a firm, unvarying All questions relating to the tariff have
maintenance of the present gold stand- "m8fThf nlf. iwrni ? i8"'.
1 am opposea to tne iree coinage oi r- "rt'-
s undemocratic and as fraught i iinnn m m. w.
.B,v 1".U1 ill uu; IllOVail. UULJT I1U
the necessity to compass the final over
throw of that platform by assisting In the
defeat of William J. Bryan are most Im
perative and solemn. This may most cer
tainly be accomplished by voting lor the
. 11. n nMA Annnltia. An .ho. all milO, AM. . I 11 I 1 1 3 1
Lu me DauiD i,uMwuBiwu ... i-. K,iea.l. 1U111C9 Ul llic V.U III oiiji;ii luue nil uue, m iiw- tha mnmfinnl teana T Va ' ,u wwiu.ouv, 1110 iiwiiuviaua v. uiai to
ple havethat gold Is recognized as the and that he acquired a fortune in mining Vu.k v. ..! .hit state took up the cry, and as Montana,
universal standard of value. It is the and mining litigation. It Is not unreason- "" V ".il ' . , " " Idaho, and Washington ln turn were ad
measure that must be used. It Is the aDle to suDDOse that those Interested tlon is, and 'wa nas Deenne maimen- mIttea having silver mines, they
the civilized world.
democrat who adopts any other course
.naaanra h whloh your waalth must be ,o.,M n.,,,.u t,,,n to tha whoaa ancB OI our nauonai government, ine en.
i..v,. i, k r.onnia. mil. ".,....,- V . -L .Vl forcement of Its laws and a wise admin-
Hons matters not, it is the measure that ough knowledge of mining had been so "LV-nL Z.ii of .oSJtZ h to at ,ea8t benefit their own constitu
mii.t taat all waalth Tha wealth of the .inahi to than, when the representatives of a great po- -.,
Joined with their neighboring states ln
the interest of free coinage, hoping there-
The Chicago convention utterly Ignored which seems to him well adapted or better
that fundamental principle of the demo- aaaptea to tne same end. c. A. DANA,
cratic party which declares In favor of .
must test all wealth. The wealth of the serviceable to them.
United States is tested by the same rule.
It has been and always will be the touch.
11.I....1 111... whlnh aar..iu.a
Tn 18S7 M- Qt.w.rt na. airaln alanta a ya. I.J. ..a.., tuoi """"
. ' " ... " " O " . b.wb.u h I n 1. 1 n MmliialU T.a
TTnlta Pltataa anH h.a .1... Kaan ""JB ' cii.
the largest personal right and liberty of
the Individual In his Drlvate relations, free
from governmental control. This It did
when It denied the right of Individuals to
make such contracts as in tneir juag-
Philadelphla Telegraph.
Suppose you are a poor man, working
for 32 a day. Suppose Bryan is president.
Is It not true that when the democrats ment would best subserve their personal and the country Is under the free silver
came into power they assailed every In- interests. It Is a false theory of govern- regime. Saturday night comes and you
eu mules Beiiaiur. ina nas since Deea . , . ,. . . , vaum imv uuwtr iin.v wssaiicu every in- iuicimw. id b i moo in.-", j vi. & ..-... - .ckiuic . ui ua mftn. tuiiico
. . . 1 v. .n.. .qA . . . . .vi 1 1 u irii 1 1 1 iiic i.i co.uin u u, .1,0 uuiccu l . -a i. nr... a t ,. . . .i . mant ano an nnriamoova fin ni ni n A wnpfl' ... 1 1 j i
awns uieaauicuicui, uuu nuci. jrwt uo- one ut tne must resolute, persistent anu . , . . . .i.w,Ka. ,k.i. nmM ul,11 J wi uic hcbii i -i it. out true imt . .! ,r, 1l . , " w juui wa iwc,w ouvci ur
part from that and try to figure up any successful advocates of the free and un- Jll inraiChTh.oao WoT. Mr. Bryan was a member of the ways and says to the citizen, that you shall not make Ura- The g0vel.nment has said that 16
other measure which the world does not limited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 h. w oomiam T t ha hith means committee of the house which re- ?uch contracts as the exigency of your ounCes of sliver are worth one ounce of
recognize, you get into confusion. At- to L and
tempting to reconcile them It Is idle to der money,
linage ot silver at tne ratio oi 10 , , .v, i.i. ,a ,K i.ik wiuuiiiiwj ui inis nuuive wnicn re- . - - , , - - vuiicn ui puvcr
1U unrestricted use as legal-ten- ."ti. trtn,iJ, lVt; Prted favorably the so-called Wilson bill? E"810,?8;,!?,! wln" u sold, but you know
- ij -i..w--ai?. . u est juaiclal tribunal for rendering decisions T (f ,, aw- - vm not tainted with Immorality. When it ' i 1
i-aSairM. not' in conformity with their peculiar IVUV.L"?! ZV r"?A t?.adopt a .resolution protecting taes "nce8
very well that It
silver to equal one
talk about. It Is Idle to talk about com- in sllver monometallsm and depreciation of ,i. ",,i7T , ,, ,. ported lead was placed upon the free Hat, existing contracts It trod too near the ounce of gold. The government has i
promising on any other measure of value; our currency to about one-half of its pres- " , Thn,ltt,T lnVaT ZTi. " : 'r, and almost every other product of your verge of repudiation fqr me to follow. that a silver dollar Is worth 100 cents, but
the world will not accept It. We have the ent value. In 1893 silver had fallen to 78 f,th t i "tate and the state of IdahoT Is It not "It has been always understood In this you know very well that It Is worth only
experience of every nation that has tried cents an ounce, or a ratio of about 26H to AT,t th.' r. tTue that Mr- Bryan made a forcible land that the stotes primarily, and falling 63 cents. How do you know UT You know
It; and it has been tried ln almost every gold, while Its production had Increased V? "Sfjf.ijf tnif.y Ih?M speech ,n favor of ,reo le. Tea wool, 4h JdLvJuaLJtfto. t it because the bullion In a silver dollar
civilized nation. Do not let us try from 381,800.000 coinage value In 1873 to 5, L JEJ leLm 7hl7 nlow tirt free everything which we haveT Is It "J" FhrfiTvat .nrlaof til ea"not be sold In any mart In the world
to deceive tl. American people; do not let 3196. In 1392. And. which was almost 5SSSB , Sd an S5uf to tnatnlg SfUa" WS tWe "2, 'fr'lf"" rfmnVaTful tor more than 63 cent. Therefore, the
us try to make them believe by some as alarming to the silyer mineowners, the ny be aa directly offered by lmnrachlne in the 8enate that we secured the three- president of the United Slates, in the ex- government Is a cheat. Suppose you go
hocus-pocus of legislation that we can give production of gold had increased from S. i.Mt ,T( ii. iLt h. fourths of a cent protection which lead erclse of an undoubted constitutional pre- to the butcher to buy your Sunday beef,
them something of real value, we can give 390,750,000 In 1874 (the year in which the Jf" J"Jrt , hT rn It in now enjoys? rogatlve. after a recreant governor had You pay him a dollar, but the butcher
them a measure of value that is better above extracts from his speeches prove tnrr7nnrr """S upu " n Then, if these facts be true, please ex- failed of his duty, acted upon this prln- knows the dollar is worth only 63 cents.
than the universal stanaara oi manning., that Senator Stewart Insists that it Is the -iZ "Z Jl v. piam to your readers how we may hope E!P, lerminaiea tne i;nicago riot. aa j,e gives you only 63 cents' worth of
11 ii-n mo buicimui ui a. piaw, na.c uic . MhMi . t..-.i . For tnis ne VBi conaemnea ov tne un - . v . .
Do not deceive them ln that regard. Let only safe standard of value) to 3130,816,600
them know the facts now.
V 1 11 . 1. n . 4 1 .n.l.l Ka Merhlv tnti,4.
x uoueia uioi i. " uulu .Ufa 111 j ".j - uwuen ui silver mines to Bllll greater Miii . , , " "- m
ous to this country to again Inflate the efforts to Improve the market for their Sj2f"L2 tw President.
mimmHV a T tlMrl not aniarfi UnOn amif thava halna mm nlha. n ... u, w. . . "
For this he was condemned by the Chi
cago convention. Its condemnation of
meat. Your baker, your farmer and your
: awuuaru 01 vaiuei w anMj,atD,nuu ... tiiii- ,n. ,,., . i. rti it".i 111 uui muuBineB
' nXaCr0nmVn?oUSmattda,tt tK tow. H Ts thTundoubteTduty of the "ul 'tV elHon" of J,htTli:-Pr0: h'8 "t" reVolutlona'Tnd undemo: "errant do the same You find in di
owners of silver mines to still greater ,A ; j r. .1.. duce by the election of Mr. Bryan as oratin. may that your 312 a week w 111 only buy a
... ... ... uivniucuL id iiiiGiuua: nun uiuuxi int. i . . ... . . . -
'No officer of this reDubllc Is above crlt- little over half as much as It used to buy.
Icism. The decision of any court on amy You are absolutely helnless. And how
vuiiGuuj. uit?u. . ........ 0 i juiAiuui, aim uiera ueiug uu umer buvv , , . . ,. , . , ...
. the evils of a depreciated currency. This cate of their Interests as able as Senator f-ifL.t'h " .'ila? " ti"eani
Governor of Idaho.
country has felt them too severely to re- Stewart, he was, ln 1893, again elected a
quire that I should mention them: It mat- United States senator.
ters not what kind 01 a aepreciatea cur-
rency you have, it necessarily entails
many evils. January 23, 1874, Congres
sional Record, page 866.
I say a depreciated currency is attended
with many evils. The middle-men provide
against it.
Interrupted. -When the officers whose duty
It is to enforce the laws in a county of
a state, fall In the performance of that
duty, should not then the governor then
S"ef ".n.tCO!rnl"e.d. 'i be.1,thi..p.r?per aout the rich man? It affects hlra. too.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
subject for calm and dignified criticism.
No matter how much we may differ from
of course. He must suffer as well, but he
the supreme court of the United States J8" afto to have his dollars cut ln two.
Indeed It Was Unfortunate.
Pittsburg Times.
The statement of Mann1 that tha. 1. ,n 'ts opinions on publlo questions, no You cannot afford it. No man of modest
exercise his right? And what better right not a dollar m th TTnTta oSTta. .r.. - ?arAy and no congress nas a right to In- means-ana there are hundreds ot tnou-
has heto a isounty of his state than the not flat money Is wholly untrue. Before which shafl subvert It as one of the c"
illustrated, from
the president in one of the states of the
It was unfortunate for Orator Bryan that nation?
In' shipping grain, as was the same day that he delivered himself of Then, who shall presume to say to me to the commercial value of gold and sll
sands of men of modest means can afford
a ilnlln . . ,, , , , . , - 1 1. I UU D1IIBI BLlllt, JUU 111 US L eCUnUlDIEe,
a dollar of either silver or gold was ordinate branches of the federal govern- vo must aacrlfloa llttla luxnrfca tn whloh
coined, a diligent inquiry was made a. . The -threat to construct the su- IZ Zl inlt
iji cuir uuuu ueuaum) il ucuutreu aBiiinBt. " ----- -
IUlnoIs to Liverpool the formidable aggregation of 12,000 words because I will not unite with such an ver ln the maricets of the world. Jeffer- .the eonstltutlonallty of the Income tax you must starve That Is the picture of
.anoles that SEFZm " the vain endeavor to prove that debas- aggregation, of. Individuals in upholding son was tbTUr of twl T work and "n fit'oiai'h.J ?"fh ?. t?h.' "J?.iUBt a certaln
avarv neraon who 1
Insure himself against these fluctuations. 8 " currency would bring Joy and their vagaries by supporting Mr. Bryan he was not ashamed to go to foreign convention to the supreme court should - '
He will charge a higher commission. It prosperity to the people, Major McKInley that I am not In favor of free coinage? countries to And what gold and silver bul- be resented by every lover of his coun- :
il. i 4. UMi n hia noaaaaainn should have fataly punctured tha whole I refuse to be weighed ln the balance with linn vera worth nn thi. k.i. i , trv. a mnrt oannot ha iniiaoaniiant whioh
lauuiiuusij c.cwcu lauiiu ul uib uuinnpiii duv.i. uvuiv.
step by step, he will Insure against fluctu
ratio of gold and silver was established.
The following facts, tersely stated, are
. .n on nna hataaan tha nm. with about 60 eloquent and pertinent words. The so-called "crime" demonetization of The anvernmant ha 4 no Ma. . ", " a. decision. To destroy the independence commended to the consideration of those
duner and the consumer will Insure himself Addressing the comrades of the old regl- silver wasenacted by a republican con- any value on gold and allvar Mr tLZZ Si. Jlcl'7-1 J5. v2u.i"1" .'IVf who lack the time or Inclination neces-
agalnstthem. Is It not a fact with a flue- ment of which he was a boy private when ZVt.ll.7It.:0,00t cl8e of an onfpotence which did not which iu,2Ji5X aair to the intelligent study of the flnan-t.iatina-
onrranoy that tha nii of whaat the boy orator was but a year-old babe, your now state of Washington? You exist. It sought to .. o.,t n,h. auoh an ontra." cial quesUon, as presented ln the world's
4w Til (art la I fho .! In T.ivaprinn1 loata tha Major McKInley furnished an insnlrintr and I know that Jt was a vast expanse ala vera worth in th. ..1,.. - monetary history. They present a brief
cost of transportation? When you have a keynote for the friends of protection and Dir,e' oni,tal a"d 'orest, but a stamp on them that would Indicate It
jt .i..a t ..1, sound money ln this camnaltm whan ha sparsely settled. In all of Its vast domain Aa anon a. .. .. .
u tlii ci-iaicu vuiiciju; wi uub wmj ' tl n , . ii i , mcjf Lurieu company tne law iiaiiuiume xii
to taVa Into aooonnt trananortatfon hut Said: there WSJ not OOO tOWB Worthy tO be Called was nnwaa-laaa to Iraan l.a li meetlna- In New
you have to take Into account the lnsur- "I not know what you think about It, a Ity; there was not a mile of railroad, rent circulation. that the free and unlimited coinage of Intelligent conclusions
anna that mrApn man who hanllaa tha but I believe It Is a good deal better to onen except a tramway at the Cascades, and
wheat will take against the change ln the the mills of the United States to the labor PfJ8- !oltiinarr0WaPn0f r-,, BakeJ
ot Aiuciica tnan to open tne mints or tne . . .... mi. nwia . oaia, aim
United States to the silver of the world." 1 CLm not certain that even that was con-
Btructea at tnat time.
price ln gold constantly coming upon him.
It gives speculators and middle-men a
chance to cut both ways and eat np the
consumer and the producer. .But
suppose you adopt what the world adopts
as the measure of value for your currency.
then what will you have? Then you can
Chicago Tribune.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Candidate Bryan, at the notification
' lorn, saia: -we contend
silver by the United States will raise the
bunion value ot sliver to its coinage value,
monetary history. They present a brief
compendium of results, (he cause of
which Is readily discerned. He who runs
may read, and reading, form ready and
First There Is not a free-coinage coun-
trw In tha vnrU toHav that la not on a .
aim 111 u s Bluer uuiliuil WUl III 1 a allvat tiaala
in gold throughout the world." The ZzLJ T
Globe-Democrat has already pointed out
Second There Is not a gold-standard
At a demooratlft i-onvantlon fn TCaatam tha imuinnM anH ahaiirriuv imrAimwi in country In the world today that does not
" 8J" a yuur dciuuiiii state as juiuuitjan a man got up to secona a mo- tnis assumption. Dirt as it will be repeated use silver as money aiuiiaj wim goia.
It was four years ago when we were enter- tlon indorsing a 16-to-l basis and gravely by Bryan himself, and by scores of others Third There 1 not a sliver-standard
lng upon the presidential campaign ft? that he was in favor of It because on his side, talkers and writers, between country In the world today that uses any
which resulted In the election nf rirovar 1 , e government gave without price to this time and the election day, and as It ij monay alone- wlrh allvar
W t faar? SST.Z'SX- a!JSS f 2 'filt .or nth.k- "e?." foi Ti.uvrr.tandard
" n mu vuii ii.ii. rvu 111 . n en. aiiuo nini lice uuiiuiBc " -uia muuii y i. T . . , , , wv..i. .ui mc iiinviii, auu a mav in niniiii il ia BuuieBBeu, let us exam- . , . . ....
monay in hn Vnn win hum tha worlri'a iu Mna tha aiivar mnnav n tha m Place! inquire what magician s wand higher division could be arranced later on. Ine at lenth. and a forth ita folly mora country In the world today that has more
currency. Yon can nave all the money un to the gold leveL As this will be a ad touched and1 animated your beautiful The situation being explained to him he fully. than one-third as much money In clrcula-
then that -ran hm rat the VenresentaUve nraaTnt of i mn !nm nin to tha -orM tha country, and ask yourself, if you will, said he did not understand it in any other According to the best data available tlon per capita as the United States have;
Vi vlraZ'Xn OlUmr,0al ld' ""if " was possible that so much could yj,?!." that each man now having a there is a.bout 3f 000.000.000 ; of silver coin and
- :a a a Ta rj . B nave been accomnllshed durlne- a tlma uu,,aI wuuiu get io uuuars tor it it rtryan empioyea in me woria. Tne greater part mfth There la nnt . llvap.ianil.ivl
on a sound basis. Sir. you want atone ln disposing of the profits, as well ?n wnJmlantathl waa .eleted, and when his friends finally of this stock of silver has beln colneS at ' rrto th, worlTmo'ay -htrla
-wuzhtototottortnMottoe as ln ..iegjslatlng without asking the per- SEl b5 ?-l ratio, and the market value JJ',:
A Mighty 01ft.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat. -Mr.
Bryan said in his speech of accent
have all the currency which you have got ance that free coinage ln this country
country, and when yon adopt the measure mission of Europe."
Mii, D -, . . . . . wuiiiitcu iinii iiiti it. was uu bucu tning ine xot-io-x rauo, ana tne marjiec vanm , , , . . .
mints. By what process has the vast ha aaiii ha nonM not i,. nran th. -h.i. i. . nnn onn nno in., boring man receives fair Day for hla day's
pralriea been setUed and turned Into cul- and the whole thing was a awlndle. ailver which la in the various other shapes work.