The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 09, 1896, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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    republican candidate for presidential elec- praises to me goia sianuaru anu buuui
tor. delivered an address here tonight nn- in the fervency of his joy : "Oh, gold- that
tier the
tne nrst appearance ot tne populist party oecause uie cneaper muuey mwap miyra ima au ucra wn uc tunujcu, or the men who make tne cnari
.1 f;:i i c t;;D th. lnr tnnnmniit and Anea all the and the farmer would he virtually as heln- The greatest care was taken to ascertain teen months after the passage of
hut rt r. meS business itself, and this is so because if less as the wage-earner to ".fix prices H ? J""" !?" Sentor. .Jons-- Ndal.ta
AfinillLiniJ 0 rilO 17 TIT V themselves "goldbugs" by legislative This idea that the volume of money reg- Till? TDITTII II T fTlfTUaTVTk coins of the United States the silver dol- purchase of silver under this act amounts
lUMIllUn OfiWOlll 1ALL. enactment ! , - ulates prices is simply an antiquated su- lllJCf 1HU 111 ILLUMiflAllliU. 1". precisely as was done In 1853. but pro- to over 1100.000.000.
Therefore, if the gold standard was perstition, but on account of the effort JJZJJ2!? " met J ?e?m5"'
opted toiWorifftw- adopted etodevewiOi tL.qui, ,--V' . -V . . SToxVS """i ZJSJttS2LlX
until 1873, the fact remains that five some attention. If the proposition were . "This bill was pending In congress for der conditions that would not demonetize
mWIIFlrt UTII'Q PIPNEB VI717Q times as much silver has been coined true, then prices could never decrease, be- 1 PTrtnn ad TTnnm mCBnTC MPT. tare" years, was carefully oonsi&ered hi gold. As the result of long discussions in
nAliUU UlLli 0 lAAaiiA UnnriO under the gold standard as was coined cause every year sees more money added 11 HUni Viorttha 1AOA." nouse and special attention was both houses, and after a conference be
Ill IRTP ITiTiBF,?i ' before: and if the amount of silver to the total volume of money, than the WF5? V ' caHed to the omission of the 4124-graln tween them, a bill was passed July 14. 1890.
an auiiCi aivn&aa. coined depends on the standard in use, year before. Now, whether you assume nuau. sUver dollar, which was never hi toe bill by which the secretary of the treasury was
and if the gold standard has produced that prices are determined by the total - V at any stage, and the reasons for this directed to purchase from time to time
. otim ;;. . .7
Lo.c That Is Lotfc-ABri.Hant Speaker SrSi25& ES&EfSZ&ZSSSi Extract From Sea.torS.enn..'. F..0.. EE 2
With a Brilliant Record in Old Marion aince th later fathers declared in favor that prices are based on gold alone still Speech at Columbus, Ohio, oa the Fiaaoclal srains of standard sliver, but this dollar made a legal tender In payment of all
of the gold standard, and since all the fact remains that every year sees an ; was made, like the minor coins, a legal debts, public and private, and were re-
Coonty. free coinage countries ' have debased enormous increase of gold coin. So, if History of the Country. . tender for $5 only. There was but one deemable by the secretary of the treasury
silver coins and a contracted currency the "basis" for determining prices is yea and nay vote on the bill, and that In gold or sliver coin at his disoretldn.
- . - ??J!Z&JZZ f7. . k. tL'SSJSS. -creut. main.
SALEM, Or., AUg. 21. Won. 1. l.lieer, sincere incuu u. , S . . demmtiTartv. or hev the nnUt uui, a"?rl ". JSS"" "7 w n the tw0 .alson J""" With each
XI UU9 1IBU1U muiuuuuuuu "Cic uuc, branoh th rtWnrar If. mti. CioM and u, uio, ujr iw:uiwijf a. uimm- Other at the ratio Of U to 1. But the mar-
; prices are estimated by the amount silver coined- are recognised by aU themoua vote ot Dotn Dartle an was espe- ket value of silver continued to decline.
tj m;:ik ..ohnciocm w i thvvictorv ? . not bv the amount that is going to be standards or value, as tne measure .or of July 14, 1890. ounces at a cost
32Ento rknk and6fiTe "Sf tite party There is something positively amusing used in the business, then the popocratic 'ese ZFSSSS. UZtowZSZZ'Z, penreTxrlJen't EST th.'act wa" E
dates from this occasion. The large about the pertinacity with which the wheat-buyer could snap his fingers at only measure all things but they measure TOliate I was held to he the chief crimi- comnanled by the following declaration!
-armory hall was filled with workingmln popocrats contend for the ratio of 16 to I, Rothschild and all the mother "Shylock Twenfy-tCeUye a aloTnces naL " waB- ln ract- a wiae mea8ure ot me part of ine reallngc '
and others anxious to hear their fellow- under any and all conditions. Nobody demons, for his countless millions now otlaVer were worth more than one ounce PubUo PoUcy. carefully discussed and con- .And it Is hereby declared to be the pol-
countrvman discuss the political situation, else has ever done so in this country, or " locket up " could be used for " estimat- of gold. Now 21 ounces of silver can be sldered during three years. Icy of the United States to continue the use
The sneaker talked with the earnestness in any other. Even the " fathers " prop- ing " just the same, and prices would go bought by one ounce of gold. This flue- "When we teat the outcry against this of both gold and silver as standard money
ine speaker ta.kea witn ine earnestness m r r: s. J . , : -f the Tvaoni6,i tuaUon of value cannot be prevented by act with the sober facta shown by official an1 t0 coin both gold and silver Into money
of aman in sympathy with his hearers, er established the ratio of 15 to i.and up m spite ot enemies ot the people. Uw It ls beyond ot legislaUon. records. It appears simply ludicrous. The or eoual intrinsic and exchangeable value,
and the audience was responsive, listen- made a mistake, as our later fathers did, The fact is, the quantity of money cnts it Is caused by the changing demands total number of silver dollars coined from llch eauality to be Mcured I through In ter-
ing with rapt attention fW two hours, when they made it 16 to I. little or no figure in determining the thT Bofhare' n'S w" S-m whUe he number natfonTl agreement or by such safeguards
breaking into outbursts of applause fre- No ratio has ever been regarded as of price of an article, but the quality of the 1a3rneyier to sWply the daily - trade doUars Issued under the coinage Md ieKiautlon as will Insure the maln-
auently. The speaker was plied with sacred origin until our latter-day saints money does, and it is for this reason, and wants of life, and gold to measure the ct of 1873. containing TA grainsmoire sil- tenance of the parity In value of the coins
nations at intervals and assuming the came under the influence of the 16 to I this alone that the tendency of free coin- larger transactions of business, and espe- ver than the old dollar, was 85.965,929. and of tna two meuis and the equal power of
2bcSrf,SSS,iod,n.tHd,. genii, and they now generally hold that age of silver would be to increase prices. gf SSHSTiJFSJSpo? SS?8?o cofneSTn tnl Slso'nTct npa""-
swered all and invited more. The speech the first chapter of Genesis should read : Men with articles to sell would mcrease metals at a fixed ratio has been. Is. and was 430,790,041, or 64 times the number is- turret debated that the efforta of the
VM .a follows "In the beginning God created the heav- their selling price in proportion to the always will be a difficult problem, not only d hetnre Tifns. i.lJLf? V. ,i ? . V . .
W wfare aomplaining of hard times, ens, the ratio of gi6 to 1, and then the decreasing alue of the moy they took th. United States, bu? In the civUised - that the very men wh0 SL?t if such l o?
and justly so. Although there are half a earth." their pay in, and there would be no profit -it was one of the first questions to oc- supoortad ajid ued this coinage law of blmetallsm as will maintain at all times the
dozen parties in the field, with two candi- There might be some excuse for favor- in it to anybody. cupy the attention of the American states- J ??gm?n Vwd. etual of every dollar coined or is-
dates for the presidency, everybody ing the free coinage of silver at the ratio And, next to the wage-earner, the men after the adoption of the constitution BStteftee coinage rfsHver and de- a"ed by the United States ln the marketa
agrees that the one thing needed, first and of 16 to I if the poor reason could be farmer would be the last man to realize and is now one of the most pressing after nounce a8 'goldites' and 'robbers' all those andn the payment of debts.'
most isaremedvfor the present indus- given that it would be an experiment,but even that delusive " rise in prices," for mor han 100 ?ea of naonal growth, who believe ln the coinage of both gold This declaration, made by congress and
most, is a remeay ior ine present inuus- givcu 1 ujai u. " J"- that h.n t. In 1792 silver and gold were made the com- and silver. approved by the president at a time when
trial depression, and there is a unani- it would not be even that That our gold e reason that ; now, , when he goes to the mon gtandard, of value lnthe Unlted state, ..It haa to Baia that the dropping of the public mind was centered upon the all-
mous agreement that we want it now. would at once as certain as store with butter and eggs, the merchant at ratlo or to 1. but this was be- the silver dollar in the coinage act of 1S7J ver que8tlon. ls a wise statement of public
The question is, What shall we do for a that there is now no gold in any free fixes the price on the butter and eggs and cause that then the actual market value w,awS"e?i tl(,aiy.tolJh gL policy that ought to be acted upon without
remedy? Times began to get hard with coinage country in the world. This is so also on the shoes and cloth the farmer of 15 ounces of sliver was equal to the J"? n ld Dla0i?ii5 yby the TdTOlaraUone regard to party divisions. This bill passed
re. Dlx- a nuuse gi reyrepentatives iresn irom (ae
that act DeoDle bv the vote of 239 aves and 118
debate ln noes, and the senate by the vote of 43 ayes
. . . . . ...... . c r -1 1 , , - j ui Dune, uiu Aieuausr xiuiiiii Luii, ine 8enai. judc xi, iott, Buiu ; aaainst 32 noes. This act was not a narrv
undertow in public concerns until it be- you, yourself, my free-silver friend, had a then secretary of the treasury. The two ""I am opposed io any proposition. In vote but It Is I believe? the exoresalon of
came strong enough to put the demo- note falling due the first day of next Janu- It may be they will have to try to be distinguished statesman, who disagreed whatever way It may come, that attempts ODln;on f a inaioritv of the two reai
. i .i.Jr . .t,jj. l Oo-;0; uiTdiil .ujui. imnn .ii n...i; jm . ..ZT . n.rri. cl himwif opinion oi a majority oi in two great
crane party in power in 1092, smeewmea uy mc miua ui uu.u j-"" "-"'-" - """""-""s "h"" " , parties or the country.
time the condition of the country has to pay John Smith on that day "one that the farmers of the country will vote JJe KttSd ta toto'SoSf Sn." f.Tt And here, fellow-citi.ens. we ought to
been growing from bad to worse, with no horse," and if, when that day came, you for McKinley, protection and sound "atth should be coined Into money down aurely goM standard the better tan(t j appea, t0 democrats and repub
possible chance for relief or respite, save had in your possession a $10 cayuse and a money. "At the time neither gold nor silver -was "April 1. 1874, he said: " licans alike. We are all interested In bav
in the success of the republican party at $1000 stallion I say under such condi- But everything cannot be said in one found in any considerable quantities ln the " 'Does this congress mean now to leave Ing a sound and stable currency founded
the end of. this campaign. If our party tions you would pay the debt with the speech. I am opposed to the free coinage S8Z&vifc tl TattXtr IXltlXer ZlfTcot
does not triumph in -November, then the io cayuse - because it filled the con- of silver by our country alone because I paper moey whien became worthlessv and be that standard? What other thing on "y 'of Ve articled that enter tato the
. populist party will, and to expect a four tract it was ' one horse." am a bimetalist, favoring the use of both the coins of Spain, England and other cbun- earth possesses the requisite qualities? wants of life.
years' dose of populism to cure the effects I cannot make it plainer than this, and gold and silver among the common tries had been made a legal tender, and tVeostMtent" aKen of "The great law of supply and demand af-
we are experiencing from a similar dose only want to add to this phase of the people at an equal purchasing power continued so for many years after the civilisation. It ls gold that has lifted the fects the value as It does Iron, copper o
r- of democracy, inspires about the same subject that no law could ever be passed with each other, and no free coinage adoption of the constitution. nations from barbarism. It ls the com- sine. All have fallen ln market value by
degree of hope you might find in the that would enable a nation to escape from country on earth has such a system; we . 'when the new American coins were mon denominator of values. It makes pos- means of new discoveries and Improved
boSSfof a mPan who un finishing a the fact that the two metals caiot be have it now, and I believe in letting Jft"JtrttfrSS, ScO Sl 8mtatemento, KSSoV othm.nt'dateS
term in state's prison for theft discovered coined at an arbitrary bullion ratio and well enough alone. I am opposed to the channels of circulation and the new and Intervened in bargains made between men J." J enA -howlnTtha .mn7.nflT.t
himself facing an indictment for murder both remain in circulation. free coinage of silver for the further rea- bright dollars of the United States were hw:e the ; dawn of civilisation and It has f gn..,.' urchaBed under ih. .01,
in the first defree. The immediate effect, then ,of "the pas- son that! have been a hard workingman exported This Jed u .the discontinuance ivM tit mTZXSSt
And that the prospective success of the sage of a law providing for the free coin- all my life, and so far as I can see, there if by president Jeffereon of the coinage mankina. . . . . he va)ue ot gold ls market price, showing a shrinkage of over
populist programme should make all age of silver at the ratio of 16 to I, is no prospect for any change in my voca- or 1116 silver dollars, and after that date not affected by the stamp of the govern- 8146,000.000.
kinds of business tremble is as plain as would be to contmct our currency by the tion. My sympathies anS associations Th cwrdreer "SloST-SlJSj wou7d m''Se-nator Stewart, of Nevada, on the rZitr
that two and two make four. Although amount of our gold, and to reduce the are all with the laboring classes, and I b our popullstlc friends 'the "e subject, on the 12th of June, 1874, LtSI .k? ?E J?ply 10 you'
I admit that the populist belief that gov- purchasing power of the remainder to see by study and observation that where crime ot im.- In meantime France Ba.'.d.i.1 ... , K . lh LmoL? nrt Jt Zr .u'-Vk". ,aBregate
ernments can m7ke something from the bullion value of silver, or to 50 cents "a crown of thorns is pressed down upon and other countries adopted the rfuS of , enUtlelT tSTa'vf i? pruct "nt, cTaseS'un'dt Z tr'FebruryM. ?
nothing, and that 50 cents make a dollar on the dollar. the brow of labor" it is always pressed 35 ounces of silver as the equivalent of iabor measured by the same standard of and July 14, 1890 was as follows-
if the law only says so, would be as likely Every workingman who likes this harder and more hopelessly where there ne of gold. To avoid these embarrassing the world that measures your national Fine ounces. Cost
tomake five the sum of two and twoas prospect should vote for the free coinage is free coinage of silver or free trade. ??anfes,,Ens,1 a",d,2n adopted gold as debt. Give Wm 8"ca f!0"dArm; Act Feb. 28. '78.. 3291,272.018 58 $308,219.260 71
any other amount. of silver. 5 Mr. Bryan stands for these and advo- Zr ,! suWtol n mflZ "f"rV.Trlfcm ft Act Jul, iMllKBB 166.931.002 26
We are all complaining because money This charge that silver has been "un- cates a system that would speedily cru- the administration of President Jackson require It from the laboring man; gold
is not in circulation, and we all agree fairly treated" by our government is cify labor, not, perhaps, on a cross of and under the leadership of Daniel We StffiJ&J&&$1i Tl". 01 U6t.2lQ.X2K
that times will be no better until some- the most demagogical appeal to ignor- gold, but what would be infinitely worse, ster and Thomas H. Benton, congress you mean to save the national honor, Ver namely 3069212 tr fln onnL vnx
body begins to employ it in industrial en- ance and prejudice ever known in Ameri- on a cross of depreciated silver, worth adopted the ratio of 16 ounces of silver to but then give him the same money with 34841075. Loss In nnVhao ! tm n
terprises. Now, when that desired condi- can politics. There is no reason for only 50 cents on the dollar. "e, ',B,ld' by,A reduo,nK th,e number of which to pay that debt. The question '' 'Respectfully yours rTe Preston di-
tion comes about, who is going to employ every school boy not knowing that even I am in favor of the election of Major ?,h.1v Xfvi1.,C tfL T Waf, ?a WJ" nev." "ettI,d . nntU you detemno rector of the mint'
capital men who have got it, or men though something wrong on this question McKinley because he represents the coined unaerva,uea' K waa not the simple question whether the "We had July 1 last In actual circulation
who haven't? The present aggregation was done in 1873, it was all righted five great principle of protection to American -Gold became the only American coin In a irohf doltar If he earns It. or P601 2'.th" Un,ted states
of heterpgeneous isms that is trying to years later and after every other great industries, and the upbuilding of Ameri- circulation, and the avowed purpose of the wheTher you are going to cheat him with Seu' depart me'ni TwhVh I wtRad? tte
down the republican party, is based on commercial nation had excluded silver can markets. passage of the law of 1834 was to make something else. That Is the upshot of the Amount of circulation Jult l ifsfi'
one chief declaration, that it is bitterly from its mints, our government began I favor his election because he is a typi- Bold the standard. This waa declared by whole thing. Everybody has to say that imTism'
hostile to millionaires (unless they own coining .o(ooo per month which it cal American statesman, who is safe. . cta ofwh? "'rhaf wafou Theyll Standard slfver"dola'r;::::::::::r 'wmm
silver mines(, and bankers, and the rob- continued to do for 12 years, when it was sound and tried, while his opponent is in their renort- wno saia ht ,t oyer a(taln and tne 8ame party Subsidiary silver 69,998.805
ber baron manufacturers, and every other superseded by the Sherman law that fur- unsafe, unsound and untried. "'The committee think that th ilMer wlil,w,n T!?ere have. bee,'S avgrreati?1R.n5r S?M cer" flca tea .S20.759
class of men or association of men who nished a market for silver bullion to the During all my life I have been a mem- atum in the monetary system Is T sTadard wo" lvery8mS8a "cold nveha" 00SS nJFt'"Ym;-r'M "
have at their command any considerable amount of 54,000,000 ounces per annum, ber of the republican party, and at no uniform value. They cannot ascertain promised. Gold has made the utedtaeTnotfs ' JS'ln'w
sum of money. . or about equal to the entire product of time in its history have I felt myself un- that both metaU nave been circulated slni- world respect It all the time. .The English Currenoy eertineatea" 'a' Ynn'
Indeed, their chief complainl ; fa .that the American silver minesThis law der stronger obligations to yield to 7; S&aufi$riZlt J '" 31.840.000
the money of the country is in the hands remained in force for three years, and whatever support I can command, be- banks or money dealers, and they enter- come back to it.' National bank notes 215,331,927
of the rich as though it could be any- during all these years the other great cause in no. previous campaign has it so tain the conviction that the nearest ap- "On June 1, 1874, Senators Jones and
where else! If there is any man pres- nations of the earth stood by in amaze- fully represented the best thought and "T08,,4 atn . i" Jnjfl JiB, f'SYSTi. 3d.fci1.&!.rf?i?af niB.U.v?J J''";-, 31.509,625.200
. JA r , J - a r e 4 establishment in one metal, which metal senators of the silver states were urgent "We had also at- that Amta lAsinioom in
entwhocan name any country on earth ment and said : "In the name of heaven aspirations of those of our people who BhaU compose exclusively the currency for and honest In saying that gold was the the treasury mostlv mm nSn, h. 3
where the money is in the hands of the how long can the United States hold sil- constitute the foundation of American large payments.' best and only standard of value, but they . demnMor nt iiH a, vl f
poor, or ever was, I will immediately ver up by her own unaided efforts ? But enterprise and industry. "This law, heartily approved by Andrew f""1 Zir,?lJ1?..Vi'?Jsel? ln and silver certincates' a Tfoliows-
join this crusade of Mr. Bryan's against the end came in 1893, and while we were Deeming the reasons I have given good iSSUa? Bf' Nevada Tn" othtatVseduced Gold coin .. 311 1.803.340
the only men in the country who have in the. very tmttst of furnishing the and sufficient and capable of being main- when Pierce was praldent.andall branch- the market value of silver below that of Standard silver dollars 378.614.043
got any money to circulate and see what greatest market for silver it ever had, it tained and defended before any audience es of government were under democratic S'd aLtne established ratio of 16 to 1. Subsidiary silver ; 36,730.976
we can do to induce the poor to employ fell in value the fastest and furthest. in the United States, I take pride in em- control, congress reduced the quantity of heywnti to nayexletiSl debta S?ld certJ.'?iat!a m-m
our idle men; but I wisnto say in ad- Now it is only necessay to say that if phasizing my allegiance to the republi- SttS quteTand1 hSf" doUaf) mo and MvS&St cintraote n the gSld S'j'V"ii"iSik- WSSl
vance that I belong to the poor class my- our government could not keep the price can party. ' thST. "e'ent. d"4ted"the0puhas?0of fltL1 fhre ?Zt BhS ' 'SS
self, and I am just contrary enough to of silver up when it was up. now in the .1 believe the indorsement of the prin- AeTy onT thi's 'has KeTand ta "11'
insist thatno kind of coercive legislation name of common sense can we be ex- ciples laid down in the Chicago platform gold still practically the only full legal now tho Kenera' practice in the sliver 1879 150,000
is going to persuade me to start either a pec ted to put it up when it is down ? and the election of its candidates would tender -United States coin. At this time "taJerl' . ' National bank notes 10,668,620
woolen mill or iron foundry, not this If we could only be reasonable about be industrial and financial suicide. With the silver dollar had disappeared from the Yi he!. th2 L??faw tw" e"" . ,
year, and possibly not next.' Of course, this question, about two-thirds of this the history of mankind -protesting in S&SSoi The "eP'aclflct! iSaMtiTelr bS-fneS "1: '"if1
I could as well as any other poor man, bosh we hear about free-silver coinage earnest eloquence, it would be a burlesque purpose of this act ls thus stated by the upon the basis of greenbacks or United -7i;o,r"r . Ior or money nave been
but I don't feel a bit like it would be abandoned long before the No- on statesmanship, an outrage on logic S?'"nan ot the committee having the ftates notes, their discount being about 13 "JJl". J . fJ.nn. on a, Dar
,T , ... - , . tt.- . . bill in charge In the hauu of renreapnt Pr eent. Neither sliver nor gold was wun gold, and tney travel the circle of the
Now, the absurdity of the workingmen vember election. , . and a travesty on common sense. It Slives- Cll?rre ,n tne nouae or rPreaenl- used In domestic transactions, but we col- world without diminution of their purchas-
of this country, whose first desire is But there is one proposition made by would be unfair, unjust, unnecessary, un- w'e propose, so far as these coins are ,eed 0r customs duties in gold coin, ing power. Though sliver bullion haa fallen
employment, aiding a party which is the free-silver advocates before which justifiable and unpatriotic, and may the concerned, to make silver subservient to cll dnnevofrthArtin?MCOmtmen)S t0 near,y one-half its former value, yet
arrayed in bitter hostility to the only reason stands aghast, and patriotism Lord have mercy on the souls of the Jnes:oldJ!iln,fcot country. - We Intend untlj January, W5. that th flretstep w ave sed it and maintained silver coin .
men who can ever afford them relief, is trembles. It is that our country should thoughtless men who, with the history "0nSmy have Approved?' what experiencT wa,,fllfke,l to resume 8Pcle payments, . made 'rora. " at Dar!tJr wltn 'oli at the
. apparent to every man who troubles him- open our minte to silver in order that our of their own and other countries to guide where the experiment has been tried, has nrrdJd, JLe ijfff"?? fit""!!' ill??- i,i , . . m
self with a second thought. As long as workingmen may compete with Mexico, them, persist in voting blindly and arbi- demonstrated to be the best, and the com- , XEft vaiuePbekfw gold at Pthiyratio with I nronosttlo VW -m
a club is held over the heads of men who China and Japan in tilTmarkets of thj traril perpetuate fnd aggravate the "SSTSJSSS Jj" wer4VI? VJ
have money, one end of which threatens world. This argument means simply and depression which even now threatens to au others subservient to It. We mean feadlw countries worM Om aU debta and cred'ta, for the wages of la
to patronize foreign manufacturers be- solely that free-silver countries having engulf themselves and their fellow-citi- to make gold the standard coin.' many, in 1871, changed its standard from bor and the purchase and sale of property,
cause they furnish cheaper goods, and " cheap money " as a consequence, have zens. This, I suppose, would be called the silver to gold. France, Italy, Switserland Tne democratic party at Its recent conven-
the other end says we are going o intro- cheap labor also (which is true), and if '"L11 .". StJfai1i US' fJ-.lSfSS had in .l866 entered nt a tlon ai Chicago adopted a resolution ln fa-
dace a fluctuating standard of money we would compete with them we must R ... narv m'tetlsa.nhlt8hiCtfro JSS.'hSa.Sfc o'ffi bnetnlrti1.,,h S ZtoZt Sparta 0fXer i'li We'
that will make investments uncertain and adopt the monetary basis which gives "The Republican party Stands Jefterson became president, to the close of coin of each of these countries was re- i " L", 0 fTT8' 'vf ' ot g0'd-. Wa
business calculations impossible, just that cheap labor No other reason is ever for honest money and the Ca tnK'wLSS. --trta tta wlB 1 "
long will men with money keep it with- given, and how on earth any man who . . silver and ill forms of paper money. As and finally abandoned, ini gold became ot ""ver can be purchased by one ounce
drawn from the channels of trade.' And expects to work for a living for the next 10 cu" I have already stated, Mr. Jefferson In the standard of values of those countries, of gold. With the free coinage of silver,
they will do it in self defense, as the only few years can be induced to vote for WILLIAM McKINLEY J808 susPended the -coinage of sliver dol- but in all silver was coined and largely gold will be demonetised,
sensible thing to do. 7 Bryan, which means cheap money, cheap MCKlWi,Jl,Y. andy Itremalned coin, precisely as In Noth.n. ca n be more certain than that
The present crusade against capitalists labor and no protection, is one of the established gold as practically the only -m anticipation of the resumption of i?n,te TstatM hj T.h?,f fai 'I.'inti
would appear "money power." ''oluto- mysteries of the age. PhlladelphU Press. fn In circulation. Gold coins were specie payments, the resumption act of Jm, J?, ..,. ,;t ."if. ,
", V,, : , , P"cr piuio- ; s r Benton mlnt drops.' AU democrats were 1875 provided silver coins of dimes nuar- sl,ver coins at parity with gold coins only -
- crat" and "shylock" on the one hand, "Why, 10 years ago, when the present Bryan's speeches from to tnen .KOjd bugs.' ters and half donaiS ffor thi 1 raumptton lta exclusive monopoly of coinage and
and "blmetallsm and cheap money" on mayor of Portland was making the first New yorlt have each and an been pun- "Senator Hunter, In 1853. during Pierce's of the fractional currency then In general b limiting the amount, but with free coln
the other, though about as heavy an ar- "fight of his life" to prevent , the immi- 1,Bhfd ,n 4fe "f88: We rust al1 our "dminlstratlon. secured the passage of a use in our country. These new sliver age of sliver there could be no limitation.
do t ho u, ;j ; e v.: , , readers, and particularly those who are law which reduced the silver ln the half coins gave great satisfaction. They were Silver bullion In pvprv tnrm will iv nri
gument as I have heard on that side is gration of Chinese that distinguished thinking of voting for him, have read dimes, dimes, quarters and half dollars, limited in fegal tender qualities to $10! Zoot the mtat. and im? ik?ldZ.
-when an opponent is called a' 'goldbug." gentleman insisted that the way to pro- them They tell tLir own story of toose making them subsidiary coins, abolished At this time. Mr. Bland, of Missouri. In- S??" nff, nd wU,? tn"-mn,1toT?
And yet tne gold standard was practic- tect our labor was to keep our lalorere as thfnlng thei fT oln2,e afld "U11, thelr Reduced his bill for the free coinage of "f JT""' d,"a . Tni
(;h;.i,Ji- ,0,. , ,r, ,- . r v ,1,- t,wi zie a.h . ln,IKmB. ciap-irap appeal ana jaunty ret- tender to 35. The sliver dollars were not silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 on the de- eoon nn the channels of circulation and the
ally established in 1834, more than sixty far above the 'hordes of Asia" as pos- erence to the solemn responsibility of the mentioned and were practically excluded mand of the holders of silver bullion gold dollar will be hoarded or will be quoted
years ago, when congress first made the sible, and to fight till " the last armed president as "a hired man." The real from coinage or circulation yet now the Sliver had then declined below that ratio, and sold as a commodity at about 194 cents
. ratio of 16 to I, and undervalued silver foe expired," to expel the conditions issue Is whether If Bryan succeeds, 6,000,000 democratic party, and when sliver has One ounce of gold was worth more than of the silver coin. Silver will stand ss the .
by SO doing. From that time until after which enabled them to work so cheaply, People with saving bank deposits. 2,000.000 j yahie to "'-""ts for- 16 ounc of silver, par of value and gold will be quoted at Its
the crime of 73," there was.virtually but now the same eminent authortf Mr'rMK tawUS. "' value. . .
. no silver used in this country. But in declares the way to compete is to com- Vr'""" WIU1 "le insurance policies win nna value. monetized gold Such waa not tho n..r '
1853, in order to induce at least the silver pete: and lnafatthat tbeest thing.we cHack To Them V doHa aaat 5 SJSS'J n JtttS .
half dollars and quarters to remain in the can do is to at once drop to the level of b'of he 7. SST, VaT'toe t'idle'rebe": S fM?B27,,i W" Tt W SV io justify a
' country, congress passed a law to reduce the "heathen Chinee" and beat him at wm they or will they notT How much ?i0n.' Gold and silver alike were banished ft? U hJ?,c,lf"f!S A 4 , . -ir
the amount of silver in them and make his own game. light has Mr. Bryan thrown on this issue from circulation and Irredeemable paper mJT J SZJlL (h. bounty OS a protective tanff.
them less valuable for other purposes This could have been done 10 years by nearly three-score speeches? - money of all denominations from 10 cents ihlaa f. ti . '
than for money circulation. The chair- ago by advising our workingmen to adopt to tlO.000 was substituted ln place of coin. xZSSSivL not tess than 32 w S5 Ud lt tS pOSStble to justify
man of the house committee on ways and the Chinese standard of living; that Chicago Times-Herald. Wh.en the "ar wa" OTer t.he republican ,or more than j4,ooo'.000 worth per month, pifhsr ' 1 11 T . ,
means, in reporting the bill, gave the would have settled it without any further , cnicago iimes-eraia. party BOUKht t restore -specie payment as adcause the same to be coined Into silver Y . J . Bryan.
fnllnwinir ki j j: .1. t I I There is not a flaw in the object lesson soon as practicable. In March, 1869, it dollars as fast as purchased. A later act
following reasons . trouble. A steady diet then of rats and taught by the Mexican dollar plus 60 pledged the faith of the . nation In pay- provided Tthat a" hoWeFof the cVln .
"We intend to do what the best writers nee would have enabled our workingmen cents' worth of merchandise. We are on ment in coin or Its equivalent of all bonds thorlsed'by that act might deposit the
on political economy have approved; to compete In the markets of the world, ldu adds thext'ra "so cents'" worth6of of tne Unlted States and to redeem the same with the treasurer of the United "I believe it is a great deal
what experience, where the experiment much as free silver would now, and value to the present standard American United States notes at the earliest practl- States In sums not less than 310 and re- . - .
has been tried, has demonstrated to be should have been advocated for the sake dollar, both In Mexico and ln the United cable moment in coin. ceive coin certificates therefor, of not less oeiter to open ine mills oi tne-
necessary and proper to make one stand- of consistency, if for no other reason. States. Abolish the gold standard, take "in order to carry out this pledge It be- than 310 each, and that the coin deposited United States to the labor of
..j .r j x 1 I, it T , , '"""" "w". away the government credit on the gold -m- nvMnn . vln h varinna onin. should be retained In the treasury for the -'"lcu oiaica iv - 'am" o
ard ofcurrency, and to make all others The 16 to 1 advocates may "fool a part standard, and you will have In every8sil- "tawrthe Untted StateL Thterw Payment of the certificates on demand? America then to ODen the mints
subservient to it We mean to make of the people," but it surely will not be ver dollar exactly the purchasing power Wtan and te ,v done fcv 'THIS bill, so amended, passed both Amenca lne" xo Pen lne mints
gold the standard, coin, and to make the worgmeh. The effort to fool the ne'To d.fteAwhoie slam9 bmTrSmea"''?! tX? SgZSLH , It was known aTth. Bland-AUl- . of the United States to the Silver
those new silver coins applicable and con- farmers is based on the old threadbare Is on it. The boy orator may dub 63 while Mr. Boutwell was secretary. It was "n aet- " sweetly added to the dlfflcul- - Wnrlrl "
venient, not for large, but for small statement that the price of agricultural cento' worth of silver a dollar, but that thoroughly considered by the experts of ties of redemption, and for that reason UI "lc "u"u'
transactions." - ; " ,. , products is.governef ' by the Sount of afH?K ?r 7, rn'uted" SJStSL "unTr SMt . WILLIAM McKINLEY.
Now the leading statesmen during that money in circulation. Even if this were his dub. The moment we go on a free- , Jr ,JSrl2 . k. rL iii.ifh visions the United mates nurchased over ' -
period in ..our. country's, history Itand true, ft. would be an argument against ' U oWiriMIf "asetawsThe bHlconTalnlng67 seo! ' ia8. W oun a"iost of
today as high in the estimation of our free coinage, for that would be surely ve haIve ou? dollars Twe double our prices -jojm jo evm v Xq parasdmoow snor 308,27,260. It was hoped that this enor- . A rousing republican rally was held at
opponents and especially in the esti- followed by a contraction of the currency, always -except for wages. They will matlon that filled a volume, was sent o mous purchase would arrest the decline of peldia, Wash ..Monday evening Quite
' mation of our people as those of an earlier, and, therefore, less money upon which to Btay where they aref but labor will have congress April 26, 1870. by Secretary Bout- B'Ter, but in spite of It silver steadily de- crowd from Vancouver was in atten.
peneration and vet thev ooenlv declared base Prices. - , to take half a dollar then where It earns well, and lta passage was strongly im
generation, ana yet tney openiy aeciareaDase prices. . - one dollar worth 100 cents now. . mended by him, This bill omitted from the price the toss to the government on the dance. ,