1 1 if V K 'V n HI - T - vs.' X A. -irC730r -. ,sO h. kWj n. .7 --tS to THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1896. NUMBER 40. VOL. VI. 0 SENATOR J. MITCHELL He fepoke at Woodburn Yes terday. A VERY LARGE CROWD PRESENT Am Appeal to the People of Oregon on Behalf of the Republican Party. Woodburn, Or., Sept. 4. United States Senator John H. Mitchell opened the campaign here today in behalf of McKinley and Hobart and the great pol icies of the Republican party, protection and sound money. From early morning until the hour of 3 in the afternoon, the trains brought in hosts ot deeply interested visitors from all sections of the great Valley, and when Mr. Mitchell appeared on the platform at the eastern end of Wood- burn's beautiful high school, he faced an audience of at least 5000 people. The fact of bis address being made in a strong anti-gold center was the cause of the presence of a great many mem bers of the opposing political parties, who stand sponsor for the silver move ment in Oregon, liot the least prominent in this throng being Hon. H. L. Bark ley. There were hundreds upon hundreds of sturdy Republicans on hand to listen to and inddrse with hearty acclaim the strong points made by the senator in the course of his long and able address. "Old Glory" floated from many a staff throughout the town, and . the decora tions were profuse and handsome. Ladies were out in vast numbers, and for their - especial accommodation hun dreds of chairs had been provided on the school campus. Senator Mitchell appeared promptly at the hour set, and for hours he spoke with energy and eloquence. SE WALL'S LETTER TO BRIAN. Made Fnbllo by Senator Jones and Ex citing Much Comment. Chicago, Sept. 4. Chairman Jones of the Democratic national committee has made public a letter to W. J. Bryan from Arthur Sewall, apparently dated July 25, at which time the Populist con vention was in session. The letter is ex citing a great deal of comment. In the letter Sewall says that he is informed that Bryan is undecided whether to ac cept the Populist nomination. He asks Bryan not to allow any personal consid eration for him (Sewall) to influence him in his action. He could not for a mo ment allow himself to be a factor in any action that would in the slightest degree hazard an electoral vote for Bryan. The Democratic manager at headquarters in sisted that the letter had no further sig nificance than that Bryan would consent to receive formal notification from the Populist party in the near future and the publication is to forestall false ru mors as to the attitute of Sewall toward the ceremony. Sewall Will Mot Withdraw. . New Yoek, Sept. 4. The commercial Advertiser this evening prints the follow' ing dispatch : "Bath, Me., Sept. 4. To the Editor of the Commercial' Advertiser: Any statements or inferences that I. propose to withdraw from the Democratic na tional ticket are without foundation. I never had, and have not now, the re motest intention of doing so. "(Signed) Arthub Sewaix." FORGETS BIS ILLUSTRIOUS FATHER Jesse Grant Joins the Populist Party. . San Diego, Sept. 4. In the Populist county convention, a great sensation was caused by J. W. McDonald, one of the delegates, reading the following let ter from Jesse R. Grant, son of General Grant: "San Diego, Cal., Sept. 1, 1896. My Dear Judge I have noticed with much interest your withdrawal from the Dem ocratic party and espousal of the Peo ple's party. ' This action meets my ap proval, since I have concluded to enroll myself in the same cause. The finan cial plank in the Republican platform must drive from that party anyone who believes as I do, and the anarchial plank in the Democratic platform must lose to it any person who believes in protection .' at home as well as abroad. The plat form of the People's party, on the con trary, has no objectionable principles, and seems to offer a political home that any American can proudly enter. Yours truly, "Jksbk R. Grant.". - Mr. Grant has been a resident of San Diego for several years.; He has large property interests here, but has taken 1 ittla risxt in nnblic affairs. His letter provoked prolonged applause in the con vention. Tbe Bishop's Words. San Sebastian, Spain, Sept. 4. An open-air mass was said here on the promenade In the presence of the. royl family. " The bishop of Victoria preached to the soldiers jobc leaving for luoa, He said that tbe Spanish flag, surmount ed bv the cross, could not be defeated. Tbe king, he said, regretted that he could not, himself, lead his soldiers to victory. It was an impressive Bcene.. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A, Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un doubtedly the best congh remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size oOc. ana fiuu. a Not Good Politics. Indianapolis, Sept. 5. The non-ap pearance of Congressman W. C. P. Breckinridge at the mass meeting last night is said to have been because sev eral women protested against his appear ance. It is boldly stated this morning that it was not considered good politics to. allow Breckinridge to address the meeting. ' - How's Tills! We offer one hundred dollars reward for any.case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold - by all druggists. .testimonials tree. l-o-y Hoke Smith's Successor.- Washington, Sept. 5. Gov. Francis, successor to Hoke Smith, will probably take the oath of office and formally be come a member of the cabinet today. He wired Mr. Smith that he would be here today. Pending bis arrival, Assist ant Secretary Reynolds is acting secre tary of the interior. Mr. Smith left for Atlanta laBt night. None But Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair,. Chicago. Manufact urers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows : "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to tbe list of nostrums. ' It is here on its merits." . - . Mills to Start Up. Woonsocket, R.- I., Sept. 5. T. H. Sanders, general manager of tbe Woon socket Rubber Company, says both the Alice and Millville mills will start Sept. 10th, and all orders will be sent in. An assessment of $8 a share will be levied to make up a -deficiency . of $300,000 caused by depreciated paper. Did Ion Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for yonr troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been, found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Steepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters In the medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. " . 3 . Cleveland Has Nothing to Say. Buzzard's Bat, Mass., Sept. 4. The president today persists in the determi nation to say nothing regarding ' the nominations made at the Indianapolis convention. - Buckles' Aruaea naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively euros piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.: For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. " THE VICEROY SHOCKED Li Hung Chang's Experience With Electricity. KILLED BY A FALLING WALL Terrible Holocaust at Benton Harbor-' Eleven Firemen Lost Their Lives. Niagara FalIs, Sept. 6. The special train bearing Li Hung Chang and his party arrived here at noon today. Rain was falling at the time, and tbe visitors dampened their silk blouses and gold lace somewhat in the journey to the Cataract house, where rooms had been engaged. Immediately upon arriving Li sat for a dentist, and had bis teeth examined. The rain was a great disap pointment, as the viceroy was very de sirous of visiting the American falls in the afternoon. There was. no cessation in the downpour until 3 o'clock, when tbe ean struggled through the clouds. Carriages were summoned, and the visi tors spent two hours in inspecting the wonders of Niagara. At the electric power-house of the Niagara Falls Power Company, the dis tinguished visitor had an experience with American electricity, tbe result be ing as startling as it was unexpected. With his usual curiosity and desire to make a personal investigation of the machinery before him, be poked at a switchboard with his walkfng stick.. The metal ferule closed tbe circuit instantly, and Li's stick was violently torn from his grasp. . He was naturally much as tonished at tbe effect of the stick's con tract with 'the switchboard, but for tunately he suffered no damage beyond a good scare. However, be decided that he had seen enough, and went to his rooms, where he remained nntil bed time. MDEB A milNO WAIL.- A Terrible Holocaust at tbe Burning; of an Opera House. Benton Harbor, Mich., Sept. 6. The most horrible holocaust, with the great est loss of life, known in this part of tbe state occurred last night, when Yore's opera house took fire atd in tbe fight to save the building and other blocks ad joining, 11 firemen, one a volunteer, met their fate at one time, the deaths being instanetaneous with five of them. Six lived only a few hours in awfnl agony, while several others met with severe in juries. During' tbe evening the play, "A Fac tory Girl," bad been given by local tal ent, and tbe theater had closed but a half hour before the fire was discovered. The building was filled from basement to the fourth story with a suffocating smoke, which burst into sheets of flame throughout the entire audience room, before the fire department could respond with a single stream of water, there "be ing some confusion at the outset, owing to the lack of hook and ladder facilities, although the local fire companies had closed a two days' tournament, exhibit ing great skill in their work. Tbe St. Joseph department was called on for assistance. They approached the building through an alley, unloading ladders in the rear of tbe building, and, while hoisting them, the npper walls fell over without warning, covering the men. This was witnessed by hundreds of spectators. A PLUCKY CALIFORNIA ENGINEER Sbot a Train Robber and Fulled Out His Train. Sacramento, Sept. 5. An attempt was made tonight to hold np tbe over land express eight miles west of this city. The engineer killed one of the robbers and then pulled out, and the train reached this city. Sheriff John son and posse have gone to the scene in a special train. As the train ' approached Webster, a man crawled over the tender, and cover ing the engineer and fireman with a pis tol ordered them to slow np. This En gineer Ingalls did and the train was stopped. A masked man climbed up tbe railroad embankment with a gun in bis band. When this man appeared the fireman was ordered to go back to the express car. Ingalls was left alone in the engine with the first robber.- At first the bandit watched the engineer closely, but he was too much interested in what his companion was doing, and bis watch relaxed. " Ingalls quick as a flash seized a pistol which was lying in the box at his side and fired two shots. The bandit fell from the engine and the engineer pulled the throttle open and the train dashed for Sacramento. Fire man Burns jumped on he moving train and the masked robber who was with him on the platform of the express car, jumped off and fled into the darkness. . TO -INSURE SAFETY. . Wby Spaniards Will Transport Troops In American Vessels.. New York, Sept. 7. The news that Spanish government has chartered seven American vessels to be used in trans porting the troops to Cuba was brought to the attention of Fidel Pierra, member of the executive committee of the Cuban junty in this city yesterday. . Mr. Pierra said : "They are afraid to carry their troops in their own vessels. ' They know that the Cubans would' think twice before blowing np a boat sailing under a foreign flag, and that we will not hesitate for a moment to blow np a Spanish vessel. I do not see any other reason why they should charter these vessels, for the Spanish -transportation company has enough boats to carry all their troops to Cuba, and would be glad of the oppor tunity of making . tbe money. Then, Spain is very intimate with the trans portation company, and their vessels ought certainly to receive the preference. "They expected to send 40,000 men to Cuba, and at the rate of 10,000 a month it will take them until December to do so. By the time they get the last 10,000 there the first 10,000 will have disap peared, and more, perhaps. I do not think they will send a9 many as 40,000 men, although they need them to replace those that have already died. "We here in the United States do not know the number of sick men they have, who, if they recover, will never be worth anything to themselves or any one else, but we have an idea of the enormous number, by the fact that they cannot find buildings enough in Havana and other large cities in which to house them. Even the building of tbe house of charities in Havana, which was occu pied by about 300 little girls, has been transformed "into a military hospital, and the little children scattered over tbe city, and every other establishment of that character has been treated in the same manner. The number of sick and wounded Spanairds is something enor mous." PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS TO BE FREE Archbishop Ireland Issues a Letter on . the Subject. St. Paul, Sept. 5. Archbishop Ire land has issued a letter, annonneing that hereafter at the Catholic parochial schools no tutition would be charged, such tutition being considered an obsta cle to the growth of the schools. In the course of the letter he says : "Of course the expenses of maintaining the schools must be provided for in some way. Pasiors will take the amount of these expenses from the regular church receipts of the parish, and will rely upon extraordinary measures which their own judgment ' may. command. Catholics will, we are sure, co-operate with their pastors in maintaining the parish schools. The proper view to be taken of the Catholic school is .to regard it as a great religious work in which all are concerned, whether they have, or have not children attending it." MR. M'KINLKY MAY TALK. Short Campaign Trip Now Under Con sideration. Chicago, Sept. 5. Chairman Hanna of 'the Republican national committee ar rived in Chicago today and went imme diately to headquarters at the Audi torium. Many prominent Republican leaders were there to confer with him. Hanna will remain here two weeks, dur ing which time he will personally conJ n duct the McKinley campaign in the west. Not long after his arrival it was reported that the advisability of Mc Kinley making short campaign trips next month was under consideration. Neither Chairman Hanna nor other Republican leaders would discuss this report, although it was admitted the question had been under consideration. MACEO'8 . DEATH 19 REPORTED. Cubans Say the Insurgent Leader Is No More. Havana, Sept. 5. The military gov ernor of Candalaria, a province of Pinar Del Rio, has notified Captain General Weyler tbst he has been assured by sev eral countrymen that Antonio Maceo, the insurgent leader, died recently of wounds received in the attack upon the military train in the vicinity of Taco Taco. " Efforts are being made to ascer tain if the information is correct. A dose that is always seasonable is a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, tbe "King of Liver Medicines." - It keeps the liver active; the bowels regular; prevents Biliousness ; and promotes di gestion. In fact helps keep you well. "I have watched its effects in families where I have practiced, and find it ad mirable ; both alterative and tonic in its action." Dr. T. W. Mason, Macon, Ga. TO DESTROY KE7 WEST Latest Plot of the Spanish Authorities. WILL ATTEMPT TO BURN THE CITY General Weyler Has Approved and Sanctioned the Plot Spanish Troops Coming; to Cuba. Key West, Sept. 7. A letter was re ceived from Havana last night, by the steamer Mascotte containing the infor mation that the Spanish authorities are plotting the destruction of Key West, A similar report reached here several days ago, but at that time it was not generally believed. The letter was written by a Cuban in Havana to a friend in this city. The writer says that a few days ago he went to the govern ment in Havana and was informed by a friend employed there that Spanish au thorities had determined to burn Key West and annihilate the nest of "in surgent snakes." The plan of the Spanish is to send emissaries to Key West in the guise of Cuban sympathizers, who are to fire tbe city in as many places as possible when opportunity arises. It is said that Cap tain-General Weyler is cognizant of the plan and approves of it. He is reported to have said that if Key West and Tampa were laid in ashes he would soon be able to settle tbe rebellion. It is said that in the event1 of the success of the plot Weyler has ordered that the emissaries be paid f 10,000. The people here are so wrought up that it is feared an attack may be made on Senor Gruse, the Spanish consul and his assistant, Senor Hernandez. It was reported today that these gentlemen, becoming alarmed for their safety, had gone aboard the Onited States revenue cutter Winona and demanded protec tion, and that they were told to remain on tbe vessel until the excitement died out. Tbe citizens have determined to form a vigilance committee, and every per son who cannot give a good account of himself will be forced to leave tbe city. PREDICTS A HARD WINTER. Man Who Foretold the St. Louis Cyclone Again Heard From. Wichita, Kan. Sept. 7. Joseph H. C. Swan, "the sage ot the Whitewater," widely known for his correct forecast of the St. Louis cyclone and other meteoro logical phenomena, makes the following prediction : "The winter of 1896-97 will be very long and cold, mnch snow in all localities where snow is a factor. Blizzards will be numerous, highways will be block aded, all to be followed by much rainfall and highwater most of tbe year. Do not be in haste . to get in spring crops. Plant large and late varieties of corn. Wet weather will be your trouble. Pro vide good shelter for self and stock and do not forget the suffering, hungry and poor of our land." ANOTHER STEP TOWARD FREEDOM Insurgents Devastate a Spanish Town In Cuba. New York, Sept. 7. The Herald pub lishes the following special correspond ence from Palmacita, Cuba, under date of August 30: Cescoro is in ruins, and another step as been taken toward the nltimate ex pulsion of Spanish troops from Cuba. The forces of Rosa and Pena have laid waste the entire heart of the town, leav ing the occupants of the forts in a pre carious position. The inmates of Ces cproB forts are now in a pretty bad way, no tood of any kind being allowed to en ter the place. Cescoro is a small place, but important from the fact that it is a relay'station for troops - marching be tween the cities of Puerto Principe and Guayamaro." ' A Whale is Landed. Taooma, Sept. 7. The whale which has been towing its captors around tbe upper part of Puget sound for the past week, was driven into Quartermaster harbor this morning . and anchored. Five harpoons are in the huge animal, which is still alive. Last night tbe whale towed the tugboat Laurel, to which it was attached by several lines, through the narrows, despite the efforts of tbe engineer to go the other way.- It will be placed on exhibition in this city. The Arkansas Election. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 7. General Dan V Jones, of Little Rock, was today elected governor and the entire Demo cratic ticket has been successful. There were but two full tickets in toe Held, tbe i Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Hijhwt of all In leavenlns; strength. Latest United State Government Food Report. - Royal Bakino Powder Co., New York Democratic and Republican, tbe Popu lists contenting themselves with a oan- ' didate for governor. General Jones and Mr. Remmel, the Republican candidate, made an active canvass of the state, but Flies, the Pop ulist nominee, made no speeches. The Democrats put forth special efforts to make a large majority, for its moral effect on the free silver cause, in other states, in November. Memphis, Sept. 7. The Commercial Appeal's Little Rock correspondent tele graphs that the Democratic majority in Arkansas will reach 60,000. This is a Democratic gain of more than 35,000 as compared with the gukernational elec tion two years ago, and the largest ma jority ever given in the state. DrWen Insane by Free Silver. Kokoho, Ind.,Sept. 7. William Keel- er, a prominent resident of Taylor town ship, in a tit of insanity today tried to kill bis wife, chasing her four miles with a gun. Keeier was capturea ana is in jail. He is an old soldier. His halluci nation is that we have free silver; that his pension Las been increased and that a fabulous sum is due him as back pay and that it has been hidden by enemies and wrongfully kept from hluu , Gandaur Wins the Championship. Putney, England, Sept. 7. Jake Gaudaur of Toronto, today won the row ing championship of tbe world and $2,500, in addition to the spo-tsman cup, de feating Jamer H. Stansbury of Aus tralia. The course was the usual cham pionship course, four miles straightaway from Putney to Motlake. Gandaur won by 20 lengths in 23:01. A Boy Commits Suicide. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 7. Eddie Led, the 12-year-old son of William Lee of this city, committed suicide this after noon by hanging himself. The unfor tunate lad was a victim of the cigarette habit and tbe act was performed while he was suffering from a fit of despond ency. Treasurer's Call. All warrants registered prior to July 9, 1892, will be paid at my office next door to T. A. Hndson's office, Washing ton street. Interest ceases after this date. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 13, 1896. C. L. Phijxips, , Treasurer. , A Dead Train Robber. - Sacbamento, Cal., Sept. 7. Great crowds of people continue to visit tbe morgue to look upon the remains of the train robber killed last Saturday night by Engineer Ingles. PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cheaoest. Purest MU and Best Family Medi- , tTlW. cine in the world t An Effectual Specific - for ail diseases of tbe liver. Stomach and Spleen Regulate tbe Liver and prevent Chills and Fsvra, Malari ous Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restless ness, Jaundice and Nausea, BAD BREATH! Nothing; is so unpleasant, nothing so com moo, as bad breath ; and in nearly every case it come from tbe stomach, and can be so easily corrected if yoo will take Simmons LtvEB Regulatoe. Do not neglect so sura a remedv for this rcculsive disorder. It will also improve your appetite, complexion and general health. PILES! How bsov suffer torture dav after dav. makinsT life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing to tbe secret suffering from Piles. Yet relief is ready to the hand of almost any one who will use svstemau cally tbe remedy, that has permanently cured thou sands. Simmons Lives Regulatoe is no drastic. vioicnt purge, out a gentle assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION . SHOULD not be regarded as a trifling ailment in fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves tbe way . often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from tbe bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most freauentiV. The disturbance of ihe stomach, arising from the Imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied v.v h disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which Take SlMMOje Liver Regulator oa Medicine, manufactured only by J. H. ZFTIsIN CO., Philadelphia.