9 THE DULLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1896. TfieWeekly Ghroniele. TBI BALLE8, OAIOON PERSONAL MKSTION, Saturday. Mr. Ketchum returned today from Portland went to Lyle thiB Mrs. . i-ieaviw morning. , ' . ? Wt .1 f!. Meine has been appointed Block inspector. Zl (a oorartl days, but is slowly recovering. , , '. T Siddall returned irom me ujv's rrf the State Dental Association today. - ;v Miss Delia Watson of iiooa ruver Br- " K r . Tab I iiV Q .-! frwrla V nn ft VISIT, IAJ iUie. M3I1. Wm. Todd, delivery wagon ariver ior ;rctw&uu itjc, morning. -Mr. Y. C. Allaway is again "around, .K...,h oti'i affected with weakness from Ills rrvciit ' t l.nnninaQt wont, to Thursday, where he was called to see jars, unite, u ... Aiin .f Portland came ' jure. utxvtM , , up on the train last night to attend the funeral of Marcus Vanbibber. Mrs. Borden, Mrs. Cashing, Myrtle Korden and Nettie Fredden Wt for Multnomah Falls this morning. Mr. John Brookhonee, Mr. and Mrs. F W. L.Skibbe and Misss Brookhonse left this morning for Astoria for a conple of weeks absence at the seashore. Capt. Chas. L. Spinner, who ran the "No Wonder" on the Willamette until it bnrned Is now chief officer of the Sadie B. at the Cascades, He came np on the Xegalator yesterday, returning this morning. Monday. Sheriff Driver went to Astoria this afternoon. Mr. Geo. Morgan went to the Locks this morning. , Editor Turner of ' the Dispatch was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Crowe left for Long Beach this morning. Mr. J. C. F. Gordon, a postal in spector is in the city. Mr. W. A. Moore of Prineville is re gistered at the Umatilla house. J. A. Wacrner of Endersby paid The Chronicle a pleasant call today. : Mr. E. Jacobsen has recovered from bis illness and is on his way home. Rev. Wood left for Wind River, this inorning, where his family now are. Mr. Aaron Frazier and Mrs. Slnsher, both of Dufur, are in tne city toaay. Miss Alma Schmidt left this morning for Stevenson to be absent a couple of weeks. Messrs. James Simonson and Eddy Michell returned last night from a trip to tne Aieauows. Miss Watson of Portland, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Crossen, returned home, today. Ifioo Anna Farrnll of Portland, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Everding fnr mvnral davs. left this morning for Columbia beach. v Tuesday. Mr. H. Herbrine left for Stevenson today. Dr. Logan returned -today from Long Beach. Mr. J. W. Lauderbach of Stevenson is in the city. Rev. A. Bronsgeest went to the Locks this morning. Miss Florence Bassoni went to Mosier this afternoon. " Mrs. Driver and daughters left for As toria this morning. Mrs. G. C. Blakeley left for the sea side this afternoon. Mr. A A Bonney left this morning for Hood itiver on an outing Mrs. M. Heisler and Mrs Thomas left for the valley this morning. Moeara V.. XT. Merrill and C. Bearv left this morning for Hood River on a hunting trip. Mr. Chris Bill and wife left last night ' lor rniiman. liiey win remain away from The Dalles permanently. Mr. A. M. Kelsav left for the ranch this mornine. and will leave for Astoria tomorrow with the hose team. "Ed will make a splendid "rooter." - Mr. and Mrs .'.Starr and daughters. Miss Ricks of' Arlington, Miss Minnie T n I Tva ii 1 a TnniaA and TnnA ): ncli Nellie Butler) Clara Grimes of Portland, xjr : v : v. L 1 to . nr:Dnn 1 1 ward Rid dell. Dr. Sutherland. Dr ' Sturdevant, G. D. Snowden and Vic Marden arrived . home last night from Stevenson. . ' MAKK1ED. At the residenceof H. I. Kizer, in this city, August loth, bv W. C. Curtis, naetor of the Coneresational church, G Barrv Stinnet and Miss Minerva A - Abbott, both of Wasco county, Or. SHACKLED AND BOUND. How Long Is the Inland Empire to ' ; at the Mercy of Autocrats? ,, ' . It is a sorrowful spectacle to witness the wagons at the Cascades laboriously and with much slowness and trouble transfer freight between the two boats '. when there is a portage road built by . the state lying idle. ' The boat company will exhaust every . means to continue business and maintain cheap freight rates before tbey are coerced by force of circumstances to tie up. Their difficul ties at times appear insurmountable, but they have so far risen to the occa sion and met every obstacle with a .. ; heroism as pathetic- as unostentatious.' They have transferred such unwieldy things as threshing'machines, and o.ther '. cumbersome and weighty machinery. It is shameful that the-, boat company '. are prohibited the use of the. portage, ' which is in no sense in the way ; . of the contractors, and the use of which could bave been obtained if the company had assumed certain obligations and risks which did not concern them. It would seem as though the fate of the Inland Empire, with Ha manifold and tremen dous interests, is held in tne paim 01 me hand of two men, who are invested wnn a power well nigh Godlike. .. In- a man ner we are shackled and Douna, wnicu is a new,, and queer sensation for an American to endure.however accustomed the people of countries like Russia and Rnain have become to autocratic rule. The temper of the people may be trifled with too lone. There is a time wnen ior bearance ceases to be a virtue, when the rightous wrath of a long-abused populace cries for redress ana me uwBuvorureuiui th hands which restrain the exercise of their just rights and liberties. STUPENLUUS SIZE OF THE SUN. Some Comiriuns Tuat Afford a Conccp tion of the orl s imimiimj. . Pricr also noon the stupendous size of that orb, which glows at every point of its surface with the astonisning- ier- T ha.vp indicated, writes bir itoo- ot. Ttall in McClure's Magazine. The earth on which we stand is no doubfra crinhA. mrasurma- as it does ""6""J fa' ' " . . o nnn m in ilia.mp.ier: vei vuaitc its dimensions in comparison with those of the sun ? If the earth be rep Y.v a o-rain of mustard seed, then on the same scale the sun should k onrpspnted bv a cocoanut. i er- i,-, hni pvpr. a more impressive con ception of the dimensions of the great orb of day may be oDtameu in ui uj. ri,:i- h moon, the aueen of the ivnih circles monthly around - . . , . our heavens, pursuing as sue uua, miW.ii trnrk. at a distance of 240,- r,nn Tnils from the earth. Yet the sun is so vast, that if it were a hollow nan, v mmn MiiiM revolve on its orbit which it now follows, and stall be en tirely inclosed within the suns in terior. . Tvr ovp.rv acre on the surface 01 our globe there are more than 10,000 acres on the surface ot tne great- r-,. rnrt.iriTi of this illimitable oes- ert of flame is pouring forth torrents of heat. It has indeed been estimated that if the heat which is inces santly flowing through any single square foot of the sun's exterior could be couectea anu beneath the boilers of an At i,nt; linor it. would suffice to produce steam enough, to sustain in continuous movement those engines of 20,000 horse power which enable a superu to break the record between irewim and America. . SOCIABILITY OF INDIANS. They Are Fond of Faying social Among Tnemseives. to widelv received JUUIUUO, . - j " sfe of a social nature and fond ol paying friendly visits, the etiquette of which wouia mans u. tuoui self. Xot much attention is given to the order of their going while in the dust of travel, but when arnvcu wimiu a short disance of their destination a halt is called, the ponies are relieved of their burdens, the rawniue pacjvs opened, and gala dresses and tine orna ments come to light. The two young men selected to be the bearers of gifts ot tobacco deck themselves for tneir mission and ride on in advance. A sur prise party is not in Ihe Indian s list of amusements; he takes his enemy unawares, but. not his friend. J he young men return wnn mst;:f;e ui welcome;, sometimes members oi uie f.-imilv to lie visited come with them personally to conduct, the party. Meanwhile, writes uice r nicirei in Century, -all have been busy prink ing; hrushmgaud braiding tneir iuvkm, painting their faees, and donning their liest gear, the wide prairie their dress ing-room, their mirrors eacn miiei-o eyes. When the. visiting party is again cn route there is not a man or woman who is not gorgeous with color and the glitter of shell or feather finery. v Even the children have daubs of fresh paint r n their nluniD little cheeks, while the dudes are wonderful to behold, resplen dent in necklaces, embroidered leg gings, and shirts, and with ornaments innumerable braided into their scalp locks. The visit over the Indians go back to their homes pleased and con tented, happy if they find, as may not always be the case, that the enemy have not been at work in their absence. ' Real Estate. ' Rprtmilrt T?. Woodward and G. -N. Woodward to Katie C. Clark, fraction of Wm. Jenkins donation land claim; $500. For Infanta and Children. Caatoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Peverishnesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and Its steep natural. Caatoria contains no Jlorpliine or other narcotic property. " Castorta ts so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription tnown to me." H. A. Abcher, M. Dm ' .. . , 1X1 Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T. "For several years .a uecommed3edyonr Ostoria. and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Ecwnr F. Pardee, SL 1., ' . I25lh 6treet and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." QgT,ng Habttx. D. D., . v New York City. Tsa CHTXD Cokpaht, 77 Murray Street, K. Y, "Big as a i Of) For JO cents you get almost twice as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other high grade goods Before the ckvs of "Battle Ax" consumers paid ft 1 n -f-o frtf -email I. V J.wa wauu r C ' : quality Now, "Battle Ax tf High est Grade, twice the quantity. That's true economy PREPARATIONS FOR The Great Battle ' Or NOVEMBER 3 ARE ALREADY CXDER .WAY. ANEW President of the United States 13 TO BE ELECTED, AND THE ' NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, be found in the thickest ULIOJ HCCO rt ujvi 'iua ! ..... - - " r " I r . . . . The New York WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not only the leading Republican paper of the countrv, but is pre-eminently a nauonauamiiy iiewepiJBi. Its campaign news and diacussions will interest every American citizen. Ail tne news oi tne uay, lureigu market reports, short stories complete ni.o. -;t. oihnrata Hwcri ntions. and make no an ideal family paper. We "New York Weekly Tribune" (both papers), ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, CASH IN ADVANCE. The regular subscription price of tbe two papers is i. to. ouosKnu "?. aV2L .u nrrior. m ihiniclH Pnh. Co. Write vour name and nd- uous iuny ues " ".' t," T. o dress on a potsiai caru, senu it i uwi. " . ucoii sample copy of The New York Weesiv rriDune Cascade Waim IS NOW OPEN Board and Room' per day .. Board and Room per week Baths For Particulars 274 Taylor Street, - - Address T. aug7-dylmo BLAKELEY DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, ARTISTS 3SdI 3fiConntry and Mail Orders-will receive prompt attention. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. : When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side ," .-, ' - , .".AT THE ...... ' JiEW COliUjMBlH HOTEli. ' This large and popular House aoes tbe principal hotel business, : ' . and la prepared to furnish tbe Best Accommodations of any ( , , House in the city, and at tne low rate of . $1.00 per Day. - first Qass Ieals, 25 Cepts Office for all Stage tinea pOIH 111 AHWrO ' . in this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Bts. Barn Door' nli tor of the same of the fight, battling vigorously for sound tui iraiuuucii! n-ui.-. ". -r- in each number, comic pictures, fashion a varietv of items of household interest, furnish the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and - o ; TriK. Rnllriln. Nr York CitV. and a ' ' . , , ' ' - wiu oe maiieu w jwu. , Springs Hotel FOR GUESTS. ....:.!. ...41.25 .J7.00and 8.00 25c each MOPPETT, PORTLAND, OREGON S HOUGHTON - The Dalles, Oregon - A.TEI23A.XjS. leavlns; Tne Dalles for all bhu -" T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr loli((PMld EHSTi GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis" Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCKAK STEAMERS Leave Portland BverT Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' For full details call ouO.E.4 Co.'s Agent Tha Dalles, or address . W, H. HUKLBURT, Gen. Psss. Agt Portland, Oregon .' , , New Schedule. . Efifective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol l.in.. nil! ho thn nfiw erhednle: Traia No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50 a m- and lpavpa 4 :55 ft. m. - - L . Train No. 2 arrivea at The Dalles 10 :4Q rt m and IfkflVPft 10!4o TV. m. 'Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12 :05 p. m., ana west-oonna tin sxo. i leaves at o .5(1 n m Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Ualles at l p. to. aauy ana r riving at The Dalles 1 d. m. daily, con nectinc with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. K. LtTLE. Agent RUnRTHFRN m j PACIFIC R. R. n H s Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegeint Tourist Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL. MIKHBAFOLIS DtJLlTH VAKGO GRAND FOB.KS CBOOK8TOS TO WIMNIPEG HELENA and BCTTK Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA !F,W TOEK BOSTON AND ALL - POINTS EAST and SOCTH Vnr infnrinatinn. time cards, map and ticket, cal .on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon . . . OR .1 , A. D. CHARLTON. Aest G. P. A.; 25o, Morrison vor, inira. roiuaiHi,,uiiuM "The Regulator Line Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria - Navigation Co. ' :-'.P THROUGH Freigfit aua PasssnoerLiae Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 8 a.m.. connectingat the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 7 s. m.f connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. . . . A88KNOKK BATH. One way. ...... Round trip ..$2 DO .. 3.0(1 Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, tvitJt out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or addrees, W. C. A LLAWAY Oanral Apst- I TSW . a. THE DALLES. - OREGONJ Citation. In tbe Circuit Court oi the Stute of Oregon lor the County of Wasco. In the mutter of tbe estate ot Pboebe M. Ilun- bara, deceased. Citation. . To -Mrs. Clara Lanninir, Mrs. Mary Hodges aud "reorge Msddox, Greeting: '. In the nameoi tbe Sta e of Oregon, Yon are hereby required to appear in the, County (Tourt of the' State 61 Oiegoii, for the County of Waaeo, at ihe eourtroom thereof, at The ualles, in the . ... I .1 . W. . . I. ... September, 18, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any OOniy OI WSSCO, VU Jt,uiiuv, wis mi unjr there be, why an order houio not oe maae ana entered herein authorizing and directing tbe ad ministrator of said e-tatetosell the real prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wit, a strip of land 3&i feet wide and 100 feet long off tbe eest I side of lot No. H in Block No. 6 in LaughUn's Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon. inis citation is serrea upon you, iuw win. Clara Lanning, Mrs. Mary Hodges and Ceorge Maddox, by order of tbe Hon. RobL Mays, Judge of said Court, made July 2i, 1H9A. Witnks?. the Hon. Kobert Mays, juoge : oi the County Court of the State of Oregon, SE tt for tbe County of Wasco, with tbe seal . oi ftaiu i;ouri amxeu, vrnn .s)iu uajr vi Julv. A. D. 1896. , ltff. A. M. KELfiAY. Clerk. Kv Kimeos Bolton. Deputy. jr-i-6t , ' ' NOTICE. vmiM la hxmhr iriven that thi following list of warrants have been, issued for more than seven years prior' to the first day of July, 1896, and are now remulning in the office of tbe County Clerk of Wasco County Or., uncalled for, and unless said warrants are prewuuji iur payment within sixty days from said July 1st, in accordance with section two. Laws of Oregon, page 1K65, tbe same will be cancelled and pay- For wbat issued. Date of Issue. To whom No Issued. Umt July 7.1888 July ,188 Sept. 10, lftw Rent. 10. lHSi 1348129 Jnror IE. A. E. Weber Obnmn W. H. Welst 11 2 00 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 Witness Frar eis White Sept. 10, 1RK8I Witn-sslTbos! Willisins Bept. 10, 1888WS Wltnessjames wnite m.A v...n I. . Mil nt wapnint, imnalntnff In tbe Clerk's office for more than seven years. uy oraer oi jouiiiy vtur. , , A. M. KELSAV, County Clerk. . Jlyli-ot F45T anrl SOUTH via The Shasta Route THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. LXAVB. FKdM JCDE 23, 1895. ABBIVS. OVERLAND EX-1 nrMH. RutPm . Rose- 1 burs, Ashland, Bae ramento, 6gden,6an 8:50 P.M. rrancjseo, mojave, I Lor Angeles, Hi Paso, I New Orleans and I Vo 8:10 A. M. Roseburg and way sta 8:30 A. M. tions 4:40 P. M. rvia Woodburn ior MtAngel, Silverton, Daily except Sundays. 4:00 P. M, 7:30 A. M J West Scio, Browns- I ville,6prlngneld and 1 U.tMFI except Sundays. Salem end way stations 10:00 A.M. uorvaiiis ana way t 6:20 P. M. L 8:25 P.M. stations MoMinnville- and way stations.. 4:45 P.M. Dally. tD&iiy, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS , i Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from KIRKLANP) Agent. , All above trains arrive at and depart irom Grand Central Station, Filth and I Btreets. vtitniTT nrPTOmff ' Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street. iTfi, for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, ft.,r ,o. if. fi.an n m . ft:()n ti. m.. ailU XX. OU U. . " J . . . . . . j , n.DA , 1 .OK n 1 "QO f Arrive ai roruanu, :iu, o.w, xx.w m ..vti Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4 :80 p.m. Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. . I ... rra frtr A K r K on Momiar. neuimuav ,uv Friday at 9:40 Arrive at Portland, Tues- J rt . . ,1,(1.1 1. at S'fJl n. TT1 uny, x.iu.u., u .r.r.-, ------ Sunday wains ior uanjiwu b w.w, 11:00 a. m., 12:40, 2:00, S:30, 5:S0, 6:60 p.m. . Arrive at Portlsnd at 12:35, 8:40, 10:30 a. m 12:16, 1:50. 3:15, 4: t, 6:80, 7:M P -Da ' Miinager. Aast G. F. 4 Van. Agt. Corset Co.. Second and Washington Streets, opp. French's Bank. We are" now settled in our new quarters, and are prepared to do all kinds of wort in our line.1 We make Corsets, Ladies' Dress Reform Waists, Misses' and Children's Waists. AMpminslBands or Supports of various styles. These goods are .11 made to order; a good tit guaranteed w . no sale Why not patronUe home industry? If this western country hud ten per cent, of the money paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would make us all rich. Why not keep the money at borne by building nr. industries at home. Fac tory and omce ai cwr r.i. . . . u r i.ii nl Rank. Dalles City and Moro Stasie Line. MJCaWO aasjsw .virwa T Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 s. m. prompt. T na it a a TTmatilla Hnnan. The Dalles! Tuesda'ys, Thvradays and Saturdays at 8 a. m. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lbs ; small packages, 15 and Too. Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, t2.50. AKVxluv t&v UUi."i ' ' and at wuiiams uuji, jxuxu. myCtf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Residence, Tenth and Liberty Streets. SURE CURE for PILES Itofainjr, ftod Blind, Bleedlag r frotrudlnv Pf ytoldat hw 'a DR. BO-SAM-KOS PILE REMEDY. f"i" itik. biwfcsi lutuor. A poaltive cure. oircuinta ii-oi irmm. rnos