The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 22, 1896, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Gbroolele
" Dr. C. B. Damn left this morning for
Mr. Frank Myers went to Lyle, this
Mr. Grant Maya is in the city from
The Mclnerny family left this morn
ing for Clatsop Beach.
Mr. W. O. Hadley and Mrs. Clark
went to Stevenson this morning. .
- Mrs. Stabling and son went to Stev
enson this morning.
Mr. F. VV. Wilson left for a short trip
to the coast this morning.
Mr. IT. Uerbrinpr left this morning
visit his family at Stevenson.
Prof. G. M. Irwin - left for Portland
this morning on the Regulator.
Mrs. Reynolds left for a two weeks1
onting to Sprague this morning.
. Mrs. L. L. McCartney left this morn
' ing for a visit with relatives in Albany,
Geo. Ernest Stewart left this after
noon for - Portland to be absent over
Mrs. Walter Moore of Moro left for
Clatsop beach on the Regulator this
morning. ' -
Mrs. Eliza McFarland went to Port
land yesterday to visit her eon, E. B,
Miss Grace Iiuer went to Walla
"Walla yesterday for a two weeks' ah
fsence among friends.
Attys. J. L. Story and Hayward Rid
dell left on a camping trip down the
river this morning.
Mrs. Charlotte D. Brown of San
Francisco, who has been visiting Mrs,
M. H. Roberts, returned home today.
The many friends of Mrs. . Capt
Wand will be pleased to learn tbat sbe
is recovering from an attack of tonsil
Mrs. E. E. Lytle and family and Mrs
W. H. Hobeon and family left for Clat
sop beach this morning to spend the
Mr. John H. Cradlebaugh left this
morning for the mines. He took his
eon with him and the young man was
'tieiigntea to go.
- Mr. Wesley Koontz, an old-timer of
The JJalleB. now of Portland, wbo has
been in Arlington for the past three
momns, is in tne city.
Messrs. Dan and Smith French re
turned from the beach today, and will
soon visit their ranch , interests ia the
southern part of the county.
Mr. L. C. Baker of Hosier was ia town
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left on the local
train for Newport to spend the heated
Mr. Carey Jenkins left today for As
toria, where he takes a position under
Mr. Ulenn.
Misses Mattie and Frankie FitzGerald
left this afternoon for San Francisco
after a visit of a few days with friends in
The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Barrett, who have
been living in Portland for the last year.
returned to me ualles yesterday to per
manentiy reside.
i Tuesday.
Jos, Folcoleft for the Locks this morn
Miss Etta Story left for Portland this
Mrs. S. H. Frazier went to Hood River
this morning.
' Rev. A. Bronsgeest went to the Locks
tbis afternoon.
Mr. Kerr, of Kerr & Buckley, went to
Portland this morning.
Mr. A. J. Dnfur left on the west
bound tram to join his family.
Mrs. E. C. Newman and little eon left
this morning for Portland.
Mr. L. Clark went to the mountains
near Wind river this morning, seeking
tne neart of nature.
Mr. and Mrs. Biggs, Miss Ethel Dem
ing and Mies Gertrude Davis left for
Clatsop beach this morning.
Mrs. John Parrot and family and Mies
Allen left for Mount Hood this morning
to oe absent several weeks-
Mies Emma Morse, wbo baa been in
"the city for the past two weeks visiting
me lamiues 01 Messrs. Butler and Kacb,
returned to Portland this morning.
Mr. I. C. and Miss Julia Nickelsen
went to Hood River this morning, where
Mies Julia will remain. Mr. Nickel sen
will return this evening with Miss Clara
When you find a person who has tried
Simmons Liver Regulator you are eure
to bear them eay something in us favor.
Mrs. G. T. Judy, Blue Grass. 111., re
cently wrote: "I cannot do without
Simmons Liver Regulator Bince I know
' the value of it as a family medicine."
And Dr. W. P. Gibbs, of Beaufort, S. C,
eaye: "I prescribe Simmons Liver Reg
ulator, and know it to be a first-class
liver medicine."
Through trains on the O. R. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen
dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec
ond class will run in connection with the
Union Prcific, the same as heretofore.
- .A through first-class sleeper from Port
land to Spokane, connecting with the
. first-class eleeper to St. Paul and a
through tourist eleeper from Portland to
St. Paul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway.
E. E: Lytle. Aeent.,
, Lost A dark Jersey cow, branded
CL on left hip. Hae been from home
since Wednesday morning, June 24th.
Finder ' will please communicate with
Bill! Allowed.
The following is a partial list of the
bills examined and allowed at the July
term of the circuit court :
John Gorton, witness grand jury .$13 00
Viola Gorton do ., 13 00
A Keaton, justice fees ' 8 SO
E M Sntitt, diet atty tees, Mate vs
Edwards et al ...
Fred Chandler, justice feeB, State
10 00
vs John Stoy 6 90
Fred Chandler, justice fees, state
vs Jfiil htoy . . . v
J2 00
Clark Dough ton, constable fees in
State vs John Stoy
Frank Dean, constable fees, State
7 00
vs Ed Stoy
11 00
Alice Kenney, witness fees 1
W H Farlow do
W H Kennev do
A Keaton, justice fees, State vs '
Thomas..... .:.... "i 60
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies 86 65
Senfert & Condon Telephone Co,
messages 1 '40
Jos T Peters & Co, bills rendered . 98 96
W T Hibbard, preparing election
booths 1 23
J R Nickelsen, services as deputy
sheriff on election 6 00
T A Wilhelm, use ot room for elec- .
tion s 2 50
S W Arnold, making booths. .' 5 00
Wright & McManamy.bridge lum
ber and election booths 27 00
T C Dallas, hall rent, election 2 00
A Stewart, rent polling place 2 00
F A Young, messenger election re
turns 10 00
Polk Butler, use of building for
election 8 00
W J Davidson, making election
booths 2 00
Albert Fleischauer. 6 00
Walter Klindt 6 00
M Deitzenmuller 3 00
M P Isenberg 6 00
B Thurston : 6 00
Thos Haslam 6 00
Albert McKainy,. 3 00
Uueh (Junsman b uu
E Doyle 6 00
Will U Adams 3 uu
Hueh Morebead 6 00
Geo Gordon
3 00
W Richards . . .
3 00
G Bolton
J McCorkle
Hugh Jackson.
3 00
Frank Dean . . .
Davis Hix
3 00
3 00
Geo Young 3 00
Chas Wallace 6 00
8 FBly the... 6 00
U b Shoemaker : . . . o uu
C J Hayes .. 6 00
A a Billings. UU
H S Richmond 3 00
S M Baldwin 3 00
CEMarkham : 6 00
OPMcFall.... 6 00
W S Gribble -.4 3 00
GW Graham.... 3 00
J N Mosier 3 00
J J Lynch 3 08
A E Lake 3 00
S G Ledford 3 00
A E Stewart j. 6 00
M E Miller 6 00
O L Paquet 3 00
J R Cunningham 3 00
C G Hickok 6 00
W M Frame 6 00
C M Wolfard 6 00
J B Hunt.. .: 6 00
John M Davis 3 00
FA Young 3 00
8 S Johns 6 00
B F Miller 6 00
Roger B Sinnott 6 00
GGGibons 6 00
Ed G Patterson 6 00
D C Herrin 6 00
John A Taylor 6 00
D Parish 6 00
Albert S Roberts 3 00
B Haverlv 3 00
Omer Butler 3 00
F C Clausen : 3 00
Newton Patterson . 3 00
WE Campbell 3 00
W Nolin .: "3 00
W H Staats 3 00
V LHelfrich 6 00
Frank H Watts. 6 00
V P Steers 3 00
Asa Stogsdill 3 00
L Lamb 3 00
S D Fisher 3 00
ID Driver 3 00
B Savage 3 00
Jas R Woodcock 3 00
P Ward 3 00
f W Glavey 3 00
EPWiliiams 3 00
James Ward 3 00
James Kelly . . 3 00
N W Wallace 6 00
Wm Kelsay 6 00
Thos Harper 6 00
J IS Alanley 3 00
Li Al Woodside 3 00
II T Coram 3 00
C A Stewart 6 00
A M Barnett 6 00
T H Williams 6 00
F M Jackson : 6 00
B Rand 6 00
S J La P ranee 6 00
R R Hinton 3 00
H C Rooper 3 00
(jeo Dodd .'. 3 00
John M Marden 6 00
GM Sterling 6 00
JJoherty . . . : 6 00
L Story 6 00
N H Gates ; . 6 00
CE Bayard.. 6 00
John Cates ." 6 00
S B Adams 6 00
M Huntington.. 6 00
R E Williams . 6 00
John Blaser 6 00
W Adams 6 00
C Egbert 3 00
E K Russell :. 3 00
James Fnlton 3 00
August Deckert. 3 00
DL Bolton 3 00
W L Ward ... 3 00
E W Trout 3 00
Geo W Rice .-. 3 00
Polk Butler 3 00
H Tavlor. .. 3 00
H E Moore ; , 3 00
WH Williams .. 3 00
R Doyle 4 . : 3 00
A J Brown 3 00
James Le Due 3 00
M Thompson 3 00
P O'Brien . 3 00
Edward Bohna .v. : . . 6 00
Monroe Heisler 6 00
W L Harrington. 6 00
id Ubaistiaa 3 00
Van Woodruff 3 00
M M Morris............ 3 00
Troy Shelley, examination teach
ers and expenses. 17 00
Anna M Lang, assistant. ........ 15 00
J T Neff, assistant 15 00
A M Williams & Co, mdse paupers 3 50
Geo D Barnard & Co, records and
supplies for county ........... .373 53
John Donohue 9 75
Pease & Mars, mdse Mrs Puckett. . 5 00
B H Patrick & Co, rubber stamps 13 50
J M and M B Mnrchie, man and
team delivering ballot boxes. . . 10 00
Amos Root, viewing county road. 2 00
J P Carroll, " " . 2 00
Jas Brown, " " . 2 00
E F Sharp, surveying counlv road 12 00
A E Lake, bridge lumber, dist No
24...:. 7 42 56
Oregon Pine Lumber Co, bill ren- .
dered 81 26
Times-Mountaineer, publishing. . 22 00
Ward, Kerns & Robertson, use of
team and wagon 2 50
G P Crowell, mdse pauper 3 50
Jos T Peters & Co, lumber and
supplies county road 179 45
A Stewart, mdse pauper 5 00
Meston & Dygert, supplies clerk's 6 00
Chronicle Pub Co, election tickets
and publishing -81 00
F A Ricblieu, juror Inq Snickel . .
F D Hill, " " ..
W N Staats, " " " ...
John Reagen, " "
RDTryon. " "
Mrs Lucy Snickel, wit Inq Snickal
Lena Sniekal " . " 1
P Tryon, .... i
James Snickal, " " 1
Bat Snickal, " 1
W H Butts, coroner's fee 21
C F Stephens, juror inq Conroy .-.$ 1
F N Hill,
S B Adams,
T H Clark,
J E Barnett, "
D S Dufur,
W M Armstrong, wit.
Wm Harding, "
inq Conroy
J P Kirby,
J H Graham,
FS Gunning, . "
H Cloneb.
W H Butts, coroner's fee . . ... 16
J B Crossen, juror inq Russell
W G Kerns,
FD Hill,
Paul Kreft.
Frank Hill.
Fred Wickkam, wit inq Russell. . 2
Pat Kelly,
J J Hogan, ' . "
W II Butts, coroner's fees. .
Chas Malander, juror inq King
16 05
E C Wiley,
F F Shaw, . " .
DS Dufur, . " . "
John McCoy, " " .
C G Greene, witness inq King. .
J C Lewis, " "
JohnTrana. " " ...
W H Bntts, coroner's fees 21
E F Sharp, surveying ... 12 00
J P Mclnerny, clothing pauper. . . 1 75
IC Nickelsen, sup school supt. . . 10 25
W A Johnson, supplies pauper 15 00
Irwin Ilodson, supplies election
and county ....: 88 20
Frank Kramer, remit poll tax. . . . I 00
Mary A Butler, remit school tax
Dist No 23 : . 2 85
Pease & Mayo, sup Mrs Puckett. . 5 00
Columbia Hotel, board and lodg
ing paupers 8 75
M P Potter, on salary sup Dist No '
3 40 00
G W Phelps, dist atty fees 30 00
Julius Wiley, witness grand jury. 2 00
G P Morgan, work on county maps 42 50
Jacobsen Book and Music Co, sup- -plies
county .-. '2 00
Henzie, moving chairs . . .' 75
Hannon, hauling dirt from alley 1 00
J F Haworth, legal forms 3 50
R Brookhonse, hauling lumber. . . 5 00
Gunning & Hockman, blacksmith 4 50
H Barto 1 00
H W Wait 2 00
James Hurst 1 00
Aueust Deckert 1 00
J A Bolton 3 00
J P Abbott 7 00
Geo Borstel 7 00
EOdell 15 00
M S Evans. 2 00
H A Baker 2 00
William Brookhonse ( 100
A Woodcock 6 00
M Butler 7 00
Joe Hurst 3 00
E H King 1 00
Dick Southwell 5 00
E P Butler 3 00
A Y Marsh 1 00
Will C Adams , 1 00
CPRagsdale 1 00
C A Easton 5 00
M C Painter 1 00
8 V Mason 1 00
E W Trout 5 00
C R Egbert 8 00
Win Shelley 3 00
Henry McNuItv 1 00
ER Reno 1 00
Jake (Indian) 2 00
Guy Southwell 1 00
M 8 Evane 5 00
W A B Campbell 20 00
John M Lower 1 00
M Thorburn - 8 00
Skikas Gray . . 1 00
H C McKamey 4 00
Chas Deckert 1 00
Wm Savey 3 00
M S Adams '. : 2 00
John M Roth.. 1 00
M S Evans 2 00
F C Clausen 2 00
W J Davidson 1 00
Stockmen's Union 71 00
Park Bolton 7 00
F W Griffith 7 00
Lonia Schadwitz 6 00
Frank Gabel 15 00
W A B Campbell 1 00
Frank Leiblen 1 00
Mike Abnet - 3 00
F C Wagonblast 3 00
Lemuel Burgess 13 00
M r woodcock 3 00
Jim Henan 2 00
John Sweeney,' board and care
Mrs Stanley two months... 28 00
TW Glavey : 5 00
CA Stewart , 9 00
Geo Rice.. 3 00
James Le Due. . . . . . '. . . .' 4 00
W L Harrington. . 3 00
W H Williams 2 60
Polk Butler . . 3 40
GWReno.,.. 8 20
F M Jackson 4 40
8 FBly the 4 40
Van Woodruff 7 00
B Savage 7 00
H T Coram 9 00
M K Miller , k 13 00
jubor ciEctrrr coobt.
J C Baldwin.... 2 00
E C Bayard . . . ; . . . . 2 00
C V Champlin.
12 00
16 60
J W Morrieou .
John Daruielle.
H C Liebe
Hans Hansen . .
13 80
6 00
6 00
Master Items.
Mosier, Or, July 20, 1896.
Editor Chronicle:
Lee Hunter leaves today for Los An
geles, Cal. .
Mrs. JSen Miller and son arrived on
No. 8 from Portland on Saturday, on
visit to her father, Mr. II. A. Baker.
The O. R. & N. Co. are constructing a
new water tank here, Mr. Cook and his
gang doing the work.
It never gets too warm for Mosierites
to "trip the light fantastic." It was at
tested by the large attendance at Charlie
Cramer's platform dance on Saturday
The people of Mosier have bad an op
portunity the last week of doing a kind
and Christian act in signing the petition
which Mr. L. C. Baker has been circulat
ing for bis appointment as postmaster at
this place. Tho6e who wish to live np
to tbat golden rule, and who are ac
quainted with Mr. Baker and his cheer
ful, but afflicted wife, aad know the diffi
culties nnder which he has had to labor,
are more than plea?rd at the opportunity
afforded, in helping him to secure a posi
tion which will help support bioi and
allow him lo be at to wait on his
helpless wife. It is gratifying that there
are so few who are not inclined to help
Mr.Baker out in hi? endeavor to help
himself. - Novus Homo.
The Czar's Court Pianist.
There is a pretty little story told of
Raul Kaulouski, the Polish boy of only
eight years, who is court pianist to the
ezar of Russia. At the close of one ol
his concerts last winter all the women
pushed eagerly to the front in order to
kiss him. The little fellow stood there
gracefully, receiving it all. Finally one
little woman who could not reach him
threw1 bim a rose. This act inspired an
other to throw him her breastpin. He
took the rose and. smilingly kissed it;
but, picking up the jeweled pin, with a
polite bow, lie passed it back to its
owner. San Frnpciscri ftronicle.
. For Infants and Children.
Caa toria. promote XigrHon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Soar
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatoria. contains
Morphine or other narcotic properly.
"Outoria is Mtrell adapted to children (hat
I reoommend it aa superior to any prescription
.mown to me." n. &. ajicher, u. u.,
HI South Oxford SU, Brooklyn, N. T.
14 For several years I hare reoommeilSed your
' Ctstoria,' and rh&ll always continue to do BO.
as I line i.m4BMlTnHdllM h.nAfln(nl 1 fc ,l
Edwih F. Pardsb, M. D.,
, 125th Street and Jth Ave Hew York City.
"The use of 'Castor! is so universal and
its merits po well known that It reems a work of
surjereroeauon to endorse it. Few are the In.
teiJigent families who do not keep Caatoria
rttnm easy reacn."
Carlos Harttk, D. D.,
New York City.
Thb Csszaus CouPAirr, 77 Murray Street, N. T.
Notice is hereby riven that th following list
oi warrants nave been lssueo lor more man
seven years prior to the first dny of July, 1896,
and are now remaining in the office of the
County Clerk of Wasco County Or., uncalled
lor, ana unless saia warrants are preoentea lor
pay men t within sixty days from said July 1st,
in accordmce with section two, Laws of Oregon,
page lHoo, tne same win do cancelled ana pay
meut thereof will be refused.
o For
Date of w what To whom
Issue. Issued. Issued. Amt
July 7, 1888 348129 Juror E. A. . Weber T2b
July 9, 1' 88 393 29 Chnmn W. H. Weist 2 00
Sept. 10. 1888 511'29 Witness Frai ciB White 1 70
8ept 10, 188 537 2(1 Witness Tnos. Williams 1 70
Sept 10, 1888 524 29 Witness Thos. Williams 1 70
Sept. 10, 1888 50829 Witness James White 1 70
The above is a list of warrants remaining in
the Clerk's office for more than seven years.
By order of County Court,
A. il. KELSAY, County Clerk.
; JlyI5-5t
Money Loaned.
First mortgages on improved property nego
tiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages
upon improved farms in Oregon, Washington
and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign cap
italists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages
renewed tbat have been taken by other compa
nies now out of business. Address (with s ump)
Msrvin Swabtz,
jull5-tf Baker City, Or.
U. S. Land Office, Thb Dalles,)
June 19. 1896. t
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Lewis C. Baker of Hosier. Oregon, against
fuuii o perry lor BDanaoning nis nomesieaa en
try Ho. 8382, dated January 18,1890, upon the
"HSEJand Y. 8W, 6ection 20, Township 2
N Kange 12 E, in Waeco County, Oregon, with a
view to the cancellation ot said entn , the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at this
land office on the Slst day of July, 18, at 10
o'clock a. m. to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said aliened abandonment
Jyl-i JAS. F. MOOKE, Register.
Dalles City and Moro Stage Line.
Leaves Williams Hotel, Moro, on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
8 a. m. prompt.
Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Tnesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at
8 a. m. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c
per 100 lbs; small packages, 15 and 25c.
Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro,
$1.50; round trip, $2.50. .
Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles,
and at-Williams Hotel, Moro.
mj6tf . DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop.
1 if I V v m
1 II . ZS -i.
H PLUO. ( v J If
I Off fora Six Months' Trip. m j
No matter how much you arc
charged for a small piece of other
-brands, the chew is no better than
"Battle Ax."
get almost twice as
other high grade
President of the United States
will, as always, be found in the thickest of the fight, battling vigorously for sonnd
business principles, which will bring prine prosperity to the cation.
The New York WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not only the leading: Eennblicari,
paper of the country, bnt is pre-eminently a national family newspaper.
Its campaign news and diacassions will interest every American citizen.
AH the news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural department,
market reports, short stories complete in each number, comic pictures, fashion
plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest,
make np an ideal family paper. We furnish tlie "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and
"New York Weekly Tribune" (both papers),
tions may begin at any time. Address all oiders
uress on a posiui cam, sena it to ieo. w. Best,
sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune
When yog otaot
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley,Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything n the Feed Line, go Jo the
Our prices are low and onr goods are firet-claps.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBUEG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the Sooth Side
This large and popular House ooes the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House In the city, and at tne low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - first CJass Teals, 25 Cerpts
.' Office for mil Btag-e Lines leaTlnf The Dalles for all
points In Eastern Oregon and 1 as tarn Washington.
In this Hotel. ..
Corner of Front and Union Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS, ProprV
JU cents you
much as of
The regular subscription price of the two papers is 12.75. Snbscrlp.
to Chronicle Pub. Co. .Write your name auu i-
Koom 2, rnoune Buuaing, new xoric city, ana a
will be mailed to you.
to bay