The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 01, 1896, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
"', .- Mr. Hugh Glenn went to the Locks
today. .
Mr. F. W. Wilson of French fc Co
- lack, left for Portland this afternoon.
. ' Mm. Kitty White of Portland has been
visiting Mr. Mayhear ot s-Miie ana re
?' tarned home today.
Wm. Stephenson of Mosier was in
; today today, buying Fourth of July ma-
- tenal for a celebration there. .
- 4- Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Worth of
3forth Yakima, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mr. Emit Schanno for some
.time, left for home this morning. They
' ' were accompanied by Miss Alma
.' Echanno.
... Monday's Daily. '
Mr. O. B. Looney of Mitchell is in the
',. -city. ..
Mr. Geo. Bellinger of Mosier was in
town today. - .
; Mr. D. M. French returned today
- from Portland. ..."
Mr. A.. 8. Blowers of Hood Eiver
anie np today.
' Mr. and Mrs. Croisfleld left for Port
land this afternoon. , ......
. Miss Williams returned to Portland
yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. H. W
French.' -
Miss Florence Campbell, who has
' been visiting Mies Hattie Cram, left for
her home in Oregon City this afternoan.
Miss Ida Fobs, who has been teaching
echool in the 3-Mile district, finished
, her duties there Friday last, and re
. tarned t.i her home in Hood River.
' ' ' . Tuesday.
Mrs. Katie Roach went to Portland
this morning by the Regulator. - '
. Mrs. Chas. Stona left this morning
- for two weeks absence in Seattle.
Messrs. Ed. Patterson and Vivian
French have returned from a short trip
to lygn.
Mr. ilernck, the canneryman, re
turned today from the Cascades, where
he reports a poor run of salmon.
: Mr. Frank Menefee is down with an
attack of bronchitis, and consequently
, .did not preside at the council meeting
last night.
Mr. Robt. A. Langhlin of Wapinitia
-' was in the city today. He reports that
the raiu aBsuired full crops upon those
', farms where it felt.
Mr. J. H. Cradlebangh returned from
a trip to the Mt. Adams country last
. night. He turned back with five others
, before reaching the eud of his journey,
owing principally . to the absence of
Crass for horses. Eight others went
ahead with packs to the camp." The
country is yet full of snow. Mr. Cra
dlebangh will make another start in
about a month.
Corralling Thieves.
Isaac Hildebrand and F. W. Williams
were apprehended yesterday as thieves,
and are now in the county jail. . These
are the men who were mixed up in the
Indian case the other day. They have
a camping place on 3-Mile, which serves
as headquarters for their operations, and
has hitherto been a secure cache for
stolen articles.
Mr. Theodore Seufert purchased Sat
urday a bag of beans, some rolls of but-
- ter and a crate of strawberries, which he
left on the porch at the house five miles
up the river. .n the morning .the
things were gone. They, were not to be
lound on the place, and observing some
tracks leading toward the creek, Mr.
Seufert followed them. They led to the
rendezvous of the men aforementioned,
and about the first thing Mr. Seufert
. iw was his sack of beans on a dry
goods box which is used for a table,
The men were asleep. He returned to
- the cannery and came back with one or
two of his men. The thieves, not know
ing, of Mr. Seufert's first visit, and now
-'being awake saw the party coming and
hastily snatched the bag of beans from
the table and hid it in the brush. The
. action was observed by the 1 Seufert
party. . Arriving at the camp Mr. Seu
fert asked where the beans were. This
. incensed the man, who commenced cabl
ing Seufert names and assumed a very
disagreeable manner. Mr. Seufert left
bis-men-with instructions to watch the
; thieves',; and he would, telephone the
sheriff. ' But while he was gone they
ran a bluff on the men and they left
The thieves then concealed themselves
in the brush about a mile distant.
:w w nen me tnerin arrived they were
-nowhere to be found, but Mr. Driver
-tnew; they could not have escaped him
because of the lay of the ground, and
that they were in hiding. He finally
caw .them, or rather the foot of one of
them, the rest of his person being out of
Bight in a clump of brush. He ordered
.them out. They then tried to bluff the
sheriff, but Driver don't bluff. He
chained them together while , in' the
brash, and walked them ahead of him
to the county jail. -- : .
. ..Presented With a Gold Star.
-. Sheriff T. J. Driver was the recipient
of a token of : esteem yesterday which
masf have caused him to experience one
of the proudest moments of his life.
About two o'clock bwa9. snrprieed at
iaa residence by the McCoy laborers,
. and in amazement listened to a presen
. tation speeph offering him a gold star by
- Mr. Erickson, spokesman of the party..
' In substance Mr. Erickeen said he de
sired on behalf of himself and the men
to extend a token of their admiration for
the conscientious discharge of his duties
' and in - recognition of. his interest for
.their cause, r Thd sheriff was visibly af-
fected and made a shert speech in ans
wer. Ha. said he. was prouder to be the
recipient of such a gift from such a
source than, the most expensive one
money could bay from men of wealth or
title. - He would treasure it .as a token
of sincere approbation cominlg from the
hearts of those who gave it.
. The star is a plain gold one, bearing
the inscription, ''Presented -to T. J.
Driver, eheriff of Wasco County, Or.'f
Mr. Driver has reason to be proud of the
token. It came from the scanty and
half-paid earnings of the workmen at
the McCoy ditch, Mr, Driver's sympa
thies beinz exhibited in behalf of the
men instead of their employer.
Hosier Items.
Mosiek, Or., June 25, 1896.
Editok Chronicle:
. Mrs. Hughes ot Montana is visiting
her friend, Mrs. A. L. Daggett.
Miss Katie Davenport returned home
this week from Eastern Oregon, where
she has been teaching..
Mr. G. L. Carroll completes his term
at No. 52 this week. ' '
Mr. F. M. Hunter and wife returned
to Portland on Tuesday, after spending
about a month on their ranch here.
Constable TJrquhart of your city visit'
d our burg last week on legal business,
Mr. E. H. Crosier's ' wife and the
Misses Gist returned to Hood River on
Thursday. Mr. Crosier goes to La
Grande to take charge of some property
Wonder if the late nominations at St
Louis had anything to do with the
building boom that seems to have struck
this place? Several new buildings are
under process of construction.
The lawn social and strawberry festi
val given at the residence of Mrs. Mo
sier on the 20th, although; lightly at
tended, was hugely enjoyed by all pres
ent. After a feast of berries, cream and
cake, music and games ruled the hour
The last consignment of strawberries
was shipped, last Monday. The ship
pers, Messrs. Crosier and Cramer, gave
an open-air dance at the latter s place
as a fitting wind-up for their pickers
and any others' who wished to attend.
Messrs. Roberts, Hunter,' Bennett and
Stevenson-furnished. the string music,
accompanied on the organ bv MiBS
Maud Smith and Mrs. J. N. Mosier.
The festivities were kept np until old
Sol was about to appear over the hills.
when the crowd dispersed, everyone
voting that a most ec lovable time had
been passed.
On account of the railroad company
not providing an agent here and better
facilities for the people who have busi
ness to do in the way of shipping their
products, several of our leading men are
talkiug strongly of getting the- boat
landing in shape for nee. There is
likely not another community with th
same population on the line of any rail
road in the state, that is treated with as
ittle consideration by a railroad com
pany and yet transact as much business
with the people as the company does
with the residents of Mosier.
Having beard considerable specula
tion as to who "Hobo" was, I change
my nom de plume. Kovus Homo.
For Infant and Children.
Caatorta promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and . Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castorla contains so
Morphine or other narcotic property. :
"Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
."tnown to me.1 H. A. Archer, H. !..
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
For several years I have recommeriSed your
Castoria," and shall always continue to do so.
"The use of 'Castorla is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it poems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent) families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Habttv, I). D.,
The CrcrrACB Ooufavt, 77 Hurray Street, N. T.
, V Fbidav, July 3. '.
Ball Games and Horse Kacing. n .
Satubdav, July 4, .' .
Procession.' .- Reading of tbe Declaration.
. Oration. . Barbecue.
Bicycle and Foot fiacee for Prizes. '
The citizens of Tbe Dalles and vicinity are
cordially invited to come and participate with
this end of the county in a season oi tun. frolic
aud patriotism.
Opinion Divided as to Blaming tbe
Governor for tno Fact.
. There is come dissatisfaction among
the militia that no encampment is to be
held this year. There has been $10,000
appropriated for it, and it had been de
cided to hold it at Hood River, but ow
ing to the expense connected with the
Astoria trqubles. Gov. Lord has decided
to annul the encampment, using the
funds allowed the militia for- the en
campment to reimburse the state for the
expenses incurred on account of the
strike at Astoria.
- This displeases Eome of the militia
men, who are inclined to censure Gov.
Lord quite severely for ruling out the
encampment, believing that only in
this way can they gain the necessary
experience in drilling that fits them for
active service in timeNrf need. Then
there .is the disappointment, though
they did not mention it, of tbe pleasure
a summer outing would afford, combin
ing pleasure , with business. Col. Pat
terson, when seen by a reporter, said
that adverse criticism ' should be with
held until a knowledge of the reasons of
Gov. Lord could be r obtained. He
said ' the ' facts would .. show . that
the feeling of the- taxpayers was tor
economy, and that with the $10,000
bnrden for the encampment, added to
the expense of tbe Astoria incident, they
might take such eteps as would lead to
the disbandment of the militia as a use
less expense.. In. conclusion he af
firmed that Gov. Lord's reasons
were all sufficient to satisfy anyone
of the wisdom of bis judgment, and
that it would be best to hear them be
fore condemning him therefor.
River Keadinsjs.
Umatilla, 24.7; rise of .3
. Wenatchee, 43.2; rise of 1.2
Lewis ton, 16.9 ; fall of .1
I! "Takes the Cake :
You may have " money to
bum" but even so, you needn't
throw it away For JO cents you
get almost twice as much "Battle
Ax' ' as you do of other high grades
for the same monev. J ;
Pew York Weekly Tribune
Of November 4th, 1896. : : . '
tbe leading Rennblican famllv nemmtmrof the
nfthn fl.,. IntAimiHnir ,a ..m. . ..(
''Also general news In attractive form:
wunu. an aKiH:uiuitti ucpitriiiirQ(ftwona 10 none in loenouucrT; snerKct reporis voicn are rec
ognized authority; fasninatipg short stories, complete In each number; the cream of the humor
ous papers, foreign ana domestie, with their best comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate de
scriptions of woman's attiie, with a varied and attractive department of household interest The
"New York Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any
other weekly publication in the country issued from ehe otflos of a daily. Large changes are being
made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the
women and young people . f the household. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid
journal and the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle" for ..
CASH IN . ADVANCE. The regular subscription price of tbe two papers is 2.75. Subscrip
tions may begin at any time. Address all orders to Chronicle Pub. Co. Write your name and ad
dress on a pmital card, send it to Geo. W. Rest, Knnm 2, Tribune Building, New York Ci'y, anda
sample copy of Tha New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you. i . .
. U.&Ukd Omca, TbiDiuu,)
-. . June 19. 18. I
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Lewis C. Baker of Mosier. Oregon, against
John Sperrv for abandoning his homestead en
try No. 3382, dated January 18, lfr90, upon the
wtfSEand SW, Section 20, Township 2
N Kange 12 E, in Wasco County, Oregon, with a
view to the cancellation oi said entr, the said
arties are hereby summoned to appear at this
and office on the 81st day of July, l(96, at 10
o clock a. m. to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged abandonment
jyl-i JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Rpcond and
Streets, opp.
We are now settled in our new quarters, and
are prepared to do all kinds of work in onrliue.
We make Corsets, Ladies' Dress Reform WaiBts,
Misses' and Children's Walrts. Abdominal Bands
or-Supports of various fctvles. These goods are
all made to order; a good fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why not patronize borne industry? If this
western country had ten percent of the money
paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why nut keep the money at
borne by building up indrtstrtes at home. Fac
tory and office at corner Second ai d Washington
; entrance at First National Bank.
Card of Thanks. -
Death, with it's icy hind, has-suddenly
removed a loved one from our midst,
and in tbe hour , of sorest trial, kind
friends smoothed the pillow of the dying
and tenderly ministered to tbe wants of
the living, and' - we wish to take this
method of expressing the sincere grati
tude which we feel towards the number
less friends, who, by their acts, illus
trated what true friendship iB.
Mb. and Mbs. C. E. Bayard.
TTntted Rtatm. will nnhlish all tha liH-Rl ticwi
. .. .1; 1 1 . i
Ttnreitm rvrreBTVn rl n .t. jmrprfncr thA nMVR nf tho
"The Regnlator Line'
Tie MetFortei and " Astaria
Navigation Co.
Fieioat ana PassBnger Lias
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and" Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves Tht
Dalles at 8 a. m., connectingat tbe Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles, City leaves Portland
(Oak si 'cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing wilii Steamer Regulator for The
One way
Bound trip....
.$2 XX)
. 3.00
Ratss Greatly Reduced.
All freight,- except car lots,
will be brougJU through, with
out. delay at Cascades:
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night, i-hipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m.. Live stock shipments solicted,
uaii on or address,
Oenerml Agent-
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
. KAKflO
Through' Tickets
For information, time cards, maps and ticket
cat on or write to
. v W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
" The Dalles, Oregon
. - OB "
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A..
255, Morrison Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
v Denver
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
STEAMERS Leave Portland
Every: Five . Sara for
For full details call on O. B. & Cn.'s Agent . t
Tha Dalles, or addresa
W, H. HUBLBUET, Gen. Pass. Agt
".. . Portland, Oregon
'. New Sebedule. ', - ;
Effective Toeaday, April 7th, the fol
lowing will be the new echednle : - '
Train JNo. 1 arrives at roe Dalles 4 :50
m., and leaves 4:55 a. m.
Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40
p. m., ana leaves iu:4t p. m.
Xrain no. a arrives at rne Danes lz:uo
m., and west-boand train No.' 7 leaves
at 2:3(rp. -
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav-
incr The Dalles at 1 r. m. daily and ar-
priving at The Dalles lp. m. daily, con
necting with tram JNos. 8 ana rrom
Portland. . E. E. Lttle,
. " . . Agent.
dolAlo liio
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Tra'ns leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
FROX JUKE 23, 1895.
rets, Balein, Rose- '
I burg, Ashland, Sne
I raniento, Ogden.baU !
Franclbeo, Jlojave, f
I Los Angeles.El Paso,
I New Orleans and I
1 East I
8:oO P.M.
8:10 A. M.
8:30 A. M,
Roaeburg and way td
tion s
I Via Woodburn fori
MLAngel, Hllverton,
West 8c(o, Browns-
ville.Sprtngaeld aud
Natron I
1.40 P.M.
' Sunday;.
N:00 P. M
Salem and way stations
10.00 A.M.
t 8:25P.M.
7:30 A. M.
luorvains ana wayi
stations ( '
(McMinnvllle and)
way stations
M: P. M.
Daily. . f Dully, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets U all points in tbe Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart irom
Grand. Central Station, Fifth and I streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jctterson street;
Leave for OSWEfK), week days, at 6:00, 7:20,"
10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:65,5:15,6:80 p. m., 8:00 p. m.,
and 11:30 p. in. on Saturday only.
' Arrive at Portland, 7 : 10, 8 :30, 11 ;2S a. m., 1:90,
4:15, 6:20, 7:40, ;05 p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week davs. t 4:80 n. iri
Arrive at Portland, 9:80 a. m.
Leave for AIRLLE on Monday, Wednesday and
Friaay at 9:40 a, m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. in.
Snnday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30, 9:00,
11:00a. m., 12:40, 2:00, 3:30, 5:30, 6:50 p.m.
Arrive at Portland at 12:35,8:40, 10:30 a. m
12:15, 1:50, 3:15, 4: 16, 6:30, 7:55 p. m.
Manager. Asst. G. F. dt Pass. Agt.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Wasco on the 15th day of June, 181)0,
in a suit therein pending wherein R P. Keyes
is plaintiff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor,
The State of Oregon, as trustee for tbe use of tbe
common school fund of Wasco County, John
Barger,- Joseph A. Johnson and C. W. Cather,
and tbe Columbia Bivcr Fruit Company, a cor
poration, are defendants, to me directed and '
commanding me to sell at publio sale tbe south
east quarter of the southwest quarter, and the
southwest quarter of Me s mtheast quarter of
tec (ion seven, township one north of range
thirteen, east of the Willamette Meridian, con
taining el. hty acres more or less, and also tbe
following bounded parcel of land, situated in
said county, to wit: Commencing at the north
east corner of the northwest quarter of the
northest quarter of section eighteen, township
one north of range thirteen, east of the Willam
ette Meiidian; thence west on the section line
326 feet to a point; thence south 35 degrees east
404 feet to a point; thence north 44 degrees 60
minutes, east 132 feet; thence north 237 feet to
the olace of beginning, and containing one and
one half acres, together with all and singular
the tenements aud hereditaments thereunto be
longing cr in anywise appertaining, to satisfy
the sum of 11015.95 and accruing interest and
$100 attorney's fees, and $25 costs and disburse
ments, and $11.50 taxe;, I will on the 18th duy of
July, 18U6, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the courthouse door in Dalles City, Ore
gon, sell to the highest bidder for cat.h in band.
all of tbe above described real property.
1. J. tlftlY Kit,
Jnl7-i Sheriff of Wasco County.
' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of C. V. Lane, de
ceased, will, on Saturday, the 20th day of June,
imo, at z o cioca in me aiternoon oi saia aay, at
the front door of the county courthouse in
Dalies Citv. Wasco Countv. Oregon, sell at iub
lie auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash in
band, the following described real estate, be
longing to the estate of said deceased, to-wit:
Lot two (2) in Block two Wi in Ualrd's Addi
tion to the town of Antelope, Wasco County,
Oregon, being 47 feet by 100 feet between Main
and Baird streets, and also a strio of land 47 feet
by 100 feet in Baird's First Addition to said town
of Antelope, adjoining said lot No. two (2) on the
west, and both said parcels of Jnnd taken to- '
getber and as a whole being 47 feet in width by
200 feet in length and lying and being iltuaUd'
between Main and Baird streets la suid town of
Antelope. aid sale will be made subject to '
that certain morteaee given bv said deceased to
Francis M. Dial, recorded in book "L" Kecorrts
of Mortgages for Wasco County, Oregon, at
page 270; said mortgage being dated January
7tn, 189;), and upon which there is now duo
abont the sum of f 1600.
Dated tals 18th day ol May, 1896.
Administrator of tbe estate of C. V . Lane.
deceased. my20-6t-i
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Hon. County
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county,
as administrator of tbe estate of Anna Francis
Carlson, deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same to me at
my ollice in Dalles City properly verilled within
six months from the date oi this notice.
Dated May 12, 1896.
Administrator ot the estate of Anna Francis
Carlson, deceased. myl6-5eit-
For Rent.
The lower storv of the Michelbach block, cor
ner of Second and Union streets, now vacant,
will be rentsd on a long or short-time lease at
reasonable figures. . ,-
Also tbe Mlcbelbacii garden and irnit orcnara.
with buildings for occupation. Applv to George
Williams, administrator of the Michelbaca
estate. t apr3-tl
Bays, Grays and Sorrels, from 4 to 8
years old, lo hands and 1 inch nigh;
mast be sound, clean-limbed and in gooa
condition ; also gentle under saddle.
win purchase horses at ward, ierns
Robertson's stable, Tbe Dalles, Ore
gon, on. July 22d and 23d, 1896. -
jnn24-2w; WM. FRAZIER."
P' Cfcfelmrrs Ena-Iha DtaaMad BraaJ.
rfTWiK alcrmr rsliahlM r,r. .w
wraww tor t,iuM4ier AioiaA Dia-f
mond Brand In Red and Gold mtuilieV
Ihoxca, Mld with bin ribbon. Take
no other. Refis f'mttaerouM MAirnu.
tin md imitation. At Iinmini aiii.
Id ftunpg for particular, testiamoLali aud
"KeUeTfar ..adit," in tXtar, by rvrfvra
Malt. 10,0OTitloKoiU. tfmm Miyf.
r h eater Caafe4 CMjm! Um m im
. uai
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