The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 13, 1896, PART 2, Image 2

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The. Weekly Gtooniele
Secretary of State
. .WTP. Lord
H R Kincald
Phillip Jletschan
f .
Buploi Public Instruction...:. G. M; Irwin
Attorney-General C M. Jdlemnn
waters .......... ........ jj.'H. MitcheU
: v J ..',( R. . Hermann
-.AJUgraouieu... jW R
BUte Printer ...... v. . W. H . Leeds
what men are the Jbost for
the respective offices.
..Geo. C. Blakeley
T. J. Driver
...........i.A. M.-Kelmy
; Vim. Micheli
(Frank Kincald
1 A - 8. Blowers
Aerr ' ....:.. H. Wakefield
Bunreyor . ..................... C ...... - .E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy aneiiey
nofoner . W. H. ButU
, County Judge.......
Treasurer.... ......
Commissioners. ; . .
Tim Crea(n rlplecntinn - to aL
... , Louis has an important duty to per
form" Not only will its members
. nart.iofnnf o. in' t.hA nntninfition . of a
. i . :
presidential candidate anil in the
' adoption of a platform, but the task
-- is oeiore (.uem aiau ui ei Hiiimus iu
the Republicans of the East the true
meaning of the Oregon election.
The comments of newspapers from
" beyond tie Rockies are interesting
" . .i i . e ii. : : .
Some have interpreted the election
' as a triumph for free silver ; others a
victory for the sound monej' cause.
The Ponulists claim that both their
men .were elected, but counted out
through the cleverness of Republi
, can politicians, a charge for which'
r a... : , ..i l. !...!...,.(. e . .3 . :
' For the ignorance which exists in
tlia T ncf yn rr -r tltn' fin 11002 on1
, results of Oregon's vote, our .delega
tion must have explanation sufficient
to cause it to be dispelled. - The Re
' "publicans of the East must be told
. how the liarty in this state ' was
disorganized by the fratricidal war
among Portland politicians; how the
Republicans .went into conventions
1 hating one another worse than the
common enemy; how when Mr.
Elks was nominated not by a dirty
bargain, but fairly and honestly, as
things go in politics the bolt oc
curred and an independent candi
. oaie namect wno drew tnousanus or
"voies irom- me regular itepuDiican
iraa i n r) ttftf 01-1 "I stn4-mvi "7 .
trict was not fcught upon the money
uucfuur, us luiiiiv noutu uuve us
believe, but upon the protection is
sue. Thousands of Republicans
voted for Mr. V.llis. not liopansA f.hpv
ueiievea as ue aoes aoout irte coin
noe of silver, hnl. hpnmisp he was the
O 7 :
.regular Republican nominee and
" could be counted upon to work and
vote for protection to the wool m-
. A..,t...
' In the Second district a sound
money : man was chosen, not by
large majority it is true, because bis
vote, was cut through local causes,
: His opponent was a popular man,
who had taken a prominent part in
state affairs and conducted himself
with ability. There was also a dis:
satisfaction prevalent .over the turn
ing nown of Hermann, and in many
localities this operated to reduce
Tongue's vote. .
The lesson can be drawn that-a
divided house is' in danger of tom-
a .
oiing aown, ana tnat tne Republicans
must settle -their troubles before
: e .1 '
cjcitiiuu uay 11 luey wauu iu win.
Oregon .is not a free silver state.
,Sucb a conclusion does not follow
irom me narrow escape wmcn repub
lican congressional Candidates had.
When November; rolls around' and
ine people are called upon to choose
..between : a "" Republican ' nominated
uf.or, a spunq money piatrorm pro
. tected., m every plank and a free
..silver man, Oregon wil! give her reg
olation, old-time Republican major
ity. This is the message that our
delegation must carry- tot. Louis.
A, few monUis " ago the name of
Thomfts B. Reed was mentioned as
frequently and as earnest!- for the
presidency as was that of William
McKinley. The storm of McKin
leyism which - has Bwepfc over' the
country, carrying every candidate
ftefore it, has left Reed far to
one -side, till, the question "Will
he' accept the vice-presidency?" is
asked more frequently than "Can he
be nominated for the first place?", ;
- Conceding that the latter is im
possible, which, now seems very
likely, we do not think Mr. Reed
would view with pleasure the situa
tion of being an associate in a sec
ondary capacity, with McKinley on
the national' ticket . Reed's boom
started with too many flying colors
to come to such ' an end.. It would
be considered that the sacrifice would
not be one of dignity.
With 'the one exception of profit
ing by the untimely, cteatn 01 tne
president, the vice-presidency has
The Chicago' Democratic con'ven:
tion is almost sure to be repetition
of the Charleston convention in
There probably would have been 119
very serious split at Charleston, says
the Register, had 'there nQt been so
many contesting delegations. - Douj
las had a large following, and be
cause Buchanan's administration was
making . war upon him his . friends
were all the more determined ; to
stand be the "Little Giant.' The
consequence was, that there . were
enoush contestins delegates to do
a greay xlea'l of mischief, which they
did, and t hus made Mr. Lincoln's
election certain. ' ' The, combined
vote of Douglas and Breckinridge
was lnrger than the vote that gave
the presidency to the Republican
candidate. ' The administration left
no , stone Tunturned to cripple Doug
las and strengthen Breckinridge, but
although the - administration candi:
date received fewer votes than did
Douszlas the election of either was
made impossible. .
At the Chicago convention there
will be enough delegates for. two
conventions, and as the Jarty is so
make the rounds, visit all the others
- take notice of the quality, fit, and general
; make-up ; of their Clothing, consider the
price and quality " ' iiiiin!'"h '
And inspect one of the .largest and best
assorted stocks of
little to offer to a man of Reed's
calibre, and the exception mentioned badly split on. the leading question of
is not one that appeals to men of fine the times it does not appear how
feelings. The duties of the office do two conventions can be . avoided
not call for the exercise of great ad- The factions have, gone to the ut-
ministrative nor executive ability, most extreme on tne money ques-
Even the choice of appointing the tion. lea viua no jlace at all for a
various senate committees rests in compromise, unless tne suverites
the leaders of the dominant political surrendered practically ever3'thing
party, with concessions made to the they have been contending for.
minorities. If the vice-president be Under the circumstances the Cleve-
- 1
sufficiently versed in parliamentary land wing could not afford, to yield
law as not 10 make embarrassing an inch, lor they would be construed
blunders, he will finish his term with as meaninsr an official rebuke to the
In . Eastern Oregon. Do as we ask you
in the above and you are our customers..
We aim to please. , ,
A object Lesion In Bee Culture.
having added or detracted nothing
from his previous fame as a states
Mr. Heed s character is not or a
kind to suffer such restraint. His operation
position in the public eye is unique, tariff act
r resident, .who is, by virtue of- his
office, the first man of the paitj'.
. But 'there is still another wedge
playing havoc with the party.- The
of the Wilson-Gorman
has demonstrated the fal-
A great number of bees swarmed yes
terday afternoon at the corner of Second
and Washington streets, and the air was
filled with tliem. Mr. Geo. Rowland
secured a cowbell and, vigorously ring
iog it, they began settling In the arc
light reflector in the center of the street,
about thirty feet from the irround.
tie is Known as ine man wno nas lacy ot tne democratic tarin ineo- arge crowd gathered to watch results
broken' the idols ot antiquity in the ries; besides there are now so many In a few minutes the last bee had set
bouse of representatives and trans- Democrats interested in industrial tied within the reflector and in large
foimed that bodv into one eanahle enr.Ptnrises and who would leave the oancnes nung downward irom tne cir
. . . . . ... 1 1 I ' .... , t . . . .... V.l.ltfcl vugs, AUIO IT t0 V 1J U UlUBb WU TCU
has a controlling share in legislation lower schedule of customs house railed ' ihem for - the light could be
far more than he would as presiding charges, that the factions are bound lowered to the ground, like it was made
officer of the senate. He has the di- to make the money question the alone for the purpose of gathering beea.
rect 'appointment ot committees and le.idino- issued Arid, -s wfl have A' biTe w" seDt for "nd two men
" - a u..v.-i ..:....- a A':.iZ. ' " ' -I'' ered with' clothB and wearing gloves,
l"u iiiemw ouu i xuu, mc jaunuus we tvu nmcijf reP' Lommaniiert transferrinir -he hess frnm
avenge bis enemies, arated on that question to hope for ., ..w tn th Tt.xumm,
Reed has made, his record as unity. ' ' . pliehed in a very short time, and the
peaker of the house. The country . Fortunately, or unfortunately, the object lesson in beo culture was com.
- I - I i ... x il. i. . 1 J- r i i. t j
wants him there.. and so lono- aa a ultra. Kino-l o-nln" stanil.irri fMt nn 1" w uuuu' f!"' uu u"u
r, ' , , .. .. , . , , ,, '. , ... . . ' eathered to the center of attraction
C1,UU1.U '"'J'"J pwvm.uaic uui.iijc luc ura uiuci oiuo luuMcuig M Rowland, who : ran? the . bell
and the "man from Maine be a rep- little less than idiots when it comes afterwards explained his reason for do
resentative in congress, there will be to knowing anything about financial ing eo. .. He said the noise was to drown
but one name 'mentioned for the problems, and the silver faction re- the song of the aueen bee, who was the
speakership. - . .. .. tort by charging the gold ites with commaner n,ei " "e "'e "
TT ... . i . . . , i , . , , ... . inrujv, kuu nttu utsr tain, aiiouucu uy tuo
vu uvu uu.uu,aFlra, u,,ul, buiu .uu mC piivj, w c . . cowhall. th hostB wer demoraliznd and
aentiai aspirauon mis time, ue xorK and .London oondocrars. liut would settle in one spot for a council of
may never be successful; but his is an ill wind that blows nobody I war. The queen would not leave the
jame wilt oo greater and more last- good, and the more bitter the Dem- coiony, ana Bne conia not ieau n, nence
ing if it be made as Webster, Clay qcratio faction fight, the better it will h?f c,onld fH"red
and Blaine made theirs hot by ber I be for the country
ing president nor vice-president, but
being leaders of their parly and " The wells of eloquence will be
Mr. Nielsen' and Mr. Norman gath
lered the bees into a hive, which was
taken to Mr. Nielsen's house,
Farewell Koceptton.
statesmen in the fullest sensp. And pumped dry when the nomination
is not such fame as worthy as any? - speeches are finished at St. Louis I One of the pleasantest days of the rose
There promises to be an abundance month broaghl together at the borne of
Oi T A..f 1 j j la UtntUlY : k?CliaiiMl X' VLO&CL Tf 111 I T . . T - . . ? . t
.i : T " " .... nominate' McK nlev. Senator Lodse ' .""f- y---r--;.
me eyes or ail good American citi- . - ... ' cnurch in a farewell to Mrs. Eugene
zeiis. The coimtrv ihonrtr. hrttor ""u Wu ,uf Price, who i-. about, to leave for Mon
of her than to think that the preju- Ewi8M6rtbg. The Relegates jv ill tana. ,To the pldest. pf those present
dices of ante bellum days would last they from chUdhopd, aince'the days a in
through all these years. The negroes f. .' . , .. J abort dresses, with her braids of iair
who are delegates to the Republican - DeIor .lntennea- convention h8? jDwn Ba9Uidera, she gave
National . Convention are men 1 of ' .fa8CV- tuc Vf. promise on the platform ir song of what
ability and character, else they would "V, " ' vutca- . . w naypow a, nca, i.uop.. is.
occupy tne positions they do. . The little interest beinsr shown in hoth tim and fitnd: charged Vh
. The city . election occ ars next
Monday. --The event is one of much
importance for 1 our citizens,- and
great, care should W shown' in the
selection of officers. . Our city gov-
errment has been conducted wisely
duringahe past year; - better than it
has at different times in the past, and
the good recordjshould be continued..
Let only the best officers be selected;
men who are " interested in the mate
rial welfare of the city ; men who
pay t-'kes and are concerned in keep
ing the 'annual .levy a low one.! At'
the mass meeting tomorrow; evening
let all citizens .attend, and carefally
Undoubtedly they are far superior! the Cascade locks shows how thor- ladies la pieasanV songs yesterday, pnly
in every way to the men who are oughly disheartened and cjisgusted saddened , by the thought that Montana
giving them this churlish treatment, the people .e: at the way the work ?" wm'j a7, nc" r?umonB fa
There are two thingsthe Republican ha3 heefl femanged. : , Promises ffi -
u.ui.cco wuiu uu wim wmcn a rew years ago would make fnends all were one In the expression of
f"""?' cituci poa vine iu8 alive with hope, now fall on unre- cordial good wishes lor tne weuare and
of censure upon St. Louis and her spondin ears. r-V prosperity of Mrs. Price and her family
citizens or decide neremntonlv to hi, . - - V inthe new home to which they are
movR th onvpptfnn tn Phi a. . Alter ' the election Monday thete going,
t u..r. will be blentv o time to nrenare for Ane loliowing - ladies pamopated
" uuiMJi nu- ' . s " ' r . 1-7 lra-Aam. p,;
Morcran. McCov. Herbert. Condon.
meeting" be. held in a ;circus tent. W111 e acredis to tne town. i,et us Blakeley, Kelsay, - Wijkerson, Peaee,
The Republican Tjarty has done too decide to have one' and. then set to Thompson, Wilson, I?rooks,, Gibons,
much for the colored man to allow work making it . complete in eveiy Ealpb Gibons, Phirman, Gilbert, Gray,
him to be snat onon in this ihnnnt.p detail. v
f :. : a
The higbest claim for other
tobaccos is " Jus.t as
good as Durham."
Every old smojrer
knows there is none just
as good as . "
fit rzf
Yon will find one coupon inside
each two ounce hag, and two cqn-
pons insiae each tour ounce
bag of Black well's Durham.
Buy a beg of thia cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and how
' . . io gei uiem. 1
I Garretson, Huntington, Pattereon, Mar-
rden, Curtis.
If we are to have, a Fourth 'of July
The California delegation is said celebration," how is the time to be-i
to be pushing the claims of UV S. gin.- If - we are not going to have
Grant, the son of the "hero of Ap one, then" we are pursuing the right and strengthen the whole alimentary
A healthy appetite, with perfect di
gestion and assimilation, may be secured
by the use of Ayer's Pills. They cleanse
pomatox," . for the vice-presidency, course
This is carrying the 'famous son. of
a famous? sire"1 dodge to quite an
BWer ReadtUK.
extreme. It is true in more senses I
thah one that this- young Grant
would - never have been heard from
had it not been for his father- '
Umatilla, 22; on a stand.
Wenatche, 32.5; rise of .1
Lewtston, 18.5 ; fall of .5 .
Wanted Experienced girl for general
housework in small family. "-. jli-3t ...
canal and remove all obstructions to the
natural functions of either sex, without'
any unpleasant effects.
Money! Moneyl Moneyl ..
: To pay Wasco county . warrants i-eeis-tered
prior to July 3, 1892. . Interest
ceases after May 15, 1896; r
, ; Wm. Micheli,, ,
myi8 tf ': ' County Treas.
Here's a Swell Three-Button Cutaway
You" can have it in almost any fashionable cjoth you
choose trousers of the same material or some other
pattern.' This is the Idng of pur stock'- taiiorecJ
fcy H. S. & RL
. Thia Label on a Garment In
cures Perfect Fit
and Satisfaction
It stands for the best that
Money Can Buy or Skill
' ;- . -Produce.' , . ,, '
Sold by PEASE & MAYS, , The Dalles, Oregon.
The Dalles Commission Go., .
Commission Merchants.
Fruits, Vegetables and Prod uce
Prompt returns and beet prices-guaranteed.. All kinds of Fruit and Vege-..,
table Boies and Crates furnished to shippers at lowest rates. Call and see ns be-, '
fore making shipments. Corner Second and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Or.