TO THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. 1896. Tabulated statement of Election' Returns for Wasco County. Pros. Attorney Joint Senator. Joint Senator. County Judge Sheriff. Congressman. Supr. Judge. Joint Representatives. County Clerk. County Treasurer. Assessor. School Sapt. Snrvevor Coroner. Commission'r CO a s 3 P3 s o -1 K X a .s o p 3 -I 3 m o -I ' 3- CO I a cr 5" a Precincts. -t m O a a East' Dalles. .... Bigelow . . . Trevitt Went Dalles Falls East Hood River West Hood River Baldwin. M osier Colombia DesChutes ...... Nanseoe Dufur Eight Mile Kingsley Tygh Valley . . . . Wamil! Onk Grove Ramsey Bukeoven Antelope Total.. 137 102 10GI 131 38 .'42 27 3i 19 14 40 aii 29 38 65 850, 115 73 58 69 76 3J 135 'l3 21 19 44 27 22 33 17 754 30 31 42 33 18 4 10 29 ii i 200 57 26 : 46 6' -51 29 57 10 25 13 16 6 2 " 5 184 139 142 130 87 43 153 si "25 18 '54 32 28 41 56 410i 1263 75 76 69 79 34 37 36 26 13 14 35 26 22 2 35 604 '75 24 35 75 52 35 76 is 31 16 "2 21 11 6 14 485 132 105 97 129 28 88: 134 "32 40 23 "62 27 34 26 49 1011 201 133 143 150 126 27 119 "33 30 20 '32 43 25 46 42 neo 115 , so 94 119 40 61 74 "35 39 24 34 35 27 31 56 8741 205 145 134 150 108 45 173 32 28 '54 29 31 42 32 1230 173 135 131 191 48 , 59 83 "40 46 30 "33 39 32 35 65 1140 147 98 98 88 96 191) 147 130 116 72 49 3 1 163 13o, 20; 28 22 25 17, 27 6J 31 20 37 24 62 37 25 43! 34 985 1097 148 119 119 109 78 3 1201 2;) 57 8 27 43 32 988 92 57 80 114 60 62 10 27 30 23 ii 36 27 15 45 92 55 63 106 48 55 69 21 36 23 33 28 15 43! 787" 714j 34 29 23 23 13 13 32 ii 7! 2 1 ' 6 197 111 94 114 117 47 54 88 "29 23 15 "34 35 20 30 44 142 118 85 116 74 32 116 20 31 25 'oi 32 35 45 3 8531 964 76 19 33 50 35 25 4S '23 13 C 12 6 1 12 364 141 94 122 84 103 33 144 "28 23 . 7 40 29 35 35 40 969 101 17 31 671 33 . - as 31 87 118 87 127 22 46 53 -i3 26 9 33 18 2 . 3 21 o " 5 . 7 40S 37 26 20 78 41 773 98 83 94 87 107 ' 42 SO .10 11 . 7 ....I 36 21 41 19 29 727 42 7 22 34 17 34 68 10 6 . 10 13 51 4 15! 297 1871 146 123 162 36 35 153 36 49 31 46 44 15 49 46 1158 105 90 75 95 28 43 28 23 16 14 "36 29 39 31 28 690 89 561 49 48 27 12 55 '23 32 17 15 7 8 9 11 44S 33 6 15 S3 36 24 51 8 6 10 "2 11 7 5 19 265 99 . 83 99 100 61 30 111 ii 10 7 'si 28 6 26 22 734 134 128 114 124 121 50 41 ' 23 161 11 "l7 23 3S 27 27 904 47 11 24 5 15 26 59 "7 10 6 "i' 19 8 5 14 309 135 91 100 95 25 34 149 35 40 30 67 36 17 41 491 924 79 CO 66 82 24 29 30 20 20 53 28 35 19 36 188 152 142 134 81 71 186 "39 37 15 "32 41 - 22 45 37 618'1222 46 9 23 51 45 10 22 4 6 8 3 ' 7 15 178 118 113 116 92 45 170 31 50 30 "48 39 30 45 49 1104 113 53 103J 14 108 137 42 4t 53 si 14 17 34 .27 27 73 35 813 58 84 38 34 61 "9 9 15 "2 8 (1 6 32 414 1921 139 138 122' 92 40 161 35 28 19 47 30 39 46 34 1162 71 79 64 78 s 29 14 33 41 15 19 31 100 92 , 7 88 22 34 29 "26 15 12 43 48, 32 21 32 554! 671 146 120 119 108 83 41 156 29 3i 19 '38 14 18 43 32 998 72 20 41 77 47 35 53 ii 19 17 "i 14 10 6 24 447 The Weekly Ghf oniele. STATIC OFFICIALS. ajvernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State EE Kincaid Treasurer Phillip J!ctfchan Unfit, of Public Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney-General , C. M. Idleman , (G. W. McBride State Printer W. H. Leeds COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge..., Geo. C. B'ekeley Sheriff...... T.J. Driver Clerk A. M. Kclsay Treasurer Vim. MicheU Commissioners MSwSS, A lessor F. H. Wakelield Burveyor ; v. E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner. W. H. Butts WHERE THE BLAME BELONGS The threatened split in the Democra tic party over the financial question, says the Salem Statesman, is serving the izood purpose of fixing the blame for the distressful condition of the United States treasury, and the piling op of a great bonded-debt in a time of peace, where it belongs. The outlook is for a warm time in the Chicago convention, and it has been pre dicted by accredited Democratic authori ty mat mere win oe two separate con ventions and two nominees for the pre sidencyone standing for the financial policy of the present administration and the other representing the large wine of 'the party desiring the free coinage o .silver. This condition that confronts them -embarrassing to the leading Democrats who do not sympathize with either of these extreme factions. One of this das says : "No people of ordinary education and intelligence can see the payment of - colosal war debt continue uninterrupted ly iluring the thirty years which follow the attainment of peace, and then see this process suddenly stopped and the debt begin to grow rapidly again, with out inclining to condemn the policy re sponsible for it. It is no wonder that the Democrats, still inflamed against riches and prosperity by the party ora tory of 1892, Mr. Cleveland being incom parably the leader of such excitement, should not vow destrnction on the money standard which the same leader tells them has compelled the new bonds 4 r PlMVAlanrl'a anneal trtr thft ornlri standard are feathers before the storm The deliberate policy of - misrepresen tation entered upon almost at the begin- , Ding of his present term and pursued with studied faithfullness to the cause ef mendacity, by Mr. Cleveland and bis underlings, while it has resulted in de ceiving a lew xtepuuiicanB anxious ior such deception, and in scaring some of the finicky old maids of finance, has not been successful in blinding the eyes of the great majority who favor protection and progress, nor of the thinking, act . inn men of affairs and toil of the country while it has failed of its' purpose, it has well nigh destroyed the party 'that honored this conspicuous disciple of Ananias with the loftiest position of honor within the gift of any people. Thus is the mortal crime of ingrati tude added to the sin of lying in order to further selfish aims. The idol of the coming campaign will be the plumed knight of protection and prosperity, not the ' discredited hero of hia country's distrees. - ,' The same events that have elevated arid will crown with the laurel wreath of honor the brow of William McKinley - will dash the sceptre of authority from iiia hand and retire permanently Grover Cleveland. tiie penalties of Democratic misrule. In these times it must not f xpecfc improve ment of its rivers and harbors. Im provement is not the existing order. Nor can our coasts be given protection. The country must be pinched, because che treasury must be saved. This ia not the first veto of a river and harbor bill by President Cleveland. He vetoed a bill during his first adminis tration, and as a result of the stoppage of work on the Columbia river great damage foil upon the' improvements. Like loss and damage will again be suf fered. But. the people are becoming hardened to tbcee reverses. It used to be that a bank fa lure, or the crash of a large commercial concern, was a sensa tion, but that is the case no longer. As in war, many become so hardened and infatuate ! with horrors that they long to continue the fighting forever, so in these times, many seem so fascinated with hard times and crashing banks and business houses that they are clamorous for the continuance of the same conditions. TRIUMPHANT REPUBLICANISM WASCO MAINTAINS HER LEAD. MR. CLEVELANL'S VETO. Ab expected. President Cleveland has seloed the river and harbor bill. The situation required it. The treasury is confronted with a deficit for the last year of nearly $40,000,000, says the Spokesman-Review, and the revenue system of the government has been so bungled and butchered that there is no immediate prospect of relief. The country is now paying another of The voters of Wasco county did nobly yesterday. At this hour it looks as if the entire coonty ticket is saved to the Republicans. The verdict rendered yesterday can he interpreted as meaning that Wasco county believes firmly in the princi pics of Republicanism and refuses to swing in the direction of Popu lism or Democracy. As The Chronicle has reiterated agrtin and again, the ticket named by the county convention was one of the best ever given to the voters for their consideration and the large majorities the Republicans received indorse the work of the delegates, Wasco county has repudiated popu lism, and sends word to the rest of the state that the banner county of Eastern Oregon can be depended upon to remain loyal to Republican principles. We congratulate the Republican candidates upon their deserved sue cess. DECORATION DAT 1896. Dedicated to the member of the G. A. R. Post 01 l no vanes dj one wdo Donors mem. J The lowered flag, the muffled drum, . The bugl.-call in mouriii 'g tone, The stately march ol warrior men, And, mingling all, the nations moan. I saw them stand in broken line, Those heroes, now a dwindling band, Their whitened locks and drooping forms, . The blessed heritage of our land. The self same men at Lincoln's call Rushed to save a country torn By rebel strife and rebel yell, Ah dark the prospect and forlorn! The men that fought at Gettysburg So glorious those days and deeds! When thartinn Pickett's awful charge. They filled full well their country's needs. The men that made the weary march From Georgia to the sunlit sea. And broke the rebel's tottering rule And saved the land for you and me. Ah youth ! the privilege is thine To honor yet the noble throne Whose Mood was spilt on Southern fields While fixating slavery 's devilish wrong. The years are passing. Hear me weU; The roll-call dwindles oh how fast! The noble veterans soon will be But memories of a sucrel past. The flowers are strewn.on soldiers' graves. Bow little care the sleeping dead ! Their rest is Bweet; their work well done. What better words could e'er be said 1 . -. , While still there may let honor flow In ceaseless measure full and free To those brave men. the noble men Who saved our land for you and me. ' The lowered flag, the muffled drum, The buele call in mournful tone, Tne stately march of warrior men. And, mingling all, the nations moan. Through trains on the O. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific, the same as heretofore. A through firsts-class-sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to , St. Paul and a through tourist sleeper from Portland to St. Paul, will be run in connection with the Great Northern railway. ,E. E. Lytlb, Agent i The result of the election through out the state indicates victories all along the line for the Republicans. The election of Ellis is conceded in the Second district and that of Tongue in the First. Bean, as was expected, won hands down. Pen noyer will rule the destiny of Port land, while the Mitchell Republican ticket is in the lead. The conditions in the Second district are particu larly satisfactory, and the people have frowned upon the bolter and the bolter's supporters. The lesson that can be learned from Ellis' election teaches that the people realize the great issue before the dountry, and by their ballots en dorsed the protective policy the foundation stone in the Republican structure.' The fight against Ellis was a bitter one, and should he tri umph, as there is now every indica tion that he will, f will be because his campaign was fought on the pro-, tective issue. . With the exception of Mr. Moore, whose election i3 in doubt, Wasco county is sure to be represented in the lcgislatnie by men of firm ad herence to Republican principles and acknowledged worth. The triumph of the Republican ticket over the Be mo -Popu list fu sion is a cause of much satisfaction. The campaign has been fairly fought and handsomely won. The Chronicle, with hundreds ot other Republicans, takes pleasure in say ing that light has triumphed ana champions cf unsound theories have been defeated. . A GREAT ATTRACTION. Klllon and Dollta Nobles to Visit Onr City With Their Own Company. The announcement that this well known actor and author is to play at Tbe Dalles has caused no little excite ment among our amusement-loving public. Mr. Nobles is known on tbe American stage today as our represen tative player ana playwright. He is a most versatile writer, as well as a great actor. His wholesome wit. bright hu mor and breadth of imagination are something remarkable. ' He will be supported by his pretty and charming little wife, Dollie Nobles, and his own company, which in its entirety is one of, if not the best, dramatic and comedy organizations on the Pacific coast this season. The engagement has necessarily been limited to three nights, the first play being Mr. Nobles' beautiful and pictur esque American drama, "From Sire to Ben," a play that has won for the author world-wide fame. It is an interesting piece, with a story that at once com mands the attention of tbe auditor. It will be mounted with some new scenery which Manager Kinersly has prepared, und all in all will prove one of the most eveutful performances ever presented njlhis city. The company will arrive here to day and the first performance will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) June 3d. G. W. M'COY LOCKED UP. The Founder of the Fmnons Ditch Is Mow lit the County Jail. The inconsistencies of yesterday's voting were everywhere apparent Many ballots were found where the voter had indicated his choice for Northup and then voted xfor Popu lists on the legislative ticket, thus showing a straddle on the money question wider than that attempted by either of the great parlies. Just how a man who favors the gold standard could vote for Populists to the legislature, who would, if elect ed, vote for free silver and fiat money, is past comprehension. In the fall of 193 a son of Mr. T. A McFarland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Sutter county, Calif., was taken with a very heavy cold. The pains in his chest were so severe that be had spasms and was threatened with pneumonia. His father gave bim sev eral large doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which broke up the cough and cured him. Mr. McFarland says when ever his children have croup he invari ably gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always cures them. He considers it the best cough remedy in the market. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton's Drug store. The Discovery Saved Ills Life. Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearers- ville, 111. eays: "To Dr. King's New Diecovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all' the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given np and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle "and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again.' It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 2 T. A. Van Norden, the watchmaker and jeweler, can be found in his new quarters, opposite A. M. Williams' store. . mys-lm Mr. G. W. McCoy, founder of the Mc Coy ditch, occupies a cell in the county jail. He was arrested Saturday in Port land by Sheriff Driver and brought to this city, on a warrant charging him with obtaining money nnder false pre tenses. Many of the workmen who have been employed on the ditch are now in the city, and, by the way, voted at the polls yesterday.. We are in formed that as long as these men are here Mr. McCoy will, remain in jail, as the officers fear personal violence. The McCoy ditch workmen failed to. get their money for labor performed, though who is to blame will yet have to be as certained. ' K. of P. Election. COMING ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS The BIG SHOW of the UNIVERSE BOND BROS. 3 BIG CIRCUSES IN 3 BIG RINGS MONSTER MENAGERIE OF RARE WILD BEASTS! An Ethnoloarieal Congress! Wonders of Five Continents. A Huge Modern Hippo- drome Rivaliine Caesar's Days. Undeniablv the Greatest and Grandest Exhibition Ever Conceived. "Will Exhibit at Tie Ml Ttanbr. Ji i. An Innovation and Revelation m Amusements. Fi iendship Lodge, No. 9, held an elec tion of officers last night, resulting as follows: . E. B. Dufur, chancellor commander. L. S. Davis, vice-chancellor. H. H. Riddell, prelate. W. W. Smith, master of work. D. W. Vause, keeper of records and seal. L. L. Lane, master of finance. W. E. Waltber, master of exchequer. These Mast Oo at Onee. A home with lot, worth $900 ; $750 takes it. Owner leaving city, and must sell. Three lots only five blocks from Court house. Lay in fair shape; $150 for the three. One tine business lot in heart of city : $800. Anions a multitude of offerings, these three are tbe very best. Match tnem if you can. Feed D. Hill, Real Estate & Fire Insurances Room 12, Chapman Block. mayl-tf J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says : "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for myself, with result so entirely satisfactory tha.t.1 can hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it to others,- on every occasion that pre sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-sley, Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you take it when you have a consh or cold. See the point? Then don't cough, bold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. .. Reduced Rates. Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as fol lows: Two day rate, good going Satur day and retummg Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. E. E. Lytlb, m24-diwtf Agent Three Great Circus Troupes of Foreign and Native Artists. .The Highest Salaried reriormers of very Continent Selected for Their Individual Superiority in Tbeir Various Specialties. Many Rare Specimens of tbe Animal Kingdom never before exhibited in America. A ioiossai ioiiectton of Deep hea Living Saunans. An Ethnological Display of Marvelous Surprises. All New and Original Feats in the Grand Hippodrome. More Elephant, Camels. Wild Animals, Amphibia Performances and Special Ex- nioiuonai features man Possessed by Any Other Stow in the World. It Costs no more to Witness all these Combined Exhibitions than it -does to see the most unimportant and commonplace Shows that visit you periodically. Make np your parties and consult your Station Agent for Cheap Round Trip Ex cursion Rates to Bond Brothers' Shows. One Ticket, for the Usual Price, admits to the WORLD'S BEST SHOWS. The Blew ITogt Opera House. THREE NIGHTS, Commencing WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3d- . MILTON and DOLLIE NOBLES MILTON AND DOLLIE Supported by the following artists : HATTIE FOLEY. CARRIE A. LONG. GEORGE MONTSEREAT, CHARLES DAV1E8. GEORGE FULLERTON, KEUiSKlCK TJADER. GEORGE OLMI. ANITA BRIDGER. FLOY BALLINtiER. A. GORDON-ROB1NOW, WILLIAM BREWER, ' WYLGET THAYER, OSBORN VAUGHN, ELMER BUFFUAM. The management of the New Vogt Opera House has secured this company as their opening'attraction. Wednesday, June 3d . .."FROM SIRE TO SON." Thursday, June 4th......... "FOR REVENUE ONLY." Friday, June 5th.. ."THE PHOENIX." Prices 50 and 75 cents. Reserved seats now on sale . at Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. store. ;