THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. 1896. The Weekly Ghf onicle. the dalles, OAEGON FKKSONAIi MENTION. WITH A Saturday. Mrs. M. I. Hineell of Lyle returned .home this morning. . Mr. A. Li. Daggett went to Mosier to- I lay, to be absent over Sunday at his .home. Mrs. Simmons of Monkland, took the Regulator this morning for White Salmon. ...... Mr. W. Lord and wife returned today Irom Portland. Profs. Aaron Frazier and W. M. Har- tTington and Mr. J. A. Gulliford of Dufur . "were in the city today. Mrs. Rohr of Portland arrived on the train lust night, and was met by her brother, Mr. EC. L. Ireland of Moro, ' Both proceed ed to Moro today. Mies Fanny Condon, daughter of Prof. Thus. Condon of Kucene, came down from Pendleton .this morning, and is -visiting at the home of her uncle, Hon, J. 11. Condon. Monday. Mrs. H. S. Wilson went to Portland ' this morning. " Mrs. i. M. Wilson returned irom a short visit to Portland today. . Mr. G. W. Johnson and wife returned from Portland on the noon train. Mrs. Gill and daughter of Portland spent Sunday with Engineer Gill of the .Regulator. Mr. Thos. Lynch of Goldendale is in the citv. He was a former resident of The Dalles. Mr. and . Mrs. J. T. Peters went to Portland this morning for a couple of day s absence. . , Mr. John Campbell of the Deschutes is in the city today. Ibe present rains are helping things wonderfully in that country, ana crops are looking well in consequence. Tcesday. Mr. J. . Sherar went to Antelope this morning. Mrs. L. A. Clark went to Portland this morning. Mr. C. A. Perkins goes to Prineville inursday next. Atty. J. H. Cradlebaugh went to Prine ville tnis morning. Mr. . K. Russell returned from the Locks on today's local. Mr. John Moore and daughter left on the Regulator this morning for Hood River. Miss Lois Helm returned todar from Portland. She has been visiting Banker jtsumngton ana lamuy. Rev. L. Veerhaag of Baker City, who has been visiting Rev. A. Bronegeest, , left on the local train for -Portland, ac companied by tbe latter. Gov. Lord, Treasurer Metscban and Secretary Kincaid left this morning on 4ha Pofffllofl. fntt fha n n. I . r U will make an inspection, and take the opOiKlll train tor rortland. They have returned from an inspection of the branch asylum at Union. omci of BLACKWCLL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. DURHAM, N. C. " Dear Sir: You are entitled to receive FREE from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP with all the Merckts . - i . . ft Retail TOBACCO. BlackwelTs Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz.t 4 oz., or a oz., packages. - We have notified every whole sale dealer In the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FREE- Order a good supply of GENUINE DURHAM at once, and insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FR E E with each pound you buy. Soap is offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DUflHARI TOBACCO COMPANY. . If 70a hav any difficulty In procuring your soap, cut out this notice and send it with your order to your wholesale dealer. Smiles Before Sunday. Lawyer I novr offer in evidence a photograph , of the broken heart of the plaintiff, taken by - the Roentgen pro cess. - Jadge Admitted. Let it be marked 'Exhibit X." Pack. Weary Walker Say, were you ever tarred and feathered? Johnny Restful Yes, once. Weary Walker How di 1 you feel? .Johnny Restfal Like u bird. Har vard Lampoon. An Irishman, who was near-sighted and was about to fight a duel, insisted that he should stand six paces nearer to his antagonist than the latter did to him and they -were both to fire at the same time. This beats Sheridan's telling about a fat man who was going f.a fight a thin one, that the latter'a slim figure ought to be chalked on the'other's port ly person, and if tbe bullet hit him out side the line it was not to count. No Place Like Home bottle: "or JDT2.. MEN LEY'S Celerv Beef and Iron In your home you have a COMPANION FOR LIFE It stimulates the APPETITE Strengthens the NERVES Gives you a good night's REST A perfect BLOOD PURIFIER It is NATURE'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Ladles! I make big wages doing pleasant home work, and will gladly send full particu lars to all sending two-cent stamp. MISS M. A. bTEBBINS, 2tw Lawrence, Mich. SUMMONS. We are sometimes led to wonder if all tbe wild and picturesque fouls are not In the newspaper business. Every few days we hear of some ono who offers to print the county treasurer's report, worth probably $50, for $3 or $4; will run tbe delinquent tax i it t for bare cost of composition; take job work at half price, if he can't get the regular price, and if he can't get it at hair price will do it for lees, and s- on ad infinitum. A short time ago one of these cheerful idiots printed a $23 legal notice forf2 25 in order to keep it out of the Post. The idiot has vanished from sight, but we hope he is still alive and suffering at least a little of his wrong doing, and that he may yet repenand be saved Who ever heard of a lawyer writing a $20 brief for $2, or a doctor writing a 50 cent prescription for a nickel? What newspaper men need more than any thing else is a little horse sense in their business transactions. Blaine Post. foX H fA Everybody is on to i t EMSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- AdTerttsed Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffioe at Tbe Dalles un called for May 2, 1896. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Brown, Mrs V Morris, C L Brown, Harleigh Powell, C W Bone, John Pullen, Jno Candenny, M Seehers. A J Doyle, Sarah Smith, Belle ayle, VV fcl Temple, Hy Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for wasco uoumy. Stella K. Eddy, Plaintiff, vs. O. D. Taylor & Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon as Trustee for tbe use ofttbe Common Hchool Fund ot Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger, Joseph A. Johnston and C. W. Cather, De- jenaanis. To O. 1. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Ore eon as Trustee fortbe use of the Common School Fund of Wasco Ciunty, Oiegon, John Barger, Jotepb A. Johnston and C. W. Cather, De- ienoauis. In tbe name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the com nlaint filed jurnJnHt vnn In the ihnvA miHIInl suit within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if served within this County; or if served within any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this Summons UDOn vou. or if served upon you b publication, then on or oeiore tne 1st any 01 the next regular term 01 this court: and if vou fail so to answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will take judgment against you anu appiy to me court lor tne lenei prayed for in her complaint. This summons is served noon von. the said aeienuant josepn A. jonuson, pursuant to an order made and entered in the above entitled court by the Judge of the above entitled court on me sixth day 01 April, 1S96. MUINlUNtiTUP. S WHjSUIN. apr8-i ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. " When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Then she had Children, she gave t hem Castoria, Soothing, heating, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never tails to cure. Stops itching and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours." Jt or sale by Snipea- ivmersiy, Drug uo. SUMMONS. Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland Every Five Iayk for Assignee's Notice. Notice Is hereby riven that the undersigned has 1 een duly appointed assignee of the estate 01 n. vviiuams, an insolvent debtor, by proper deed of conveyance, of all theproperty wi wiiu luMuvcu, ucuwc, hi tue uuuersjgueu, ill trust for the benefit of all the creditors of suld insolvent dehtor. All person having claims SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. H,UnstMid lDM'lvent iel ' same properly verified t tl olhce, in the Chrolucle bni In the Circrlt Court of the State of Oregon for vv asco woumy. Ralph P. Keyes, Plaintiff, vs. O I Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon as trustee for the use of the Common School Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger. Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. Cather and th e Col umbia River Fruit Company, a corporation, Defendants. -To O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Ore gon as irustee lor tne use ot the Common SchO'U Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger, Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. .Gather, de fendants: In tbe name of the State of Oregon. Yon are hereby required to ap ear and annwer the com plaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit within ten dars from the date of the service (Fannie, Miss) care Van Vactor.Frankie i-iiiener, Mrs 1 Wheeler, Ueo Flerer, Myra Whiteman, J K (2; Harm, U Wood, Willie Horner, D Wood, Wm A Holt, Miss Emma Woods, Jeseie McCormack & May Morgan, Mattie J. A. Crosben, P. M, Democratic Speaking. Hon. A. S. Bennett, Democratic nom inee for congress in the Second district, will address the voters of the district at the following places on the following . dates: North Powder, Wednesday. May 6, at 1 :30 p. m. Bauer city, Thursday, May 7th, at 7:30 p. m. Heppner, Saturday, May 9th, at 1:30 p. m. Condon, Monday, May 11th, at 1 :30 p. m. Fossil, Tuesday, May 12th, at 1:30 p. m. Moro, Wednesday, May 13th, at 2 p. m. Grass Valley, Thursday, May 14th, at 1:30 p. m. iroiur, Saturday, May 16th, at 1:80 p. m. 8t Helens, Monday, May 18th, at 7:30 p. m. Astoria, Tuesday, May 19th, at 8 p. m. Troutdale, Wednesday, May 20th, at 7:30 p. m. Portland, Thurtday, May 21st, at 8 p. m. T A'bina, Sa urday. May 23d, at 8 p. m. The Dalles, Saturday, May 30th, al 8 p. m. Real Estate Transfers. For full details call on O. R. Sc Co.'s Agent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon New Schedule. Effective Tuesdav. Anril 7th. the fol lowing wiU be the new schedule: lrain Ho. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :40 a. m., and leaves 4 :45 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :55 p. m., and leaves 11 p. ni. Tram No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2:30 p. m. lrain 23 and 24 will carry passengers oetween rne Dalies ana Umatilla. leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at 1 he Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train ' Nos. 8 and 7 from rortiana. is. is. .lytle, , Agent. FRENCH & CO J ' BANKERS. I side of Washington sereet, north ot Second street, in Dall City, Wasco County, Oregon, within three months from the daie of thi notice, i-february 4t lbdG. Assignee of tne estate of 11. . Williams, nn insolvent debtor. feb5-5t ebtor, will piesent the of this summons upon you, if served within this toe unaerKignea at nis ilding, on ,tne easterly the undersigned at his county; or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty dsvs from the aateof tbe s rvice of this summons upon you; or if served upon you by publication, then on or Deiore tne nrst uny oi tne next- regular te-m oi tnis uourt, ana n you tun so to answer, tor want The largest piece of Good tobacco ever sold for locents THE NAME OP THE NEXT OF THE UNITED STATES WIEL BK ANNOUNCED IN THB ther oi. the nlaintift' will take fudcrment aenln you and apply to tbe Court for the relief pi ayed xor in nis compiainc This feummous is servrd nnon vou. tbe said defeudent. Joseph A. Johnston, pursuant to an TVTVJ e tti;, 1 c- a oraer maae ana enterea in tne above entitled JN OtlCe OI X lHal bettlemeilt court by the Judge of tbe above entitled court on tne ttn day oi April, iw. MUWlltHJlON S WILSON, -apr8-i Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice is herebv eiven that bv an order of the County Court of the State of Oremn for Wasco County, made and ontered on the 27th dav of March, 1896, in the mattei of the estate of Wil liam ii. MCAtee, deceased, npon the nline of the final account of the executor of said estate, Monday, the 4th dav of Mav 1.896, at 2 o'clock p. m. was fixed as the time, and the county court room f n Dalles oity, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said final account and objections thereto and the settlement of said estate. All persons having objections to said final account or the settlement of said estate, are hereby notified to present uieiu nil kuu tune ana place. m28-w5t i GEO. A. LIEBE, Executor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TRANSACT A GENEEAL BANKING BUSINES Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,) May 4. 1896. t Nonce is herebv riven that the following. named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles. Ores-on. on June 20. lames r. Elliott, Hd. E No. 3269, fox the NW& Sec 22, Tp. 1 N, E Laura A. Henderson and Marvin Hen- ucioum i,u ii iu xennett, lots J ana JV, blk 33, Ft Dalles Mil Kes to Dalles City; $700: Dalles Land and Improvement Co id Mary A. McHaley, lots 6 and 6. and west side lot. 7, block 1, Thompson's add to Tbe Dalles; $187.50, KnAblAna .... . . .... m A.uaM nailVl The best salve in the world for cuts, He names the following witnesses to prove ? ' S'fiTtLS?'; ?lil'st? ,ad 8um his continuous residence upon and cultivation 4nterest nd the costs of such sale. mayfri , J AS. K MOO BE, RegUter. Letters of Credit issued availab e 1 Eastern States. Si mVi f TTv nlianoA anA TalarminlitM Transfers sold on New York. Chicaeo. "Pl pr8-l gon, beattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all Doints on fav- ... oraoie terms. . Dalles City aiJ Moro Stap Line. SherifTs Sale. By virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oretron on the 29th dav of February. 1896. in a suit therein pending wherein C. W. Cather is Jiainun ana u. v. xayior, saran K. Taylor, oseph A. Johron, John Barger, State of Ore- ?:on, as trustee for the use of tbe common school uud of Wasoo county, Oregon, and M s. Caro line H. Breese. are defendants, lo me directed ana commanding me to sell ail oi tne following described real property lying and situa'e in Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit: Lots seven and eight in block twenty-four in Bigelow's Bluff Anaition to Danes uity. Oregon, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and at purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise apuertai inc. to satisfy the sum of 11115.72 and interest thereon at the rate of eight 1 per oenc per annum rrom tne 2ist aay ot June, 1895, and the further sum of 1100 and interest tnereon at said rate Irom said last named date. attorney's fees, and tbe further sum of S25 costs and disbursements; I will, on the 6th day of May, 1896. at the hour ni 2 o'clock d. m. of said aay aw toe courtnouse aoor in Danes city, Ore gon, sen to tne nignest oiaaer lor casn in nna T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sheriff's Sale. Land Omo at The Dalles, Or., I Mav 4. 1M)K I Notice is hereby given that the fnllnwin named settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tne register ana Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, Frederick W. Wilson, leaves Williams Hotel. Mum. nn bruiseB, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at on J one 10,1896, vis a,Mci u x i i - i -ni . i a r. m. nmtnnt. I OT, ,i, aPP nsuus, milDiailiS V - Hd.E. No. 5279. for the Lots 1.2 and a. R. a. T leaves umatuia House, The Dalles, Ii n, r 13 E. Tuesdays, Thvredays and Saturdays at He names the following witnesses to prove a a r his continuous residence upon, and cultivation " f r ff; Bai(!,lan S2?0"?"1' :,6harP. J- F.Stan- further sum ol 15 ecMs, 1 will on Saturday, the Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c 'viv, "J?! Wln8ate' WUUam H. Butts, all 16th day of May, 1896, at tbe hour of 1 ..'clock p. DeriuuiDs: sma. I nnpkaoroa if, onri Vfo corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo. For sale by Blakeley and uuufiuiua, tirukiaiiSi Quick in effect, heats and leaves no ecar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, oi sores, it is magical in effect. Always cures piies Drng Co. Notice is herebv given, that nn ier and hv vir tue of an execution and order of sale, issued out oi tne circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Waj-co, on the 6th day of April, 1896, npon s decree given and rendered thep in in a cause wherein C. W. Dietzel was rjlalntlff .1 i r t i . ..... . auu w. m . d uriHuu, ueorge a. i-ieoe, ana r.. c. Pease and Robert Mavs. nartuers doine business under the name of Pease dt Mays, were defend ants, and to me directed and commanding me to sell the premises hereinafter mentioned to satisiy tne luagment oi the plaintiff for the sum of $1,400, with interest thereon at ten per cent, per annum from the 16th dav of Mav. 18ti. and tbe further Bum of $150 attorney's fees, and the Passeneer rales The Dalles to Moro. fi.ou; round trip, $z.0U, Acencv at Umatilla House. The Dalles. ana at Williams Hotel, moro. my6tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Hel)o! Hello! This is the County Treasurer. He Sold by Snipes-Kinersly wants all county warrants registered prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his Itnotpnly is so, it must be so, Onel office corner. Thira and . Washington, Minute Coush Cure acts oninklv. Anrl or ne 19 reflay ? Py e same. . Inter- that'n wW. mato u R;i..Vi..i. est cea8ea auer Jannary loth JA8. F. MOORE, Register. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL ' All work promptly attended to, .and warranted Watchmaker Jeweler aly. Drug Co. Wm. Michell, County Treas. Can now be found at street. m.. sen at tne courtnouse door In Dalles Citv in Wasco County. State of Oregon, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose of satisfying said ludirment and decree, the following described lauds and pre mises lO-Wtl. . 1 he southwest Quarter of section 18. town shin 2 south, range 14 east, W. II., containing 167- 41-100 acres. The northwest Quarter of section 18. town h In 2 south, range 14 east, W. M., containing 160 acres. The southwest Quarter of the northeist Quar ter, the west half of the southeast quarter a td the southeast Quarter of the southeast a narter of section 18, Township 2 south, range 14 east, W. M., containing 160 acres. The southeast Quarter of the northwest Quar ter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the west half of the southeast quar- ktui bkuudj, townsnip souin, range 14 east, 162 Second" containing 160 acres. aprS-1 T. J. DRIVER, a County. Sheriff Wasco Wew York Weekly Tribune Of November 4th, 1896. Public interest will steadily increase, and the Question how tha men whnan votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results nntW th administration they elected, will make the campaign tbe most intensely exciting in the history of the country. The NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, the leading Republican family newmnner of the United Rtatxa. will tmhllnh all tha nniitfi of the day, interesting to every Amcriran citizen regardless of party affiliations. Also general news in attractive form, Foreign correspondence covering the news of the world; an agricultural department second to none in thannnntrvi mnrknt ognized authority; fascinating short stories, com pie e in each number; the cream of the humor ous papers, foreign no domestic with their best comic nlctiiren- fHhtnn niatM ami na. of woman's attlie, with a varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger thm that of any other weekly publication in the country issued from ehe offlc of a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give it gre iter life and variety, and especially more Interest to the worn- n and young people f tbe household. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid Journal and the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle" for ' ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, CASH IN" ADVANCE. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2. 75. Subscrip tions mav legin at any time. Address all orders to Chronicle Pnb. Co. Write your name and ad-' dress on a postal card, .end it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New Vork Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Whefi yog otaot to fay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley ,Whoie Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go7 to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Oar prices are low and our goods are first-class. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFBLESS" FLO UK. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now located at .... , No. 54 Second Street, near union.