The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 08, 1896, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Gtoofiiele.
Hisses Nellie Clark and Rose Buchler
went to the Locks this morning.
Mr. John Uneer. a farmerof Klickitat,
' -was in the city yesterday, returning
- jiome this morning.
Clifton McArthur, a eon of Judge L.
. jU. McArthor, is in the city visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Scheuck.
Mr. J. W. Landerbnch ,of Landerbach
Bros., merchants of White Salmon, was
a passenger lor home this morning.
Mrs. W. S. Myers and Mrs. S. P. M.
' -Briggs went to'Waeco laet night to or-
ganize'a lodge of Women's Belief Corps
at that place.
T. E. Lyons, partner of W. R. Ellis
and delegate to the state convention,
"was in the city, this morning, and took
the noon train for Portland.
Mr. Willis . Tirown, manager of the
Oregon Fruit Union, and H. I. Under
bill, its eattern manager, are in the city
and will leave on the 4 o'clock train for
, Portland. .. .
. Mr. J. B. Smith and wife of Iowa were
' passengers on the Regulator this morn
" ing for home. Mr. Smith was a resident
of Oregon in the early days, and drove
stage from Umatilla to Boise from I860
to 1868. His wife, Mrs. Wm. Michell,
and Mrs. Geo. Rncb were girl friends in
Dodgeville, Wisconsin.
. Monday.
Mr. L. E. Morse of Hood River is ,in
Mr. C. R. Bone, wheat bn3-er, is in
the city today.
W. A. Langille and Taylor Hill left to
day for Portland. s
Mr. Si Sichel of Prineville arrived in
the city last night.
Mr. Taylor Hill of Crfaok county came
in the city yesterday. ,
Mr. W. S. Geary, ex-councilman of
Qiuitlla ta in 1... '
Mr. E. MShutt, editor of the Antel
ope Herajd, is in town. .
Ihe'Finnigan's Ball" companv of 16
V i - J , .
tergd at the Umatilla house.
J Mr. I. N. Day came npfrom the Locks
, vesterday in his launch, the "badie a."
Mr. Day recently returned from the
The following-named gentlemen took
the local train today for Portland, and
will attend the Republican state con
vention: T.J. Driver, M. T. Nolan, J.
D. Wilcox, A. E. Lake, J. G. Farlev, E.
O. McCoy, M. A. Moody, J. B. Hunting
ton, George Johnston and W. Moore.
Tomorrow J. O. Mack and J. M. Patter
Bon will leave for Portland.
, At Mill Creek iarm at 11 :30 o'clock
Monday night, Mrs. Zyltba Ann Ben
sett, aged 68 years 7 months and 20 days.
Mrss Bennett was born in New York
state, coming to the coast with her hus
band in 1865, and to Wasco connty in
1871. She was married in Michigan.
She was the mother of live children,
four of whom are now living James
Stearns of Washington, Mrs. Augusta
Snodgrass of Juniper Flat, Alfred. S.
Bennett of The Dalles, and Samuel Ben
nett of Tygh Valley. She is also sur
vived by her husband, now 81 years old.
The funeral occurs Thursdav at Tygh
Valley. '
At Dufur, Sunday, April 5th, the wife
of Andrew Douglas. BesideB the hus
band, three small children are left to
mourn her loss.
Hood "River Glacier: The Dalles is
having a building boom. Mr. Max Vogt
is rebuilding bis brick block that was
destroyed by the big fire several years
ago. Mr. Vogt'e building will cost $65,
000. A. M. Williams is putting up an
additional store adjoining his property,
to coBt $30,000. Besides these, there are
a number of private residences going up,
while other buildings are being raised
and improved. There is a healthy feel
ing there in anticipation of a large out
put of wool and a general confidence in
the future of The Dalles that speaks well
fer the enterprising spirit of its citizens.
The expected opening ?of the locks,
which will give uninterrupted water
communication, and the fact of its being
a general distributing point, also tend
to boom the place. . ,
None Bat Ayer's at tbe World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
- ordinary distinction of having been the
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact
urers of other sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they were all turned away
under the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. The decision of the
world's fair authorities in lavor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla was in effect aB follows:
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a' patent
medicine. It does net belong . to tbe
list of nostrums. It is here on its
Cleveland Bay Stallion Date of Wen
lock, Mo. 67.
This thoroughbred stallion will make
s stand on -..Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at the owner's residence,
-'One mile north of Kingsley. Duke of
Wenlocfc is a dark bay; weighs 1560
lbs. ; stands ltijo hands ; combining che
strength of the di aft horse with the
action of the racer, and for style, action,
power and disposition cannot be sur
passed. '
Terms To insure, $10; season, $8.
"Will not be accountable' for accidents.
This is the chance of a lifetime to ob
tain saleable horses. ' ,
Jons . Wuitten,
sprl-lm Proprietor.
Xastar Services.
Easter services ere held yesterday in
the Methodist, congregational ana jcpis
copal churches. At the two former they
were very elaborate. .
The services at the Methodist church
were held in the morning, the children
participating in them, in lieu of the
usual Sundav school exercises. The
altar was decorated with potted plants,
bouquets and vines of Oregon grape.
The service was chiefly singing, tbe
choir being assisted by a number of tbe
larger Sunday school pupils. The
opening number was a cnani oi tne
Lord's prayer, followed by the apostles'
creed, which were very beautiful and
impressive. A song by the choir and
congregation followed, and responsive
reading, led bv Mr. Wm. Michell. After
prayer and a beautiful anthem by the
choir, there was singing by Miss Dem
ing's and Mr. Hill's classes. Then i
recitation, "The Resurrection," by Jes
sie Harsell, Bennie Stevens and Eugene
Davis. The "Crusaders' Hymn" was
then sweetly sung by Miss Dealing's
class. Next came a recitation, "Tb.e
Hope of Israel," by Willie Clark-and
Pearl Grimes. The missionary effering
for the year was then, taken, followed by
singing by tbe infant class. The pastor
then delivered a short address on "Mis
sions." bingin,g by the- congregation
followed, "I Xnow that My Redeeme;
Liveth," and a benediction closed tbe
interesyhg exercises. Mrs. Smith
French, superintendent of the Sunday
Lsfchool, conducted the program.
Easter services in the Congregational
church took dace in the evening. The
services were combined with a quarterly
review. The committee on program and
the drillmastere were Mrs. S. L. Brooks,
Mrs. B. S. Huntington and E. H. Mer
rill. Great pains must have been taken,
as the exercises were claimed by those
in attendance to have been a little tbe
best ever given in The Dalles.
The exercises were opened with a song
by the school. The three essays by Lena
Thompson of Mrs. Briggs' class, Bessie
Snipes of Mrs. Brooks' class, and Maud
Michell of Mrs. Curtis' class were very
finely written and contained many in
teresting thoughts. The subject of Miss
Lena's was "The Forerunner of Christ."
Miss Bessie's was "The Ministry of John
the Baptist," and Miss Maud's was
"The Power of Jesus." The song "We
are Little Friends of Jesus" was very
sweetly sung by the classes of Mrs
Gibons and Mrs. Huntington. Mrs.
Condon's infant class also sung a very
pretty song and refrain, entitled "Step
ping in the Light." An Easter carol
was sung by Mrs. Briggs' class, followed
by ' a carol, "The Liltes," by three of
Mrs. Curtis' class. Mrs. Condon's class
gave an exercise of questions and ans
wers, which proved very interesting,
entitled, "The Good Samaritan." Miss
Hill's class gave a song and exercise in
connection with tbe' lesson, entitled
"Faith and Courage." Mrs. Brooks'
class, which is the largest in the school,
gave a very elaborate and difficult exer
cise entitled "Sacred Pictures," consist
ing of singing and recitatione. Mrs. Gib
ons' class ot little ones repeated the Lord's
praver very sweetly, and the benedic
tion followed. Deserving of special
mention was Mrs. BrookB' class and the
trio "The Lilies."
at ST. paul'b chubb.
Yesterday's services at St. Paul's
Episcopal church were of the most in
teresting kind. Tbe decorations were
np to the usual high standard if other
years, and the attendance during the
day was so great that eome were turned
away for lack of room. The singing was
good and especially so were the solos in
the Easter anthem "He is Risen," being
by Mrs. Price and Mrs. Varney. An
earlv communion was celebrated at 8
o'clock, and at 11 was the regular morn
ing Eervice, followed by communion par
taken by those nnable to attend the
service. Mr. tioss gave a most interest
ing and instructing sermon from St.
John the xxth chapter, "For as yet they
knew not the scripture, that be must
rise again from the dead." He spoke of
what a great trial of faith it was to see
their Savior hanging on the cross ; the
most ignoble death that could be gien,
and that their faith was truly a gift of
God to stand such a severe test. An
other trial that day also, was to see him
resting in the tomb, apparently dead as
were all otherj who had left this world.
But the first day of the week behold
all was changed by his glorious arising.
Oh 1 how wonderful the joy of - the disci
ples when Christ manifested himself."
Easter day made plain the story of Good
Friday. The power of the cross comes
from the power of the resurrection. Mr.
Gobs then referred to baptism as repre
senting death, while tbe holy commu
nion represented the resurrection.
"With great joy we bless God for this
day, that through tbe resurrection of
Christ we may be resurrected to eternal
life," and then closed one of the most
beautiful sermons ever beard in St.
Paul's. At 4 o'clock the rite of Baptism
was administered, followed by a chil
dren's choral service, which, with the
evening ceremonies, comprised the cele
bration of the day at St. Paul's church.
Gentleman , desires : pleasant room,
board optional, . in private family.
References exchanged. 'Address H-25,
care Chronicle office. apr4-3t
Funeral of J. A Gilliam.
The funeral of the late J. A.'. Gilliam
was held in the' Congregational church
at Lyle April 1st, and was conducted by
Rev. J. H. Wood of The Dalles, an old
friend of his boyhood days, and the ser
vices were attended by a large congrega
tion of mourning relatives and friends.
Mr. Gilliam had been for years a mem
ber of the Methodist, church at Lyle,
and was one of its most honored mem
bers, a devoted Christian end earnest
worker in the church and Sunday
school, and Lis loss will be keenly felyl
in his family and home whe- e he lived.
He leaves to mourn his untimely death
his mother, Mrs S C Gilliam of 3-Mile,
and four sisters and three brothers, as
follows: William Gilliam of Berkeley,
Calif., Mrs. J. C. Bly of San Francisco,
Waaner Gilliam of Baker City,(Mrs Anna
Hewettof Fulda, Wash., SR. Gilliam,
Miss Mattie Gilliam and Mrs O W Cook
of 3-Mile.
Card of Thanks.
The relatives of J. A. Gilliam wish to
ex.tetid to the people of Lyle their heart
felt gratitude for their kind assistance
and help in their great sorrow and afflic
tion. Mattib Gilliam, "
S. C. Gilliam,
S. R. Gilliam,
' Maey Cook.
Go to Moore's for your fresh creams.
He will not sell you chewing gum for
marsh in allow taffy. Don't be deceived
by tbe name, for this ia tbe only place
in the city you can get the genuine
marstmallow taffy. Try his combina
tion taffy this week. i
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Stella K. Eddy, Plaintiff,
O. D. Tavlor & Sarah K. Tavlor. State of Oregon
as Trustee for the use oizine uommon fwnooi
Fund of Wasco County, Oregon. John Barger,
Joseph A. Johnston and C. W. Cather, De
To o. i. Tavlor. Sarah K. Tavlor. 8tate of Ore
gon as Trustee forttie use of the Common School
Fund of Wasco C. uuty, Oiegon, John Barger,
Joseph A. Johnston and C. W. Cather, De
fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby require 1 to appear ana answer tneoom
nluinr ncmtTiflt vim in the Hhnve entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this 6ummon upon you, if served within this
County; or if served within any other County of
this State, then within twenty dts from the
date of the service of this Summons upon you,
or if served upon yon bv publication, then on or
before the 1st day of the next regular term of
this court: and if vou foil so to answer, for want
thereof, the Plaintiff will take judgment against
yon and apply to the court for the jelief prayed
lor in ner complaint.
This summons is served upon you, the said
defendant Joseph A. Johnson, pursuant to an
order made and entered in the above entitled
court by the Judge of the above entitled court
on the sixth day ni April, inpo.
aprS-i Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Ralph P. Keyes, Plaintiff,
O It Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon as
trustee lor tne use oi ine common miuwi
t - II'.. ....... nnnn Intin
"Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. Cather and th e Col
umbia Biver fruit company, a uurpurauuid,
To O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Ore
gon as Trustee for the use of tne common
School Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John
Barger, Joseph A. Johnston, C. V. Cather, de
fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and antwer the com
plaint niea against you in me nwivciiuiini
suit within ten davs from the date of tbe service
of this summons upon you, if served within this
county; or if served within any other county of
this state, then within twenty .days from the
date of the a.rvice of this summons upon you ;
or if served upon you by publication, then on or
before the first day of the next regular term of
this Court, and it you tall so to answer, ior want
ther. of, the plaintiff will take judgment against
vou and aimlv to -the Court for the relief prayed
for in his complaiut.
This summons i servo, npon you, mesaia
defendenu Joseph A. Johnston, pursuant to au
order made aud entered in the above entitled
court bv the Judge of the above entitled court
on the 6th day of April, 1896.
apiS-i . Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is herebv civen. that unler and by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale, issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tbe County of Wasco, on tne 6tn day ot April,
1896, upon a decree given and rendered therein
in a cause-wherein C. W. Dietzel was plaintiff
and O. M. B nrland, George A. Liebe, and E. C.
Pease and Robert Mays, partners doing business
under the name of Pease & Mays, were defend
ants, and to me directed and commanding me
to sell the premises hereinafter mentioned to
satisfy the judgment ol the plaintiff for the sum
of 11,400, with interest thereon at ten percent,
per annum from the ICth'day of May, 1895, and
the further sum of $150 attorney's fees, and the
f urther sum oi $15 costs, I will on Saturday, the
16th day of May, 1896, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.
m., sell at the courthouse door in Dalles City,
in Wasco County, State of Oregon, at public
auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
for the uumose of satisfying said judgment and
decree, the following, described lands and pre
mises lo-wit.
The southwest quarter of section 18, township
Bouth, range 14 east. W. M.. containing 157-
41-100 acres.'
Tbe northwest quarter of section 18, township
south, range 14 east, W. M., containing 160
The southwest Quarter of the nortbeaBt Quar
ter, the west half of the southeast quarter aid
the Bout heat t quarter of the southeast Quarter of
section 18, Township 2 south, range 14 cast, W.
M., containing 160 acres.
The southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter and the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, and the west half of the southeast quar
ter of section 7, township 2 south, range 14 east,
containing 160 acres.
T. J. 1JK1VJ2K,
apr8-i Sheriff Wasco County.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out
the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon on the 29th day of February, 1896, In a
suit therein pending wherein C. W. Cather is
nain'in ana u. u. Taylor, saran K Taylor,
oseph A. Johnson, John Banrer. State of Ore
gon, aa trustee for the use of the common school
fund of Wasco county, Oregon, and Mis. Caro
line B. Breese, are defendants, to me directed
and commanding me to sell all of the following
described real property lying and situate in
Wasco county. Oreeon. to-wit: Lots seven and
eight in block twenty-four in Bigelow's Bluff
Addition to Dalles City. Oregon, tfgether with
all and singular the t-nemeuts, hereditaments
and ai purtenances theieunto belonging or in
anywise appertaii ing, to satisfy the sum of
$1115.72 and interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum from the 2lst day of June,
1893, and the further sum of $100 and interest
thereon at said rate from said last named date.
attorney's fees, and tbe further sum of $25 costs
and disbursements; I will, on the 6th day of
May, ISM, at the hour ni 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day a) the courthouse door in Dalles City, Ore
gon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
all of said real property, to satisfy said sums and
interest and the costs of such sale.
apr8-i . Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
OiWi mister! youVe dropped your
Tine largest piece of
Good tobacco-
ever sold for id cents
Hew York Weekly Tribune
Of November 4th, 1896. ':
Public interest will steadily increase,
votes turned tbe scale at the last election
administration they elected, will make
in tne nistory ot tne country. .
the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the political news
of the day, interesting to every American oitizen regardless of party affiliations.
Also general news in attractive form, Foreign correspondence covering the news of the
woria; an agricultural uepartment secona to none in tne country; maract reports wnicn are rec
ognized authority ; fascinating short stories, comple'e in each number; the cream of the humor
ous papers, foreign ano domestie, with their best comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate de
scriptions of woman's attire, with a varied and
"New York Weekly Tribune is an ideal familv
other weekly publication in the country issued
made in its details, tending to give it grenler
womm and young people nf the household. A
journal ana tne -aemi-vveeKiy cnromcie -ior
IN ADVANCB." Tbe regular subscription price of tbe two papers is $2.75. Subscrip-
tions may besrln at any time. Address all orders
dress on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
sample copy ot i ne new loric weekly i riDune
175-Second Street -
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
No Place Like. Home
Celery Beef and
In your home you have a COMPANION FOR LIFE
It stimulates the APPETITE
Strengthens the NERVES
Gives you a good night's REST , .
When yog oiant
Seed Wheat,-Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley,Wliole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the . ; . ' -
Oar prices are low and our goods are fire t-class.
Aeents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. ,
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY.
and the question how the men whose
are satisfied with the results under the
the Campaign the most intensely exciting
attractive department of household interest. The
tater. with a circulation larsrer than that of any
from ehe office of a daily. Large changes are being
lit - and variety, and especially more Interest to the
special contract enables us to offer this splendid
to Chronicle Pub. Co.
nnte your name ana aa
Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a
win oe maiit-a toou
The Dalles, Oregon
to bay
Bean Sprayflozzles, -
jr.l 'T'l. 1J$V J?
Bean Spray Pamps,
of a
Owing to the death of the
proprietor, the Dufur Roller
Flour. Mill is now for sale at
a surprisingly low price. It
is a 50-barrel a day, up-to-date
mill,- with all the latest
improvements. Water power.
The property for sale includes
mill, with fine feed chopper
attached; warehouse; 16 4-5
acres of fine land, two good
dwelling houses, a greenhouse
and a splendid orchard. The
surrounding country yields
No. 1 wheat, and. the market
for flour is unsurpassed. An
excellent property at a' won
derfully low price. - Will sell
partly on time.; Plenty.' of
fine wheat in ' warehouse if
wanted. . Call and be con
vinced that it is a bargain.
For further information ad
dress 1
Lock box 138, Dufur, Or.
Ia tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon lor
trie county i tvasco.
F. Davenport. C. Wood, M M. Davenport, C. E.
Copple and F. Snort, partners doing business
under the firm name- oi Davenport 5t Bros.
Lumber Co., FlalnUH's.
C. P. Heald, Mary P. Heald, H. C. Coe, Kittle
Coe, s. E. Banmess, A. 8. Disbrow, H.
Noble, Eugene D. M hltc, W. L. Adams and.
Otis guvage, Defendants.
To C. P. Heald and Mary P. Heald, Defendants:
in tue name 01 tne suite oi Oregon;
You are berebv required to appear and)
answer the complaint filed atrainst vou in tbe
above entitled uic within teu days from tbe
date of tbe service of this summons upon you.
H servea witnin tnis county: or u served wunin
any other county of this state, tben within
twenty days from the date of tbe service of this
summons upon you; or If served upon you by
publication, then on or before the lirstdayof
the next regular term of this court; and If you
fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs,
will take judgment aeainst vou and apply to the-
court for tbe relief prayed lor In their com
This summons is served by publication upon
y.ou, the said C. P. Heald and Mary P. Heald, In.
nursuance of an order of the above entitled
court made and entered herein on tbe 11th day
of February, lblJ6. feb!5
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for
wasco county.
Lottie A. Judklns, Plaintiff,
Henry P.' Judklns, Defendant. ,
To Hemy P. Judklns the above named de-
In the name of tbe Stale of Orea-or. you are
herebv reauirrd to amiear and answer the com
plaint filed against yuu in tbe above entitled
suit by the tlist day of the term of the above
named court following tbe expiration of service
of this summons upon you bv six weeks publi
cation thereof in The Dalle Chboniclk, begin
ning on the 19ih day of February, 18, to-wit,
by Mond y, the 25th dy of May, 196, and if yoi
full sn to annear and answer said complaint.
judgment will be taken against you, and the
plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief
praved for in her complaint to-wit, for a decree
of divorce dissolving tbe marriage bonds hereto
fore existing between plaintiff and defendant.
nrt decreeing to the ul-intirT tbe exclusive care.
charge and control of her two minor children.
Arthur and Walter Judklns, and for her costs
and disbursements in this suit
This summons is sewed on you by six weeks,
publication in Tbe Dalles Chroniclk, begin
ning on the 19lh day of Februaiy, 1896, by order
of the Cou-.t above named made and entered
therein on the 17th day of February, 1896.
febl9-Ct Attorney for Plaintiff.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice ia berebv civen that the understated
has 1 een duly appointed assignee of the estate
of R. K. Williams, an Insolvent debtor, by
proper deed of conveyance, of all the property
of said insolvent debtor, to the undersigned, in
trust for the beneflt of all the creditors of said
insolvent debtor. AU persona having claims
against said insolvent debtor, will present tbe
same properly verified to tbe undersigned at bis
office, in the Chroiucle building, on ,tne easterly
side of Washington sereet, north of Becond
street, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
within three months from the date of this
notice, Abruary 4, 1896.
...... .TT T CI IJ
A. (9. njLAbi-ioiDni
Assignee of the estate of B. K. Williams, an
insolvent debtor. feb6-t .
Notice of Final Settlement
Kntw horrtiv nrlven that bv an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
t.ounty, maue anu uuiciw un uc i,u un, n ,
March. 18i6, in the mattei of the estate of Wil
liam H. McAtee, deceased, upon the filing
of the final account ot the executor of
said estate, Monday, tbe 4th day of May
is9ti. at 2 o clock p. m. was nxea as tne '
time, and -the county court room in Dalles
City, Oregon, aa the place for the hearing of said
final account and objections thereto and tbe
settlement of mid estate. AU persons having
objections to said final account or the sett lemon t
of said estate, are hereby notified to present
tbeta at said time ana place.
UEO. A. LIEBE, Executor.