The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 26, 1896, PART 1, Image 4

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Tfie Weekly Ghroniele.
,, . . Saturday.
Mr. Cbas. Cramer of Moeier is in the
Mr. R. A. Power of Mosier is in the
Mr. F. C. Clausen of Nansene is. in
town today.
Mrs. A. R. Thompson returned from
Portland today.
Mr. Robt. Lowe of 15-Mill has been
very ill, but is getting better.
Mr. H. C. Ruper, a well-known stock
man of Uakoven, is in the city.
. Mr. W. D. Richards and Mr. A. D,
Bolton are in town today from 15-Mile,
Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Peters of Chicago
re visitiug Mr. tind Mrs. Hilton of this
Mr. J. F. Haworth and wife removed
today to their farm near Cbenoweth
Mrs. Sadie Butler, who has been visit
ing Rev. J. H. Wood and family, went
to Portland today.
Mrs. W. S. Myers went to Hood River
this morning to attend a meeting of the
Indies Relief Corps.
Mrs. Jas. Brown and Mr. Wm. Davis,
two Mqsier people who have been very
ill, are reported better.
Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Sherman,
county are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
A. D. McDonald of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nolan and Mrs.
Kate Roach were passengers on the Reg
ulator this morning for the Locks.
Mr. W. H. H. Dnfnr and Mr. Geo.
McNamany of Dufur are in town for the
purpose of trying to get a representation
for Ramsay, the new precinct of Dufur.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins is in Heppner,
and will preach in the opera house there
tomorrow, which will be the beginning
of revival services, to last tnree or four
Mr W. Lord went to Portland today,
Rev. Motor went to the Locks this
Mrs. J. C. Meins left this morning for
toe Locks.
Mrs. R. F. Gibons went to the Locks
this morning.
Mrs. Vanbibber departed for Portland
this afternoon.
went to the
: Th Hood BlTer Ball.:
It was a jolly lot of young ladies and
gentlemen that boarded "the Regulator
last night for Hood River, to attend the
Maccabees ball. They left at 7 o'clock,
arriving at their destination at 8 :30, and
were met at the landing by teams sent
out by tW order. The hall was beau
tifully decorated with evergreens, and
the guests were bidden a merry welcome
within its walls. . The, festivities lasted
until 1 :30 o'clock, followed by a choice
surDer. The following were the com
mittees; Reception H. F. Davidson,
G. E. Williams, C. A. Bell, J. H. Fergu
son, J. F. Matt. Floor managers J. E
Rand, C. E. Markham, E. V. Husbands,
M. F. Loy, A. B. Jones. ,
About 1 :30 o'clock it became apparent
that the best of friends must part, and
although loth to leave the genuine hos
pitality and capital entertainment pro
vided by the Hood River folks, the Reg'
ulator whistle warned them that the
hour approached . for departure, and
about 4 o'clock the boat again drew np
alongside the wharf at The Dalles.
There were a few who vainly, supposed
they could cradle themselves in the arms
of Morphens during the trip frpm Hood
River up, but they were deceived. The
most unearthly noises that ever dis
turbed the quiet night were made by the
marauders to whom sleep was no object.
With horns and pans and anything that
would make the most noise, the' high
and byways of the boat were searched for
revelers who had yielded to Reductive
sleep. And the joy that arose over the
reclamation of the poor unfortunate
from the land of Nod was more demon
strative than the Salvation Army. But
when the grey dawn of another day
broke in the Orient, the deck of the Reg
ulator was deserted, and those who had
gone to sleep but not to bed, went to bed
and to sleep. Thus ended the Macca
bees ball.
The Great Tobacco War.
Mr. A. D. McDonald
Locks this morning.
Messrs. J. W. Scott and J. N. Byng ot
.Hosier are in the city.
" T. J. Watson and J. 2f. Langille of
Hood River came up today.
Mrs. Dr. Cook of North Dalles left on
. the afternoon train for Portland.
Rev. Miller and wife left this morning
lor Portland for a few days absence
Mr. L. Heppner and daughter took
the Regulator this morning for Portland.
Mr. Bernie Sellick, formerly of The
Dalles, now ranching near Boyd, is
the city.
Mr. Wm. Roth and wife, who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stadel
man, left for their home in Portland this
Mr. R. H. Guthrie was kicked by a
tioree yesterday and wears crutches to
day in consequence. He took the after
noon train for Portland.
G. F. Gunther of Moro, Sherman Co.,
was in the city today and reports the
farmers all busy putting in their crops.
The fall grain is growing finely and
stock doing well. The farmers are happy
in the prospects of a large crop.
Mr. James Miler of Mosier is in town
Mr. W. D. Jones went to Portland this
Mr. H. P. Chatterdon and wife re
moved to Portland today for several
Mr. P. B. Poindexter, a restauranteur
of Pnneville, took the boat for Portland
this morning. . -
Mr. T. O. G. McGadd, that bonny
Scot of magnificent proportions, living
at Lyle, is in the city.
' Miss Emma Kellar and Mrs. J. Vierra
-went to Mosier today and will visit Mr.
and Mrs. Dichtenmuller.
Mr. James Stegman of Oregon City,
who came here hoping to benefit his
health, returned home today.
Rev. W. S. Holt came up from Port
land today. He will lecture at the Con
gregational church this evening.
Mr. M. G. Bradley, sister of Mrs. Jeff
Mosier, now visiting her, came up on
the Regulator last night and returned
this morning.
Miss Irene Callison, formerly a teacher
at Hood River, has just closed a term of
school at Athena, and is now visiting
friends in this city.
' Mrs. A. C. Breese, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. ' C. W. Dietzel,
during the winter months, started for
her home in Carlyle, III., today.
Mrs. J. J. . Hogan left on the noon
train today for Portland. Mrs. Hogan
still uses crutches, the result Of the
Second street accident over two weeks
. ago. . "(
Fred Fisher of Portland, a former resi
dent of The Dalles, came up on the local
train from Portland today. His father
was connected with, the . O. R. & N.
shops at the time, they were located
here. ' . ,,
- Messrs. E. B. Dufur and Ed. Patterson
returned last night from Moro, Sherman
' county, where they have been on legal
business. They report a fine rain as re
cently occurring there, and that farmers
are busy already with spring work.
' The head of one of the largest St. Louis
manufactories of plug tobacco said to
day:. About two years ago we put on
the market a brand of plug tobacco, and
when we figured it out, we found we had
lost jnst seven cents a pound. Battle Ax
Plug Tobacco, I am told, sells for one
cent per pound less than our br.and,
which would make the loss on it nine
cents per pound. "Battle Ax," how
ever, is superior to the one we put out,
and rr tut cost more to manufacture.
Twenty million pounds of Battle Ax
plug tobacco were sold, on which I be-
believe there must have been a loss of at
least ten cents a pound, so on this item
alone there Eeems to have been a loss of
From the a'bove statement of a large
plug tobacco manufacturer, who eviden
tly knows what he is talking about, it
would eeem to us that the only one who
is benefiting by the Tobacco War is the
man who chews ".Battle Ax," for he is
certainly getting the full worth of his
money every time he buys it. '
New York Herald.
forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it It also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated. :
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR which makes the
difference. Take it in powder 6r in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea cf the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it. .
J. H. Zeilin & Co Philadelphia, Pa.
Women's Relief Corps.
Estray Notice.
Taken up at my ranch in Antelope
precinct, Wasco coanty, state of Oregon,
on the 23d day of January, 1896, one bay
horse about 12 years old, with blotched
brand, supposed to be figure five, on left
shoulder. Weight about 1,000 pounds,
a star in forehead, a small snip on nose;
the right hind foot white and saddle
marked. Broke to work. Z. Taylob.
J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I
have used One Minute Cough Cure in
my family and for myself, w ith result so
entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to express myself as to its
merit. I will never fail to recommend
it to others, on every occasion that pre
sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-sley,
Drug Co. -
Keal Estate Transfers.
Hugh Gourlay and wife to Anna M.
Williams and Ed. M. Williams, e hf se
qr sec 12, tp 3 s, r 12 e ; e hf ne qr sec 18,
s hf se qr, ne qr se qr, se qr ne qr, n hf
ne qr sec 7, tp 3 e, r 13 e, 400 acres ;
U. S. A. to Emerson P. Williams, pat
ent for ne qr sec 10, tp 3 s.'r 13 e.'
Sunday night, Feb. 3d, to the wife of
Martin Donnell, a daughter. '
... For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property
Castoria is o well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
.'known to me." H. A. Abchxr. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
" For several years I have reeommerlaed year
Cistoria,' and shall always coutinue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
1250i Street and 7th Ave Hew York City.
"The nse of 'Castoria' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who da not keep Castoria
within easy reach,"
Carlos HiBTYW, D. D.,
Tarn Ckstad Compahy, TTMurray Street, N. T.
A patriotic entertainment by the
Womens Relief Cerps was given in Hoed
River Saturday evening, which several
friends of The Dalles attended. Suita
ble music of patriotic airs was famished
by the Belmont band.' The hall, was
decorated profusely with flags, flowers
and evergreen, and so beautifully as to
be an inspiration in itself. After the
program, refreshments were Eerved and
a general social good time was had. The
following was the program: .
Music Belmont Rand
Recitation '. '.Florence Pheltis
Music. .'. Mrs. Jackson and Methodist choir
Recitation Miss Bess Isenberg
&oio..urs. wooawara, nccom Dy miss Ann smun
Reading "Battle of Hod" Mrs. . L. Smith
Mnsie "The Sleiph Ride"....-
..-..Dr. n att, .Messrs. Nicheisen, Larrance
snd Rand, accompanied bv Miss Ann Smith
Ree. "The Slave that Saved St. Michiels
Roy Shoemaker
moras -mi, vernon eus"
- ....Class of Girls, trained bv Miss Smith
Address,; Mr. M. P. Isenberg
In response to a cordial call Mrs. W
S. Myers of The Dalle8 spoke briefly of
the work done by the W. R. C, and at
the conclusion of her remarks she was
heartily applauded.
1560 Captain hortou a 1000
Diary. -. James Pay n
looi mm tnpias tyes una aves aiopper.
11 64 Out of His Reckon-1859 One of the Fan
To Be Given Free to Subscribers of The
Dalles Weekly Chronicle.
The subscription of the Semi-Weekly
Chboxicle is $1.50 per year, to all those
who pay one year's subscription in ad
vance, we will send any five books you
choose from the following lisc.
Books will be delivered bv trail only.
Books must be ordered by number as
in the catalogue and not by the name of
the book.
Orders will be filled as promptly ns
tf.a lerical work involved makes possi
ble. Subscribers should wait patiently
two or three weeks before making com
plaint of non receipt of books.
AH orders ehould be addressed, .
Chronicle Publishing Co.,
' The Dalles, Oregon.
Chauneey Vcpew.
735 Centennial Oration.
Charles Dickens.
736 American Koies.
739 1 ictures from Italy.
747 Sketches by Boz.
748 Mrs. Liriper's Lodg
Mrs. Alexander.
41 Beaton's Bargain.
F. Anstey. .
S3 Giant's Robe.
110 An Ameiican Jour
, ney.
Frank Barrett.
117 RecoillngVengeance751 Repiinted Pieces.
iio ureal aesper. Prn Dowdfn
Adam Badeau. 704 Life i.f oucliev.
123 Conspiracy. F. iaBougobj.
Chas. Wolcott Baieetier 7S2 Ked Lately Ticket.
147 FairJJevice. . .
Walter Bemnt.
151 Lament of Dives.
158 Holy Rose.. ,
300 Inner House.
Lord Beaconsfleld. .
191 Rise of Ihkander.
193 Beacouslleld's Life.
Herbert Benaid.
196 Coachman' Love.
Hart Bernard.
197 Locked Out.
Jt. D. Blackmore.
206 Mary Anerly.
209 Christowell.
210 Craddock Kowell
1 vols
Mary Patrick
56 Marjorie s Child.
lbOO Cannon's Ward.
James Payn
lbO: Luck of the Dar
. rells.
1870 Kit A Memory
. G. Phillip
1875 Social Vici-sitndes
George Temple
2250 Britta. .. .
. Tasma
2257 Uncle Piper of
of Lucv Smith Nikolai W.V. TcherUsh
1S79 Jack and Three
Jills. 2266 Vital Question.
Kenward Philip W. M. Thackeray
187 Johu Brown's Leg. 2274 Critical Revitws.
1S83 Sibyl Ross" Mar- Isketc'?eR-,
riuee. -290 Chrh.tmis Books.
t 2291 L. L. Ballads.
1917 The George Hewitt f. Dy -mlnenl
Agnes Ray
43 Mrs. Gregory.
G. W. M. Reynolds
1952 Degraded Deserter
2 vols.
1953 Betrnm Vivian
2 vols.
1954 Doom of the Bur-
ker. 2 vols.
1955 Wagner the Wchr
Woli. 2 vols.
1957 Necromancer
2 vols.
195S Mystery of the
2 vols.
1962 Mvsterv of a Tur
kish Bath.
Count Lyof'Tolstoi
2299 FoUkouchka.
Bertha Thomas "
2318 Elizabeth's
Ftvtune. .
Arnold Toynbe1
2325 Industrial Revolu
tion, 2 vols.
Anthony Trollope
2326 Autobiography.
Fred Allison Tapper
2341 Mooiuhine.
Tenzil Vane
2373 Like Lucifer.
J. W Von Goethe
239 Wilhelm Meister's
Florence Warden
23S3 Schi herazade.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Lottie A. Judkins, Plaintiff, '
Henry P. Judkins, De'endaxr.
To Hen-y P. Judkins tho ab)va named de-
, fendanf
In the name of the State of Orego:', yon are
hereby required to appear snd answer the com
plaint hied against you in the abive entitled
suit by the 11 1 hi day of the term of tbe above
named court following the expiration of service
ol tbls summons upon vou bv six weeks publi
cation thereof in Tho Dalies chronicle:, begin
ning on the 19ih day of Februarv, 18. to-wit,
by Mond y, the 2dta dy of Mav, 15, and if you
fail so to appear and answer said complaint,
judgment will be taken against you, and the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint to-wit, for a decree
of divorce dissolving the marrUge bonds hereto
fore existing between plaintitt' and defendant,
and decreeing to the pMntit the exclusive care,
charge and control of her two minor children,
Artbur and Walter Judkins, and lor her costs
and disbursements in this suit.
This summons is sorved on yon by six weeks
publication in The Dalles Chronicle, begin
ning on the 19lh day of February, 1896, by order
of the Court above named made and entered
therein on the 17th day of February, 1K96. ,
febl9 6t " Attorney for Plaintiff.
None But Ayer'a at the World's Fair.
Ayerli Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been the
only btaod purifier allowed on exhibit at
tho world's fair, Chicago. Manufact
urers of other sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they were all turned away
under the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. The. decision of the
world's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to the
list of nostrums. It is here on its
merits." -
Bean Spray pozzies,
Bean Spray Pamps,
Cyclone Nozzles,
Vermoral Nozzles,
F. E. Meyer & Bros.
. Spray Pumps,
Dunn Solid Sprays.
iord Duffr.rln.
844 L-tiers truxu High
Annif crtlj.
856 Glrtou Girl.
857 Ougtr We to Visit
859 Vivian the Beauty.
aw suaan t luiuiug.
Amelia B. Edwards.
876 Miss Cuitw.
M. Beiham Edwards.
880 Flower of Doom.
884 Next of Kin
216 Maid of SkerrPm"reS85 nn1 1"
898 Theophrastus Such,
JEra Evergreen.
908 Ten Years of his Life
T TT Rlrirtoll
1991 Busan Drummond. 23H4 Vagrant Wife.
0')ufl KllMA D fA-Ala
P. Mabel Robinson- stakes
Mi itovenoen v . v. 2394 prince of DarVncss.
2395 Witch of the Hills,
G. M. Robins 2396 Woman's Face.
2020 Tree of Knowledge l. b. Walford
2412 Mr. Smita.
W. Clark Rmsell
2039 Jennv Harlow.
2047 Golden Hope.
John Ruskln
2064 Art of England
Prof. A. W. Ward
2434 Life of Chaucer.
A. H. Wall
2435 Dregs and Froth.
William Westall
2068 Our Fathers Have 2436 M- Fortescue.
217 Crips the Carrier
228 Penance of John Lo-
A'ate Eure.
912 Step in the Dark.
B. L. Farjeon.
son- 920 Blood White Rose.
Kemper Bocock, 923 Nine of Hearts.
258 Tax tho Area. 939 Sacred Nugget.
M. E. Braddon. 938 Toilers of Babylon.
274 Hostages to Fortune J. M. Farrar.
Robert Buchanan. 942 Mar Anderson.
403 Master of the Mine. George Jfanvitle Fenn.
409 New Abehird.
Khoda Brough.
425 Betty's Visioii.
James H. Bush.
441 More Words About
the Bible:
E. Lasseter Bynner.
443 N Import. 2 vols.
444 Tritons, 2 vols.
John Bloundell Bttrton.
746 Golden Magnet.
9o3 Dark Bouse.
Mrs. Fort ester.
92 My Hero.
984 Omnia Vanitas.
J?. E. Forrest.
993 Eight Day .
Gertrude Ford.
1009 Only a Coral Girl.
Laura C. Ford
446 Mvstery of St James 1011 For Honor's Sake.
Park. 1013 Enemies Born.
R. E. Francillon, '
1025 Golden Bells.
Thomas Carlyle.
515 Life of Heine.
518 Chartism. ... .
r i.-. James Anthony Proline.
525 Jean Paul Frederick 1037 Life of Jub. Bunyan
Richter. Thomas Fowler. LL. D.
530 Portrait of JnoKnoxl039 Life of Locke. -5il
Cora Law Rhymes. TTt.i Georne.
A. W. Church. 1046 The Land Question
1047 Protection or Free
1083 Pretty Miss Bellew.
539 Life of Spencer.
C. R. Coleridae,
592 Near Relation.
Hugh Conway.
612 Garriston's Gift.
620 Paul Vargas and
Other btorie-'.
621 Somebody's Story.
J. Fenimore Cooper.
645 Manikins.
May Cromelin.
684 Goblin Gold.
Stuart C. Cumberland.
695 Rabbi's SpelL .
Earl of Desart.
727 Lord and Lady Pic
. Wm. E. Gladstone.
1099 Criticism of Robirt
Annie C. Gtbbs.
1093 Blip hied Ufe.
1096 Wuii of the Sto m.
Winona Gilman.
1098 General Utility.
1099- Clarice.
S. Baring Gould.
1109 Little Tu Penny.
Maxwell Gray.
1120 Reproach of Annes-ley.
ST. V. Gogol.
1129 Taras Buloa.
Evelyn Gray.
1130 As Fate Would
Hove It
Arthur Griffiths.
1134 No. 90.
Cecil Griffiths. '
1138 Victory D.ane,
H. Rider Haggard
i loo raie oi i ure
Florence Marryat
1567 Poisen of Asps.
1568 Phylida.
1569 Petronel.
1572 Fighting the Air.
1573 Girl of Ferersham.
1574 Fair-Haired A Ida.
1584 Love's Conflict
(2 vols).
1585 Heart of Jane
Lionsl599 Lit'le Stepshon.
1592 Written in Fiie.
1593 Master Tassion.
Thomas Hardr
1167 Woodlauders..
Helen B. Mathers
1607 Hendri; or, Blind
Mary Grace Halpine J ustice.
1182 Strange Disappear- L. T. Meade-
ance. itttb in inraiuom.
H?? Grfat Divorce Case wiidam Minto
1187 A Letter. 1B44 r-rank of Doom.
Cashel Hoey 1645 Was She Good or
1229 Stern Chase, Bad?
1230 Lovt r's Creed. 1646 Life of DeFoe.
Mrs. H. C. Hoffman Justin McCarthy
1239 Married by the 1659 Dolly.
Mayor. 1661 Gabrielle.
1240 Treacherous M vnlmih
Woman. ir.... ... -t..
A1242 Lost to the World "t"'a 1 .
Arabella Hopklnson c....n. uuj.
,ntn T ; r .. L-I..-l e- . l. ........
ic f.Uut rc. 1&7j Flora Liusday.
Fergus Hume
1270 Girl from Malta.
John W. Hovt
1295 Studies iu Civil
1672 Geoffrey Moncton.
James Oatter Morrison
1679 Life of Gibbon.
David Christie Murray
1684 Aunt Rachel."
1087 By the Gate of
the Sea.
1688 Cynic Fortune.
1691 First Person Sing-
Adah M. Howard ular.
1300 Desperate Woman. .iearts-
' Chichester's Dlomuid Bnii
Original and Only Gen mine.
safe, alwsvja reliable, ladies ask
Druggist tor ObieAettar' EnrfiUk Dia
mond Brand in Km and Odd met&lilo
ooxm, sealed wlta bla ribbon. Take
no other. Jiefute StmaertruM mhstiti
turn and imitation. At Druggist, or snr 4.
i sivupa for pwrioniars, (emumoniaUji ana
RaIIaI foe T.adlM." Irlir. hv
UalL lfl.O(Mt TestimonUU. SVnu Amsv.
wwMUUIMtt Al
-A. rr
1301 Little Nana
1302 Mother's Mistake
1303 Haunted Life.
1304 Little Sunshine.
Walter Hubble
1307 Great Amherst
Washington Irving
1316 Abbotsford and
Newstead Abbey.
1317 Crayon Papers.
1319 Life of Goldsmith.
G. P. R. James
1324 Darnley.
Maurice Jokni
1351 Modern Midas..
Mm Edw. Kennard
1353 Matron or Maid.
Grace Kennedy
1360 Dunallen, 2 vols.
A. E. Lancaster
1386 All's Dross but
Vernon Lee
1410 Phantom Lover.
1412 Prince of One
Hundred Soups.
Margaret Lee
1490 Rriirhtnn Nio-ht.
. .Kathmine 8. McQuoid;'-
insz rfoan Htfntworui.
1701 Way of the World.
Alan Muir
1709 Golden Girls.
V. Myers
1719 Life of Words
worth. William E. Norris
1735 My Friend Jim:
1742 Rogue.
1743 That Terrible Man
1744 Mr. Chain's Sons
2 vols.
Milton Nobles
1749 Phoenix.
1750 From the Other
William O'Brien
1762 O'Hara's Mission.
Mrs. Power O Donog-
1763 Unfairly Won.
Dr. J. Ochorwitz
1764 Mental Sugges
tion. 4 vols.
Mrs Ollphant
1771 Effie Ogilvie.
1777 Poor Gentleman.
1779 John.
Brooks McCormick
1510 Nature's Young
- Nobleman.
1512 Hearts and Gold.
Charles Marvin
1528 Russians at the
Gate of Herat.
Harriet Martineau
1544 Hill and Valley.
1550 Charmed Sea.
'1789 Lucy Crof ton.
1802 Queen's Book.
Dennis O'Sulllvan
1835Lion of Limerick.
1836 Eviction.
837 Maid of Cremona.
838 Beauty of Ben
burb. 8 I Mary Mavour-
0 E lee d una.
4t Rob-;' mmet
1842 strange Case.
1M0 Famed Fontenoy.
Told Us.
2071 Arata Pentilicl.
207 Love's Meinie.
2075 Munera Pulveiis.
Sir Walter Scott
f092 Chronicles of the
J. L. Shorthouse
2133 Countess Eve.
Flora L. Shaw
2138 Set Change,
William Gllmore Slmms2472 Little FooL
215b Vasconselas.
2159 Beauchamp.
2160 Charlemont.
2161 Mellichamps,
2442 Queer Race.
Deshler Welch
2444 Life of Grover
Violet Whyte
2447 Her Johnnie
2448 Eric Dane.
John Strange Winter
2J66 In Quarters with
the 25th Bhck
Horse Diagoons.
Katherine Wilde
2501 Ill-Regulated Mind
fl67 Confessions.
168 Foragers.
Mrs. Henry Wood
2505 Lady Grace.
Hazel Wood
2527 On the Quicksands.
Charlotte M. Yongc
2531 Chantry House.
2537 My Young Alcides.
163 Partisan.
Goldwin Smith.
195 Life of Cowper.
Emily Spender
tiOZ Until the Day
T. W. 8peight
f07 Barreu Title.
Charlotte M. Stanley 2540 Two l-.ides of tn
MU Accord and Discord..,, ,?neul- ,
2556 Anna Gray.
2565 Bess.
2592 Fresh Chestnuts.
2003 He,
614 It.
2616 Jessie.
2620 King Solomon's
2626 Little Golden.
2650 Pa.
2652 Pauline.
2654 Prize Recipes.
xot! buzanne.
Leslie Stepbsn
tttb Life of Johnson,
26 Life hf Pope.
Jane Stanley
2229 Daughters ot the
Starkweather and
2230 Socfaljsm
Julian Sturgis
2233 Comedy of a
Country House.
2234 Dick's Wandering.
2.35 John Muidment.
Hesba Stretton
2237 In Prison and Out. 1677 Witness rpy Hand
to TV horn It May Concern.
This is to certify that on January let,
1896, 1 gave to my son, Clyde L. Mc
Kalvey, his time duriDg his minority,
any Bball claim none of his wages nor
pay any of his debts.
David McKalvey,
Antelope, Jan. 21, '96. flO-wlm
- It not only is so, it must be so, One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kiner
sly, Drug Co. . .
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has I een duly appointed assignee of the estate
of R. K. Williams, an Insolvent debtor, by
proper deed of conveyance, of all the property
of said insolvent debtor, to the undersigned, in
trust for the benefit of all the creditors of said
Insolvent debtor. All persons having claims
against said insolvent debtor, will present the
same properly verified to the undersigned at hia
onice, in the Chronicle building, on the easterly
side of Washington screet. north of Second
street, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
within three months from the date of this
notice, February 4, 1896.
Assignee of the estate of R. . Williams, an
Insolvent debtor. ' feb5-5t
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned
the executor of the last will and testament of
Thomas N. Joles, deceased, has - filed, in the
office of tbe Clerk of the County Court of tbe
State of i. regon for Wasco County, bis final ac
count as such executor. All persons interested
in said estate are hereby nc tilled that by an or
der of Bald countv court, made and entered on
December 30, 1895, the second day of March,
1896, was fixed as. tbe time, and the county
courtroom in the county courthouse in Dalles
Citv, was fixed as the place tor the hearing of
said final account and objections thereto, If any
there be, and for ihe settlement thereof.
Executor of the last will and testament of,
Thos. N. Joles, deceased. - Jun 1
. '
Administrators Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the nndersiirned.
administrator of the estate of John Bclac de
ceased, has filed his final account with said es
tate, and that by order of Honorable George C.
Blakeley, Judge of the County Court, that Wed
nesday, Man h 4th, 1896, at ten o'clock in tbe
forenoon of said day has been appointed as the
time to examine said account and hear anvob-
i actions made or filed thereto, and that said
tearing will be hai in theCounty Court of
uaiies City, at tne time aforesaid.
Administrator of the estate of John Belat de
ceased. febo-Ot
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
In the matter of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
By virtue of an order of the Countv Conrt of
the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, duly
made and entered on the 13th day of January,
1896. notice is hereby given that I will on Tues
day the 25th day of February, 1896, at the hourof
two o clock in tne afternoon of said day, sell to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, the follow
ing described real estate beloneinir to the eatata
of Mary M. Gordon: the North-west quarter of
section xnirty-two, Township rour South,
Range Thirteen East. W. M. in Wasco Countv.
Oregon. Said sale will take place on said prem
ises above described, and the sale of said prem
ises will be made subject to a mortgage thereon
amounting to the sum of Five Hundred Dollars.
Dated this 17th day of January, 196.
Administrator of the estate of Marv M. Gordon.
deceased. Jan22-6t
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hercbv given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Hon. County
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county,
administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser.
deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present the same to
me properly verified, at my residence in Dalles
uuy, tvosco county, uregon, witmn six montns
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 6th day of January, 1896.
Administrator of the estate of Solomon
Houser, deceased.
Dorua & Mknsfee,
Attorneys lor Administrator. 8-ot
"The Regulator Line'
; . : - . .
Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
::- ... i'!. . - ..:
Through Tickets
For information, time cards, maps and tickets,
cat on or write to
The Dalles, Oregon,
W. C
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A..
255, Morrison Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight EichaDee and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle wasn,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
He iQfii anHPessenQBrLiRS
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator, leavei The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting st the Cas
cade .Lncfea with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles Ci.y leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Oneway $2.00
Round trip 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments fo? Portland received at
any. time day o? n'jht. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent . .
. Itcbinft sod Blind, Bleeding or Protrnrllnt Pllei yiM tX vmmm u
lrjg,borba majors. A positive cure. Cirrumra srnt fTM. Prl