The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 22, 1896, PART 2, Image 4

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Family Medicine
She Has Ever Known. Words of Praise
from a Now York Lady for
'I would liko to ndil my testimony to
that of others wlio liave iiseil Oyer's
Pills, anil to Kay that I have taken them
for many years, anil ahvays derived the
best results from their nse. For stom
ach anil liver troubles, ami for the cure
of headache caused by these derange
ments, Ayer's Pills cannot bo equaled.
J 'A
"Wlfn my friends ask mr. vihnt is tho
best remedy for disorders f the st'ii:
ach, liver, or bowels, my invnriabla
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in hvc
on, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check- fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They aro easy to
take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."
Mrs. May Johnson, 308 Rider Avenue,
New York City.
Highest Wonor3 at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilia Cures all Blood Disorders.
Mr. T. J. Johnston of Dufur ia in the
city. ,
Mrs. J. N. Watt of Hosier returned
home today.
Ex-Gov. Moody went down the river
this morning.
Mr. Fred. Wilson took1 the noon train
for Portland.
Mr. W. C. Allaway' returned from
Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Tomkins and Miss Banker went
to the Locks this morning.
Mr. Almond Baker, a merchant of
Goldendale, took the stage for home
this morning.
Messrs. L. N. Blowers, M. H. Nickel
sen and Prof. J. T. Neff of Hood River
returned honfe thia morning on the Reg
ulator. Mr. Grant Mays went to Portland thia
morning to attend the wedding o'f Robert
Mays and Miss Sommerville, which oc
curs this evening.
Rev. IT. F. Hauk took the morning
train for Centralia, Wash., to attend the
meeting of the Ministerial Association
which begins tomorrow.
Capt. Sherman is in the city.
Mr. L. Lamb left for Mosier today.
Mr. P. Dehuff went to Portland today
on company business.
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jayne
leaves for Arlington this evening.
Mrs. Higby was a passenger on the
Regulator this morning, returning to her
home at Lyle.
Mr. Robert Mays and bride arrived on
the train last night and are in the city.
They will go to Antelope in the morning.
Mr. J. C. Wheeler returned to Hood
River thia morning, having concluded
his duties aa a juryman before circuit
Miss Maggie Carey, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Riggs, re
turned home to the Locks this morning
on the Regulator.
Mr. Bonn baa, just returned from a
trip through Colorado. He reports fine
weather through that country ; no snow
and stock doing well. At Cripple Creek
there are at least 50,000 people. Mr.
Bonn was absent almost two weeks. He
left Gus Bonn at Cannon City to recu
perate his health.
Mr., Hugh Glenn went to Portland
this morning.
Mrs. Walter Cochran of Cascade Locks
" ia registered at the Umatilla house.
Mr. Allie Hendeison and wife left for
their home in White Salmon thia morn
ing. -
Mr. J.--P. Buskirk and A. Winans
went to Hood River this morning and
will return tonight.
Mr. T. A VanNorden left on the Reg
ulator this mornine for the Locks to
meet his . daughter, Mrs. A. Freidmntb,
who cornea to that point from Loa An
geles. '
.. ' r ' .
Sheriff's Bale on Execution.
The sale of real estate on execution in
the case of C. W. Dietzel va. Ezra Hen
een et al took place Feb. 13th for the ne
qr sec 17, tp 3 a r f4 e. The highest bid
was by R. F. Gibons and J. M. Marden
and was sold to them for (394.50.
On the -loth of February the sale on
execution took, place of the a hf aw qr,
w qr sw qr and sw qr of Be qr sec 28, tp
1 n r 13 e, iq he cause of Ferd H. Diet
el vs. W. A. Miller -et al. G. A. Miller
was the purchaser for $1,315.
-" To prevent the hardening, of the aub
cataneous tissues of the scalp and the
obliteration of the hair follicles, which
' cabse baldness, ubo Hall's Hair Renew
r. - - 1 .
Mr. Knight' Lecture.
The speaker informed his audience
that he had carefully written a lecture
for the occasion, and started for The
Dalles with it safely stowed in his grip,
but that in leaving his hotel in Portland
the porter had given him a grip so like
his own that he did not discover that it
was another's until after his arrival
here. He had been in not a few trying
circumstances in his life, but confessed
that never did he find himself in such a
strait as this, or so doubtful of his power
to meet the emergency, and we, who
had gone to the lecture expecting much
from the man andthe topic, found our
selves as curious to see how the lecturer
would meet the emergency.
"The Practical Idealist" is not a topic
that one might dare to apeak upon with
out a cWtaiii inherent sympathy, com
bined with much special thought upon
the theme. The lecturer showed him-
aelf to be possessed of both. We will
not undertake to give a synopsis of the
lecture, and certainly we would not
dare undertake to reproduce any of the
fine phrasings and illustrations with
which he showed the real things of life
aa opposed to things that only seem.
What ia called the practical in all de
partments of life and thought is meas
ured by conformity to reality; and too
generally that reality' which gives the
standard is nothing higher nor better
than an outward tangible and tempor
ary seeming, rne real tning, wnicn
gives shape to what now is and beckons
us on to a higher and nobler shaping
and attainment, is the perfection and
glory of the thing the ideal. That is
the reality and nothing lees or lower.
The ideal is not found in any departure
from nature truly seen, but in the per
ception of the true thought and purpose
of nature and conformity to them. It
is opposed to all pretensions and shams;
it hates all hypocrisies, dishonesties and
selfishnesses in business and society and
politics and art. He ia the dreamer
who in any of theEe things thinks that
the present imperfection, or worse., is
the thing itself, which we must ad
knowledge and to which we must con
tentedly adapt ourselves. He is awake
and practical who Bees the ideas which
things and conditions are trying to em
body or express. Art itself, w hich by
many is supposed to have an ideal of its
own, with power to go beyond nature in
its expression, ia in fact the moat obedi
ent and eager interpreter of nature, and
only succeeds in winning the hearts of
men and women and demonstrating its
truth when it portrays not" simply what
actually is, but rather what every man
and woman is striving to make real, to
think out for themselves and in some
way or other to make real. When the
lecturer, in illustration of his theme,
spoke of the effect of music as the inter
preter and master of the best that is in
us, the audience listened, rapt with
eager sympathetic attention, and were
made to behold in visions a "glory which
they might well hope for when the last
hour comes, and that which is, becomes
one with the blessed ideal.
We confess to a certain justifiable
pride that Mr. Knight is an dregonian.
Though not born in Oregon, he has
grown up here and received his educa
tion here, and developed a fineness of
culture and a literary quality which,
with his-originality and strength of
mind, would give - him rank in the very
centers of culture in pur land. First and
last, there are .many who come to this
coast, or are called hither by those in
search of brains and culture and the art
of putting things, and we are glad to
welcome them, but let us not fail to ap
preciate the splendid abilities and noble
worth of some that have grown up
among ua. .
Notice of Annual School Meeting.
Oo Chow's Perplexity.
: When Gow Chow was brought up for
sentence he created . a most amusing
ecene. . The process of American law
courts is something beyond the Celes
tial'a grasp. He thought it was all
right and regular to be led to the bar by
his queue and made no demur. He
raised both hands while hearing his
doom, his knees bent inwardly, from
agitation, and his face wore a wot-be
gone expression ludicrous in, the ex
treme. The sentence was a fine of $50,
which was paid l5y his attorney," and he
was told to go.' He started, but was
plainly afraid to make any decided mo
tion when 'the clerk thundered : "Go
on." Thna encouraged, he walked u few
steps, but again fearing a trap turned to
the judge and stopped. He was waved
onward and thus by etages left the court
room. Un the steps he met Jailer iitz-
Gerald coming up, and Gow thought here
was another peril. He commenced to
tell the jailer in Chinese how it was.
but Mr. FitzGerald could not or would
not understand, and told the Chinese to
g'wan," and still jabbering, he left the
scene of his incarceration, trial and dis
charge behind him.
KeaJ Estate Transfer.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 12, of Waeco
county, state of Oregon, that the annual
Echool meeting for the said district will
be held, at the brick school house on
Court street, in said district, to begin at
the hour of 3 :30 o'clock in the afternoon
on the first Monday, being the 2d day of
March, A. D., 1896.
Thia meeting is called for the purpose
of the transaction of business usual at
such meetings, and also determine what
action the district will take, relative to
the erection or rental of additional school
buildings, and providing funds for ex
pense of same.
Dated this 19th day of February, 1896.
S. B. Adams,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest,-E. Jacobsen,
District Clerk.
Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting- physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com
pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi
ents which had an especial effect upon the
stomach and liver, rousing- the organs to
healthful activity . as well as purifying and
enriching the blood. By such means the
stomach and the nerves are supplied with
pure blood; they will not do duty without it
any more man a locomotive can run wua
out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of
Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti
ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom
ach must do its own work in its own way.
Do not put your nerves to sleep with so
called celery mixtures, it is better to go to
the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve
cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af
fections, such as sleeplessness and weak,
nervous feelings are completely cured by
the " Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh,
brings refreshiug sleep and invigorates the
whole system.
Mrs, K. Hexkb. of No. 896 North HaUUd St.,
Chicago, III., writes: "I regard my improve-
wonderful. Since
taking Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis--covery
in connection
with his 'Pleasant
Pellets ' I have gain
ed in every respect,
particularly in flesh
and strength. My
liver was dreadfully
enlarged and I suf
fered greatly from
dyspepsia. No phy
sician could give
Now, after two
months I am entire
ly relieved of my
disease. My appe
tite is excellent ;
food well digested; bowels
much improved."
instantly ixensvec
' and Permanently
Knife" or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely rainless
From Three to Six Weeks,
Offices : Kooms 700-7D7, JIarouatn Building
Bate Own and MifcheF
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
Mrs. Henke.
regular and sleep
.A. N-EW
Furniture and Cat pes.
....We have added :to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are ia, no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil
be low accordingly.
THE. DALLES ." mdeseries,
Ft. H. WEBER, Prop.
; ..'..if----'-
Gr'pes, Vjnes
Fruit, Shade
Snfall Fruits
Remember our Trees are grown strict
ly without irrigation. Catalogue sent
free on application. Leave ordesB with
G. E. Bayard, City Agent, Washington
St., bet. Second and Third, The Dalles,
Tne CQiumDia Packing Co..
Porit and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of
Dried Beef, Etc.
Is the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon foi
the County of Wasco.
F. Davenport, G. Wood, M M. Davenport, C. E.
Copple and F. Short, partners doing business
under the fi9m name of Davenport & Bros.
Lumber Co., Plaintiffs.
C. P. Eeald, Mary P., Heald, H. C. Coe, Kittie
Coe, S. E. Barimess, A. 6. Disbrow, H. E.
Noble, Eugene. D. White, W. L. Adams and
Otis Savage, Defendants.
To C. P. Heald and Mary P. Heald, Defendants:
In tae name of.the State of Oregon ;
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit within ten days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you,
if served within this county; or if served within
any other county of this state, then within
twenty days from the date of the service of this
summons upon you ; or if served upon you by
publication, then on or before the first day of
the next regular term of this court; and if you
fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs
will take judgment against you and apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in their com
plaint,! -
This summons Is served by publication upon
you, the said C. P. Heald and Mary P. Heald, in
pursuance of an order of the above entitled
court made and entered herein on the 11th day
of February, 1396. fcbl5
Mrs C Fish to hen Wilson, rfnt of
lot 12, block IS, Langhliu's addition ;
consideration $150 yearly.
Grenville B Gilman to Win S
30 feet of front on Washington street 00
feet back from Second ; tl.
Robt Kelly to A M Williams and Ed
M Williams, u hf se qr and "ew qr sec 8,
tp 3 s, r 13 e, also a strip of laud along
Tygh Valley road f 3,000.
Robt Kelly to same, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 14, 15, 1G, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 24,
Kmgsley, $1,250.
State of Oregon to W S Divers, e hf se
qr sec 21, tp 2 n, r 10 e ; $160.
"Bacteria do not occur in the blood or
in the tissues of a healthy living body,
either of man or the lpwer animals."
So says the celebrated Dr. Koch. Other
doctors say that the beat medicine to
render the blood perfectly pure and
healthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution and order of f ale is
sued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore
gon for Wasco county, upon a decree and judg
ment, made, rendered and entered bv said court
on the 11th day of February, 189(1, in favor of the
plaintiff in a suit wherein the American Mort
eage Company of Scotland, Limited, a eorjiora-
iion, nas piainim ana r . r. vveianer, I nomas j.
Fredenburg, M. Fredencurg, O. Fredenburg, O.D.
Tyalor, Sarah K. Taylor. Lorenzo Francisco, C.W.
J. Cather.C. Flanders and Joseph A.Johnson were
defendants, and to me diiccted and delivered,
commanding me to levy upon and lell the lands
mentioned and described in said writ and here
inafter described, 1 did duly levy upon and will
sell attmblin auction, to the hierhest biririar Tor
cash in hand, on Saturday the21st day of March,
inyo, nt two o chick 111 me anernoon 01 saia aav,
at the front door of the County Court house, in
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, all of the
lauds and premises described in said writ, and
hereinafter described as follows, to-wit:
The Sou h-half. and the Northwest onarter. of
uie -nonu-eHHin.unrter.ana tae riortn-esst auart
er of the North-west ouarter of Section twentv
eight, in TowDship.One North of Range Ten
tasi 01 tne Willamette Meridian, in Wasco
county, Oregon; or so much Ihcrcf as shall be
sufficient to satisfy the sum of $745.40,wlth inter
est tnere 'n irom tnentn aayot Feb uary, 18U6,
at the rate of eight per cent, per annum : 75 at
torney's fee, and the further sum of of fn costB
in saia sun, togetner with cost 01 said writ and
accruing costs of sal". . -
Dated ut Dulles City, Oregon, this 19th day of
rturuury. ifvm.
f!-5t T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff Wasco Co., Or.
"Your Battle Ax, or your life !
'Must.nave ft !
ifie largest piece of Good tobacco
ever sold for 10 cents.
Auction Sale
Saturday, Feb. 2 2d.
Sheriffs Sale.
A iudgment.ordcr and decree havimr been ren-
den d and entered in the Circuit Court of the
state of Oregon for wasco County, on the 17th
day of January, 1898, in a cause therein pending,
wherein Frd. H. Dietzel was plaintiff and W.
A. Wilier, Lydia S. Miller, John VV. Elton, Mary
J. Elton, ts. B. Adams, C. W. Kice and B. S.
Huntington and H. S. Wilson, partners, doing
business under the firm name of Huntington &
Wilson. wprA (IpfpnHfl nts. nrhptvln 'uriil uhimiKir
it was decreed that the moitguge of the plaintiff
de lorecioseu aim tne inortcaeea Dremises Here
inafter described be sold by the sheriff" of Wasco
County, Oregon, In the manner provided by
law lor the sale 01 real estate under execution.
and that the proceeds of such sale be applied as
follows, to-wit: First, upon the payment of any
taxes that may be due upon said premises, or
that may be necessary to redeem the same from
any sale thereof fur unpaid taxes. Second, upon
the amount due to the plaintiff, namely, tbe
sum of ;i.73, and tbe further sum of HO a at
torney's fee and the costs and disbursements of
said foreclosure and sale. Ihird, upon the
amount due to the defendant, C. W. Kice, to-
wit: tne sum 01 4ir.i.4:s. Fourth, upon the
amount due to the defendants, Huntington 5t
tviison, to-wit, ine sura 01 nun, upon
the amount due .o the defendant, S. B.Adams,
to-wit, the sum of $o75.15. Sixth, that the over
plus, if any there be. be paid to the clerk of the
court to abide the further order of the court.
And an execution and order of sale havin? is
sued out of taid court on' said 17th day of Janu
ary, 1896, to me directed and commanding me to
sell said premises herein fter described, for the
purpose of satisfying said decree, now, therefore,
under and in pursuance of said execution and
order of sale, 1 will, on Saturday, tiie 15th day of
February, 1896. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at
tbe courthouse dooi in Dalles Citv, in Wasco
county, Oregon, sell at public, auction, to the
highest hiader, tor cash in hand, lor the Dumose
of satisfying the decree above mentioned, all the
mortgaged, uiemises in said decree desciibcd. to-
The south of tbe southwest Quarter, the
northeast qna.ter of the southwest quarter and
the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 28, in township 1 north, range 13 east,
vvinametie meridian; aiso tne north of the
northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the
northwest Quarter and the southwest ouar ero f
me uormeasi quarter or. section in township
1 north, range 13 east W. ., together with all
the tenements, hereditaments and appurte
nances thereunto belonging, lyiug and being in
uasco county, uregon.
ine Danes, uregou, January 17, 1898.
janl8 Sheriff Wasco County. Or.
In spite of the slaughter in prices, it having proved im
possible to dispose of the goods at the Auction Sale of Feb
15th, AL A. Moody, assignee, will close out this
varied stock of
large and
... Dry Goods and Eurnishings ...
by auction at the same place, beginning at 10 a. m. on Sat
urday. This is positively the wind-up! The prices of
last Saturday were so low as to be ridiculous ; but one bid
must and will be accepted; and if you won't bid, come and
take the goods for nothing.
Absolutely EVERYTHING- will he CLOSED OUT,
P3ew York Weekly Tribune
Guardian's Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that Frank Abernethv.
guardian of the person and estate of Joseph
Shields, a person ol feeble health, has filed his
final account with said estate in the county
clerk's . Bice of Wasco County, State of Oregon,
and that the 2d day of March, 19C, being the
first day of the regular March term of the county
court of suid eounty,' in probate, for the year
1896, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, has been ap
pointed as the time tor hearing said final ac
count and report, and that the said hearing will
be had, together with any objections thereto, if
any are made, before the Hon. George C. Blake
ley, county Judge at the county courtroom in
the cqdnty courthouse in Dailes City, Wasco
ixunty, ore? on.
All persons interested in said estate are here
by notified to appear at said time and place and
there show cause, if any there be, why said final
account should not in all things be approved
and allowed.
This notice is published by order of the Hon.
George C. filakeley, Judge of the county court
of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of
date January 24, 1896.
Guardian of the person and estate of Joseph
Shields, a person of feeble health.
Dated January 24, 1896. 125
Of November 4th, 1896.'
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When ! yog mm to ky
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
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Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the
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