THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1896, The Weekly Ghroniele THE D1LLI9, OKEOOK PERSONAL MENTION. Saturday. Dr. A. J. Brigbam of Dafar is in town today. . Mr. A. Reynolds came in from Wanuic yesterday. Mr. F. P. Weidner and Mr. F. Lapier were up from Moeier today. Mr. Ed. M. Harriman, a thorongh-fio- ing farmer of Endereby, is in town today Major Hiram E. Mitchell and Major Jones, who have been looking up tiiei stock interest near Antelope, returned to Portland today. Monday. . Mr. Thos. Harlan of Mosier is in town ' Mr. A. Winans went to Portland or the afternoon train. Mr. Jnuies Darr.ielle, county commie loner, is in from 8-Mile. Mr. E. M. Korten ha9 been confined to his bed by a short illness. Mr. J, A. Gnlliford, a well-known far mer of Dulur is in town today. The two children of Mr. and Mre Malcolm McGhinis are ill with typhoid fever. Mr. F. E. Summers of the TJmatill House left for Portland today for a shor visit. . Mr. Fred. W. Wileon returned ycfter day from a week's outing to Portlam and the Sound. E. M. Brannick. representing th Etudebaker Bros. Manufacturing Co of Portland is in the city. -Messrs. W. M. xates. John C Wheeler and J. A. Nickelsen of Hoc River are in the city attending court a jurymen. Dr. Hollister was called to Wapinitin euddenly Saturday evening to attend Mr Joe iJnntz, who is reported to be sen onsly ill. Mr. Btintz is foreman a Rupert & Gabel's. Tuesday. Mr. John C. Hertz is in Portland. Miss Nellie Micheil went to Columbus today. Mr. N. Whealdon went to Portland last evening. . Rev. A. Bronsgeest went to Portland this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vv. Condon went t Portland this afternoon. Miss Mary Ehrck went to Hood Rivei on the local train today. Mr. W. J. Davenport of Calfax re turned home last evening. Dr. Sutherland was called to Hum River, last night on professional business Mr. A. K. Dufnrof Dufur is reporte to lie quite ill. He is attended by J)r Logan. Hon. WVH. H. Dufur, who came ii town yesterday, is suffering . with i sprained ankle. Mr. Fred Walsh of Portland, who ha oeen visiting Mr. Harry Fredden, re turned home last night. Mrs. J. Nolan of Dufur left on th afternoon train for Hood River at whicl point her father is reported to be in n dying condition. Mr. C. P. Balch and wife are in towi and will go to their home in Dufu Mr. Balch has beeu undergoing treat ment in the Portland hospital. Mr. James Nolan of Dufur came in t" day for the purpose of taking home hi magnificent black stallion, wliict. been quartered at Ward's livery stabl Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of tin various ailments of children said . "When my children have croup there i nly one patent medicine J ever use, am mat is Chamberlain's Cc ""h Kemedj j.i pupses&es some meoica. properm that relieve the little snfferei immedi ately. It is, in my opinion, the bes cou m edicine in the market." . If tlii- remedy is freely given as soon as th croup cough appears it will prevent th' attack. It is also an ideal remedy fen whooping cough. There is no danger ii giving it to children, as it contains notli iug injurious. For sale by Biakeley S -Houghton, Druggist. DIED. At the residence of his mother, in The Dalles, Monday night, John Bird, aiieii 55 " w J v t i a. , Mr. Bird was a well-known charactei to all old residents of this section, hav Ing grown tip in The Dalles. Up t. within a year and a half he had been absent several years. Deceased is a son of Jas. H. Bird, also deceased, a brother of Jude Bird, Wm. Bird, Mrs. Dick Hinton of Bakeoven, Mrs. Fletch Faulk' ... . . ..... ner ana Mrs. John Melville. The date of the funeral service will be announced elsewhere. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM Ifil Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. THE ARMY RATION. Ejrtteriments to Produce a Con centrated Food. Nothing Found to Take the Place of the Old-Faililoned Ration ot xsacon : and Hardtack in Suita able Hulk. The recent experiments of the United States government to test the value of a concentrated army ration have quite naturally proved a failure They were instituted by the secretnry of war With a view to reducing1 the bulk and weight of food without impairing its nutritive functions. This appeared to be necessi tated by the fact that the American army is more in need of possible im provements in this line, in view of the heavy, tedious and lonfe transportation of supplies across the plains ana through districts that are incapable of affording the proper amount and qual ity of food in times of emergencies. The German army, for example, when moving in tmall bodies always pur chases supplies on the march as want ed. The same is true of the French, Russian, Austrian and other European armies, but at the same time the sol dier;: usually have in their knapsacks what is called an "emergency" ration, generally sausage or preserved meat of some kind - The soldiers of the Jap anese army in the late war with China carried an emergency ration of rice in a little tin case strapped to the top of their knapsacks. The reports made by the different military departments to which the questions were referred are interesting as bearing upon the value of food prod ucts generally and on the physiologi cal questions involved in the digestive and nutritive processes more particu larly. Theoretically speaking,' it would appear that the problem had been solved regarding the amount of food necessary to sustain life and t.Le varieties of sustenance that gave in minimum compass the greatest amount of nourishment. . All the observers agree, however, that the oldoashioned ration of bacon and hard-tack in suitable bulk is the most practical that has ever been sug gested. The quantity of food neces sary to keep a soldier m good condi tion is fixed at 22 ounces. The latiyr amount is increased for obvious rea sons to 26 ounces. When the theories were put to a prac tical test the result was as might have been anticipated. . Various concen trated food tablets were employed in Coicrado, but more than half the men who were victims to the experiment became candidates for hospital treat ment. The following extract from the report speaks very significantly on some very essential and striking facts: A company of the Seventh infantry, at Fort Logan, near Denver, was de tailed and furnished with condensed rations, ' consisting of coffee, soup, bread and bacon. The.ccfffee nnd soup were in small tablets, which, when placed in boiling water, were ready for consumption in two minutes. The bread was in small, flat cakes, the weig-ht and hardness of a brick, but when moistened swelled out like sponge. The bacon was compressed and only needed to be warmed in a frying-pan. The soldiers started out with ten days rations, but the campaiqn was brought to an abrupt end after four days of 15-mile marches. The food no; only did notsatisfy the hunger or give strength, but seemed to irritate the stomach. After the first meal, two of the enlisted men had to be placed under the surgeon's care. At the er.d of the second day 30 of the 70 men in the company were ill, and on the fourth flay the whole command went into camp, and couriers were sent to town for hard-tack and ordinary coffee and bacon. Some of the soldiers were seri ously ill with a stomach complaint, and were confined to the hospital for sev eral days." All this goes to show that not only very much is to be learned regarding laboratory feeding, but that we are also far .from the proper appreciation of nature's complex requirements in food taking, thus far the human labora tory, with its multiple, interdependent, and complementary methods, has a monopoly of its own in fixing the proper standards for digestion, assim- lation and subsequent growth. There s a natural law pervading the whole that must not be violated by too radical attempts at modification or improve ment. ' The stomach must earn its living in ts own way, as by such purely physio logical effort in bringing each and all of its mechanical, vital and chemical functions into play, it can best main tain its health, activity and usefulness. No prepared or concentrated food can relieve it of any r all of its activities in that graflual conversion of a legiti mate quantity and quality of food that constitutes a natural and perfect di gestion. In such an aspect a moderately full stomach is something more than a feel ing. Its work must be distributive rather than restrictive. It must be healthrtilly distended with food bulsy enough to occupy spare places; other wise, its most important function is hampered, while for lack of mechani cal stimulus the intestines become tagnated into almost helpless inactiv- y, . Hence it is easy to see how the ex periments failed and the victims paid the .penalty of outraged physiological laws. So far, at least, there is not suffi cient reason, because a man becomes a soldier that his stomach should be puckered around a desiccated soup tr.b let or that it should wrestle alone in some dark corner of an accommodating- fold with some soggy and glazed albuminoid. Medical Kecord. The floods of the Tiber in winter carry everything before them.' The most substanaial wharves and docks have been carried away by the mere force of the water. For luGanta and Children. Casrtoria promote Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhce a, . and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic propertrv. "Castor! to to well adapted to children (hat I recommend It as superior to any prescription inown to me." H. A. Abcheb. M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. For several years I have recommeiJaed your Castoria," and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Eswnt F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castor la' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria, within easy reach." Carlos Makttw. D. D., New York City. Tax Cettaur Ookpaitt, 77 Hurray Street, N. T. Fhe Regulator Line' Be Dales, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH tr& ioHI enff Passenger Lias Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. St3amer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) rt 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PA88KNGKR RATE Oneway $2.00 Kound trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, ivitli- out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for v, ay landings must be delivered before 5 p. id. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W..C. ALLAWAY v General A gent THE-DALLES. OREGON EHSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane, Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern. Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland Kverr Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R. & Co.'s Aeent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby siven that the nn derFiened the executor of the last will and t-stament of Thomas N. Jolcs. deceased, has filed, in the oflice of the Clerk of the County Court of the btateoiv regon lor Wasco County, his final ac count as such executor. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that bv an or der of said county court, made and entered on December 80, 1895, the second day of March, 1896, was fixed as the time, and the county courtroom in the county courthouse in Dalles Citv, was fixed as the place tor the heart got said linal account and objections thereto, if any were ue, uuu lur tne wbuemenr mereoi. " R. F. GlTirYNH. Executor of the last will and testament of, luua. . joies, uuceaseu. jan 1 Co "Whom It May Concern. ' This" is to certify that on January 1st, 1896, 1 gave to my son, Clyde L. Mc Kalvey, his time during his minority, any shall claim none of his wages nor pay any of his debts. David McKalvey, Antelope, Jan. 21 , '96. . flO-wlm Taken Up. I have taken up as'estrays a yearling steer and a yearling heifer at my farm at Rowena. Owner can recover same by complying with the provisions of the la in each case provided. feb5lm Hank Snipes. LIST OF BOOKS. hfOW TO PROCURE THEM. To Be Given Free to Subscribers of The Dalles Weekly Chronicle. The subscription of the Semi-Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 per year, to all those who pay one year's subscription in ad vance, we will send any five books you choose from the following lisc. Books will be delivered bv mail only. Books must be ordered by number as in the catalogue and not by the name of the book. " " . ' . Orders will be filled as promptly as the clerical work involved makes possi ble. Subscribers should wait patiently two or three weeks before making com plaint of non receipt of books. ' ' All orders should be addressed, Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Oregon. Mrs. Alexander. Beaton's Bargain. Chauncey Depew. ' 735 Centennial J rati on. 41 F. Anttey. 83 Giant's Kobe. Aveling. 110 An American Jour ney. - Frank Barrett. Charles Dickens. 736 American Notes. 739 1 ictures from Italy. 747 Sketches by Boz. 748 Mrs. Liriper's Lodg ings. 117 RecoilingVengeance751 Repuntcd Pieces. 118 Great Hcsper. Prof. Dnwdnu Adam Badeatu 764 Life oi outlay. 123 Conspiracy. ,R DuBoiroobm. Chat. Wolcott Balestier 782 Bed LjIIlij lickcf, 147 Fair Uevice. Walter Benant. 151 Lament oi Hives. 158 Holy Rose. 160 inner House. Lord Dujcrin. Sii L-tlers from High , Lt!i tildes. Antrie Edacrds. Tr6 Girton Giil. 857 Ouulit He to Visit Her? 859 Vivian, the Beauty. 800 Susan Fielding. Amelia B Edicarde. 876 Miss Caiew. Jlf. Betham Edwards. 880 Flower of Doom. 881 Next of Kin Lord Beaconefleld. 191 Rise of Ifrkander. 193 Beaconsfield'6 Life. Herbert Bernard. 196 Coachman' Love. Hart Bernard. 197 Locked Out. X. D. Blaetmore. 206 Mary Anerly. 209 Christowell. 210 Ciuddock Nowell 2 vols Wanted S,lr.'?"?SSs cPmoreS85 Love and Mirage. 217 Clips the Carrier . Geo?e EJioti K 898 Theophrustos Such Era Evergreen. 908 Ten Years of his Life William Black. Kate Eyre. 222 In Far Lochabur. 912 Step in the Dark. 228 Penance of John Lo- jj. Farjeon. 8an. 920 Blood Whi'to Rose. Kemper Bncoek, 923 Nine of Hearts. 258 Tax the Area. 9;! Sacred Nuirget. M. E. Braddon. Toilers of Babylon. 274 Hostages to Fortune J. if. Farrar. Xobert Buchanan. w2 SIttry Anderson. 403 Master of the Mine. Qeorae Manville Fenn. 409 New Abelard 741) (ioldeu Magnet. 953 Bark House. ' Afr. Fori ester. ' 9K2 My Hero. !te4 Omnia Vanitas. R. E. Forrest. 993 Eight Bay . Gertrude Ford. 1009 Only a Coral Girl. Bhoda Brough.' 425 Betty's Vision. James H. Bush. 441 More Words About the Bible: E. Lasseter Bynner. 443 N Import. 2 vols. 444 Tritons, 2 vols. John Blotindcll Burton. Laura C. Ford 446 Mystery of St James 1011 For Honor's Sake. rant. mia .enemies ooru, Thomas Carhjle, 515 Life of Heine. B. E. FrancilUm, 1025 Golden Bells. . 518 Chartism. T ... . on n. if, i James Anthony Froude. 525 Jean Paul Frederick 1037 Ufeof Juo.Bunyan Richter. Thomas Fowler, LL. D. 530 Portrait of Jno Knoxl039 Life oi Locke. 5J1 Corn Law Khymes. ifenrv Georne. A. W. Church. 1046 The Land Question 539 Life of Spencer. C R. Coleridge, 592 Near Relation. 1047 Protection or Free Trade. Tlteo. Gift. 1083 Pretty Miss Bellcw, Hugh Conway. 612 Garrinton's Gift. 62Q Paul Vai gas and Wm. E Gladstone. 1090 Criticism of Robert Other Htorie-. Elsmere. Annie C. Gibbs. 1093 Bli hted Life. 10U6 W.iii of the Storm. Winona Gilman. 1098 General Utility. 1039 Clarice. S. Barfn7 Gould. 1109 Little Tu Penny. Maxwell Gray. 1120 Reproach of Anues ley. 621 Somebody's Story. J. Fenimorc Cooper. 643 Ways o. the Hour. 645 Manikins. May Cromelin. , 684 Goblin Gold. Stuart C. Cumberland. 695 Rabbi t- SpelL Earl of Desart. 727 Lord and Lady Pic cadilly. N. V. Goqol. . " Florence Mnrryat 1567 Poiten of Asps. 15U8 PhWida. 15U9 Petronel. 1572 Fighting the Air. 1129 Taras Bulua. Evelyn Gray. 1130 As Fare Mould Have It Xrthnr Griffiths. 1573 Girl of Fe'-ersham. 1134 No. 90. J574 Fair-Haired Alda. 1584 Love's Conflict (2 vols;, t 1585 Heart of Jane Warner. 1590 Lit le Stepshon. 15!i2 Written in Fiie. Cecil Griffiths'. 1138 Victory O.ane, H. Rider Heeard 1146 Col. Quaritch, V C. 1153 Tale of Thre Lions 1593 Master Passion. Thomas Hardy nelen B. Mathers 16U7 Uendri; or, Blind 1167 Woodlandera Mary Grace Hilpine Justice. 1182 Strange Disappear- L. T. Meade ance. 1626 In Thral dom. 1183 Great Divorce Case William Minto 1187 A Letter. lfi..4 c.rnek ,l llnnm. Cishel Hoey 1645 Was She Good or 1229 Chose. Bad 1230 Luv. r's Creed. 1616 Life of DcFoe. Mrs. H. C. Hoffman Justin McCarthy 169 Dollv. 16G1 Gabiielle. Mrs. Molesworth 1239 Married by the Mayor. 1240 Treacherous Woman. A12I2 Lost to the World 1602 Marrying and Giv ing : in Marriage. iJZr? ?.lE!r Susanna Moodie- 1671 Flora Liu&dav. Fen? us Hume 1270 Girl from Malta. R. H. Hutton 1294 Life of Sir Walter Scott. John W. Hoyt 1295 Studies iu CIvU Service. Adah M. Howard 1672 Geoffrey Moncton, Jameo Catter Morrison 1679 Lite of Gibbon. David Christie Murray -loot auiii ruicnei. 1687 By the iate of the Sea. 1688 Cynic Fortune. 1691 First Person Sing 1297 Against Her Will. ular. 1300 Desperate Woman. 1692. Hearts. 1301 Little Nana. 1701 Way of the World. 1.102 Mother's Mistake 1803 Haunted Life. 1304 Little Sunshine. Walter Hubble 1307 Great Amherst Alan Muir 1709 Golden Girls. F. Mvers 1719 Life of Words worth. Mystery. William E. Norris Washington Irving 1735 My Friend Jim. 1316 Abbocsford and 1742 Rogue. Newstead Abbey. 1317 Crayon Papers. 1319 Life of Goldsmith. G. P. R. James 1324 Darnley. Maurice Jokai 1351 Modern Midas. Mm Edw. Kennard 1353 Matron or Maid. Grace Kennedy 1360 Dunallen, 2 vols. A. E. Lancaster 1386 All's Droes but Love. Vernon Lee 1410 Phantom Lover. 1743 That Terrible Man 1744 Mr. Chain's Sons 2 vols. Milton Nobles 1749 Phoenix. Notley 1750 From the Other Bide. William O'Brien 1762 O'Hars's Mission. Mrs. Power O'Donog- hue. 1763 "Unfairly Won. Dr. J. Ochotwitz 1764 Mental Sugges tion. 4 vols. Mrs Oliphant 1771 Effie Ogilvie. 1777 Poor Gentleman. 1412 Prince of One Hi.ndred Soups. Manraret Lee 1420 Brighton Night. 1779 John. KatherineS. McQuoidJZS Lather I4h2 Joan Wt-ntwortn. '":yv 1800 Oliver's Bride. Brooks McCormick 1802 Queen's Book. , Dentils O'Sulllvan 1835Lion of Limerick. 1836 Eviction. 1837 Maid of Cremona. 1838 Beauty of Ben burb. 1839 Mary Mavour neen. 1840 Eileen Alanna. 1841 Robert Emmet 1842 Strange Case. 1843 Famed Fonteuoy. 1510 Nature's Young joDieman. McKenna 1512 Hearts and Gold. Charles Marvin 1528 Russians at the Gate of Herat. . Harriet Martineau 1544 Hill and Valley. 1550 Charmed Sea. FlorenceMarrj at 1954 MacIDnmsresq. 1500 Captain Norton's 1856 Marjorie's Child. Diary. James Payn 1561 With Cnpld's Eyes 185S Eaves diopper. 164 Out of His Reckon- 1869 One of the Family. ing. .1860 Cannon's Ward. James Pavn lG2Luek of the Dar relis. 1870 Kit A Memory F. U. Phillips Geonro Temple 2250 Britta. Tasraa 2257 Uncle Piper ot 1875 Social Vici-sitndes Piper's Hill. lta?7 EmnmlHnimliiHM ' of Liicv Smith Nikolai W.V. Tchernish- 1879 Jack and Three ,?,fAk IZ jill,. 2266 Vital Question. Kenward Philip W. M. Thackeray 1887 Johu Brown's Leg. 2274 Critical Kevitws. 18S8 Sibyl Ross' Mar- ' ?ri," .6ke,c,heB: Tiuaa 2290 Christmas Books. ,E?&.an2 Lewb?,cher-,J3 Novels by Eminent 17 ThB (.Mime iluiL'Ut . 1917 The George Hewitt lianas. campaign. Agnes Ray 1943 Mrs. Gregory. G. W. M. Reynolds 1952 Degraded Deserter 2 vols. 1953 Bei ram Vivian 2 vols. . 1954 Doom of the Bur- ker. 2 vols. 1955 Wagner the Wchr W'oll. 2 vols. 1957 Necromancer 2 vols. 1958 Mystery of the Maicbmonts y 2 vols. Rita 1962 Mystery of a Tur-' kish Bath. Connt Lyof Tolstoi 2299 Polikoucbka. Bertha Thomas 2318 EliZHbeth's Fortune. Arnold Toj-nbee ' 2325 Industiial Revoln- tion, 2 vols. Anthony Trollope 2326 Autobiography. Fred Allison Tupper 2341 Moonshine. Denzll Vane 2373 Like Lucifer. J. W Von Goethe 2379 Wilhelra Mciatcr'i Travels. Florence Warden 23S3 Sen herazade. T XT U 1.1-1. .1 1 1991 Susan Drummond. 2iw Vagrant Wife. P. Mabel Robinson Mistakes. Mli UOVeUOen V . , oani prln ,.f nartnnm ruia 23SO Witch of the Hills. G.M.Robins-- 2396 Woman's Face. 2020 Tree of Knowledge L b. Walford Blanche Roosevelt. 2412 Mr. Bruit j. ?rr,ied, ln H,rte Prof. A. W. Ward W. Clark Russell 2431 Llfe of chaucer. 2039 Jen nv Harlow. . . 2047 Golden Hope. "" t-,x ti 2435 Dr:gs and Froth. John Kutkin ,,,,,,, . n 20M Art of England. 1WiJ,'"m w estall 20ti8 Our Fathers Have JJ86 M.Jortescue. Told Us. 2iU Queer Race. 2071 ArataTPentilici. Deshler Welch 2074 Love's Meinie. 2444 Life of Grover Cleveland. Violet hyte 2447 Her Johnnie 2448 Eiic Dane. John Strange Winter--2166 In Quarters with the 25th Black Horse Diagoons. 2075 Munera Pulveris. Sir Walter Scott f092 Chronicles of tho Canougate. J. L. Shorthousc 2133 Countess Eve. Flora L. Shaw 2138 Se Change. ziu Harvest. William Gllmore SImms2472 Little F-ool. 2156 Vasconselas. Katherire Wild 2159 Beanchamp. 21(H) Charlemont 2161 Mellichamps. 163 Partisan.' Goldwln Smith. 195 Life ot Cowpcr. Emilv Spender ttOb Until the Day Breaks. T. W. Speight ' 2501 Ill-Regulated Mind 5167 Co fessions. 168 Foragers. Mrs. Henry Wood 2505 Lady Grace. Hazel 'ood 2527 On the Quicksands. Charlotte M. Yonge 2531 chantry House. a07 Barreu Title. 2537 My Young Alcides. Charlott- M. Stanley 2M0 Tw? .ides of tno till Accord and Discord. , ?dJe',1- , Ieslie Stcnhaii mucous. tfSo hit" of Johnson, f 6 Life of Pope. Miscellaneous 2556 Anna Gray. 2565 Hess. 2592 Fresh Chestnuts. 2803 He. ftill It. 2616 Jessie. 2620 King Holomon's Treasure-. 2626 Little Golden. 2650 Pa Jane Stanley MS) Daughters of the IrUOS. Starkweather and Wilson 230 Socialism Julian Sturgis 233 Comedy of a country noli M34 Dick's Wandering. 2652 Pauline. 2.35 John Maidment. 26r,4 Prize Recipes. TTt-Kn arrorinn JJ658 Suzanne. 2237 In Prison and Out. 16" Witness my Hand Administfator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. administrator of the e-tate of John Belar de ceased, has Hied his final account with said es tate, and that by order of Honorable George C. Biakeley, Judge of the CoQ ity Cou't, that Wed nesday, Mar h 4th, 1896, at ten o'clock in the lorenoou of said day has been appointed as the time to examine said account and hear anv on- iecuous maae or niea mereto, ai a mat saia tearing will be hal in the County Court of aues city, at tne lime aioresaia. E. C. PHIRMAN, Administrator of the estate of John Belat de ceased. feb5-5t Bios. r. Oafts, Henry C. PaixBsnry BKCEIVIBS. C.MS! ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. H s Pullman Eleg.ent Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINKAFOLIS DULTJTH FARGO GRAND FOBF CROOKSTOS WINNIPEG TotiJist TO HELENA nnd BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHII.ArtEI.PHIA FEW YOBS BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Airent, The Dalies, Oregon, D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of Mary' M. Gordon, deceased. By virtue of an order of the County Conrt of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, duly made and entered on the 13th day of January, lMUfi. notice is herphv iriven that I will on Tups- day the 25th day of February, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell to J he highest bidder for cash in hand, the follow ing described real estate Deiongi ig to the estate of Mary M. Gordon: the North-west quarter of section 'inirty-iwo, rownsnip four South, Range Thirteen East, W. M. in Wasco County, Oregon. Said sale will take place on said prem ises above described, and the sale of said prem ises will be made subject to a mortgage thereon amounting to the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. Dated this IV in aay oi January, in96. ASA STOG8DILL, Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gordon. deceased. jan22-6t , herirTs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Cou-tof the Stale of Oregon for Marco County on the 6th day of Janua y, 1896, and to me directed. In amit wherein William A. tvug las is plaintiff and F. P. Taylor, C. Tay lor, l. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, Joseph A. Johnson, John B rger, State of Oregon as trust ees for the use of the common school f md of Wasco County, Oregon, Mrs. Caroline 8. Breese, Mrs. Anna M. Hedstroiu. Arthur E. Hedstrnm, Alice U. Douglas, G.orge R. Burnslde, Elea-1 nor E. Burnside and Anna M. Hedstrom, Alice H. Douglas, ' Arthur K. Hcdatrom and James F. Chard, executors and trustees ot the last will and testament of E. L. Hedstrom, dt ceased, Hebeit Folger and Mary A. Folger are defendants, and commanding uie to s 11 the following describe d real proi ertv, lving and sit uate in Wasco County, Oregon, to wit: Beginning on the north bank of Dry Hollow creek, at the southeast cornerof Ihe land deeded by Call-band Mary J. Brooks, on Jnnuary 9, 1886, to O. V, 1 ay'.or, arid on August , 1M86, deeded by o. D. Taylor and wire to Emma C Taylor; thence south along the line of the Moronic cem etery to the north line of (he land now owned by E. P. Roberts; thence west al ug t le north line of E. P, Knb.rtV land to the east Hue of the land deeded by Caleb Brooks a' d wife to Newell and now owned by E. f. . Robert; thence north along the cast line of E. P. Roberts' land to the north bank of Dry Ho low creek to the south west corner of the land owutd by F.ruma C. Taylor; thence northeasterly aiong the north bank of Dry Hollow creek to the place of begin ning, being th southeast i ritctionaUquarter of tho west half if the Himinn Imitation Land Claim, and situate in secti -n ten of township one nortn, range thirteen rast, Willamette Meri dian, containing fortv acres more or less. The land reft red to In the foregoing de-oription n E. P Roberts' laud was owned by said E. P. Robers, being the laud now owned bj the heirs of suid E. P. Roberta; together with all and sin gular the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenance thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining; and out of the proceeds thereof to satisfy one-third f the costs and disburse ment of said suit taxed at $25, and the further sum of '1065.55 and interest Ihereon at ten per cent per annum from the date ot said judgment; and further commanding mo to sell the tollow ing described real property, ling and tituate in W a-co County, urctron, to-wi) :, Also the following described tract of land: Commencing at ihe southeast corner of the laud sol by Caleb Brooks to James G. Taylor, thence west 2.54 chains to the -outluvest. comer of the sarhe; thence north 2.91 chains along the west line of raid James G. Tailor's latid to a point (smke) thirty feet south of the southeast corner of the land sold by Ctih b B ooks to Dietzel Bo thers; thence west 5 94 chuina to the northeast coniT of land sold bv Caleb Brooks to William Taylor; thence south 3 95 chai s to the south east corner of said llliam 'arlor'sland; thence west 2,50 chain- to the east line of the land sold to the Gocd Templars for on orphans' home; thence south 8 61-hainB along the east Hue of the said land to the southeast corner of the same; thence west 5.60 chains to the southwest corner of the said Good Templars' laud: thence south 11.5U chains to the north bnk of Dry Hollow cteck; thence nortbeaste Iv 19,50 cnaiiis along the north bunk of Dry Hollnw creek; thence north 12.75 chi.ius to the public road whfeh leads east to ('. E. (hiisiiiiin's: thefce west .45 chains: thence north 3 SOchaina to tho place of beginning, containing twentv-flve acres more or lc-s; together with all and singu lar the tenen euts, hcr.ditamenis and aonurte- na ces thereunto belonging or in anv wise ap pertaining. Ami out oi the proceeds then of to satisfy two-thirds of the cots and di-burse-ii euts taxed as aforesaid, the co-ts upon said writ and the sum of t ,106 74 and accrued inter est at eight percent per annum, and the further sum of t300a torney fan; I will, on the 8th day of February, lhWi at tho hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said d y, t the courthouse door in I'm lie- Citv. Vasco Couiltv. Oleeon. sell all Mild abnve desctibed real property lo the highest bitlder lor cash in hand. T. J. DRIVER j8-5t Sheriff of Wasco County, or. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given 'hat bv virtue of an ex ecution issue I out of the circuit court of the state oi Oregon for Wasco county on the 14th day of January 1896, in a suit therein pending wherein A. S. Dlsbrow and Marv l. Dixbrow are plaintiffs and J. K. Il.inna, Ma.gie B. Hann , T. J. Watson. MarvO. Watson and Charles E. Gill are defendants, directing- me to sell thH real property hereinafter described to satisfy the sum of $535 an., accruing interest at the rata often per cent per annum from the 31st dav of Decem ber, 1H95. and the further sum of $741.75 and in terest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum horn said 31st day of December, 1-9.5, $26 costs and disbursements of said suit, aiid,accru ing costs, I will on t'ie 15th day of February, 1896a . the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. atthecourt bouse door In 1) lies ( ity. Wasco countv. Ore.. sell to the highest iiidder for cash lrr hand the following described tract or parcel of land de scribed aB follows, towit: The west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section two, township two north, riinae ten east, W. M., containing 20 acres, more or less, and all the rittbt. title and interest of ea-h of said de fendants in and to suid lund tosatisfx Bald sums. iutcrest and costs. janld T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. A Judgment, order and decree having been rendered and entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Whsco County, on the 23d day of December, 1895, In a cause therein pend ing, wnerelu u, . inetzei was plulntltt and Kzra Henson ar-d Ru-sell & Cuuiiimiy, a corpor ation, an i K. F. Glbons, A. S Mae A Ulster and J. M. Vard.-n, pattners doing business under the firm name of Glbons, Muo Allistur & Co., were defendants, wb- rein an t wheretiv it was ordend and adjudged that the plaintiff have and recover oi snu iroin trie neienaaitt, tzra tien son, the sum uf $320.65 and the fu'ther sum of $45 as attorney's fee and his costs and disburse ments tutted at $11, and it was further ordered ' and adjudged that the defeidant, Russell & :onipany. a corporation, nave ana recover nt and from the defenda"t. Ezra Henson, upon Its cross complaint the Bum of $778.35, and the fur- tner Mini or to as auo'ni ys lee, ana It was further at and decreed that the utorteaee of the I'laiiititl' be fortclosed and the mortgaged property hereinafter ucscrtel be sold in the manner provided by law, and that the proceeds thereof be amilicd as follows: H st. unon the costs and expenses of said loreclosure and sale. beconn, upon any amount inai may Deauc lor unpaid taxes, or that may be necessarv to re deem said preml-e- from any sale thereof for unpaid tuxes, ihlrd, upon tho amount due to the plaintiff. Fourth, upon the am untdueto the defendant, Russell & d. 'ifth, that tho overplus, if anv there re, be paid to the lerk of the court hi t bide the further rder of the Court. And an execution and order of sale having issued -ut of sal-i Circuit Court on the 7th day of Junury, 1896, and to me directed and com mandirui me to sell the m-irtgaaed premises hereinafter described to satisfy the sums above mentioned with interest thereon, now, there fore, urrder and in pursuance of said execution, and order of sale, I will, on 1 hur-day, the 13th day of February, 1896, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door in D dies City, iu said county and state, se 1 at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in i aud, for the purpose -f satisfying said Judgment order and decree the mortgaged premiees named aud described therein, to-wit: Northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 14 hast, W. M., containing 160 acres of land. T. t. DRIVER, 15j-5t Shei iff of Wasco County. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has I cen duly appointed assignee of the estate of R. E. Williams, an insolvent debtor, by proper deed of conveyance, of all the property of said insolvent debtor, to the undersigned, in trust for the benefit of all the creditors of said insolvent debtor. All person- having claims against said insolvent debtor, will piesent the same properly verlried to the undesigned at his office, in the Chroincle building, on the easterly Bide of Washington ercet, nor h of Second street, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice, .February 4, 1896. A. 8. MACALM8TER, Assignee of the. estate of R. E. Williams, an insolvent debtor. feb5-5t - Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given thst the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me properly verified, at my residence in Dalles City, W asco County, Oregon, within six months from the date ol this notice. Dated this 6th day of January, 1896. GEORGE A. LIERE, Administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser, deceased. Dcrua fc Menifee, - Attorneys for Administrator. 8-St