O0, THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1896. COURT DECREES. - -AND A . LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Uss of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I wa3 troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer,, assuring mo that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try .Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore Ernest Jacobsen "ana Annie Urqnmri Granted "Divorces Meody f . . .Richards. "began to disappear and my general health improve, I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since' then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally a3 a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not ieep house without it." Mrs. S. A. IYelds, Bloomfield, la,. Late yesterday afternoon Judge Brad ebaw handed the county clerk three 1m Dortant decisions which have engaged the attention of the people for months past. They are as follows : In the matter of the suit for divorce wherein Annie Urqnhart is plaint iff and A. A. Urauharl is defendant. the judgment of the court is that the al legations of the plaintiff, Annie Urqn hart, are true ; that the plaintiff is tne proper person to have the care and cus tody of the two children James, aged 13, and Irene, aged 11 years; and that the marriage contract now existing is dissolved and held for naught. . In the matter of the divorce suit en titled Ernest Jacobsen vs. Emma Jacob- sen, court decreed that plaintiff, Ernest Jacobsen, be granted absolute divorce from defendant, Emma Jacobsen, and further found that he should have the care and custody ot tne minor cniio, Katie Helen Jacobsen. In the matter of the suit of Z. F Moody vs. W. D. Richards, defendant, the court finds that the plaintiff is en titled to a judgment against the defend ant for the sum of $126.25 for moneys. advanced and paid to the defendant on account of wheat sold. It is therefore ordered and adjudged by this court that the plaintiff have and recover off and from the defendant the sum of $126.25, with lecal interest thereon from this date, together with his costs and dis bursements therein. READY FOR BUSINESS. The Dalles Commission Co. Will Mow Bandl Everything That Comes. The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. rKESONAL MENTION. Wednesday Miss Dora Fredden returned last even ing from a visit to Portland. Mr. Gus Bonn left last night for Den ver, Colo. Ue was accompanied by his father. Mrs. E. M. Wilson left yesterday for Portland, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Mays. Mr. C. C. McDonald, the genial drum xaer of Corbett, Failing & Robertson, is in The Dalies today on one of his monthly visits. Thnrsday. L. E. Crowe went to Mr. and Mrs Portland today. Mr. B. F. Kircheimer of Antelope re turns borne tomorrow. Mr. John Michell is back from the Republican clubs meeting in Portland, Wtn. A. Douglas, an attorney of Rochester, N. Y., is is town on business for a lew days. Mr. B. F. Laughlin returned yesterday from Portland, where he has been at tending the meeting of the Republican dabs. Mr. and Mrs. George Faulkner, who have been visiting relatives here for the ' past two weeks, returned to their home 2 rfV-ll J 1 1 ' ... r. iu uasiuuu iiiitj uiiernuuii. Friday. Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur made a flying trip to The Dalles todav. Mr. W. J. Davenport of Colfar, Wash. is in the city on a business trip. He is brother of R. u. Davenport of The The office building of The Dalles Com mission Co., the old Chronicle office, corner of Second and Washington streets, has been fitted up and the com pany began business this morning. The first consignment was several boxes of apples from Mr. F. J. Stadleman, and from this on the Commission Company will handle everything that comes. The office building contains ample room for the storage of whatever may be brought. In conjunction with this is the cold storage warehouse, where any de sired temperature may be continued in definitely. This is done by means of pipes filled with ice, and the degree of temperature regulated by means of com mon salt. If necessary a temperature below freezing can be produced. This building is located near the electtic light house. Near this also is the coal house. The long years of failure by outside agencies to handle the fruit business of Wasco county for the benefit of the pro ducer, ensures a hearty welcome for the company in this field of usefulness Several well-known citizens are at the head of it, and the interests of thei patrons are likewise their own. It is only when the country is prosperous that the town can be. Heretofore, the profits of the fruit business have fonnd their way into the hands of men and concerns foreign to our locality ar.d in tereste, and as a consequence Wasco county, in common, with others, has performed the inert function of a well sucked orange. It is the intention of The Dalles Com mission Company -to do business mainly with outside points, keeping in touch o'clock Tuesday morning, when he was taken suddenly ill and in forty-eight hours had departed this life. He being an honored mem ber and con sul commander of the Dufur Camp of Woodmen of the World, was buried by that order Monday, Feb. 3d. Mr. 'A. J Brigbam gave an address at the house, after which the burial services of the order were used. v Deceased was 34 years of age and leaves a wife and five children and in numerable friends to mourn his loss. Dufur, Oregon, Feb. 4, 1896. A Neighbor. Antelope Items. a CUEONICLE Miss Nell Michell, who has been at- with the requirements of all profitable tending normal school at Ellensburg, markets anywhere in the land, carefully came up on today's local. Sbe will, re main in the city a few days before leav ing tor (Jolumbus, Wasn. Mr. J. B. Goit of Wapinitia, a return ing delegate from the Republican Clubs' meeting at Portland, is in town. For merly from the metropolis, he saw many old friends while there, but says he finds that the majority of his Demo cratic friends have changed their polit ical faith while he wasn't looking. He believes this is a Republican year. What the Others Voted. A comparison of the school tax voted by the different districts might prove of interest to the voters of school elections and is herewith appended : Dalles City, 5 mills. No. 1 (Cascade Locks) 8 mills. No. 3 (Hood River) 9 mills. " No. 12 (Dalles City) 6 mills. No. 29 (Dufur) 4 mills. No. 50 (Antelope) 8 mills. No. 56 (Viento; 5 mills. No. 52 (Mosier) 4 mills. Ho. 8 (Mosier) 10 mills. No. 2, 44 mills. No. 4, 6 No. 13, 4 No. 14, 1 No, 17, 3 No. 26, 10 No. S3, 6 No. 35, 3 No. 53, 2 No. 61,-6 No. 21, 25 No. 5, 2& No. 20, 3 No. 15, 5 JNo. 16. 3 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do District No 21 is to build a school house, which accounts for' the higher tax voted than the others. A Beeommendatlon from Loi Angeles. 632 Castelar St, Los Angeles, Cal. After haying suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtain ing relief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was almost immediately re lieved." I highly recommend this as the best Medicine known. D. M. Hamilton. For sale by' Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. " Subscribe tor Thb Chbo.viclj and get the news. . guarding over-supply, and catering to every legitimate demand. Their own success in this field is de pendent upon the prosperity of their patrons, and they will consequently en deavor to "make every edge cut." Owr ing to tbeir wider business methods it is a foregone conclusion that they will re ceive concessions and discounts from trade manufacturers, as well as public carriers, which economy is first felt bv the producer. The business manager of the com Dan v n mr. tr. j. staueioian, wno will cere after be found at the office of the com pany. ' Christian Church Prosperity. The many friends of the- Christian church will be pleased to know that the pastor of the church, Rev. I. H. Hazel, has been retained for another six months. Mr. Hazel has been the pastor for the last year, and under his preach ing the congregation has steadily in creased, there having been fifty addi tions to its membership, making a total membeiship of 139. The organization is in a healthy condition, both spiritu ally and financially, and all depart ments of church work are in a prosper ous condition. Mr. Hazel's Sundav evening lectures on Revelations have been listened to by large audiences. He will continue bis lectures on the book of Revelations for some time to come. A cordial invitation is extended to anvone who may wish to attend these services. The officers, in behalf of the members of the church, desire to thank the many friends who have so kindlv assisted them, for their generosity and expres sions of good will. . -Last of Earth. Babe Mays has just been having his residence re-painted, papered and cal cimined and furnished throughout, in anticipation of the happy event, an nounced to take place this month. .Born Sunday, Feb. 2d, to the wife of Allen Grant, a daughter. At a special school meeting of Ante lope district, No. 50, held Jan. 27tb, an eight-mill tax was levied for the support of the public school. Alex. Kirchheimer went to The Dalles this week, accompanied by Mr. Riley, who is suffering with rheumatism. ' Charley Wallace made a trip to Grass Valley Friday carrying dispatches. . . Ed Miller has taken up insurance and real estate in connection with his law business, which is .becoming quite ex tensive in the way of conveyancicg,lega) advice and justice practice. At the geographical match, held in the public school Friday afternoon, Pearl Taylor and Leola Stocker proved themselves the champions. Martin Murray was in town over Sunday shaking hands with his many friends. Martin is an Ohio boy, and a jollv good fellow. Died At his residence in Antelope, Feb. 3J, of dropsy of the heart, Clarence Lane. Mr. Lane has resided in An telope for twelve years past, and was in business here during that time. He was well and favorably known, and his death is a loss to the entire community, who sympathizes with his wife in her sad be reavement. Mr. Lane was a man with a high education, great conversational ability and natural talent. He was a good neighbor, and one who could Illy be spared. He has been sick for a long time, and his death was not unexpect ed, though his loss is none the less felt. He was an entered apprentice Mason.. His remains were taken to Salem for' burial. ' Hoenette. Fishing for Coyotes. "There are more ways to kill a cat than choking him to death with butter," and a fact just as interesting to those who now trying to- exterminate the coyotes by the poison method, may be found in the following experience of Fred Rogers, as related by a Wyoming journal. The wary animals have long since been "lpary" of poisonous bait, and unless it is very skillfully prepnied give it a wide berth, and even when they do take it they have a disagreeable habit of going off to some secluded spot to make their last kick, and tons de frauding the honest wolfer of the fruits of his labor. ' To avoid this and make returns surer, Fred has lately been fish ing for them. A good stout hook is fas tened to a copper wire and an anchor of some description put at the other end of the wire ; the anchor is not so heavy that it cannot be hauled around, but too heavy to run off with. The hook is baited with a very tempting morsel, completely covering it, and thus ar ranged the trap is left over night. Brer' Wolf cpmes along, examines the bait and finding no suspicion of strychnine, bolts it. Finding the wire in hi" mouth, he swallows all the harder, and being unable to disengage it or bite it through, he trots off and the anchor getn in its work by inaugurating a pull that fastens the barb or the hook in the interior de partment of Brer' Wolf, and there he is, and there he stays until Frod makes bis morning call nnd at a safe dittanco drops his game with his Winchester. With several of these "trot lines" dispersed over a place where wolves and covotes are in the habit of passing, a rich and safe harvest is reaped. The copper wire is used because if it gets kinked it does not break, which it is liable to do if the wolf struggles much. SUMMONS. RU IB 3 W 6 4 cad Permanently WITHOUT Kr.i're or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Threo to Six Weeks, WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Offices : Rooms 7CC-7D7, llarquara Building PORTLAND, OREGON la the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon foi J. A. Gulliford, plaintiff, vs. John Topsr and Alice Topar, de'endants. To John Topar, if the above named defend anis: In t'.-.e name of'the State of Oregon ; oa are . hereby required to ppear and answer the complaint of t'aii tin", flied against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the first day of the next regular icnn oi saia tou'i following tne aatj hereof, to-wit: On or before the 10th rt y of Feb ruary, 1896; oi d if you full so to appearand an swer, for want thereof the plain till' will applv to uie i.uuri iur we reuet prayed lor in nis com plaint, to-wit: Foi a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed, made and executed by you and the defendant, Alice Topnr, to the above-named plaintiff, dated the 8th day of Nov mber, 1890, upon the N of the NEW, the WW of theNEJ, theNEof the NWW, theWUof n. ' ' ' ' . r. , uim L:3 1,1 lueonui DCCUOU 1 in Township 2 south of Range 13 east, W M, in Wasco County, Oregou, containing 320 acres of uiuu, luwo or ie-B, ana mat saia premises be SOld Under SUCh foreclosure dwrwt In thA mnn. ner provided bylaw; that ft om the proceeds of uru sme me pituniin nave sua receive tne sum of ?S0u, and interest on said sum at the rate of eight per cent, pr annum tluce November 8th, 1 92; the further mm of 100 as a reasonable at torney's fee to Collect the llntm therein ueu upon, ana p maun s costs and dis- Dursemencs oi said suit, limliiriine- - cruing costs and expensed of sale, and mai piainuu nave a juagment against vou and said defendant, Alice Topar, for any defic iency in the proceeds of sale to fully satisfy all said sums; (hat upon such foreclosure sale, all of the right, title, interest and clxim of cn and jour co-defendant, or either of you, and all other persons claiming or to claim, Dy, tnrougn or un der you or either of you in and to said mort gaged premives, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of redemption and for such otner ana further relief as to the Court may seem eonitcble and iusL - Ti is summons is served upon vou, the said John Topur, by publication thereol in The Dalles Chronicle for six consecutive weeks, by oiuer oi uoinirHoie w. u. uriwi.sn.aw, Juugc ot said Court, which order was duly made and en tered on the 2iith day of December, ISils. Iiatcd this 20th day of December, 18U5. DUFUR & MhNEFEE, dec28-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. This concerns you There is a stock of goods sent here from Portland to be sold, consisting of Ladies and Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, Dry Goods, paney Goods, Such as Laces and Embroideries, Hosiery, Notions, &c, at prices never beard of before Here are some of our Prices mazss Ladies' Vests from oc up. Chemise from 20c to very finest made. Ladies' fast black Hose from 4 for 25c up to 50c pair: regular $1 value. Garter Elastic for 3c a yard. Hat Elas tic, 1J6C a yard, bilk Jilastic, regular 25c value at 10c a vard. Common American Pins, 4 papers for 5c. Safety Pins, large sizes, 2 papers for 5c. Best quality of Ginghams, sold regularly for 15c. 12 vards for $1. Outing Flannels, regular 10c goods, 16 yards tor l. Dress Goods, all wool, sold for 75c to $1 a yard, at 45c. Laces from lc a yard up to 50c. Gents' Underwear, 35c a suit. Best quality Swiss Canda, all wool, silk mixed, formerly sold for $4 a suit; will be sold at $2. Gents' Overshirts from 20c up to $1.15, which formerly sold as high as $2.50. Men's Sweaters,- very heavy weieht. from 35c up. Boys' Suspenders, 5c and 10c, and men's in proportion. By viitue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon, for Wasco County, upon a decree and Judgment made, rendered and enterei'by said Court ou the Uth day of December, 1895, in favor of the plaintili' in a suit wherein the Solicitors' Ixian and Trust Comrany was plaintiff and Wil liam Goodwin, Horace H. Draper, Jennie R. Draper. John Goodwin, William Ooodwin and Amanda Thnrnbury, administratrix of the es tate of C. N. Thornb'irv, deceased, were defend ants, and to mo directed and delivered, enm- Amandiug me to levy upon and sell the lauds men none. i ana aescriDea in saia writ and here inafter described, 1 dio duly levj upon, and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on Monday, the 27th day of Janu ary, 1896, at 2:30 o'clock, in the afternoon of irl day, at the front door of the County courthouse. In I"i . i IT .1 '.- Vt'.. .... ' i ..11 - ' .u " - i . i..i , . . ...n u . vj n Li i j , v ' 1 1; mi, nil in nie lands and remises descrihed fn niri writ-., nnd herein described as followes, to-wit: The northwest quarter of northeast quarter and the east half of northwest quarter, and sonthwest quarter of northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-seven, township 1, north range 13, fast W. M., in Wasco County, Oregon, excepting a st rip of land described as ioIIows: Reirimiinir at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter me uuriiueubi. quarter oi section i ; running thence sonth to a point 24 rods; thence north westerly to tne nortnwest corner of the north eistquarte' of said sect on 27,containiug 154 acres of land and being the same land which Dels Bayer am W. J. Sayor and Annie Saver, his wife, by deed bearing date November 10'th, 1883, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Wusco County, ia Deed Book "1" pages 265 and 206, granted and conveyed unto the said William Goodwin, bis heirs and assigns, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfv thn Bum of $4051 and interest thereon from December 11, 1895, at the rate of 12 per cent per annum, and 1200 attorney's fees in this suit and 15.50 costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs oi sale. Dated this 26th day of December, at Dalles iiiy, asco torjnw, uregon. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff Waico Co., Or. dec28 . By Robert Kelly, Deputy. ins Goiiiinsia PacKiDg Go.. PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef MANUFACTTJHKKS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of 'V BRAND in mil f!ii, Dried Beef, Etc. -A. NEW Undertakinof EstablishmenL lite & NiTSCIIKE DKALEBS IN PRINZ Furniture and. Caipes. We havo added to our business a complete Undertaking Establish meni. and as we"are in no way connected with tne undertakers Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. THE DALLES NURSERIES. R. H. WEBER, Prop. Fruit, Shade AND Ornamental TREES Gr'pes, Vines AND Small Fruits E03E3 ABD SHETJEBEET. Remember onr Trees are grown strict ly without irrigation. Catalogue sent free on application. Leave ordess with C. E. Bayard, City Agent, Washington St., bet. Second and Third, The Dalles, Oregon. SUMMONS. Come and be convinced that we mean. business. These eoods will be offerer! for sale in the Michelbach Building; next door to Crandall & Burget's Undertak ing Parlors. The sale will commence Tuesday, Feb. Uth, at 10 a. m. sharp. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Kye, Seed Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed and other Grass Seeds; Northern Grown Seeds, Garden Seeds, Early Minn esota Corn, Dakota Yellow Dent Corn and Stowell's Evergreen Corn. Yellow Dan gers Onion Sets, Choice large, Mealy Bur bank Seedling Potatoes. Poultry and Eggs Bought and Sold. Chofce Assortment of Groceries Sold Cheap. Terms Positively Cash or Produce, at J. H. CROSS' FEED and GROCERY STORE On Saturday morning, Feb. 1st, the news was sorrowfully received by the friends of John T. Easton that he was suddenly called from our midst by death. On Wednesday evening he was, to all appearances, in good health until 6 Guardian's Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that Frank Abernethy, lardian of the Tjeraon and AntatA nt hields. a person of feeble henlrh. h filoH h final account with aald estjitA In tho Mnnh clerk's i fflee of Wasco County, state of Oregon, and that the 2d day of March, 1896, being the uiobuajr vi wjw regular jnarcn term oi tne county court of said county, in probate, for the year 1896, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, has been ap pointed as the time tor hearinsr said final no- count and report, and that the said hearing will be had, together with any objections thereto, if any are made, before the Hon. George C. Blake ley, Conn ty Judge at. tho county courtroom in the county courthuusa in Uails rHtv. Waan County, Oregon. All persons interested in said estate are here by notified to appear at said time and place and there show cause, if any there be, why said final account should not in all things be approved and aUowed. - This notice "is published by order of the Hon. deorge C. Blakeley, Judge of the county court of the 8tate of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date Jartuary 24, 1896. FRANK ABERNETHY, Gnardian of the person and estate of Joseph Shields, a person of feeble health. Dated January 24, 1896. - : J , " 25 Taken Up. I have taken up as eetrays a yearling steer and a yearling heifer at my farm at Eowena. Owner can recover same by complying with the provisions of the law in such case provided. feb5-lm Hank Snipes. Hello! Hello! This is the County Treasurer. He wants all county warrants registered prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his office, corner Third and Washington, for h6 is ready to pay the same. Inter est ceases after January 15th. Wsr. Michell, - County Treas. Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock today at J. O.Mack's, 67 Second etreet. ! In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for The American Mortgsge Company, of Scotland, limited, a corporation, plaintiff, 1 vs. F. P. Weidner, Thomns J. Fredenbnrg, M. Fred enbnrg, O Fredenburc, O. D. Ta lor, Sarah K. Taylor, Lorenzo Francisco, C. W. Cnther, J. C. Flanders and Jo-eph A. Johuson, defendants. To M. Fredenburc, of the above-named defend ants: In the name of the State of Orcgo:', yorl are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of plaintiff, filed uguinst you in tho above entitled Court and cause, on or before the first day of the next regu ar term of said Court next following the date hereof, to-wit: On or before the 10th day ot February, 18'J6; and if you fail so to appear and answer, forwant thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief pr. yed for in its complaint, to-wit; For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortcace deed, made and executed by the above-named defendants, F. IV Weidner and Thomas J. Fredenburg, to the above-named plaintiff, dated the 20th day of July, 1S!8, upon the B'A and the NWW of the NE M, and the NE'4 of the NWJ of Section 28, in 'township 1 north of Range 10 east of the Wil lamette meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, and that said premises be sold under" such foreclos ure decree in the manner provided by law: that from the proceeds of such sale the plaintiff have and receive the sum of fOOO, and interest on said sum since February 1st, 1893, at the rate of eight percent, per annum; lor tne turtner sum ot 75 as a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting this suit to collect the notes therein sued upon, and plaintirT8 costs and di bursements of said suit, including accruing costs and expenses of sale, ana uiai piainiin nnve juagment against tne de fendants F. P. Weidner and Thomas J. Freden burg, for any deficiency in the proceeds of sale iu sniisiy imiy an saia sums; inac upon sucn foreclosure sale all of the right, title, interest and claim of you and your co-defendants, each and all of you and them, and all other persons claiming or to claim, by, through or under you or any of them, in and to said niortgiged prem ises, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of redemption, and fur Buch other and f ui ther relief as to the Court mav seem eauita- ble and just. This summons is Berved upon you, the said M. Fredenburgr by publication thereof in The Dalles chronicle for six consecutive weeks, bv order of Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said Court, which order was duly made and en tered on the 26th day of December, 1895. Iated this 2tith day of December, 18'J5. ' DUFUR & MENEFEE. dec2S-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Bate Orai and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. ' Sheriff's Sale. A iudement.orderand decree havinff hApn nm. der. d and entered in the Circuit Court of tkm State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the t"th cay or January, iyt, in a cause therein pending, wherein Ferd. H. Dietzcl was clalutiff and W. A. Miller, Lydia 8. Miller, John W. Elton. Marv Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for vrasco county. William L. Isbell, PlalntlrZ vs. Mattie J. Isbell, Defendant To Mattie J. Isbell. the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint filed against you in saiu court ana cause, on or oeiore tne first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the expiration of six weeks publication of this summons, tow It, Monday, the 10th day of Feb ruary, 1896, and you will take notice that if you fail to s appear and answer, for want thereof. plaintiff will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: A decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of marriage heretofore and now existing between laintin and deiendant, and for such other re ef 89 may be equitable and just. This summons is served uuon vou bv Tmbllna- tion thereof in The Dalles chronicle, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above named court. Dated at Dalles City, Or., December 24, 1895. G. W. PHELPS. dec28-5t Attorney for Plaintiff. It not only is so, it must be so, One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kiner-sly, Drug Co.- J. Elton, b. B. Adams, W. Kice and B. 8. Huntington and H. 8. Wilson, partners, doing business under the firm name of Huntington t Wilson, were defendants, wherein Jand whereby It was decreed that the mortsrnire of the nlalntitf be foreclosed and the mortguged premises here inafter described be sold by the sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, in the manner provided by law for the sale of real estate under execution. and that the proceeds of such sale be applied as follows, to-wit: First, upon tbe payment of any taxes that may be due upon said premises, or that may be necessary to redeem the same from any sale thereof for unpaid taxes. Second, upon the amount due to tne plaintiff, namely, the sum oi f.MM.M, ana me iurmer sura oi s-iu as ac tornev's fee and the costs and disbursements of said foreclosure and sale. Third, upon tha amount due to the defendant, C. W. Rice, to wit: tbe sum of 419.43. Fourth, upon the amount due to the defendants, Huntington S Wilson, to-wit, the sum of I59.50. Fifth, upon the amount due io the defendsnt, S. B. Adams, to-wit, the sura of 175.15. Sixth, that the over plus, if any there be, be paid to the clerk of tho court to abide tbe further order of the court. And an execution and order of sale having is sued out of said court on said 17lh day of Janu ary, 18, to me directed and commanding me to sell said premises hereinafter described, for tha purpose of satisfying said decree, now, therefore, under and in pursuance of said execution and order of sale, I will, on Saturday, tbe 15th day of February, 1896. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Dalles City, in Wasco connty, Oregon, sell at public auction, to tho biirbest bidder, for cash in hand, for tbe purpose of satisfying the decree above mentioned, all the mortgaged premises in said decree described, to-wit: The south 14 of the southwest quarter, tbe northeast quai ter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 28, in township 1 north, range 13 east. inamette Meridian; also tnenortn ot tbe northeast quarter, tbe northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the southwest quar'cro t tbe northeast quarter of section 33, in township 1 north, range 13 east W. M., together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurte nances thereunto belonging, lying and being In wasco (bounty, uregon. The Dalles, Oregon, January 17, 1896. T. J. DRIVER, Janl8 Sheriff Wasco Connty, Or. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an execution and order of sale is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and judgment, made, rendered and entered by said court on the 19th day of December, 1895, in favor of the plaintiff, in a suit wherein the Solicitors Loan and Trust Company was plaintiff and Syl vester Brooks was defendant, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned and described in said writ and hereinafter described, I did duly levy upon and will sell at public auction, to tha highest bid-er for cash in hand, on Mon day, the C7th day of January, 1896, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of raid day, at the front door of the County courtnouse in Katies City, Wasco County, Oregon, all of tho lands and premises described In said writ and herein de scribed as follows, to-wit: - The southwest quarter of section fourteen In ' township one, north of range fourteen, east of theWillaTiette Meridian, Wasco Connty, Oregon, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to sat isfy the sum of 1383.30 and interest thereon from January 2i, 1893, at the rate of eight per cent per annum. fo0 attorney's fees in this suit, and 7.f0 costs in said suit, together with costs of saia writ sna accruing costs oi sale. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this 26th dryof December, A. D., 1895. T. J. iiRIVER, Sheriff ot Wasco Co., Or. Dec28 By Robxbt Kslly, Deputy.