CM3 THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1896. A-SPECIFIC FOR la Grippe, for Golds, Coughs, AND LUNG TROUBLES, AYER'S CHERRY. PECTORAL ' Two years ago, I had the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing the medicine as often as he found the things I had taken were not helping me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got no better. Finally, my husband, read ing one day of a gentleman who had tad the grippe and was cured by taking -Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, "procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of it, I was cured. ' I liave used the Pectoral for my children and in my family, whenever Tve have needed it, and have found it a specific for colds, coughs, and lnn troubles." EnrLY Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsapariila. PERSONAL MENTION. Wednesday John Eoth of Kingsley is m town to' day. N. P. Hansen of Monkland la in the ' city. M. Herrick went below on today'e train. Angna Campbell of Portland ia visit ing in trie city. Hon. George H. Williams returned to Portland on tne afternoon train. Thomas O'G. Magan of Lyle came np to The Dalles yesterday. Mr. B. F. Langhlin returned today from Uoidendale, where he went on hiininpRR. Meesrs. O. L. Wardner and Charles L. Maslick of Portland are registered at the Umatilla. Mrs. W. N. Kelly left on the after noon train for Portland to viait friends in that city. Mr. George A. Fanlkner and wife o Oakland, California arrived on todays local train, and are visiting at the resi dence 01 Mr. Li. Hi. Urowe. Mr. J. N. Harney, who is The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s agent in Portland, was in I he Dalles to day. He left for Portland on the after' noon train. Mr. W. F. Grnnow, a printer from The Dalles, is at present enjoying coun try life in the suburbs of Stevenson. He expects to open up some of Skamania's rich placer mines as soon as the snow disappears. btevenson Pioneer. Thnrsday. Mr. Charles Adams of Tygh Valley is in the city. F. H. Eowe of Lyle was in the city this morning. .Hon. Robert Maya came in from the country yesterday. George A. Blakeley of Portland visiting in the city. Mr. P. W. DeHuffcame up from Port land on the noon train. Mr. E. J. Collins went to Portland this morning on a business trip. Mies Delia Michelbach returned borne today from San Francisco, where she hag been on an extended visit. Mrs. Helen Southwick and daughter of Salem arrived on the local train today. Mtb. Southwick will organize a Wood men Circle in The Dalles. Mr. J. C. Lucky of Portland, formerly Indian, agent at the Warm Springs, was in the city today returning to Portland from a trip in the country south of The .Dalles, .tie reports tne snow in the country rapidly disappearing. Mr. H. A. Hogne, the well-known lumber dealer of Portland, and years ago a resident of The Dalles, spent yes terday and a portion of today in The Dalles. While here Mr. Hogue was a uest of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks. . Friday. Mr. R. F. Gibona returned today from Portland. Mr. H. McConaughjr, of the Portland Eclipse," ia in the city. N - School Superintendent Shelley came up from Portland on the noon train. Mr. Milton Harlan of Mosier, a former attache of Thb Chronicle ia in the city. Mrs. Houston, who baa been in the city organizing the Rathbone Sisters, left on the afternoon train for Portland. Miss Emma S. Brooks of Toledo, Ore. arrived in the city last night. She is the rgueet of her sister, Mrs. . E. J. Collins. . . . Mr. H. Antoine D'Arcv, representing Effie Ellaler, who will play at the Bald win next Thursday and Friday even ings, paid us a pleasant visit today. BORN. At 5-Mile January 21, to the wife of George Reed, a son. A DOG'S CURIOUS ACTION. Appeared to Surmise That His Master Had Been Hart. L. C. Meach-tmp, living above Homer, La., on the edge of Arkansas, is a great hunter and has fine deer hound, Don, of which lie is- justly pvoud. A lew days ago, says the Philadelphia Times, Mr. Meachamp was going squirrel bunting, and in order to keep Dan at home he was compelled to tie- him ip. The bound whined and begged, but, finding his master was obdurate, he at last lay quite peaceably- before the ken nel cl! day. At five o'clock in the afternoon, how ever, when Mrs. Meachamp was be ginning to look .for her husband's re turn, Dan became so unusually restless that she went out to see what was the matter. In spite of her repeated ef forts rhe could do nothing to pacify him, and at last, to her utter astonish ment, he broke the rope and boundtd away over the fence and icto the woods. He wa gone probably a half hour when he came rnnning back panting and al most breathless with his master's iiat in his mouth. Mrs. Meachmnp became at oriee alarincd, and, calling her son, they set out to find Meacharnp, the dog all the time bounding along in front and lead ing the way. At last they came upon Mr. Meachamp lying helpless in the. woods, where at precisely five o'clock he had fallen in a little ditch and broken a small bone in his leg. The dog's knowledge of the accident at the very moment of its occurrence seems almost incredible, but the truth of this is beyond dispute. A FEATHERED MONSTER. Strange and Gigantic Bird Killed by a Man In West Virginia. Elias Midkif, of Hamlin, Lincoln county, was in Charleston the other day, and proposed to the State His torical and Antiquarian society that if it would send a taxidermist to Hamlin the society would secure a monster bird, of a kind never seen before by anyone in West Virginia. The feathered monster, says the Baltimore American, is described by Mr. Midkif, from meas urements taken by himself and W. W. Adkins, of Hamlin, who "killed the bird at the mouth of Vannatters creek, wiih five bullets from his rifle, while hunting deer recently. The bird is seven feet four inches from tip to tip, four feet from tip of bill to tail, flat bill four inches long and three inches wide, somewhat similar to that of a dock; web feet, covering nearly n square foot of area each; neck 19 inches long, legs about 11 inches long, and aboutone and a half inches through below the feathers; plumage dark brown, re lieved on the wings and breast by light blue shading. The bird when first seen was circling high in the air, but came down very quickly and alighted in the water, where Adkins got a good shot at it, crippling its wing. Adkins , at tempted to capture the strange fowl alive, but it was so vicious that he could not get near it without killing it, which required five bullets. UNIQUE WASHING COMPETITION How English Women Draw Visitors to Bazars. In England when society embarks v.pon some charitable enterprise usu ally a bazar or something on tnat or der they secure the promise of a baker's dozen of popular young debu-. tantes to engage in a "washing compe tition," this -feature of the bazar al ways proving a big drawing card. Each of the fair washerwomen is at tired in chintz, a big white apron, broad white collar and sleeves rolled up above the elbow in true washerwoman style, Each competitor is supplied with a pail, cone cold water, two pegs and a soiled tea cloth. On the word "go" jeweled hands are plunged into the water and the wash' ing begins. The prize is given to the competitor who shows the cleanest cloth at the end of three minutes, the same being pegged into place upon the line. Points are deducted for overtime and incorrect detail. Said a London belle who recently took part in a washing competition at a seiect social event: "Twenty minutes of that exercise every day would give anybody first-rate arm developing ex ercise. It s way ahead of some of tne methods in my physical culture class. HUMOR ON THE BENCH. Characteristic Anecdote of Iord Bowen, the English Jurist. The late Lord Bowen, besides being a great judge, was also a great wit, and many interesting bon mots of his are being recalled just now. On the occa sion of the queen's jubilee, says House hold Words, the judges were drawing up an address to the queen. , "Conscious as we are of our short comings, ran the address; "conscious as we are of one another's shortcom ings," suggested Lord Bowen. Not long ago he was asked to sit in the ad miralty court. Upon taking his seat be asked indulgence' on account of in experience m admiralty business. "And may there be no moanings of the bar," he added, "when I put out to sea." Sometimes his wit was very decisive, as, for instance, when he remarked: "Truth will out even in an affidavit." Not the least happy of his recorded witticisms was the remark he made when congratulated on his appoint ment to be a law lord. He would, he said, find the work easy, his duty being to give his opinion after so many others had given theirs. "In fact, I only have to agree, and might well have been raised to the peerage as 'Lord Con- curry. " -s The Boot on the Other Foot. In hunter's lore there is an idea that the jackal is the lion's provider: that he locates the game and takes the lion to it. This superstition has no more foundation than is found in the fact that after a lion has slain his quarry the jackals always attend and wait the con clusion of the repast, in order to pick eres:anothec,thmg.; -, you can't 5 T "!JL-IgJM WITH A BOTTLE OF DR. HENLEY'S Beef and 7 In your home you have a COMPANION FOR LIFE It stimulates the APPETITE Strengthens the NERVES Gives you a good night's REST . , A perfect BLOOD PURIFIER It is NATURE'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, .'.-ATATISTS MATEBIALS. gjdf Country and Mail Orders will receive prom t attention. MORTON AND PRESIDENCY. Albany Argus: The people who are most interested in Levi P. Morton's can didacy for president are the people who expect to put their hands into his barrel to help along his cause. Boston Globe : Now that New York's old man of the sea has leaped on poor old Governor Morton's shoulders, Tom Reed will journey his campaign way with a lighter heart and a cheerier face than ever. j j Chicago Record (Ind.): The bee which sings the loudest and most painfully in Tom Reed's bonnet at the present time is the bee ol L. Morgan, of New York state. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette: Now that Governor Levi P. Morton is really a president candidate, the dispute as to whether or not be' wears a wig will have to be settled. We can t go into this campaign and have a hair-restorer plat form flashed upon ub at the last minute. New York Post : The "Morton boom" has acquired more headway than Piatt and his crowd ever intended. In their heart of hearts they are not in favor of Governor Morton for president. Mr. Reed is their man, but they would like to play Morton until the time comes to shelve him, and then throw the vote of New York like an avalanche for the man of their choice. But the danger ia that the boom will get beyond their control. . None But Ayer'a at the World's Fair. Ayer'a Sarsapariila enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, bnt they were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in lavor of Ayer's Sarsapariila was in effect as follows: Ayer's Sarsapariila is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrama. It is here on ita merits." beatjoHNNiE. 2 y The Dalles, Oregon Guardian's Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that Frank Abernethy, guardian of tbe person and estate of Joseph Shields, a person o( feeble health, has filed bis final account with said estate in tbe county clerk's tnce of Wasco County, State of Oregon, and that the 2d day of March, 1896, being tbe first day of the regular March term of the county court of said county, in probate, for the year 1896, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, has been ap pointed rs the time tor hearing said final ac count and report, and that tbe said hearing will be bad, together with any objections thereto, if any are made, before tbe Hon. George C. Blake ley, county Judge at the county courtroom in the county courthouse In Uailes City, Wasco County, Ore; on. All persons interested In said estate are here by notified to appear at said time and place and there show cause, if any there be, why said filial account should not in all things be approved ana auowea. This notice is published by order of the Kpn. George C. Blakeley, Judge of the county court of the Statu of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date January 24, 1896. FRANK ABERNETHY, Guardian of the person and estate of Joseph Shields, a person of feeble health. Dated January 24, 1896. J25 RUPTU RE Instantly Relieved and Permanently. CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. 'Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks, WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Offices : Rooms 705-707. ilarquam Building PORTLAND, OREGON Chichester' EnalUh Diamond Brand. ENflYRQYAL PILLS Vrlgint-u and wniy vennine. a safe, always reliable, ladies ask i Drujtfst Ear ChichtUerm EngtUh ia-j mond Brand ip Ked mud Gotd metlliaVy boxes, teaied with blu ribbon. Tb 5r no other. Refuse f'ungerouM rubtttfu- V (ions and imitation. AtDnifrjristitorend4e In stainpa for particular, testimonials and " KeUcr Tor iaiie," teuer, oj retarn Vail. 10,000 Testimonial. Name Paper. km fcUhJaUUnl DiuM .. . ffcllA-dft JP SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or the State of Oregon foi the County of Wasco. J. A. GulUford, plaintiff, ... . vs. John Topar and Alice Topar, de'endants. To John Toiuir, of the above named defend ants: . In fie name of;the, State of Oregon: You are hereby required to- appear and iswer the complaint of p'sii till', filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before tbe first day of the next regular term of said CoU't following tbe datj hereof, to-wit: On or before the 10th d y of Feb ruary. 1896: and if you fail so to Hnnenr and an swer, for thereof the plain tifr'will apply to the Court for tbe relief prayed for in his com plaint, to-wit: For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed, made and executed by you and the Uefendanc, Alice Topr, to the uuukc-iiniiitu piaiuuu, uaiea me ocn aay 01 rov' mber, lt-90, upon the N Ei of the HX.4 , the V'. of tbe UE'i, theNKof the XIV, the WW o theSWW.and theS'Xof theNW'nf Swtfniw in Townsnin2 south of Rhiiub i:1p. w m in Wasco County, Oregon, containing &!0 acres of wuu, uiure or ic-s, ana mac saia premises be hold utider Mich foreclosure decree In the mun ner provided bylaw; that fiom the irocceds of such sale the nlaintiff have and rpceH-A ilm .nm Dl $800, and interest on said turn at the rate of e gni per cent. p r annum t-ince November 8th, x m, iue junuer hum ox t ,uu as a reasonaDle at toruey's fee to collect the notes therein sued uron. and p'alntifTs osls and dis- DuraMenis oi taia suit, Including ac cruing costs and expenses of sale, and that plaintiff have a judgment against vou and said defendant, Alice Topar, for any defic iency in the proceeds of sale to fully satisfy all said sums; that upon such foreclosure sale, all of the right, title, interest and claim of jou and your co-defendant, or either of vou. and all other persons claiming or to Claim, Dy, tnrough or un der you or eitber of vou in and to said mort Kaged premiecs, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of ledemption and for such other and further, relief us to the Court may seem equitable and just. Ti is summons is served noon von.thnNftfri John Topar, by publication thereol in The bailee jti koi icle lor six consecutive weens, Dy order of Honorable W. L. Bradshanr. Jndcn of said Court, which order was duly made and en tered on the '.'(ith day of December, 1890, xjaLeu uiis utn aay oi iecemDer, lSlto. .DUFUR & MtNEFEE, der2S-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue' of nn execution and order of sale fcsued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oresron, for Wasco County, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered" and entered tav sniil Court on the 11th day of December, 181)5, In favor of the plaintiff in a suit wherein the Solicitors' Loan and Trust Company was plaintiff and Wil liam Gootfwin, Horace II. Draper, Jennie K. Draper, John Goodwin, William. Goodwin and Amanda Thornbury, administratrix of the es tate of C. N. Thornbury, deceased, were defend ants, and to me directed and delivered, com manding me to levy upon and sell tbe lands mentioned and described In said writ and here inafter described, I di.i duly lev) upon, and wiil sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on Monday, the 27th day of Janu ary, 18, at 2:30 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the County courthouse, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands and premises described in raid writ, and herein described as followes, to-wit: The northwest quarter of northeast quarter and the east half of northwest quarter, and southwest quarter of northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-seven, township 1, north range 13, east W. M., in Wasco County, Oregon, excepting a strip of land described as lollows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter oi the northeast quarter of section 27; running thence south to a point 24 rods: thence north westerly to tho northwest corner of the north east quarter of said sect on 27 .containing 154 acres of land and being the same land which Dela eayer aui w. J. Bayer and Annie Bayer, his wife, by deed bearing date November 10th, 1883, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Wasco County, in Deed Book "I" pages 265 and 2GG, granted and conveyed unto the said William Goodwill, his heirs and assigns, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of S3054 and interest thereon from December 11, 1895. at the rate of 12 Ter cent tier annum, and 1200 attorney's fees In this suit and f 16.50 costs In said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs of Bale. Dated thiB 26th day of December, at Dalles City, Wasco Countv, Oregon. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff Waco Co., Or. dec28 By Robert Kelly, Deputy. SUMMONS; In the Circuit. Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. Tbe American Mortgage Company, of Scotland, limited, a corporation, plaintiff, TS. F. P. Weidner, Thomas J. Fredenbnrg, M. Fred enburg, O. Fredenburg, O. D. Taylor, -Sarah K. Taylor, Lorenzo Francisco, C. W. Cather, J. C. Flanders and Joseph A. Johnson, defendants. To M. Fredenburg, of the above-named defend ants: In the name of the State of Oregon , you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of plaintiff, filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before tbe fi rst day of the next regular term of said Court next following the date hereof, to-wit: On or before the 10th day ot February, 1896; and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief pruyed for in its complaint, to-wit; For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed, made and executed by the above-named defendants, F. P. Weidner and Thomas J. Fredenbunr. to the above-named' plaintiff, dated lbe 20th day of July, 1888, upon the BH and the NWW of the NE lA, and the of theNW of 8ection 28, in Township 1 north of Range 10 east of the Wil lamette meridian, in wascouounty, uregon, ana that said premises be sold under such foreclos ure decree In the manner provided by law; that from the proceeds of such Bale the Dlaintiff have and receive the sum of 1600, and Interest on said Bum since February 1st, 1893, at the rate of eight percent, per annum; for the further sum of $75 as a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting this suit to collect the notes therein sued upon, and plaintiff's costs and dii bursements of said snit, including accruing costs and expenses of Bale, and that plaintiff have judgment against tbe de fendants F. P. Weidner and Thomas J. Freden burg, for any deficiency in the proceeds of sale to satisfy fully all said sums; that upon such foreclosure sale all of the right, title, interest and claim of you and your co-defendants, each and all of you and them, and all other persons claiming or to claim, by, through or under you or any of tbem, in and to said mortgaged prem ises, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of redemption, and for such otber and further relief as to the Court may seem equita ble and just. This summons is served upon you, the said M. Fredenburg, by publication thereof In The Dalles Chronicle for six consecutive weeks, by order of Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said Court, which order was duly made and en tered on the 26th day of December, 1895. Dated this 26th day of December. 1895. DUFUR & MEXEFEE. dec28-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. William L. Isbell, Plaintiff. VB. Mattie J. Isbell, Defendant. To Mattie J. Isbell, tbe above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in tbe above entitled court, and answer tbe complaint filed against you in said court and cause, on or before tbe first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the expi'ation of six weeks publication of this summons, towit, Monday, the 10th day of Feb ruary, 1896, and you will take notice that if you fail to s appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment against you for the relief praved for In his complaint, to-wit: A decree ot divorce forever dissolving the bonds of marriage heretofore and now existing between flalntiif and defendant, and for such other re let as may be equitable and just. This summons is surved upon you by publica tion thereof in The Dalles chronicle, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. U Bradsbaw, judge of tbe above named court. Dated at Dalles City, Or., December 24, 1895. G. W. PHELPS, dec28-5t Attorney for Plaintiff. Wanted. Wanted A reliable young man for branch office. Salary $100 per month. References and $600 cash capital re- quired. Address, the Harter Publish ing Co., Portland, Or., Tfis coiumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MAXUFACTURK3 0P ' Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. .A. N JEW Undertaking Establishment. PRINZ & N1TSCHKE -DEALERS IX- Furniture and Caipe s. We have added t.n nnr himinesa a COfaQDlete Undertaking V.stahliahmot.f and as we are in no way connected with me unaertaner8 lrust, our prices wil be low accordingly. TEE DALLES BUgSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. Fruit, Shade AND Ornamental Gr'pcs, Vines ADO Small Fruits E0SES AUD SHEUBBEET. Remember our Trees are grown strict ly without irrigation. Catalogue sent free on application. Leave ordess with C. E. Bayard, City Agent, Washington St., bet. Second and Third, The Dalles, Oregon. Bale Oven and Mitchel' STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. Sheriffs Sale. A judgment,order and decree having been ren dered and entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 17th day of January, 1896, In a cause therein pending, wherein Ferd. H. Dietzel was plaintiff and W. A. Miller, Lydia S. Miller, John W. Elton, Mary J. Elton, S. B. Adams, C. W. Rice and B. S. Huntington and H. S. Wilson, partners, doing business nnder the firm name of Huntington & Wilson, were defendants, wherein Jand whereby it was decreed that the mortgage of tbe plaintiff be foreclosed and the mortgaged premises here inafter described be sold by the sheriff of Wasco Couuty, Oregon, in tbe manner provided by law for tbe sale of real estate under execution, and that the proceeds of such sale be applied aa follows, to-wit: First, upon the payment of any taxes that may be due upon said premises, or that mav be necessary to redeem the same from any sale thereof for unpaid taxes. Second, upon the amount due to the plaintiff, namely, the sum of 1363.73, and the further sum of 140 at at torney's fee and the coats and disbursements of said foreclosure and sale. Third, upon the amount due to the defendant, C. W. Rice, to wit: the sum of $419.43. Fourth, upon the amount due to the defendants, Huntington dc Wilson, to-wit, the sum of $159.50. Fifth, upon the amount due io the defendant, S. B. Adams, to-wit, the sum of 1575.15. Sixth, that the over plus, if any there be, be paid to the clerk of the court to abide the further order of the court. And an execution and order of sale having is sued out of said court on said 17th day of Janu- ary, 1896, to me directed and commanding me to sell said premises hereinfter described, for tho purpose of satisfying said decree, now, therefore, under and in pursuance of said execution and -order of sale, 1 will, on Saturday, tbe 15th day of February, 1896, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse dooi in Dalles City, in Wasco connty, Oregon, sell at publlo auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, for the purpose of satisfying the decree above mentioned, all the mortgaged piemises in said decree desciibed, to wit: Tbe south 'A of the southwest quarter, the northeast qua.ler of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 28, in township 1 north, range 13 east, Willamette Meridian; also the north of tbe northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the southwest quar ero f the northeast quarter of section S3, in township 1 north, range 13 east W. M., together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurte nances thereunto belonging, lying and being in Wasco County, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon, January 17, 1896. T. J. DRIVER, janl8 SberiffWasco County, Or. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an execution and order of sale is sued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wai-co County, upon a decree and judgment, made, rendered and entered by said court on the 19th day of December, 1895, in favor of the plaintiff, in a suit wherein the Solicitors Loan and Trust Company was plaintiff and Syl vester Brooks was defendant, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell tbe lands mentioned and described in said writ and hereinafter described, I did duly levy upon and will sell at publio auction, to tho highest bidder for ash in hand, on Mon- day, the 27th day of January, 1896, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the County courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, all of tho lands and premises described in said writ and herein de scribed as follows, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of section fourteen in township one, north of range fourteen, east of theWillamette Meridian, N asco Couuty, Oregon, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to sat isfy the sum of 1383.30 and interest thereon from ' January 28, 1893, at tbe rate of eight per cent per annum, $50 attorney's fees in this suit, and 7.ft costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs of sale. Dated at Dalles City, W asco County, Oregon, this 26th day of December, A. D., 1895. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco Co.. Or. Bec28 By Uobibt R.KLLY, Deputy. . in m 1 1! a in ii , TREES up tle leavings.