THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1898. The Weekly GhfoMele. (HI DALLES, U ICE GUN nrnrnuii an c nf TirtKl '.J Saturday. " - T. Clay Neece of Waeco is in the city. Ex-Gov. Moody went below on this afternoon's train. J. C. Wingfield of Endersby ia a visi tor to town today. A. C. Sandford came down from Grants last evening. Mr. F. A. Senfert returned today from : a businees trip to Portland. Mr. E. K. Rnseell, supervisor of road district No. 12, was in town today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alden returned last night from their wedding trip to the sound. ' - H. S. Wilson returned last night from Olympia, where he went to argue the Klickitat bond case in the supreme court. Mr. M. A. Moody came upon the de layed train late evening, having spent twenty-four hours in journeying from Portland to The Dalles. Monday. - I.' H. Taffe of Celilo, was in town yee ' terday. Mr. S. R. Husbands of Mosier is in . town today. Mr. A. B. Craft of Eufus is down on a . business trip. Mr. T. C. Nve, of the O. B. & X. office, visfted Pendleton Sunday. , Mr. B. F. Laughiin went to Golden dale today on a business trip. G. A. Thomas and F. M. Lane of White Salmon were in totrn today. V Dr. E. E. Swinebnrn of Heppner epent . a portion of yesterday in The Dalles. J. A. Waddle, a well-known commer cial traveler, is paying the town a busi- . ness visit. - . ; Rev. Dr. J. Bloch, rabbi of the Jewish Synagogue in Portland, is registered at trie umauiia. Mrs. Wm. Halvor of Portland returned home today after visiting several weeks with Mr. Ualvors parents. . U1IU lUIOi VILIS juKidt VI 1 yj I v ' land have come to The Dalles, where they will make their future home. Mr. W. C. Wills of Prineville, a mem . ber of the State Board of Equalization, . recently in session at Salem, is in the city. Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Aitkin of Huntington visiting in the city. , ' Mr. B. F. Gibons went to Portland to day on a business trip. Mr. Frank Davenport, the lumberman of Hood Kiver, is in the city. Mr. Hugh Glenn returned on the morning's train from Portland. Mr. W. Landis, who has been visiting in The Jjalles for nearly a month, left yesterday for Spokane. ' Mr. V. C. Brock, cashier of the Sher man county bank at Wasco, is in the city today. He is accompanied by his wife. Messrs. T. W. Glavey, James Baxter, John Bolton and W. S. Hendrix make , up a delegation of Kingsley residents who are in trie city today. Hon. George H. Williams of Portland came up on the noon train. He will de liver a lecture upon "Reconstruction" at the Congregational church this evening, Mr. Joseph T. Peters left on the after noon train for San Francisco. He will be absent from The Dalles about two -weeks, during which time he will visit points of interest in California. In this city, Monday, Jan. 20, to wife of J. S. Singleton, a daughter. the Bone But Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra- ' ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of other sarsaparillaa sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows: "Ayer's SarEaparilla Is not a - patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." ' There is a big demand for Wasco county warrants ana mere is no aimcuity u Bciuug bucui ui par. .a. year or hu ago they were selling at from 90 to 95 cents, but there is now plenty of money in town to take up the whole issue at par. If some of this capital could be used in . establishing some manufactory say woolen mill for instance the benefit to the town and to the inventor would be lar greater. . . Just received at the Wasco Warehouse a carload of "Byers Best" Pendleton flour. This flour has no superior on the Pacific coast- Try it. d7-tf For Sale. sleigh's. Inquire at this " jl6-dwlw. A couple of office. .- Adn.inistrator'8 Sale of Real Estate. . In the matter of the estate of Mary M. Gordon, deceased. By virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, duly made and entered on the 13th day of January, 3896. notice is herphr iHven that I will nn Tnps.' -day the 25th day of February, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell to thfl hiffhftfit hlriHuv fn. ..oh In h.nH ha f -1 1 . ing described real estate belongiog to the estate of Mary M. Gordon: the North-west quarter of Section Thirty-two,. Township Four South, Range Thirteen East, W. M. in Wasco County, Oregon. Said sale will take place on said prem ises above described, and the sale of said prem ises will be mode subject to a mortgage thereon mounting to the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. . Dated this 17th day of January, 1896. , . ASA tSTOGSDILL, . Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gordon, deceased. . jan22-5t LIST OF BOOKS. HOW. TO PROCURE iTHEM. To Be Given Free to Subscribers of The Dalles Weekly Chronicle. The eubscpription price of the Weekly Chhokicle is $1.50 per year, so all those who pay one year's subscription in ad vance, we will send any five books you choose from the following lies. Bookswill be delivered, by mail only. Books must be ordered by umber as in the catalogue and not by the name of the book. " ''-. s Orders will be filled as promptly as the clerical work nvolved makes possi ble, ubferibers should wait patiently two or three weeks before making com plaint of non receipt of books. All orders should be addressed, Chronicle Publishing Co., . The Dalles, Oregon. Mrs. Alexander. Beaton's Bargain. Chauncey Depew. 735 Centennial Orat ion. 41 F. Anstey. Charles Dickens. 7J6 American Notes. 739 1 ictures from Italy. 83 Giant's Ko Kobe. Aveling. 110 An Ameiican Jour ney. Frank Barrett. 747 Sketches by Boz. 748 Mrs. Liriper'a Lodg ings. 117 EeeoilingVengeance751 Reprinted Pieces. iwunamc.pH. Prof.Dowden. Adam Badeau. 764 Life of coutbey. 123 Conspiracy. F DuBoisgobey. Chat. Wolcott Balesiier 782 Eed Lottery Ticket. 147 r'air Device. Walter Besant. 151 Lament of Dives. 158 Holy Eose. 160 Inner House. Lord Duffcrin. 844 Letters from High . Lattitudes. Annie Edwards. 856 Girton Girl. 857 Ought We to Visit i Her? 859 Vivian the Beauty. 8U0 Susan Fielding. Amelia B. Edwards. 876 Miss Carew. If. Betham Edwards. SSO Flower of Doom. 881 Next of Kin Lord Beaconsfleld. 191 Kine of Ibkander. 193 Beoconsfield's Life. Herbert Benard. 196 Coachman's Love. Hart Bernard. 197 lacked Out. Jt. D. Blackmore. 206 Mary Anerly. 209 Christowell. 210 Craddock Nowell 2 vols 14 Sir Thomas Utimoreoc. t .T"!"1 Jlfi M1.1 cf fitw. ' 000 "" mirage. 217 Clips the Carrier QeorOe mur 89S Theophrastus Such. Era Evergreen. 908 Ten Years of his Life William Black. Kate Eire. 222 In Far Loctaabnr. 912 gtep in the Dark. 228 Penaoce of John Lo- B L FaTiem. g. 920 Blood White Rose. Kemper Bocock, . 923 Nine of Hearts. 258 Tux tUo Area. aw Sacred Nugget. M. E. Braddon. 98 Toilers of Babylon. 274 Hostages to Fortune J, f. Farrar. Robert Buchanan. 912 Mary Anderson. 403 Master of the Mine. Georae. ManvilU Fenn. 409 New Abelard. 746 Golden Magnet. 953 Dark House. Mrs. Fort ester. 982 My Hero. 981 Omnia Vanitas. R. E. Forrest. 998 Eight Day . Gertrude Ford. 1009 Only a Coral Girl. Rhoda Brough. 425 Betty's Vision. James H. Bush. 441 More Words About the Bible: E. Lasseter Bynner. 443 N Import. 2 vols. 444 Tritons, 2 vols. John Bloundell Burton. Laura C. Ford 416 Mystery of St.Jaines ion For Honor's Sake. r&ix.. 1013 Enemies Born. Thomas Carivle. t v kwi7w 515 Life of Heine. 1025 Goldeu Bells. en n. k". .,,., James Anthony Froude. 525 Jenn Paul Frederick 1087 Liieo1 Jno- Bunyan Richter. Thomas Fiiwler. LL. D. 530 Portrait of Jno Knoxl039 Life of Locke. 531 Corn Law Rhymes Henry Georae. A. W. Church. 1046 The Land Question 539 Life of Spencer. 1047 Protection or Free C. R. Coleridge, Tiade. 77io. Gift 592 Near Relation. Hugh Conway. 1083 Pretty Miss Bellew. 612 Garriston's Gift. 620 Paul Vaigas and Wm. E. Gladstone, 1090 Criticism of Robert otner atone. Elsmcre. Annie C. Gibbs. 1093 Bile hted Life. 1096 Wuil of the Storm Winona Gilman. 1098 General Utility. 1099 Clarice. S. Baring Gould, 1109 Little Tu Penny. Maxwell Gray. 621 Somebody's Story. J. Fenimore Cooper. 643 Ways 01 the Hour. 645 Manikins. May Cromelin. 684 Goblin Gold. Stuart C. Cumberland 695 Rabbi's Spell. Earl of Desart. 727 Lord and Lady Pic 1120 Reproach of Annes caoiiiy. .V. V. Gogol. ley. Florence Marryat 1567 Poisen of Asps. 1568 Phvlida. 1569 Petronel. 1572 Fighting the Air. 1573 Girl of Feversham 1574 Fair-Haired Aids. 1584 Love's Conflict (2 vols). 1585 Heart of Jane 1129 Taras Bui Da. Evelnn Grau. 1130 As Fate Mould Have It. rtAwr GrifTiths. 1134 No. 90. Cecil Griffiths. 1138 Victory lxane, H. Rider Hnggard W arner. 1146 Col. Quaritch, V C. 590 Little Stcpshon joyz nnuenmfiie. 1153 Tale of Thre Lions 1593 Master Passion. Thomas Uardv Helen B. Mathers 1167 Woodlanders. 1607 Hondri; or, Blind Mary Grace Haloine Justice. 11S2 Strange Disappeur- Ii T. ifende ance. iob in xnral Mom. 1183 Great Divorce Case wiin. fit 87 A Letter. iM4 CTack of poom. Cushel noey 1045 Was She Good or 1229 Stern Chase. Bad? 12S0 Lov. r's Creed. 1646 Life of DeFoe. Mrs. H. C. Hofi'man Justin MeCarthv 1239 Married by the ' 169 Dollv. Mayor. 1661 Gabriel lp. 1240 Treacherous M Mo,Mwnrth A1242 lSS tothe World 1062 JTOW ing In Marriage. Arabella Hopkinson Susanna Moodie 1259 Life 8 Fitful Feer. 1671 Flora Liusday. 1672 Geoffrey Moucton Fergus Hume 1270 Girl from Malta. Jame Catter Morrison R. H. Hutton iu3 uieoi Gibbon. David Christie Murray 1KU1 1294 Life of Sir Walter 8cott. John W. Hnvt 1 xvuuuei. 1687 By the (Jate of the Sea. 16R8 Cynic Fortune. 1691 First Person Sing 1295 Studies iu Civil Service. Adah M. Howard 1297 Against Her Will. ular. 1300 Desperate Womau. Jt92' Hearts. 1301 Little Nana. 1302 Mother's Mistake 1S03 Hauuted Life. 1304 Little Sunshine. 1701 Way of the World. Alan Mufr 1709 Goldeu Girls. F. Mvers 1719 Life of Words worth. Walter Hubble 1307 Great Amherst Mystery. William E. Norris Washington Irving 1735 My Friend Jim. 316 Abbotsford and 1742 Rogue. Newstead Abbey. 17 Crayon Papers. 143 That Terrible Man 144 Mr. Chuin'g Sons 2 vols. Milton Nobles 1749 Phoenix. Notley 1750 From the Other Side. William O'Brien 1762 O'Hara's Mission. Mrs. Power O'Donoe- hue. 1319 LUe of Goldsmith. G. P. R. James 1324 Darnley. Maurice Jokai 1351 Modern Midas. Mrs. dw. Kennard 1353 Matron or Maid. Grace Kennedv 1360 Dunallen, 2 vols. A. E. Lancaster 1386 All's Dross bat . 1763 Unfairly Won. Dr. J. Oehoiwitz 1764 Mental Sugges tion. 4 vols. Mrs Oliphant ' 1771 Eflie Ogilvie. 1777 Poor Gentleman. 1779 John. Love. Vernon Lee 1410 Phantom Lover. . 1412 Prince of One ' . Hundred Soups. Margaret Lee ' 1420 Brighton Night. Katherine 3.' McQnoidHSI Sonof His Father. 2 Jrn WtTitwrnth ?7?9 Luoy Crofton. 1482 Joan Wtntwoith, 1800 Oliver's Bride, 1802 Queen's Book. Dennis O'Sullivan-, lS35Llon of Limerick.. 1836 Eviction. . 1837 Maid of Cremona. 18S8 Beauty of Ben- ' burb. 1839 Mary Mavour- . neen. 1S40 Eileen Alanna. 1841 Robert Emmet. . 1842 Strange Case. 4843 ' Famed Fontenoy. Brooks McCormick-' 1510 Nature's Young " jNooieman. McKenna-' ' 1512 Hearts and Gold. Charles Marvin 1528 Russians at the - Gate of Herat. - Harriet Martineau 1544 Hill and Valley. . 1550 Charmed Sea. Florence Marrjat-t 15.13 Ange. 1554 Mad Dumaresq. . , ,aJ? "at?';t . 1500 Captain Norton's ' I856 Marjorie's Child... Diary. " -T James Payn .' 1561 With Cupid's Eyes 1858 Eaves dropper. H64 Out of His Reckon- 1S59 One of the family, leg. 1SC0 Cannon'sjWard. James Payn . 1862 Luck of the Dar- :, George Temple ,o,n Jfl . " 225 Britta. 1870 Kit A Memory Tasma .J- - ?h,11.1,ipf3. 2257 Uncle Finer of 187o Social Vicl-situdes ij,-n 1S77 StrHngeAdventures..,. . . f T .fnv Smith Mkolai .V. Tcheruish- 1879 Jack and Three vvISff7T jm? 22G6 V ital Question. Kenward Philip W. M. Thackeray 1E87 John Brown's Leg. 2274 Critical Revkws. 1888 SibyrRoss' Mar TMt fans SKetcnes. 2290 Chritms Books. riage. Post and Lewbncher o-hw vnvi hv FiTiitir.nt 1Q17 Thp denTf Upvvitt it.j. ' f X1MUUS. Actios Ray 22S9 I'olikuuchka. 1943 Mrs. Gregory. Bertha Thomas- 2318 Elizabeth's Fortune. Arnold Toynbee 23J5 Industiial Revolu tion, 2 vols. Anthony Trollope 2326 Autobiography. G. W. M. Reynolds 1952 Degraded Deserter 2 vols. 1953 Bctram Vivian 2 vols. 1954 Doom of theBur- ker. 2 vols. 1955 Wsgner the Webr Woll. 2 vols. 1957 Necromancer 2 vols. 1958 Mystery of the Marcbmonts 2 vols. Rita 1962 Mystery of a Tur kish Bath. Fred Allison Topper zu juoousnine. Denzil Vane 2373 Uke Lucifer. J. W Von Goethe ' 2379 Wilhelm Meister's; Travels. Florence Warden 2383 Schtherazade. T XT OiilH.ll 1991 Susan Drummond. -J Y,aKrn' wil1e- F. Mabel Robinson ui..u 2012 Hovenden V- C. 0304 Mnm nf 'nrV"P 2 vols. 2J5 Witch of the Hills. G. M. Robins 2396 Woman's Face. 2020 Tree of Knowledge L. B. Wal ford- Blanche Roosevelt. 2412 Mr. Smit 1. ,5? "leam Haste Prof. A. W. Ward- . W. Clark Russell- 2434 LUe of Chaucer. 2039 Jennv Harlow. , 2047 Golden Hope. H. Wall y . ., 2435 Dregs and Froth. John Ruskin , , . 2064 Art of England. 'H'"? WestaU 2068 Our Fathers Have 2436 M. Fortescuu. Told Us. 2442 Queer Race. 2071 Arata Peutiliol. 2074 Love's ilcinio. 2075 Munera Pulveris.' Sir Walter Scott 092 Chronicles of the Canongate. J. L. Sborthouse 2133 Countess Eye. Flora L. Shaw Deshler Welch 2444 Life of Grover Cleveland. . Violet Whyte 244" Her Johnnie 2448 Eric Dune. John Strange Winter 2166 In Quarters with the 25th Black Horse Diagoons. 2138 Se 1 Change. Harvest. William Gilmore Simms2472 Little Fool. 2156 Vnsconselas. Katherine Wilde 2501 Ill-Regulated M nd 67 Confessions. 168 Foragers. Mrs. Henry Wood 2505 Lady Grace. Hazel Wood 2527 On the Quicksands. Charlotte M. Yongc 2531 Chuntry House. 2159 Beuuchamp. 2160 Charleinont. 2161 Mellichamps. tltii Partisan. Goldwin Smith. fl95 Life of Cowper. Emily Spender 3i0o Until the Day Breaks. T. W. Speight S207 Barren Title. 2537 My Young Alcides. Charlottf M. Stunlev Tw9 11(ll;s of ft?ll Accord and Discord,. ,?n!el,,- , Leslie'Stephon 2?5 Life of Johnson, 26 Life of Pope. Jane Stnnley 229 Daug'nters of the Guds. Starkweather and . Wilson ' S130 Socialism mvchus. Miscellaneous 2556 Anna Gray. 2565 Bess. 2592 Fresh Chestnuts. 2(3 He. 614 It. 2616 Jessie. 2620 King Solomon's Treasure. 2626 Little Golden. 2650 Pa. - Julian Sturgis : uomeay 01 a country House. 34 Dick's Wandering. 2652 Pauline. 2.35 John Maidment 2654 Prize Recipes. nT. u..iinn 2658 Suzanne. 2237 In Prison and Out. 1577 Witness my Hand Pendleton's Point of View. - A good-natured rivalry has sprung up between Pendleton and The Dalles re garding their commercial advantages and growth. . The following article from the Pendleton Tribune gives that paper' views upon this question and its loyalty to Pendleton is commended. However, the statement made by The Chronicle that $600,000 was paid into The Dalles for wool during the past season is a p proximately correct, and for the number of pounds 6,1)00,000 is a much more cor rect estimate than the 5,000,000 allowed by the Tribune. The price paid per pound bere ranged, in some instances over 12 cents, while large quantities eold for 11 In Pendleton the prices ranged much lower. We envy Pendleton her woolen mill and scouring mill, but The Dalles will not concede that Pendleton Bur passes her as being the wool emporium of tne West. All the more reason why woolen manufactures should be estab lished bere, where the natural product is at our door and transportation rates. by reason of an open river, so cheap, Here are the Tribune's remarks : In another column will be found an interesting article from The Dalles Chronicle under the caption, "Time to Advance," wherein the opinions ex pressed by commercial travelers con cerning the leading towns in Oregon are referred to, supplemented oy a deserved tribute to Pendleton, which is acknowl edged by The Dalles paper to be a 'lusty rival." The Chronicle says that for wool alone $600,000 was disbursed - bv The Dalles bants last summer. The Tribune is willing to admit that The Dal lea leads as the wool market of Eastern Oregon, but is inclined to be lieve that the figures quoted above are too nigh. Conservative estimates place the amount of wool bandied at The Dalles at about 5,000,000 pounds. This is iu excesB of the number of pounds shipped from Pendleton last year by about one million. It should be borne in mind, however, that while The Dalles for years past has led as the great wool center, the num ber of pounds bandied at this point pre vious to the establishment of the scour ins mill, less than two years ago, never exceeded a million and a quarter. A "lusty rival V It would- seem so. when it is known that not until last vear baa it become generally known to the people of Eastern Oregon, that the rife competition existing between local buy ers combined with the other advantages she possesses, Pendleton easily leads as the. most advantageous shipping point for the wool roeh of the Inland Empire. It is now confidently expected that during the present year Pendleton will handle over 6,000,000 pounds of wool, nor will she then have arrived at the zenith of her possibilities as the great entrepot of the wool product of Eastern Oregon. - The people of Pendleton are deeerviDir of the enviable reputation they enjoy as I'll- 1 . .. 1 . reimuit' ami enterprising Dnsiness men, who never fail to contribute toward any scheme calculated to benefit the town, but the fact should not be lost sight of that nature has done' much for Pendle ton, and that it is to her natural re sources that the people of this city are largely indebted for the city's rapid strides to the goal of her ambition the ideal inland city of the state leading all others as a commercial and manufactur ing center. . . .. :.: ; . u Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County on the 6th day of Jannary, 1896, and to me directed, in a suit wherein William A. Doug-4 uuu piniuuu uuu r. r. jaymr, Lmma j. Tay lor, O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, Joseph A. Johnson, John rger, State of Oregon as trust ees for the use of the common school f nnd of Wasco County, Oregon, Mrs. Caroline 8. Breese, Mrs.Anna M. Hedstrom. Arthur E. Hedstrom. Alice H. Douglas, George R. Bnrnside. Elea nor E. Burnside and Anna M. Hedstrom, Alice ,H. Douglas, Arthur E. Hedstrom and James F. Chard, executors and trustees of the last will and testament of E. L. Hedstrom, de ceased, Hebert Folger and Mary A. Fnlger are defendants, and commanding me to s 11 1I10 loiiowiog aescriDea ical property, lying and sit uate In Wasco County, Oregon, to wit: Beginning on the north bank of Drv Hallow creek, at the son theast cornel f Ihelanil deeded by Caleb and Mary J. Brooks, on Januaiv 9, 1886. to O. D, Taylor, and on, August 3, 188(i, deeded by O. D. Taylor and wite to Emma C Tlor; thence south along the line of the Mat-onic cem etery to tne norm line of the land now owned br E. P. Roberts; thence west al- ng t le north line 01 r. Kooerts land to tne east linp nf tho lAnH aeeaed by Caleb Brooks and wile to Newell and now owned by E. -P. Roberts: thence north along the east line of E. P. Roberta' land to the nonn Dans: 01 Dry uouow creek to the south west corner of the land owned hv Fnim, v Taylor; thence northeasterly along the north bank of Dry Hollow creek to the place of begin ning, being the southeast fractional quarter of the west half of the 6immn Iinnati,u linn Claim, and situate in section ten of township oue north, range thirteen east, Willamette Meri dian, containing forty acres more or less. The land referred to in the foregoing description as E. P. Roberts' land was owned by suld E. P. Robers, being the land now owned h ti-.i, halt of said E. P. Roberts; together with all nnd sin gular the tenements, hereditaments and appui tenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining; and out of the proceeds thereof to satisfy one-third of the costs and disburse ments Of said suit taxed nt S25. and r h fiit-tho sum of $1065.55 and interest thereon Mt ten per cent per annum from the date of said judgment; and further commanding me to sell the fallow ing described real property, lying and tiluute in tva'i-u vuuuiy, ureuon, to-wie: Also the following described tract r.f lnnri Commencing at the southeast corner of the lunrt sol 1 by Caleb Brooks to James G. Tarlnr. .hn, west 2.54 chains to the southwest corner of the same; thence north 2.91 chains a long the west line of taid James G. Taylor's la: d to a pjiut (stake) thirty feet south of the snnthenst(nrYi.r of the land sold by Caleb Brooks to liietzel Br -thers; thence west 5.94 chains to the northeast corner of land sold bv Caleb Brooks to William Taylor; tbence south 8.95 chnii.s to thH south east corner of said William Taylor's land ; thenre wem. i,ou cuains 10 tue east line ot tne laud sold to the Goed Templars for an oiphans' home; thence south 8.61 i hains along the east line of toe said land to the southeast corner of the same; thence west 5.60 chains to the southwest corner of the said Good Templars' land : thence south 11.50 chains to the north bank of Dry Hollow creek; thence northeasterlv 19,50 chains along the north bank of Dry Hollow creek; thence north 12.75 chains to the public road whfch leads east oC. E. Chrismau's: thence west .45 chains: thence north 3 Jin rhnins tn th placo of beginning, containing twenty-five acres more or less; together with all and singu lar the tenements, hereditaments and appurte- .... .. ...... . . tu uEiviiiii(i ui 1 11 any wise a pertaining. And out of the nrocepds thnmnf i Satisfy tWO-thirdS Of the costs and rlishnru. ments taxed as aforesaid, the costs upon said writ and the sum of f H06.74 and accrued inter est at eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of 1300 attorney fees; I will, on the 8th day of February, 1896. at the hour of 2 o'clock In the uueruuoii or. saia any, at tne courmouse door in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell all said above described real property to the highest uiuuci lur ctuu ill nanu. T. J. TiRrVFB j8-5t Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is herebv given that bv virtue nf an ptc. ecution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county on the 14th day of January 1S96, in a suit therein pending wherein A. 8. Disbrow and Mary M. Disbrow are SiHiiiLiiis ana j. c. nanna, Juaitgte a. rlann', T. . Watson, Mary G. Watson and Charles E. Gill are defendants, directing me to sell the real property nereinaiter a escribed to satisfy the sum of 535 ana accruing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum irom tne 3lst day of Decern ber, 1895, and the further sum of 1741.75 aud in terest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum fiom said 31st day of December, 1895, 20 costs and disbursements of said suit, and accru ing costs, 1 will on the 15th day of Februarv. 1896 at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the court nouse door in Dalles City, Wasco county, Ore., sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described tract or parcel of land de scribed as follows, towit: The west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section two, lowusmp two norm, range ten east, W. M.. containing 20 acres, more or less, and all the right, title aud interest of each of said rip. fendauts in and to said land to satisfy said sums, mujrcBi. till Li cuaui. janlS , T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. 1 L judgment, order and decree bavin? been rendered and entered in the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco County, on the 23d day of December, 1895, in a cause therein pend ing, wherein C. W. Dietzel was plaintiff and Ezra Henson and Russell & Company, a corpor ation, and R. F. Gibons, A. S. Mac Allister and J. M. Marden, partners doiug business under tne nrm name ot Gioons, Mae Allister & Co.. were defendants, wherein and whereby it was ordered and adjudged that the plaintiff have and recover 01 ana irom me aeienaant, zra nen son, the sum of $320.65 and the further sum nf fib as attorney's fee and bis costs and disburse ments taxed at $11, and it was further ordered and adjudged that the defendant, Russell & Company, a corporation, have and recover ef and irom the defendant. Ezra Henson, upon its cross complaint the sum of $778.3o, and the fur ther sum of $75 as attorney's fee. and it was further adjudged and decreed that the mortgage of the plaintiff' be foreclosed and the mortgaged property hereinafter described be sold in the manner proviaea oy law, ana mat me proceeds thereof be anDlied as follows: First, unon the costs and expenses of said foreclosure aud sale. Second, upon any amount that may be due for unpaid taxes, or that may be necessary to re deem said premise from any sale thereof for unpaid taxes. Third, upon the amount due to the plaintiff. Fourth, upon the amount due to the defendant. Russell & Co. Fifth, that the overplus, if any there be, be paid to the Clerk of tne court to aoiae tne lurtner order of the Court. And an execution and order of sale having issued out of said Circuit Court on the 7th dav of Janury, 1896, and to me directed and com- manaing me to sen me mortgaged premises hereinafter described to satisfy the sums above mentioned with interest thereon, now. there fore, under and in pursuance of said execution and order of sale, Twill, on Thursday, the 13th day of February, 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door in Dalles City, iu said county and state, seil at public auction, to the nignest oiuaer torcasn in nana, lor me purpose of satisfying said judgment order and decree the mortgaged premises named and described therein, to-wit: Northeast quarter cf Section 17, Township 8 South, Range 14 East. W. M.. containine 160 acres of land. T. J. DRIVER. 15j-5t Sheiiffof Wasco County. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the nndersimed the executor of the last will and t'stament of Thomas N. Jolcs, deceased, has filed, in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of the State of - regon for Wasco County, his final ac count as such executor. All persons interested in said estate are hereby nc fined that by an or der of said county court, made and entered on December 80, 1895, the second day of March, 1896, was fixed as the time, and the county courtroom in the county courthouse in Dalles City, was fixed as the place lor the heart rg of said final account and objections thereto, if any there be, and for the settlement thereof. K. . UlBUo, Executor of the last will and testament of. Thos. N, Joles, deceased. jan 1 Administrator's Notice. Notice Is her?bv given that the undersigned has baen duly appointed by the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco eounty, administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser, deceased. All persons having claims against 8Hid estate are notified to present the same to me properly verified, at my residence in Dalles City, W asco County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 6th day of January, 1896. GEORGE A. LIEBE, Administrator of the estate of Solomon Houser, deceased. Dcfue & Menefee, Attorneys tor Administrator. b-oi fi -r Everybody The largest piece of ever sold "Tie Replator Line' & Dalles, Portland ; anfl Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freioni ana PassGnger Line Thronch Daily Trirts CSundavs ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connectincr at tne Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City, Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. . , . FABBXNttXB RATX8, Oneway.. ...2.00 Bound trip 3.0Q Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, ' except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before r . t - . 1 v 1 . 1 Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent THE-DALLES. OREGON BHSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VTA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Patil Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leare Portland Kverr FIto Days for ; SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. B. t Co.' Agent Tha Dalles, or address . . W, H. HTJBLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon 0.1?. SN is on to it tobacco for 10 cents TLos. F. dates, ' Henry C. Payne, BJtCIIVKB8.r- Henry C. Rouse ORTHERN -PACIFIC R. R. Pullman Eleg.ent Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars , ST. PAD L. MINNEAPOLIS DCLCTH FABGO GRAND POBF CROOK8TON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Tourist TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA VKW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets. call on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. A(?ent, The Dalles, Oregon, D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 256. Morrison. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Did you know? That we have opened up a Wholesale Liquor House at J. O. Mack's old stand ? The purest Wines and Liquors for family use. - STUBLING & WILLIAMS PCk cheater's EnarHnk Slum! BraaA. EfifJYROYAL PILLS FJ'V mm.rwL. alwt ri.)ihli laniimiil' , Unnnjirt for Ckickettcr &tHUh Dia-l mwia jtrams 10 iced and Uoia met&Ula IhoiM, temled with bine ribbon. Take 1 no other. Srfuser'Mnaertmambttittf tion and imitation. At Drusrtata. m-awnd 1a. In t&mp ft ptrttciilari, testimonial! and 44 Relief for fmdl, in letter, by rctim NaiL 10.00OTeiUmoDlli. Mima Inprrm fold ttr ftUJeat bngfUU. I'kUada I I - 1