THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1896. lale auction J. B. Cfossen has Public Sale a large National" Guaranteed Quadruple Plate SILVERWARE Comforters, White Ladies' and Misses terns, Ribbons and Overcoats,... ......... At 10 A. M. on Saturday, the 18th inst, and Wednesday the 22d The above auctions will not The Weekly ChfoMele. THE BALLK8 ... OREGON Entered at the postoffice at The Dalits, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. STATE OFFICIALS. ajyernor.'..'. W. P. Lord Secretary of State HE Kincnld Treasurer Phillip Metschan Bupt. of Public Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney-General C. M. Idletnan u . G. W. McBride Senators jj. u Mitchell (B. Hermann Congressmen Jw K. EUlB State Printer W. H. Leeds COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge. Geo. C. Blakeley Sheriff. T. J. Driver Clerk A. M. Kelsay Treasurer Wm. Michell '., , (Frank Kiucaid Commissioners A s Blowers Assessor F. H. Wakefield Surveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools.. .Troy Shelley Coroner W. H. Butts EDWARD D. BAKER. Oregon conferred honor .upon herself when she sent Edward D. Baker, the warrior statesman, to the United States senate. Baker's memory has been kept alive in the traditions of the state, and the following sketch of his life career. which is taken in an abbreviated form from the St. LouiB Globe-Democrat, cannot fail to be of interest to Orego nians. Baker was one of the West's greatest men. The circuit court at Springfield, 111., from 1835 to 1S40 represented a remark able measure of future judicial and po litlcal distinction. Stepben T. Logan was the presiding judge, Stephen A Douglas was the prosecuting attorney, and the bar included such men as Abra ham Lincoln ; O. H. Browning, Samuel E. Teat, John J. Hardin, Lyman Trum bull, Cyrus Walker, and Edward D. Baker. These men were all good public speakers in their several ways, but the surpassing orator among them was Baker. He was an Englishman by birth, whose parents had come to Amer ica when he was 4 years of age, locating in Philadelphia, from whence he had drifted out to Illinois in 1825, being then a boy of 14. For several years he sup ported himself by manual labor, and de voted all his spare time to study, with the determination to qualify himself for a professional career. He first became an exhorter in the Christian church, at tracting marked attention by . the earn estness and picturesqueness of his style ; and then he concluded to become a law yer, which meant also a politician. His services were in general demand on ac count of bis influence with juries, and his reputation was increased by the stump speeches that be was always ready to deliver. His ambition was restless and far-reaching, and he missed no opportunity to extend bis acquaint ance and to put himself in the way of official preferment. The greatest of Baker's orations, and one of the greatest ever delivered by anybody, was that which the death of his friend, David C. Broderick, called forth. It will be remembered that Broderick was killed by Judge Terry in a duel in 1859; and Baker was chosen by common consent to pronounce the eulogy which waB a part of what he called "the mournful tribute whIA the majesty of the people offer to the unreplying dead." He spoke of "the senator lying dead be fore us" as a man who "toiled with his own hands, and sprang at a bound from the workshop to the legislative hall," a man of simple habits and sterling integ rity who was pursued with relentless bitterness by his political enemies, but who never flinched for a moment in "the great struggle for the rights of the people against the despotism of organi zation and the corruption of power. The manner of his death, "tangled in the meshes of the code of honor," was dwelt upon by the orator with a pas sionate protest against the practice of dueling, which he characterized as "a shield emblazoned with the name of chivalry to cover the malignity of mur der.". Its boasted equality he declared to be a lie. In reality, he said, "it sub stitutes cold and deliberate preparation for courageous and manly, impulse, and and arms the one to disarm the other." In closing he exclaimed, "But the last word must be spoken, the imperious mandate of death must be fulfilled. Thus, oh, brave heart, we bear thee to thy reBt. Thus, surrounded by tens of thousands, we leave thee to the equal at the loss received instruction from M. Honywill to' offer at and elegant lot of the genuine Bed Spreads, Blankets, Lace lnrs. Misses' Laces, Misses' and Boys' JJiVVliiV Vaj. w v -. j inst, at the Boss Cash Store. interfere with the Closing Out Sale which continues. J. B. CROSSEN, Auctioneer. crave. As in life no other voice so rung its trumpet blast upon the ear of free' dom, so in death its echoes will rever berate amid our mountains and valleys until truth and valor cease to appeal to tn human heart. Hail and farewell !' Soon after the death of Broderick Baker removed to Oregon, where his reputation had preceded him, and he was elec ted to the United States senate. He returned to California in I860, on his way to Washington, proud and .happy over the victory that had been the ulti mate ambition of his life. They gave him a big reception at San Francisco, and he delivered a speech that could never be forgotten by those who heard it, While performing his duty as a sena tor, Baker found time to organize what was known as the California regiment, and was made its colonel. He fre qnently entered the senate to deliver speech with"" his uniform on; and when the special session ended, August 6, he hastened to the front, eager for the fray. His regiment was assigned to the division of Gen. Stone in the army of the Potomac, and he was placed in com' mand of a brigade. On the 21st of Oc tober, he was ordered to made a recon noissancs across the Potomac, and it turned out to be the awful blunder of Ball's Bluff. His troops were caught in a trap, and a large proportion of them killed, wounded and captured ; and he himself fell, pierced with six bullets. The disaster was partly his own fault, but his bravery condoned his indiecre tion, and history has tenderly placed his name in the list of heroes. His death was one of the first great sorrows of the war to Lincoln, who had so long ad mired his ability and prized his friend ship. His body was taken to California and buried near the tomb of Broderick ; but Illinois and Oregon may also claim a share in his fame, and the whole country owes homage to his memory as of a signally brilliant orator, a capable and worthy statesman, and a citizen whoso impulses and tendencies were all on the side ot those beneficent sentimens which contribute to the welfare and happiness of society. By its action in appropriating $600 for the Rattlesnake road the Sherman county court has shown itself alive to the county's best interests. The influ ence of the road, though not yet com pleted, has already been felt by the farming portions of the county, and the outlet which is furnished for their pro duce will give them the advantage of a competitive market, causing higher prices to be paid for their wheat. The county court deserves commendation for its wisdom. The spirit of robbery seems in the air, manifesting itself in different forms. Day before yesterday a street car was robbed near Portland by a nervy rascal. Yesterday an attempt Was made to hold up an expressman in the same city, and last night the postoffice at Pendleton was burglarized and the postmaster shot. Crime stalks forth undaunted and nearly every day come reports from - different portions"of the state of bold deeds done in defiance of law. The apparent ease with which criminals find it possible to evade the punishment the law provides, has made them' bold. Technicalities, delays and the devious ways known to those skilled in the art, have made it so that the ultimate ac quittal of a man charged with crime is looked upon as a matter of course. The lault lies not so much with the jury sys tem as with the practice of the supreme court in construing laws so that justice is made subservient to narrow technical ities. Juries are more ready to convict than the supreme court seams willing to sustain just convictions. QGreat Britain is showing the effect c President Cleveland's message. It is re ported she is now willing to treat di rectly with Venezuela and thus preserve her dignity and pursue a course satis factory to the United States. , It has finally dawned upon the sluggish Brit ish mind that, illy prepared as this country is for war, we would accept the issue quickly if England persisted in her determination to override our demand for arbitration of the Venezuela matter. Just received at the Wasco Warehouse a carload of "Byers Best" Pendleton flour. This flour has no superior on the Pacific coast- Try it. d7-tf itore. Curtains, Cretons, Cloaks. Dress Pat- - Underwear, Men's ENGLAND, GERMBNY AND "TRANSVAAL. THE The gravity of the Transvaal troubles inprease daily, says the New Yrk Tn bune. The Boer government easily met defeated and captured-Jameson and his band of freebooters. But although tb report that foreign settlers of Johannes burg have risen against the Boers, and have rescued Jameson from his captors is discredited, civil war, and a civil war between two particularly resolute and and militant factions, is still not im probable. The Boers are fighters by birth and training, and they have a bit' ter hatred for the foreigners, and espe cially for the British, whom they have long regarded as troublers and enemies of their etate. The settlers, on the other Land, are bold and adventurous men gathered from every land on earth, but mostly from the British Empire, who have for years been restive under what they consider the oppression ot the Boers, and who are eager the British majority of them to avenge the disaster of Maiuba Hill. In point of numbers the latter doubtless have the advantage, They form a majority of the white pop ulation of the country. Other advan tages are on the side of the government, Left to themselves to fight it out, there fore, it might well be reckoned doubtful which side would win. That they will be left alone is, how ever, scarcely to be expected, lhe British government has emphatically disavowed responsibility for and even sympathy with Jameson's raid. So has the Cape Colony government. So has the British South Africa company. , But the disclaimers of the company are scarcely credible. That corporation must have known what was going on, whether it sanctioned it or not. As for the Cape government, its real head, the prime minister, was the founder and is still the chief spirit of the company; and it is said he has now resigned his portfolio, an act which will be generally regarded as proof of his complicity with Jameson's raid. If the trouble ends with the capture of Jameson interven tion may be avoided. But with a pro longed and desperate struggle between the. Boers and the British settlers in a country almost snrrounded by British territory, it is useless to hope that out siders- will keep their hands off. No governmental commands will serve tb restrain partiea from flocking in to the aid of the settlers, from Zululand, from Bechuanaland, and from the Cape itself. In that way the sturdy Boers may be hopelessly outnumbered and robbed of the state which they founded and have maintained at cost of so much labor and blood. Most ominous of all are the attitudes of Great Britain herself and of Germany. The former may be guiltless ot what has already been done.. But'sbe would un questionably like to undo the work of 1880 and reincorporate the Transvaal into her African Empire. She evidently is resolved, moreover, to maintain to the fullest" extent her somewhat vaeue 'suzerain rights" over the Boer repub lic. The troops she is now hurrying to Cape Town may not be intended to wage war against President Kruger. Bat they will certainly arouse suspicion of in tended intervention, and they will be ready at hand in case of an - emergency. Nor is it impossible that an emergency calling for their use will soon arise. The German emperor has spoken with no uncertain sound. He promptly con gratulated President Kruger upon his victory over Jameson, and has since given audienc9 at Berlin to a represen tative of the Boer'government. He has shown in the strongest and most direct possible manner his sympathy with the Boers and his disapproval of British ag gressions upon them. How much fur ther he is prepared to go in the matter it would be hazardous to conjecture. But it is evident that the British think armed intervention by a German force within the range of possibilities. At any rate, there is a vigorons pro test against British landgrabbing in South Africa as well as in South America. It car aot be said that German interests are closely concerned in the Transvaal ; certainly not as closely as American in terests in Venezuela. The nearest Ger man possessions are hundreds of miles away, and German settlers in the Trans vaal itself are not numerous. The Ger man emperor, however, has made up his Cash mind that Africa has now been too much partitioned to admit of any further land grabbing by any one power without re gard to the wishes of others ; " and also that be will not see a small power op pressed by a great one. If Great Britain is not trying to grab 'land or to oppress the Boer' republic, she has no occasion to be angry at what the Kaiser has said and done. He has not charged her with any such acts or intentions. But if she has any such schemes in mind, she may well take. the Kaiser's words as a warn ing against them. She is not now con fronting King Lobengula, but President Kruger with William II behind him. A DUTY TO CIVILIZATION. The bouse of representatives has taken up the Armenian question and a resolu tion been introduced by Representative Morse, which provides for action to be taken by our government. The provi- I'sions of the resolution are as follows : Whereas, The most mournful tragedy of the 19th century has been and is now being enacted under the apparent eanc tion of the sultan of Turkey, by which hundreds of thousands of Armenians are being ruthlessly slaughtered in cold blood ; women are being driven into captivity worse than death, and the in habitants who have fled to the mount ains are dying of cold and starvation and Whereas, The blood of these martyred dead cry to heaven for justice; Resolved, That the committee on for eien affairs consider the expediency of re porting forthwith some expression by this government in denunciation of these atrocities, and it they hnd we, as a na tion. are powerless to act, that we in voke the co-operation of the allied powers to wipe the Turkish government off the face of the earth and secure the freedom and independence of Armenia America has been the leader for tree dom in the Nineteenth centnry, and never was there a better time for de claring its leadership over again than now. The Armenian outrages are blot upon the boasted civilization of this enlightened century, which even the most pronounced action cannot efface, Late as it is, it is not yet too late to pro tect the lives and honor of .the people of Armenia who have escaped the sword of the Turk. Turkey has forfeited her claims to the consideration of the na tions, and tho Armenian, question be' longs to the world. Let America de clare that these outrages upon her lib erty shall be stopped, and those nations of Europe, who are not yet lost to de cency, will proclaim the declaration good. " ' Senator Squire's bill for coast defenses providesJor the expenditure of $87,000,' 000, the whole to be- made available im mediately, if so ordered by the president. If not used immediately the money is to be expended as follows: In the year ending June 30, 1896, $1,500,000; in the year thence next ensuing, $5,500,000, and in each fiscal year thereafter $8,000, 000. The points referred to in the bill as requiring immediate fortification are thus described : "New York, San Fran cisco, Boston, (the lake ports), Hampton Roads, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Portland Me., Rhode Island, ports in ' Narragansett bay, Key West, Charleston S. C, Mo bile, New London, Savannah, Galveston, Portland Or., Pensacola Fla., Wilming ton N. C, San Diego Cat., Portsmouth H., Cumberland sound, at Fort Clinch, the Kennebec river, at Fort Popbam, New Bedford Mass., the ports on the Penobecot river, Maine, Fort Knox, New Haven, Conn., and Puget sound. EDITORIAL COMMENT. Evening Telegram: Journalist Nor man is more t)f an American than Jour nalist Pulitzer. How would Mr. Bull like to swap? . Spokesman Review: Senator Squire of Washington is coming to the front as champion of coast defenses, and his opinions on the matter are widbly dis cussed by all the prominent newspapers of the Union. He has entered upon a campaign which will ultimately place the rich eeacoast cities in absolute safety from plumder by foreign powers in case of sudden war, and he is awakening the masses from their dreams of fancied se curity. Senator Squire thoroughly real izes that modern appliances must be met with modern aooliances and could not have selected a better time to push is plans for seacoast deiense. Pendleton East Oregonian : Peopln in Pendleton will remember Rev. V. Mar shal law. Ha. was the rector of the Episcopal church at Walla Walla for a number of years. He visited Pendleton frequently. For the last year or two he as been rector of a church in Oakland, California. Owing to the troubles of the Rev. Brown in San Francisco Doctor" Law "has announced that he will not receive women parishioners, un less accompanied , by a relative, in his study at the church." Oh, spare us from such frauds as "Doctor" Law! Women who call on bim need the pro tection of somebody, and his "announce ment" is entirely in order on this ac count. It is to be regretted that the earnest, faithful workers of the church are harassed and compromised by each hypocrites and moral weaklings as Doc tor Law and Doctor Brown. Republicans of Columbia Attention. Frecinet, There will bo a meeting of Columbia Precinct Republican Club at the Fair field schoolhouse on Friday, January 24, 1896, at 7 o'clock p. m., sharp, to elect delegates to the State Republican League, to be held on February 4th in the city of Portland, to elect officers for the ensuing year and to transact any other business that may come before the club. Snnday Observance. Yesterday was a beautiful day and caused many people to spend a portion of the afternoon upon the streets enjoy ing a mild winter day. The air was cool enough to bo bracing, but not uncom fortable and the day resembled October weather more than that of January. The attendance at the different church eervices was reported large. At the Methodist , church Rev. J. H. Wood preached a fine sermon to a large audi ence upon tho theme, "Charity or Love." Those who heard Mr. Wood are all of the opinion that his sermon yes terday morning was the best be has preached in The Dallee. Mr. Wood is an earnest-speaker and his words carry wright with his bearers. The attendance at the Congregational church was very good,, tho sermon ex cellent and the singing pleasing. Mr. Curtis preached an impressive sermon upon church organization and life as ne cessary to carrying on' the work of spirituality. The singing of the anthem "Rock of Ages" by the choir was espe cially fine. Rev. Mr. Goss' sermon, at St. Paul's church yesterday, was on the manifes tation of Jesus to his parents at Jeru salem, and the text was taken from the gospel of St. Luke ii:44 15, "But they supposing him to have been in the com pany. went a day's journey and when they found him not, they turned back again to Jeruealem, seeking him." The rector referred to the vari' ous manifestations of Christ during his life up to the one from the cross ; also spoke of God's hiding himself, but ever near and ready to manifest himself, if sought. Mr. Goes told where God could be found in this house, the church and how to find him through the sac raments of his church on earth. , Mr Goss left last night for his home, ex pecting to return for the first two San- days of February. Joint Installation. Fraternity hall was the scene of some interesting exercises Saturday evening. 1 he occasion was the joint In stallation of the officers of J. .W. Nes mith Post, No. 33, Grand Army of the Republic, and J. W. Nesmith Relief Corps, No. 17. The officers of the G. A. R. were installed by Past Post Com mander J." M. Patterson as follows Uommander, t. a. Leonard; senior vice-commander, E.N. Chandler; junior vice-commander, James Lemison; sur geon, J as. Thomas; chaplain, F. T, Esping; quartermaster, W, S. Myers; adjutant, J. M. Patterson ; officer of the day, R. H. Aiken ; officer of the guard, L. H. Nichols; 'sergeant-major, C. H, Brown; quartermaster sergeant, H, Hall. Alter the . A. i. officers were in ducted in their respective offices. De partment President Mary Scott Myers conducted the installation ceremonies of the Relief Corps. Mrs. Myers was as sisted by Department Treasurer Mary Brlggs, who acted as chaplain, and Jen nie Russell, department secretary. The officers of the Relief Corps who were installed are as follows: President, Mary Nichols; senior vice-president, Villa Lewie ; junior vice-president, Mil lie McDonald; chaplain, Josephine D, Hill ; secretary, Mattie Barnett ; trees urer, Elizabeth Ulrich ; conductor, An nie Urquhart; assistant conductor, Elsie Ball; guard, Alice Varney; assist ant guard, Mrs. Delia Phirman. After the installation ceremonies were finished the members and their invited guests sat . down to a lunch prepared by the ladies of the Corps." After refresh ments a number of speeches were made and patriotic songs sung, led by Mrs. A. Varney. The occasion was a most pleasant one to all who were present, and the installation ceremonies of 1896 will linger long in memory as a delight ful event. Beginning Classes. To the Editor : Beginning classes will be organized in Union Street, Academy Park and East Hill Primary schools on Tuesday, Jan. 21st. Children who are 6 years of age on or before April SO, 1896, may enter these beginning classes, and should en ter at the school most convenient to the home. ' Parents and guardians are re quested to start all beginners for the organization of classes, as starting at such time is best for the child and most satisfactory to the teachers. For a few years past it has been cus tomary to organize the beginners' classes on the hrst Monday in March. .How ever, it is thought that the first week of the new term will be a more suitable time to- receive beginners, and new classes will not be organized in March this year. Owing to the large enrollment in the first grade departments, only those en titled to enter can be received, and it will be useless for those under the above stated age to report at schools, expect ing to enter. John Gavin, Principal. Morgan. A Suggestion From Mr. Editob Chronicle i I have often heard some of the pioneers talk of the boundary line of Oregon. At the as sembly, a number of the gentlemen sug gested that the summit of tho Cascade mountains be the line, and since I came to Eastern Oregon I believe it would have been better for the people here. J It ia a great expense to eend our insane and our prisoners so far, besides a num.- ber of other expenses could be saved and would reduce our taxes one-half. It is a question that should be discussed among the people of Eastern Oregon and at some future time it should be put to a vote at the general election. : ' Seth Morgan. January 10, 1896. Death, of George H. Thompson.- ' George H. Thompson is dead I A tel egram was received this morning, say ing that Mr. Thompson died yesterday at Colfax. His death, while it will cause a shock to the vast number of people who knew him and were his friends, caused no surprise to those who were aware of his critical condition. For, nearly a year Mr. Thompson has been ailing, and last summer went to California to see if the milder southern climate would not restore his shattered health. The trip did him little good, however, and a few months ago he re turned to Colfax and grew' woree. He has been confined to his bed for several weeks, much of which time he suffered great pain. His illness was described as catarrh of the stomach. The death of Mr. Thompson occasioned deep regret'in The Dalles. To few men has it been given to enjoy such popu larity as George Thompson did. For six years he occupied the, position of county clerk of Wasco county, being elected by what were considered phe nomenal majorities. The first time that he was chosen county clerk his majority was a narrow one, being, if memory serves us right, but five votes. The next time it was nearer five hundred. Mr. Thompson had the faculty, to a remark able degree, of winning friends, and the intelligence of his death will be sad newa to hundreds of people in Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties, where he was known. Mr. Thompson was aged about 40 years and leaves a wife and one boy. His widow is a daughter of J. B. Con don, Esq., of this city. For : several years Mr. Thompson has been in the auditor's office of Whitman county. The remains will arrive in The Dalles tomorrow morning and the funeral will take place Wednesday at 2 o'clock, either from the Congregational church or the residence of J. B. Condon. Good Kiwi from Senator Mitchell. Late last evening the following dis patch, which contains good news for settlers on government lands who have made improvements, but not actually resided on the lands they wish to patent, was received : Editor Chhoniclk : ' My bill protecting the rights of settlers on railroad lands, who have fenced or otherwise improved the same, but who do not actually reside thereon, passed the senate today. John H. Mitchell, Washington, D. C, Jan 13. The provisions of this bill were pub lished in a recent issue of The Chroni cle, bbould the measure pass the house, it will undoubtedly receive the signature of the president and become a law, which will be very acceptable to settlers on railroad lands. . Horsemen, Attention! Horsemen' should not overlook the Rural Spirit stake for 2-year-olds. A sweepstake of $25 each for 2-year-olds raised in Oregon, Washington and Idaho nominations and $5 due March 1, 1896; $10 payable May 1, 1896, and $10 night before the race. Non-thor oughbreds allowed ten pounds; winner of two or more 2 -year-old races to carry five pounds penalty. T be run in the fall of 1896 over the track offering the most added money. Entries to be made with M. D. Wisdom, Hamilton building, Portland, Or. Mrs. W. H. Swain dressmaker. The est work and lowest prices guaranteed. nOTHERS and those about to become mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription robs childbirth, of its torture, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiding Nature in preparing the system for parturition. Thereby "labor" and also the period of confinement are greatly shortened. It also promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment for the 'child. During pregnancy, it pre vents "morning sickness " and those distressing nervous symptoms from which so many suffer. Tanks, Collie Co., Texas. Da. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir l took your "i-avonte i-re- scnption "- previous to connnemeni ana never did so well in my life. It ia only two weeks since my confinement and I am able to do my work. I feel stronger than I ever did in six weeks before. Yours truly, A MOTHER'S EXPERIENCE. South Bend, Pacific Co., Wash.- DR. "BL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir I began talcing your ravor- ite Prescription" the first montn ot preg nancy, and .have con tinued' taking it since confinement 1 did not experience the nausea or any of the ailments due to pregnancy, after began talcing your 'Prescription." I was only in labor a short rj. time, and the physician said I got along un- -l ...-...,71.. We think it saved me Mas. Baker. a great deal of suffering. I was troubled a great deal with leucorrhea also, and it has done a world of good for me. Yours truly, MRS. W. C BAKER.