The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 15, 1896, PART 1, Image 1

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    . A J .
Strengthening Outposts in
It Is Dally Growing In Favor Among
All Classes In Great Britain
Ex-President Blanco
Chicago, Jan. 10. A special to the
Journal from Washington says : "The
report that the British are strengthening
their outposts in Venezuela and advanc
ing into Venezuela is true. I have my
eelf received today a private dispatch
from there corroborating it."
So said Congressman Livingston, of
Georgia, this afternoon.
He added : "I cannot show you the
dispatch ; it is private. You can, how-
ever, rely on it. I called on the Ven
ezuelan minister this morning and asked
him to use his influence with Creepo to
keep tack the Venezuelan troops.
Should they advance it would precipi-
' tate the conflict at once. That would
render the Venezuela commission use
leas. We would be compelled to back
up Venezuela, and we would be plunged
into war at once."
" This Sentiment Dally Growing in Great
London, Jan. 10. The movement in
favor of arbitrating the Venezuela ques
tion with the United States is growing
day by day. The Westminister Gazette,
after having interviewed statesmen of all
parties, bankers and others, says this
. afternoon :
"Everywhere there were enthsiastic
expressions in favor of the proposal to
establish a permanent court of arbitra
tion." From diplomats who have bad recent
interviews with the foreign office, the
Associated PreBS learns that there is a
decided change of sentiment there. The
unbending antagonism to arbitration of
the Venezuela boundary dispute, first
shown in high circles, has almost com
pletely disappeared and matters look
much more satisfactory than they have
at any time since the dispute com
It is eerui-officially stated today that
no such movement of British forces to
ward the boundary or in the neighbor
hood of the disputed territory in Vene
zuela, as indicated in the dispatch from
Caracas, via Nicaragua, has been con
templated by Great Britain, and no ad
dition has been made to th.e email force
stationed for some time in the Uruan
district. Regarding the attitude of Ven
ezuela, it is added, that there is no reas
on to suppose hostile action upon her
part is intended.
Withdrawal of tbe Chemical National
Bank From it.
B Chicago, Jan. 10. A Bpecial from New
York says :
The Morgan bond syndicate has at
last been shaken by the withdrawal from
it of the Chemical National bank. It Is
understood that the amount of the
bank's subscripton was $3,000,000. G.
T. Williams, president of the bank,
said :
"Our subscription simply represented
those of our depositors, and we do not
want to tie them up in the uncertainties
of the syndicate. We do not wish to
stand in the way of any public desire for
the euccess of a popular loan."
It Is reported that the City National
and possibly the United States Trust
Company and the Hanover National will
follow the lead of the Chemical. The
City National has $10,000,000 gold in its
vaults and its subscription was reported
as $5,000,000. The subscriptions of the
Hanover National and the United States
Trust Company were each about $2,000,
000. .. . . .
The lead of the Chemical National is
considered an indication that the selling
of the bonds directly to the public will
be a success. .
Recent Changes In the Hawaiian Gover
nment. ' !
' Victoria, B. C, Jan. 10. The steamer
Warrimoo brings the following advices
from Honolulu, dated the 2nd inBt :
. .. Austin Whiting, now circuit judge,
has been appointed to the supreme court
in place of E. E. Bickerton, deceased.
; Whiting was presiding officer of the mil
itary court that tried the rebel prisoners.
A. W. Carter, deputy attorney-general,
has been appointed in Whiting's place
John Kane, a Hawaiian, has been added
to the council of state.
The captain and crew ot the schooner
Henrietta, the captured opium craft,
have been found guilty and sentenced as
follows: Captain Anderson and C E
Gaile, who claimed to be a passenger
were each given 18 months and fined
$50 ; the crew were given three nionths
each and fined the same amount. The
vessel has been confiscated and will be
sold at auction.
Charles T. Gulick, W. T. Seward, John
F. Bowler. Robert W. Wilcox, John H.
Wise, Joseph Clarks, J. W. Bipikans
and John Lilikoi, the remaining political
prisoners, were pardoned and released at
10 o'clock New Year's morning, this
course having been decided on at a Epe
cial meetina of the council of state the
morning of December 31. Petitions
from all the prisoners expressed deep re
gret for the part taken in the laie re
volution, and each promised fealty to
the rep-ablic.
The British ennboat Wild Swan left
for Tahiti December 30, after a short
stay in port.
The bark Ceylon arrived December 30,
27 davs' from Departure bay, with 174
tons of coal. '
Ex-President Blanco Talks.
Paris, Jan. 10. Ganlois this morning
publishes an interview with ex-Preeident
Guzman Blanco, of Venezuela, in which
he denies any connection with the insur
rection in Venezuela and adds:. "In
the struggle to maintain the integrity of
our rights all parties are amalgamated
into a national party, which supports
President Crespo." .
Oklahoma's Schools Must Be Opened to
Both Black and White.
Perry, O. T., Jan. 12. Conservative
people of thie place fear trouble tomor
row between the white and black races.
According to the decision of the court,
the schools were opened for admission of
all races and color. The .fight has been
going on for three' months. The board
voted a few days ago to suspend schools,
but the colored people sued out a writ of
mandamus, compelling the board to open
them again. This was supported by
people who prefered mixed schools to
none, so the board was compelled to re
consider its action, and tomorrow the
public schools of the city will contain
both whites and blacks. Several white
men declare they will keep their child
ren from school ; nor will they send them
where colored children attend. Colored
people are firm, and trouble is ex
pected. Moving to Rnfns.
Ever since the flood of 1894, which al
most obliterated the town of Grants,
there has been a three-cornered rivalry
for the chief town of Sherman county
touching the railroad. When the
waters receded and dry land appeared,
some patriotic citizens began the work
of re-building ; others, who figured out
a better location, chose Murray Springs
as the site of a new town, while the re
mainder pinned their faith to Rufus.
All three of these towns line the railroad
within the space of two miles, and
each one has set no claims to be the
shipping point of Sherman county.
The struggle proves to be unequal and
Mr. R. C. Wallis, who was in The Dalles
today, informs us that the buildings at
Murray Springs are to be removed to
Rufus. Mr. Wallis has the contract for
moving the large general merchandise
store of J. W. Smith, and the stable of
George Crossfield and the McDonald
Hotel are to take up their beds, so to
speak, and walk. Rufus has already be
come the largest of the towns, and with
the consolidation of Murray Springs will
be placed in the lead. Of the three sites
thatof Murray Springs is the pleasant
estfora town, but the channel of trade
has been diverted elsewhere, and the
people must go to meet it. The start
ing of the distillery again . will give
Grants a ' boom and the vigor of the
contest between Seattle and Tacoma
may be repeated in our neighboring
The popularity of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and the high esteem in
which it is helds leads us to believe it to
be an article of great worth and merit.
We have the pleasure of giving the ex
perience of three prominent citizens of
Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the
remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudell says: "I
have always received prompt relief when
I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy."
Mr. James Orchard says : "I am satis
fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy
cured my cold.' Mr. J. M.- Hatcher
says: "For three years I have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my
family and its results have always been
satisfactory." For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist.
The Assembling of British
Fleets for Service.
The Ministers Had to Decide Several
Questions of Vital Importance
. to the British Empire.
London, Jan. 11. In view of the as
sembling of British fleets for active ser
vice, and the many clouds hovering over
the horizon of politics, the cabinet meet
ing today is entitled to rank as one of
the most momentous in the history of
Great Britain. The ministers had to de
cide several questions of vital importance
to the British empire, including the
Transvaal, Armenia and .Venezuela dif
ficulties, and Great Britain's position
toward the old European powers. It is
a striking fact that although the present
cabinet is one of the largest on record, it
is unanimous upon all the leading ques
tions under discussion.
The latest advices from the Transvaal
would seem, on their face, to indicate
that the situation is in no way as hope
ful as it was several days ago, in spite of
official statements to the contary, and it
is believed that the cabinet is consider
ing most uulooked-for demands upon the
part of President Kr.uger, demands
which it is estimated Great Britain can
not possibly concede.
On the stock exchange today there
were rumors that the government in
quiry will lead to the startling revelation
that the whole plot was hatched by a
group of financiers in London. In addi
tion, the statement is made by a finan
cial paper that Barney Barnato, the so
called "Kaffir King," who has consider
able holding in Delagoa bay, has offered
to sell the same to the British govern
ment, which is considering the matter,
This may explain the reported purchase
of Delaeoa bay from Portugal by the
government of Great Britain.
The war feeling against Germany has
greatly subsided, and the issue of the
trouble is freely described as a rebuff for
Emperor William, inasmuch as the Ger
man papers have changed their tone,
and the papers printing what was re
garded as inspired articles and what
first threatened Great Britain, are now
distinctly climbing down.
Another feature of the situation is the
feeling that France, although she would
perhaps like to see Great Britain serious
ly injured, would never allow Germany
to win, but would seek a pretext, while
Germany was crippled, to secure revenge
for 1870-71.
According to the Westminster Ga
zette, Germany's recent attitude on the
Armenian question has alienated Great
Britain and led to the reapproachment
of the latter country to France, and the
Marquis of Salisbury, It asserts, sug
gested to the powers an international
agreement by wbich Russia was to be
entrusted with the pacification of Arme
nia. France and Italy, it is added, were
willing, but the proposition collapsed
through the opposition of Germany.
Discussing the Transvaal situation,
the Westminster Gazette regards the al
leged demands of the Boers for compen
sation with skepticism, and adds:
'.It is a trivial question, almost as in
significant as the ownership of a swamp
on either side of the Schomberek line.
Meanwhile, preparations for war are
being actively pushed by Great Britain,
although little is heard from Germany
on the same subject. Three thousand of
Lee-Mittford rifles have been received at
Chatham for the warships, which are be
ing commissioned there to form a part
of the flying squadron, and the. supplies
of cartridges, shells, provisions and other
warlike supplies are being added to in
all quarters every hour.
Only Most Pleasant Relations Between
Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Washington, Jan. 12. Mr. Calve, the
charge d'affaires of Costa Rica, said to
day that the news from Managua, Nic
aragua, about a boundary dispute with
Costa Rice was not corect, adding :
"There is not any question about
boundaries. It is settled by the award
of the president of the United States, as
arbitrator. What remains to be done is
to mark out a boundary line materially.
To this end, Costa Rica sent a commis
sion into the field and retained it there a
year. Thia commission - made a careful
survey of the line. Although Nicaragua
was bovnd by the terms of the treaty be
tween the two countries to form a simi
lar commission and co-operate with that
of Costa Rica, it did not do so, and for
this reason the contention is still unset
tled in this respect."
. Pendleton Postmaster Held Up:
Pendleton, Or. Jan. 13. Postmaster
Johnson was held up by a masked rob
ber at 7:15 o'clock tonight, and, at the
point of a revolver, compelled to hand
out about $600 of postal and money-ord
er funds. The robbery was evidently
committed by a man who was well ac
quainted wiih the postofScp, its cur-
roundings and the habits of the em
ployes. Postmaster Johnson's story of
the affair is as follows :
"At 7:15 o'clock, after my clerks bad
gone home and when I was alone in -the
office counting money, I beard a rap on
the office door and some one called out,
'Johnson, give me my mail ; I am in an
awful hurry.' I opened the door and
was confronted by a man, who, thrust
ing a revovler in my face, said:
want your money.' He compelled me to
walk to my desk, on which about $250
was stacked up. He made me take the
government money sack and put the
coin into it. 'That is all I have,' I said
"Well, then, we will look in the safe,'
he responded. Telling me to hurry up
be flourished the gun in my face and
made me empty the postal and money
order funds into the sack. When be was
satisfied there was no more money, he
said, 'I will go out the back door.' He
compelled me to lead the way and open
the door, I noticed his revolver was
pointed towards the ground, and I at
once seized it with my left hand and
grabed him with my right. While we
wero struggling the gun went off, and
the ball passed through my left hand.
then trippled over a mail sack and he
ran out of the door."
Johnson describes the man as ot me
dium height and built, and about 150
pounds in weight. He wore a full black
beared, evidently false. Over his face
was a handkerchief, with eyeholes in it
Hib voice was peculiar and Johnson says
he would recognize him by his manner
of talking. Tonight the sheriff and sev
eral posses are scouring the country for
the robber. Johnson's wound' is not
serious, although very painful. The
ball passed through the fleshy part of
the hand.
Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa
Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of the
various ailments of children said
"When my children have croup there is
only one patent medicine I ever use, and
inac is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
It possesses some medical properties
that relieve the little sufferers immedi
ately. It is, in my opinion, the best
cough medicine in the market." If this
remedy is freely given as soon as the
croup cough appears it will prevent' the
attack. It is also an ideal remedy for
whooping cough. There is no danger in
giving it to children, as it contains noth
iog injurious. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City
111. was . told by her doctors she had
Consumption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tbos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally thank
ful. It is such results, of which these
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efficacy of this medicine hi Coughs and
Colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1 00.
For the many accidents that occur
about the farm or household, such as
burns scalds, bruises cuts, ragged
wounds, bites animals, moequitos or
insects, galls or chaffed spots, frost bites,
aches and pains on any part of the body,
or the ailments resulting from exposure,
as neuralgia, rheumatism etc. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has
proved itself a sovereign remedy. Price
25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. .
Bow's This.
We offer $100 reward for ny case of
Cattarh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenet dc Co.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
England Hopes to Settle Di
rect With Venezuela.
President Eraser Will Take Extreme
Measures Against Leaders of the
Uprising Several Americans
Under Arrest.
' London, San. 13. It was learned this
afternoon that the cabinet council Sat
urday considered the question of re-establishing
diplomatic relations with
Venezuela, but no definite conclusion
was arrived at.
The Westminster Gazette this after
noon, touching upon the misunderstand
ing between Great Britain and the
United States, says it sees a distinct
break in the clouds, and hopes a settle
ment satisfactory to Great Britain and
the United States will be effected with
Venezuela direct, and intimates that the
Brazilian minister is closely identified
with the latest proposed Eolation of this
It Shows That England Has Recognized
the Monroe Doctrine.
Washington Jan. 13. Public opinion
in Great Britain has changed in the
most wonderful manner since the Mon
roe doctrine was first promulgated. An
unexpected discovery in the old files in
the house of representatives has given to
the state department a valuable state
paper, with which Lord Salisbury'sclaim
that the Monroe doctrine has never been
recognized by England, will be complete
ly npset.
In going over the old records Walter
H, French, the file clerk of the house,
discovered a collection of clippings from
English papers, all bearing on the mess
age of President Monroe, in "which he
gave to the world the famous document
which bears bis name. The message
was sent on the opening of congress, the
first Monday iu December, 1823. The
British papers without exception, com
mented on the message in the moBt fav
orable terms. France was then contem
plating conquest in South America and
Great Britain was prompt to seize on
the Monroe message as a notice to con
tinental nations that conquest in Amer
ica meant war with the United States.
Mr. French's discovery has been copied
and sent to Secretery Olney. Members
o' the foreign affairs, committee say that
Mr. French's discovery is the most im
portant made in the matter, as it pre
sents contemporary evidence of the fact,
which Great Britain has since forgotten,
that at the time President Monroe's
message was delivered it was accepted,
and even welcomed as sound doctrine by
the people of England. More than that,
the newspapers then distinctly pledged
Great Britain to aid in the enforcement
of the Monroe doctrine.
Others Under Arrest at Pretoria Have
Been Liberated.
London, Jan, 13. A dispatch to the
Pall Mall Gazette from Cape Town,
published today, Bays the latest a-lvices
from Pretoria states that bail has been
refused the ringleaders of the recent dis
turbance at JobannesDurg, and other
people arrested for the same connection
have been liberated, each on $5,000 bail.
Tbe dispatch adds it is expected severe
measures will be taken against the lead-'
ers of the uprising, in spite of the fact
that it is apparent they were deceived
and taken by surprise by Dr. Jameson's
Sir Hercules Robinson, governor of
Cape Colony, it appears, made every ef
fort to secure leniency for the prisoners,
but an extreme section of the Boers are
much incensed and very difficult to
The new ministry for Cape Colony is
regarded as a device to shield ex-Premier
Cecil Rhodes and Sir Hercules. Robin
sen. Rhodes, it. is also said, is in very
bad health.
Advices from Johannesburg say the
Uitlanders are expecting tbe Boers to
make a house-to-house search for arms,
and it is stated the Germans have been
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
holding meetings and passing resolutions
telling Emperor William to mind his
Dr. Jamieson and his lieutenants, as
far as known, are still. at Pretoria. The
Times says officials of the British South
Africa Company deny that Jameson was
deposed from the post of administrator
of their territory on the recommendation
of the company.
Postal Changes In Oregon.
Washington, Jan. 13. The postal de
partment has forwarded a commission
to Postmaster Gottlieb Muecke, at Aur
ora, Oregon.
Star mail service has been established
or changed as follows :
Route 73,168 Bake Oven to Antelope,
from December 1 to March 31: Leave
Bake Oven daily 1 p. m., arrive Ante
lope by 5 p. m. Leave Antelope daily &
a. no. : arrive Bake Oven by 12 a. m.
Route 73,396 Portlaud to St. Johns -Leave
Portland daily, except Sunday, 7
a. m. and 12:30 p. m.; arrive St. Johns
by 9 a. m. and 2 :30 p. m. Leave St.
Johns daily, except Sunday, 9 a. m. and
2:30 p. m.: arrive Portland by 11 a. m.
and 4 :30 p. m.
Take effect January 15, 1896.
For the Next Election.
'The county court has appointed the
judjjes and clerks for the next election,
which occurs in June. The pay for the
judges and clerks is $3 per day each.
The list is as follows:
' Falls Precinct Judges C A Stewart,
O M Barrett, T H Williams. Clerks
D L Cates, E P Ash.
Hood River Judges S F Blythe, B F
Shoemaker, C J Haves. Clerks J E
Rand, C E Markham.
East Hood River Judges F M Jack
son, J B Rand, F H Button. Clerks
C M Wolford, James B Hunt.
Mosier Judges James Brown, George
Reno, S D Fisher. Clerks Jeff Mosier,
M Harlan. .
West Dalles Judges J M Marden, J
Doherty.T A Hudson. Clerks P Stadle
man, S S Johns. .
Trvitt Judges J L Story, A Bettin
gen, Sr., C E Bayard. Clerks H Han
sen, R B Sin not.
Bigelow Judges John Cates, S B
Adams, C C Cooper. " Clerks R H
Lonsdale, Ed G Patterson.
East Dalles Judges R E Williams,
John Blaser, W H Butte. Clerks John
Filloon, D Parrish.
Eight Mile Judges W H Williams,
John Doyle, W J Davidson. Clerks N.
Patterson, J E McCormick. '
Deschutes Judges E W Trout, W E
Ward, George W Rice. Clerks J B
Haverley, A S Roberts.
Columbia Judges J C Egbert, Jas
Fulton, E K Russell. Clerks AuguBt
Deckert, Albert Allen.
Baldwin Judges S M Baldwin, Reese,
Albert McKamey. Clerks G W Gra
ham, W R Winans.
Dufur Judges--Jaraes LeDuc, F M
Thompson, T II Johnstoir. Clerks A
Frazier, M J Anderson.
Kingsley Judges T W Glavey, P
Ward, James Kelley. Clerks John
Ward, E P Williams. '
Tygh Valley Judgee--L Zumwalt,.
McAtee, Jr., Van Woodruff. Clerks
M Zumwalt, Asa Stogsdale.
Wamic JuiJges F G Gordon, Isaac
Driver, B Savage. Clerks Frank Swift,
A E Lake.
Oak Grove Judges L M Woodsides,
HCCorum, J B Manley. Clerks J R
Cunningham, O L Faquet.
Bake Oven Judges T Burgess, R R
Hinton, H C Rooper. Clerks John
DaviB, T A Young.
Antelope Judges N W Wallace, John
Hollingshead, Win Kelsay. Clerks
Fred Wallace, W Bolton.
Nansene Judges Polk Butler, H E
Moore, F Fargher. Clerks W E Moore,
F C Clausen.
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago.
says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs,
colds and Lung Complaints, having used
it in my family for the last five years,
to the exclusion of physician's prescrip
tions or other preparations."
Rev. John Burgas, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes : "I have been a Minister of tbe
Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years
or more, and have never found anything
so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's New Discovery."
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's,
Drng Store. ...
Latest U. S. Gov't Report