The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 11, 1896, PART 2, Image 2

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    J r
The Weekly GhroMcle.
Entered at the postoffice at The Dalits, Oregon,
as second-class mail matter.
governor.. W. P. Lord
Secretary of State EB Klncaid
Treasurer. ..Phillip Metschan
Bupt. of Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney-General...-. C. M. Idleman
u.t - )G. W. SlcBride
abators jj H. Mitchell
I B. Hermann
Congressmen.. j w B Emg
State Printer. W. II. Leeds
County Judge. . Geo. C. Blakeley
" Sheriff. T. J. Driver
Cleri A. M. Kelsay
Treasurer .... Win. Mlchell
, (Frank Kincaid
Commissioners A. S. Blowers
Assessor F. H. Wakefield
Surveyor : E. F. Bharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . . Troy Shelley
Coroner W. H. Butts
The San Francisco women must be
dreadful creatures. Since the nnforta
- nate plight in which Dr. Brown, of the
First Congregational church, finds him
". self has been made public, several city
pastors have announced their intention
of throwing up barriers to protect them
-selves from Amazonian onslaughts,
3Rev. S. S. Palmer, of the Brooklyn Pres
yterian church, has cloeed his study in
he church and receives -visitors at his
home, where Mrs. Palmer is within easy
call. Rev. V. Marshall Law, an Episco
sal minister of Oakland, who a few
years ago occupied a similar station in
Walla Walla, has announced that he
will not receive women parishoners, un
less accompanied by" a male relative, in
the study at the church.
Either the new woman is of a vora
cious type, or San Francisco ministers
a re made of a stuff the ingredients of
which do not combine in proper propor-
tionstlor ministerial character. These
clergymen of San Francisco, who are
either so afraid that they cannot refrain
from saying sweet things to 'fair callers,
or are fearful lest some unholy scandal
monger should pervert the truth and
make statements which, if false, would
fall harmlessly from the object of the
attack, and hurt only the person from
whom they emanated, should be taken
under the protection of the city author their belief in their own self-re
liance seems shaky.
Because Dr. Brown is either a fool or
a knave and probably the latter since
-such foolishness as he has confessed is
almost criminal is no reason why other
-ministers should follow him in making
themselves less thought of in the pubiic
"Bye. By their course in this affair if
correctly reported Revs. Palmer and
Law will not advance in public estima
tion. They show themselves shallow
and timorous and lacking in that sterner
stuff which ministers, as well as all other
leaders of men, should possess. If their
characters are not strong enough to
withstand the vile tongue of blackmail,
they could take no better method of dia--closing"that
fact than Jby saying to the
feminine portion of San Francisco,
""Keep away at safe distance ; I am weak
nd foolish and unschooled in ways of
prudence." The minister is looked
upon as a leader; as one who can be
freely sought by those seeking advice,
and when they confess their weakness,
as these two clergymen are reported to
have done, their influence is greatly
shattered. What Messrs. Palmer and
Xaw should do is to act as all consecrated
men are supposed to act, and as most of
them are doing fearlessly, honestly ;
ever keeping in mind that the teachings
of their religion is that truth shall pre
vail, and the duty of ministers is to
"visit the fatherless and widows in
their affliction and keep themselves un
spotted from the world."
To the Editor:
I see by yesterday's Oregonian that
we have another chance to purchase of
Denmark the islands of St. Thomas. St'
Johns and Santa Cruz, in the West In
dies, and the opportunity should not be
allowed to pass, as was done in 1867-8,
I was then, and in fact have always been,
in favor of our government acquiring,
by purchase or otherwise, all of such
properties which lie adjacent to us.
The president, in his message on the
'Veneznuelan question, stated, in the
way the commander-in-chief of the army
-and navy of the United States should
have done, the sentiments of the people
.of this country on the Monroe doctrine,
and the determination of the govern
ment to insist on the settlement of this,
and all other like questions, on the lines
laid down in the celebrated docnment
issued by his predecessor, a position in
which he has, practically, the unani
mous support of the people of the United
States, and especially of "our friends,
the enemy," of thirty odd years ago
' down South. .
The men who wore the gray remem
ber, and have taught their sons to know
and remember too, that it was England
who encouraged them to rebel; Eng
land's promises of assistance on which
they relied, and that it was England
who failed them in their hour of need.
These men have, in innumerable ways
since, the war ended, declared their de
votion to the welfare f of our common
country, and only want the opportunity
to show that they are sincere and no
part of our broad land would furnish
braver 'or better soldiers in defense of
its flag. These men will always remem
ber, with grateful hearts, the prompt
and unanimous action of the senate in
passing the bill removing the disabili
ties from those who served in the rebel
armies. I was born and brought up
among .them ; they are my people, and
I believe I know that the men who fol
lowed Lee and Jackson and Johnson and
Hood and Stuart and Forrest will be just
as prompt to rally, with their sons, as
those of us who followed Grant and
Sherman and Sheridan and Thomas and
Buford and Stanley, and there will be a
generous rivalry between their boys and
ours as to which will be foremost in
sqpportof the old flag; which will be
most ready to die for it. -
I not onlv believe in the Monroe doc
trine as generally understood, but I be
lieve also in its expansion. This gov
ernment snould never rest on that
snbject until every foot of land in both
North and South America is forever
freed from ownership or occupancy by
Ony power not American.
John W. Lewis.
The Dalles, Jan. 8, 1896. '
Below is published the bill which Sen
otor Mitchell has introduced for a pub
lic building at The Dalles. While the
measure is not likely to become a law,
its provisions are of interest. It is en
titled: .
A bill for the erection of a public
building for a postoffice and United
States land office at the city of The
Dalles, Oregon.-
Be it enacted by the senate and house of
representatives of the United Stales of
America in congress assembled,
That the secretary of the treasury be,
and he is hereby, authorized and di
rected to acquire, by purchase, condem
nation, or otherwise, a site, and cause to
be erected thereon a suitable building
including fireproof vaults, beating and
ventilating apparatus, elevators, and ap
proaches, for the use and accommodation
of the United States postoffice and other
government offices in the city of Tne
Dalles, and state of Oregon, the cost of
said site and building, including said
vaults, heating and ventilating appar
atus, elevators, and ' approaches, com-'
plete, not to exceed the sum of $100,000,
which said sum of $100,000 is hereby ap
propriated for said purpose out of any
moneys in the United States treasury
not otherwise appropriated.
Proposals for the sale of land suitable
for said site shall be invited by public
advertisement in one or more of the
newspapers of said city, of largest circu
lation for at least twenty days prior to
the date specified in said advertisement
for the opening of said proposals.
Proposals made in response to said ad
vertisement shall be addressed and
mailed to the secretary of treasury, who
shall then cause the eaid proposed sites,
and such others as he may think proper
to designate, to be examined in person
by an agent of the treasury department,
who shall make written report to said
secretary or the results of said examin
ation, and of his recommendation there
on, and the reasons therefor, which shall
be accompauied by the original pro
posals and all maps, plats, and state
ments which shall have come into his
possession relating to the said proposed
If, upon consideration of said report
and accompanying papers, the secretary
of the treasury shall deem further in
vestigation neceesary, he may appoint a
commission of not more than three per
ns, one of whom shall be an officer of
the treasury department, which com
mission shall also examice the said pro
posed sites and such others as the secre
tary of the treasury'may designate, and
grant such hearings in relation thereto
as they shall deem necessary ; and said
commission shall, within thirty days
after such examination, make to the sec
retary of the treasury written report of
their conclusion in the premises, accom
panied by airstatements, maps, plats, or
documents taken by or submitted to
them, in like manner as hereinbefore
provided in regard to the proceedings of
said agent of the treasury department ;
and the secretary of the treasury shall
thereupon finally determine the location
of the building to be erected.
The compensation ot said commis
sioners shall be fixed by the secretary of
the treasury, but the same shall not ex
ceed $6 per day and actual traveling ex
penses: Provided, however, That the
member of said commission appointed
from the treasury department shall be
paid only his actual traveling expenses.
So much of the appropriation herein
made as may be necessary to defray the
expenses of advertising for proposals,
actual traveling expenses of. said agent,
and the compensatien and actual travel
ing expenses of said commissioners, and
other expenses incident to the selection
of the site, and for necessary survey
thereof, shall be immediately, available.
So much of said appropriation as may
be necessary for the preparation of
sketch plans, drawings, specifications,
and detailed estimates for the building
by the supervising architect of. the
treasury department shall be available
immediately upon the approval by the
secretary of treasury of such site.
No money appropriated by this act
shall be available, except as hereinbe
fore provided, until a valid title to the
site for said building shall be vested in
the United States, nor until the state of
Oregon shall have ceded . to the United
States exclusive jurisdiction over the
same during the time the United States
shall be or remain, the owner thereof, for
all purposes except the administration
of the criminal laws of eaid state and the
service of civil process therein.
After the said site shall have been paid
for and the eketch plans and detailed es
timates for the bnilding shall have been
prepared by the supervising architect
and approved by the secretary of the
treasury, the secretary of the interior
and the postmaster-general, the balance
of said appropriation shall be available
for the erection and completion of the
building, including fireproof vaults,
heating and ventilating apparatus, ele
vators, and approaches.
The building shall be unexposed (o
danger from fire by an open space of at
least forty feet on each side, including
streets and alleys.
to all reservations. This judicial opin- I
iuu ia nu luiyviLautt uud uiiu win juriuet
complicate matters regarding the Indian
and his recently-acquired citizenship
A few, more conflicting decisions, and
the Indian will be able to lead a sort of
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde existence a
citizen while drunk and a ward of the
government when sober and provisions
giSfttfir.- t
, Superstitious people have figured out
thai no man who was ever nominated at
St. Lon is for the presidency succeeded in
being elected. Both Tilden and Cleve
land suffered defeat after being chosen
candidates at St. Louis. No better op
portunity for breaking the spell could
be afforded than that presented by the
republicans in designating that city as
the place of holding the convention. It
is a safe bet that the third time will de
stroy the charm.
As many people expected, a resolution
baa been introduced into the United
State senate reviving the grade of lieut
enant-general for the benefit of General
Miles, at present in the command ofthe
army. We hope the resolution will not
pass ; not because of any ill-wishes tow
ards General Miles, but because the
promiscuous bestowing of this very hon
orable-title will soon render it meaning
less. The title of lieutenant-general has
been held by few soldiers, and nearly all
of them 'were men preeminent for mili
tary abilities. To confer it upon Wash
ington, Scott, Grant, Sherman and Sher
idan, was to give them what they had
won, and by the common consent of the
world deserved. Miles has proved him
sell a good soldier, brave and sagacious ;
but between his record and that of the
generals mentioned, there are lacking
those achievements which justify the
bestowing of the most honorable desig
nation a member ot the army can re
receive. To many people, the giving of
this title to Schofield did not meet witb
approval. In the instance at hand it
would be still more unfitting. Let this
rank be given only to our greatest com
manders each a genius in military
lines. In the war with England, if it
comes, snould General Miles win this
title, the American people will gladly
sanction its bestowal. Until that time
let us not lessen its value by making it
The reported fact that the O. R. & N.
is to have an independent existence and
management, is good new3. It would
be better for the country if all railroads
were owned by home capitalists who are
more or less in. sympathy with the con
ditions which govern the business affairs
of the ' people. The O. R. & N. Co.,
with headquarters in Portland, will be
good piece of property, provided the
policy of building up the country tribu
tary to the road is fostered.
iiilte; a iff ferooce I
Wiettsr Yen Setter From.
Or Ara Ecaltty and Have
Will Cur these Disases-AN D-Bring all these) Blessings
A remarkable decision was rendered
Tuesday in the federal court at Omaha,
Judge Bniras nauded down an opinion
declaring that in all cases where Indians
have become citizens the government i
still bound by the treaty stipulations
existing under the tribal relations. The
wide scope of the decision is set forth in
a declaration of the judge that it applies
Chairman Dfhgley, of the house ways
and means committee, characterizes the
December treasury statement as a pal
pable fraud, and shows that a true state
ment of the receipts and expenses of the
government lor December would show
deficit of more than $3,500,000, instead
of the half-million surplus claimed by
Secretary Carlisle's official report.
It has long been conceded that Secre
tary Seward made a good bargain when
he negotiated the purchase of Alaska
from Russia ; but the benefits of the
deal are proving of greater extent as a
better knowledge of our northern pos
sessions is obtained. Alaska will prob
ably never support a large population,
but will annually produce returns more
than justifying the purchase price. Be
sides containing mines of untold rich
ness, Alaska sends great quantities of
fish and furs to the United States. Re
ports from Sitka say that fifteen hun
dred otter skins were brought to the
traders there this season, besides the
furs of bears and foxes, aggregating in
value manv thousands of dollars. In
the ndmenclature of Alaska the name of
Seward should have a prominent place,
as his discerning vision foresaw what
the eyes of other statesmen did not.
The battleship lexas, concerning
which so many unsatisfactory reports
are received, is the product of English
brains and planing. While William C.
Whitney was secretary of the navy he
conceived the idea of a battleship built
according to English specifications, and
the Texas is the result. The naval in
spection board has just made a report
upon the ship's condition, and has rec
ommended that the Texas go out of
commission and go to the Norfolk navy
yard, where attempts will be made to
remedy flagrant defects. The experi
ments has proven a costlylone, but has
settled the question of the United States
going to England to be taught bow to
build naval vessels. Most people are of
the opinion that things which are good
enough for Americans can be built in
Senator Elkins has scored a good
mark in having his resolution passed,
which calls for the public sale of govern
ment bonds wbose issue is contemplated.
This action, while unwelcome to the syn
dicate of New York .bankers, whose op
portunity to make millions easily will
be curtailed, meets with favor through
out 'the country, where is condemned
the . clandestine bargain which Cleve
land made with Wall street. The sena
torial courtesy which proclaims that the
new members of the senate must be
seen and not heard, received a Bet-back
in this instance,and the way is paved for
the younger members to take that share
in legislation which is tbeir's by right.
Spokesman-Review: - The Washing'
ton correspondent of the London Daily
Chronicle deserves the thanks of civili
zation for his effjrts to preserve an
honorable peace between England and
the United States. His cable letters to
London have been broad and liberal in
their statement of facts, and most ad
mirable in tone. Lord Salisbury needs
this advice and if he is the great states
man men in America believe him to be
he will be guided by it.
Evening Telegram : In a few days the
Democratic national committee will get
together to name a time and place for
holding the nominating convention. It
will be confronted by a mass of petitions
from chambers of commerce,- boards of
trade and other business bodies requst-
ine it to fix the date of the convention as
late as possible, thus making a short
campaign, but there is no leason to
hope that the prayers will receive any
more favorable consideration than they
were given by the republican committee,
The democratic moguls are practical pol'
lticians, . and as such they do not de
sire a namby-pamby campaign. Pop
ular composure is not what they want.
It will serve their purpose better to etir
up the people, to exploit their eloquence
and advertise themselves and make use
of the excitement which they arouse to
promote their own selhsh ambition
Therefore it is too much to hope that
they will show sufficient consideration
for the welfare of business to decide
upon a late convention.
Evening Telegram : For the past four
or hve years the organization known as
the Oregon immigration board has been
practically dead, largely on account of
lacking funds to further its purposes.
This failure to advertise the desirability
of this state as a place of residence has
been felt by the business community in
the decrease of the number of immi
grants. It is intended to organize county
committees, who will take care of ar
riving Immigrants, and also to publish a
monthly pamphlet or magazine, with
fresh matter, describing different sec
tions of the state, in each issue. The
railroads promise their full support, and
with the aid of.the business community,
the Pacific Northwest immigration board
seems an assured success. N
Goldendale Sentinel: Mayor Brooks
received a letter from Day Bros, last
week stating they would be in Golden-
dale in the near future to further ex
amine the proposed route of the railroad
to Lyle, and if as favorably impressed
with the situation as at present, they
will sign a contract to build the road,
providing our citizens grade twenty
miles on this end of the line. A letter
was also received from parties connected
with the Vancouver road, stating they
were coming to look over the route.
Easters parties are figuring on building
a line from the mouth of Rock creek
through the valley to the mouth of the
Klickitat, to use the same as a local and
portage road combined. The prospects
are bright for rail communication with
the river at no distant day. .
Another run is probable on the gold
reserve, and $3,000,000 is expected to be
drawn out today for European shipment.
It ; is a severe reflection on American
statesmanship that the combined intel
ligence of men in both parties cannot
stop the drain on the country's treasury.
Whether from incompetency or de
sign the country's finances are getting
in such Bhape that every day will make
the extrication more difficult. If such
blindness as exists among public men
were shown in the conduct sf private
business, neither the men nor the busi
ness would suffer, long continuance.
The carrying on of the national govern
ment is like the management of a pri
vate business, only on a larger scale.
Notice to School Clerks of Waioo Co.
I will mail to each clerk of school dis
tricts, who have applied for the same,
the amount of taxable property in their
district, on or before the 25th inst.
School meetings can be held and tax
voted in the meantime, so that return
can be made by February 1st, as re
quired by law. A. M. Kelsay, .
janll - County Clerk.
Thoroughbred Fowls. '
Rose Comb Brown -Leghorns. Best
all the vear round layers. Fowls, $1.50
each and upward until after January 1.
Eggs, $2.:per 13; $3.5U per zb. Orders
booked now. Send for circulars. Spec
ial prices on large orders. Address
; Ed. M. Habbimajt,
Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon.
J. imii in4 lMN-f' TM I1IL1 "iW"
WJL V-J S. J V, .V
St lliCi
Id for :
When you mm to jmy
Seed Wheat, Feed-Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our goods are first-claps.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid-for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY.
These Goods Must
Be Sold Less Than Cost.
75 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon
Country and Mail Orders will receive prom t attention. .
J. O. TvmCK,
Ulines and Liiquotfs,
Domestic and Key West Cigars,
St. Louis and Milwaukee Bottled Beer.
Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught.
67 Second St.,
The Dalles, Oregon.