The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 11, 1896, PART 2, Image 1

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ll 0 1THT1ITF
Germany More Aggressive
Over African Affairs.
Italians in Abyssinia Compelled to Re
treat by King Menellk's Forces
Portuguese Victorious In
Berlin, Jan. 7. At a special audience
which Dr. W. J. Leyds, eecretary of
Btate of Transvaal, had with Emperor
William today, his majesty declared he
would not recognize any claim of suzer-
ainty over the Transvaal. Great Britain,
by the treaty of 1844 claims suzerainty
over the Transvaal republic.
England Said to Be Taking Energetic
London, Jan. 7. The Globe this even
ing prints sensational news under the
following scare headlines:
"Activity in war office Anticipated
Military Measures," The Globe then
states the war office sent a special ruili
tary messenger this afternoon to the
colonial office, stating it is rumored im
portant orders are pending.
A dispatch fjom the military camp at
Aldersbot says a general belief, almost
backed by proof, prevails that the an
thorities are considering the mobilizing
of the army reserves and part of the
militia. Men employed in the ordinance
stores are very busy.
. Seml-Offlclal Denial.
Berein, Jan. 7. A semi-official denial
was issued this morning of the state
xnent from Cape Town, contained in a
dispatch to the Times of London, that
Dr. W. J. Leyds, secretary of state for
the Transvaal, with a secret fund at his
disposal, has floated a German military
colonization company with the intention
of introducing 5009 German military
settlers into the Transvaal.
Suspected of Spying.
Johannesburg, Jan. 7. (Delayed in
transmission) Mr. Letty, the corre
spondent of Renter's Telegram Company
here, has been imprisoned upon suspic
ion of being a spy in the interests, of the
British Chartered South Africa Com
South African Affairs Still Occupy Eng
land's Entire Attention.
New Xobk, Jan. 7. A dispatch to the
World from London says :
South Africa so completely occupies
the attention of the English that the
controversy with the United States is,
for the day at least, forgotten. It comes
up again in its serious form of three
weeks ago, it will be because Lord Salis
bury is too' stubborn to learn the lesson
of the German emperor's message. .
That the kaiser's telegram to the pre
sident of the Transvaal means avowed
hostility to England is universally ac
cepted. He flouts at Great Britain suz
eranity over the Transvaal. To surren
der that claim would be the most shame
ful surrender in England's history for
two centuries. The prospect of it is
universally rejected by the English
press, tory rnd liberal alike.
; But while that vital question- remains
unsettled, war with Germany is con
stantly menaced. Nor is the session of
the South African colonies made less
threatening by the unexpected resigna
tion, without full explanation, of Cecil
Ehodes, as premier of Cape Colony.
Rhodes only makes way as premier to a
tried and loyal lieutenant. His silence
and inaction while another lieutenant is
in mortal peril in the Transvaal remains
unexplained. If he has absolutely sur
rendered, it must mean that he has lost
his nerve if not his faculties. The con
viction that this is not the case is still
felt in 'London, and the dispatches are
not believed to tell the real truth of the
situation. In Tany event, the complete
isolation of England, of which there
seems no possibility of improvement in
the immediate future, makes it quite in
credible that she will pursue her quarrel
with the United States while the threat
ening attitude of Germany, of Russia
and of France is maintanied.
They Have Bean Compelled to Retreat
by King Menelik's Forces. -
New York, Jan. 7. A dispatch to
the Herald from St. Petersburg says:
A dispatch from Massowah says that
the Italians have retired from Adowt to
Adkrgrath, and were harrassed en route
by the Abyssinians. In an interview M.
Leontieff said that the Italians were in a
very difficult position. ;. He' thinks that
tie report that the Abyssinians want
food is not true. King Menelik collects
aperceDtage of the corn grown, which
he sells in time of peace, but has not
sold for three years, having hoared it for
this war. 1
Retreat will make an immense differ
ence in the attitude of doubtful tribes.
As for King Cojim being an enemy of
King Menelik, that is untrue. M. Leon
tieffa says. The Italians have now re
treated 300 kilometers, and it will take
100,000 men to beat the Abyssinians
The opinion here is that the Abyssinian
question is going to assume graye pro
portions. . -
Their Position Desperate.
New York, Jan, 7. A dispatch to the
World from Berlin says :
. "Serious rumors are in circulation
regarding the situation of Italians in
Erythrea. Their position is said to be
almost desperate.
"It is learned that the tension between
England and Italy regarding the refusal
of the former power to allow the latter
'to disembark troops at Zelley has be
come very serious.',
A Portuguese Victory.
New Yokk, ,San. 7. A Washington
dispatch says word has been received
at Lisbon of the capture of Gungunhana,
the rebel chieftain who has been mak
ing war on the Portuguese in Mozambi
que, South Africa. The Portuguese met
the rebels near Maisaoa, and, after a
desperate conflict, put them to fight,
Gungunhana was captured and is now
aboard the troopship Alfrico, on the way
to Portuguese.
News Confirmed:
Washington, Jan. 7, Acting Portu
guese minister, Senor Taveira, has re
ceived a cablegram announcing the cap
tnre of Gungunhana and his son. Guidi
do, bv Captain Muchino. The news of
the capture of the leaders of the rebell-
in Mozambique caused the greatest en-
thusiasm at Lisbon, and it is considered
in Portugal that the capture means the
termination of the rebellion.
'Frisco Marine Notes.
San Feanctsco, Jan. 8, The steamer
South Coast, which was put on the Port
land route bv the Oregon Railway &
Navigation Co., to offset the cheap rate
steamer Alice Blanchard, will not get
away until Friday afternoon. Consider
able freight is offering on account of the
Kw rates and the occasion of the
steamer's delay. The Alice Blanchard
is staying with the South Coast and
she too has postponed her trip until
The steamer Ida Schrauer is now nin
teen davs out from Portland and some
little anxiety is felt ove- her long voyage,
It has been very stormy along the
northern coast and it is feared the
schooner may have met with a mishap
in a gale.
Good Place for Toughs.
Tacoma, Jan. 9. The state supreme
court issued today a restraining order to
prevent the county judge, auditor clerk
and sheriff of Pierce county from calling
a jury to try criminal cases awaitiug
trial. The reason is that the county be
ing beyond the legal limit debt limit
cannot create new obligations. " This
may result in a general jail delivery, as
the state law says the prisoners must be
tried within sixty days after filing infor
mation against them.
Maryland's New Executive.
Annapolis, Md. Jan. 8. For the first
time this state has a governor, elected
and inaugurated as a republican. At
noon today Chief Justice Robinson, in
the presence of both houses of the assem
bly, administrated tbe oath of office to
Lloyd Lowndes, of Allegheny. Before
his ceremony the incoming gover
nor delivered his inaugural address, fac
ing an enormous crowd in front of the
senate chamber.
Want Bonds.
Muncie, Ind., Jan. -9. The Muncie
national banks announce that they will
accept $215,000 of Secretary. Carlisle's
bonds, or more if obtainable,' at 3 per
cent at par. The three banks have over
$60,000 in gold in their vaults, and the
total surplus of the banks, with $300,000
capital stock, is over $50,000. The Union
National bank will accept $50,000, acd
the Merchants' National, $25,000.
. . Tae Spanish Cabinet.
Madrid, Jan. 9. At a meeting of the
cabinet today, which was presided over
by the queen regent, it was decided not
to accept the resignation of Martinez De
Campos, as captain-general of the forces
in Cuba and governor-general of the
island. It. was also decided to increase
the naval and military forces in Cuba.
Portugal AY' 111 Be Neutral.
Lisbon, Jan. 9. Portugal, it ia an
nounced, will remain' neutral in the dis
pute between Great Britain and Ger
many regarding the Transvaal, and will
not permit Germans or British to land
troops at Delagoa Day, or traverse Port
uguese territory in South Africa. ' I
Republican Caucus on
Tariff Bill.
Bntler's Amendments to the Free-Coinage
Substltnte for the House
Bond Bill The Hawaiian y
Washington, Jan. 8. Immediately
after the adjournment of the senate the
republican senators caucused on the tar
iff bill. After a stormy session it was
agreed to instruct the finance committee
that the tariff bill should be reported
without amendment and passed in that
form. '
Attempt to Increase tue Number of Men
In the Navy.
Washington, Jan. 8. Senator Wol-
cott, who has been absent in Europe for
some months, was present in the senate
today and took the prescribed oath.
Hale; from the committee on naval af
fairs, reported back favorably the bill
authorizing the secretary of the navy to
increase the number of enlisted men in
the navy. He directed attention to the
importance of tbe bill, and gave notice
that, be would call it- up at an early
Butler offered two amendments to the
free-coinage substitute for the house
bond bill. The first prohibits the sale
of interest-bearing bonds without the
express consent of congress, and the
second makes it mandatory on the sec
retary of the treasury to redeem green
backs and treasury notes in silver as
long as the market price of 4124 grains
of silver is lower than that of 29 o grains
of gold.
At the conclusion of the morning hour
Sherman moved that tbe senate adjourn.
He explained that an early adjournment
would facilitate the work of the senate,
it being understood that the republicans
desired to hold a caucus.
Stewart requested Sherman to with
draw his motion in order to give him an
opportunity to make some remarks on
the financial question, but the Ohio
senator declined to yield, and, accord
ingly, at 12:30, the senate adjourned un
til tomorrow.
A Resolution to That Effect Introduced
in the House.
Washington, Jan. 8. The subject of
the annexation of the Hawaiian islands
was broached in the house today by
Spaulding, in a resolution which provid
ed that the Ssndwich islands be ' erected
into a new Btate to be called Hawaii,
with a republican form of government,
to be adopted by the people, through
deputies in convention with the consent
of the existing government. The condi
tions were imposed that all questions of
boundary or complications with other
governments be transmitted to the pres
ident to be laid before congress for final
action before January, 1, 1898; that all
property pertaining to the public defense
be ceded to the United States, but that
the, state retain all other propcray and
the United States to be liable for none
of its debts. The resolution proposes as
an alternative that Hawaii may be ad
mitted as a state by treaties between the
two governments, with one representa
tive in congress, and proposes the ap
propriation of $100,009 for making trej-
ties. This resolution was referred to the
committee on foreign affairs.
Henderson stated the committee on
rnles would not be able to report until
At 12 :45 the house adjourned.
Foreign Affairs Committee.
Washington, Jan 8. Tbe senate com
mittee on foreign relations today held its
first meeting since reorganization. Sen
ator Sherman presided. Cameron, Cull
om, Lodge and Mills the new members,
were present. The committee decided
to hold a special session Saturdav for the
consideration of the Venezuela, Cuban
and Armenian questions. It is expected
the committee will consider the Monroe
doctrine in connection with the Vene
zuela matter. -
Would Like to See Reed in tbe Presi
dent's Chair.
Detroit, Jan. 8. Thomas B, Reed is
Mayor's Pingree's presidential candidate
and bis honor announces it in tones of
'I've looked the field over." he de
clared, ."and Reed is the - only man in
the list of candidates who has a back
bone. That's the kind of a man we want
lor president.-' We've had enough . of
these spineless fellows in the presiden
tial chair. - We want a man that has
brains, and then has enough backbone
to carry out the views that he believes to
be right." '
In Hunor of Miss Moody.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
f. Peters was a scene of gaiety last even
ing, the occasion being a cotillion given
by Mrs. Peters in honor of Miss Moody
of Salem. The early part of the evening
was pleasantly passed in playing whist,
seven tables being set for the game-
Mrs. W. H. Moody had the largest score
among the ladies and was awarded the
head prize for ladies, while Mr. H. W
French led tbe gentlemen and was given
the trophy of success. Miss Minnie Lay
and Mr. A. J. Tolmie were successful in
winning the boobies.
The. score cards were unusually pretty,
each one being hand-painted and con
taining some sentiment appropriate to
the game.
After whist a delicious lunch was
served and then the cotillion was danced.
The figures four in number were well
arranged, and the cotillion proved to be
a most enjoyable diversion. At its con
elusion an old-fashioned Virginia reel
caused much merriment, and then at an
hour long past midnight the guests de
parted, having spent a most enjoyable
Those who were present as Mrs,
Peters' guests were : Mr and Mrs W H
Moody, Mr and Mrs A J Tolmie, Mr and
Mrs H W French, Misses - Edna Moody,
Nona Ruch, Ursula Ruch, Roee Michel!,
Aimee Newman, Myrtle Michell, Vir
ginia Marden, Mary Lay, Beulah Fat
terson, Minnie Lay, Messrs M A Moody,
Ed G Patterson, C W Lord, G W Phelps,
John Hampshire, Max A Vogt, Fred W
Wilson, Victor Marden, R H LonEdale,
Lewis Porter.
Many people in The Dalles remem
ber Rev. Frank Spaulding, who occu
pied different charges in the Methodist
church and three or four years ago was
presiding elder of The Dalles district.
About three years ago he went to Brazil
as a missionary in the Methodist church,
and the report that is received conveys
intelligence that things have not gone
as smoothly with him as it was hoped
they would. The fiejd in which he is
working is a barren one, and the results
do not justify the labor expended.
After two years of hard study he ob
tained a knowledge of the language,
only to find that as far as enabling him
to convert the natives, it was almost
labor lost. . Word has been received that
Mr. Spanlding and his family are in
destitute circumstances and would be
glad to return to this country, but lack
the means. Dnring his pastorate in
Eastern Oregon Mr. Spaulding was very
successful, and it is to be regretted that
his change of field has been attended
with such unsatisfactory results, Some
of the papers published in Gilliam and
Sherman counties intimate that a fund
should be raised which would enable the
missionary and his family to return to
Russia Backs Germany.
London, Jan. 6. A special dispatch
from Berlin this afternoon says Russian
co-operation with Germany in the Trans
vaal matter has been assured, and France
will act with Russia. This apparently
tends to confirm the report of an anti
British alliance-, and that the action o'
Emperor William towards the Boer re
public was a thoroughly weighed step.
The roll call of the Congregational
chnrch was very warmly responded to
last evening. Almost every one within
reach not unavoidably detained waB
present and answered the call by some
appropriate verse or expression of senti
ment. Those who were absent, gener
ally responded by letters, which were
read from Mrs. Myra H. Roberts, Miss
Anna Roberts, Mrs. D. J. Cooper, Mrs.
B. C. Rtnehart, Mrs. Ada Wood-Davis,
Dr. A. W. Botkin, and others. The
universal response to the roll call, by
such a number, proves the church to
be blessed with great unanimity, and to
be inspired with great hopes of future
usefulness and prosperity.
"Old, yet ever new, and simple and
beautiful ever," sings the poet, in words
which might well apply to Ayer's Sarsa
parilla the most efficient. and scientific
blood-purifier ever offered to suffering
humanity. Nothing but superior merit
keeps it so long at the front. '
Wfcen Baby was sict, fro gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When oho became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew
er has restored gray hair to its original
color and prevented baldness in thous
ands of cases. It will do so to you.
England and Germany Will
Probably Not Fight.
rhls Rumor Was Later Said to Be
Without Foundation Russia
and France S:de With
London, Jan. 9. The chances of war
between Great Britain and Germany are
looked upon today as remote, there be
ing a decided tone of back down in the
utterances of the German press toward
Great Britain. '
The Pall Mali Gazette says: "Steps
were taken in the highest quarters to ob
tain by family influence a full explana
tion from Emperoi William, and the
communications which passed have done
more than anything -to bring about a
change of tone in the German official
press toward Great Britain. German
newspapers, official, semi-official and
hostile, are tumbling over one another
in their anxiety, to explau that the ten
sion of relations was the fault of Eng
land." The receipt of a .dispatch from Pretor
ia, announcing tbe extreme demands of
the South African republic for the sur
render of all British rights and suzer
ainty, etc., over Transvaal and Delagoa
bay, however, has again changed tbe
complexion of affairs. Meantime there
is little or no abatement of the anti-German
feeling here. At a meeting ot the
London radical federation here today a
resolution was passed demanding the re
moval of Emperor William from the
British army and navy HstB.
A baseless report that the officers of
the First Dragoons, in garrison at Dub
lin, of which Emperor William was
made honorary colonel by Queen Victor
ia, had burned his majesty in effigy, was
received with cheering. The colonel of
the First Dragoons this afternoon tele
graphed that there is no ground for this
story. It ia said that before the receipt
of this official denial the German am
bassador, Count von Hatzfeldt Wilden
burg, made representations on the sub
ject to the Marquis of Salisbury, asking
to be informed as to the truth of tbe re
port. At the foreign office this afternoon the
dispatch Baying that the Boers demand
ed the banishment of Mr. Rhodes from
Africa and the abandonment of the
rights of Great Britain regarding the
Transvaal and Delagoa bay were discred
ited on the grounds that Sir Hercules
Robinson, governor of Capo Colony, in
his dispatches to the colonial office made
no mention of any such demands or in
Cecil Rhodes Not Furthering Mis Own
Scheme In South America.
New York, Jan. 9. In reply to a
cablegram of inquiry as to the stories
sent from London that Cecil Rhodes,
until lately premier of Cape Colony, had
started, or was about to start a move
ment for the organization of a vast inde
pendent republic in South Africa, the
World has received the following cable
gram from Cape Town.
"No truth in the report of the action
attributed to Mr. Rhodes."
The dispatches have already told of
Mr. Rhodes' resignation as premier, but
the office is filled by one of bis lieuten
ants, and London continues to gossip
about Mr. Rhodes' dictatorial attitude
and the possibilities of his making use
of it to separate South Africa from the
British empire. '
Cphold Their Emperor.
Berlin, Jan. 9 The reichstag reas
sembled today and proceeded to discuss
the bourse reform bill. Count von Kan-
itz, the agrarian leader, in remarks on
the subject, referred to the Transvaal
dispute, saying the recent energetic at
titude of the imperial government in de
fense of tbe interests of the German
people and German empire abroad met
with universal approval. The remark
was greeted with loud applause.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
ft iv . f l mw.t
TK3 5
Sift one qnart of flour, two rounding; to
BDOonfula of hakiuir nowder. and on. t.t-fi-
E spoonful of salt into a bowl ; add three tca
s spoonfuls of COTTOLENK and rub tn-
fret her nntil thoroughly mixed; then add
s sufficient milk to make a soft dooith ; knead
slightly, roll out about batf an inch thick.
Sand cut with a small biscuit cutter. Place a
little apart in a grossed pan. and bake in a
ouiek oven for litteen op twenty minntes.
These biscuit should bo adelicnte brown t-p
E and bottom, lipht on the- aides, and anowf
E white when broken opon.
I The secret of success in this re-
cipe, as in others, is to use but
two-thirds as much Cottolcne aa
you used to use of lard.
will make the biscuit light, deli-
cious, wholesome. Better than any
biscuit you ever made before. Try
it. Be sure and get genuine Cotto-
lene. Sold everywhere iu tins with
tradc-mark9 " Cottolcne " and
steer's head in cotton-plant toreath
on every tin.
liilrago, .t ba KranrUea, Penkad, Oregon, g
Krw Yurie n .
Conditions Fast and Present.
Preem'nently in years paBt The Dalles
has been a commercial town. The reason -for
its existence lay in tbe fact that its
situation gave it en advantage over the
other places in Eastern Oregon as the
trading center for a large area of coun
try. In the days of mining excitement
long lines of pack trains left this town
for places as far away aa IJaho, while-,
all intermedial e points looked to this
place as the base of supplies. 'As the
country grew, other means of transpor
tation were found and other towns grew
and shared with this city th trade for
the mines. When the gold excitement
abated the exuberance of commercial'
life subsided and The Dalles changed
from a frontier town into a steadier city,,
where, if trading was not so remunera
tive, yet continued steady and good.
The country had growa meanwhile;
the stock industry bad been started,
and the land being found snitable for
the raising of cattle, horses and sheep,
this industry soon assumed large propor- -tions
and The Dalles still continued a
trading town, the supply place for points'
as far separated from one another as
Yakima and Canyon City. With the
advent ot railroads many sections which
formerly traded with us found it easier
to assume commercial relations with'
other places, but the defection was filled
by the settlement of the agricultural
lands, and The Dalles held its own 1 1
he largest trading center in Easte n
Oregon a position it occupies today.
And, roughly speaking, this is the
history of The Dalles, commercially.
But we have been simply a trading
pgint long enough. It is time to br n h
m1., Manufacturing is what nature in
ended should be done at The Dalles. -With
boundless water power; moi-t ad
vantageous situation on a river eoon to
be opened to the sea, affording competi
tive rates of transportation ; equable
climate and natural products close at
hand, nothing is lacking to luako this
place the Lowell of the West, save the
application of capital and energy. Let
the citizens of The Dalles make up their
minds that here shall be a manufactur
ing city, and at all times be eager to
assist in tbe starting of any enterprise,
no matter how small or insignificant,
that will be a step in, the direction of a
manufacturing growth. This year
should see much progress made.
Tbe best anodyne nnd expectorant for
tbe cure of colds, coughs, and all throat,
lung, and bronchial troubles, is undoubt
edly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral tbe only
specific for colds and coughs admitted on
exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair.
At The Dalles, January 10th, to the
wife of J. P. Rourck, a daughter.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
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