The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 08, 1896, PART 1, Image 1

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A Drumhead Courtmartial
. Held Today.
'Will Find BritisU Regular Opposing
Them Emperor William Cob
gratules President Krueger
on His Victory.
Londen, Jan. 3. The Evening Stand
ard says it is rumored that Dr. Jamison
V was ehot today after a drumhead court
martial. "
'. ( Followers Will Be Released.
Pbetobia, Jan. 3. It Is reported that
Dr. Jamieson will be tried bv court
martial, and his followers will be re
leased. The Black Watch Highlanders have
been ordered to stop by force the advance
of a eecond ' body ot the British Chart-J
ered Company's troops in the Trans
vaal. Wllhelm to Kruger.
Berlin, Jan. 3. Emperor William to
day telegraphed President Krueger as
follows : "I express mv sincere congrat
ulations that with your own people, and
without appealing to the help of friend
ly, powers, you have succeeded, by your
own energetic action, against the armed
bands which invaded your country as
disturbers of the peace, and have thus
been enabled to restore peace and safe
guards in the defense of the country
against attackB trom outside."
The Advance Into the Transvaal Un
authorized. -
Chicago, Jan 3, J. B. Weinberg, of
Johannesburg, who is at presensojourn-
ing in this city, says that the. invasion
of the Transvaal was in no sense an
effort on the part of England to annex
the celebrated South African gold fields.
The people of Johannesburg would fight
to a man against coming under British
"When the Transvaal was unknown
for its riches in gold and diamonds,"
Mr. Weinberg said, "the laws concern
ing the naturalization of newcomers were
the same as in the Orange Free State,
and very similar to naturalization laws
of the United States. When the country
began to fill up with miners and people
interested in the gold and diamond in
dnstries, the Boers changed the laws and
made it impossible for anyone to become
naturalized. Then a high taritt was
placed on everything the Boers were not
likely to use. Particular enmity was
shown to the mining industries. In this
way the republic succeeded in levying
fully 90 per cent of the taxes on the new
population,' which was denied citizen
ship, in order to prevent newcomers
from making an effort to equalize the
"It was five years ago that the nation
al union, to remove these gross abuses,
was organized at Johanesbnrg. It took
in its membership all the more progres
sive mining men, many of whom were
Americans and Germans, who would bit
' terly oppose any attempt on the part of
England to annex the countrv. Even
the British residents would oppose any
scheme for the country's subjugation
In my opinion the national union has
given np peaceful means for ' obtaining
reform, and is calling Dr. Jamieson to
help its members overturn the republic.
. After trying all these five years to secure
some concessions from the Boers, the
national union has doubtless concluded
they will never make any headway until
the old government is overturned. That,
it seems to me, is all that Dr. Jamieson 'a
invasion means. He has evidently de
termined that" he will aid the foreign
element in upsetting the Boer govern
ment, and the next that will be heard of
it will be its accomplishment. The
movement has been on foot for some
time, and the doctor will not stop half
wav when once Btarted."
President Cleveland to Issue th
essary Proclamation Today.
, Washington, Jan. 3. The president
tomorrow about noon will issue his
proclamation in comformity with the
act of congress stating that the people of
Utah have complied with all of the re
quirements ot trie law providing lor the
'mission of Utah tD the Union, and
eclaring that the territory has passed
s of existence, and that Utah is ad-
I ted to the family of efites. The new
era win Degm me aiscnarge ot their
functions next Monday. The people of
Utah are naturally showing an intense
interest in everv step being taken at
Washington, and Private Secretary
Thurber has oeen importuned to tele
graph immediately to Salt Lake the first
news of the signing of the proclamation
and to preserve as a valuaDle historic
relic the pen with which President
Cleveland affixes his signature to the
Helena the Only Place to Report the
Mecnry Above Zero.
St. Paul, Jan. 3. Although Helena
reported temperature tonight at 4 above
zro, that was the only point in the
Northwest where the mercury went
above zero. The next warmest places
were St. Paul and Huron, S. D., both
reporting 10 below. In this city at 8 a.
m. it was 10 below. Prince Albert, N.
W. T., was the coldest tonight, register-
36 below zerow. The weather bureau
reports 16 below at Duluth and Calgary;
24 below at St. Vincent, Minn. Minne-
dosa and Edmonton report 26 below, and
Winnipeg and Battleford 32 below.
An Old Friend Beard From.
Oneff Capt. J.W. Lewis' friends in
Kentucky has been heard from in a
manner very gratifying to that gentle
man. At the recent meeting of the G.
A. K. in J&.entucKv, uoi. it. ai. is-eny
was. elected department commander of
the Kentucky division, and one of his
first acts was to appoint Captain Lewis
an aid-de-camp on his staff, an honor
much appreciated because it came un
sought. Colonel Kelly and Captain
Lewis served together during ths war,
and the following clipping from yester
day's Oregonian shows the possible
honors in store for the distinguished
Kentuckian : i
Among the many prominent Republi
cans who have been named as possible
candidates for the United States senator
ship from Kentucky, is Colonel, R. M.
Kelly, the editor-in-chief of the Louis
ville Commercial. Colonel Kellv is one
of the brainiest men in the Republican
party in Kentucky, and possibly the
best posted on national affaire. His
election to the position of department
commander of the Kentucky division of
the G. A. Pi. attests to bis popularity,
and there are hundreds of his comrades
anxious to have him enter the senatorial
race and be elected to that position.
Mr. Smith French brought to The
Chbonicle office today a sample of the
Kaffir corn, which is creating something
of a stir in the agricultural world. This
corn is said to be well suited for dry cli
mates and to not only provide good feed
for horses and cattle, but to be ground
into flour, from which excellent bread
can be made. Tomorrow The Chbon
icle will publish an article upon the
subject of the Kaffir corn. The subject
is one of real interest to the farmers of
Eastern Oregon. Mr. D. M. French,
who leaves Wednesday (o attend a meet
ing of the regents of the State Agricul
tural school, will ask that experiments
be tried in growing Kaffir tTsee whether
it will justify all that has been said
about it. 2.
How's This.
We offer $100 reward' for any case of
Cattarh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal'
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. ' Testi
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Neither Hill Nor Whitney.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan. 4. Chair
man J. W. Hinckley, of the state demo
cratic committee, states that Senator
Hill has not thought of permitting his
name to be used in the presidential can
didacy, and that Mr. Whitnay w,ill soon
effectively remove himself from consid
eration as a candidate.
The popularity of Chamberlain's
Cough Bemedy and the nigh esteem in
which it Is helds leads us to. believe it to
be an article of great worth and merit.
We haye the pleasure of giving the ex
perience of three prominent citizens of
Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the
remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! Bays: "I
have always received prompt relief when
I used Chamberlain's. Cough Remedy."
Mr. James Orchard says :. "I am satis
fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy
cured my cold.' Mr.' "J. M. Hatcher
says: "For three .years 1" have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my
family and its results'have always been
satisfactory."- For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist. :
Bat No Bond Call Till Con
gress Has Acted.
A. Rapture Between Them Because of
the Embarrassment Caused by ,
the tatter's Negotiations. -
New Yokk, Jan. 4. A special to the
World from Washington says it is given
out by a senator, who has on previous
occasions represented the administra
tion, that the president has definitely
broken with the Morgan syndicate. Mr,
Cleveland, ho the senators say, is in
tensely anger with Morgan, and declares
that the syndicate's action in preparing
to take a loan was entirely unauthorized,
and has greatly embarrassed the govern
ment. There will be no bond call, it is
said, till congress has a chance to act,
4tnd then it will be a public loan, if the
piesident is able to fellow his will.
It Wll Occur Today In the Cathedral
at. Baltimore.
Baltimore, Jan. 4. Cardinal Satolli
arrived in Baltimore this morning from
Washington. He came in a special car
over the Baltimore & Ohio road, arriving
here at 11 o'clock. He'was accompanied
by his entire household, including Drs,
Sparretti and Roeker, of the. apostolic
delegation, the papel envoy Marquis Sa
cripanti, and a number of priests and
pastors of the Washington churches. He
was received at Camden by the Rev. A
L. Magien, superior of the seminary of
St. Sulphice, on NorthPaca etrt et, whose
guest he will be.
After the exchanges of greetings at the
station, the distinguished visitors were
driven in carriages to the seminary.
Here they were presented to' Archbishop
Chapelle, of Santa Fe, who arrived last
night, and to Archbishop Begin, of Que
bec, and other dignitaries of the church
who arrived in the course ' of the after
noon. Arrangements were made at the sem
inary today to entertain all the visiting
prelates at dinner at the conclusion of
the ceremonies at the cathedral tomor
row. This evening the seminarians ten
dered the monsignore a reception. Sa-
toli spoke for nearly half an hour to the
students. In his address he dwelt prin
cipally upon the duties of priests and
ecclesiastical law. He spoke also of the
prevalence of agnosticism and warned
the students against it. He expressed
great pleasure at the approaching eleva
tion to the cardinalate and said he was
delighted with the American people. -'
A Second Time in Collision.
Greenfield, O., Jan. 5. At 8 o'clock
tonight, at Rosabell, two miles west,' in
Ross county, O., the west-bound passen
ger accommodation train, No. 13 on the
Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern road,
collided with a freight train going 40
miles an hour, 'and made a complete
wreck of both engines One man was
killed and seven Injured. The dead and
injured are:
Dead Baggageman William Perdew.
Injured Engineer Scott, the ribs
broken, one driven into his lungs, will
die ; Fireman James Egan, left leg brok
en, cut about head : Passenger Brake
man John Erwin, left clavicle fractured,
badly burned ; Fireman Charles McCord
of the freight, and Engineer Matt Ryan
and Brake-nan Clifford, cf the passenger
train, all painfully bruised and cut.
The freight crew had orders to take j
the siding and let the Royal flyer, west
bound, go by, and forgot about No 13.
The Royal flyer was the one in the wieck
at Schooley's last nigpht, and was run
ning aa a special. The scene of the
wreck is a steep grade of the road, ' and
which is approached both ways by sharp
He Left the Switch Open
and Two
Trains Collided. '
Chillicothe, O., Jan. 5. At if o'clock
last night two freight trains stood on a
switch at Schooley's station, eeven miles
east of here. The first train pulled out,
and the 'conductor, thinking the second
would follow, left the switch open. Fif
teen minutes later the eastbound exprees
came along at 40 miles an hour, and,
running into the switch, 'collided with
the train standing there. Both trains
were badly wrecked.
Engineer Michaels, of the express,
had both arms and legs cut off and died
this morning at his home, in this city.
His fireman, Leon Mathers was instant
ly killed. Engineer Fitzsimmons, of
the freight train, escaped without ser
ious injuries, but his fireman, George
Addis, and another fireman, J. H. Cox,
were killed. Ross King, the front-end
brakeman, was also killed, and Postal
Clerks J. E. Edgar ton, of Loveland, and
J. D. Murphy, of Greenfield, were badly
injured. Conductor Brown, of the ex
press, had to walk two miles to tele
phone the news to this city.
Conductor Henershot, ot the freight,
is responsible for the wreck, as he left
the switch open. The passengers on the
express were badly shaken up, but none
seriously injured.'
Chillicothe, Jan. 5. Edgar ton, the
postal clerk, living at Loveland, died of
his injuries at 11 o'clock tonight. This
makes six killed.
Fair View Notes.
Editor Chronicle :
Sir: Not seeing anything in your
paper of late regarding the weal or woe
of this community, I thought a few
items might be" of interest.
We are still on top that is. on top of
the snow. Our firstsnow came on De
cember 2d, to the depth of one foot, and
laid on about two weeksand as the
ground was not frozen, it got the full
benefit of the moisture. But on the 18th
it snowed again to the depth of fifteen
inches, making a total snow faU of
twenty-seven inches up to date, but it is
now thawing and is about all gone. '
Stock of all kinds is doing well at
present, bnt if the winter should last
until the first of March feed will be very
We have not had a boom in this vi
cinity, but a"(steady growth. There have
been about seven claims taken up heie
this season and there is still room for
some more.
There is some talk of sinking several
artesian wells In this settlement. Then
with a plenty of water and our good soil,
Fair View will be the garden spot of
Wasco county.
If .the honorable county court . will
grant us a road just where we want it
we will be under many obligations tot the
same. .
We met at the school house on Christ
mas eve and had an enjoyable time.
From a well laden tree old Santa Claus
delivered presents to each of those pres
entabout ninety-six in number. There
was a well-organized program,, consist
ing ot dialogues, recitations, vocal and
instrumental music, all Of which was
excellent in a - manner that reflected
credit on the Fair View local talent.
' R. F. W.
Fair View, Ore., Dec. 28, 1895.
Klngsley Items.
Editor Chronicle ; - ' r
We are having plenty of snow, wind
and rain ; old Mother Earth is getting
a good soaking ; the wells are mostly all
full of water, and the farmers are re
joicing over the future prospects of a
bonntiful harvest in 1896.
Mr. James Ward, our Kingsley mer
chant is a wide-awake young .man, and
is doing a tip-top business, taking every
thing in consideration.' When the Re
publicans get in full power again and
we get good prices for our produce, then
James will soon grow rich.
The .- members of Mr. James Cox's
family who have been so sick, are re
ported some better today. It is hoped
that they will all be restored to health
again soon.
Leo Rondaugh is killing some fine
hogs today, which he puts on the Dalles
market at $3.70 per cwk.
The wheat that was sown in the fall is
looking' well, and bids fair, to make a
good crop.
There is plenty of stock hogs on tbe
ridge, but there is no market for them
I. guess that Cleveland got away with
tbe hogs, as well as the sheep. F,
Kingslay, Jan. 5. 1896. .
For the manv accidents that occur
about the farm or household, such s
burns scalds, bruises cuts, ragged
wounde,-bites of- animals, moequitos or
insects, galls or chaffed spots, frost bites,
aches and pain's on any part of the body,
or the ailments resulting from exposure,
as neuralgia, rheumatism etc. Dr. J. H.
McLean's "Volcanic Oil. Liniment has
proved: itself a sovereign remedy. Price
25c, 60 and $1.00 per bottle. Snipes
Kinersly Drug. Co. .
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky' nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. ' It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby . aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need.' Pfice 50 cents and
$1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drugstore. -'-....
Inaugural Ceremonies Held
at Salt Lake.
Chief Justice Zane Administered the
Oath of Office to Oorernor Wells
and Other Officials Gov
ernor's Address-.
Salt Lake, Jan. 6. Another state has
been added to the American Union, and
the rights of self-government have been
extended to a quarter of a million of in
dustrious, law-abiding and intelligent
people. The acquisition of these long
sought rights causes universal joy among
all classes.
The oath of office was administered to
the state officials of Utah at noon today,
and the new state, with her vast mineral
wealth, great railway systems, agricult
ural resources, churches and institu
tion's of learning, starts off with the pro
mise of a bright and glorious future.,
Among those who took part in the cere
monies were many of the old pioneers of
1857,. who faced the, privations -and
dangers of frontier life to lay the founda
tion of this great common-wealth.
- The city was crowded with people from
all parts of the state. Acting-Governor
Richards had, by proclamation, declared
the day a holiday. AH business was
suspended-and the buildings along the
principal streets were decorated with the
national colors. The day 'was ushered
in by the ringing of bells and the sound
ing of all the steam whistles in the
city. -
After marching through .the principal
streets the procession reached the Taber
nacle at 12'o'clock, where, an' immense
crowd was waiting for tbe inaugural
ceremonies. The g'reat building had
been beautifully decorated "for the occa
sion. Acting Governor Richards,- as
master of ceremonies, called the house
to order, and prayer was offered by WiU
ford Woodruff, pesident of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
He addressed the creator as' the God
of nations and the Father of all men.
He acknowledged the Lord's hand in the
liberty which had tftme to , Utah, and
also in the wonderful transfiguration, of
this land, now teeming with plenty and
abundance. He prayed for the welfare
8f the nation,' to which Utah will be
ever loyal, and for the prevalence of jus
tice mercy, truth and peace throughout
this land, and that it maybe extended
to all .the earth, until every nation re
joices iu fraternal union and universal
brotherhood, And every soul is free to
worship as it sees fit and to exercise the
fullest liberty in every, sense which
does not encroach npon the liberty of
After the prayer tbe "Star Spangled
Bancer" was rendered by a chorus of
1000 voices", under the direction of Pre
fassor Stevens. .
After this the proclamation by the
president of the United States granting
statehood was - read by ex-Delegate
Josepn Rawlins. ,
The oath of office was administrated
to the governor and state officers by
Chief Justice Zane, of the supreme court
of the state.
Governor Wells then delivered his in
augural address. : '
Newspaper Bead by ihe , Mght of the
Fire Fifteen Miles Away.
. Wichita, Kan., Jan. 6-. There are
probably two counties in Western Kan
sas covered by fire." Tonight lurid light
was seen in tbe eky, observable simult
aneously at Pueblo, Colo., and vchita,
a distance of 500 miles. The supposition
is that there are two immense praire
fires in Kansas, a distance of about 150
miles apart. The Eagle, has reports
from 19 towns, which indicate the larg
est fire to be in Kiowa county, and that
it is of vast proportions. - Haviland is
the nearest station which can be reached
and the agent says the nearest fringe of
blaze is probably 15 miles away, but so
powerful that a newspaper can be read
by its light in his town. At St. John
Stafford county, the people were panic
stricken, as the fire is sweeping in their
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
i .
direction before a strong wind. - '
Many farms have been abandoned for
years, and the fire is feeding on tbe rank
grass, sunflowers and dead hedges. '
. St. Jobn people think that the loss of
property and life of man and; beast will
be appalling.
it is impo88iDiQ to oDtam details to
night, as operations on the Wichita &
Western road were recently, abandoned
in that section of the country, and there
are no operators at the stationasto report
the disasters of the fire. , ' ,
Insurgents Now In Possession of. the
Spantth Stroughold.
Boston, Jan. 6. The Traveler has re
ceived the following dispatch '.
Bbtasbano, Cuba, Jan.- 6. At 10:30
this morning a cable operator received
here the following dispatch: 'Thet
Cubans have captured the city of
Havana. MOto castle alone holds out.
General Campos " Here the dis
patch ended as the cable communication
between Havana and .this point was
cut of. ' .
Spaniards Hemmed la on all Sides.
Key West, Jan. -6. Jesus Petuns, a
well-known. Cuban patriot, received a
cipher dispatch from General Gon ez '
this morning, declaring the Spaniards
were hemmed in on all sides, and before
nightfall Havana would be in the pos
session of tbe patriot troops.
The, Victorious Insurgents.
. Barcelona. Jan. 6. News most un
favorable to the Spanish government
has been received from Cuba. It is
understood, the 'insurgent forces are
pressing around Havana. '
- The Wheat "Situation.
The first of the year finds the wheat
situation not meeting expectations,
The expected high prices have not come
nor cant be said that the indications
are bright, at the present, of any im
mediate rise, While it is true that both
buyers and. sellers are disappointed at
the way things are going, yet it's early in
the .fight and a month- or two amy see a
difference. A European war, .while it
would mean misery on the other side of -the
Atlantic, would be a blessing to the
American farmer. The following, taken
from the Commercial Review, gives an
intelligent view of the situation in Port-
mna : .
Five months of the present cereal year
have passed and txporters have die- '
patched fortv-three vessels, containim;
3,533,721 bushels of wheat and 100,908
barrels of flour to European ports', and
there is still one-half of the present crop
in the country. This does not include
China and tvin Francisco shipments
The obstinacy of holders has been clearly .
shown when wheat was selling at 54c .
per bushel, a great many unloaded tfieir
holdings, the majority held on for higher
prices; at that time we stated, that the
exporters here were paying all the stuff
was worth, and we were accuced cf
standing ' in with them. Now Walla
Walla wheat is worth about 50c, and
possibly some could get as much as 51c
for good round lots, and the prospect for
higher prices seems dim. From the pres
ent outlook ot the situation we would
not be surprised to see prices go still
lower. There is nothing as yet to make
the same advance, though earlier in tbe
season we bad hopes that prices would be
firmer by the first of the year. The out
look then was better, and we end our
selves mistaken, with many others. As
formerly stated in these columns, ex
porters had all the wheat for loading re- ,
quirements to Jan. 1, they saw no ne
cessity to increase their bids for wheat,
and that by the turn of the . year '
this port would be fully cleaned up
with engaged ships, our predictions have
proved true: tbe ships now ir port are '
all finishing, and exporters are not in
need of any wheat for the present, and "'
what ships are likely to arrive will have '
their wants quicklv filled. Tonnage due '"
is very small, ami what should arrive in
Januarv and rebruarv will receive
Prompt dispatch.
XUD mm ftcio ucic nullum kuo ncch
have been in tbe same condition as the
eastern markets, dull and lifeless, with
very little doing, and no prospect lor
betterment in the near future. Ship- .
pers are quoting Walla Wallaat 49(350, .
valley 53c per bushel. Millers are pay
ing 51 and 54c respectively for the same.
When persons are weak and 'languid
from sickness or overwork, feel debiliit-
ated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, and they
need help, to throw off the miserable
feeling? The best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. ,It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to circu
lation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of cheerful spirits. Snipea-Kiners-ly
Drug Co.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report