THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4. 1896. fits i;on. I Lord iiucaid Jetftchan jjl. Irwin j Idlemsn . JIcBride . Mitchell . Hermann A;, r. eihb J..W. H. Loed Jj.. Geo. C. Blnkeley i oners INCREASE MILITARY STRENGTH J g X " O F ? BO O K S. , ov that the appointment of the Ven ezuela commission baa been made and the country is satisfied with the men elected, there will be a diminution of war-talk for a time. . The" examination which the committee is to make will occupy a lengthy period pt timet and till their report is made no farther action will be taken at Washington. So in the erent rnsh of events the attention of people will De turned to otner tnemea, HOW TO PROCURE THEM. To Be Given Free to Snbtcrtbei1 of The Dalles Weekly Chronicle. : The eubscpription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 per year, so all those who pay one year's subscription in ad vance, we will send any five books you choose from the following liac. Books will be delivered by mail only, and the issue raised by the promulgat- Books must be ordered by n umber aa ing of the Monroe doctrine will for a I in the catalogue and not by the name of .Ceo. C. Blnkeley T. .1. Driver .....A. M. Keloay wm. Micocii (Frank Kincaid IA. s. Blower ..F. II. Wakefield E. F. gharv ktendent of Public Schools. . .Trot- B.ieney .. W. M. BUllS RECIPROCITY NEEDED. no good move in the present con Tess is that in the direction of the revi 'val of reciprocity leeitlatioii. Repre' eentative Beach , of Cleveland is the author of a bill providing that the duties imposed by the tariff laws of the United J&ates shall not apply to food products 'and raw materials from such nations as may make equivalent reciprocal conees ions in favor of merchandise imported from the United States. The president, thiough the proper diplomatic agents, is authorized by this bill to negotiato com tnercial -arrangements with foreign gov ernmenta on such a basis as reciprocity There was a reciprocity clause in the McKiuley law, which was the hcetfea lure of that otherwise unpopular meas ure. Under it recipriilv treaties had been made with a number of nations The last congress, however, in its blun dering way, repealed the reciprocity feature of the SIcKiuluy law along with the rest. In doing so it placed this country before the world aa one without continuity for foreign policy, for treatiea recently entered into were abrogated by this congressional action.' Our disa greeable relations with Germany, for instance, were caused, laigely by the sudden abrogation of the reciprocity treaty with that country, the result of the sugar schedule placed in the Wilson Gorman law at the insolent behest of the sugar trust. After its vacillating courae in the mat' ter tne united Mates ia placed in a somewhat humiliating position, and can hardly urge its requests on other conn tries for new reciprocity agreements, Nevertheless, there can be no harm !n congress re-inacting reciprocity legisla tion so as to permit of friendly agree' ments with those countries, especially in South America, which may desire to .renew them. In the course of time the number of such reciprocal agreements tfnay be increased. Chicago Record. THEIR POSITIONS. The committee places which the Ore gon and Washington men secured in the arrangement of the eenate committee are as follows : Mitchell Privileges and electione, chairman ; judiciary, rules, postofBces and post roads, claims and construction of the Nicaragua canal. McBnde Transportation routes to the eeaboard, chairman ; commerce, public lands, coast defenses, Ind'an depredations and internal expositions. Squire Const defenses, chairman; commerce, public buildings and grounds, immigration, territories, and construc tion of the Nicaragua canal. President Cleveland has acted wisely in the appointment of the Venezuela commission. Justice Brewer is a mem ber of the United States supreme court and an eminent jurist. Frederick R. Coudert, ia the leader of the New York bar, and a man of high standing, in no sense trammeled by the petty politics ol the day. Andrew D. White has won recognition aa president ot Cornell Uni versity and as minister to Russia. Daniel C. Cilunan has not figured so much in politics aa the other members have, but ia known to fame through Johns Hopkins University, of which in stitution he ia president- Richard Alvey of Maryland is less prominent, than his associates, but there are many who vouch for his fitness for a place on the commission The interests of the coun- trp are safe in the hands of these dis tinguished citizens. There need be no worry but what the work the7 are to do , will be well done. - The issue of the Oregonian yesterday reflects great credit upon that paper. The present conditions of Oregon are fully and truthfully portrayed, and no v portion of the state left1' untouched. This edition is the best advertisement the state could get, and numerous copies should be eent to the eaetern states. The Oregonian has issued- several praise- prtby New Years editions, but yester- s is, we think, far superior to anv is predecessors. It is not flattery, Ltruth, to say that we believe no r's edition of any paper in the while, at least, be allowed to slumber In the meantime some of the lessons which the late flurry of impending war excitement has taught, should not he overlooked. The country has shown it ia nor. lacking in that quality of patriot iaui which ia so necessary to continued prosperous existence. From all over the land came hearty offers of men. to wage the country's battles, and within a short time an army could have been raised the counterpart, in numbers, of Xerxes' host. , ... , Another fact which has been painfully impresed upon observing people ia the critical condition of our means of offense and defense. Since President Cleve land's message was announced attention has been strongly attracted to the mili tary conditions attending this country in the event of a foreign war. The con census of opinion is that our condition is lamentably weak, and iio time should be lost in rectifying the errors which our legislators have committed in allow ing our sea coast defenses to fall into the deplorable state in which they are, and in not raising our army and navy to a point of greater useful nesa in conflict, Among the many who have Btudied this matter, none have done so more care' fully than Colonel Jackeon, of the regu lar army, now. stationed in Portland. In a recent address Colonel Jackson said: "Patriotism of itself will not eave the republic; coupled with it must be power. Weakness for defense or offense is another, and perhaps the greatest menace to the permanence of the re public. "Among the 'great military powers' rank and consideration are accorded in proportion to the ability of a nation to defend iteelf, or its interests, and to in flict injury in these respects upon other nations. It does not need much research in ancient or modern history to kuow that weak governments have received, but little consideration and short shift when their interests or existence ran counter to thoso of strong military powers. Current history, with which you are all familiar, shows us that the world is no better in this respect today than in the past. "At the close of the civil .war this country was rated as one of the most powerful of nations. Nothing but our great war strength and willingness to use it induced the British government to consent to arbitration in the Alabama claims, and when we declared that the Monroe doctrine would be enforced, and sent 70,000 veterans to the Texas fron tier, France took the hint and retired from Mexico. Does any one suppose that within ten years of the close of the civil war Great Britain would have neg lected our repeatedly expressed wish to have the Venezuela boundary question submitted to arbitration, or have per sisted in the eeizure of territory in a friendly republic, or in the extension of the boundaries of British Columbia-in Alaska? "The nation that would survive in a world where force is law, must itself be the most forceful, and there is no dis guising the fact that we are dangerously weak aa compared with ether nations; neither is there any doubt that the great military powers will not hesitate to take advantage of any weakness of oura to hamper our progress and despoil our commerce to their own advantage; that also is- a part of the struggle for exist ence, and to hold our own in the battle for national life and prosperity we should at all times be sufficiently strong, not only to prevent encroachments upon the soil of American continents to our dis advantage, but to promote and. defend measures necessarv to the success of our trade relations with other countries." These words of Colonel Jackeon should be heeded. They express a truth which however unpleasant, is no lets vital. It would be good for the countrv if the majority of men in congress were like Colonel Jackson, who can eeo the need of the country and would not hesi tate at supplying the remedy. If the United States is going to stay in the front rank of nations it must possess the necessary requisites. the hook. . Orders will, be filled as "promptly as the clerical work nvolved makes possi ble ubscribeis should wait patiently two or three weeks before making com plaint of non receipt of tiooks. All orders should he addreesed, ' Cuboniclb Publishing Co., The Dalles, Oregon 1561 With Ouoid's Eyes law Eaves dro-roer. 1164 Out of Ilia Beckon-159 One of tbe Family. James Payn 1S62 Luck of the Dar- - rclla. 1870 Kit -A Memory F. (i. Phillip 1875 Social Vlci-nitudea 1860 Cannon' Ward. Georjro Temple 2260 Britta. Tasma 2257 Uncle Tiper ot Mper'a Hill. 1UTT CfwnMlriaanriiMa nf Lrfev Smith Nikolai W.V. TchernlBh 1879 Jack and Three 'JVtrTT: Jin,. 2266 Vital Question. Kenward Philip , ' W. M. Thackeray . 1387 John Brown's Leg. 2274 Critical Reviews. 18S8 Sibyl Ross1 Mar- H rJ".t'keU!e8-, Ti,,, 2290 Christmi's Books. lorVif"213 Knvels by Eminent " lianas. g' Connt Lyof Tolstoi- K25T 22y9 Pollkouchka. 1W3 Mrs. Gregory. T1, , . Bertha Thomas ,; T?4 fVT 23UJ Elizabeth's . 1952 iiegrnded Deserter y irtiine 2 vols. ios Tio, ...... vi-i.t. Arnold Trmibee 2 vols 23-5 Industrial Revoln- 1934 Poom of the Bur- ,ion 2 vo18- ker. 2 vol". Anthonv Tfollope 1955 Wnjrner tbe Wehr 2326 Autobiography.; 41 Mrs. Alexander. Beaton's Bargain. Jr. Anttcy. obe. Chaunccv Deoew. 735 Centennial Oration. Charles Dickens. 7.46 American Notes. 739 1 ictures from J taly. 742 Dombey & Son, 2 vol 747 Bketcnes by isoz. 743 Mrs. Liriper's Lodg ings. : Giant's Kol Arelina. ' 110 An American Jour ney. Frank RnrrrtL 117 Recolling-VengtfincoTSl Reprinted Pieces. 118 Great Hesper. JW. Dowden. A daw Badeau. 761 Life of c ou they. 123 Conspiracy.- v DvBottaobev. Chas. Wolcott Balatier 782 Ked Lo"e'J' lickot' 147 fair Device, Tne Dvenest. Walter Bemnt. 1 " 151 Lament of Dives. iiamotua. 1,'iS IIolv Rose. Lord DuWerln. IbO Inner House. 844 L -tters from Uigb hard BeaamtMd. imtuaes. 191 Rise of ifkander. Annie Edaardl. 103 nearonsfield's life. 856 Girton Girl. J7rh H,n,A O??". o tp Visit IDA rnanhman'm I ii-o UCI t 859 Vivian the Beauty. 860 Susan Fielding. . Amelia B. Edwardi. 876 Miss Carew. M. Betham Edwards. 880 Klowei of Doom. 881 Next of Kin Wanted. Hart Bernard 197 Locked One R. D. Blackmore. 206 Mary Anerly. 209 Chrlstowell. 210 Craddock Nowell 2 vols 214 Sir Thomas Upmore , T . MirloS 21(5 Maid nf Sker. 880 LTe ana ""age. 217 r.Hna thA f:rr1er Georae Eliot. J. Mount Blaver. OJa iuoul,ur"alua oui" 220 Scientific Methods of Eta Evergreen. Capital Punishment.gos Ten Years of his L fe William Black. - vni, w,rr 222 In Far Lochubar. . nio at,... i .. . .'. ii...w 228 penance of John Lo- - . m 8 920 Blood White Rose. Kemver Boeock. wi Khuni Huriii 258 Tax tho Area. 939 Sncred Nuinret. it. E. Braddon. 938 Toilers of Babylon. 274 Hostages to Fortune j, jf. Farmr. Robert Buchanan. 912 Mary Anderson. 403 Master of the Mine. Georae ManvUle Fenn. 409 ew Abelard. 746 Golden Maenet Bhoda Brouah. 953 Dark House. 12i Betty's Vision. Mrs. Foncster. Jama H. Bush. 982 My Hero. , 441 More Words about 984 Omnia Vacitas. the Bible: s. e. Forrest E. Lasseter Bvnner. 90S Eight Day . 443 N Import. 2 vols. Gertrude Ford. 444 Tritons, 2 vols. 1009 Only a Coral Giri. John Bloundell Burton. Tjmm n svird 416 Mystery of at. James 101 1 For Honor's Sake. rarx.- 1013 Enemies Bom.- Thomas Carlvle. , k k KVnnrna. 515 Life of Heine. . 1025 Golden Bells. 518 Chartism. , .... . 525 Jean Paul Frederick uieouno. junVn Richter. Thomas Fowler. LL. H. 530 P01 trait of JnoKnoxl039 Life of Locke. 531 Corn Law Rhymes Henrv Georae. A. W. Church. 1046 The Lund Question 1047 Protection or tree Trade. Theo. Gift. . 1083 Pretty Miss Hellew. Wm. E. Gladstone. 1090 Criticism of Robert lUsmere. Annte C. Ctibbs. ' 1093 Blighted Uf-. -10U6 Wat! of the Storm Winona Gilman. ' 10aS General Utility.' 1099 Clarice. S. Haring Gould. 1109 Little Tu Penuy. Maxwell Gray 1120 Reproach of Annes ley. Florence Marryat 1567 Poif-en of Atps. I0U8 Ph.Uida. 15S9 Petronel. 157i Fighting the Air. 1573 Girl of Fei,ernham. 3574 Fair-Haired Alda. 1584 Lore's Conflict (2 vols. 1585 Heart of Jane Warner. 1590 Lit le Stepshon. ery, climate or natural resources for contain tnore good reading business pursuits. h than the journalistic tn 1 iJrego v Oregon is beginuing to receive atten tion in the eastern magazines. An ar ticle entitled "Coasting Down Some Great Mountains," bv II. L. Wells of Portland, appears ia the current issue of the Cosmopolitan. The piece is de scriptive of the .ascent of Mt. Hood by the Mazamae, and is illustrated by sev eral interesting viewc The great Northwest can hold its own with the rest of tbe world in magnificent seen- n'fl great newspaper ay. . The Oregonian Oreg'on honestly .in paper, and that ia ther daily ia not Wanted. Wanted A reliable young man for branch office. Salary $100 per month. References and (600 cash capital re quired.. Address, the Harter Publish ing Co., Portland, Or. ,. 539 Life of Spencer. C. R. Coleridae. 592 Near Relation. Ifuoh Conway. 612 Can istou's Gift. 620 Paul Vaigas and Otner stone-. 621 Somebody's Story. J. Fenimore Cooper. 643 Wars o. the Hour. 615 Manikins. May Cromelin. 684 Goblin uold. Stuart ft Cumberland 695 Rabbi's Spell. Earl of Desart. 727 Lord arid Lady Pic cadilly. ff. V. Goaol. 1129 Taras Buh.u. Evelun Grau. 1130 A:. Fate rtoukl Have It Arthur Grifflths. 1131 Ho. 90. Cecil Qrimths. 1133 Victory K-uiie, H. Rider Hi'Kgard 1116 Col. Quaritch, C. 1150 Allan Quat. rinain. 1592 Writienin Fiie. 1153 Tale of Thre Lions I'oJi Master 1'asBion. Thomas Hardy Helen B. Mathers 1167 Woodlanders. 1607 Hendri ; or, Blind Mary Grace Halnine Justice. 1182 Strange Disappeur- L. T. Meade ance. 102b in inrat 00m. 1183 Great Divorce Case Wiliam Minto 1187 A llter. 1R44 r.rnrlt rf Ilnnm. Csbel Hocy 1M5 Was She Good or 1229 btern Chase. Bad? 1230 Lav. r's Creed. 1616 Life of DeFoo. Mr. H. C. Hoffman Justin MoCartbr 1239 Married by the 1T9 Dolly. Mayor. lbui Gamielie. 1240 Treacherous Mrs MnWvnrth 1662 Marrying una Giv- Arabella Hopklnson 1250 Ufe s Fitiul Fever. lfi7, F.or. i.116rir renins liume 1270 Girl from Malta. R. H. nutton 12;il Life of Sir Walter Scott. John W. Hoyt 1295 studies iu Civil Service. Adah M. Howard 12S7 Against Her Will. epeiaie womau lSil Little Kaha. 1302 Mother's Mistake 1:03 Hauuted Life. 1304 Little Sunshine. Walter Hubble 1307 Great Amher-t Mystery. Washington Irving 1735 My Friend Jim, 1316 Abbottford and 1'42 Kogne. Kewstead Abbey. ",1 1 nat Terrible Man 1S17 Crayon Papers. 1744 Mr. Chain's Sons 1319 Life of Goldsmith. 2 vols. G. P. R. James Milton Nobles 1321 Damley. 1719 Phoenix. ManrireJokai Notley 1351 Modern Midas. 1750 From the Other Ur ITrtur. Krnininl- bide. 1353 Matron or Maid. William O'Brien Grace Kennedy 1762 O'Hara'a Mission. 1360' Dunallen, 2 vols. Mrs. Power O Donog-- nue. Woman. A1212 Lost to theWorld n i!,rri-.' apsmson Susanna Moodle 1672 Geofl'rey Mono ton. James Tatter Morrison 1679 Life of Gibbon. David Christie Murrav 1681 Aunt Racbel. 1687 By the Hate of the Sea. 1688 Cynic Fortune. 1691 First Person Sing ular. 1692. Hearts. 1701 Way of the Woild, Alan Muir 17C9 Golden Girls. F. Mvers 1719 Li fe of Words worth. . 1 William E. Norris- A. E. Lancaster 1386 All's Dro.-s but Love. Vornon Lee H10 Phantom Lover. 1412 Prince of One HLndred Soup?. Margaret Lee 1420 Brighton Klght 1763 Unfairly Won. Dr. J. Ochorwitz 1764 Mental Sufges - tion. 4 vols. Mrs Oliphant ' 1771 Effie Ogilvie. 1777 Poor Gentleman. 1779 John. Katheilne 8. McQnoidlH Hou of Hrs' Father. 14S2 Joan Wtntwoith. h?,y Vl!10"- jc-w uuter b nnue. 1802 Queen's Book. Dennis O'Sullivan 1835Lion of Limerick. 1836 Eriction. 1837 Maid of Cremona. 1838 Beauty of Ben-burb. 1839 Mary Mavour neen. ' . 1810 Eileen Alanna. 1841 Robert Emmet j 1842 Strange Case. 1843 Famed Fonten Mary Patriclt 1856 MariorieiCt . James Pas Brooks McCormlck 1510 Nature's Young Nobleman. " McKenna 1512 Hearts and Gold. Charles Marvin 1528 Russians at the ' Gate of Herat. Harriet Martineau . 1514 Hill and Valley. 1550 Charmed Sea. Florence Marrs at 1553 Ange. 1554 Mad Dnmaresq. 15C0 Captain Norton's D1U Fred Allison Tapper zju jnoonsmne. Ttenzil Vane 2373 Like Luclfcrr - J. W Von Goethe 2379 Wilhelm Meister'a Travels. Florence Warden 2383 Sch herazade. Woll. 2rols 1957 Necromancer 2 vols. 1958 Mystery of the Marchmonts 2 vols. Ritn 1962 Mystery of a Tur kish Bath. 1991 Susan Drammond. Y,AgIni wi,fe" , . . 4ov nurse neveis F. Mabel Robinson Mistake iiovenaen . c. 2394 Prince of Darlrness. ,o.. ; 2395 Witch of the Hills. G. M. Robins-- 2396 Woman's Face. 2020 Tree of Knowledge l. b. Walford Blanche Roosevelt. 2412 Mr. Smitn. frrie?,"1 H,a8te Prof. A. W. Ward- W. Clark Ruf sell- 2434 Life of Chaucer. 2039 Jen nv Harlow. . , 2047 Golden Hope. .. g- Wal1- .. ,. 2435 Dregs and Froth. John Rntkin ,, ... , ., 2064 Art of England. ,Wi!'Ia? Westall 2068 Our Fathers Have 36 M. Fortescue. Told Us. 2442 Queer Race. 2071 Aratw Penttllcl. Deshler Welch 2444 Life of G rover Cleveland. Violet Whyte 2447 Her Johnnie 2448 Eric Dane. John Strange Winter 2166 In Quarters with the 25th Black Horse Dragoons. z-u Harvest. 2074 Love's Meinie. 2075 Munera Pulveris. Sir Walter Scott 2092 Chronicles of the Canongaee. J. L. Shorthouse 2133 Countess Eve. Flora L. Shaw 2138 Se Change. William GUmore Simms2472 Little Fool. 2156 Vasconselas. .159 Beauchamn. 2160 Cbarlemont 2161 Mellicbamps. (163 Partisan. . Goldwln Smith. 195 Life of Cowper. Emily Spender ' JfOi Until the Day jjreaxs. eht ttOl Barren Title.' Charlotte M. Stanlev 2640 Two i-idea of the iSU Accord and Disc6rd. ,bJeW, Katherine Wilde' 2.-1OI Ill-Regulated Mind 2167 l.O'ilesBlons. 168 Foragers. Mrs. Henry Wood 2505 Lady Grace. Hazel Wood 2527 On the Quicksands. Charlotte M. Yonge 2531 I'hantry Honse. 25:7 My Young Alcides. Leslie Stenhan ttto Life of Johhson, tits Life of Pope. . Jane Stanlev H19 Daughters of the uoas. . , . Starkweather and ' Wilson ttSO Socialism Julian Sturgis 3233 Comedy of a Country House. itzi Dick's Wandering. 2652 Pauline. 2,-35 John Maidment 8654 Prize Recipes. Hesba 8tretton ??55 ?.V.nue- . 2237 In Prison and Out. 407 witness my oana mscbus. Miscellaneous 2556 Anna Gray. 2565 Bess. 2592 Fresh Chestnuts. 2003 He. 2614 It. 2616 Jessie. 2620 King Solomon's Treasure. 2626 Litile Golden. 2650 Pa. Books Free. To Delixquent Subscribers: Owing to the large number of persons wishing to take advantage of our free book propositions, and our inability to get our list of books revised and printed, we have decided to extend the time on our delinquent list . for , two, weeks longer, not to .encourage delinquency, but to demonstrate tbe liberality and enter prise of the Weekly Chronicle.. We renew the offer for the next two weeks, to .give to every subscriber of the Weekly Chronicle in arrears, who will pay 'up now, absolutely free of charge ny one volume they may Felect from the list published, for every 50 cts of the mout due, which is paid. If the in debtedness is $1.50, three books will be onated. Upon .payment of $3, six books, and so on for the full amount. The average retail price of these books is "5 cts each. Each book consists of a handsome octavo volume of 64 large double-column pages neatly bound in an attractive paper cover. It will pay to pay UP now. asmess Jf an ' n r Recognizes the value of "Doing Busi- ness'for Cash." The Weekly Chronicle recognizes it, too. Cash for new sub script ions, cash for .renewal subscrip tions, cash for subscriptions not yet paid for sent to - ' Weekly Gbtfoniele r ti I .....: r. i '.. ' i e ;; .;- ova .A. ASSIST NATURE a little now and then in removing' offend ing matter from the stomach and bowels and you thereby avoid a multitude of distressing' de rangements and dis eases, and will have less frequent need of your doctor's service. : Of all known agents for this pur pose, ur. nerce's Pleasant Pellets are the best. Once used, they are al ways in favor Their secondary ef fect is to keep the bowels open and regular, not to fur ther constipate, as is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and their attendant discomfort and manifold derangements. The "Pellets" are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. No care is required while usinjr them; they do not interfere with the diet, habits or occupa tion, and produce no pain, griping or shock to the system. They act in a mild, easy and natural way and there is no reaction after ward. ' Their help lasts. The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belchings, "heartburn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derange, ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. In proof of their superior excellence, it can be truthfully said, that they are always domed as a household remedy alter tne first trial. ' Put up in sealed, glass vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little " Pellet "'is a laxative, two are mildy cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, or to relieve distress from over eating, take one alter dinner. Ihey are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readilyitake them. . t , Accept no substitute that may be recotn- ded to be just as good." It may D for the dealer, because of paying him er pront, Dut ne is not tne one wno eip. Will bring you not only the paper for the full time paid for, but also the full value in books by standard authors for the whole amount of money - paid; A copy of the Weekly Chronicle, contain- i X r 1 W V3b V3 use for sleepless nights when procure One Minute Cough j a will relieve all annoyances, severe cough and give you Ih.; Can you afford to do nlpes-Kinei-sly Drug Co. Gatalogae . lis ? of Books Furnished. Address Chronicle Pub lishing Company, The Dalles, Or. BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon .-ARTISTS &"Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. )