v - I THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY,' JANUARY Vd$. VOL. VI. NIk ft 1I y v i m TV. THE ELWOOD WRECK Broken to Pieces by Alasken " Seas. STRUCK ON GARDINER'S POINT ONE OF THE 'CHEW WAS DKOWXKD The Beat, After Incredible Hardship Reached Shore In Safety Canard Steamer Cephalonla Sank at . Holyhead. Seattle, Jan. 1. The echooner El wood, Captain E. E. Wyman, ia a total wreck in Alaska. It ia the worst story of shipwreck to reach Seattle this year. One eailor was drowned and the re mainder of the crew only reached shore after one of the bravest fights against the elements that has been recorded in the annals ot the Northwest coast. The steamship Topeka, arriving this foaenoon from the North, bronght the first news of the disaster. Captain Wy man and four sailors came down on the Topeka, while the others remained in Alaska. .The El wood left Seattle September 11 for Kodiak and Cook's inlet. The ves sel struck at Gardiner's point daring a gale at 9 o'clock in the morning, two months after leaving Seattle, and began breaking np immediately. The crew made a desperate effort to reach shore, avoiding the reefs, jutting rocks and wild breakers. ' The first boat let down was smashed, and the second boat was worked sway and swamped. Adrian F. -Gorton, a Swedish sailovas washed away and -drowned. One seaman started to swim ashore and was about to give up when he seized a piece of wreckage and reached ashore. The captain and rest of the crew finally reached shore by clinging to the wreckage.. The story of ' hardship and peril is a heartrending one. CIFHALOSI4 ASHORE. Strook a Reef Near Holyhead and Was Badly Damaged. Holyhead, Jan. 1. The Cunard line steamer. Cepbalonia, Captain Sacombe from Boston, December 21, for Liverpool ran ashore on a reef near South Stack in a dense fog, but was subsequently floated and steamed here. When the. 6teamer,first grounded two lifeboats were sent to her. ' Forty passengers arrived here and have -taken passage for their respective destinations. The Cepbalonia had a very rough pass age. Everything went well, however, - until 7 :30 this morning, when she ran " ashore. The passengers rushed on deck in alarm. BoatB were lowered immedi atley, and all women and children were placed in them. - Then the other pass- enegers were allowed to enter the boats, An examination of the steamer showed that while her after part was badly dam aged, she was not making so much water as to prevent her proceeding. Therefore, at high tide, the passengers were again taken on board and all possi ble speed made for Hollyhead. - The passengers speak in the highest terms of the conduct of the officers dur ing the emergency, and are delighted with having escaped such gient peril without loss to themselves. , Later in the day the Cephalonia began making water ' rapidly where she was beached. Her afterpart and afterholds are nearly full of water, which is also beginning to enter the saloons. The work of getting out her cargo from' the afterholds has been almost entirely stopped, and the position of the steamer is very ciitical. -The Stormy Straits. ; Poet Townsknd, Wash., Jan. 1 An other outburst .of storm of ranch violence prevailed in the straits yesterday. Two vessels, the schooners Meteor and Bed field, after reaching Cape Flattery, were forced to return here for shelter. .Four sloops and a small-sized schooner mocred to the wharves foundered. Vessels from outside report largo quantities of fresh lumber southwest of Cape Flattery, which is Grip posed to have been . the decfcload of some outward-bound vessel - -.- In Washington. Wabhisgtonv Jan ew Year's day was celebrated here in a good old fashioned way. All of the officials re ceived. It was an ideal day. Interest, of course, centered in the ' president's reception. The White House had bean elaborately decorated - with flowers and foilage, and the Marine band of 60 pieces, under the leadership of Pro fessor Francuilla, were stationed just within the entrance, and added color to the brilliancy of tfccene. The musical I program included a melange oi airs of all nation?, arranged by Soiisa, as a compli ment to the diplomatic corps, a tnnm tihant Russian air .and a suggestion of peace on earth and good will to men in the "Angels' Waltz." . Just before 11 o'clock the president and Mrs. Cleveland descended the stair way from the private portion of the house, followed by members of the cab inet, and exchanged greetings with mem bers of the diplomatic corps, who came resplendent in full court cnstomes.. The president then took his place iu the blue parlor, next to the door, with Mrs Cleveland on his right. In line beside her were the wives of members of the cabinet and Miss Herbert, daughter of Secretary Herbert. Mrs. Smith was pre vented from attending by the illness of her daughter. In the rear of the line were members of the cabinet and the ladies invited to assist (n the reception FRKSH OCIBAOES AT OBFAH. All American Missionaries Safe. la Anatolia .'Cosstaktinople, Jan. 1. According to a dispatch from Orfab, Asiatic Tar- key, there were fresh outbreaks there Saturday and Sunday. In reply to the demand cf United States Minister Terrill, the TurkiBh gov eminent ordered the vali of Aleppo to furnish an escort to Miss Shattuck and the three native teachers from Orfah to Aintab. Terrill has received informa tion which shows that all the mission aries in Anatolia are safe. ' The Turkish government has given an evasive reply to- the offer of the repre' sentatives of the powers to mediate with theZeitounals. The ambassadors resent the stand taken by the porte, and the dragomans are urging the Turkish of ficials to accept their offer. Ho definite information is obtainable from Zeitoun, although it is believed the place is hold ing out against the Turks, and the latter are suffering severely on account of the weather.' A SPECIAL WRECKED. The- Engineer and Fireman Were Killed. Dknveb, Jan.l. The Rocky Mountain News special; carrying the New Year's edition, and intended to break all re cords for mountain travel, was wrecked at 7 :K a. m., at Malta, five miles this side of Leadville. The train Blowed down as it approached the station, but the rails being cove-ed with ice and snow, it jumr?d the track. The engine crashed into the depot. The baggage' car was thrown on to the coal car and broken in two, but the coach remained on the track. Ralph Butler was in charge of the News car, assisted by Frank Keller and Special Messenger Harris. Engineer I. G. Baker, and Fireman H. II art man were killed. Germans Aroused. Berlin, Jan. 1. The news of the in vasion of the Transvaal republic by an armed British force has created a, de cided sensation here. The Kreuse Zsitung says: "Every where is the same greed and bad faith. Today it is Africa; yesterday it is South America." The invasion of the Transvaal by Dr. Jamieson and the forces of the British South Africa Company, all the newspa pers declare, constitutes a serious and unjustifiable breach of peace, against which Germany must protest. Armenian IMahop Arrested. New Yoek, Jan. 1. A dispatch to the Journal from Constantinople says: The army reserves at Moobd, Satdis, Alesbgerd and Bitlis have been called out: The Armenian bishop at Erzeroum was arrested Monday and sent to Con stantinople. He is accused of taking a leading part in the agitation against the government. His arrest has caused much excitement in Erzeroum and the officials there have taken measures to preserve order. , ' Gone to Berlin. The Hague, Jan. 1. The minister of the Transvaal republic left here this morning for Berlin in order, it is be lieved, to make strong representations to the German government on the sub ject of the invasion of the Transvaal re public by the forces of the British South Africa Company. .Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the Btomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just . exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1 00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough- ton'a Drug Store, CUBANS VICTORIOUS They Encountered the Span iards at El Estanta. THE LATTER NOW IN - RETREAT THE OFFICIAL. ANXODXCEMESI Jt States the Insurgents' Position Was Raptured, but Adds, "The Troops Were Moved Closer to Havana. " Havana, Jan. 2.-rAn engagement be tween Spanieh troops and the insurgents has taken place at El Estante, south of Alfonzo XII, not far from the frontier of the province of Havana. . An official announcement says the troops captured the insurgents' position, bnt the loss of the rnemy is not known It is admitted two Spanish officers and four soldiers were killed and.19 wounded, The insurgents, following the usual tactics, did not attempt a decisive en gagement, but. after a ekirmish, pro ceeded westward, devastating the coun try. The authorities here, in announc ing this skirmish, added J,h "significant statement that the troops "were moved closer to the province of Havana," which would indicate that the Spanish forces are once more in retreat. . Later in the day it was announced here that further fighting between the Spaniards and Cubans is taking place in the vicinity of El Estante, which leads the people here to believe that the insur gents have been in pursuit of the Span ish troops in the vicinity of El Estante, which seems to be a confirmation of the supposition' that the Spaniards were worsted and the Cubans are making for the frontier of the province of Havana.' It is announced this afternoon that Felippe Roderiquez, an insurgent leader, has been killed in battle. DRIVEN OUT OBTACdaiA.' M Rlggs' Chinese Servants Sent Back to Olympla. Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 2. The Chinese have again been driven out of Tacoma. The two Chinese that Thomas Rigga es tablished as servants in his home t month ago were this morning put on the train and returned to Olympia, whence they came. Mr. Rigga was tired of agi tation on the subject, and surrendered unconditionally. The public meeting called for the 15th instant by the com mittee of fifteen to further consider the Chinese question, will now probably be turned into one of rejoicing. A Portland Man's Adventure. Ensenapa, Lower Cal., Jan. 2. L. C, Pease, a Portland, Oregon, newspaper man, was brought into this city today by B. Valesquez, a vanquero, who lives five miles up the coast. .rease tins nad a very rough experi ence, having started from Tia Junta on last Monday for a horseback trip by the coast route to Ensenada,, for bis health and lost the trail on Tuesday night. - While endeavoring to reach his desti nation by following the coast, he found himself, late at night, in a country so rough and mountainous' that he could neither go forward nor retnrn with his horse; so be decided to push ahead on foot, but first he shot his horse, which bad been injured by a fall and cutting the animal's throat he slacked his thirst by drinking the blood. Peaee reached Valesqnez's house twenty-four hours later, having, by dint of swimming around pointsand climbing over .rocks, accomplished about twenty miles of coast which is generally consid ered absolutely impassable. He had been nearly forty-eight hours without food or water and his mouth and throat were in a frightful condition from hav ing chewed the pulp of cactus leaves to slake his thirst. Married at the Benson Farm. Editor Chronicle: On New Year's day Mr. James C. Benson of 5-Mile and Miss Fannie L. Wilkerton of Portland were joined in . wedlock, by Rev. Frank Johns of Hood River, at the residence of the groom's parents. After the cere mony, a splendid repast was partaken. - Mr. Beuson is one of our substantial yonng men, and is respected by know him. Miss Wilkerson has resided j months in this neighborho her lady-like deportment ag ways, she has won the , friendship of all whom Several valuable which will be of use I soon take up their on 5-Mile, and the r v I nrpflptf i 1 tot entire community wedding was intended to . be a private one, with bnlv members of the families present, hence no cards were issued On the roll of expected guests was the name of the long-absent eon and brother, Mr. Frank Benson of Idaho. : His pres ence would have completed tho. happi neESofftll. - . ' , By this marriage Mr. BDd Mis. James M. Benson are the onlv ones that now remain at the old hearthstone. . Though they have grown old in the battle of life, their works have not been in vain, for they have made a good record, raised a respectable family and by industry and economy havo laid by a sufficiency for the evening of life..' They belong to that band of -hardy pioneers who endured the privations of early Oregon life, paved the way for the making . of thousands of happy homes and laid a foundation of a great state. O. C. , Five Mile, Ore., Jan. 2, 1896. 'More Karl y History. . Some time ago Tub Chronicle pub lished an account of the. marriaijo of William McKay and . Margaret Camp bell, which took place in Wasco county in 1836. At that time the statement was . made that possibly this may have been the first marriage of record in this county, since no records of ah earlier one were foand. Now, however, the contrary is determined. The reading of the article in this paper caused Mr. M. M. Cusbing, the well known fruit-raiser, of 5-Mile creek, to call from memory the date of his marriage, which is shown to be older than that of Dr. McKay. On the 16th day of April, 1854 M. M. Cush ing and Mary Pigott were united in marriage. The ceremony took place at the quarters of Major G. O. Haller in old Hon Dulles. JNatnan Ulney per formed the ceremony, and the?e were (.witnesses: Eliza Pigott, a sister of Mrs. ' Cuehing, Major and Mrs. G. .0. Haller, Captain and Mrs. M. Maloney, Lieut.- Montgomery,. Lieut. Forsythe, Dr. Summers,, the post surgeon,- Mrs. Caleb now Mrs. Schut-z Sergeant James McAnliff now a resident of Walla Walla and . Musician James Whitebread. The certificate of marriage i.Mr, Cusbing still has, and it was shown to the' writer today." It reads as folio g : ' Territory op Oregon, ? ' County ok Wasco.! I do hereby certify that on the 16th dav 01 April A. U., 18o4, Mr. M. M Gushing and Miss Mary Pigott, both of the county and precinct atoresaid, were by me joined together, with their mutual consent, in the bonds of wed lock; and I did first ascertain that the said parties were of sufficient age to con sent to the same. Given nnder mv hand this 16th day of April A. D., 1854 . . Nathan Olney, Justico of Peace for Wasco Co. The writing is on a piece of blue paper, discolored with age; but the words are perfectly legible. This mar riage was put on record, but either the record has been misplaced or destroyed. Mrs. Cuehing came around the Horn in 1853, while Mr, Cusbing, as a soldier in the regular army, crossed the Isthmus in 1852, arriving in The Dalles Septem ber 3, 1852. Mr. and Mr. Cusbing have lived in Wasco county for many years, and are numbered among its oldest and most respected pioneers. ' A curions coincidence happened in connection with these early marriages. UntiJ. yesterday Mr. Cuehing thought his was the first ceremony performed in this section of the country, but a casual conversation with Mr. George Snipes disclosed the fact that that gentleman was in thn lead. Mr. Snipes was mar ried in The Dalles September 18, 1S53, before Wasco county was organized. The ceremony took place near where the Umatilla House now stands, and was performed bv Rev. GuBtavus llines. There is quite a romance connected with this epi-sode, as an elopement preceded the marriage of M-r. Snipes to the esti mable lady who is his wife. Livve was just as strong in thofe days as it is now, and it laughed at locksmiths and long journeys and braved difficulties innum erable. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Snipes have lived near The Dalles. Time has dealt gently with them, and the remembrance of those early days re mains with pleasant clearness. Row's This. We offer $100 reward for any case of Cattarh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- ieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations rnr.de their firm. '. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, bledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, holesale Druggist, Toledo, O. iTXa Catarrh Cure is taken internal- cg directly upon the blood and rfacea of the system. Testi it free. Price "75 cents per by all Druggists. " . 1 MNEIL'S POSSIBLE RESIGNATION ' La Grande Chronicle : The reported resignation .of Receiver McNeil has not yet been verified, but if-he has not yi-t resigned, there is a possibility thnt he will do so in the near future. The fail ure on his part to -make traffic arrange ments with connecting roads and the loss following the rate war has made dis satisfaction among bond and t-tock-holders and i they arc, .'. no doubt, 'making it uncomfortably warm for the receiver.' If. a change occurs, business on the O. R. & N. will - pick up at once and more men will be placed to wjrk. It would help all the towns along the road and lend to everyone's prosperity. Pendleton East Oregonian : '. If Mr. E. McNeil resigns the management of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, as it is reported he ia abont to do, t rie property and the- bondholders will miss his services and connection with if, and Portland, particularly, will fee! the ef fects of it. . The road should remain in dependent of all others. . It is best for Oregon that it Bhould ; best for Portland ; best for the people ; best for those who own the road; and better for all the transportation companies that make con nection with it. The East Oregonian hopes the report of Afajor McNeil's res ignation is not true, and it does not be lieve that the report U true. The Ore gon Railway & Navigation Company is in better condition physically than it has ever been in its history ,"and it is growing sturdy and strong under Major McNeil's management. Two lives Savrd. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she pays it saved her life. Mr. Tho. Eggers, 1&) Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank ful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this jnediciue In Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and 1 00. Warned Against a Swindler. The La Grande Chronicle gives warn ing agajnEt a check swindler, going by the name of J. M. Johnson, who worked his schemes in Boise, Idaho, where he claimed to be a sheepman of Umatilla county, on hia way to the coast. The way he operates ia-to go to a bank, when he first Btrikes a town, deposit some money there and pay all his bills with checks. After a while, when he has con cluded that the time is ripe to cash- few good checks, he will draw, them on people who have previously cashed checks for him and found them ail right. Nine times out of ten the unsns pecting victim will cash the check, and that night the man will leave. Next day the victim goes to the bank and finds there are no funds. The swindler is a man of good address, about 33 years of age, with short black beard and of medium height and weigl.t. The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem in which it ia helds leads us to believe it to be an article of great worth and merit vve nave tne pleasure ot givyig the ex perience of three prominent citizens of Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! says: "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Congh Remedy." Mr. James Orchard says: "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured my cold.' . Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For three years I have used Chamberlain's Congh Rtmedy in my family and its results havo always been Fatisfactorv." For sale bv Blakelev & Houghton, Druggist. . England will be glad ot the intermis sion afforded by the icqniry of the Ven ezuelan commission. She tins her hands full just at present in South Africa, where an English company is trying to conquer-a free state. The cheering news comes today that the in vading force sent by the British South Africa company, was defeated by the Boers and forced to surrender. Al though the home government disclaims any responsibility for the invasion, the occurrence will not make Germany or any. other European nation who has in terests in Africa, feel more kindly tow ards the bullying country of Great Bri tain. England is just at present ont of pint with the rest of the world, and must stand having the worst construc tions put upon her motives. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Go 11 V r-n mniiTi'..T,:: i; :;;r rm rttrmnrumnztT, ; Sift one quart off flonr. two rrmndtnf toft 3 C spoonfuls of baking powder, arid odd tea yt spoonful of salt into bowl; add three toa- JJ S Bpwumii OI l U l lUlil'.llC NU CT1D 11- E S (tether until thorouibJy niixHl; then add c tmuctunt iuiik to mac i a Softdoajzh : knead ' si it fitly, roll out about half an men thick, s and cut with a small bine nit, cutter. PI. if a a. S C little apart in a grossed pan, and bake in a s Quick orn for fifteen or t.wr.it7 minute. C Ths biscuits should b adeMc-to brown top 2 E and bottora, 1 iff lit on tho aide, and snow c E white whea broken open. I The secret of success in this re- g I cipe, as iu others, is to use but 2 two-thirds as much C(ttolcu2 as 5 i you used to use cf lard. . jj 7 E will make the biscuit light, deli- cious, wholesome. Better than any rj I biscuit you ever made before. Try 5 it. Be sure and get genuine Certto-' I lene. Sold everywhere in tins with 5 I trade-marks " Coltolc-.ie " tad ?i I steer's head in cottoa-plani zircath g 1 on every tin. h I THEN. K.FAIIIUANK COMPANY. Ct. Louis, ; E Utlcago, Urn I'rwiipfeco, Portland, Cn(SM, Kc York. rt yiiiiifl"ll,iil""l"""'""i"l"'ii'""i"lt'"-immw'iid A Compliment From Abroad. The event of the searon at The Dalles was the magnificent ball of Columbia Hoee company Tuesday night in the armory. J. 8. Fish, Henry J. Maier, Hugh Chrisman, Harry Lonsdale, Max Vogt, Johnny Hampshire, and such "jolly good fellows," compose the roster of this A No. l.Cor We should have been with you, boys; bnt the walking was not favorable to the tramp. iloro Observer. . There are some people who are never positive in anything. It is always, "I don't know," or "I guees so.,' Thare is a word of such people, and it is refresh ing sometime s to bear a person epoak as one having convictions, like Mr. Chas-.. F. Snyder, of Uangor, I, who wrote ; T can heartily recommend Simmons Liver Regulator to all who are troubled with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint." THE PRIZE KANSAS cnf BABY ECZEMA REMEDIES Our littlo baly of two months was bsrily afflicted wttU Kcznina.' It bogaa when was th roo weeks ol.l, and in spito cf all onir skiU and that of two goofi physicians, t)9 continued to grow worse. Her bead, amis, nock, and limbs, and, In fact, nearly every Joint In bcrloi!y,woreraw.ir.d bloedlnirr'boa we concluded to try Cirrici nA Ksmedies. Tho cljild being to suiall and flalica'e, t.o' bejfan with CcricucA (olntn:cr.t,anrt Citi cuba So.VP,accoriinjj to dvoticos, anil tfUr the Jlrst application tea could tea a ciue, When wa had used tho reinodica' on a vti-'f. she was very' much bei.ti-r, porno of th6 fcores had hcil d entire:)' and had cnas.'.d to ntsut. After iisine; tlicm for low ih.i:i a iimutb, tbs child was i.'oe .trout w-alc Rud l'lj"is;in-,r.:d to-day ha hi lovely r.l:i:t Mil hv.i r. '-y child. Bho v.vi slimvsi at tho Ori'.i." i'a.r when four and a ba!f monrfcs oM.ar.d Ionic the premium ol a silver cup, us ti.e pnsW" baby, over sixteen ether. We r:ojntnfj.d CtmcuRA Rekkwiw to all oar liieui:.', cannot praise iliein tiK hihlv. Mb. and Mm. :ti AS. J'ATlTv, 1WO Hello. iew Ave., JvauiLd City, Jlo. Bpkkdt. Ctrnit Treatment. V'a'rh l :tiho with CurtctTKA foAP KcutU-u3!!lc:t-.io:ii of k'a-1 TictJBA (oininrHDt). tlo irii-nt i'm ciiri-. hi fl mild doeea of CuTiCLtA l;tsoi.7K; (&o blood purincr). Bold tbronshout the world. PciTsn Ir.ro akd t'liKJl. Com-.. K"le Ivou.., Lotvii, j.t. All about Baby's r-Lin, fite. K LLS EVERY f nhy The moment it in r.npilod. like :ntnir Aiilt-Vutv for jtaln. infl a.nirmtiorit' Cared of Mmw X JCUTICBRi mm