The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 01, 1896, PART 1, Image 4

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came down
ip7 on the early
jiiuan went to Hood
ody was a passenger
today s local.
Shelly of Hood River
brnint; in The Dalles.
tTaie Ball left for Portland to-
Utend the teachers institute.
, A. Seufert returned this morn-
a rmsuuits triii to rortiana.
D. Suuwden rutarned on ' the
hin (rum Txcouia, where he spent
inajj wiiii iiia parents.
Frazier of Portland, who
; in The Dalles for eev-
d on today's train.
, Cascade Locks,
The Dalles for
bine on the Reg-
of the Ore-
sts at Drano
eth Landing
rned to CaS'
rinc which
"TJffVron .Bi
To Bo Given Free to Subscribers of The
. Dalles Weekly Chronicle.
The subecpription price of the Weekly
Chbonicle is $1.50 per yar, eo all those
who pay one year's subscription in ad
vance, we will send any five books yon
choose from the following list.
. Books will be delivered by. mail only.
Books must be ordered by n umber as
in the catalogue and not by the name of
the book. . .,-
Oiders will be filled as promptly as
the clerical work nvolved makes possi
ble. Subscribers should wait patiently
two or three weeks before making com
plaint of non receipt of books. . "
All orders should be addressed,
t The Dallesr Oregon.
Chauneeji Depew.
Mrs, Alexander,
il Beaton's Bargain.
F. Antley.
83 Giant's Kobe.
110 An American Jour
Frank Barrett.
117 RecoilingVeugeanceTol Reprinted Pieces.
lis ureat uesper. Prof. Dowden.
Adam Badeau. 764 Life of couthey.
123 Conspiracy. DuBoitoobev.
Chas. Wolcott Balestier 782 Ked Tlctcf-
735 Centennial Oration.
Charles Dickens.
736 American Notes,
739 1 ictures from Italy.
742 Dombey & Son, 2 vol
747 Sketches by Box.
748 Mrs. Liriper's Lodg
Jtler of Nansene is a visitor
Mr. F. N. Jones of Sherar's Bridge is
in the city. - .
Mies Woffle, of Pendleton is visiting
Urs. L. JS. Crowe. . ' j
Mrs. VanDnyn and dauzhter of Hepp
ner is visiting Mrs. Forwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rigg3 were passen
gera on the boat this morning.
Mr. M. A. Mnrchie and wife cf Wasco,
fcherman county, are in the cry.
Mr. August Buchler"went to the (Cas
cades on the .Regulator this morning
Mrs. Smith French left on the ftegu-
' latnr 1 1 , l tnnrninrr fni a Triaft in Pni-t nnH
- .
Mrs. W. E. Garreteon left on the
early morning train for Oregon City to
visit Mrs. Peter Paquet.
Mr. Charles Upson of Cascade Locks
visited in The Dalles Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. Truman Butler.
Ma. A. Genres and family left yester
day for San Francisco, California, where
they will remain permanently.
Mrs. Ross and daughter of University'
ms DeenjnjitiHZ Mrs. kossi
brother. Captain Waud, returned home
. by boat this morning.
- Mrs. G. P. Plammer and Mr. Ralph
Rowland arrived from Missoula this
t" morning to attend the funeral of their
sister, Olivia Rowland. if
'" Bob Hood started Saturday morning
for Stockton, Calif.-, where he will prob
ably remain and accept a position which
has been offered him.
; J. A. Gulliford, who came in today
'? from Dnfur, says the ground in that
vicinity is frozen hard. A deep snow
. ! wonld thaw it out however.
."Tuesday. ,-
Mr. Thomas Harlan of Hosier is in
'the city.
Mr. Hugh Glenn returned last nicbt
from Portland.
Mr. C. A. Stewart of Cascade Locks is
tne city.
Aleck Fargher came up from Portland
last evening.
Mr. Leslie Butler went to Hood River
by boat this morning.
Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody came np from
Salem on the noon train.
Mr. J. T. Peters was A passenger down
the river by the Regulator today.
Mr. S. W. PattersoD, a well-known
resident of Antelope, is in the city.
Mr. Thomas McCoy went to Portland
on the afternoon train for a short visit.
- Mr. Hugh Gourlay went to the Cas
cades on the Regulator this morning.
- Miss Ruth Cooper arrived home from
Siletz last evening to spend the holidays.
' Mies Madge Summerville came np
from Portland last night, and is visiting
. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crowe.
Mrs. Otto Birgfeld of Portland, who
has 'been visiting the family of We,
Birgfeld for several days, returned home
on the afternoon train.
M Tamoa TCirhnlnpn ,f V, n li o a Kaon
on an extended visit to his old home' in
Pennsylvania, has returned to The
Dalles. He is glad to get buck to the
Pacific coast again and declares that
Vj Oregon is the best place to live.
If Buffering with piles, it will interest
you to know that De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salye will cure them. This medicine is
a specific for all complaints of this char
acter, and if instructions (which are
simple) are carried out, a cure wilt re-
We have tested this in numerous
id alwars with like results. It
yis. Snipes-K.inersly Drug Co.
ueklen's Aruics salve.
palve in the world for cuts,
ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
capped hands, chilblains,
tin eruptions, and poti
or no pay rt-qnireJ
to give perfect satisfac-
iranded. Price 25 cents
pale by Biakeley and
147 r'air Device.
Walter Besant.
151 Lament of Dives.
158 Holy Rose.
160 Inner House. .
Lord Beaconfield.
191 Kise ol IsKanaer.
The Duchess.
823 Lady Vulw lth's
Lord Dufferin.
S44 Letters from High
Annie Edwards.
193 Beaconsfield's Llfe 856 Girton Girl.
Herbert Benard. -190
Coachman'a Love.
f Hart Bernard
197 Locked Out.
SI D. Blackmore.
206 Mary Anerly.
209 Christowell.
210 Craddock Lowell
2 vols
857 Ought We to Visit
859 Vivian the Beauty.
800 Susan Fielding.
Amelia B. Edwards.
876 Miss Carew.
M. Betham Edwards.
880 Flower of Doom.
881 Next of Kin
IiM' Upmre885 Love and Mirage.
217 Crips the Carrier . - Oeorge Eliot.
J. Mount Blaver. TheopUraStns Such.
220 Scientific Methods of Eva Evergreen.
Capital Puni8hmeut.jos Ten Years of his Life
William Black. trni :.. .
222 In Far Locoabar. gi2 Step In the Dark.
228 Peuaoce of John Lo- r r
gnn. . Blood Whlte Kose
Remver BOCOCK. uoa X'lnanf Hiurta
258 Tax tne Area. oao Sacred Nucget
M. E. Braddon. 9iX Toilers of Babylon.
274 Ilostages to Fortune j. jf. Farrar.
Robert Buchanan. 12 Mary Anderson.
Master of the Mine. Georae Manville Fenn.
746 Golden Magnet.
953 Dark House.
Mrs. Fon ester.
9R2 My Hero.
984 Omnia Vanitas.
J?. E. Forrest.
90S Eight Day .
Gertrude Ford.
1009 Only a Coral Girl.
Laura C. Ford
4U9 New Abelard.
Rhoda Brouah.
425 Betty's Vision.
James H. Bush.
441 More Words About
the Bible:
E. Lasseter Banner.
443 N Import. 2 vols.
444 Tritons, 2 vols.
John Blmmdcll Burton,
410 Mvstery of StJames ion For Honor's Sake.
rtu.. ioi3 Enemies Bora.
Thomas Carlule. . p i? FWnWHm.
515 Life of Heine. -. 1025 Golden Bells.
2. James Anthonu Froude.
525 Jean Paul Frederick lu3? LUeof Jno.Bunyan
Kichter. Thomas Fowler. LL. D.
530 Poi trait of JnoKnoxl039 Lite of Locke.
ail Corn Luw Khymes. Henrv Georae.
hurch. 1046 The Land Question
or rree
539 Lltl
" C. R. Co)
592 Nour Kelation.
T Wm. E.Jb
"Huoh Conway.
(112 Garilton's Gilt.
2i Paul Va'gas and
utner nionor-
621 Somebody's Story.
J. Feniiaore Cooper.
643 VVtiys oi tile Hour.
645 Mauikius.
Mav Cromelin.
GS1 Goblin Gold.
Stuart C Cumberland
C95 iiabbi'b Spell.
dr! of Desart.
tads tone.
.090 CticiCismof Robert
4nie C. Bibbs.
1093 Bli hted Ufe.
l&'JO w;..l( of the Storm.
Winona Oilman.
109S General Utility.
1099 f larice.
. Baring Gould.
HOf Little Tu Penny. .
Maxwell Bray.
727 Lord and Lady Pic- Jl4) Keproaoh of Annes-
V. Goaol.
1129 Toras Buloa.
Etyclun Graft.
1130 As Fa:e Vould
Have it.
Arthur Grimilu.
1131 iSo. 90.
Cecil Grimths.
1138 Victory u.nne.
If. Rider IIpcnrd '
1116 Col. Q'liiritcb. v C.
1150 Allan Qunt- rninin.
Florence Sfnrrynt '
1JU57 Poisen of Asps.
1S Phylidu.
lim Petronel.
1572 Fighting the Air.
1573 Girl of Fe -ersham.
1574 Fair-Haired A Ida.
1584 Love's Conflict
(2 VOiH,.
1085 Heart of Jane
J590 Lit le Stopshon.' .
jo'.a niir.eniu me.
VI 1
1153 Tale of Hire Lions 15V3 Master I'aision.
Thomas Hardy Helen B. Mathe'8
1107 Wooillauders. 10U7 Hendri; or, Blind
M.irv Grace If ilpine Justice.
11S2 strange Disiuiuear- Ia T. Meade
auce. 1020 In Tliral'dom.
1183 Greut Divorce Case William Minto-
llb( A letter. ICIA CruKlr ,,t ,WTI
C- she! Il'icy 1W5 Was She Good or
129 &tcr:i Chase. Bud?
12J0 Ljv r's Creed. 1016 Lile of DeFoe.
Mk. n. C. Hofl'rnan Jnstin McCarthy
1239 Married by the IS 9 Dollv.
Mayor. 1661 Gabrielle.
1210 Treacherous Molesworth - '
Aio 2 1 oJtuI' the World 1602 Ma.ryiixr and Giv
Al. 1 Lo.-t to tbe w ona ing ln MarrlnBe,
,4.' ii'i tf.VL'Dr Susanna Moodle-
" ib,i rior.i Unsdav.
1S61 With Cupid's Eyes 1858 Eaves dropper.
Ii04 Outof His Beckon-1859 One of the Family,
ing. ' I860 Cannon's Ward.
James Payn
1SG2 Luck of the Dar- George Temple
rells. 22.TO Biitts.
1870 Kit A Memory ' Tasma
F. G. Phillips 2257 Uncle Piper of
1875 Social Vieisltudea kl,'a ftiii .
1877 sirrAUre8Kikolal W.V. Tcherr.ish-
1879 Jack and Three QUestlon. ..
Kenward Philip - W. M. Thackeray
18S7 John Brown's Leg. 2274 Critical Bevitws.
irsio H,hvl Rni-fnr- 2285 Paris Sketches.
2290 Chritmi.s Books.
Post and Lewbacher 2293 Novels by Eminent
Id,? Thnf?i LI , ... i I . .. j -
uii jucwdBficHcwH, nanus.
Campaign. oiit Lvof Tolstoi-;
Agnes Bay 2299 Polikuuchka.
1943 Mrs Gregory. Bertha Thomas ,
G. W. M. Reynolds 2318 Elizabeth's
1952 Degraded Deserter Fortune.
lo-vt Ttoiram Vivian Arnold To.vnbv
2 S 2325 Ih'lusninl Kevola-
1954 Doom of the Bur- tion,2vols.
Anthony Trollnpe
2326 Autobiography. ,
Fred Allison Tupper
Hi Aioonsnine.
Denzll Vane
2373 Like LucifeT.
J. W Von Goethe
23?9 Wtlhelm Meistcr's
Travels. ,
Florence Wanlen
2383 Schtherazade.
ker. 2 vols.
1955 Tycgner the Wehr
Wolf. 2 vols.
1957 Necromancer .
2 vols.
1958 Mystery of the
2 vols.
1902 Mveterv of a Tur
kish Bath. .
1991 Susan Drummond. l""f-
F. Mabel Robinson Mistakes
2012 Hovenden V. C. 2394 Prince of Dartness.
z vois. 2395 witch of the mils.
G. M. Robins 2396 Woman's Face.
2020 Tree of Knowledge l. r. Walford
Blanche Roosevelt. 2412 Mr. 8mlta.
2034 Married in Haste prof. A. W. Ward
w . Clark Ruvsell 0434 Life of Chaucer.
A. H. Wall
2435 Dregs and Fro! h.
William Westall
2039 Jennv Harlow.
2047 Golden Hope.
John Rni-kin
2064 Art of England.
2068 Our Fathers Have Jf- Forgscne-
Told Us.
2071 Arata Pentilicl.
2074 Love's Meinie.
2075 Munera Fulverls.
Sir Walter Scott
2092 Chronicles of the
J. L. Sborthouse
2133 Countess Eve.
Flora L. Shaw
2138 Set Change.
2442 Queer Race.
Deshler Welch
2444 Life of Grover :
Violet Whvte :
2447 Her Johnnie
2448 Eric Dane.
John Strange Winter
210G In Quarters with
the 25th Block.
Horse Dragoons.
jiiu Harvest.
William Gllmore Simms2472 Little Fool.
2156 Vasconselas.
2159 Beaunhamp.
2100 Cbarlemont.
2161 Mellichamps.
163 Partisan.
Goldwln Smith.
195 Life of Cowper.
Emllv Spender .
tiO-i Until the Day
T. W. fcpeight .
inn iiarren 11 tie.
Katherine Wilde
2501 Ill-Regulated Mind
flt7 Coifessious.
fl68 Foragers.
Mrs. Henry Wood
2505 Lady Grace. ,
Hazel Wood
2527 On the Quicksands.
Charlotte M. Yonge
2531 Chantry House.
2537 My Young Alcides.
Charlott-M.Btanlev-210 T,;f? ".i?es of tQt
till Accord and Discord.,.?u'el"-, .
Leslie Stephan
itto Lifnof Johnson.
t!S6 Life of Pope.
JanePtanley -
1229 Daughters of the
Starkweather and
230 Socialism
Julian Sturgis
2233 Comedy of a
country i erase.
Miscellaneous -2556
Anna Gray.
2565 Bess. -2592
Fresh Chestnuts,
2603 He. -2614
2016 Jessie.
2620 King Solomon's
2626 Little Golden.
2650 Pa.
2234 Dick's Wandering. 2652 Pauline.
2. 35 John Mnidtuent. -net Prize Recipes.
tt v c . . 2658 Suzanne.
ncaiM Diictuju - .
237 In Prison and Out. witness my liana
Books Free.'
To Delikquext Subscribebs:
Owing to the large number of persons
wishing to take advantage of our free
book propositions, and our inability to get
ourHsTof books refised,imdain.tedJ,we
have decided to extend the time on our
Tiinqnent list for two weeks longer,
not to encourage. ieliriquency, but to
demonstrate the liberality andy eater.
prise of the Weekly Chronicle'. ; We
renew the.offer for the next two weeks,
to give to every subscriber of the
Weekly Chronicle in arrears, who will
pay up now, absolutely free of "charge
any one volume they may select from
tbe liat published, for every 50 cts of the
amout due, whichis paid. If the in
debtedness isvf,1.50, three books will be
donated. . Tfpon pavment of t3, six
books, and'so on for the full amount,
The average retail price of these books
is 25 as ench. Each book consists of a
baudpouiQ octavo volume of 64 large
double-column pages neatly bound in an
attractive paper cover. It will tay to
pay up now.
piles, but De-
ve will cure them.
it cures scalds
igbtest . pain.
Kemis Hume
1270 Girl from Malta.
R. H. Hutton
12:4 life of Sir Walter
Johu W. Uoyt
12'jo Studies iu Civil
Adah M. Howard
1297 Against Her Will.
1300 J)epe-ate V01na-.
13)1 Little a:.J.
1302 .Miiiher's Mistako
103 Haunted life.
13 j I Little Sunshine.
Walter Hubble
1307 Great Amher-t
Washington Irving
1316 Abbob-ford ana
Jsewstead Abbey.
3317 (;rnyon Papers.
1319 Lifo of Goldsmith..
G. P. R. Janieo
ISM Dam ley.
Mauii- e
1351 Modern Midas.
Mr. E'lw. Kcnnard
1353 Matron or Maid. -
Grace Kennedy
1309 Duuallen, 2 vols.
A. E. Lancaster
1383 All's Drors but
Vernon Lee
1410 Phantom Lover.
1412 Prince of One
Hundred Soup'
Margaret Lee
1420 Brighton Night
1072 Geoffrey Moucton.
Jnme fatter Morrison
1079 Life of Gibbon.
David Christie Murray
lR8t Aunt Ruchel.
10s7 By the Gate of
the Seu.
IfiSS Cynic fortune.
1691 First Person Sing
ular. 1G92. Hearts.
1701 Way of the World.
Alan Muir
17C9 Golden GiiL".
F. Mvers
1719 Life of Wordsworth.
William E. Xorris
1735 My KiiendJim.
1742 Kogue.
1713 Thut Terrible Man
1744 Mr. Chain' Sons
2 vois.
Wilton Nobles .. .
1749 Phoenjs. - - '
1750 t rom tho Other
William O'Brien
1762 O'Hara' Mission.
Mrs. Power O Donog-
17C3 Unfairly Won.
Dr. J. Oonoiwitz
1764 Mental Sngges- .
tion. 4 vols.
Mrs OHphant
1771 Eflie Oeilvle.
1777 Poor Gentleman.'
1779 John.
For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep B&ttxr&X Castoria contains
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Kathe-ine 8. McQnoid' ?ou of His Father.
1800 Oliver's Bride.
1S()2 Queen's B.Mk. '
D-.T...i, 0'Snlif-..,n
IS J Li n of Limerick.
1836 Eviction.
1837 Maid of Cremona.
1838 Beauty of Ben-
1839 Mary Itavour
neen. 1810 Eileen Alnnna.
1841 Robert Emmet. -
1842 Strange Case.
1843 Famed Fontenoy.
Mary Patrick
1856 Slarjorle's Child.
James Piyn
11S2 Joan Wtutwoith.
Brot'ks Mccormick
ltIl JSatnru's Ynuns
1512 Hearts and Gold. .
Charles Marvin
1528 Russians at the'
Gate of Herat.
Harriet Martineau -1514
Hill and Valley.
1550 Charmed Sea.
Florence Marrs at
1553 Ange.
1554 Mad Dnmaresq.
1500 Captain Norton's
" Caatoria to ro well adopted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
, taown to me." H. A. Ajtcnsa. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, K. T.
" For eeveml years I have recommexiaed your
Ostoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as It has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Edwir F. Pardee, JI. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave New York City. ,
"The sse of 'Castoria1 Is so universal and
its merits so well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse It. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
. ClBliOa Maktyk. D. D.,
New York City.
Thb Cebtisb Oompaut, 77 Murray Street, K.T.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains.
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,.
Stiff joints, .
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Afosfang Liniment conquers
fllafces rtan or Beast well
y .":: Ogain.
yog rot to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed "Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, .
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, :
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to tho
Our prices nre low nntl our cDOfla nre first-clasp.
Aitent, for the relebratod WA1STBTJKG "PEFELESS" FLOUR,
richest cnih price paid for WHEAT, OATS aiid UARLEY.
"I now
you man
wife !"
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to a!! Eastern Cities.
That's what the good old dominie is saying.
We hinted as much in our last issue. This is the first
step towards that "happy home," of which we spoke. ,
Rather a fine looking couple, -don't you think? See
how nicely " Cholly's": coat fits "Happy Home'' that
tells the story !
Fit for a king
fa be married in!"
There is no other brand oi clothing which gives such
thorough satisfaction. Every piece i sold under a guar
antee to please or refund the price paid.
Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles.
STEAMERS Ime Portland
KTerv Five Iaj for
For full detail call on O. B.
Tia Dalles, or address
& Ca's Agent at
W H. HUKLBUET. Gen. Fass. Aet.
Portland, Oregon
Notice of Final Settlement
the executor of the last will and testament of
Thomas N. Jolcs, deceased, has filed, in the
ottlce of the Clerk of the County Court of the
brate oi . repon lor waco county, nis nmii ac
count as such executor. All persons interested
in said estate are hereby notified that by an or
der of said county court, made and entered on
ueceraber so, imo, tue fecona aay o: aiiirch,
1SH6. was fixed as the time, and the cnumv
courtroom ln tbe county courthouse ln Dalles
Uitv, was nxed as tne place lor tne heart got
said final acccunt and-objections thereto, if any
there be. ana lor -ce secuemeui tnerenr.
BExecntor of the last will and test:m?nt of
xnos. N. Joies, aeceoixa. jam
Letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States
Sight Exchange and
Transfers sold on Nevr Yo
St. i.oois, fen Francisco,
gon, beattle Wash,, and
in Oregon and Wasbingto
Collections made at all
orable terms. .
CO.,;1'" "
Chritiiias Pr
Go to PBIN
nice Ru at
Smyrna Rugs, small ..j
.Bureau Kugs, small.
Bureau Rugs, large'
Sofa Rugs, medium.
Sofa Rugs, large .
Easels, Pic)
Stands, Carpets
etc., all suitably
t -
IT, no more PIMPLEgi
ron Tonic. The Snipes
ce No. 3.
. Thi
east of th'
ful Beer 1
be mark