The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 28, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
"Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left mo with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily "Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sareaparilla.
in -
TTelow is published a correct time card
or trains and boats which leave and ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Cheonicle is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
Regulator leaves The Dalles . . : 7 a.m.
" arrives at The Dalles 6 p.m.
Dalles City leaves Portland G a.m.
" arrives at Portland 6 p.m.
The steamers make clone connection at Cascade
Locks. Dalles office, foot of Court St. Portland
office, Oak St. dock.
fast wail. Arrive. Leave.
No. 1 WetbDund 4:00 a.m. 4:05 a.m.
Ko. 2 East-bound 12:43 a.m. 12:50 a.m.
No. 7 -West-bound, leaves 1:10 p.m.
Ko. 8 East-bound, arrives 11:50 a. in.
All passenger traits stop at Union' Street, as
well as the depot.
Mr. E. E. Moody of Portland, spent
Christmas in The Dalles.
Mr. A. G. Hull of Cascades ppent
Christmas with relatives in this city.
Mr. S. F. Blythe, the editor of the Hood
River Glacier, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. Joseph Current, a prominent
merchant of Goldendale was in the city
Mies Lena Liebe left for Portland on
the local train to visit relatives in the
Col. E. V. Pike of Vancouver, a for
mer resident, ot Goldendale was in the
city yesterday.
Miss Mary Frazier is in from
Portland to tpend a portion of her holi
day vacation in The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cates of Cascade
Locks visited Mrs. Cafes', parents, Mr.
and Mrs.. P. DeHnfr, Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Clarke were in the
city yeeterday from Cascade Locks. Mr.
Clarke is the O. K. & N. agent at that
place. '
Mr. George A. Liebe lias returned
home from a foar weeks stop in Port
land, where he has been serving on the
United States grand jury.
Mr. H. L. Tarbott of Cascade Locks
was in the c'ty yes'.erday spending
Christmas. He assisted the Episcopal
church cho'.r in the singing yesterday.
W. H. Fowler the O. R. A N. con
- rlnctor, came up this morning from The
Dalles to visit friends in Pendleton. He
is a gneet at the Hotel Pendleton. East
Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody and daugh
ter, Miss Edna, came np from Salem to
spend Christmas in The Dalles. They
will visit some time with Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Moody.
Friday. '
' John M. Both of Kingsley is in the
Hon. Robert Mav s is In the city from
Mr. J. M. Henry, a citizen of Fossil, is
a visitor to town.
Miss Mable Sterling went to Portland
on the afternoon train.
Mr. Hugh Glenn went to Portland I y
boat today on a business trip.-
James Harper made a trip to the Cas
. cades and returned yesterday.
Mr. H. H. Riddell returned on the
local tram from a business trip to Port
land. Mr. G. W. Graham nf Hohd Eiver
caiiij rum that plrasant. town last
Mrs. John Micbell and daughter,
Maud, left on the afternoon train for
Portland. , - --
Mr. Emil Schanno returned on the
Regulator last evening from a visit to
the lock 8.
Mr. George A. Young, the well-known
stockman of Ridgeway, returned lust
night from Billings, Montana. He was
nwnrnnanied bv his daughter, Miss
Georgia, who has. been visiting for seVi.
eral months witn relatives in cuunga.
Deputy Sheriff Robert Kelly went to
the Cascades this morning on official
Mr. D. H. Roberts has gone to Eugene
to spend the Christmas holidays witu
lus mother ana sister. (
Mr. W, C. Allaway, general agent of
the D. P. & A. JN. Jo., went to ronianu
on the early morning tram. .
Ray W. Logan, who hns been spend
ing aportion of his holiday vacation in
The Dalles, left on the local today for
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cates of Cascade
Locks, who Bpent Christmas in The Dal
les, returned home by the Regulator
this morning.
Local Market Report.
Below is published the prices current
in The Dalles markets, Dec. 21. The
figures quoted are the retail selling price
here, with the exception of wheat and
hay, which figures are the prices paid
producers :
Wheat 42 cents per bushel.
Barley 55 cents per 100 lbs.
Oats 75 cents per 100 lbs.
Bran $11 per ton.
Shorts $13.00 per ton.
Rolled barley $14 per ton.
Hay, timothy $10 to $12 per ton.
Hav, wheat $11 to $12 per ton.
Butter, fresh 50 cents per roll. In
clined to be plenty.
Eggs 20 cents per dozen ; plenty.
Potatoee 50 to 60 cents per 100 lbs. '
' Apples 50 to 60 cents per box.
- All warrants outstanding against
Dalles City are now due and payable at
mv office. Interest ceases on and after
this date. C. J. Cbandaix,
July 15th, 1895. City Treas.
Who Wants Money?
All county warrants registered prior to
Mar. 1st, 1892, will be paid If presented
at my office, corner 3d and Washington
streets, The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases
after Nov. 14, 1895.
Wm. Michell,
Conntv Treasurer.
Thoroughbred Fowls.
Rose Comb Brown Leghorns. Bept
all the year round layers. Fowls, $1.50
each and upward until after January 1.
Eggs, $2. per 13 ; $350 per 26. Orders
booked now. Send tor circulars spec
ial prices on large, orders. Address
Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon.
On (a Yinv marA hmnrlprl nn riirhl.
ahnmnpr with nn M. with ft alisrhMv
curved horizontal line beneath ; white
spot in face and white right bind foot.
A suitable reward will be paid for in
formation leading to her recovery.
CM. Bonnkb.
d20-lmo. The DalleD, Or.
"Tie Regulator Line'
le Mes, Portland aid Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frsi'oRi ana Psssngsr Line
Through Daily Trips (Sunday 8 ex
cepted) lietween Tho Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Mearucr Dalles Uity leaves Portland
Oak street dock) at 6 a. in., connect
in p with Steamer Regulator for The
Due way
Round trip.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
Orneral Afeut
Who wants to trade
Good farm or town prop
erty in this county or
Klickitat county. Wash.,
for 17 1-2 acres fine peach
land adjoining the city of
Ashland, in Southern Ore
gon. Correspondence so
licited. ' C.-E. Bayard, P.
O. Box 222, The Dalles,
"I now
you man
wife ! "
That's what the good old dominie is saying. . -We
hinted as much in our last issue. This is the first
step towards that "happy home," of which we spoke. '
Rather a fine looking couple, don't you think? See
how nicely " Cholly's" coat fits "Happy Home that
tells the story !
"Fit for a king
tn be married in ! "
There is no other brand of clothing which gives such
thorough satisfaction. . Every piece is sold under a guar
antee to please or refund the price paid.
Sold by PEASE &
RY BEEF and 1R0I
Stimulating Invigorating Pleasant to Take
- C
That we have opened
up a Wholesale Liquor
House at J. O. Mack's
old stand? .
The purest Wines
and Liquors
for family use.
Guardian's Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby iven tbut Hans Luge, guard
ian of the property and estate of Nancy Stanley
an aged and intirm person, has tiled his final ac
count in said estate and that the 6th day of Jan
uary, 1896. at 10 o'clock a. m, of said day has
been appointed as the time for hearingr said final
account and report, ttnd that the hearing will be
htid there- f, together with any obj-ctiiius there
to, if any are made boftne the Hon. George C.
B akene'y, comity judge, at the county court
room in the county couit house in Dalles City,
Wasco County, Oregon.
All persons interested in said estate are hereby
notified to appear at said time and place and
show cause, If any there be, why said account
should not lu all things be approved and al
lowet. -
This notice Is published by order of the Hon,
George C. Blakeley, judge of the county court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco County of date
December 6, 1895..
Guardian of the person and estate of Nancy
Banley, an aged and infirm person. dec 7
MAYS, The Dalles.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
William L. Ibbell, Plaintiff,
Mattie J. Isbell. Defendant.
To Mattie J. Isbell, the above named defendant:
In the name of tne State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear in the above entitled
court, and answer the complaint filed against
you in said court and cause, on or before the
first day of the next regular term of the Circuit
tonrtiot nasco county, Oregon, following tde
expi'ation of six weeks publication of this
Bummons, towit, Monday, the 10th day of Feb
ruary, isyo, ana you win lane notice mac if tou
tail to s appear ana answer, tor want tnercoi,
plaintiff will take judgment against you for the
relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: A
decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of
marriage heretofore and now existing between
filuintiff and defendant, and for such other re
lcf as may be equitable and jusr.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof in The. Dalles chronicle, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, published at
The Dalles, W'atco County, Oregon, by order of
Hon. W. Lu Bradsbaw, judge of the above named
Dated at Dalles City, Or., December 24. 1895.
dec2S-5t , Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Wasco)
In the matter of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased Citation:
To Mary Gibson, Susie E. Bickford, Maggie A.
Gordon, Katie J. Stogsdill, George B. Gordon
and William Gordon' and all other heirs,
kuown or unknown, of said deceased,
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby cited and required to appear In the
County Court of the tjtate of Oregon for the
County of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof, at
Dulles City, iu the County of Wasco, on Satur
da . the 11th day of January, 1S9C, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of that day, then and there io
show cause, if any there be, why an order should
not be made by said Court di ecti"g the admii
istrator of said estate to sell the following de
scribed real estate belonging to said estate, to
pay the claims against said estate, to wit:
The Northwest quarter of Section 32 in Town
ship 4 South of Range 13 East of the Willamette
Meridian in Wasco County, Oregon, as prayed
for in the petition of said administrator, now'ou
file in said Court.
Witness, the Hon Geo. C. Blakeley, Judge of
the County Court of the State of Oregon.
seal for the County of Wasco, with the seal
of saiJ Court affixed, this 13th day of
December, A. D. 1895. '.
A West: A. M KELSAY, Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon for Wasco
County, on the 4th day of December. 1895, upon
a judgment made ami entered in said Court on
the 11th day of November, 1895, in an action
therstofnre pending, wherein C. L. Gerdes was
plaintiff and M. D. Morgan was defendant, in
favor of said plaintiff, and to me direct d and
delivered, I did on the 6th day of December, 1895,
duly levy upon the following described renles
tute belonging to said defendant and described
iu said execution and therein ordered to be sold,
as follows, to-wit: Lot "F" in block No. fifty
two, in the Military Reservation Addition to
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, and that I
will on Monday, the 6th day of January, 1896, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
front door of the county courthouse in Dalles
City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell all of said real
estate, to the highest bidder for cash in band, or
so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy
tbe sum due upon said writ, to-wir, the sum of
1198.54, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven
per cent per annum from the 11th day of No
vember, 1895, together with the further sum of
111.00 costs and disbursements In said action
and accruing costs and expenses of said sale.
Dated this 5th day of December. 1895.
d7-"t Shcrift'o! Wa,-co t ounty, Oregon.
i Chichester's EncIUli Diamond Braa4L
Oris! nal and Onlr Genuine.
afc, alwjd rclltvble. ladies uk
DniMlrt for ChichtMtera Enqli$k Dl-.
monjx nrana id kpa ana boia meuiita
boxefl. sealed with blu ribbon. Tak
naalh an. Return r'mnagrtMiM uhtUm
tiow and isnitationj. At DruKciftB, or lend Ac
in tampa for partleul&rm, testimonial and
" Kellcf for Ille' in inter, by retvrn
lehlwChftmicalf).il1adioii anvarM
Lul llruccuu. yhllnria., !
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Orczon for
the Cuuuty of Wasco.
J. A. Gui lford, p aintlff,
vs. ,
John Topar and Alice Topar, de'cndaurs.
To John Topar, if the above named defend
ants: Jn t re name of the State of Oregon:
Yon ere hereby lequlred io appear ond
-iswer the complaint of p'al. tiff, Hied
against you In the above entitled Court and
cause, i n i.r b'fore the first day of the neat
r.gular term of said Con t following the dat
hereof, to-wit: On or before the 10th rt y ol Feb
ruary, 1896; ai d if you fail bo to appear and an
swer, ior want thereof the plaintiff will applv to
the t ourt for the reiief prayed for in his com
plaint, to-wit: Koi a decree of foreclosure of
that certain mortgage deed, male and executed
by you and the del'i-ndanr, AUe Top.r. to the
above-named plaintiff, dated the 8th day of Nov
ember, 1MM, upon the N Y.XA of the SkU, the WU
of the SKy4, the NK ot the NWt, the WU . J
the riWJs, and tbe S$ of theNVVJof bcctiuu 4
in Township 2 south of Range 13 east, W M, in
Wasco County, Oregon, containing &I0 acres of
laud, more or le s, and that suid premises be
Mid u der Mich foiet-losure decree iu the man
ner provided by law; that fiom the rocecdsof
siK'h sale the plxintiff have at.d receive tho sum
of JS00, and interest on said sum at the late of
e'ght percent, p r annum Unco November 8th,
1 U2; the further turn ol $.00 as a reasonable at
torney's lee to collect tho note therein
! sued upon, and p iiiiitill s costs and dis
bursements of mid suit, including ac
cruing costs and expensed of sale, and
that plainillr have a Judgment against you
and said defendant, Alice Topar, for auy detic
iency in the proceeds of sale to fully satisfy all
sulci sums; that upon such foreclosure sale, all
of the right, li tie, interest and cluim of xou and
our co-deiendiiiits or either of you, and all other
peisuns claiming or to claim, by. tbnuth or un
der you or either of you in and to said mort
gaged premises, be forever burred and forpfllnnp1
from the equity of redemption and for such
oiuer aua runner reiiex as to mo uourt may
seem equlrable and just.
T' is summons is served uoon von. the said
John Topar, by publication theteoi in The
jmiies v.mkomcle ior six consecutive weeks, Dy
vruer oi uonoraoie vv. Li. uraasaaw, juugo ot
aaiu louu, wLicn oraer uas auty made una en
tend on the -XI tn day of Oeeember, 1X95.
Dated this 2olh day of December, 1893. -
dee2S-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
v asco lAiuuty.
Tbe American Mortgage Companv, of Scotland,
jinutea, a corporation, pnunnu,
vs. .
F. P. Weidner, Thomas J Frcdenburg, M. Fred-
enourg, o ireuenbiirp, o. v. Ta lor, Sarah K.
Taylor, Lorenzo Francisco, C. W. C-ither. J. C.
Flanders and Jo epa A. Johnson, defendants.
To M. Fredenbur, of tbe above-named defend
ants: . , .
in tbe name of the Stale of Orcgo:-, you are
nereoy reqnirra to appear and answer tne oom
plaint of plaintiff, filed against you in the above
entitled Court and cause, on or before tbe first
day of the next regu ar term of said Court next
iouowing tne date nereoi, to-wit: unoroetoie
the loth day ot February, 1896: and if you fail so
to appear and answer, forwant thereof the plain
tiff will apply t the Court for the relief prayed
for in its complaint, to-wit; For a decree of
foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed, made
and executed by the above-named defendants,
F. P. Weidner and Thomas J. Fredenburg, to tbe
boviiamed plaintiff', dated the 20th day of
July, 18, upon tbe 81$ and the NWJ of the NE
, and the NK of theNVV of Section 28, in
'lownshio 1 north of Ranee 10 east of the Wil
lamette meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, and
that saia premises be sold under" such foreclos
ure decree in the manner provided bylaw: that
from tbe proceeds of such sale the plaintiff have
und receive the slim of $600, and interest on said
sum since February 1st, 1893, at the rate of eight
percent, per annum: for the further sum of 175'
as a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting this
suit to collect tbe notes therein sued upon, and
plain tiff" costs and dl bursements of said salt,
including aocming costs and expenses of sale,
and that plaintiff have judgment against the de
fendants F. P. Weidner and Thomas J. Freden
burg, for any deficiency In the proceeds of sale
io sausiy iuny all suia sums; mai upon sucn
foreclosure sale all of the right, title, interest
and claim ot you and your co-uelendaiits, each
and alt of you and them, and all other persons
claiming or to claim, by, through or under you
or any of them, ii and to said mortgaged prem
ises, be forever barred and foieclosed from the
equity of redemption, and for such otbei and
further relief as to the Court may seem equita-
oie ana juc.
This summons is served unon you. the said M
Fredenburg, by publication tnereof in Tbe
Dalles chronicle for six consecutive wet'ks. bv
order of Honorable W. L. Bradshuw, Judge of
said court, which order was duly made and en
tered on the 26th day of December, 1895.
Dated Ibis 2tfth day of December. 1893.
dec28-7t Attorneys ior Plain tiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
issued out ot me- uricun iiurtui tne state oi
Oregon, for Wasco County, upon a decree and
judgment made, rendered and entered by said
Court on the 1 Un day of December, 1895, In favor
of tbe plaintiff' in a suit wherein tbe Solicitors'
Loan and Trust Com i any was plaintiff and Wil
liam Goodwin, Horace H. Draper, Jennie R.
Draper. John Goodwin, William Goodwin and
Amanda Tnnrnbury, administratrix of thees
tato of C. N. Thornbury, deceased, were defend
ants, and to me directed and delivered, com
manding me to lew upon and sell the lands
raentiouerl and described in said writ and here
inafter described, I di-i duly lev) upon, and will
sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, on Monday, the27th day of Janu
ary, 189", at 2:90 o'clock, in the afternoon of said
day, at the front door of the County courthouse,
in Dulles City, Wasco County, Oregon, all of the
lands and premises described in said writ, and
herein described as followes, to-wit:-
The northwest quarter of northeast quarter
and the east 'half of northwest quarter, and
southwest quarter of northwest quarter of sec
tion twentv-seven, township 1. north range 13,
east W. M., in Wasco County, Oregon, excepting
a strip of land described as lollows: Beginning
at tbe northwest corner of the noitheast quarter
O' the northeast quarter of section 27; running!
thence south to a noint 24 rods: thence north-
westerly to the northwest corner nf the north
eabtqnaxte of saidtet on 27 .containing 154 acres
ol land and being tbe same land which Dela
Saver au-l W. J. Saver aud Annie Bayer, his
wile, bv deed bearing date November 16th, 18K8,
and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of
Wasco County, in Deed Rook "1" pages 265 and
206, granted and conveyed unto the said William
(toodwiu, his heirs and assigns, or so mueh
thereof as shall be sumcient to tatlsiy the sum
of $405! and interest thereon from December 11,
1895, at the rate of 12 per cent per annum, and
I.U0 attorney's fees in this suit and 115.50 costs
in said suit, together costs of said wilt and
accruing costs of sale.
Dated this 26th day of December, at Dalles
City, Wasco County, Oregon.
T. J. DKIVER; sberiffWasCO Co., Or.'
der8 By Kobebt Kelly, Deputy..
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution and order of sale is
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Waco County, upon a decree and
ludirment. made, rendered and entered by said
court on the 19th day of December, 1895, lu favor
of the plaintlit, tn a suit wneretn tne (solicitors
Loan and Trust Company was plaintiff' and Syl
vester Brooks was defendant, and to me directed
and delivered, commanding me to levy upon
and sell the lands mentioned and described In
said writ and hereinafter described, I did duly
levy upon and will sell at public auction, to tbe
highest bidder for cash in hand, on Mon
day, the 27th day of January, 1896, at 2
o clock in the afternoon of ald day, at the f rout
door ot tne county courtnouse in uaues Lity,
Wasco County, Oregon, all of tho lands and
premises described in said writ aud herein de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Tbe southwest quarter of section fourteen In
township one, north of rango fourteen, east of
theWillumetto Meridian, Wasco County, Oregon,
or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to sat
isfy the sum of $383.30 and Interest thereon from
January 28, 1893, at tbe rate of eight per cent per
annum, 150 attorney's fees in this suit, and
$7.c0 costs iu said suit, together with cost of
said writ aud accruing costs of sale.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon,
this 26th dav of December, A. D., 1895.
T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco Oo., Or.
Dec28 By Bobket Kelly, Deputy. '
Dressmaking Parlors
Are now opened .'
over Pease & Mays' Store.
MISS St. John.
Mrs. Manns.
Pofk and Bee? 4
Fine Lard and Sansages.
Carers of .Jp BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Furniture and Camr4
MertaMDg Establishment, j
We have added to our business T.'".
complete Undertaking Establishrx
and as we are in no wnv rnnnpf.Mtri -
ishmetic, J
iied with J
rice fP?n; f
the Undertakers' Trust, oar price
be low accordingly. . V j
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Fruit, Shade
Gr'pes, Vines
Small Frnits
E03E8 AM) BHEUBBEEY. -. ,f
Remember onr Trees are grown Btr'" '
ly without irrigation.- Catalogue et '
free on application. .Leave ordess wil
G. E. Bayard, City-Agent, Waehinstoi-
bt., bet. becond aud. ibird, The Dalles,
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, .
; and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures
SPEGIflli : PfllGES
to Cash. Buyers.
Hitat Casl Prices for Eers and
other Protoe.
Instantly P-eliev
and Perrnanentl 1
Treatment Absolutely Painless .
From Thrco to Six Weeks.
Offices : ..Booms 700-707. Marquam Buildlnc fp
Bake Own and MitcM' -
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor
fitaeea leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit-" .
cbeli three times a wees.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale '
. 1 l
KntiM to ianhv iriven that In nnrsuatice of a, I
execution Issued out of tbe Circuit Court of the I
State of Oregon for the County ot w asco, on mo
12ih day of September, 189S, iu an action thereir
J ending, wherein D. L. Cates is plaintiff and
ohn T. Khrisman and J. H. Phirman are de
fendants, directing me that out of the property
of the defendants within said county I satisfy
the sum of 13118 60 and interest thereon at tht
rata of ten per cent per annnm from the 14th
day of February, 1WH. and IfiO attorney's fees and
120 37 costs i.f said action n 1 costs upon th
writ, I did, on the 13th day of September, 18i
low nnon all of tbe real nronerty hereinaft er
described as tbe property of tbe defendant, T .
T. Ebrisman ; and 1 will, on me any oi
vember, 1S95, at the hour of 2 o'clock in
r,t nlH ri.v. at ttiA nnnrthouse doo.
i,aiiA rtmmn. sell tn the hlsrhcst bidu. '
tn. ...h tn ha,,H all of tha fnllowina--iesciibed
real property lying- and situate in said Waso s
County. Oreson. towit; lota two and tbreoiw I
section 28, townBhlp 1 north, range 12 east, w
M, containing 104.89 acre more or less, to satisfy
aid judgement, attorneys fees and costs.
v T. J. Driver, -Sheriff
of Wasca County.