The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 25, 1895, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly GhroMele.
Mrs. John W. Lewi a 'came home laet
night from a visit in Portland.
Mr. A. Winans went to Hood River
on the Regulator this morning.
Mies Fanny Thomas left on the Regu
lator this morniog for a visit at Steven-
F.lizabeth FitzGerald. who has
been spending the week in Portland, re
turned home on the Regulator last even
Mrs. Truman Butler and Miss Tearl
Butler returned last night from a visit in
Mr. A. W. Gieey, of the Northwest
Assurance Company. Portland, is iu the
city on business.
Mrs. G. C. lHattelfv returned on the
'Regulator lst. fwniug from a visit with
. friends in fortiai.u.
Mpbhtr. AV. J. Davidson and J. C
Wlncfield. two well-known farmers of
8-Mile, are in the city.
Mr. Percy Brown of Portland spent
yesterday in The Dalles visiting Mr. A.
E. Tyler of the Western Union.
Mr. A. G. McLean of Portland, a
prominent official in the Western Union
Telegraph Co., was in The Dalles today.
Mr. J. W. Armswortby, editor of the
Wasco News, is in the city on his way
borne from Salem. He leaves for Wasco
Mr. OttoBrgfeId and wife of Portland
ore visiting Mr. Wm. Bitgfeld in this
city. Thev will remain in The D-iltes i
over Christmas.
Mr. V. W. Tompkins, one of the em
ployes in the government engineering
office at the Locks, came up on (he Keg'
ulator last evening to spend a few days
in The Dalles.
Mr. M. Thourbonrn, a son of Matt
Thourbonrn. arrived in The Dalles last
eveninz from Mt. Atisrel college. He will
snend his holiday vacation with his
parents. His father met him here.
Mon ay.
A. B. Craft of Rufus was in the city
W. 8. Phillips of Olex is in the city
on business.
Mr. James Driver and Mies Lela
Driver of Waniic went to Portland by
boat today.
Mr. George N. Crossfield and wife of
Murray Springs visited relatives in The
Dalles yesterday.
Mr. A. W. Giesy of Salem, after
spending Sundav in The Dalles, left
last evening for Arlington.
. Messrs. J. N. Fordyce and Edward
Dalv, two Well-known commercial trav
elers of Portland, are in the city.
Messrs. F. T. Hurlburt and S. G
Hawson, prominent business men ot
Arlington, spent Sunday in The Dalles,
Mr. H. S. Wilson has returnek from
Goldendale, where be appeared in the
bond case, which is attracting much in
terest in Js-licKUat county.
Mr. L. C. Martin of The Dalles started
for that place Thursday, where he will
spend the holidays. He is attending
tne divinity ecnool nere. Eugene Reg
ister. Dr. H. Logan went to Portland on the
local yesterday to meet his son, Ray,
who is returning from Leland Stanford
University. The doctor will return this
Mr. G. D. Snowden, car accountant
lor the O. R. & N., left this morning to
spend Christmas with his parents in
Tacoma. His place will be filled during
bis absence by Fred Claike.
Mr. W. R. Harrison, day operator at
the O. R. & N. office, went to Portland
this morning to spend Christmas. Mrs.
Ricks of Arlington is taking Mr. Harri
son's place at the key and sounder.
Mrs. R. B. Thompson and daughter,
Miss Tina, of Portland, who have been
visiting in The Dalles for several weeks
at the residence of Mr. T. J. Driver, re
turned home on the Regulator this
"Mr. Horace Lake, the school teacher
of the Wamic district, was a passenger
to Portlnnd by the Regulator this morn
ing. He will remain two weeks, during
which time be will attend the state in
stitute of teachers.
University. He will deliver the nest
lecture in the winter course at the Con
gregational church.
i Miss Florence Smith of Portland, who
has been visiting friends in the city, re
turned bone on the Regulator this
this morning.
Miss Elliot, one of the teachers in our
public schools left on the Regulator this
morning lor rortiana to spenu a portion
of her holiday vacation.
Judge A. J. Brigbam of Dufur was s
prominent feature on our ttreets yester
day and reports that commercial center
in a nourishing condition.
Miss Clara Condon is in the city visit
ine her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J,
B. Condon. Mies Condon is a daughter
of Professor Thomas Condon, the emi
nent ceoJoeist of Oregon, and well known
to the. people of The Dalles through his
pastorate of the Congregational church
here many years ago.
Mr. Ray W. Logan arrived in The
Dalies last evening from Palo Alto,
California, where he has been. attending
the Leland Stanford Jr. University. Jin
will spend n portion of his holiday vaca
tion in The Dalles. The Stanford Uni
versity is in a prosperous condition, and
has a great number of students attend
ant upon it.
A Wrong; Impression Corrected.
The Dalles, Ore., Dec. 23, 1895.
Editoh CnBONiCLE : We feel it our-j
duty to make an explanation in regard to
the item in the Wasco News touching
the Sherman county rattlesnake road
subscription. Editor Armswortby of
the Wasco News has always manifested
a deep interest in the success ot this
road and we accord to him great credit
for the general interest and good com
mon sense he has exercised in its behalf,
which makes us feel quite at liberty to
recommend his paper to its home citi
zens as being honest, upright and in the
interest of the common people, which
fact should give it great precedence in
Sherman county. But he has not evi
dently a correct understanding of the
subscription lists, and to clear up all
points, we say a great share of the labor
was understood hot to be collectable
this fall. Manv were not in a situation
to do the work at this season of the year,
We consider a very great majority of the
subscriptions good, and in tact, none of
it can be counted worthless. For seeing
the situation which surrounded the plan
we at once conceived the idea of the ne-
cessity.of immediate action, thus tak
ing the vantage gronnd of our opposi
tion and virtually clinching the entire
plan. We saw the willingness of The
Dalles part to be immediately applied
and not feeling justified in appropriating
it without a fair showing of success in
Sherman county, we solicited work to
the amount of about $1000, and did not
expect it all at this time. We are, how
ever, glad to say that the road is assured
Much good has already been reaped ;
much is to follow, and no one of Sher
man county nor their business has been
injured by it. We had no doubts of
The Dalles' $500, but realized the weight
of the opposition in Sherman county,
and decided to take all the advantages:
loosing nothing by neglecting oppor
The plan of opening the . road this fall
was botn novel and original, and when
first mentioned to the most sanguine
Mends, 'was not counted. We feel
that the tight thing was done in the
right place and at the right time.
We covet no praise in this matter, but
confer all to The Dalles subscribers and
especially that renowned friend of the
people. The Dalles Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co., which headed our list so
largely and was the .key to our success,
again proving themselves the tried and
true friends of the people.
The scheme has been a success thus
far and we are still determined to com
plete tbi9 end of the road in the early
spring, for which we have plans already
laid and Sherman county will have a
real competitive market. ,
' C. W. B.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang; Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Sheriff's gale.
Notice Is hereby given that under nnij in pur-
uuuw ui rArouuvu uiuer in miv issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of Hmnn
for Wasco County, upon judgment and decree
therein rendered in a cause wuerelu Dulles Citv
iiwuua ana ueorgi ymtKlus and Maud
n nufciua were aeienuuiiw, in Jitvor ot tne plain
tilt and against the defendants, which uM
eution and order of sale g dated the 20th day of
November, 1895, and to ni9 directed and com
manding me to seil the premises hereinafter des
cribed, or no much thereof as may be necessnry
to satisfy the judgment of thcpluimiir
me ueieuuRnis, wwii: me suin ot 1116 :u to
gether with interest thereon from the Li h iU
of November, 1894, at the rate of tight i out
per annum, and the further sum of jviOO as
attorney's fees with like jnlerext tt.c ivii, and
the further sum of ?tt.7a costs, I will, on 'i i.urs
the 2bih day of beccniber, js95, at the hi nr of 1
f door
o'clock p. m., at the courthouse c
1 in I'n lies
city, in wntco county, iireiron. tell at n-Mic
auction to the highest bidder tor cash In linn, I.
for the purpose oi satMylng said judiniH-ii'
the plaintitr above mentioned. th t.,n,,i, i
dei-cribed lands and premlies, to-wit:
Beginning at the ndrtlm est corner of U S'o. s
in Block No. 7, in Noyce & Gibson's h dltlon to
Dalles City. Oregon; tberce westeil), but not
due west, along the south line of Ben ton ttrst
or Benton avenue, sixty-seven feet; thence
southerly, but notdue south, on a line
parallel with the w st )ne of said tot 3, one
hundred and eishtv-threa f.t: ihsnrau,..i.
but not due east, sixty-seven feet to the west
micui saia uu; inence nortncrly, bntuot due
north, alons the west line of tnlri r.ii :t ......
iiuiiuivu hiiu eiirniv-imeB leec in En. Tiitw.r. ,.r hi.
ginning, all lying and belpg iu aid bliici and
additiou, save and except the foiloulinr des
cribed tract lying and bring in the sou 'h west
corner of the tract above described, to-wit: Be
ginning, at the northwest corner of Lot 4, in
Block 4, In Bigulow'a Bluff addition to Dalles
Citv; thence northerly, extending rh. ivmi nn.
of said Lot 4, twenty feet: thence we.imU- muj
at right angle with the line last mentioned W
me wess line oi me iraot rirst abow dtWhrt.
thence southerly and alone the vnt Hue of said
first described tract tc) the southwest comer
thereof: thence easterly alone th ... i.,,..
said flret described tract to the northwest corner
of said Lot 4, the place of beginniip. .l-oL I
no. , in mocK jso.4, in JHgelow's Ulull additiuu
to Dalles Citv. (Imrnli. which uiM Int ...linli.e
and abuts said land first sHava ri
south and extends clear through rn Clay stie-t
on the south. Also fractional l.,.r . i. in
Block No. 3, iu Blgelow'a Bluff addition to said
Dalles Citv: together with the tenomwitu lmru.
uiiainenis ana appurtenances thcicu..u oeiung
" . wiij wise tipperiniiiiiig. ,
.uuius iiiy, urcaon, Nov. Ubtn. lWj.
T. J. DKlVJitl, Sheiift".
Miss Knickerbocker is
"&t home'W'CholIy
come again.
Politics and
pression baa men eent
East Oregonian : An im
out, and it
nndoubtedly correct, that Congressman
Ellis' campaign has been strengthened
during the past few weeks by the coal
escing ot tbe anti-Uolpb forces and thei
enlistment in tbe support of Mr. Ellis
Mr. Fulton has promised to support the
present incumbent and Air. Wrieht
Union, who was credited with congresp
ional aspirations, hap also come out into
tbe .bins camp. While these men could
perhaps, neither have won tbe republi
can nomination, vet each can add some
strength to Mr. Ellis or can take away
some support: It is not lust clear
whether- Joe Simon will fight him or
leave him alone. This is, of course, on
account of Simon's dictatorship in Ore'
eon politic?, an important element in
the campaign. He may not be able to
defeat him if he desires to, and in sny
event, may leave to Eastern Oregon the
choice of congressman.
LA Urande Chronicle : Close compe
tition in business is the indirect means
which attracts a great . amount of trade
to La Grande. . There never was a time
when goods were sold on such close mar
gins. Competition is the life of any
business. While it means smaller prof
its it also means a larger, volume of
trade, and is thus of mutual advantage
to the tradesman mid liij patrons. But
competition which goes to an extreme
and becomes ' opposition, is really
benefiicial to no one, ami t . ere is scarce
ly one man out of a hundred who thinks
any more of a merchant for selling him
an article for lees than the merchant can
afford than he would think of him for
charging a fair and reasonable profit.
Advertised Letters.
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Sargeant and
grandaughter, Kat e, leave this evening
IT 1 . . ... V
ior iieppner, wneio tney will spend
Christmas with their son. From there
they wilt go to Waitsburg, Wash., to
visit their daughter, returning to The
fanes in aoour, ten aaya. JUiss Kachel
Morgan will accompany them to Hepp-
' Tuesday.
James Lewis of Mosier is in town to
Judge A. S. Bennett returned
Portland today.
Mr. Edwin Mays is up from Portland
to spend the holidays
Mrs. A. Lytle of Prineville was a pas
eenger to Portland on the Regulator
iQis morning,
Mios Minnie Sandrock returned on the
II. J., a gentleman
from Portland who travels considerably
around the Northwest, was in the city
yesterday, and in company with a
trnstee of the Commercial and Athletic
Club, visited the rooms which are now
in procets of being fitted up. Mr. Mc
Manu?, who is a member of the Multno
mah Athletic Club, was told the plans
and purposes of tha club, and expressed
himself well pleased with what he saw
and heard. The rooms, he eald, are
well arranged, and convenient for a club
of this . sort. The place picked for a
bowling alley is excellent, and will ad
mit of being lighted all day, which can
not be said of the alleys in many clubs,
among them the Multnomah, where ar
tificial light must be used during the
day time. 'The Dalles club rooms are
superior, Mr, McManus said, to those cf
Following is the list of letters remain-
ng in the postotpce at Tbe Dalles nn
called for Dec. 21, 1895. - Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Adams, Alta
Abrell, A C
Bandy, J P
Barnett, A E
Bonomi, E
Button, May
Fon, Jim
Glover, Jas
Harman, Morris
Hansen. Annie
Hayes, KB
Hayes, R H
Million, Viola
Moore, N P
Nelson, Dora .
hisch, Peter
. Rex, J as D
Roonev. M
Robinson, Mrs Ida
Snead, Emma
Shoals, Susan
Smith, Mrs M
A. CnossEN, P. M,
State Insurance Go.
Policies -will be taken up
and written in the West
rr,n,,t t it. ,i :n cm ixsouiouto vu. J.U1-
auvow -lv,v,u v mo D1HG RUU TV 1 1 1 tUUInill 1 . ' - ,
Regulator last evening from a two-weeks favorably with thosa of Seattle and other A. T-
vnn in rortiana. lamer citiea. Wh th nn nmont io P '
ing other arrangements,
consult C. E. Bayard, Agt.
Western Assurance Com-
Mr. Theodore Sukesdorf, an old-time
resident of White Salmon, was in the
city yesterday, returning on the Regular
tor this morning.
iviisB Aiancn ot cascade ijocfcs came
up last night to spend Christmas with
lnends iu The Dalles.
Mrs. M. I. Hinscl and Mrs. J. Daffron
of Lyle Landing came to town on the
Regulator last evening.
Mrs. Mary Brittain went to Portland
by boat today from which place she will
go to camornia tor an extended visit.
Mr. H. D. Parkins of Cascade Locks,
came up on tne Keculator last night to
spend Christmas with his parents here.
Professor and Mrs. Lloyd of Forest
Grove are in the city visitiog Rev. and
Mrs. W. C. Curtis. Professor Lloyd
holds the chair ot Biology in Pacific
equipment is
complete The Dalles club need hot be
ashamed to entertain visitors from any-
When persons are weak and languid
from sickness or overwork, feel debiliit-
ar 1 flfarl it ia nn ?nri:,at;A1.
that the blood ia out of order- and thev VY "West side . Of Wash-
need help -to throw off the miserable
feeling? The best rpmedy for this pur-
posn i Pr. J. II. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Puri&er. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to circu
lation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of cheerful spirits.,. 8nipes-Kiners-ly
Drug Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers for billi-
onsness, indigestion, constipation. A
small pill, a prompt care.' Snipes-Kin-ersly
Drug Co. '. ,
ington Street, bet. Second
arid Third Sts., The Dalles.
in every section, to canvas, $4.00 to $3.00
a day made, sells at sight ; aleo a man to
sell staple goods to dealers, best side
line, $75.00 a month.' Salary or large
commission made, experience unneces
sary. ' For sealed particulars . send
stamp. Clifton Soap & Manufacturing
Company, Cincinnatti, Ohio.
Sheriff's Sale.
Id the Circuit Conrt ot the State of Oregon, for
The German Savings and Loan Society, plaintiff,
v a.
T J. May, Carrie D.May and S. B. McCormlck
By virtue of an execution, judgment, order of
" uwree, icaueu out or ana unuer tne seal
of the above entitled crmrc in thn hMva ntt.
tied cause, to me duly directed and dated the
" ' uvsim er, joo, upon a juairmentand
decree rendered in void court on the 18th day of
t i"--', aim cuiereu luerein on roe lai
day of November, 1SU5, in favor of Bald The Ger
man Savings and Loan Society, plaintiff, and
aKuxuofreuiu i. ,1. Aiuy, uarrie u. May and 8. n.
McCormick, defendants, for the sum of JO.906.83,
witn lnterebt at the rate of teven pet cent, from
November 18, 1890, until paid, and the further
sum of $500, with interest at 8 per cent from No-
vcmLwr ia, leas; ana tne turtner sum o(
Co.-ta and disbursementa. and thA nnstu nr ami
upon this writ commanding' and requiting me
to make sale of the following described real
54 of section fifteen 1151 :
tne east naif lis. and the north half
teen 151: all of section sixteen
N. i of the southwest quarter 3. W. Wl of
section seventeen 17 ; the east half K. k
and the northwest quarter N. W. $4 of sec
tion tWeQtV-one '21 ; r.liA nnrthiru.l nnnrla.
XT WJ IS 1.1 . . . . . .
w .'7 1 hiiu hib nonuwesi quarter r
i4 of the nort est onartpr N K ix mil
northwest quarter N. W. J of the southwest
juni it-i o. . i 01 section -a.: ana tt
north half N. 12 of the northeast nnqrt
N. E. ii .and the north half N. V nrt th
southeast quarter H. E. 54 of tht northwest
uunitEF r. vv. tr flpncinti twnntv-niffhi
28, all of the above described real "property
iu iunusuii oue t uortn 01 ranse lour
teen 1 east of tbe Willamette Meridian, in
said county and state.
1 win on aim aay.ot December, A. D., 1895, at
the hOUr Of 2 O'clock rj. Va. Ht thf. frnt Hnir nf
me uounty court nouse in the City of The
Dalles, County of Wasco, State of Oregon , sell at
, ,. auojeci w reaemption to me
iisiraiuiiHiBr ior v. e. gia coin, cash in band,
11 the rieht. title and fiiTjrpjat whtnh H.F.niaia
T. J. May and Carrie D. May or either of them
bad on the date of the mortgage to plaintiff
uciwiii jumuu ailu. fir Kinfft nflfi in
and to the above described real property, or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg
ment, order of vale and decree, costs, interests
iuiii ail icuiuiuk uusia.
vaiea ine vuies, Oregon,NoTember 26th, 1895.
1. J. ilKlVt-K,
8heriffof Wasco County.
By Kobkkt Kelly, Deputy.
In the Justice Court for The DaLe I i strict
aco uountv. treirnn :
Tim Mayhew, l"lauitilf.
William Pavctte. Defenduut.
To William i'ayette tbe above-named defendant
In tbe name of the State of Oreeon :
You are hereby required to appear before the
uiiucrM(jueu jub'iis ui ine reace in meuauet,
district, in said County and State, on or before
Thursday, the 28th day of November, 18!, nt the
hour of 10 o'c.ock in the forenoon of Baid day a
the olhce of said Justice in said district, to ans
wer me complaint 01 1 im aiaynew, lounaea on
an account stated and wherein he demano
it.'i, tor which sura judgment Willi ren
dered against you together with the costs 1 I tbis
action 11 you laii to so appear and answt 1 said
This summons is served by publication there
of in the Weekly Chronicle, a newspufcr oi
general circulation, published weekly io The
Dallea district, said Coontr and State, i rm-
suauce of an order made herein on the 24th day
D . ted at Dalles Citv, Wnsco Couniy, Cicgou
this 8th day of October, 1885
Li. 8. Ll A t -,
oct8. Justice of the 1 met.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is herebv piven that the nndorsltrnpd
has been dulv aDDolnted administrHtrix of the
eutie 01 1. j. uurttet, deceased, by order 01 tne
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County; all persons having claiinB against the
estate of said deceased are hereby noli tied to
present them with tbe proper vouchers thctefor
so me unoerstgnea, at tne oinceot Huntington
& Wilson," The Dalles. Orea-on. within six
months from tbe date hereof.
Dated September 3d, 1895.
Letters of Credit issued available in tbe
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and - Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Loois, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle. Wash,, and various points
in uregon ana wasmogton.
Collections made at all poiDts on fay-
or.thle terms.
and this time there are evidences
V ' t1,n Vis ctfll .a... tt," .v. ...:
Mim mfluiinuisui.l.KU, 1114 UU1C1 Still
-the "Happy Home' one, which he is wearing this evening is a
ucnucu success, ana sue, aear gin, is lorcea to aamit that she is
not averse to his -attentions. , ' "
Look for a Wedding-
in the near future
Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles.
The Event of the Season
Baldwin Opera House,
Tuesday Evening", Dec. 31, 1895.
Music furnished by the Orchestra Union.
Tickets can be had from any member of Committee. Not transferable.
a Nice
hristmas Present-
Go to PRINZ & NTTSCHKE, and select a
nice Rug at the following prices :
Smyrna Rugs, small $ .50
Bureau Rugs, small 1.00
Bureau Rugs, large 1.50
boia Kugs, medium 2.00
Sofa Rugs, large' 3.00
Door Rugs.. $ .65
Cashmere Rugs 1.25
Art Squares, all wool, 7&x9. 6.50
Fur Rugs, 6 ft. long 2.7.5
Easels, Pictures, Mnsic Stands, Wall Pockets, Table
Stands, Carpet Sweepers, Foot Rests, Fancy Pockets Chairs,
etc., all suitable for Christmas Presents.
When tbe Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
xt rut
Hew coLtiJjviBm hotei.
This large and popular House noes the principal hotel business.
rea to 1
furnish the Best Accommodation oi any
the city, and at tne low rate of 'v
$i.oo per Day. - first Qass Ieals, 25 Ceijts
Offloe for all Star IInea tearing The Dallea for all A
otnta In KastvrD Oregon sad Eastern Washington,
1 this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Ets.
T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr.
fpi ChlekesUr'S Enslith Dtsmond BraaA '
Original and Only Cmnine.
safe, &lrj reliable, ladies uk
lirucfflst for Ckiehater'm Bnoiiuh Dltt'
mond Brand tn Ked and Gold rueUllio
boxn, ealad with bin ribbon. Take
Doatherw Frfuse mnaerouM wubttitM-
tionn and imitations. At DrujrrUt. or tend 4.
In fltatnpi for parttoulan, tettimoaiaU and
Relief for laile,f in Utter, br rtrn
1UIL 1 0.OOO Testimooiaii. - Sam Paiyr.
nr 111 iiTim r 1 ffiriii i
There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.