CM) THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1895. TieWeeMy.Ghroniele. THE DALLES, OjlKGOX PERSONAL MENTION. , W. Saturday. Lord was in Portland yester- Mr. day. Miss Bessie Isenbcrg of Hood Eiver ie in the city. Mr. Wm c J of Viento is in town on business. . School Supt helly returned to Hood River today. Miss Elizabeth Lang went to Port$n d on the afternoon local. . A. L. Bunnell of Centetville,Kiickitat county is registered at the Umatilla. . Miss Lizzio Farmer was a passenger to the Cascades on the Regulator th.s morning. Miss Anna Fulton of Foltonville, Sherman coh-.iv. is m the city. She will retnrn iiotu today; Miss Bw.'rf. v. lio has been a resident of The Diilii-a for several uionths, left this afternoon for Portland. Mr. A. J. Remington, of Remingrton landing, where the steamer Dalles uity gets its daily supply of wood, was in the cuy vesterday on Business witn tno v. P.& A. N. Co. Monday. K. A. Gaily of Boyd is in the city. ' Mr. T. O Grady Maean of Lyle is a visitor to town. Captain John McNulty is up from his larni at Mosier. Mr. W. T. Wiseman returned last night from a visit in Portland. Mr. A. McDonald of the Capcado Locks was in the city yesterday. City Marshal Blakeney and wife' re turned from Portland last night. Messrs. Judd S. Fish and F. B. Sin nott returned Saturday from Portland. James LeDnr, one of D ifur's suistn tial farmers, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Fred. Sclianz of Portland is in the city visiting the family of Judge Liebe. Mrs. G. 0. Blakeley was a passenger for Portland on the Regulator this morn ing. Mr. J. H. Cradlebnugh spent several days of last week in Hood Rier on legal business. Mr. E. Jacobsen returned on the local this morning from a visit to Salem and Portland. Miss Elizabeth FitzGerald left on the Regulator this morning for s week's visit in Portland. Mr. J. R. Warner, the well-known dairyman of White Salmon, spent Sun day in Tne Dalles. Mrs. Wm. Dunn of Heppner is visit inz friends in The Dalles. Mrs. Dunn was formerly a resident of this place, Mr. C. C. Hobart, superintendent of the portage road at the Cascades, came np on the Regulator Saturday, to pass bunday in town. Mr. Hiram E. Mitchell, a well-known young attorney of Portland and a son of United states senator, John hi. Mitchell, was visiting friends in The Dalles Satur day. Mr. Robert Thompson, who has been visiting at the residence of T. J. Driver for several days, returned to Portland this morning, where he holds an im portant government position. H. S. Wilson lias been in Goldendale for several days, where he appeared for the holders in J. tie Danes or Jllickitat county warrants in the test case, which is being tried before Judge Smith. Tuesday. Mr. S. D. Fisher of Mosier is in the ci.y. Tonight, Col. Jackson, at the Congre gational church. Mr. J. H. Cradlebaugh went to Hood River by boat this morning. ' Mrs. A. W. Wilson left on the Regula tor this morning for Vancouver. . Mrs. John W. Lewis was passenger on the Regulator this morning for Port land. ' . Mr. T. A. Hudson has gone to Dayton, Wash., where he is adjusting an insur ance loss. ' Misa Kate Craig left last night for Lewis ton, Idaho, where she will visit her stepbrother, Mr. Richard Monroe: Mr. W. Maurice Kelly of Astoria, a eon of ex-United States Senator James K. Kelly, was in The Dalles this morn ing on business. : Mr. Ben Snipes, Jr., is in the citv visiting his mother. He is enjoying a vacation from study at the Lei and Stan . ford Jr. University at Palo Alto. campaign funds. A coup d'etat near the close of the contest won the day. When the votes were counted Misa Clara Davis was found to have the most votes, and bo she received the honor and the lamp. The contest was very friendly, and netted over $40 to the chnrch. The bazaar was a success financially and socially. The receipts have not yet been figured up, but they will be in the neighborhood of $300. The admissions alone came to $76. Over $100 was cleared at the 'ng and ice cream booths, while the flower stand bron ht in $35 and the candy boottf $17. The others we were enable to learn. ' The ladies of the church feel greatly pleased over the success of the bazaar, and now that it is over, do not mind the time and tronble they have spent in preparation. They wish to thank the many friends who have so kindly as sisted in every possible way. The spirit of friendliness that has been shown by thoee who .are hot connected with the church, has been very greatly appreci ated, and their kindness will not be for gotten. To the. loyal band of workers who have borne the brunt of the toil and responsibility, the result will be recom pense enongh. The Early mission Building at The Dalies Apropos of Father Mesplie's death mentioned in Saturday's Chboniclb, an interesting bit of early history was told a Chronicle reporter by Mr. C. W. Denton. In 1851 or '52, just which year Mr. Denton conld uot determine, Father Mesplie came to The Dalles. In 1852 he began the erection of mission buildings, which were completed with the aid of C. W. Denton and Edward Crate. These two men did the greater part ot the labor and the work was done in rapid time, considering the crude materials at band. The matter of a steeple was easily settled, for close to one corner of the mission building stood a large tree, high in the branches of which the church bell was placed, Hero it s sound was frequently heard through the many years the mission buildings were used Father Mesplie was an indefatigable worker and soon his labors made a deep impress upon the savages who came under his influence.' The site of this early mission is a familiar one to resi dents of The Dalles.' The buildings were located about a mile west from town, a short distance from where the Catholic cemetery now is. ' The number of Indians baptized there Tuns npinto the thousands, The Dalles being the headquarters of work for many years, After the mission was abandoned, the church building remained standing raanv rears, till at last time and weather wrought its destruction Ot the three men whose names are mentioned in connection with this reroi niecence, two are dead,' Edward Crate having joined the dead pioneers a year or so ago. With the death of Mr. Crate there passed one of the very first white V. .:; For Infants and Children. Castoria prcrmoteo Plgentioii, and overcomes i'lctulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fevsrfchesi Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria Is po well adapted to children chat I recommend it as superior to any prescription "mown to me." H. A. Abcher. M. IX, - . Ill Sonth Oxford 6tl3rooilyn,N.T. For several years I have lecommetfSed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." EDwrs F. Pardee. M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ava, New York City. "The rise of 'Castoria is so universal and Its merits no well known that it reems a work ot supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." - ' flmtVMl JIabttit, D. D., New York City. Tbb Certaob Ookpaxy, TT Hurray Street, N. Y. . Death of Mr. Phillips. The death occurred at Kingsley last night of 'Mr V P. P. Phillips, for many years known as "brandma 1 hillips. For several days she suffered from aq attack of bronchitis, her sufferings before death being very acute. Mri. Phillips was aged about 75 yeai s and with her husband, was one of the first settlers ot Tygh Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips crossed the plains with some of the early pioneer parties and made their home where the villaga of ingsley now is. The house erected by Mr. Phillips waB the first in that vicinity and its occu pants saw the Tygh Eidge country de velop from a vast area of untitled iaDd covered with, buncherass to one of the most prosperous farming communities in eastern uregon.. tor a good many years Mr. and Mrs. Phillips kept the hotel at Kingsley. Mrs. Phillips was a lady greatly beloved for her kind and generous qualities, and her death will Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby Riven that under and in pnr- DiinuLC vi n ii c&uuuu 11'J uiuer M Mile ISSUea out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregoa for Wasco Coanty, upon a judgment and decree therein rendered in a cause wherein Dalles City was plaintiff and George Watkins and Maud Wntkins were defendants, in fnvor of the plain tilt and agaiust the defendants, which said exe cution and order of sale is dated the 2Gth dav of November, 1895, and to me direct-d and com manding me to sell the premises hereinafter des cribed, or so much thereof as may be necessiry to satisfy the judgment of the plaintiff' the defendants, to-wit: the sum of fllfiuu to gether with interest thereon from the li h !.-i of November. 184, at the rote of eight jr . .,. per annum, and the further sum of ftioo a attorney's fees vi-h like interest thcic-.n, and the further sum of $35.75 costs, I will, on Ti.urs the'JtHh day of December, bS5, at the h";-.r of 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse, do-.r m Dulles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, tell at putiHn auctiou to the highest bldJer for c.-isM'i Imi.i', for the purpose of satisfying said judgment of the plaintiff shove menlinnr-ii. thn (.. Hoctlhiul 1 .. .J .. ..... i ' ... Beginning at the northwest corner rf Lot Vo. 3 in Block No. 7, in Ncyce & Gibson's n dition to Dalles City. Oregou; therce westeilv, but not dne west, along the south line of Benton street or Benton avenue, sixty-seven feet; thence southerly, but not due south, on a straight lin parallel with the w st lino of said Lot 3, one hundred and eighty-three feet; thence ensterlv, but not due east, sixty-seven feet to the west line of said Lot 8; thence northerly, but firt dt,e north, along the west line of said 1a: :; one hundred and eiorhtv-three feet tn th ni.i,. he- ginning, all lying and being in said block aud addition, save and except the following- des cribed tract lying and being In the sun. I. corner of the tract above described, to- I , : Be ginning at the northwest corner of Li.r 4, in Block 4, in Blgelow's Bluff addition to Dulles City; thence northerly, extending the wmtline of said Lot 4, twenty feet; thence westoii mid at right angles with the line last mentioned t the west line of the tract first abov- doser-ib-fl. thence southerly and alone the w.-t-t !i no ol aid first described tract to the southwest corner thereof; thence eAsterlv alnno- th. ..:.-. i. said first described tract to tho nnrthu-Mt irirnr of said Lot 4, the place of begimii;.-.-. Aim L t ii o. m uiocK no. 4, in uigelow's Lluil uduitiou to Dalles Citr.-OTwmn. which jt . and abuts land first shove south and extends clear through ' Clay tie-t on the south. Also fractional l..-r ..... l, in Block No. 8, in Blgelow's Bluff addition to said Dulles CUv: together with tlie tnm-i hro. ditamentsand appurtenances thertUuiu in-lunging or in any wise appertaining. uuiiai i,iiy, Oregon, ftov. 2'jth. TFr . T. J. J)BIVK, Sheriff v Miss Knickerbocker is at homeland "Cholly" has "come again. Novembei. ISSo. tnd entered thprelnnn tho-iiut uay oi ioveuiDer, iyo, in favor of said The Ger man Savings and Loan 6ocietv, plaintiff, and against said T. J. May, Carrie D. May and 8. B. McCormicfc, defendants, for the sum of $6,906.83, wnu juLeiesi. at me rate oi seven per cent, trom November 18, 1H95, until paid, and the further sum of foOO, with interest ut 8 er cent from No- Vemnor la. lhl.: and thn fnrthAr mm nl C01 be nniversallv regretted bv a nrcn nnm- I co. ts and disburseraents. and the costs of .mri' TXn I "... wiiiuicuiiiiuK nuu requiring me acpuaintances. The to make sale of the following dosori bed real property situate in theCountv of Wasco, S tate of Oregon, to-wit: The east half E. J-l and the cnot uou c y-i vi me souenwest quarter la. w. The Day In Court. Hi of section fifteen 1.01: all of section sixteen -and this time there are evidences ' " that his suit will succeed. His other suit the "Happy Home" one, which he is wearing this evening is a decided success, and she, dear girl, is forced to admit that she is not averse to his attentions. Look for a Wedding1- a in the near future In the Circuit Court of the State of Ornron. for the County of Wasco. ICII J 1 T i ll.l A rtTl o -war -v-vi-m mi . . The German Savings and Loan Society, plaintiff, Uy JTlLtJILt C6 JlLil X O, 1 He JJallGS. T. J. May. Carrie D. May ard S. B. McCormlcb. defendants. Bv Virtue Of an expcntlnn. Inrtimmnt ...tai- salt and decree, issueii out of aud under the seal of the above entitled court in the above enti tled Cause, to me dulv directed nnrl rintari tho ziscuay o. isovemi er, Jt.a.1, upon a judgment and decree rendered in 'aid court on the lsth day of riff's Sale. The Event of the Season WILL BE THE First Grand Ball ber of friends and acpuaintances.' The funeral eervices will be held at Kingsley -GIVEN BY- The attention of Judge Bradahaw was j occupied today with hearing the case of Z. F. Moody vs. W. D. Richards. The action is being tried before the judge ! without the aid of a jury. Huntington IS. 4 of the southwest quarter rs. w. of section sevrtiteen 17 ; the east half E. Xi ana the northwest quarter N. W. of sec tion tweatv-one 21 : the northwest nnnrtnr N. W. 14 , and the northwest quarter N. W, ot thenort. est quarter N. i. Ji , and the northwest quarter N. V. of the southwest qusrier o. n . oi section and the north tlRlf iZ nf th. ,mTtt,..Dt ,. & W'il9on appear for the plaintiff, while N. E. yK, and che nonh half n. nd the VV. H. Wileon represents the defendant. mtTr-V w "iZTJr7-X YZ"tX? fii 113 Hfisfi xwm VWaUJIUUtU UUMU UUJUIUUJ -AT THE- 1 1UI LdJ Among the matters of importance done during the day was a confirmation granted in the case of J. C. Meins vs. C. J. Coatsworth. The caeo of A. Sch'er net'kau vs. J. C. Murphv et al, wac con tinued. In the case of E. G. Young vs men who made a permanent settlement Char!es Fver? 8 default wa9 entered in (Won. H was a member of th an order made to eell attached prop- Hudeon Bay company, and when the company retired from business here, Mr. Crate remained and for many years lived on a farm at Crate's point, several miles below The Dalles. Mr. Denton is one of the oldebt eurviviiig pioneers of this region. ' ' Gone Back to Honolulu. erty. In the case of Mamie Strickland vs. August Buchler, judgment was given upon the verdict in favor of the defend ant. A default was also entered in the caee of J. A. Gnlliford vs. j. Tppar. mere are yet several matters ot a routine nature, wbirh remain to be finished np. Advertised Letters. 2S , all of the above described real proerty iu luwuump one l norm or range four teen 14 east Of the Willamette Mridinn. in said county and state. i win on a;ui day of December, A. D., 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock n. m. at th front door nf me county court nouse in tne city oi The Dalles, County of WascOj State of Oregon, sell at public auction subject to redemption to the umuesi niuaer tor u. b. gold com, cash in band, all the right, title and interest whfoh rioronrianr T.J.May and Carrie I. Mav or either of them had on the date of the mortcum tn nininHfi hauln t-. ... V. .-.w . .... . .. . ..... luaivii utu, lou., or since aau in and to the above described real propertv, or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment, order of vale and decree, costs, interests nuu iui accruing costs. - .... xiacca xne Dulles, Oregon. November 2fith, 1S9J. X. J . UltlV-bK, Sheriff of Wasco County. By Kobe&t Kelly, Deputy. SUMMONS. The End of the Bazaar. If possible, the . bazaar Saturday night was more of a euccess than on Friday evening. The attendance was very large, and the same spirit of enjoyment was everywhere present. The program was well carried out. The first number, a duet by Miss Elizabeth FitzGerald and Miss Alma Schanno, was played in good time and expression. Mrs. Truman Butler again demonstrated her ability as a pianist by a well-rendered selection. The sonj by a quartette consisting of - Mrs. Huntington, Mrs. Price, Mr. Cran dall and Dr. Doane, was very pleasing. Mrs. Price delighted the audience with a solo, lor which she was heartily en cored. One of the prettiest numbers of the evening was a tubleau representing Sauta Claiis aiid b;i t?at-l!iu;p. Mr. Charles Clark '.made a capital Santa Claus. The tableau . effects were very pretty. ' .. : . The greatest interest of the evening was centered around the booth where the voting for the most popular young lady was being held. The contest waB a very lively one, and the friends of each' of the con tee tents were active in raising Mr. John Marlni started on the Reg ulator this morning for Honolulu. He returned several davs ago from that place and after visiting his friends and retatives here, soon became eager to re turn.' Mr. Marlin gives many interest ing experiences of his life on the islands. It is necessary, he says, for every one who goes there to have 450 in cash at the time of landing. When Mr. Marlin arrived in Honolulu harbor, some friends of Ids in the city, fearing lest he might not have taken tiie precaution to have that amount of money with him, not kaowing the regulation, got a tug and went down to meet the steamer. When the money was ofierod John, he thought he had come to a strange country where people were so liberal that a stranger was greeted with gifts at the very outset, When the matter was explained, the new arrival said he had plenty of money to meet the requirements. After listen ing to Mr. Marlin'a enthusiastic words about Hawaii, a desire easily eprings up to visit the far away islands, which we hope, will soon be under the stars and fctripes. Court Notes. Following is thrf list of letters remain' ing in the postolhoe at. f he Dalles un called for Dec. 14, 1S95. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Armstrong, J R Brown, Prof J L Crosaen, Thos E Clark, Cornelius Crown, M . Coyel, Geo Dickerson, Geo Evans, CM Elliott. 8 C Elliott, S Fanstin, A Fonda, Egbert Hanison,Miss Lina jarmend,Miss Liua Henderson, (J C Hineell, W C Lands, W Liabo, Juo M McClare, W T McDowell. Mrs Nora Medorf, Cbas Palmer, J W Farnham, Mrs Kouss, Miss Clara Gasendorfer.Dr J A Smith, Mr (Sheep watson, Jiiicu . urower) J. A. Chossen, P. M, In the Justice Court for The Dalie Ii-.trict waco uountv, uregon: Tim Mayhew, Plaintiff. vs. William Pavette. Defendant. To William Payette the above-named defendant' In the name of the State of Uresron : You are hereby reauired to annear before the undersigned Justice of the Peace in The Dalles district, in said County and State, on or before Tli mA.. l. no . 1. .J vt I ii.... . I uour oi iu o'ciock in toe rorenoon oi snin nav the oltice of said Justice in said district, to Ans wer the complaint of Tim Mayhew, founded on an- account stated and wherein he demnnas tW'.'Jo, for which sum iudcrment nilll. ren dered against you together with the costs 1 1 this action if you fail to so atitear and answ.i said complaint. This summons is served 'by publication liierc- oi in me neeaiy (jhbonicle, a newspurcr ot Keiiemi circulation, puonsnea weemy ie int. i"ueg aistnct, saia uounty and btate, l put suunce of an older nude herein on ths 24th day wi rvjjwriuutrr, low. D-.tedot Dslles City, Wasco County, Cicgo.i uiis om uuy oi uctorjer, isvo ij. B. HAW-1, oct8. Justice of the lcicc. Administratrix Notice. Baldwin Opera House, Tuesday Evening, Dec. 31, 1895. s. , . . . i ; Music furnished by the Orchestra Union. . Tickets can be had from any member of Committee. Not transferable. Seventh Annual Bali GIVEN BY THE Gesang Verein Harmonie, AT THE Baldwin Opera House, Saturday, Dec. 21,1895. HANS. HANSEN, COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. WM. BIRGFELD, K. GOTTFRIED. E. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. SCHANNO, I. C. NICKEL9EN, JOS. N1TSCHKE, H. J. MAIER, G, WALTHER, H. C. LIEBE. C. WIGLE, E. JACOBSEN, FLOOR COMMITTEE. WIGLE, R. RORDEN, F. WIGLE. Judge Uraditiaw ro-couvenetl court today nutl trnnsacted rdntme business. There was nothing done except to grant some confirmations and continne cases till nest term; Following is a resume of the dav's bnsiness: Elizabelh Wileon vs. IIP C Crocket; confirmation granted. Seufert-Condon Tel Co vs O T T Co; motion to dissolve mjiiction not allowed, Annie Grant Frasier vs Allen Grant; referred to D H Roberts for testimony. f riendship Lodge, K of P, vs S G Campbell,; continued. PIjil BrorMn vs () W Mtirphy; fipftled. 1'Joioneu UU'iin vj J'D G:erin'; dtoree of divorce granted. Solicitors Loan & Trust Co vs S R Brooks; phased. ' W" A Douglas vs F P Taylor ; passed. D'e Witt's Little Early. Risars foe billi- ousness, indigestion, constipation. A Bmall pill, a prompt care. 1 Snipes-Kin- ersly Drug Co. ..';.:. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost eveTVhnriv tnke snmc InvntiuA inedicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or nowdert get ajl the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative ana tonic mat purines tne Diood and strengthens the whole system. ' And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness. Indigestion', Sick Headache and CcnsSpntfon, and. rid of that worn cut an.J -"deblii toted feeling. These are all caused bv a sluseish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work, if troubled with anv of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills.' ' '-; Notice is hfrebv eiven that the nndersltmed baa lieen duly annotated ndministrntrix of the I etuiio oi i. i. iiurct. deceased, Dy order nt tne County Court of the State oi Oregon for Wasco I County: all nersona havinar rlaiimt Mtminat the 1 I estate of said deceased are hereby untitled to present them with tte proper vouchers tueiefor 10 me unaersifinea, at tne otnee ot Huntington I & -Wilson, The linlles, Oregon, within six luonttis irom the ante hereof. LateU September 3d, 1S95. MB.B. a. i . u KOJi r. Administratrix. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BC3INESS TICKETS Mnsic furnished by the Orchestra Union. $1.00 Grand march at 8:45, p. m. Wien the Train steps at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side . ' ...... AT THE HEW COLtTjpBlfl HOTEIi. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, Tb Is large and popular House noes the principal hotel burlnem, and la prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of an (louse In the city, aud at tne low rate of $1.00 per Day. - prst Qass Tea!s, 25 Ceijts Office for all Stage tines loaTlnsr The Dalles for all points In Kastern Oregon ana JKaktern Washington. In this Hotel. Sight Exchange : and ; Telpcrrapbic lranelers sold on ISew York. Uhicaico, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, beattle Wash,, and various points I in Oregon and WBehington.' Collections made at all points on fay- "Jftere is a tide tn the affairs of men which, taken at its flood Corner of Front and Union Sta. T. T. NICHOLAS. Pronr. orable terms.' EVERY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phila-, Pa WASIKD-iN AGENT in everv flection, to eunvsp, f 4.00 to So 00 a day made, sells at eight; also a man to sell staple goods to dealers, best eide line, $75.00 a month. Salary or large commission made, experience unneces sary, ior sealed particulars send stamp. Clifton Soap & Manufacturing Uompany, Uincinnatu, Uliio. i ' ' One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. ' Sife for children and adults. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. leads on to fortune" . The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BF.IOK, ' - - - UNION ST. ';