The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 11, 1895, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Gbroniele.
"A Night Off."
Tomorrow evening occurs the perform
ance of the Home Dramatic Club at the
Baldwin theatre. The play, which will
be produced, is the popular comedy '? A
Night Off." The piece is an extremely
accusing one, consisting of a clever, plot,
bright dialo ue and amusing, situations.
The scene is laid in England and the
piece tells of the trials, tribulations and
troubles of a well meaning hut unfortun
ate professor who commits the unpardon
able act of writing a Soman tragedy,
which is produced by a travelling com
pany of barn Btormers, to the great dis
comfiture of .the professor and almost
causes annihilation of family relations.
Everything tin in out right at last,
however, fur everybody txcept the pro
fessor, wliost! p-i'tc ia his ability as a
playwright rtcvives a crushing blow. The
Home Dramatic Company has been hard
at work practicing for some time, and
the play will undonbtedly be satisfac
torily produced. The cast is as follows
Justinian Babbit K. H. Lonsdale
(Profescor of History in Compton University.)
Marcus Brutus Snap N. J. Binnott
(In pursuit of fame and fortune under various
legiiimuie ttuuses.j
Dr. Harrv Damask R. SInnott
Jack Mulberry John Hampshire
fin pursuit 01 - iortune unuer lao utuue ox
lord Mulberry F. W. Wilson
(in pursuit oi jaca.j
Mrs. Xnntlnna Babbit Mrs. G. C. Blakele
(Professor oi conjugal happiness lu the Bubbit
Niibe .- Miss Rose Mlchcll
' Younget Imp of the household.
Angelica Damask Miss Myrtle Michell
The eldest.
Susan Mrs. A. N. Vurney
The brassiest.
Act 1 Professor's Home. The ser
pent enters.
Act 2 The result of too much Baleac.
Act 3 The conspirators succeed in
getting a night off.
Act 4 Xantippa removes her picture,
and everybody packs up.
Knights ol Pythias Social.
first of a series of socials was
given last night by the Knights of Py
thias lodge. Only the members and
their families were present to partake of
the evening's pleasant entertainment.
The Knights had made ample prepara
tions for the event, and everything
passed off in a most satisfactory manner.
The program opened with a song by
Miss Mvrtle Michell, which was re
ceived with the expression of pleasure
that always follows any of this young
lady's efforts. Hon. W. H. Wilson had
been asked to take a place on the pro-
giam, and made a short address on Py
thianism, which was listened to with
close attention. Mr. Wilson reviewed
some of the principles upon which the
order was. founded, and extolled the
aims and practices of Knights of Py
thias. The address contained many
good thoughts, and was delivered im
pressively. A musical selection by the
Misses Stone proved one of the most
pleasing numbers on the program. A
piano solo by Mrs. Tolmie was rendered
in an artistic manner that showed to
good advantage the lady's .musical ac
complishments. Prof. Gavin favored
the audience with a well-rendered reci
tation, after "vhich Mr. H. M. Esping
sang a solo very acceptably. The liter
ary and musical program closed With
some remarks by Hon. John Michell on
on the "Rathbone Sisters." The speak
er's remarks were very fitting and in
structive. After this portion of the evening was
concluded the members and guests were
served with bounteous refreshments,
and then the floor was cleared for danc
ing. Till a late hour the dancers kept
time to the music. The occasion proved
a most delightful one, and those who
were present last night will be eager to
attend the next social of the Knights
of Pythias. It is the intention to have
such uffairs one evening in each month.
Next Friday and Saturday Evening's.
Get ready to attend the bazaar to be
given by the ladies of the Congregational
church next Friday and Saturday in the J
armory. J. foe preparations are being on
an elaborate scale, and the bazaar
will be one of the finest ever given in
The Dalles. Among the features of the
evening will be a Japanese booth, where
all kinds of pretty things, suitable for
Christmas gifts will be for sale; a
booth where fruit, cake and pie will be
found in abundance; a Gypsy booth
where the Goddess of Future will tell the
fortunes of all inquiring people; a De
cember booth where all shapes and
varieties of dolls will be displayed ; a re
freshment booth where each evening de
licious refreshments will be eerved; a
paper booth and fish pond for children
will be among the attractions of the
bazaar. Each evening an interesting
program will be given, in which will ap
pear some of the city's local favorites.
The, proceeds of the bazaar will go to a
worthy cause and the ladies hope to seel
the armory crowded each evening. The
admission is placed at the nominal sum
of 10 cents.'
E. O. McCoy came down from Grants
last night.
Mrs. L. E. Crowe went to Portland on
the noon train
Mrs. W. H. VanBibber returned home
on the local this morning.
Mr. John Michell went to Portland
on the Regulator this morning.
Frank Summers made a trip to Hood
River this morning ; on the Regulator,
i. Mr. J. W. Smith, who keeps the gen
eral' merchandise store at Grants, is in
the city
Mr. W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, left
for Seattle this morning, after spending
a week; or more in The Dalles,
Mr. E. Keiater returned on today's
train from San Francisco, where he was
called by the illness of his mother,
Mr. E. L. Wing of Goldendale, who
fonnerlv owned the stage line Between
The Dalles and VVamic, is in the city:
Mr. C. W. Taylor, superintendent of
the Washington and Columbia Railroad,
with headquarters at Jlunvs Junction,
is in the city.
Mr. J. N. Gnliiford of PnneviL'e ia in
the city, returning from a visit to the
Willamette valley, fie says ine iarm
ers there are busy with their fall plow
ing Mr. W. E. Kahler and family have ar
rived in The Dalles from Hardman, a
place about twenty miles from. Heppner.
Mr. Kahler was formerly in business at
Heppner, but is looking for an opening
in The Dalles.
Mr. Rondeau of Kingsley ia in the
O. D. Taylor went to Portland on the
afternoon train.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler of Port
Townsend are in the city visiting rela
Mr. V. C Brock, the Sherman county
banker, was in the city from Wasco yes
Mr. H. J. McManus, a traveling man
trom Chicago, and well known in The
Dalles, is in the city,
Mr. N. J. Sinnott spent Saturday in
Portland securing some necessary para
phernalia for the performance of the
Home Dramatic Club.
Mrs. C. W. Taylor, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. JMizaDelh
Wilson, for several weeks, left tor her
home in Wallula this morning. .
Mrs. L. D. Ainsworth returned home
Saturday from Phoenix, Arizona, where
she has been with her husband for the
beni fit of hia health. Mr. Ainsworth
has gone to Honolulu.
Mr. John Marlin has returned to town
from a visit to friends in Grants and
Goldendale. He thinks of soon going
back to Hawaii, which, he says, "were
it only under the American flag, would
be an ideal place to spend one's life."
Miss Evelyn Newman left on yester
day's local train for Portland, from
which place she will go to San Francieco
to remain for an indefinite period. She
will make her home with her uncle in
an Francisco. Miss Newman is an ex
ceedingly bright young lady and will
make good use of tne advantages which
a large city can give. Many friends
were at the station to bid her good bye.
Mr. A. J. Dufur of Dufur is in the
Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur is in the
Eobt. Mays, Jr.,.arrived in town this
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints, :
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
AH Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang; Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Sheriff's Sale.
mi n
i j
Tie Dalles, Portland anil Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni end PssssngsrLine
Thronch Dailv Trios (Sundava ex-
Mr. Poll: Butler, a well-known farmer 'f V,"
of Xansene, is a visitor to town,
Mr. A. E. Lake, a well-known resident
o' the Wauiic country, is in the city.
Mr, John Michell returned on the
Regulator last evening from a visit in
Mr. J. II. Smith, a well-known resi
dent of Grass Valley, Sherman county,
is in the city.
Messrp. J. B. Jackson, B. D. Taylor
and M. M. Russell, citizens of Hood
ttiver, are m the city.
Born, at Mosier, Dec. 4th, 1895, to the
wite of ' Wallace .Husbands, a daughter.
Weight 10 pounds. - Both mother and
child are doing well.
St. jV.ul Wins.
St. Louis was chosen on the 4th ballot
as (he place for holding the National
Republic Convention. First and second
ballots stood San Francisco 19, St. Louis
16, Chicago S, New York 1, Pittsburg 6.
Oa the 4th ballot St. Louis 29, and. San
Francises 16.
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. in., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way $2.00
Kound trip 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, ivith
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
o p. m. Live stock shipments soucted.
Call on or address,
General Agent
Notice la hereby Riven that under and in pur
suance of an execution and order of bale issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Wasco County, upon a judgment and decree
therein rendered in a cause wherein Dalles City
was pi Hint iff and George Watltins and Maud
Watkins were defendant, in favor of the plain
tilt' and against the defendants, which said exe
cution and order of sule is dated the 26th day of
November, 1895, and to mo directed and com
manding me to sell the premises hereinafter des
cribed, or so much thereof as may be necesssry
to satisfy the judgment of the plaintiff
the defendants, to-wit: the sum of Sllfil.u) n-
gether with interest thereon from thelJ li ln
of November, 1894, at the rate of eight i tut.
per annum, And the further sum of f'jOGO a
attorney' fees with like interest the erti. and
the further sum of 35.75 costs, I will, on l i.urs-the-itiih
davof December. 1895. at the h.uir of 1
o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in i-i-lles
City, in Wasco County, Oregon, fell at public
auctlou to the highest bidder for cash in huml,
for the purpose of satisfying said judtrftiein of
the plaintiff nbove mentioned, the following
described lands and premises, to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest orner of Lot No. 3
in Block No. 7, in Neyce & Gibson's a dilion to
Dalles City. Oregon; thence westerl, but not
due west, along the south line of Benton street
or Benton avenue, sixty-seven feet; thenco
southerly, but not due south, on a strainht line
parallel with the w st line of said Lot 3, one
hundred and ei?htv-three feet: thence eiisiprl v.
but not due east, sixty-seven feet to the west
line of said Lot 3; thence northerly, but not due
north, along the west line of said Lot 3. -ne
nunurea ana eignty-tniee leet to tne pnu-e m be
ginning, all lying and being iu said block nid
addition, save and except the following des
cribed tract lvir.g and being in the southwest
corner of the tract above described, to-wit : Be
ginning at tbe northwest corner of Lot 4, in
Block 4, in Bigelow's Bluff addition to Dalles
City; thence northerly, extending the wost line
of said Lot 4, twenty feet; thence westu-iy and
at right angles with the line last mentioned to
the west line of the tract first abovp de-orih-d,
thence southerly and alonr the west huu ul auid
firs, described tract to the southwest wner
thereof; thence easterly along I. no of
said first described truet to the northwest corner
of said Lot 4, the place of beginning. . l-o L t
No. 4, in Block No. 4, in Bigelow's lilurt uduitiou
to Dalles Citv. Oregon, which said lol lioin
and abuts said land first above described oil tlio
south and extends clear through to Clav stie-t
on the south. Also fractional U : .o 1, in
Block No. 3, in Bigelow's Bluff addiit-n to said
Dalles Citv: to&rether with the tenen:t"it-. lieito-
ai laments ana appurtenances tnereuuiu belong.
ing or in any wise appertaining. i
xraiies juy, uregon, jnov. aui. ) .
T. J. DKIVKK, Sheriff.
1 JS
Miss Knickerbocker is
"at homeland "Chollv"
has "come again." .
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
me county oi nasco.
The German Savings and Loan Society, plaintiff,
T J. May, Carrie S. May and S. B. McCormick,
By virtue of an execution. Indgment. order of
saie ana decree, issued out ut ana unaer tne seal
of the above entitled court iu the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the
2ist aay oi rtovemrcr, iyo, upon a judgmentand
decree rendered in said court on tne 18th day of
Novembei , 1S95, and entered therein on the 21st
day oi November, in favor of said The Ger
man Savings und Loan Society, plaintiff, and
against sata l. J. May, carrie u. May ana . o,
jucuormicE, aeienaants, tor tne sum oi it,'jut.83.
with interest at the rate of seven pet cent, from
November IS, ltsto, until paid, and the further
sum of $500, with interest at 8 per cent from No
vember is. isso; ana tne itirtner sum ot
co ts and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ commanding and requiring me
to make sale of the following described real
property situate in the County of Wasco, State
of Oregon, to-wit: The east half . 4 and the
of section ht'teen 151: all of section sixteen
11(11: the east half IE. Vn and the north .
N. Js of the southwest quarter fS. W. of
section seventeen 17 ; the east half E. J
and the northwest quarter N. W. lA of sec
tion tweatv-one 21 : tne northwest Quarter
1. v.4 , ana tne nortuwesi quarter 1. iv,
ofthenort est Quarter N. J. lA .and the
northwest quarter N. W. of the southwest
quarter S. W. W of section 22: and the
north half N. of the northeast quarter
N. . , and the north half N. lA and the
southeast Quarter 3. E. '.4 of tlu northwest
quurter N. W. i4 of section twentv-eight
b , ail oi tne aoove ae,crinea real projierty
being in t ownship one l north ot range tour
teen 14 east of the Willamette Meridian, in
said county and stute,
l win on 26tn day of December, A. D., 1895, at
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the front door of
the county court bouse in the City of The
Dalles, County of Wasco, Stute of Oregon, sell at
public auction subject to redemption to the
nignest Diaaer tor u. s. eoia com, casn in nana,
all the right, title and i uteres t which defendants
T.J.May and Carrie D. May or either of them
had on the date of tbe mortgage to plaintiff
nerein, viz: xuarcn lain. una. or since naa in
and to the above described real property, or ony
part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment, order of sale and decree, costs, interests
ana ait accruing costs.
Dated The Dulles, Oregon. November 26th, 1895.
1. J. IlKlVi.ll,
Sheriff of Wasco County.
By Kobebt Kelly, Deputy.
In the Justice Court for The Dal.e LI strict
Y an l.onnrxv Itifvnn.
Tim Mayhew, Plaintill',
William Pavette. Defendant.
To William Pajette the above-named defendant'
in tne name oi tne btarc ot oreeou :
You aie hereby reouired to appear before the
undersigned Justice of the Peace in The Dulles
district, in said County and State, on or before
Thursday, the 28th day of November, 1895, ut the
hour ot iu o'clock in the torenoon oi sold Quy a
the office of said Justice in said district, to an:.
wer the complaint of Tim Muybew. founded on
an account stated und wherein he demanas
$102.25, for which sum judgment will I . ren
dered airaiust vou toirether with the costs 1. 1 this
action it you tall to so appear ana answi.
This summons is served by publication Iherc-
ox in rne weeaiy uiironiclb, a newspaftr oi
eneral circulation, piiDUsnea weekly il ini
Jalles district, said Countv and Stale. i'' mi-
bounce of an order innde herein on ths 24th day
oi i-epiemoer, ioy.x
D .ted at Dalles City. Wasco Conms. ncecu
this 8th day of uctober, 1895
s. 11 A 1-,
octS. Justice of the 1 cscc.
JUaby Show.
All mothers are cordially invited to
bring their little ones to a baby show in
Armory Hall next Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Frizes are offered for the
best baby less than one year old ; for the
best baby between one and two years
old, and for the best twins.
Per order of committee. '
After a long period of quietness, the
justice court bristles with excitement to
day. ' There is war among the Indians,
and,' as a result, a complaint was sworn
out by a tquatv agninst Louie Brown, a
well-known character around town,
charging him with assault and battery.
Tbe woman makes various other charges
against Brown, which will 'not be af
fected by the complaint in this case.
The examination is being held this
1,000,000 People Wear
WLDouglas Sloes
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
An event which will be welcomed by
their many friends, will be the eeventh
annual ball given by the German Sing- SpokLH6
ing Societv Iiarmonv. The members of
the club will spare no pains nor money j Minneapolis
to mke the atlair a pleasant one. . The
full orchestra of the Orchestra Union St. P&1TJ.I
has been engaeea for the occasion and
th f'x'i will lie ;iv-:i at the Baldwin
uiera huUae oil fcaiuiday, Dec. 2iat.
Kansas City
Lew Bates to all Eastern Cities.
BTEAMER8 Lesrs Portland
Every 'Five Days for
in every section, to canvas, $4.00 to $5.00
a dav made, sells at sictht : also a man to
sell staple goods to dealers, best side SAN FRANCISCO, CAL
. JT. loU i. ,.nl. VA VOL?? de,a? ? n O. E. & Co.'. Agent at
-a. :viiv, f vuicii a d&uu I XH3 I'ftJiCTi Ot BJU 1688 t 1
ntamn - ft fist a Y lr f atinfiinrnwtnn I
company, vmcinnam, vmo..; . 'Portland, Oregon.
hand unn jn
$5.00 -pv 3.00
$30 $2.00
$2.50 $LTS
For Boys
Wear W. It. Itoaarlaus shoes and tan rrom
l.OO to 93.00 at pair. All Styles and
Widths. The advance In leather has Incrcmed the
price of other makea, bat the quality and prices of
VV. Li. Bsaslaa shoes remain the same.
Take no substitute ; see that name and price Is stamped
an sole. W. 1. Dooclaa, kbockxox, Habs. Sold bjr
and this time there are evidences
' "that his suit will succeed. His other sui$
the "Happy Home" one, which he is wearing this evening is a
decided success, and she, dear girl, is forced to admit that she is'
not averse to his attentions.
Look for a Wedding1
" in the near future
Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles.
South Waucoma Addition
to Hood River. ' ! !; 1
The owner of this, the most beautiful residence Dortion
of this beautiful village, has notified us that money must be
had and to cut the prices until they will sell, and so we have
made a slash of from 25 to 40 per cent, on everything placed
in our hands. When you realize the fact that the beautiful
new $9,000 schoolhouse is built. in this addition and that
this property surrounds it, you will know that it is offered
at prices below anj'thing ever known. We have three 5-acre
tracts, two blocks from new schoolhouse, for $750 each, or a
rate of 150 per acre. No land in this addition has ever sold
for less than $600 per acre and never will be again. We
have also lots in adjoining block to the schoolhouse ranging
from $75 to $250, according to location and size, no lot less
than 50x100 feet. Now. see what you think of this: We
have an 8-room .hard finished house with six lots, the house
cost $1,200, ordinary price of lots in same locality $200; the
former price at which this has been held was $2,500. We
now offer this beautiful property at the ridiculous figure of.
$1,200. We have an adjoining house of six rooms, hard
finished, with three lots, the very finest residence location in
the city, only $800. It is a crying shame to offer this
property at these prices; but we are helpless and must obey
orders, We have also some choice strawberry and fruit lands
at very low prices. Now this is an advertisement and gotten'
up to sell the land, and is every word true. If vou don't
believe it come and see it; we will be glad to show it.
Real Estate and Insurance, Hood. River, Or
When tbe Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South'Side
AT THB .....
Th Is larfre and popnlar House ooen tbe principal hotel business,
and la prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of an) r
House in the city, and at tne low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - first Qass Heals, 25 Cets
Office for all Stag's Lines leaving The Dalles for all
points In Ksitcra Oregon and J&astern Washington,
In this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
' There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
losinc Out Sale of Furniture and
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
" Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicaeo,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
' Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms
175 Second Street, ' - The Dalles, Oregon
CssfCoantry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.