The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 11, 1895, PART 1, Image 1

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    l;-,;. ;r I
vol. v
Tuesday Will See the Con
vention City Chosen.
mittee, he conveyed the following infor
mation :
"We interviewed Clay, Davis, Mitch
ell, Cannon of Illinois, Cameron of Utah,
and others vesterday, and have verified
and received renewed promises of every
Pacific coast vote. We will have a ma
jority of the New England vote. Quay
is for San Francisco second to Pittsburg.
We have seen every national committee
man in vvaanington up to veBieraay.
Knight is here and working."
Paris settlement was gotten over with
out trouble has given a better feeling in
foreign securities and mines. Other de
partments have been practically lifeless.
Against the gold ' exports, President
Morgan's Speech.
Main Point Urged Against San Francis-I
co Are Lack of Telegraph Fac
ilities Bad I he Difference
In Time.
Washington, Dec. 6. Active pre par-
ations for the assembling next Tuesday
of the republican national committee to
select the time and place for the nation
al convention are being made, the ex
ecutive committee of 11 members meets I
Monday night, and the full
will be called to order by Chairman Car
ter at 11 o'clock Tuesday, in the Arling
ton hotel. ' Large delegations are ex
pected from Pittsburg, San Francisco,
Chicago and St. Louis. While these are
the main contestants. New York state
will have a delegation seeking the con
vention with Saratoga as the convention
place. San Francisco has been showing
much activity and influence of late to
secure the convention. The main points
urged against going to the Pacific coast
are that the telegraph service would not
be sufficient and the difference of three
hours' time would be detrimental to the
afternoon press of the East, during the
day sessions, and the morning press dur
ing the night sessions.
Pittsburg advantages are being urged
with equal vigor. Senator Quay has an
influential circle of friends in the com
mittee and is urging the choice of Pitts
burg. ' .
Albert Poole Discharged Insurance on
the Steamer Oousedd Reported
Poet Townsend, Wash., Dec. 7. The
British steamer Strathnevis, which was
supposed to have foundered in the recent
November gale, in the North Pacific
ocean, was spoken a tew days ago by the
British bark John Gambles, which ar
rived at Vancouver this morning from
The Stranthnevis was in a disabled
condition 810 miles northwest of Cape
Flattery, being in longitude. 145 west,
latitude 48:40 north, and is on tho sail-
officer ashore down the Straits last night
who telegraphed meager particulars
to this port. No particulars were given I
as to extent of the steamships disability
Durrani Sentenced.
San Ebancisco, Dec. 6. Judge Mur
phy this morning denied Theodore Dor
rant a motion for a new trial, and or
dered the prisoner back to the county
jail. In 10 days he will be taken to San
Quentin prison, there to await esecu
tion. .
A large force of deputy sheriffs was
necessary to aid the police in guarding
the entrance to the courtroom. The
crowd was as large as during the trial.
committee '""s" """f"; v
tion for a new trial. He said he had
twice reviewed all the testimony in the
case, and every ruling he had made dur
ing the trial. He had examined all the
affidavits submitted and all authorities
cited. He said if he thought an injustice
had been done the prisoner or any error
made which affected his rights he would
not hesitate to grant a new trial what
ever the consequences or what criticism
might be made. But the court was sat
isfied no error had been made, and that
Durrant's trial had been fair and impar
tial, that no right accorded to him bad
been invaded, and that the jury's ver
dict had been in accordance with the
law and evidence.
Durrant was then ordered to stand up.
The prisoner rose, pale and scowling,
but as impassive as ever. The judge
briefly reviewed the crime of which Dur
rant had been found guilty and ex
pressed his entire concurrence with the
verdict. He advised Durrant to seek
repentance and forgiveness in a divine
He win Vote for San Francisco After eource, now his only refuge. The court sonally carry the mail from Junea to Ft.
then pronounced sentence, which was Cudahy, on the Yukon river, arrived
that Durrant be kept in close confine- here today on the steamer Willipa. He
ment by the sheriff in the county jail,
and within 10 days be delivered to the
warden of San Quentin state prison,
there to be kept in close confinement
until Buch day, afterwards fixed,
when he should be hanged in San Quen
tin until dead.
Durrant heard his sentence without a
twiching muscle, staring at the judge de
fiantly, Then he fat down, made some
remark to his father and smiled.
Dickinson, for the defendant, took
formal exception to the remarks of the
court on the merits of the case, and said
he would this afternoon give formal no
tice of an appeal to the supreme court,
The courtroom was then cleaied.
The Strathnevis is at Last Cleveland's message has no effect in sup- Chief Interest in the Senate
Heard Fl'Oni I porting railroads, which, with Canadians
wo ail luitci uu kucwecn. lurKB were
fairly supported on official assurances
that, trnnhlft in Armftnin rnnld hatra nn
MAIL fKUMJUSfcAU 1U Tl. LUUAUA effect on the reserve; The week.8
changes were:
Declines Illinois Central and Louis
ville & Nashville. 1 : Atchineon 4s and
Milwaukee, 1; Atchison, Central Paci
fie and Wabash 63, ; Denver and Rio
Grande Lake Shore, New York Central
Heading firsts, .
Advance Pennsylvania and Bead
ing. K,
Is Canning Much Speculation Among
Representatives Llvlugstone's
Proposed Resolution Peck
ham for Justice.
An American Syndicate to Advance the
. the Cnban Kepublle a Vast Sum.
New York, Dec, 8. A syndicate of
American capitalists has been formed in
Ibis city to aid the Cuban insurgents
To Marquis de Santa Lucia, president of
the provisional republic, a representa
tive of the syndicate has made-a propo-
mg track between Puget Sound and Yo- sition to loan the Cuban republic $15,-
kahama. The John Gambles sent an 000,000. contingent on the recognition of
belligerency by the United States gov
ernment. . In exchange the syndicate
will except $45,000,000 in Cuban bonds,
the same to be canceled from customs re-
except to advise the immediate dispatch- ceipts immediately on the recognition
ing of a tug to render the vessel assis- by Spain of tha Cuban republic, or a de
tance. ' The character of the tllegraph claration of peace. The syndicate stipu-
seemed to indicate that the Strathnevis lates that $10,000,000 be expended in the
was entirely disabled and was in great purchase of two modern war vessels and
danger.. I munitions of war; that these vessels
She is laden with passengers and a I shall immediately proceed to capture
valuable cargo of merchandise, bound to and hold, in conjunction with the land
Yokahania from Tacoma. It is probable forces, some Cuban port, and that they,
two or three tugs will be sent out in with the assistance of other men-of-war,
search of the steamer this afternoon
San Fkanci8Co, Dec. 6. A special
from Washington says :
Senator Matthew Stanley Quay, of
' Pennsvlvania, is first for Pittsburg as
the next republican national convention
town, and his second choice is San Fran
cisco. A prominent United States sen
ator is authority for the statement that
if Quay discovers Pittsburg cannot win
the convention his next choice will be
the Pacific coast metropolis-
Mayor Bader, of Los Angeles, and
Editor Osborne, of the Los Angeles Ex
press, accomplisned a deal of good today
in advancing the interests of San Fran
cisco. Those gentlemen interviewed
nearly every United States senator who
will have any iufluence in urging upon
the national republican committee the
city they think best equipped to handle
the convention of 1896. Many republi
can senators represent their states on
the. national republican committee.
Senator Carter, of Montana, is a nation
al committeeman, and Senator Hans
b rough, of North Dakota, is a member
of the committee, as are also Senator
Shoup, of Idaho, and other Western men
who rre anxious that, the next candi
date of the republican party shall be se
lected on the Pacific coast.
. In addition to the work accomplished
by the Los Angeles boomers. Attorney
Knight, of San Francisco, has also been
doing good work. All of these Califor
nia's are earnestly supported by Sena
tor Peking. Representative Bowers es
corted the delegation from Los Angeles
around the capitol today, as did the sen
ators and other members from the West
who are interested in having San Fran
cieco capture the prize.
It can be definitely said that San
Francisco on the first ballot will lead
every other city in the race for the con
vention and will lack only four or five
votes of enough to win.
If the committee which will arrive to
night cannot assure the members of the
national committee that San Francisco
will be able to handle the convention
successfully, and by this is meant if the
telegraph companies can not give assur
ance that all proceedings of the convent
tion can be easily sent East, it is pro
bably a fact that the four or five votes
necessary may not be assured for the
Pacific coast candidate. In this case
Chicago is more likely to be named than
any of the other competitors now in the
field. ' '
Port Townsend, Dec. 7. James Jack
son, the educated Indian who is to per-
comes down to secure twenty or thirty
strong dogs to draw the sleds across the
mountains to the Canadian post office on
Forty Mile Creek. This search is mere-
a private enterprise, being maintained
by the miners who pay fifty cents a let-
I ter. The Canadian government guaran
tee $350 for each of the two round trips.
The under taking is considered most
Bosebcbg, Or. Dec. 7. The examina
tion of Albert Poole for complicity in the
train robbery in Cow Creek Canyon July
1st., was held tonight before United
States Commissioner Loughary. Poole
was discharged for want of evidence,
J Gun-
by the Success Be lias So
. Far Met With.
San Fbancisco, Dec. 6. H. Z. Os
borne, of the Los Angeles Express, who,
with Mr. Chipman and General Fried
erich, made up the Washington commit
tee to present San Francisco's claim be
fore, the republican committee next
week, takes a hopeful view of the' pros
pect of this city's fight. '; In" a telegram
from Washington to 'Chairman Easton
and his associates of the executive com-
Marvelous Results.
From a letter written by Rev
derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recommending Dr,
King's New Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelous :n the case of my
wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist
Church at Biver Junction she waB
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little in
terruption and it seemed as if she could
not survive them. A friend recom
mended Dr. King's New Discovery ; it
was quick in its work and highly satis
factory in results."- Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists
A man named Hawkins got into a row
with eome parties on the hill today and
during the melee three pistol shots were
fired. It was claimed Hawkins was
about to commit act of depredation when
John Crate appeared upon the scene
and a scuffle ensued. Hawkins, who is
a brother of" the Hawkins who com
mit ed a murder on White river some
years ago and served a term in the pen
itentiary, denies the charge that be was
intending any wrong. He was arrested
and placed in the city jail awaiting ex
amination. Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick headache
yields to its influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give
this remedy a fair trial. In cases of
habitual constipation Electric Bitters
cures by giving a needed tone to the
bowels, and few cases long resist the use
of this medicine. Try , it once. Fifty
cents and $1.00 at Blakeley and Hough
ton's Drug Store.
No excuse for sleepless nights when
you can procure ' One Minute Cough
Cure. This will relieve all annoyances,
cure the most severe cough and'give you
rest and health. Can you afford to do
without it? Snipes-Kinevsly Drug Co.
. Mays & Crowe have just received a scow
load of oak wood, which they will sell at
$4 25 per cord delivered. . ' dec2tf. "
bAS i ban-cisco, Dec. 7. The reinsur
ance on the overdue steamer Gorsedd
was quoted at 80 per cent in the morn
ing and three hours after ibe posting of
the quotation a dispatch was received
from Port Townsend stating that the
Gorsedd had arrived all right. The ar
rival created great excitement, for, of all
the ships of the overdue fleet, the Gor
sedd was the least looked for. She was
43 days from Singapore for Tacoma, or
about 20 days overdue. The reinsurance
oil the Evandale jumped to 40 per cent.
today. The Britisjl ship Lord Brassey
and the steamer Eskale, of the-Northern
fleet, are causing the greatest anxiety by
their long delay.
whose purchase later mav be deemed
advisable, shall prey on Spanish com
merce and assume an aggressive policy
which will bring this war to an earlv
end. . ..
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
onlv postive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giv
ing the patient Btrength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers, that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of Testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. Chief interest
in the senate proceedings toay centered
in the speech of. Senator Morgan, of
Alabama, chairman of the committee on
foreign affairs, on the Behriug sea
Senator Caffery, re-elected at the ex
piration of a short term for a full term of
bix years, was sworn in.
The first bill of the season to be passed
was one granting the state of Pennsyl
vania permission to occupy the United
States' court rooms at Scranton and
Williamsport during certain months.
Cullon gave notice that be would ad
dress the senate tomorrow on the Mon
roe doctrine.
Among the bills introduced was one
by Voorhees, of Indiana, granting a pen
sion of $200 per month to the widow of
the late Secretary of State Gresham.
In the House.
Washington, Dec. 9. A bill by Hop
kins of Illinois was passed to amend the
statute fixing the customs district of
Chicago so that the district would em
brace all of the states of Illinois and In
diana. Hopkins explained that the bill
was in the interest of the smelters of
aurora, wno aesirea to De able to pay
duties on Canadian ores at the port of
Chicago. ' .
The oath of office was then adminis
tered to Prince of Louisiana. "
The memorial adopted by the National
Woolgrowers' Association last Saturday,
calling for higher duties, was presented
by Danfortb, but Crisp objected to its
reception. Crisp also objected to the
resolution by Cannon, calling on Secre
tary Hoke Smith for his authority for
the order suspending all operations of
the land office by which settlers on the
Pacific railroad grant lands in Utah and
Nebraska could perfect their titles.
At 1 :10 the house adjourned until to
sails. This is the first official statement
made by any member of tbe government
since the last session of the legislature.
The premier says:
.. "The government has had under con
sideration the whole subject at various
times sinne- the receipt of tho order-in-coiincit
of the Dominion government
July 3 last, with the result that it hag
become rather clear to ns that no con
cession by tbe legislature, as a solution
of the difficulty, or as removing the al
leged grievances, unless such concession
admits the principle and reestablished
state-aided separate schools. The re-es-.
tabliehment of separate schools by tha
government will be no compromise.,
Den tun Jury Disagrees. .
Status of the Gold Reserve and
Available Cash Balance.
Washington. Dec. 7. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
Available cash balance. . . . ..$175,583,752
Gold reserve 79,014,740
Republicans First Opportunity to Inaug
urate a Governor,
Louisville, Dec. 8. Arrangements
for the inauguration of Governor-elect
Bradley at Frankfort, Tuesday, are rap
idly nearing completion. It is the first
opportunity, the republicans of this
state ever had for the management of
such an affair, and the indications are
that tbev intend to do the occasion ' full
justice. . .
The inauguration of a republican gov
ernor in Kentucky is a record-breaking
event to start with, and the preparations
are sufficiently elaborate to be in keep
ing with tbe importance of the occasion
Chicago, Dec. 7. Since the govern
ment has adopted Jones' scheme to "pay
the freight," the gold reserve has teen
increased $200,000 through the Chicago
sub-treasurv. This amount has been re
ceived during the past 10 days from
country banks. Chicago banks have
made no effort to deposit their gold. i
A complaint was sworn out in tbe jus
tice court today by Dr. Dietrich of Dufur,
charging John Green with assault and
battery. . The circumstances as narrated
by a spectator, were that the doctor
and Green got into some dispute con
cerning the payment of a bill which Dr.
Dietrich claimed was due him, and dur
ing the heat of the dispute ureen
picked up a rock, which he threw at the
doctor. Constable Urquhart telephoned
to the constable at Dufur, who will make
the arrest and bring Green to town.
Representative Livingstone Anxious tc
l.earn Its Contents. - -
Washington, Dec. 9. The Venezue
lan question divided with the committee
appointments, the interest of the house
today. Talk was created by a statement
that Livingtone of Georgia, thinking
that congress should not be kept waiting
until Cleveland's return to be informed
of the contests of Lord Salisbury's reply
would introduce a resolution calling up
on Olney for the correspondence. ' As
this would be rather an unusual mode of
procedure, several influential members,
both republicans and democrats, sug
gested to Livingstone that such a resolu
tion might be construed as an act of dis
courtesy to the president.' If Living
stone finds this opinion general he will
abandon his intentions.
"' A Deathbed Bequest. 1
Seattle, Dec. 8. The Bev. S. J. Ken
nedy, pastor of Calvary Presbyterian
The parade will, of conrse'.be the feature church, today announced to his congre-
of the day. General D. W.'Lindsay'has gation that he had decided to accept a
been chosen chief marshal!, and in the
procession will be organizations from
Newport, Covington, Cincinnati, Louis
ville, and " other. cities, including , the
famous Louisville, legion. Tbe parade
will, occur shortly before noon and the
inauguration ceremonies will, 'follow.
Colonel Bradley will ..reach. Frankfort
Tuesday morning, and will, it' is expect
ed, be greeted by one of .the largest
crowds ever "' gathered at the state
capital.-: u ; :,'' ;
.. . .. . The Foreign Markets. r, . . ,
London, Dec. 8. With the bank re
reserve again at . tbe required, amount,
money, rates have been on the easiest.
The stock market has passed an exceed
ingly quiet week. The fact that the
call' to the pastorage of St. John
church, San Francisco, made vacant by
the recent death ot the Bev. D. Hansen
Irwin. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Irwin
were schoolmates and dear friends, and
Irwin on his deathbed requested his
elders to secure Kennedy as hissuccess-
or. His departure will De universally
regretted here. '
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Premier Green-way Says There Will
no Compromise.
Winnipeg, Dec. 9 Speculation has
been rife lately regarding the probable
action of the Manitoba government in
respect to the federal qrder-in-council
inviting Premier Green way and his col
leagues to remove the alleged grievances
of the Boman Catholic ministry in this
province in relation to education. This
order-in-conncil was received in July
last, and up to this moment no answer
has been given, and the ministers have
maintained a profound silence. Thisi
has given rise to rumors that a compro
mise settlement was contemplated, and
the friends of the Ottawa government
were beginning to congratulate them
selves on an easy escape for their party
from the self-imposed pledge of remedial
legislation which has been promised as
the act of the parliament which assem
bles next month'. But Premier Green-'
way made a statement this morning
which will take the wind out of their
The jury in the Denton case is still
out.' and there is littleprospect that an
agreement will be reached. This morn
ing the jurymen came into court and
asked that the instructions be re-read
to them.- When this was done they re
tired, seemingly with no hotter success
than before. Early in tbe afternoon the
jury again came in and announced that
they were unable to agree. The judge
sent them ' back and told them to try
a while longer. The members of the
jury have had nothing to eat since 0
o'clock this morning. Later. The
judue discharged the jury as agreement
was impossible. At the close they stood
six to six, though previous ballots
varied. .
The Discovery saved His Life.
Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearera-
ville. 111. pays:. "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried, all the physi
cians fur miles about, but of no avail
and was given up and.told I cauld not
live. Having Dr. King's New Discover?
in my store I sent for a bottle and began
its use and from the first dose began, to
get better, and after rising three bottles
was up and about again. It is worth its
weight in gold. We won't keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial at
Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store.
Peckhara Will He Confirmed.
Washington, Dec. 9. The senate ju
diciary committee has reported the nom
ination of Bufus W. Peckham, of New
York, as accociate justice cf the supren a
court favorably, which Insures his con
firmation. The judiciary committee has
also agreed to report favorably the nom
ination of Judges Springer, Kilgore and
Blakeley & Houghton, the druggists,
will tell you that no one is better quali
fied to judge of the merits of an article
than the dealer, because he bases bis
opinion on the experience of all who pse
it. For this reason they wish us to
publish the remarks of other dealers
aoout an article which they ' handle
Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co., Newberg,
Ore., say : " We sell more of Chamber
lain's Cough Bemedy than all others
put together, and it alwajs gives good
satisfaction." Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Or.,
says: "I believe Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy to be the best I have bandied."
Mr. W. H. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash.,
savs: Uhamherlain s Uougli Kennedy
sells well and Is highly praised by all
who use it."
" Does Not Wish Re-election.
Washington, Dec. 9; Seuator Don
Cameron today announced formally that
he would not be a candidate under any
circumstances for re-election.
Mrs. W. B. Meek, who resides at
Camptonville, Cal., says her daughter
was for several years troubled at times
with severe cramps in the stomach, and
would be in such agony that it was nec
essary to call in physician. Having
read about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Bemedy she concluded to
try it. She found that it always gave
prompt relief. It was seldom necessary
to give the second dose. . "It has not
only eaved us lots of worry and time,"
she says, "but also doctor bills. It is
my opinion that every family should
have a bottle of tha remedy in the
bouse." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggist. -
One Minute Cough Cure is rightly
named. It affords instant relief from
suffering when afll.cted ' with severe
cough or cold. It nets 'on tbe throat,
bronchial tubes, and lungs and never
fails to give immediate reifef. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. ' '
De Wilt's Little E-irly Kisers for bilh-
onsness, indigestion, constipation. A
small pill, a prompt cure. Snipes-Kin-ersly
Drug.Co. . ' . .
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 I , V V,, 4Jv L- -! I