VOL. V. THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1895. 5 NUMBER 50. THE DAY IN CONGRESS President's Message Keceives Much Attention. BUT LITTLE BUSINESS DONE Joint Resolution Forcibly Approx-lnff the Principles of the Monroe Doc trine Introduced In the Sen ateNominations. Washington, Dec. 3. The senate gal eries were again well filled today, bat there was not the struggle for places in cident to the opening. : After the formal proceedings, Senators Vilas and Allison, the committee ap pointed to wait on the president, stepped into the middle aisle and Vilas said : "The president desires us to convey his respectful salutations to the houses of congress and to say he will immediately communicate his views in writing to congress." - ' Then Pruden, the executive clerk made a formal transfer of the message to the senate. There was a thining out of the attend ance on the floor after the first half hour of reading, as the senators had printed copies. At 1 :40 the reading of the message was completed, and on motion of Sena' tor Gorman it was laid on the table and ordered printed.' ' ' Senator Cullom presented a communi cation from Evan 8 ton, HI., asking that the government take action concerning the deplorable condition of affairs in Turkey. Senator Gallinger offered a similar communication from the citizens of New Hampshire. The resolution of the Idaho legislature urging the election of United States sen ' ators by & popular vote was presented by Senator Dubois. . Senator Lodge introduced the follow ing resolutions relative to the Monroe doctrine: "Ee6olved, That the congress of the United States deems it proper to aeeert, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are in volved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and main tained, are henceforth not to be consid ered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers, .., "Besolved, that we would consider , any attempts on , their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemi spere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not in terfere, but, with the governments who bare declared their independence and maintained it, and whose Independence we have, on great consideration -and on juBt principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the pur pose of oppressing them, or controlling in any manner their destiny by any Euro pean power in any other light than as a manifestation of an unfriendly disposi tion towards the United States. "Eesolved, that in accordance with the doctrine laid down by President Monroe, as stated in the proceeding rules, the United States declares its pur pose to maintain. the principle embodied in that doctrine and will regard any in fringment of it, or any attempt on the part of any European power to take or acquire new territory on the American continent, whether under the pretense of boundary disputes, or otherwise, as aq act of hostility to the United States. 'E6solved, that the president be re quested to communicate these resolu- tions to the governments of all nations with whom we have relations of amity and commerce." Senator Call introduced a resolution directing that the insurgents in Cuba be accorded belligerent rights. The senate, in executive session, con firmed the nomination of Richard Olney as secretary of slate and Judaon Harmon as attorney-general, and at 3 o'clock ad journed until tomorrow, shutting off de bate for several 'senators primed with speeches on Cuba and Venezuela. Senator Stewart introduced the usual free-coinago bill. niunicata in writing. Immediately thereafter, Mr. Pruden, the presi dent's executive clerk, appeared with the message, while the clerk read. The members listened, eome intently, but all respectfully, to the words ot the chief executive. . During the entire reading of the message there was not a tingle manifestation of approval or dis approval, but at the conclusion of the reading, which occupied an hour and a half, there was a slight scattering of ap plause. Five thousand copies of the message was ordered printed. At 1:50 the house adjourned until Friday. ... Bepresentative Livingston, of Georgia, has prepared a resolution providing for a joint committe to investigate the facts in the Nicaragua case and to reconi mend proper action to vindicate and preserve the dignity and rights of the United States in the premises. LOVE, COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE A Lecture That Ended With a Double Wedding. WILL NOT ARBITRATE Salisbury's to Olney on Ven ezuelan Affair. Venezuela against Crcspo's autocracy is of a most serious nature. To preserve neutrality between Colombia and Ven ezuela, the government of Colombia has appointed an inspector, who is to reside at El Amparo in the state of Bolivar. CALL SPEAKS FOR CUBA CHARACTER READING. Two Hundred jX'olnts on Reading Face. the His Address Before the Sen ate Today. HIS REQUEST FLATLY REFUSED THIS GOVERNMENT ARRAIGNED It IS Reported General Throughout Venezuela Colombian Troops Defeated In an Attack on Alfaro's forces.. Senator Mitchell Starts an Inquiry Into the Delay In Constructing rub lie Banding. Already Au thorized, in Portland. Prof. N. N. Kiddell's lecture in the M. E. church last night was on "Char. acter Reading." His lecture was thor oughly illustrated and added much to the interest. The two hundred or more points made on character reading were very eoggestiye to all interested in the study of human nature. ' The speaker, in opening, dwelt on the fact of how all from youth to old age '; were continually reading character. Even the little child .scans its mother's face to see if there1 is a. smile there before asking for ment is a cookie. The peculiarities and charac-1 Senator Mills, of Texas, for the coinage Buhmit teristfes . of the various temperaments of the silver in the treasury. were fully described.' Everv uerson ' The bill introduced bv Chandler, nf Washington, Dec, 3. There was good attendance when the senate met at noon today. The first bill introduced was one by "Love, courtship and marriage" was the interesting theme with which Prof. Eiddell entertained a crowded bouse in the M. E. church last night. " The sub ject, was handled in a new, amusing and thoughtful manner that completely cap tivated all and added much to the pop ularity the professor has already gained I among the lecture-goers of The Dalles. After a brief introduction on woman's influence upon civilization, love, the London, Dec. 4. The reply of the Marquis of Salisbury to the note of Sec retary Olney on the Venezuelan ques tion is on board the White-Star line steamship Britannic, duo in New York Friday. The essence of the docu that Great Britain refuses to to arbitration any terntorv with- were intiy aescnoeu. .tvery person in the Schoraburgk line. Some surprise carries the sign-board ot his character New Hampshire, for the coinage of eil is expressed because the reply was not Wlth him ; some read "No Admittance." ver at a ratio of 156 to 1, the bill to be- Ihoy wear the clothing tightly buttoned come operative when Englaud.Germany up, bold the fiats closed, and shut the and France pass similar laws, was list month like a turtle 'when they get ened to with great attention by members through talking : they are generally an of the senate sent through the United States embassy, but Ambassador Bayard explains that this is in accord with diplomatic usage. BATflK EXPECTED SOON. Spanish Trying to Prevent Maceo's trance Into Santa Clara. Eo- New York, Dec. 4.- A special to the World from Havana says : Maceo's advance columns moved rap- first word of the text, was token up and idly across the country from the neigh' defined from the poetic, scientific, borhood of Cascaora and reached a point philosophical and almost every other five miles from Clege de Avila on the side. Love is the product of the young evening of November 28. The main life and all well organized persons haye body was then between Horininguera the love element strong. Love is a band Socorro. instinct and it is bound to center some- On the 29th a sound of firing was where, if a worthy object is not near, it early heard at Clege de Avila in the di- will center on the base and low. rection of Fort Kedonda, ou the Trocha. Courtship was defined as sparking and A 10 o'clock Maceo's advance guard, unknown quantity and will bear watch ing. Another sign-board is "Walk In." Such persons generally wear the cloth ing loose 'and keep their mouths open. Such' have a transparent, open charac ter, frank and lacking in policy and dis cretion. & very line in ttie lace means some- Petitions from Florida for the recogni- tion for Cuba and from the legislature of Montana, against t.ho further issuance of bonds, were presented, . The resolution offered by Cull, of Flor ida, was adopted, calling upon the sec retary of state .to send to the senate the correspondence relating of the case of tning that can be read by those who I General Sanguillv, an American citizen, know how. We are transformed by tbe sentenced to life imprisonment for al- god we worship and if our thoughts are leged complicity in the Cuban revolu pure, noble and Upright, the lines in the tion,. and directing him to ..procure a face will all have an upward tendency, codv of the record in the case it it is not was aptly illustrated by the electric light wires. Some of the mistakes made in courtship were taken up, among them being the common one of calling out the affections too early in life, again our young people are too artificial and see one another under the magnifying glass of fashion and thus do not see the real character, and marriage thus often 400 strong, attacked Fort Bedonda and was repelled. His entire following then passed to the westward across the Tro cha, between Forts Bedonda and San- rt i j . . . . . i . vnecaerea- lines in me lace snow a checkered charecter. Our habits write themselves on our faces: if tb6 life has been one of dissipation and vice or tem perance and study, it can be aptly seen by the most casual observer. Many ex tremely interesting points were given on on file at the department. - ... ,. Gallinger, of New. Hampshire, intro duced a resolution declaring it as the sense ot the senate that it was un wiee and inexpedient to retire green backs. . , juitcneu, oi uregon, introduced a res- chez, which are on the military line of readiug the face of criminals, many olution, which was agreed to, calling on Clege de Avila. Four separate Spanish columns are in the vicinity of Maceo's force, endeavor ing to prevent his entrance into Santa other; points were given on general the secretary of the treasury to inform physiognomy. At; the close of the the senate why the construction of the proves such a contrast to the ideal that Clara, which in his present object. Sua- it is a sad disappointment. Marriage was the last thought taken up. One thing that should be guarded against in marriage is in keeping all the Bweet and kind things we feel for the rez Valdez, with 4000 soldiers, and Nav arro, with 3000, are in his front, and Mella and Aldave are in his rear and on his left flank, with 4500 men. There is expectation in official circles lecture tne proiessor- gave a test in physiognomy and phrenology combined, Tonight he gives his great lecture on "The.Biggest Thing on Earth." Seats free. Everyone should avail themselves of the opportunity of bearing it. Marvelous Result. From a letter written bv Rev. J Gun- companion' until they are beyond the here of an important engagement, and it derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I vail. Would vou invest your sunniest Js likely to occur at any moment. News smile and the best of your life where it from Santa Clara is looked for with in will do the most good, take it to the tense interest, home. The way to avoid the first quarrel is never to have it. Thousands I of good homes are made unhappy bv COH1LENI ON THE MESSAGE. Opinions, Favorable and Otherwise, in English Papers. 'it isn't." The law of justice is a high London, Dec. 4. Referring to Presi- little jars over little things, a "'tis" and have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous :n the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Biver Junction ehe was brought down with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of one, but that of forgiveness is higher dent Cleveland's message to congress, coughing would last hours with little in and needs to be practiced in the home to keep and maintain happiness. At the close of the lecture a great deal of laughter and amusement was occa sioned by the professor conducting a double phrenological wedding. Tonight the bt. James Gazette this afternoon terrnption and it seemed as if she could 8ay9 : I not survive them. A friend recom- "There is nothing whatever of jingo mended Dr. King's New Discovery; it consent of the governed, entitled them public . building at Portland, Or., for which an appropriation was made by tho last congress, was not preceedtd with. . - Call, of Florida, addressed the senate in advocacy of his resolutions for the recognition of his resolution for the rec ognition of the belligerent Cuban insur gents, and for strict neutrality by the United States in the war. Senator Call drew a graphic picture of fhe ruin, misgovernment and barbarous cruelty against which the Cjibans were contending and their long struggle for freedom. He described the former reso lutions, and declared that the progress against tyranny made by the native Cubans, who maintained, as we had maintained in 1776, that a just govern ment must derive its authority from the llli ,2 8 g 9 5 to & Should remetr' T to use r.-n'it? & n twO'thirds ai tn-eli Colto-fff $ lene as tfcej- formerly tised cf tikrd or butter. With two-p . th'v-1 lfn m-nn'tt, T.J :-i M - .u.n.ii.j, k.ii-. j wju (i cener results at less cost f than it is possible to get with a v Wilkin. V ittTil ..OtlU- leue is used for t 8 iitkat are in to ?r tyii:s- articles VJ be fcjcwrssil, a '$ped iato it tofacccrtata if it? ft is at the riqrht hcui. When lilie bread brawns hr.i? S ei-ourfi to smcko. " i) Jr. i" .....- it im. iaupCi b-l in its e..v,;t- .ii..j j.Mrf.r than it ikl Jij of.-w.f.i.,wftpaU.. . 7T i Tteii roeidlfDe traic-n:3.:c:i :ipc "Cyt!rnr' v 0 a?.1 rt sti:fr: ti jjl tit Ct;..:.t.';..:. wrcu'lit 4 in Cleveland's message. In spite ot all assertions to the contrary there is not the least probability that the United was quick in its work and hiuhly satis factory in results." Trial bottles free at I iilakeley & Houghton. Drugzists. the lecture will be on "Two Hundred States will put any obstacles in' the way Points on Beading Faces" and will be I of a proper settlement of the Venezuelan thoroughly illustrated. question." The Pall Mall Gazette savs: "So far a a mir rt la t inn a wf t-K A munlia an nnr Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearers-1 pftrnBI, thn mMB0. t ville, 111. says: "To Dr. Ring's New rai8e nnplea8a6nt qne8tionf bnt we Discovery I owe my lifaWai taken fa w gee how Cleveland's definition of witii Liw, ur mue nnu ineo an me duvsi- i - , . . T- K . . . . F J- :. Monroeism applies to V enezuela. The Globe says: "There is nothing to recognition as belligerents and the neutrality of other nations. He consid ered it an outrage that the United States should not hold out an encourag- A Terrible Storm Coming. San Fbancisco, Dec. 4. The weather ine hand to those struggling for inde- IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 3. When the house met at noon today Bey. H. F. Coudon, the new cham plain a blind Universalist preacher, from Port Huron, Mich., delivered the invocation. ...Mr. Payne, republican, of New York, chairman of the committee appointed fo wait upon the president, reported that Mr. Cleveland sent his respectful salu tations, to congress and would com- cmas for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or nouse without it. (jet a tree trial at Blakeley & Houghton'e Drug Store. Dureau nas issued a warning ot a severe storm which will sweep the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington, to morrow. The storm will be especially severe north of Capo Mendicino and ou Oregon and Washington coasts, and there will be danger to 'shipping. Bain will accompany the storm. surprising in the fact that the Monroe doctrine talks rather largely in the message, nor in the hostile tone adopted toward England. Is not the president ial election drawing nigh? Pulling the lion's tail may look to the old world a curious way of trying to catch fiah, but it has been found, to answer in the tur bid waters of American politics." noasEs rou the army. Usual Fall Supply . chased. to Be Far Charges Against Scranton's Finest. Sceanton. Pa., Dec. 3. The police force, with the exception of two patrol- The men on vacation, were summoned be fore the maj:r today and notified that Washington, Dec. 4. The army will Bev. Dr. Chase Bobinson, in the Second soon begin to buy the usual fall supply Presbyterian church pulpit, on Thanks- of faultless librsea for the cavalry and, giving day, had charged that Scranton accordingly, the secretary of war has policemen led young men to houses of sent Colonel James M. Moore, of New ill-fame Cruiser "Texas" Crippled.' Washington, Dec. 4. The unfortun ate battleship. Texas has had another breakdown- She went out on a full power steam trial from New York this morning -but was soon brought up at Suten island with her steering gear crippled. Five .days will be consumed in making the neceesary repairs. As an emergency medicine, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral takes the . lead of all other remedies. For the relief and care of croup, whooping cough, sore throat, and the dangerous pulmonary troubles to which the young are so liable, it is York, assistant quartermaster-general, and Captain James B. Aleshire,. of St. Louis, assistant quartermaster, to Chi cago, to make these purchases. After ex hausting the Chicago market Colonel Moore will go to Des Moines and St. Louis. The buying of horses for the cavalry and artillery each year is of no small importance. The requirements are rigid, and not more. than, two horses put of every ten offered are suit able. ' . Revolution In Venezuela. New Yoek, Dec. 4. Correspondence to the Herald from Panama says : from trustworthy private advices it is reported here that the revolution invaluable, being prompt to actf eure to which has broken out simultaneously in cure. .. . ; - ' I nearly all the states of the renublic of Sentenced to be Shot. Havana, Dec. 4. General Gonzalas, insurgent, convicted of taking up arms against the government, was today sen tenced to be shot. . If you are anxious to find the most re liable blood-purifier, read in Ayer'a Al manac the .. testimonials of those who have been cured of such terrible diseases as catarrh, rheumatism, and scrofula, by the use of Ayer's , Sarsaparilia. Then govern yourself accordingly. - B. F. Do-well in Southern Oregon. Jacksonville, Or., Dec. 5. B. F. Do well, a Southern Oregon pioneer, and for many .years editor of the Oregon Sentinel,, after an absence of many years, in here looking after the interests of his clients, whose Indian claims he has been endeavoring for many years to collect. . Coughing irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the disease. '. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inflama tion. ..Every one likes t it. , Suipes-JC.in-eraly Drug Co. . . Virtue Its Own Reward. Baser City, Or., Dec- 5. A clean-up was brought in from the Virtue , mine this evening. It is a huge retort, and is worth . $22,000. The fineness is a fraction over 19.25 per once.! , The out put is the result of 25 days' run. The vein never presented a finer ' show in g. . pendence. Instead of speeding Cubans on their course, be insisted , thut this government was actually retarding the revolution, in fact, furnishing aid, to Spanish tyranny. . "This government," said Call emphat ically, "is responsible for many out rages that have been committed. I do not mean to say that the president and his cabinet are responsible, but the atti tude of this government by not recogniz ing, the revolutionists as belligerents in our ports and territory is maintain ing today the power of Spain in the is land of Cuba." . in conclusion lie dercribcd Uutia as the queen of the Antilles, the future center of a confederate republic that would include ali the islands cf the West Indies, and called upon the com mittees on foreign affairs to consider his resolution in the tpirit ot our fore fathers and report it favorably at early day. . At 1 :20 the senate went into execu tive session, and at 1 :35 p. m. adjourned until Monday. The senate in executive session con finned Matt W.Bansoin as minister to Mexico. ' ' ' From Washington City. Washington, Dec. 5. Speaker Eeed has begun for tho first time to definitely outline hie list of committees ou paper. After receiving the members of the houee all day yesterday, he sat down at 9 o'clock and worked nutil a late hoar putting on paper the assignments he bad decided upon up to that time. To day he gave more interviews to members and listened to a presentation of their claims. Probably the strongest pressure being brought to bear upon the speaker comes from the various candidates for the committee! m .VVaJ-s and ; Means. The republicans will be entitled to eleven places in this body, if the party proportion of last congress is maintained and. seven of the eleven will be new men. The influence of business inter ests of every class and section has been- invoked, and the many letters and peti tions are pouring in. Next to Ways and leans in their desirability, from the standpoint of members are the commit tees on appropriations, of rivers and harbors, the two bodies which have charge of the distribution of the larges sums of money. Limited Did Not Stop at Koseburff. Eobkbabg, Or., Dec. . The Shasta, limited passed here this morning in two sections. The custom has been to change engines here, but this morning the trains went through, ejigines having been sent to . Green's station, six miles south, where the change was made. This was done to prevent people getting on and off here. One man jumped from the train a mile south of here, and came hack in a rather dilapidated condition. The other passengers for this place walked from Green's. I l- ! The Oregon Fruit Union here has fin ished packing its entire Rtock, eight cars of prunes. Four cars Itave been shipped and the others are held for orders. When persons are weak and languid, from sickness or overwork, feel debiliit- ated and depressed, it is an indication that the blood is ont of order, and they need help to throw off the miserable feeling? The bept remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. TI. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to circu lation, promotes good appetite and a flow of cheerful spirits. Snipes-Kinera-ly Drug Co. Mosler Hroeief. Mies Nora Hunter has returned home. Mr. C. T. Bennett came up on a visit. Mrs. John Evtns and her two daugh ters have moved on their furm. We hear that the young people are having a spelling school at Mr. Neathen Stergess. Good speeling and good be havior is the report. The young people of district No. 8 have started a cyphering school. Those that are interested are cordially invited. ; Bustler. Mosier, Dec. 5. ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report