The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 04, 1895, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly GhfoMele.
Schedule of Expenditure.
Showing the amounts of all claims
presented, the names of all claimants,
the article or claim for which payment
is made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at the Nov
ember term, 1895, of the county court for
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
list, however, does not contain any
claim for which the salary or fees are
provided by statute :
Geo C Blakeley, expreseaee
Blakeley & Houghton, preecrip-
- tions for paupers
, T J Driver.'ealary sheriff Sept ;
,.. sundry . expenses, board of
': prisoners
. Viiaon Wheel Co, xtras road
Chronicle Pa" Co, printing
assessor . . . ;
WTGardmr, exi.enscs of boy
' to reform
Dufnr & Metieiee, prof services.
School district No 12, rebate ou
' taxes
Johnston Bros, relief Greesley
James Wallace, taxes remitted.
J H Cross, supplies
' J II Blakeney, use of team Co.
J M Huntinutond: Co.allowance
3 00
11 00
5-15 42
3 50
3 75
8 30
20 00
72 00
21 75
2 &5
5 50
3 00
on ownership books. 600 00
Jnp' Bropkhouee, erroneous ass
essment....; Harding Corum, rebate on taxes
H A Uogue, double assessment.
Anne M l.ang, copying tax roll.
Ida Wakefield, copying tax roll.
C L Gilbert, deputy clerk . ; ,. . .
Peter Godfrey, .labor . on new
grade '. .-.
Derham & Dee, lumber county
rad .......... .i . .'.
B R Tucker, lumber county road
A C Larke, lumber county road.
Jas LaDuc, damages county road
Wright & Mcllanemy, lumber
" county road '.
Chas Derham, lumber . county
' road . . . : .
N W Wallace, work county road
J H Sberar, work and viewing
county road ...... .;. .'. . '.
Dr Eshelman', prof services pau
' pers.. , .'. .
C F Perrin, services county road
JoSjT Peters, supplies; ........
J M Filloon, supplies ...........
Jos T Peters, wood and lumber
for bridges. .. 4 ....... i .
B F Swift, work on county road
Julia Obarr, board and lodging
orphan boy
Gunning & Hockman, repairing
tools ;
. Geo Rnch. supplies pauper
Jacobsen Book die Music Co. sup
. county officers
C F Williams, sprinkling
H Herbring, supplies paupers. .
Chronicle Pub Co, publishing. .
Times-Mountaineer, publishing
Dalles City. Water Works, rent.
A M Williams & Co, nails. . . ;. .
J C Benson, repairing bridge. . .
J B Crossen, mdse Mrs Crane. .
J B Crossen, GAR relief
Ida Wakefield, assistant assessor
Diamond Flouring Mills, flour
for Fox
O T & T Co, mes9aee3
11 50
10 50
8 40
42 50
42 50
63 50
125 00
8 04
15 70
39 50
- 2 00
47 06
i 9 60
,14 00
10 00
3 O0
138 17
8 25
3 50
4 05
3 75
4 oO
6 00
33 05
24 75
9 50
11 20
4 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
75 00
4 80
' M M Cushing, board non-res
paupers 126 21
, Uiirouicie ruo (Jo, pub delin
quent taxes
W A Johnston, supplies pauper
W S Myers, GAR relief
J B Crossen, GAR relief.. . . . .
G W Smith, work on county
. R A Power, supplies Mrs Baker
Or Tel & Tel Co, message and
Irwin Hudson & Co, sup clerk's
Irwin Hudson & Co, typewriter
97 75
18 00
3 00
10 00
20 00
23 75
2 75
18 25
2 00
N Whealdon, insurance.' 40 00
VanDuvn, Adans & Co, nails
1 00
11 00
44 00
5 00
O C Hollister, med attendance.
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. .
Pease & Mays, supplies
Dalles Lamber Co, wood Mrs
Chronicle Pub Co, receipt books
Mays & Crowe, nails
' C L Gilbert, clerical services . . .
W E Garreteon, freight on road
Geo R Snipes, rebate taxes. ....
Pease & Mays, supplies
Meston Dve'ert Book Co. sup. . .
3 00
6 50
4 00
75 00
9 00
20 70
1 75
21 00
D P & A N Co, fares. 14 00
A S Blowers & Co, supplies .... 14 70
, Maier & Benton, supplies 34 45
State op Obegom, )
County of .Wasco)
I, A. M. Kelsay, county clerk of Wasco
county, state of Oregon, do hereby cer
tity that tne above ana foregoing is a
full and complete statement of the
claims presented and action taken there
on by the county court of Wasco county,
Oregon, sitting for the transaction of
county business at the November term,
1895, thereof, save and except all claims,
the salary or fees of which are provided
for by Btalute.
Witness my hand and seal of the
county court, affixed this 20th day of
November, 1895.
Seal A.M. Kelsay,
By Simeon Bolton, County Clerk.
An Increased Attendance.
Gratifying reports come of the prog
ress our city schools are making. Last
year the attendance, greatly, exceeded
the enrollment of the previous one; but
this year , shows an increased number
over 1894' During the month of Novem
ber the public school enrollment and at
tendance are generally the largest of the
school year. In November, 1S94, all
previous records of attendance were
1 - 1 . . V. . 41... . . U jnl J J
uruncu , uuk tut? uiuubii juob cuueu
shows the number of pupils enrolled to
be the largest in the history of the
sshools. From' figures furnished Us by
the principal we make the following
. 662
Enrolled from opening in September .
Enrolled aurlDg November
The Dalles has reason to be proud of
its public : schools. Under the-present
management the schools have attained
high 'rank and gained in enviable repu
tation well as at home. They
are the means of attracting many resi
dents to this city, who come in order
that their children may obtain educa
tional advantages. The raising of the
grades was a . good thing, both for the
school and the city. We trust our city
schools may keep up the high standard
which at present is maintained.
A. Scherneckau of Astoria is in
Andrew Kellar has gone to Portland
for a few days. .
Mr. J. T. Rorick returned on the local
today from a visit in Portland.
Miss Eckler of Dayton, Washington,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Tolmie,
inTheDalles. . - , -' , . , . -
Peter Mohr, one of the jurors in the
circuit court, went to his home in Hood
River to. spend Sunday.
Mr. H. D. Parkins of Cascades, who
spent Thanksgiving in this city with his
parents, returned home this afternoon.
Mr. Orvilie Hendershott left on the
afternoon train for Portland to 'attend
the wedding of his sister tomorrow
Mr. James Driver of Wamic returned
last night from Portland.- He was
accompanied by the Misses Thompson of
Portland, who are the guests or Mr. ana
Mrs. T. J. Driver. M '
Mr. T. G. Condon of Antelope is
the city as a witness in the circuit court,
" Mr. A. Scherneckau left on the Rega
lator this - morning for his home in As
toria. ; ; ,...'
Messrs. G.' H. Baker, . A. Brodie
and D. Mc. Richards, all well-known citi
zens of Goldendale, are in the city on
business today.
Messrs. G. H. Dunn, Aleck. Kirch
heiner and Frank Kincaid came in from
Antelope today. They were summoned
as witnesses in the trial of Tom
charged with arson; i .V ;
Messrs." W. J. Campbell and T. E
Wjckens, two' , well-known citizens ' of
Hood River. are in, the city today. : Mr,
Wickens came dp to perfect title to the
place upoii which helms been living for
eighteen .years. ',- He will make purchase
under the railroad lorteitnre.
Mr. A. B. Jones of Hood River is in
the city.
Mr. A. A. Urqubart was a passenger
on the west-bound local.
Mr. J. M. Russell, a business man of
Portland, is in the city today.
Mr. M. H. Nickelscn, citv treasurer of
Hood Kiver, was in the city this
morning. .
Mr. M. Herrick, the canneryman, ha
returned from Portland, where be has
been several days on business.
Mr. James ftl. fSrnith ot Seattle, wno
has been in The Dalles for several davs.
left for home ou the afternoon train.
Messrs. Hugh Morehead, Walter More-
head, James Donaldson and T. . W
Glavey, well-known residents of, King
sley, are in the city.
Sheriff Driver is in Portland on mat
tera concerning the trial of the men
charged with stealing sheep from the
late Solomon Houser.
Me. E. B. McFarland came up from
Portland yesterday. Mr. McFarland
was formerly one of The Dalles' best
known residents but for several years
has lived in Portland. He expresses
himself as gratified at the progress The
JLmlles lias made during Ms absence. -
The snrcess that has attended the use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
ment in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been truly remarkable,
Hundreds supposed. to be crippled for
lifo with arms and legs drawn up
crooked or distorted their muscles with
ered or Contracted by disease have been
cured through the use of this remedy
Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For
sale by Suipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
In this citv, Dec. 2nd, to the wife of
John BUiser, a son.
In thi city, Dec. 2nd, to the wife of
George Kellar, a son.
The Knights of Pythias held an elec
tion of officers last evening, and the fol
lowing gentlemen were chosen to serve
for the ensuing term : L E Crowe, C C;
E B Dufur, V C; L S Davis, Prelate; H
H Riddell, M of W; WE WaHhers, M
of E ; L Lane, M ot F; D W Vause, K
of R & S ; . W W Smith, M at A.
At Victor. Or., Nov. 28th, the infant
daughter of Aeaand Katie J. Stogsdill,
aged 2 months and 27 days.
- liURX.
0:i 8 Mile. Nov. 20th. to the wife of
Frank Kellar, a girl, weight 8 pounds.
wants to tra
Good farm or to-wn prop
erty in this county or
Klickitat county, fWash.
for 17 1-2 acres fine peach,
land adjoining tho city . of
Ashland, in Southern Ore
gon. Correspondence so
licited. -X C. E. Bayard, P.
Box 222,-. The Dalles,
Oregon. . . , , v .-, ;
Average number belonging in Nov .
Average daily attendance . .-. .v; : :y.v
Pendleton East Oreeonian : The locks
at the Cascades will not be completed as
promised. Promises of men engaged on
goverrnent works are like pie crust.
made to Jbe broken. "..Work on the locks
was begun twenty years ago, and more
than one peanut politician has 'used it
as a cat's paw to pull political chestnuts
out ot the hre. - . -..-
La Grande Chronicle: There are
complaints in almost all portions of the
. . . - ir , .
state tnat Bnerius are cnarcing ieea, us
under the old system, lor services, when
thev are not allowed by the statutes
to charcre fees, except for certain special
services. And the supreme court, has
sustained this statute. -
Portland Argus : The statement that
business in this city has been materially
lniured by the flight of people to han
Francisco, is inspired by misapprehen
sion rather thaD by fact. Goods can be
sold as cheap in this city as in San Fran
cisco, and people will not probably put
themselves to tne trouble ana expense
of packing Jrom the. Tatter' city what
thev can secure iiere. People can hard
ly be blamed for taking advantage of
the low rates to visit California, al
though during their temporary absence
business lags here a little. ;
Blakeley & .Houghton, the druggists',
will tell you that no one is better quali
fied to judge of the merits of an article
than the dealer, because be bases "LiB
opinion on the experience of all who use
it. For this' reason they wish" us to
publish the remarks of other' dealers
about an article which tbey handle
Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co., Newberg,
Ore., say: "We sell more of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy than alt' others
put together, and it alwajs gives good
satisfaction.". Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Or.,
says : "I believe Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to be the best I have handled."
Mr. W. H. Hitchcock; Columbus, Wash.,
savs: "Chmberlain'8 Cougt Remedy
sells well and is highly praised by all
who use it."
A jury was secured last evening in the
murder trial of Lee ChiDg, - who is
charged with participation in the mur
der of Lock Wo last August. After the
regular ' panel had been exhausted,
thirty-four men were summoned on
special venures, Of ' these thirty-one
were examined. The jury obtained is
as. follows: w. U. Jones, bamjbdmnn
son, R.' H.. Guthrie, George W. Row
land, Peter Godfrey, A.: D. McDonald,
Frank Gabel, Frank Kincaid, F. M.
Thompson, W. R. Heyres, W. H. O'Dell
and F. J. Kellar. The opening state
ments were made this, morning, and
good headway has been made with the
examination of witnesses. Mr. A. F.
Sears assists the prosecuting attorney
and Huntington & Wilson represent the
When persons are weak and languid.
from sickne-s or overwork, feel debiliit-
ated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, and they
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling? The best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to circu
lation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of cheerful spirits. Snipes-Kiners-ly
Drug Co.
The diseases of thinness
are scrolula in children,
consumption in grown
people, poverty of blood in
either. They thrive on
leanness. Fat is the best
means of overcoming- them.
Everybody knows cod-liver
oil makes the healthiest fat.
In Scott's Emulsion of
cod-liver " oil Tthe taste is
hidden, the oil is disrested,
it is ready to make fat.
When yoa ask for Scott's Emulsion and
your druggist fives yon a package in a
salmon-coiored wrapper with the pict
ure of the man and fish on it you can
trust that man I
; SO cent and $1.00
Score & Bownb, Chemists, New York
1 ,000,000 People Wear
For Boys
For Men
Wear Dooglas ihoes and nn rrom
l.OO ts M-M m pmlr. All Btrle. and
Wttltha. Tha advance In leather has increased tho
price of other makes, but the quality and prices of
W. I4, Doatajlma ahoea reuaavln the amine.
Take no substi lute ; sec that name a nd price If statu ped
Oil sole. W. 1. JDoaslas, tiaooKTcoc, Mass. Sold hr
1 Chteacater's Encllah Ouunoad Braaat
Original mnc Only teaulaN
safc. aiwny ivlUbae. laoieb auk
Druggtftt tor CkcLsiar a BnHUh Dia-J
nond Brand In Rod mod Gdd metaJlic
boxei, fcftled With blue rlliboo. Tiikfl
no otherv Itefun t'tataenuM ntbatitu
tionaand itUatiofu. At DrutKixa, or enl 4e.
Id atamps far Mrtloolavra, testliootiiaU ant.
"Keller for Ladle," in Uturr. brrrUtm
iai ail. m iniinMniwi. name vper.
icawcri nun iivgnMun
c inn an
iX $2.nn
Sheriff's Saler-
Kotice fs hereby (riven tbatonderand in pnr
gnance of an execotiou and order of bale issued
out o( tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon
for Wasco County, upon a judgment and decree
therein rendered in a cnuse wherein Dalles city
was pliintift' and George Watkius and Maud
Watkins were defendant, in favor of tbe plain
tilt and against tbe defendants, which said exe
cution and order of sale la dated the '26th day of
November, 1895, and to me direct -d and com
manding me to aeil the premise hereinafter des
cribed, or so much thereof aa may be necessary
to satisfy the judgment of the plaintiff
the defendants, to-wit: tbe sum of illtvUO tu
getber with interest thereon from tbe ii n rt.r
of November. 1894, at the rate of eight euL
per annum, and the further sum of VxlOO a
attorney's fees with like interest the e..n, and
the further sum of 135.75 costs, I will, on l i.urs
tho26ih day of L-ecember, 18J5, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in PKlles
City, in Wabco County, niegon, ell nt public
auction to the highest bidder for cash i'l mind,
for the purpose of satl.-fying aaid judcmeiii of
tbe plaintiff nbove mentioned, tbe following
described lands and premises, to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner of tt No. S
in Block No. 7, in Neyce & Gibson's u ditiou to
Dalles City. Oregon; thence westerly, but not
due west, along the south line of Benton treet
or Benton avenue, sixty-seven feet; tience
sou berly, but not due south, on a straiht line
parallel with the w st line of said Lot S, one
hundred and eighty-three feet; thence ensierlv.
but not due east, sixty-seven feet to t.'ie uest
line of said Lot S; thence northerly, but not due
north, along the west line of said bit 3,' inc
hundred and eighty-thiee feet to the place of be
ginning, all lying and being in said bl-x-k nnd
addition, save and except the following ins
cribed tract lying and being in tbe son ; b west
corner ot the tract aoove aescnoea. to-w i:; Be
ginning at the northwest corner of Lot 4, m
Block 4, in Bigelow's Bluff addition to Dalles
City; thence northerly, extending the wst line
of said Lot 4, twenty feet; thence westeily and
at right angles with tbe line last mentioned to
the west line of tbe tract lirst above d-rrjb -d.
thence southerly and alone tbe west liio ui uid
first described tract to the southwest corner
thereof: thence easterly along the sunt l.iw of
said first described tract to the northwest corner
of said Lot 4, the place of beginni:nr. A i-i L t
No. 4, in Block No. 4, in Bigelow's Blmr addition
to Dalles City, Oregon, which said lot r.dioius
and aburs sid bind first above desciibed ou tl
south and (Xtends clear through roClaystre-
on tbe south. Also fractional . I :. 1. I
Block No. 3, in Bigelow's Bluff addition to i-oid
Dalies Citv: together with the teucn e'it-. here
ditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong
iuk or ju any wise apperuuuing.
lalles City, Oregon, Nov. 2oth. 1893.
T. J. DRIVE K, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
In tbe Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for
tbe County of Wasco.
The German Savings and Loan Society, plaintiff,
T. J. May, Carrie D. May and S. B. McCormick,
By virtue of an execution, judgment, order of
sale and decree, issued out of and under the seal
of the above entitled court in the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the
2lst (lay oi Novemrer, IbUo, upon a judgmeutand
decree rendered in said Court on the 18th day of
Novernbei, 1895, and entered therein on the lst
day of November, 1895, in favor of said Tbe Ger
man Savings and Loan Society, plaintiff, and
against saia i. J. May, came u. may ana . a.
McCormick, defendants, for tbe sum of $6,906.83,
with interest at tbe rate of seven pet cent, from
November 18, 1895, until paid, and the further
sum of fo00, with interest at 8 per cent from No
vember lg, ife&; ana tne lurtuer sum ot s:n,
Co Is and disbursements, and tbe costs of and
upon this writ commanding and requiring me
to make sale of tbe following described real
property situate in the County of Wasco, State
oi Oregon, to-wit: me east nail ie. jsi ana the
east half E. J of the southwest quarter 8. W.
yj ui seuuuu mieeii noil an ui Kvuuu oi jLLeeu
l(i: the east half .U and tbe north half
N. 'H of the southwest quarter 3. W. of
section sev-nteen 17 : the east half E. hi-
and the northwest Quarter N. W. . of . sec
Con twenty-one 21 : the northwest Quarter
jm. w. 4, nna tne nortnwest quarter N. w,
XA oftbenort est Quarter N. . ii . and the
northwest quarter N. W. i of tbe southwest
quarter S. W. A of section 22: and tile
north half N. 14 of the norlheast quarter
N. E. ,and tbe north hulf N, and the
suutneast quarter 3. ji. ; ot tm nortnwest
quarter N. W. of section twenty-eight
m , an ot tne aoove aecriDea real property
being ia Township one 1 north of ranee four
teen 14 east of the Willamette Meridian, in
said county and state.
I will on 2Cth day of December, A. D., 1895, at
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the front door of
tne county court nouse in tne city ot ine
Dalles, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, sell at
public auction subject to redemption to tbe
highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand,
all the right, title and interest which defendants
. j. May ana i:urn a. May oreltnerot tuein
bad on the date of the mortgage to plaintiff
herein, viz: ' March loth, 1892, or since bad in
ona 10 tne aoove aescnoea real property, or any
Dart thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment, order of rale and decree, costs, interests
ana an accruing costs.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, November 26th, 1895,
1. J. UKlVtit,
' Sheriff of Wasco Couuty.
By Kobebt Kelly, Deputy:
In tbe Justice Cout for The Dal.:: XUtrict
Waco Countv. Oregon:
Tim Maybew, Plaintiff, .
William fayette. Defendant.
To William Payette tbe above-named defendant
In the name of the Stare of Oregon :
You are hereby reouired to annear before the
anaersiguea jusnce 01 tne renee in lneuaites
district, in said Countr and State, on or before
Thursday, the 2Sth day of November, 18t5, at the
hour or luo'ciocn in tneiorennon or saia aay a1
the office of said Justice in said district, to ans
wer tne complaint 01 11m -iiaynew, lounaea on
an account .stated and wherein he domana
102.2o, for which sum judgment urnl' ren
dered against you together with the costs 1 1 this
action it you lull to so appear ana ocsw.. saia
complaint. 1
This summons is served dv publication there
of in tbe Weekly CunoNiCLE, a newspattr of
enerai circulation, puDiisneu weeKiy ir ini
lalles district, said Countv and State. i rr.c-
suance of an order made herein on the --1th day
of September, 1895. -
D.tedat Dulles Citv, Wasco Coun:y, .cgou
this 8tU day of October, 1895
ij. a. l)a 1 ,
octS. - ' Justice of the 1 eecc
One bay runre, branded . on risrht
shoulder with an M, wUh a elichtiy
curved horizontal liue beneath ; white
spot in face and white right bind foot.
A suitable reward will be paid for in
formation leading to her recovery.
C. M. Bonneb.
n20-lmo. The Balleo, Or.
One gray horse, string baited in both
hind legs ; one small pray mare, branded
diamond J on shoulder ; one sorrel mare,
with small piece oat of one ear. A
liberal reward will be paid for informa
tion lending to their recovery. - Address
this office or O. B. Hartley, Hood Kiver,
Or. . u20-lm.
in every section, to canvaf, 1(4.00 to $5.00
a day made, sells at sight; also a man to
sell staple goods to dealer?, best side
line, $75.00 a month. Salary or larfte
commission made, experience unneces
sary. For sealed particulars send
stamp; Clifton Soap oV Manufacturing
Company, Cincinnatti, Ohio.
A girl to do housework,
office. .
Applv at this
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administratrix of the
estate of 1. 1. Bureet, deceased, by order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County: all person b having claims against the
estate of said deceased are hereby notified to
present them with tbe proper vouchers therefor
to the undersigned, at the office of Huntington
& Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof. ,
Dated September 3d, 1895.
. - MRS. A. T. BURGET,
the "Happy Home" one, which
"decided success, and she, dear girl,
6. J' Tfl
V.J 7". and thi
not averse to his attentions. x ' - '' '''
Look for a Wedding1- sa.
; .V-' .' ! in the" near future......
Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles.
South Waucoma Addition
J. T T J T- -
to noou reiver.
The owner of this, the most beautiful residence portion
of this beautiful village, has notified us that money must be
had and to cut the prices until
made a slash oi irom lb to 40.
in our hands. When you realize the fact that the beautiful
new $9,000 schoolhouse is built in this addition and that
this property surrounds it, you will know that it is offered
at prices below anything ever known. We have three 5-acre
tracts, two blocks from new schoolhouse, for $750 each, or a
rate of $150 per acre. . No land in this addition has ever sold
for less than $600 per acre
have also lots in adjoining block to the schoolhouse ranging
from $75 to $250, according to location and size, no lot less
than 50x100. feet. Now. see what you think of this: Wo
have an 8-room hard finished house with six lots, the house
cost $1,200, ordinary price of lots in same locality $200; the
former price at which this has been held was $2,500. We
now offer this beautiful property at the ridiculous figure of
$1,200. We have an adjoining house of six rooms, hard
finished, with three lots, the very finest residence location in
the city; only $800. It is -a crying 6hame to offer this
property at these prices ; but we are helpless and must obey
orders, We have also some choice strawberry and fruit lands
at very low prices. Now this is an advertisement and gotten
up to sell the . land, and is every word true. If you don't
believe it come and see it; we will be glad to show it.
Real Estate and Insurance,
of I JK Y I if
These Goods Must Be
" At prices lower than ever. Greatest assortment of : -"' '
- Liquors.' Alao Columbia Brewery eer on draught.
This well-known Brewery is now
east of the Cancades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
fill Jieer have butn introduce!, and ony the firat-claes article will be placed om
e market.
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in ' '
Harness, Saddles,
Knickerbocker is
come again.
time there are evidences
that his suit will succeed. His other suit
he is wearing this evening is a
is forced to admit that she is
they will sell, and so we have
per cent, on everything placed
and never will be again. .We
T Hood R iver, Or
Sold Less Than Cost.
turning out the best Beer and Porter
, . '.
Bridles, Collar
: Adjoining E, J. Collini & Co.'i Stor